al- woman, m m, »nd wouldn't bo so in to fast; but we n»t of tlio voyage wasn't a you you what should think to see Mim ••Oh dear," says 1, "I wish I hadn't nev- tain, "they're crowding pIoa»ure.trip tho words wew in on ••I wonder I wo mm to a acrow with tn«?" considering burning anchor till we had some gales before kind go piece er been horn to vex no !" c«n up nearer, anJ hoave too ther; rough .melia ut n partr an !" you puah u« as roy heart. wearing apron into lmrhor nt where wo ••Oli," etid -he, cuto could bo. "witb wish tho hrido :ind eotno." slipped tli) Algiers, "You would write tne to wear ono direct- ••There it i« again, two negatives. I bridegroom •'Then you do?" a io bat 1 bad ooote Storg. was rocked at aa safe us a thief In mill, thought you ju«t §ln Interesting hadn't. Pretty »oon there ahun.anda ••There laat, pleasure; "Do what?" For I vm determined to r" you and n to seems we oouio!" from tho comparison. gather samphire." Frura (Urper'a Muuthly. Was "That cravat about lore; it'» ••Well, Donald. to me have had they byatanderi; make him come every of the way. jonr neck, was tha ••So I but I don't feel abla to stay ; atep handed a out of a earring— Dear uio. 1 thought it prat* hid, Thcv are never of this I'm tirod of if gontleroan Indy quite THE MEADOW. / to be so won? •ightfully old-fashioned, enough it, you wo her there." OVER lightly and flowere—a tiest io the world then; it and then perhaps will meet aren't" a all luce and aatin lady anchorage juat •orn in the now." indy me •'Lire mo," he answered. city to to see the about Then he roee with a and gave Th-re are mine d tyn one ncter forge ta. I with a hluah on the ohook and a ainile on looked social ships rolling up sigh ••Christine Miller wears them here, nnd ••1 am certain I am." ns as if storms were hie and— doubt if I ev«r forget those d irt", no long ••Well, yea—a little—maybe!" tho happy go lucky thing! arm, nt to ••Very well, then. It's you and ( lip. I that aiMWfml hi* turn, for di- oueht satisfy you." plain and the mak- "Pre no reasonable ago. hut ao freah as if broke but suppo«o ••That'e tho Brown of another latitude; moonlight ••No," *ays he, hope they ♦•Tint is what dis'atisfieg ine ; 1 wnnt can't go on badgering oaoh other at this rate hrido," a-iya Captain th« jmt see come ben." with Donald rectly he grew gay and glad, and mnde !" cried Suem; ••hut where'a tho ing free with the battlement* of the grim to her again if she won't yesterday—tboie day* ap«nt iri*tine Miller !«» Weir tho best." forever. We may aa well company first •'My tune# and part sho's said I. the crimson ot air ring with hit wild pleasant ? 1 had a aiirht rather aen Aim." old castle, and looking In at thegha«'ly loop- "Perhaps sick," gathering jets samphire! •• Well, i* there elso you wwuld an last, for I aee it will corno to>that in the bridegroom at all we never had any thing ( sent ••But said saw her Oh, but wero d of grace, and though j>wta, till, last, agreed ••There!—there ho ia—that ono that'n holes of the batteries that had maybe, you you to«day." they »y* 'w well that was the insane. the lawn nnd tho broad blue aboro; and glamour passes too, and at and tailk tho cuts, and the ••Sha'n't we now?" said I, taking the again that he in the houeefor sky hone, plow and a fashion- und couldn't lot mo out a of go talking hole, hang flag soon as us sho cricd Donald'* do id these ten and that I am 'alking dictionary was not tho first of his ram that she out, Tours, | and the harvwt, as 1ms forefathers arm, as cool had Well, he spied field, reip late." truce nor a signa! of distress. As for Do* Captain's a$if nothing hap- the Widow Drown with at his mother "Here's Donald, my son!" only sixty year*! had done sine*! ever left tho hud brought up there last; they honny Well, at tho whnt do»s ho do hut he was now nil n*flush nnd now like a pened. husking, nald, to And I behind and left him in her astern. Tweedside, and nettle! in America ; for ••She's not n hit said Susan. came of a line of intermarriages equal any slipped they irt with all the girls nnd leave mo in tho ghost, und his shot out liku a pretty," ww ucroM the river wo went eyes sparks time be- arms Poor soul! she herself.and It just always before mother's "Handsome men nol<]o;n wo- in But during all that waxailing emigrated long my people ; not but there were of nth flint. marry pretty royalty. oldrum* plenty her mind had from her these two when my mother had said ; "Christine, where her here; and estab mon," said 1. tween I had never laid eyes on him ; for gone years, brought being longer rs to come at heck and call, hut At the we in silence, nnd I saw ready my gale parted to but she knew Aim. is for now your pre- in the old who would he had been down often enough your sautphire pickling, lish<*d, they felt what country as ••No," said Brown, though one of them were my sweet-heart; and that he lingered a« if In kteh it, I Giptain wrves made and stepped was while I was at I saw no more of them till lifter ho all your cowcuinbers would bo cilled u of rank over u* have with mo if I had said black was see his mother, it always Well, priority ono has a sweet-heart II the other men the ; but I novr turned agreed Mien briskly up foot-path when the who looked after hie doner' lattr comer*; so Donald's mother would whito : "it's your homely men who do that; sea. nightfall, girl re little more to ono than bo many clothes- nor buck, nnd I heard him would out with his nnd glanced presently reason to remember came in for me. Said So D mild, have him a with his and so tired of their Dear me, I have good mother rushing she, great man, money j|oa. call "Christine!" But I straight on, they got pesky seeing only and N«?d Brown and I with our bask kept went on his last Mr. Donald ! he's liko Susan hi* wits coined, and white hands, mid own aboard." the Brown voy- ♦•Oh. riving fury, ready "Did have a fine tiino?" said he, go- head and heart down ; and again ••Chris- ugly phis day Captain and we would over the water you up after and for Miso Brown—least* ets, away spin as the Great himself. And wo stood oflf for Cadiz at last; and, I age. Howis to start oO immediately koeps milling you genteel way* Mogul ig home. tine !" but I never—oh inc. if I only h*d! in tho sunshine, as the he crieo •Christie! Christie! whoro'e making merry. I.iw mo! when a I used to take •'Wonderful fino ! You ton can tell my first night nt sea was a lit* dinner; and I him pickled-pep- ways youngster spoko just Well; do you think after that I sp*nt tho you passed " I had two lover* in those Ned Rrown Christie?' day*, the Great for an elephant, and I don't to tie too to he comfortable; hut law Mogul .•ords mo'!' night crying like any h thy ; and in tho morn« grand pers, nnd hut Donald he was born to lie a ever So 1 tied kerchief over head and Donald; know his to this 'tis not sakes* I've been to sea with Brown ••Christlo," said ho, don't you toy my rightly bearings day. ••Why, you know, Christie, good- ing Homo ono in, and said Donald C.iptain "why while Ne«l wa* an awkward, happened went with her. had him in l>ed, and lover, staring fifteen trs and odd, on and off, and got sort have nowadays? How They Well, first along, Donald wrote a thought innered to mind your lady lovo in couipa had gone. yo pickled simphire with his hands in his brweohe* two men held him, and he l>oat the air hoy;alwajs so that I didn't think we used to be getting it, no like they and my letters to him were lik" the y !" Mother she gave me a look, and when tho of acclimated, any jo'ly picklo when weren't a gloomy; with his ara», *nd hie crieo woro liko knives they hindling ship's to wore of across tho Atlantic than th it for me, my hearties J" p^okoU between men clouds, he mid; hut •'Oh, Donald," said 1, "you ustd think vieitor had gono— going step- for he followoi the set between whilee. light In and rop*. across chamber floor of a cold morn- "Just so," siid mother, "nono grows going through through you. in those days the mail didn't ooine bothering :e«s of manners and more of mo!" ••Did