FISHING Bucks Astir Hunters Keep Anglers After Crappie Have to Change Their Strategy in Winter

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FISHING Bucks Astir Hunters Keep Anglers After Crappie Have to Change Their Strategy in Winter Pheasant season opens * December 8, 2006 Texas’ Premier Outdoor Newspaper Volume 3, Issue 8 * Page 7 INSIDE FISHING Bucks astir Hunters keep Anglers after crappie have to change their strategy in winter. The fish often go to deep waters watchful eye to escape the cold and fluctuating temperatures. Crappie also turn more lethargic, on rut activity so pursuing anglers must slow down their actions and try to put By Bill Miller their bait on the money. Page 8 As a fierce arctic front barreled over Texas last week, some deer hunters willing to brave HUNTING frigid temperatures may have hoped the chill would stir bucks into breeding. The fabled rut is the one time hunters can be assured the wily buck of their dreams will abandon caution for the pursuit of a doe in estrus. But it’s a misconception that breeding is spurred by weather. Clayton Wolf, big game director for Texas Parks and Wildlife, said the decreasing length of days is what triggers breeding activity. “When you hear people talking about see- Goose hunters had their share of ing more deer when it’s colder, and that it success as reinforcements correlates with the rut, we find ourselves cor- arrived to bulk up the state’s recting them,’’ Wolf said. Much of the breeding in Texas happens winter goose population. during November, Wolf said, although Page 6 South Texas is famous for its rut in NATIONAL December. Wolf added that some areas experience a A new Coast Guard study IN A RUT: During breeding season, the necks of white-tailed deer swell signaling dominance and readiness to mate. “second rut.’’ showed a slight decrease in Photo by David J. Sams. See RUT, Page 15 boating fatalities in 2005. Most of the deaths continue to be attributable to boat operators Coastal anglers remain lacking safety instruction and Keep the use of alcohol while boating. Page 4 busy as mercury drops CONSERVATION safety Completion of the Willow Slough ‘Anybody who thinks project on the Gulf Coast, winter is just for improving the water flow and in sights eliminating invasive plants, will hunting is missing out’ return the area to its historic role as a wintering and staging By Danno Wise habitat for thousands of waterfowl. Although temperatures have Page 5 been plummeting over the past few weeks, fishing has remained hot along the Texas coast — at INDEX least for those who haven’t been put off by the cold weather. Fishing Report Page 19 In fact, whether it’s wading the No bag limits Lower Coast or drifting deep shell COOL CATCH: Dan Holden prepares to Game Warden Blotter Page 10 set on hunting See COAST, Page 12 release a red drum caught near Rockport. Heroes Page 17 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE accidents WATCH YOUR STEP: Many hunting Holiday Guide Page 21 PAID accidents happen in falls from deer By Mark England stands. PLANO, TX Hunting Season Dates Page 12 PERMIT 210 A box stand near DeQueen, Made In Texas Page 14 Whit Gentry’s refresher Ark., came apart while the Texas course on hunting safety didn’t hunter was climbing down it. Outdoor Datebook Page 22 come from a book. He twisted his ankle so severely He learned the hard way that that his right heel was pointed Puzzle Page 18 most hunting accidents don’t toward his left foot. involve a shooting. They’re due “I only weigh 180 pounds,” Weather Page 18 to falling or slipping, things said Gentry, who is retired and that can happen to anyone ven- lives in Mount Vernon. “When Wild in the Kitchen Page 18 turing outdoors. See ACCIDENTS, Page 12 Page 2 * December 8, 2006 December 8, 2006 * Page 3 Page 4 * December 8, 2006 NATIONAL Boating fatalities up Wyoming game, 2005 report: Nearly one-fourth were alcohol-related fish chief: Wolves The U.S. Coast Guard’s Office of Check. was the number of boating fatali- Boating Safety recently announced In 2004, 70 percent of recreation- ties that occurred on boats where the release of its 2005 Boating al boating deaths were caused by the operator had not received boat- threaten hunting Statistics Report. The report drowning, and 89 percent of these ing safety instruction—approxi- revealed an increase in overall boat- victims were not wearing a person- mately 70 percent. By Dustin Bleizeffer ing fatalities from 676 to 697. al flotation device. Also, carelessness/reckless opera- The U.S. Coast Guard’s four In 2005, the number of drown- tion, operator inattention, operator tenets of their national campaign ing victims not wearing life jackets inexperience, and excessive speed Wolves have a taste for elk in the — “You’re in Command. Boat decreased from 89 to 87 percent. were the leading contributing fac- greater Yellowstone region, which Responsibly!” — illustrate their key The 2005 total recorded fatalities tors of all reported