Is Afternoon at Scottish Rite Former Students Attend College in South
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Party Given Senior Students Must File Night Tomorrow NYA Applications IOSERTA Newman Club At With College Deans SDAI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, rOL loax FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1941 Number 100 41 Duke 01. nen's he. Fund 1Y, Student l'Shake-Down' Party 131 night TOMORROW NOON be of the N.Y.A. DEADLINE Y White as APPLICATION FOR LOANS Tomorrow noon is the dead- MAGIC SHOW, ACTION, ted it" line for men NYA students to make applications for Lynn Gni, IN work next ACCEPTED DEAN'S quarter, ord, tree. announces Mrs. Louise REFRESHMENTS PROMISED s. gaud. Ralph, secretary in the dean of men's office. for eleven OFFICE THIS QUARTER ill he heit Wednesday is the last day that SENIORS TOMORROW women may apply for Knights as renewal Students who desire to make application for a loan from the Cali- slips for NYA work, according to e fraterroq Free refreshments, dancing, bowling, billiards and ping pong will of Parents and Teachers loan fund should see Dean of Women Helen Dirnmick. eel, at 1:15. Iola Congress Mrs. provide seniors with plenty of action at their "Bail Out-Shake Down" Any applications made after this be se Ralph in room 16 before the end of this quarter, it was en- party tomorrow night placed u date will be placed only if there in the Newman club, from 8:30 to 12 o'clock. A and sedum nead yesterday. are vacancies. specialty magician act by Ormond McGill, action pictures of the y part of ke are made for the purpose of allowing students Loans, which to Fresno football game, and "enlightening hints" about contents of the jobs Old .ramm 'rue their college education, are not to exceed $150. The money high and mighty's ill done, as. final examinations will be added highlights to the Is to be repaid within three years evening, planned by committee after the students get jobs. There heads. the pledge Former Students is no interest charge. Those making arrangements for , downtown PE Majors Senior Dean Paul Pitman stated that the KSJS Presents quarter festivities terminating seniors' ac. students who desire the loan Attend College no. winter quarter activities are: Le- Receive Annual should consult with him or Mrs. roy Hill, Stan Murdock and Jus Radio Drama gel', Hosts Ralph next week as signatures In South America Lundquist, entertainment heads; Th earth) 'Taylor must be secured from their home Eva Seko, refreshments; Bob is Afternoon Payne, Bea kmorial Award towns, and he believes the vaca- college men, who withdrew Payne, checkroom; Walt Mazzone, , Brwe Mr. from this institution :n Burmeister and Genevieve tion period would be a good time a month ago, doormen, and Billie Starrett, pa- "The city of masterful men 4, and Jim are aboard the Japanese ,rd, senior Physical Educe- to get the signatures. No co- liner trons. will take a master; signers are Heiyo Maru en route to Bogota .00rs, were announced as necessary, however, he Dr. and Mrs. James DeVoss and There will be shouting then, Knights university in Colombia, South Am- art opients of the annual Alice emphasized. Applications must be Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson of blood after." ns for erica, according to an Associated the Memorial Award at a re- given to the P.T.A. by April 15. the faculty are patrons and pa- The ghostly voice of a dead scheduled Press report received here yester- for 'fleeting of the P.E. Majors' "I don't believe in students go- tronesses for the affair. woman warns inhabitants of a :dub April le ing into debt," Pitman said, "but day. mystical ,ccording to Dr. Viola Palm- "Uncle Jimmy" DeVoss threat- city of an impending dan- .irman of he if one has to borrow, I don't know Ernest Thorson, sophomore en- ger. This at of the women's Physical ens "dire results to senior quali- action occurs in the I states the of an easier way to get the money rolled in Junior college, was work- presentation lion department. fications" for fourth-year men and of "The Fall of the ampus bands than from this loan fund." ing for an A.B. in economics, and City" given award, which was $30 for women who are "conspicuous by today by new mem- 1 to play 1.. Students who have had one loan Dwight Culver, freshman, was a bers of .sident, previously has been their absence" at the event. KSJS, Radio Speaking ffair are also eligible for another. The four-year biology major. Culver, society. only one person each is set at ten cents loan is not available to freshmen of Palo Alto, and Thorson, of Admission The Archibald MacLeish