know that?" asked she, sharply, ping my It w^ Don ild who nv» but you tho help-*l ashore, to the«e times I'll bo bound. Oh, for good ••Donald, what aile I said, and you Gvo or six times a day : "''['wouldn't lie wise contrmlict you!" lor mother favored tho match. ing. door, you?" was who staid behind to anchor the disappointing it Ned nro the I've D^n out wnen old hie hand ; but he shook hia fist in it was odd if we got a letter from Donald "Why not?'' I asked, like a fool should I ? It's all up between Do- Jinny nights days—" taking my little if I lost in the ••Why craft; my footing bog- to tho didn't seem like so much "Of Adam and of Eve?" askod the Cap- face; "Do think I don't know Christine much short of a fortnight old You may "Because you'd say I didn't stick my nald and me," I answered, shortly. ship anything you it was Don.ild who came to gy spots my help h* n which the wind shook Htid toro tain, Miller when I seo her? Do you think to guess how I oountod tho tiaio till mail day ; text." ••Whose the blame?" alluring, slyly. with a but all the time • coino lio;nu said lightsome solicitude, It wasn't tho answer I'd und I ho wave* for; when tho dirk When you tig*in," I, uio like that?" said he. how if it Mortued, or froie. or parched, it expected, you '•.Miinus ami tenses, nam I getting up to hungered impose upon Ned's even never loft roe, and 1 knew that ••wo ho'iio !" u»e. like a clonk, snvo where far will have awaiting yoii so he went and wouldn't helioro was »till the sweetest day that ever gathered Cn above tho lonesome shriek of you that know thu way well—your at tho and listened. I v wi Donald did fal*e ; and a triple of ingly; uight gate. est "What will Donald think? syntax thought. was 'nt the creak of tho and beaten It in the fall of the ycat, maylm eigli- it she lent to tno nnd I'ro never tho temp cordige, slip path!" lint ho fell into a and Will Donald Will Donald come?'' myself. to the by-Jtnd-hy »lu<*p, go? '.•ten months sinco Donald's kit visit—the and tumble of cataracts, the or- '•The goee often well," Bays "No letters for Christine Miller!" s;»ng rid-my^df of it to this day. •lap yelping pitcher me not to leave*him loet ho That was the catechism 1 learned alike Sun- fairly thoy begged wan full of clouds, like ders abroad—above them all would mother, out our postmaster—a sauoy old rough, who ky hounding "And I'll warrant; you girl* ar« trumpeted should wake furious at mo ; so and ; and sooth to 1 tein|KT, to "said I. finding gono day week-day say, hardly the of white birds that I've neon far break tho woeful voice of a that '•Thero.don'tgo wooinz trouble, would have called King Solomon himmslf by win£* all alike—it'n a fliili in the pin, and the minute-gun, the men went to lie down in tho nest room, knew Ned livodat all save when 1 saw him the wns a m>rt of a cheerful out to or like the sails of which breath dreadful of Now hia Christian rauio—"who'd havo s-a, ships fl.iuie ends in suioko," she concluded, beforo carried in its tidings ship- Captain and left mo alone there with nnd bo guessod it him; before me! women txxlv in the housi, and after ho w.iagono the wind haJ tilled. I took banket and was wreck and death; of men and cling- he'd forget ye a'ready ?" my I quite out uf hearing. as swwtly ns n little child and botweon there's soiree a I •wined so lonesome ltlco that 1 didn't know si»pt Ah, well-a-day, night, w»*nt over thn all alone, to tho sam- of faces ono instant ••Who, indeed !** thought 1." bridge, You may guess if I wasn't pretty well down ing to straws; ghastly while* he smilod. And at last, when tho believe, hut in tuy dream I'm tav what to tuko hold of first, so I picking wax hitter for ijusan, she wiim laid hut he now whirled down, down the rightly just Oh, but the next fortnight long! phire meadow; up at the mouth ; 1 kept up amusingly upturned, by whit# dawn sauutorcd up the horixon, bo wiit over the h«hiti«l Donald, of tint samphire-fi^ld with a fever I had lieen there hull of horrors that unother bethougt my**!! samphire. and though a letter came it a thorn Maybe for<; folks ; so it was noittod about that I hud whirling waters; turned him on his sido, and heaved a and I ww his loot and catch its halimv planted ••Prtwcnt tiino is hunt time!" think* I, to deep slip an hour, whon all of n Mudden Homo one's I had. And hour make our own. in ray side. jilted Donuld myself. Perhaps might sigh, aud opened wide hia beautiful oyoo— again aj he turn*and holds out hi* hand to on with sun-lwnnet und down with my two hands fell on two and sent came And then the sun, over fair field* of my "I am fast making friends,'' he wrote; my shoulders, just at this time Ned Brown lie homo rising his eves that no tears or terror* oonld rob of me, and on his handiotne face a Hinil»» I labored across. Dear always wit* ahroid. and never of basket,mid away ha* two agreeable daughter*, my flying from sea, nnd he deavod me so to marry him sliding gems, W'ury working their lovelinosn—and he looked mo fall in tho hovers; and anon I and before Iij cm "my employer it wasn't as I had that trip, ••Guess who it is !" said Donald's voice miracles fur and near, while I us sakes, quite tripped who ofton m ike my and that I almost wished there wasn't any such its waring faco, att oino aeyou are, and ho strokod me I'm hrnid awake, in '-ed evening* pleasant, ono'a at my rc*cl> fitting up ••What's the of when I tho till, like some way thirty years agono, gait fifty me out of harm's way, as mother would good guessing, thing as marriage. company livelong day, band and p a and t much wondored if I softly winking through know for certain ?" world, and ruvcl"d isn't quickstep ; lie was to be captain next voyage, and ship-wrecked splintered ••Poor Christie! Tho sword that of the shutter. That'll why I go to bed no my." wero tho same flaming ••Pick und come a thousand atoms of it sank really high-tempered ignora- "Hurra's thought I. »'If that's up your basket, then, have a ship of his own, and ho would take into glory, sadly guarded Eden, and turned both has for I'm sure to drum of Donald, and way!** mus that broke with Donald oo on wayo, early, home with ine." to its long ago out of it, where nnt ?" me to Cadiz, und half round tlio globe, may* gruvo. us How is sioeo the ami the when wo were thia I was to. kept apart. lung it, child, samphire, days ••But mother wants the Then it was odds, but now and we very spot going But there w is more yet,—see, hore it is sunphiro." be. again then—how long?" keeping company! ••We'll to-morrow." fell in with an bound down for the ••I'veaeon tho world," thinka I, "and rub- now; how it has grown ! it in g*t enough I must confess that it an atom iceberg, gone this Donald!" One remember it well—the heav- yellow drop* apponred ••Thirty years day, day—I So we went horn* to his mother's to tea, Gull Stream ; towers nnd and (retted he*I off aomo of tho edge* and may- at a touch, like the dear duat of it* tempting at first thought; hut th«n I looked spire# sharp Ho was silent a while. en* were like th« strata of the new Jerusa- pirce* ndiihe oat her beet china, and her fin- all in tho as bo I was a littlo that Donald own writer. Oh, to think that his hand and his got lit Ned and remembered Donald, and the frost-work, a-glitter sunlight, proud didn't ineot lem, all and and ••Why you me, thirty yean paven gold sapphire-stone, «t linen and a silver she had fine as cathedral I've ever at in the couldn't find fault with mo then. Ob, vain fashioned these that cream.pitcher in the twinkling of an cyo, any gawd this on tho the air a smell of woods thought very words; temptation sped gono day, aamphiro moadow?" crisp guarded pino aad ever Mine? silvor was first smelted, I be- World. his bent above them ; that are a so 1 said, ''No !