accidents. has worked out for the time being. recommendations for staying safe showed alcohol was a direct or indi- America’s waterways play host to However, if there’s no resolution while boating: always wear your life rect contributing factor in approxi- some 78 million boaters and nearly to the state’s dispute with the fed- jacket, take a boating safety course, mately one-fourth of all boating 13 million registered boats each eral government over removing never boat under the influence, deaths. year. the animal from protection under and get an annual Vessel Safety Remaining unchanged in 2005 — A U.S. Coast Guard report. the Endangered Species Act, the wolf’s taste for elk may diminish hunting opportunities, according to Wyoming Game and Fish ‘Working Forest’ land Department Director Terry POPULATION GROWTH: Wolf numbers Cleveland. have grown to about 1,200 in the “Let there be no doubt: If we greater Yellowstone region. don’t get wolves delisted, the elk hunting opportunity in this state ernment. buy covers 16,00016,000 acres is going to decline,” Cleveland Jimenez said elk make up about said. 90 percent of the wolf’s diet in the Wildlife easement largest ever established in Arkansas Under current federal protec- greater Yellowstone region. The tions, wildlife managers may kill prolific predator has grown in Arkansas will soon have a new hunting, at the new Moro Big wolves to protect livestock. But the numbers from 41 during reintro- wildlife management area in Pine Wildlife Management Area. state must receive special permis- duction to the region in 1994 and Calhoun County, thanks to a con- ‘This project “This is a ‘working forest’ con- sion to kill wolves to manage elk 1995 to about 1,200 now, span- servation easement being pur- servation easement — one that numbers. ning northwest Wyoming and chased from one of the state’s ensures the land allows for traditional forest uses, Cleveland said making the case parts of Idaho and Montana. largest timber companies. such as timber operations and that wolves are the primary reason The current annual 20 percent Officials from the Arkansas will remain hunting, that are both ecological- for declining elk populations is dif- growth in wolf population is kept Game and Fish Commission, ly sustainable and economically ficult when there are so many in check by a 20 percent kill rate Arkansas Natural Heritage viable,” Henderson said. other factors, such as drought and related to livestock control, Commission, Arkansas Forestry forested, provide “Basically, the forest will be man- disease. Jimenez said. Commission and The Nature aged in a way that continues to Idaho recently tried to make Wyoming’s plan for wolves once Conservancy announced they habitat for wildlife provide forestry jobs, wood prod- that case to the federal govern- they’re delisted calls for leaving will purchase the easement from ucts and also protects the environ- ment, but didn’t succeed. the animals alone in Yellowstone Potlatch Forest Holdings, Inc., on and be open to ment for future generations of “The only way to protect elk is to and Grand Teton national parks, land located in south Arkansas Arkansans.” get the wolves delisted and put the while killing of wolves in nearby between Hampton and El Dorado. the public.’ “This project ensures the land state in control,” Cleveland said. areas would be regulated by the Covering about 16,000 acres, it will remain forested, provide The state’s only existing option state. is to relocate wolves away from elk That plan has been rejected by will be the largest conservation — SCOTT SIMON habitat for wildlife and be open to easement ever established in the public,” said Scott Simon, herds, which is a very ineffective the federal government and is the Arkansas. director of The Nature management strategy, said Mike subject of continuing litigation. Scott Henderson, director of the the Arkansas Natural Heritage Conservancy in Arkansas. Jimenez, Wyoming wolf recovery Dustin Bleizeffer is a Casper Star- Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will manage public — An Arkansas Game and Fish project leader for the federal gov- Tribune staff writer. Commission, said his agency and access and activities, including Commission report. New & Used Briefs STORAGE CONTAINERS $20M allocation proposed Losses include commercial fish- industries prevent bird electrocu- for Back To The Dock ing vessels, seafood processing facil- tions and ensure reliable power In response to a request from the ities, seafood wholesaling plants delivery. Louisiana Fishing Community and recreational vessels. The Avian Power Line Interaction LARRY SINGLEY Recovery Coalition, the Louisiana A recent Louisiana Department Committee — comprised of mem- Recovery Authority (LRA) proposed of Wildlife and Fisheries report bers from the Interior Department’s 817-992-9122 an allocation of $20 million for pointed out that the pre-storm U.S.
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