Our Dead Com.Rades
The Revolutionary Age A Chronicle and Interpretation of Events m• Europe VoL I, No. 15 Saturday, January 25, 1919 Price 3 Cents Our Dead Com.rades ARL LIE~KNECHT and Rosa Luxem iOns and daughters of manufacturers and war for aroused to further effort by tkese ~ruta1 K burg are dead, and in dying live forever. profiteers, is revolting in its savagery and besti murders, the revolutionary Socialists will cer Liebknecht murdered by the troops of ality, but the brutality of the mob is in itself a tainly march to the conquest of power sweepinl a "Socialist" government, Rosa Luxemburg tribute to the great mind, the powerful oratory these bourgeois "Socialists" away with the sys lyncMd by a wealthy mob; both slain that Capi and the uncompromising attitude of this great tem of which they are a diseased growth. Rev talism may live. "And they cried, 'Give us woman. Handicapped by a somewhat unprepos enge is no part. of revolutionary Socialism but Barrabas I' " lteSsing appearance and a shuffling gait, Rosa if n~essity decrees that the new social order OpJX'sed by the, as yet, unconscious nlllSl'es Luxemburg, Red Rosa, as the people called her, can only be born in the valley of the shadow of of the Gcnnan -workers and soldiel".'l, actin;; for was probably the most pow~rful propagandist in death, in the blood and tears of a world in labor, the sini:;ter {,'rces of Capitalism, disguio;ed in Germany, Fearless and steadfast she also re then the dark ways of that valley wiJI be fear the clothing ot Moderate Socialism and Bour fused to compromise with Imperialism, and when lessly trod and those who would cry halt to the geois DemOcracy, the Spartacides in Berlin released from the prison cell to which a fright forward march of the people's masses must take were, for the moment, overwhelmed and dis ened autocracy had condemn'ed her, she, like the consequences.
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