*' up and down ; hut present- Old self-glorying! Then Slid he, ••Toll mo and leaves, and the river ran eye* they why?" tailing spirk- lieve. And land! tho countries that I'vo All tho over wns so familiar I could of him—of hiin—of whom I hare no 1 half me, for a fl w abroad foreign way "I never knew wanted mo lin • to the a«n, like a of part ly repented gosiip you tberv, Don- away string bright •'I this will be Christie, hid mo when have fallen down and kiswd tho the Donald! did know huw suppose yours, that the Blanks had taken Donald into seen! Why. if any body told ground, ald dear." b*ads that the knot. But Donald, pirt! Oh, you part- slipped when to said she, to bit of atone wall, raovs-incruated, thu old much I loved ? you go hnusikecping," und he wae to marry Miss I whs a girl I should drivo from post, pil- "Never knew? I he handled the and the you nership, going Why, waited and wail, though briskly, it as if it were like to crack at it should havo them treos—could havo out to you Put them There's no need of them. dusting Amelia. lar liko that, I thought gnarled pointed od for and tho wont bott *d like a fli»h from reach lo reach of up. you; stag* by, but itill up breath. Donald!" mad. the where times and again wo had rest- I learned ev.»ry word heart, aa one would ••Oh, aighed I,you'd only places I would not go, for 1 said, the curveting tide, was a 'rill down at the by won't lose to 'Something kejpt "Thank said I; but you nor or one has llielr turn ; ed, and tho trees where Donald used a bit of without heed ; a more you," utay single, princo would tempt Eirly late, everjr gatb- her; sho'd never throw truo Iovo uiouth as he looked hack at thoahor* poetry, spirit* palaco away liko yellow- it mood, for 1 shall need go to and mo It fell that one after the or for us il would havo burned or o botrding-school ino!" out, night, pine-cones that.'" and in its autumn sunshine, girl them all, ing crimsoning before I'm fit to Donald." wild creature for ••Ah me, can do a of truer hut I—I couldn't. marry But here was Ned, and thore was Donald ; storm had raged liko any thirty years heap ••No man I Donald dwr." and out the bur, where the wife; would, upon unalloyed wn our and direct thinka I: and down, ( •'Liw !" siid she, "don't mind hiru ; he's und it was a good year sinoe we h id two days, Nhip|x>d masts; mischief!" looking wave* tosaed as sous wisird So he went on to parted, "Inidio! rwidto! Yce, cot ton'a up, by spell, My: "Christine, dear, the tho aa thiok as lutes at down, always taking rne up short, just so. But and the had sifted down to a certainty, ly Ciptuin Brown called to lower boats, found samphire my columns and that dished couldn't take a little more with gossip and wool to be"—-he wan * huge archways, you pains as if it had been ought wandering then he ».« a master-hnnd for grand words. and Ned would tail in a and what aa that wasour only chance, for the ship had feet, just waiting thirty silvered and like mine your and You left fortnight; hit—"anhiro days have ••Who can that be?" thinks I. Somo us to the whore the was out giving a hint of it. But it would ; and even I it and the letter behind the back* like lor cleurnew, when up city, ship taking 1 know you waited lor m«, drnr?" 1 answered though whiapered cried, flung nj».iin, cryntal you see who has missed his ; in was we over done heart to Brown's doubtless, way cargo. It tho first time had your good Captain stranger, no Ned tore hia froiu off and ; hut the Hru was so can seem to seo into heaven when in I thought it harm to to him mi I noted eyes me, log out, I it up ittclf, walk like— Nonsense don't bo a apeak picked been out of our and it was as men, even the roughest and unneeinliiwt, it does fool, them out at sea. there's the wide there if not a and the home-nests, then, and be sent gating Surely again. nil sky spcck, wslk as did dying. some had us en- stand back and to thoir mess-mates, •: You Christie Brown; do you you • flames though fairy smuggled upon say ••I aent auid no ears nor eyes like true love's Then I hunted up my Murray, and tried to distant woods paint theiunelve* like you word," lie; "I left you a chanted us there is no next!" then?" "Shall be for asked Su- the vrhe into and wlut with its wall. Donald was as ground, (Especially note." you guns lung?" wriggle place; against Well, good to mo held out mortal in thoao that We stuck to the boat for two days, and hy He came q'tickly up and san. a acrid of old and as and as as that is nowa- particularly happy parte ••A note? And wlmt note? I'v* ttorer Bailey'a Dictionary, proo gold, quits lively then and drew back. sver could hear tell of. that time our wat»r was gone ; and it both hands, time In I quite ptuaed heard one that "For month*; ma*bo wnn!" ticing my hand daily, my next letter did my days IIo told mo bow lie opent hit word from you einoo night at out I can tell to see ••I ma'am," said he, We two or throo to beforo strikes strangely. you, beg your pardon, Now it was for me to look nfchaat; but I heart ; but, dear heart, his answer ran ; the that ! know at every chime had days spare the good city, might thutdelioious his "but I it was she gate." would under and one's self surrounded by liquid touching hat, thought far bore to for Nod—wasn't be all oam "Do remember that two nogatives in a of the clock, what him. Then he the ship get w.iy, Captain ••la that true?" aaid l>e, riaing on hie el* «pe*k. employed and one of thirst! But as we had at a distance : gait and your banket de- ho took us round to s-*> the dying just your and wistful woefulmwe sentence .are to an affirtnativo; or, described the whero he some- Brown, sighw, bow. eyeewid eijual Opera-house, tho last crumb of biscuit into our mouths ceived me. You didn't |mm hor in thu vil- wd it was to cr.uo one. It was al- put aa aaid f. But when wc wore out upon the meadow, when you say, 'I don't care for no one aa I times went with Miss Blanks; and the witch- enough ••True Heaven," a French bound for took us did 7" nost as as life was worth crow* brig, Algiers, lage. you and Oonald cloae beeide me o?er the do for I shall be either to doubt mucic, that seemed to echo the tuuoh your ua aaid ••and atooping you,* obliged ing only key* j off! ••Who?" I nuked. ••Heaven help then," h«; ! the streets, to with, and that was* tiny hriatling ep-«ar» of simphire, mj curioe- you, or fight my rival." noto of Heaven's own; and the beautiful ng btgin I had you without a I can tell too, that I had never "Chrietine Miller. l>e been to you thought given up i I't what I was used 1 have had you, expect- cipeetinn WAnroidy to blase, but my pride hung Now 1 couldn't see that! in their gowne of satin and gold to, though word ! Poor Chriatie! And I loved ao itj singers, ed to see fields, nor oorn, nor nitmt her here. The coaoh hue you I larrower for mine it was green waving gone alrwdj. fire. So we and and the ai« Well, aomo Urate I got a letter after this, and tbeir faoes like and changes since; But I've no time to loae; before the picked picked, trimming*, angels, neither to hear I inuet her eoon!" truly! 1 but ooiuo and thither and blossoming waysides again; give op lenca was growing hateful, when, suddenly, and aoraetimea I didn't; but he found their Toioea like aod ho set it all lathing go, you, aun touchea the meadow I ah all be always seraphs; tho sweet fluting of birds awaku aamphire he atoud be* < tnd the never eoemed to morning just From the firat moment I hud set my eyee upright and took off hi# hat,saying, ao much fault with mine that I nearly gave forth with such a knaok that I almost people stop any beyond bearing, aee, my voice bile me now; io their nests in the old garden at that hie a he i nore than il were ia a tread mill. I langlsd on hU face 1 knew Donald, for all with grim smile that was more than half in and wrote onlyaeldom. lieved he was somo that they yoar bead down eloeer, oloeer; I up despair, reoiting fairy-tale home, or the sweeter voice* of friends or foes; hie put My, a ivondered when took their heir w*e white, his Uoe eo eyee a frown, In the tn^an while he came twice for had in the Law me! mightily they haggard, ■hall—love : picked np great olty. I had all tbat, and looked ealm* yon—till—death, and—beyond •• i Deals and more than onoe I waited for tbe no, given Up 10 eunken