Assessing[Title] data poor resources: developing a management strategy for byproduct species in the Northern Prawn Fishery FRDC Project 2006/008 Final Report 31 January 2010 David A. Milton, Gary C. Fry, Petra Kuhnert, Mark Tonks, Shijie Zhou and Min Zhu Title Assessing data poor resources: developing a management strategy for byproduct species in the Northern Prawn Fishery / David Milton ... [et al.]. ISBN: 9781921424519 (hbk.) Notes: Bibliography. Subjects: Northern Prawn Fishery (Australia) Shrimp fisheries—Australia, Northern—Management. Fish stock assessment—Australia, Northern. Other Authors/Contributors: Fry, G. C., Tonks, M. Zhou, S. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. Kuhnert, P., Zhu, M. CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Australia) Dewey Number 333.95558 Enquiries should be addressed to: Dr D. A. Milton CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research PO Box 120, Cleveland Qld 4163 Ph: 07 3826 7241 Fax: 07 3826 7222
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