radio rile Ressler fund was es- seniors and an ac- and sophomores, however. Menlo Park, are both 19 years old per person for drama will be presented in the Lit- d in memory of Miss guest. Juniors are in- Requirements for the loan are and were honor students at Se- companying tle theater at 2 o'clock. All stu- ledges Ressler, P.E. instructor at at the price of that the student must have a quoia High school. vited to the party dents and faculty members are in- :rum 1904 until 1933. When Harry good scholastic average, satisfac- "We chose Bogota because Co- $1 per head, according to vited to attend. iiessler joined the State col- president. This At tory character, sensible education- lombia is one of the few South Saunders, class The play has for its theme a :wilily during the era of haircut, the al or vocational objective, must be American republics which do not price includes a free powerful plea for militant democ- ri skirts and when physical unmarried, not more than 24 have exchange arrangements with prexy exclaims. racy. It points out the stupidity 'ion meant a course in physi- night years old, and a resident of Cal- colleges in the United States," of advocates of passive resistance. ..ture and a devotion to Swe- ifornia. Culver offered by way of explana- ""` "The Fall of the City", which for the avt- zmnastics, she was the in- urchesis Group Both men and as OIllefl may se- tion, "and we are therefore pi- was written in 1937 by MacLeish, e entertained ion’s only Physical Education PrIman said. oneers." poet and present librarian of Con- e Methodar .netor, cure the loan, Dean Invited To Attend meets at be Arrangements were made six gress, might very well be a fore- Ressler passed away short- hurch at weeks ago with the Colombian cast of what has happened in pres- herr her retirement in 1933 and consul, who sent letters of intro- Stanford Program sic of tonight's ent day Europe, Raymond Irwin, Wood was established front her Freshman, Varsity duction to officials of the univer- lament sill be Members of Orchesis, honorary Speech instructor and adviser of sity and prominent residents of dance society, have been invited KSJS, states. aalla Phi II' ’ttoint,teie:Tizier:i(uran.;. Debate Teams Plan Bogota. to attend a Studio program pre- The setting of the play is in :ally to a senior P.E. major on A t sented by the Stanford-university ancient pagan times, but modern Doris Bogen. te teals of scholarship, skill in dance group on Wednesday, March problems are dealt with. The city Aare Burt Astral c ive Week-End activities, professional at- 12, on the Stanford campus, ac- is invaded by a dictator and at the 3etty Roblin Ilk, extra Sophomore Dance -curricular activities, Varsity debaters will participate cording to Miss Marjorie Lucas, critical moment believers of three lane Thelma sicharacter and personality. The in a radio debate and freshmen adviser. schools of thought disagree as to adys Una %era are selected by two rac- Set For April 4 will conduct a "double feature The State organization has also how the invader shall be treated. len liselima. k members and a representa- been invited to participate in an One of the most important roles , Jean Ma hot the P.E. Majors' club over the week:end. and At Scottish Rite exchange program with the Stan- in the play is that of an announc- leis ks Gamma, the honorary wom- Tom Griffin and Joe Stockey ford society on April 8. At the ex- er. It will be portrayed by Joe saddles 14 Is PE. society. Students will board the "U.S.S. will take part in a radio debate , groups will Juracich. Harriet Sandifer will be rack Blii401. '43" docked at the Scottish Rite change program the Stanford university students I the heard as the voice of the dead tette Abbott with Temple April 4 when the Sopho- discuss the choreography of dance created by woman; Winifred Doolittle, as a Shirley fa. Biology on station KSFO tomorrow at 1:30 mores present their annual spring "Hollow Men", St udents and based on voice in the crowd; Allen Schroed- o'clock. informal dance. Orchesis members poem by T. S. Eliot. This er, as the first messenger; John lanf Oak Tree The varsity debate team mom- Bids for the hop will sell for the Shepherd, as the second messen- will go on sale the first dance was first presented at the bers will take the affirmative side $1.10 and ger and a deep voice; Dean Paizis announced Orchesis recital and at a dance n IIPP ceremony,, week of next quarter, as an orator, and Loren Nickolsen ion .-1 tan oak d : a of the question, "Resolved, That af- symposium at Mills College. t ree, donated and Ed SinftlicY. chairman of the is a general.