end now it *11 ruehed oter me You don't ask me ; don'I week, and io that time took me to task as the city itself, in them was like some ; one kirn—and 80 hie lide anything you days, as I oJt the wa- away." dropped, to ly night upon gray gloomy thut vu and had care; Ned has been your ha*rt often as a and bewitched I didn't more than half be- j procession get by. he beeide himeell, eeeiped and hie eoul waa getting away step-mother, always harping thing ters and to the heavens aa cheerless, if so away beyond the morning, me one we before one of up Iron the from by inehae ; it ia time for me to on the fine manners of the Miss Blanks. lievo in! Wfll, day stopped aeylum. and the and go!" bo I find moo of oomfort to last atara, the pitileea radiance* of 1 ;he churobes to look and admiro might grain taking the cue,"if ll'a •♦Indeed, M tster Donald," said I wincmber oue afternoon in ; -•Wasn't when first seo splendid just ••Oh!" eaya I, into the I,quite put particularly you surprised yoa mo earth, parfaot light' 1 ind soon we that through. want, ehe woe in the vi|. "where the dwrd it waa we were out to Farmer it?" I all wild with observed carriages kept Christie Miller you out. yoo kuow, got you when guiog asked, listening. Than I laid him baok the 1 and and Wall, none of aa ooald a word of Como, we will go and find her. upon pillow*, that can a and when 1 was Mid be "I Mining up in; Susan, spouk to«day. and title of my heart, you gainsay Farley's to husking-party, "Christie," stopping short, people going lage with a emit* about hie and French but Brown—ho bad ebo will be at your motb- quite plain lipe, ite an inch or an all ?" dresaed he me to aa if I had sha'nt amwer till oorrect thoee two iays she, Captain pieked [ think, maybe, gift by pulled pieoea you pie- went out into the nest h>»m a little of tbo on the , and drew his been a bad in "Tisn'l U it?*' up j4rgon French ooost; pr'e." At that ha looked befogged, rag-baby. cee of grammar your question." Sunday, ••Donald baa I aiid, a said T. and no ono of the oould that be soowied and tat down on a gone!" qtiMtly. and "You've off •'What are I. ••Perhaps it's funeral,** brig spook English, Upon band aloag his brow, cried, forgotten to take your apron, they?" says "Gone? tirtlJ cri«J hie mother, "it's and wo bad a droll time of it. Wo would i rock banl J) gon«»?M do taeaa that nvm Chistis." "The more shame to if doo't ••No, indeed," says Brown; by, eeying, "Christina, you you joa you Captain froa her forncr. yea; he each so and I bad rather she name here. chimney '"•'Yea, me?" "Take off mads ik i i wedding. I guees. Don*! you see the folks get ptovoked with ourselves, ••Thank you. lored my apron! Why, 1 know!" ■aid he mnat hi gon« aud when all was laid was so Don't let me trouble farther." bright early; tb*y mr asked ma oo to wear." ••• Be with the and the vitb their while gloves T** and done 'It funny, you 'Do you mm thai yoo parpott patient Ignorant aent for him. Well, gondapned to bia! ••A that I oould understand tbo sort of Now I waaeoared to leave bio then all tot" You amCt to so ooun- need to be a in book." wedding!" says Suaon, all high. exactly **Hi,h»! going be fool,' oopy my writing Ob, but Ohriatie, la that yon ? Wait a bit. 1 o« trials tbo workmen suffered when tho Tower ( dooe; eo I anewerrd, "I do for shall lore fortrar!" tittW?" "The of Job would be •IfSt'a go in and see for wolves." now, I yon patience put upon," I tike to hare forgotten my, armory begin v ••I doubt if w« eon the of Babel wai under For all that the •No tro«ibl<\g>iod Sir: hut I'm an oM ••That altera things," aaid I, oeolly onoogh, **Why not? I an a country girt." Mid be a trifle touchcd up. get In,** aaye Osp- way. THE The War Department has ordered the print, Howr 8l Htuvrxs* Family Dtk Color*.—Tin Proclamation tho President. those he loft something for '"Political Demoralisation of Youth." The Fenian Brotherhood. by of blank in sufficient numbers to Family Dye Colon, mntiulaotured by well CHlXKJtWAPAX to lail mo; Donald, ing dischargee 900 I all of the army. known chemists, Howe & Stevens, Broad- a of no more; thought SxMutiva Ord«r for tho Roitoratlon of Civ- loolude nearly you, slip paper, of A lecture he faro the Irishmen or thifl way, are iu general demand throughout the hut no. I miud now Under this the Saco city il Governmant in Virginia. t I'd Mnt it the boy ; caption bean a This is whm might be expected, manifesto by to a crowded audience in Jeff. Thompson, who has organising oountry, J^st it in one of the hooka !" this week ui a ken a most wuil, cover- vim igiven Quin- and Tha MWbe Men of tha Km! !" (Ba«t or tiib that I shut piteous force in Arkaoaai for the invasion of Missouri, when the branly, permanoy, purity gener. the floor to a sh«'lf Washington, 0. are Ilia old And ahe toddled across almost three columns of that delectabl** Hall on the 2oth ulft. by P, A. Collins, May surrendered on the same terms as those al excellence of the dyes Is considered. They Kuimo!) making good saying, ing by'e has an«l he will anon old school hooks had ■ t«hx! President Johnson Iim issued a hss become a nre no lees economic* I thanexcellent; can read- |lnt monkey ropr enough, wh*ro Donald's of Ro«t )n,a of which wo proclama- to Gen. Lee. Thompson or« »hcet. It in the demoralizationof Fw]., synopsis that— granted in a few bourn any hang hlmarlf." "This "band of brother*" liar* » ve*r : were such aacrod political tion declaring though not a very successful ily be used by every family; thin m.iny thej rebel, come out a have ; sinoe tho order of the Feni prominent of can be colored to any hue in eard in the Bo-ton Daily Advet- in her the youth about which it is troubled. Their prepared Whereas, armed resistance to the suthori- soldier. Ife was fur a long time a prisoner material or cnrment nclea eff. ex- not tiny tlaer.and. CLAIMING TO OWN TIIK STATE man it such of the in cortiin hero- at Johnson's and was recently desired, nnd in style equalled by dying "the had been a thrse hut ana in tliia assuming largo Government States war Island, are to Sow Aoy" moral well being in of little consequence, country ty e«tnMi/diuient in the land. The demand fur the OF MAINE, DICTATING TERMS tha with hot* of hi* own. und such toforo decl ired in insurrection may bo regnr changed. Once capitalist* u( Boston, New York, ami "ALL twenty years, their votes tire what is wanted to resuscitate proportions, cxciting apprehensions Family Dyee is :onstantly increasing. ded as rirtuallr at an end. nnd OUT.ilDK BARBARIANS" Taking down an old tattered arithmetic, persons by The Tribune's Washington correspondent tried tliey become indispensable. They «ay, "Wa, abroad. hh Governor Aiken, the notice t*» a folded note and came that "which stinketh." whom that re*iitai>ce, well as the opera- conveys the that Ur>d<-ra;r»ed, hereby tall Run- she hobbling impression to produced After a few rem arks, tho are was called to Wsshington ner* or Solicitor! uf Onlen oot to tno. how or other ull the active, introductory tions of insurgent cruiser* were directed, of >onth Carolina, by Smnplea, with it Some young, Source of of tliia wc tho rather than to be punished CoMlVfinefte the Mwt Prolific rtaldenta State, that will complain of had the but men ot the said tlmt the nvowed of tho fugitives or ; and, aid government 4,I thought It goo© by boy ; and young speaker subject cupturod III Health* and prosecute any one for wiling or energetic intelligent somo of offering I'm in lor of Brit* Whereas, it is understood that nile ware* or now glad you dropped ChrUtie, avoid the wreck of the old demo> Fenian Brotherhood is the overthrow It cure* Pilm, llsAiucar. Piuixtsft, Orr*r»* for any irooda, merchandise aa count-j these cruisers are still the Hens, of Johnston's nrnir con Hmmaiii. the limit* of tltia here it is!" armed force. This infesting high jyThe surrender 10* or Poon. 8nrn Patwatiow,fu»l« a».ove within SUtacaat of (ha as would a house, ish rule in IreUnd by Kir*. If ins Batk a*d Joints, We it wo* tho note I shonld crutio party, they pest and others are to capture, burn and rs or tub Pal* Kenneliec riter. aNodecture that wa will True enough ; preparing dud»d the Inst great act of the rebellion, or trr Rrr.s AID Ski* the end has been olten before, but the peo- and vessels of the United States, .Urinic*. Vrt.Lnwxtsa ahun alt Jobber* and Manufacturer* who aaod Iiavo had ago. that in all her their Totee* ring For Union against attempted destroy he; (.'hated Toxul'H. 1>I\ Kit OoirMIITT. Los* or Ar-1 thirty yearn before the of our late belovtd tliia m far a* w« can." their revolutions wero all and civil offiocrs of that, too, body Drsi'Ri'KtA. I\DMirMiox. Ac. Any tMnt Kunncra into State, of reason ahe forgot, but this little In this of the world were divided and enjoini naval, military I'RTiTK, State and day* secession. ago they ple was the to a rvllslile rr<»««iU1m until wo heard of whether thia waa not another pliaa* of th» IU». rather be abolitionists, copperheads consequence. nil lawful to arrest said and n and but the word* us came I meant, cruisers, of his life, the for whioh out "Eiat of Uic Kennebec," tender, ju«t they man means tj collect and Ireland's objeot object OR. HARRISON'S hellion, breaking B^'cesioniots. This fact has set the of tion organize them into a of the United States, lrotn Donald's heart, warm and yearning, bring port lovo to believe ho was r.»iscd —ao like the sjmlt of the llareholdtra of tha have cast their from grateful people Peristaltic Lozenges / to that heart which would no mure lor- the Democrat in a high fever of drfpiir. sons, wherever they may lot, in order that they may* bo prevented South dot* thi«* defltnet the cualomaamlcir. yearn before mother earth re* to the cause n<> I or further on our com up. accomplished They are arreenble pslate. pain, dilation of conimero:* appear. Their crack tha ••ver! been 1 altout himself, and unite them irrespective 0/ clafs creed. committing depredations weaken the «U(uaoh like I fie h:is >oking recently of hint. Welcome operate pioinptly, never with the oi l track of south C'aro. for It was aa merce, and that the on board of them ceived all that was mortal of and whip" gooi "Dca* Cimum"—he said, com* work is half persons nil P11.1.H. In every case C08TIVHNK8S ] and Gnds an of space. His Once united, their accomplished; never Una, and tba though he spoke—"I couldn't Bleep last nicht immensity may no longer enjoy impunity for tho cruis the consummation! Welcome the PiLKH they produce Immediate relief, anil for t o blind ol Ireland is but a glorious Increase of done to effect a care Children f »r thinking uf you. an I wishlntr daylight rail h are a few old the Independence qu's- or, require WHITE 8LAVK8, politicalragere, welcome tho nation redeemed, •n i r, in 1I1 iim tliem undor any clrouuutan- to go over ami make it all up with you! I'm glnd fruition, may would, and tion of time. millions of like And ho further nud declares that M small boxes 3u cents. or for what'a to see un ndvana) if they Eight people proclaims ces. Price cents \ i. e., the Rttaileiu or Maimk, art, (in the la* h fool for mm ling a hi».| trn*e ao, step, welcome tho result for which a nation has aro Tho F. B in it after a reu«onahlo timo shall have elapsed of thete int worth K*r-*5 l«p a loving heart to a heart l'>at ton morose in th to any person produces NI'PPOSKD TO TRCMBLRI ment t) admit it, if did, this country years ago In res-1 ttlank baa aent for me ; his they the of nations claiming to hnve been srtlcle equal to the Perlftaltlo Loienge* any juat partner'a porta an* un to in tho of Now York. It* is to and Indorsed all Ptifstolan* Orug- Wlut Hetailers of Maine, to this «f#.vl ; and I'm to atart bright l e»rl>, ko a few recklns scapegraces, graduate* city purpns* neutrtl, the said insurgent cruisers and per- pect by My you, toothy A Nkw Iniu Connected with tub Assassin* J. H. IIA RIII80N A CO., I'ropntbirt, the wool for the dim, to re- biircfafdl attempt to out you off frum priv- nrnt norosa the river and buy dram constitute contribute the material (or on a sons on board of thorn, shall continue gifts. I Tremont Boiton, of den* and shops carrying ation.—The of the No. Temple, ilege of ordering in own of ho I ahaVt have time to call and aec you. hard- gatnhling ceive said this Washington correspondent* goode your placet war in Ireland. Irish revolu- in ports, govern For rale hy J>ru.'glsts. yl4 to thia but if meet me at the for the next Tho hospitality of the shoot- bminett by sample* shown )ou putting you to ly aeratcb ; you'll his army corps campaign. successfully inont will deem itself in hos Pittsburg Commercial, speaking to catch justified refusing the trouble to to the icholetale dealer or or* *«'!iphire ni«nJow, where I shall stop men are not theirs tionists are now not through* ot President Lincoln at Ford's go enterprising organized only to the vessels of such nations ing Theatre, Tlie nrcnt (Jrrmin Ilrllinlttel torn or thwstige. I shall thank you and my aUra. young, totality public tier "iu the (lark," irtthout pi et, take the The out America and Ireland, but in of and ours and Colds, be on T>on't fall me, mi; only /or#/ Whatever falls The mechanic in in th« other pirty. every part in ports tho United States, adopting says: Will Coughs tlujf that ia thus attempted to force I to euah measured us he deemed advis- stated on the of the THM those "Ka»t of the Kennebec?" Have out, I am youra for time anut he ia and enemies of Ireland of. op who had direct or indirect knowledge of what by the "Lorde of Creation," «rh> at some tun* And he thooght I failed young graduate profaudonal Will euro L'aUrrli and Uronchltls. Ireland is slumber- eignty. was to Many of those penuus had a trot a law put into the Statutes that they time and ; he said bo! car, and lie concludes there government in has also an oxecutivo happen. *■ quietly mine, through eternity the other s-«g<'ly pressor's The President issusd but their of tho murder TUB rule the rut of (be inhabitants of tha victim selected, part O. Or. illicit* he AiiU r>»! a demoruliiition on a mine, and when tho sword is drawn, order to re establish tho of the to Look to it that the nest hu« been great p> go- ing authority failed from the fact that the person selected HEILMITTEt. Slate? Legislature It ia ten since the grn«s gr^w green United Stuto*. and exoeuto the laws within at the crack of (tooth's Is itiixi out thit Jlntt Statute. y-'ar* and ho sits d >wn to write, und the match will bo to tho mino and turn off the gas pistol, Will euro Consumption In Its first stag;*, and Republican now and ing on, says, applied on Donnld'a grave ; and it ia tail the geographical limits known as the State of from some cause or other failed to his tli«*ft remedy Tor IMptlierla. What say you, Hotel Kee|>ern and Livery a view ol the lead- there will ho an that will shako tho perform Price $-2.00. and in tho hluo violets "It is well to tuko piling explosion It is ordered that all acts and If the gas had been turned off, Booth Por sale by all Druggists. Stable men of Maine? Will no: your business r.i'ik, early spring Virginia. pro part WKKKS A POTTBR. • to British to its foundation ! Tho would have I Had Orant suffer for the benefit of the monopolists ! Have hi.l theft, and the loves that have tended to tho v.'ry empire and civil organ- escape recognition. No. 170 street, Uciton, ground-sparrow ing cause* political ceedingsof political, military Druggists. Washington no it hem there he would have fallen an ea«y victim: Wholesslo you rizhts? It expected that an amend- build her neat there of our members of the have met with isations which have Dcen in a stito of insur- ?wl3 Agents. demoralization of the growth land," organization Dooth did not expect the failure of the person ment 11 to be made tothit Statute hy those "Knst I never to the meadow now ; rection and rebellion within thoStnteof Vir go samphire out. much from tho It has to turn off the gas; and, after tho deed was Wrnh t of the Kennelieo," that a fine trill he upon and thon go~s on to them opposition beginning I* the put 1 urn mi old woman indeed. point ginia. against the and laws of tho to make the best of it. Youili to ike if harbor or a un- is a secret authority done, had Agrdli you ynu put up Drummer, was loet at sea been said that tho organization And Captain Brown—ho The first cause ho notice, is. "flaming United Stut»s, and of whloh J '(f'rson Divis, lets tomebody ownt Hit he ojfert tcho hat we tho mem- KH E 1ST that Ah well, in heaven fo- one,that an oath is taken by John Letcher and William Smith were late BIO E, lice I Jive yeart in the State of Ahtine What wry voyage. both from the and tho Pnr..«ti»r*T Jotixso.t's Family.—President BNlrrtiglh nor are in tu ! speeches pulpit Or Lito Be Juvonntor! my you interested in llailroad Stocks In Maine f neither marry given image bers, that tho catholio church condemns it— the chiefs, are declared null and resi les at in Nash* rum:" that i« to against respective Johnson's fmiily pre.tent This I* sin Itejuvcnator Will this tend to make any mora travel, when say, preaching void. All ns who sh :ll claim, of his wife and tour preparatlnr unequalled See Tbno accusations have no foundation pTs< exercise, villc, Tennunt-rl> preparation will remove employment, pay* mako their lor would bo or or ol Col. n non in-law, cimmanding the 4th organi tho old plana known, they authority issued them, them, Stover, the ellcet at one* and forever. lug taxea ami holding County Licentet to trlU National DobU and U. S. Stocks. had a ofleot by was very demoralising upon of 1Vnnrs«ee infantry, killed in (Unreal no to sell unlraa worthier* ii they became property. since the 17th day of April, 1801. shall bo regiment ItlolirrlM* curt* Impotenty. Debllltf hut AFTKIt ALL, having right All there wni of the par- public the battlo ol Nashville, while gallantly leading Nrrtnui Inrnpiritii. in, I)rprr*»ion, f.oit of the AUK OWM.'D who haa The creation of nati"nal debta It not a mod- Buchanan party, deemed and taken ill in rebellion against the Uypept jroods by somebody If tho nam® of tho Head of tho organic ition his command, on th" 18th of December, 1H'J3. Loir Spirit*, ll'raltieit of tk» Orgint of hit^e tho L won cause, Jpprtite, lived Fivk Yium in theState. Are>«>ur right* ern but the ni a great nn ty worth saving joined United States, and be dealt with uccording is also a son-in-law of Generation, tmktcilily, Mental lml*{enee, Kmnri improvement, ability was m-ot tho Judge Patterson, who to he all "cohhled un" hy those "Ka»t of th* in Ireland disclosed, lie would lion. Ennui II An a moil l)eh ihtfut, DetirnhU ami to ft ami to make in tho out of the rebell- ly- the President lives in Nashville. Mrs. John- what the tion provide for great debt, and rejoice crushing the ft errant Sutlrin ; and all who KenneKec?" Finally, say which a did boloro. If for some Novel L(feet upun people? fato many patriot Tlie Secretaries of Stato. War. Trca»ury, aon has been in very delicate health nervou* diilltles Must who arc buiv on your farms an I in it the most convenient and best form of person- and its cause; tho re<«t of them are flee- are In nnv way prostrated hy you ion and it is Mrs, Col Stover a cure itiiwt tho F, II. disclosed their tho Navy unil Interior, ami tin? Post Master Gen- time past, probable nro earnestly advised to Peek In thU your workshops he deprived of the lowj> icet al is a modem wonder. The debt or tho or plans—gave over the household. property, ing towards Mexico South, picking eral are to to in foreo all tltu laws will preside Presidential excellent and unequalled preparation. and goo I goa l* that you will ALW WS (1KT a mil- name and numbers of the mon in Ireland— proceed put IVr'.nn who, have loit their of Circa! Britain was begun by raising at North, and no one, of to ny Imprudence, WHKKK TIIKRK IS COMPETITION? Or do their sow heads tho tin* Unltod Suit* tboirseveral NATl'llAI. VltJOIt. will (Ind a *pe«dy and perma- the of tho pertaining wish to make a fotr men "rulcre lion loan in 1092, and when her and showed whole inodus of euro in tiin ItioUronr. you virtually sterling by or feols more ill ut oaso at the operandi ami tho District Judge mid ncrcilKn.—Tho following: eloquent peroration nent North South, departments. the the over to tet the and irive you the contest with L mis XIV. was it ceaso to exist n« a to Tho feeble, tho Languid, Despairing, you," prim gr-»at terminated, would pow- District id to hold courts within Ward Needier'* sermon on Abraham a time, than our of tho Dem- organisation proceed of Henry Old should give thin valuable dlsoovery trial | qualities they please, poor or gooil, the way reachel millions present neighbor siid in uci ordanco with the from ail other ur- tho debt had fifty Many er. All govorntnents have »eerots of states- State, provisions Lincoln, is beautiful enough to preserve: It will lio fottnil totally different they can make the moat money out of It? noun*' to lurk at ocrat. It is for him, however, of nets of The Moles for the ssnto purposes to from statesmen and economists were then alarmed now a Congress. Attorney General See It that the representative your and tho F. B. con^titut* And now tho martyr Ss moving in triumphal TO KK VI A IjK*.—'ThU preparation li In valu- " enr of is in manship, will instruct the officers to libel and town or district la in favor id wipinu out" t'j" greit burden which had been up or whine; tho gre»t progress proper th in wh»*n alive. The nation aldn In ncrrous weakness * of nil kinds. a* It will imposed Irish and have march, mightier "blue into the statute without sound, stable, government, to ion and restore the w»l bands and muffled political of within tho limits poms ;jour MARRIED. kindly forbearance among all Irishmen," peace aforusiid. drums sound in his ears. Wail and, liio country might livo no reference hero, however, to the triumph IF YOU INSI3T UPON IT, possibly through Mo has Francis II. Governor of thcStato and in a of and no truo weep here ; Qo I makes it echo joy tit.' must never be This simple pledgo honor, Pierpont, triumph In Portsmouth. N. II., Oeonre W. Wheeler, which will tind in another advertisement !n it, experiment repeated,— "Golden Circle," far that do.*s not demoral- of will no aided tho Federal gov- there. Pan* ou! Four years ago, Oh Illinois, you Virginia, by and Nellie M. of this even a -mall Increase Iks fital. Gran- man can find an in it. an and of Newcastle, Mis* Lydstone, paper. uii^ht ize tho it is tho Fremont objection ernment so far as may hi necessiry in all law- we took from thy midst untried man, copperhead party; we return him to Kittrry, Mo. For every pair that proves defective ville *»• I the nation ui:i*t sink under it mile.*,- The charge that tho of tho Brother* ful measures which lie may take for the ex- from among the people; you and Lincoln and Hamlin cIuIm. Hero obj.«ct In South llerwiok, April 0, Mr. .lohn II. No. cluV, a mighty conquerer. Not thine any moro, but A NKW PAIR will bo GIVKN YOU Home portion of the load was borne by the hood wax not sanctioned tlio Citholio tension and administration of tho State gov- well and Miss II tiutali A. Weymouth, both of we must admit, tho old do. uocratio pir- by tho nation's; not ours, but the world's. Give itsifiesD and the to again ernment the limits North Berwick. the defective unlexs have been Colonies, attempt impoee was tr.g that it would be unreatonable to tUis l produ ofthe revolution, ke aloof from tho K*ent continent rest, The clergv -p organisation to that a ne* iaiteal of another ami these with tho Leaguers, existing ure for mytiads who shall pilgrim rhrine expert pvr, aul. toci the fair thiighy yon becomo members, and the Rev. Bdw. O'Fla- of death*, not oxeseding six llnea, the M «: tut ty, was Luglan I given over, but acain with his friends to a surrender at chant his ! Vo people, behold Notice* to it that y> u are not deprived "by Statute" bringing West, requiem Inserted lYoe t those abort tlmt number will be was State Centre of Indiana. A of Home and no ox- the whos«» bloo I, as so many articulate of getting tin* boots and /tots you like ! nh* was more prosperous than ever before. and It was an herty sculptor notoriety martyr charged regular advertising rate*. Richmond Kaleigh. surely ce*s of to Stant'»n for A for for it Wo have thus a brief of t!io Secretary words, pleads lelity, law, liberty. U »h»*t» at the close of her Xa{»oieonic wars tho given synopsM loyalty applied awful hlow to the democratic pirtyof lor permission to take n cast of B loth's head. WlWi in 1914, this debt had been swelled up to the tho of tho organization, and us uinch At the '.21, John Hen- DhPOOH, but it is no uso. to over object The blunt war minister :—•'Bettor readers Pool, HiddetorJ, April North; brother, ciy replied Ciiixmu-Jaimx Mamvksto.—Our ieing tho Ho was twice m irried. His second wife, lo or ono half the entire institution of in this country. TheTi'nn*' Washington says umns. Let noTit sides of this matter bo dis- dollars, nearly property Slavery dispitoh was married a little more than foil", BOSTON. stood us of it. Our over a whom he are this endorsing any portion Government has information of half ousted nnd then will «e dono. of the United Kingdom, the stoutest heart, the men of this country bound justice teen months to hia death, survives OwW rojng muKt previous Irish follow-citixens hear in mind that million boles of cotton being in the Stato of two a son hia tinaent Mivor in national progress and nation- shall ho a free and all tho oi l him. Ho leave* children—otio by country, polit which will Boon be to whilo muni tind will have a .Hid Alabama, brought Mo first marriage, the other mi infant son hy tho al well h ive been can't it. they lasting CUSTOM CARDING development, might appalled. ical hacks North and South help bile tho own rs. NOTICES. second. He had been a sulfrrer from ear- lovo for thyroid have by SPECIAL. quite B •? in t!io very fioe of this mountain ot oldi Hence it would l>e well to leavo off ranting abiding country," they ly life A short time before his death ho re The 31st and 1121 Maine whi ch in a fitnl say of her vast colou'nl taken thomsolrea n new obligation of regioi^nts, oeived an injury on the foot, resulting AND CLOTH DRESSING. gat ion,—to nothing shout for and freedom, upon "A Slight Coughs. Few are aware about that; liberty were consoli la ted soma months ago, have Cold," form of the lock-j»w, suddenly ending his life. p«cns,—the propert> of the British na- which can not ho to of the of checking a cough or Clark'* Mill, and we'll vouch for it breathe easier oitix>nfhip temporary, been ordered home on a importance Ihc survivinir wife, the parents nnd other fam- May 10,18'JJ. tion Has been more than and her debt you'll sixty days' furlough, "sunlit coin"in its first Stage; that which, in I trivo notice to numerous cuatom- trebled, !*• I.iid a*idin.l evidence found on Hronchiul give qud Iriends, among whom are nu- Cloth Dreaing present a pkin duty every documentary Kidman's many wo shall and more, with ouni. We di»-uso which has uiilictcd few mediate relief. summers I nm now for work, nnd with my in» «X»t, do, phthisicky uf Ireland to become a member of this -Treat Booth's Ixxly, fastens beyond cavil the plot merous visitors nt the Pool for many ready eren*ed facilities I lliiuk I shall lie Able to do it hue vhni territ >rie< untouched by the plough, men at the North. No other and its tall sanction upon Jeff. Davis and his will remember him as distinguished by his und growing orgnnixitinn past, hi or nt no. body Cauada Commissioners. Whiskers! Whiskers| unreserved franknesa nnd m wanted, least, «t very short mine* of all metals of which we have our over the rxists fur the miihi You have cordial generosity, precious But river anticipates great ohjeuts. lament his dentil. He lico. The beat of onrris, machinery nnd work- neighbor Do want Whiskers or Moustsohes ? Our (Ire. kind disposition, and will tho a full of opened doors, population "a that secret, curious Montffomory, mi interots of hi* employed, I guarantee of more difficulty frotu what ho thinks, is require slun Compound mill fore.- tliein to grow (he was ardently devoted to the t(» no oath—that /*f eon* rebel and Richmond the last rebel csp- or on ImM In at reasonable All bttainoaa tran- life, energy, enterprise and industry, and the poo take church capital, fiiiiMitlic't /.•<*«• chin, orliulr Jio.xls, country, civing his eutire voice and influence work, price*. insolent, defiant relation to authority." it>%! fell into our bauds within '24 hours of each Ulx Weak*. 1'rlan for Hrnt lActfons with customer* oh ill lr- fl—3 imoknges fi. I>y to tho of the American Union In the my beeAtiafoctory, N7c4'tiul tted wealth of money and labor of help mi of support on other. mall any wlmre. nlosely ri-nler nt least, nml honorable, Wo think ho nocd have no ?is<« all the useful functions of a citixcn of strusglo in suppress the rebellion of jufct the old countries into the of our apprehension Add ruts. WAHNliR A CO., Box 134, Brooklyn, N. Main Haco Wil. pouring lap Some more than two since, ho by ST Charlfa Nutter, *trret, ; account. Tho looseness with this If you become a member, it Four millions i»f oertlfiostes of indebtedness V- y IG years adopted int and ever-to be-united this perfect republic. when bodied he inm Milliken, Salmon Falls, nml Jooinh .V. gi republic. During were redeemed in April. faith,Christ ns his Sivior, nnd jr., cannot interfere with American ■ run toall the and your politi- Wnterlmr.imrh Centre, nre my agenta to the fierc *st aud moet exhausted of all which ho has counter high Groat indulged the Christian's peace ami cxprrssed funes, possible or You are not ali- in Tho English Romody. to deliver an I act- cal, religious opinions. Ilei\jnmin 0. Harris, Representative Con* of a blessed C. •tceive wool nn m the Fifth has KIR JAMES CMItKR'M io for the same when done. All work left with ited your country your Maryland District, At Hospital In New Vork, Anril 30, of con- the world uver, national has had tho been his trial in for aid* will b« as welt ami strength—aud all try, during tho time he manage- become a part of tho i;rp»t bodv of fearless put upon Washington, CKLEIIUATKD FKMAI.K PIT.LKf sumption, Fom 0 G«M»dwin,of Lyman, private ho above named pervn-. and the rebellion. as at tlio at u but another name for national ored- w!io are to muke Ireland and iog abetting a of Mr J. 33 rs. done If lelt Mill, and strength ment ol that paper, unharmed, ought to bo patriots great Prepared from prescription Clarke, M, Co. II, llth Reg. Me. Veterans, y promptly l>., Phvslelnn Hxtraonllnary to tho Quern. tamo li, "As good as United Stocks" will soon l»e tree. Tho dark clouds that liuve hong like a A large number of resignations of Hie army price*. a guarantee to him, at least, in this commu- TliU well known medloinc Is no Impo Ttlon hut I ahull nlao purchase wool, in Urge or small over with "as aa loner il ill over our so and navy a fibers are now being received liiMuuHle* and the world good p unhappy country long daily * sure and safe remedy Tor Female as much miachicf as for which I ahall pay tho highest nynonymoua It is Imhmu* we are a law and at the War are One package NOW stops pmntities, loving, lire now And I can s>e Ireland and Nivy Departments, whloh instructions from any cause whatever i unit. al. aa British Cotnola.** For our part, we think a nity. breaking. narket in cnah or clotha, may be de- being its fast as reoeived, the Govern- a powerful remedy, it Ooutalns nothing n ilotrn packsue* will next June. price, a law abiding that he now great and ; hut-between in acceptcd though lired. My cloths will be »cleeted expressly for II. S. l'iva*ury note, bearing seveu and three- p*ople, publishes again prosperous ment having decide I to reduce the laud and na turtful to tho constitution. iud tint Ireland, there is an nriiiy and tnar, nut nltoirether for profit, though "gain is a» muoh better the sheet which Iw does. If thero had been val forces as as To Mnrrl«-«t linrilmi teutlis annual interest, Just speedily possible. a n but we have that ar- the end" I acknowledge. au- throne, t Is suited. It will. In ft short Ulna. than British Consols as the rate of interest is that "looae, insolent, defiant relation to oorupatriotiin A from Knoxvillo states that Jeff- peculiarly Thla Mill ia situated in Ifollia, on the Hver we have friend* around that throne, urn! dispatch »rln^ on tli- monthly iierlod with regularity. aiy, was CEDAR CAMPHOR •oad from Moderation to Davis in 8. on the '28th Ikmny liable, hijher. S<>me of our timid brethren, who of which he ho would ooiue* for us to strike for Yorkville, 0., alt., In nil oases of Nervous an l Spinal \flVetlons, leading thority" complains, when the great of one mile diy and left ouo before Sioneman's oaval- Pain In tho Hack and Uinlvs P.itl£u* on slight ex. for Moth* is chrnp, fruirrant, durable nml reli- hree-foiirtha distant from each «■ I their to London aud invested iu in only day »hllls will eft-cta cure when other AAUON CLARK, J».. Prop'r, Hut this long siuco up panied by guard cavalry rein. mike it. Iw community Deans iiavo failed and, al'hoiixh a powerful CHAPMAN, Uoston, William Km borne at a round senes them to tho throne, and all that is com al of the llebel learders, and barJeuei by a all. Agent. loss,—ami right. mind, that it would not lie into applied >, within liustiblo tyranny mythlng hurtlul Lottorn Unolaimed such measures, with the but same Pull directions In the around each and for the county ol York,on the flr»t Tu««lay Bomaming any Democrat, % of ashes : and from these ashes rrom pamphlet Wanted. heap Tho steamer Hamilton, ;sew urieans, >aok*ge, which should bo earefullr i>re»ervi*l. in Maj", In the year of our Lord eighteen the Poet Oflloe nt Qlddefonl, fiUlo of Maine, .IgrntH it to death in its mad shall riso [N rather let sting itself Did Ireland, "Phcouix like," again, with tho Jld Michigan Cavalry on board, «n Por full particulars get a pamphlet, flee, of tlie hundred ami sixty-five. hy the iionoraMe it IZ 1 the llth tlay • I May, 1865. as of old. sunk the ot a in tho Low llourne, Judge of *ald Court if the article the demor- majestic, und prosperous by explosion ijrtnt. Irown Keevin A M Davis, & Cobb, of the carecr; and, upon powerful torpedo X. t). and 0 enclosed to any the petition of Rctscy P. Hatch, Interested In Mary—2 Mary Thotopaon now let us unite for er (}■»)) channel cntranoo to Mobile. Thirteen $1 postare stimps And »»y countrymen l will Insnro a Iwittlu containing the e*tatc of William Hatch, Jr., late of Well*, lickford E Kilgore Slary K ii of the is intended to were LUthorlto agjnt, ON Mary lan lir of k Co., Richmond, Va alisation youth, provoke us forever Oilr killed and wounded by tho oasualty. Floyd this great object, let bury prej irar M pills, uy return mail, bold hy all Dm* In »»id county, deceased, praying that admlnlitra- Iran I Isabella Litchfield Mary J will as as has that Pric« hottl.-. tlou of the estate ol s.ild dMraw l may be grant- llnttie to isaue n ateal engraving violence, it signally fail, m I ices and rise alxivo the char- Stnneman's is now in tho Valley of I ;l«ts. $1 |>or Irown Cornelia Lainott propose represent- antipathies, cavalry JOll .7 Curtlandt st.. New York, ed to George (Jetehell of or to fume other us in with at 8. MOSKS, Weill, lenson Kate Littletield Klaie J tho tall forma of ex-liovcrnor and other kindred with their south* icter of sects and factions, let embark the Salii'la, headquarters Anderson, bole Unite I States fUlUble ing imposing pipers, yli Agent. per.*om Irown Morton Maria A us our frail C towards Augusta, in hopes of find* That the olte the widow and Alvin J to i common cause, lot launch bark, scouting Orrffrfrf, petitioner Wickliffo and ex Guthrie at the crn allies, in their destroy this of the to notiee latuhclder Moran John Secretary attempt with tho and ing the fugitive head ex>Confedoracy. next of kin take administration, and give Angelina freighted high hopes aspirations iTtuT" Affrotions of the there*,f to the he'n ol atld deecwrd and to all |ter> llake Anna M Moody L)dia L Convention over the weak- sea For Throat Diseaaea Chicago weeping country. if a old race, on tho troubled of Tho and 29 of tho crow of the ram sons intcreoti'd In eaid causing a of Abairnil grand captain iheel, "JJroir/Ti Bronchntl Trorhiior estnta, by copy 'ame Mlra Naaon some ca- Webb hv the 10th Illinois Caval. thl« order to lie In (be Union and Jour- A n-s* of tho Confederate allire in the tree Irish revolution, and if unfores-en werecanturod are of value. In puMUhed \Htnn Kather Nilea Deli* 'ou«h I.oien-es, {{real Couglia, nal, in in »ald eounty, three if some rv, aud brought into New Orleans, on tho '20th printed filddefbnl, » O'ribe* Daniel should befall us, whirlpool riitation of the Throat caused hy oohl.or Un- a Jota Y Siatn. HF The Saeo Dcmtwrat is out very sever* lamity ult. wrrkf nutrcewirely, that they may appear at Pro. (Jwood Littla ihould us. wo will go down with isual Exertion of thovooal organs, in apeaking bate Court to be holden at Allred, in eaid 'avennaJohn intended as a testimonial on Seth II '('Itia it Mr. Bancroft, tho Iti-torian, because he engulpli or the moat on the lint Tueeday In June next, •oleWrnti Phillip* pi.'turo >nr colors and meet our fato ; Hon. Tlannlhal Hamlin has been invited by a n public, singing, they produce eouuty, flying bravely at ten of the clock in Mie forenoon, and slieweauce. )t«ii Raoord A C of the to the Confeder- not ur- Committee of of to deliver a •encflclal results. Luey of the party diil believe in Sherman's tortus in tho ind if wo should tho of citizens Bangor, v fid*lity gain port independ- ir an Uiey have, why tbo prayer of raid petition lennett Hannah Robert# Djmoo heart wo und Kulogy in that city on tho'life and character of bo ate mum, and doe# grout cmlil to the rangement between himself and Johnston, ent** in safety, will *h*ro in tho j »yg ihould not granted. luff Fannie Richards Louie President Lincoln nt some future day. Attest, George II. Knowlton. Register. Mr*. 8eth of tho loclamation* of an old raoo regenerated—of ITCli: ITCH l ITCII! Imery Aliek-8 Rioea of it* originators. Sotno prominent andnu: A true copy. Olive the an invitation to osa MraS U Htevena in old nation reetorod, and roc-ivo blose- Senator Sumner has accepted 10 MORATOIl! SCRATCH I AtUst,George II. Kaowltou. Register. in will be re- Wo had HATCH f Stile* L ••nU'rtt »»f the Convention rep hoped that Mr. Bancroft would to deliver a on tho life and vertices 'rench Mary E Lydia ngs of countless generations yet come, Kulogy public Whenton'a Otntmont At a Court of Probate holden at Baco, within lire to lit* of of President in on the first of I men Jamea O Staples James || united in tlio ooraplote History tho United Linoolu, Boston, and fbr the of Vork, on the drat Tuesday background. Will ouro the Itch In 4^ hoars. Also euros 8 ALT County Charlea K Abbi* State*, including tho eiril war June. In In the ol our l/nni elicbiern looilwin Thompson to the of thoce indi- just closing, ^ IIIKUM. IlLCRIUUMlIfiKLAINS, and all ERUP. May, year Owing great height of tho war to down hundred and the llon.K.R. Bourne, Irani Alexander Tyler E'ln and tho restoration tho Union if it ever 3r«'R«*olired that put for National Banks at Richmond, 1 *10X8 OP TUB HK.1X. Price W cents. For sale alxty»flve, by Applications of raid Court _ _ lall Denala Tyler EHrtheth erm in their bowed condition, the But we I all Druggists. Judge vldu*U, oci-urred. dispair of over lias a failure !M This wu Petersburg, Savannah and Charlerton, have al iy the or N»lh Storer. Guard'an of HOe- lutchina Fannie Stavena obtaining -ehellion prored sending Scents to WREK8 k Pt)TTKR. Hole petition Fidelia A. nn history from a nmn been made to the Ily said eounty, an Insane will bo This, uf the strong ready Treasury Departm;nt. st, It will be for. ONoeier Ntorer, of Wellajn Nellia E Strout Ellen M picture neousarily very long. impartial ;ho declaration of the Chicago Convention k gents, 170 Washington Boston, that raid K'«enraer Mtorer Is fampaon he has ot iate manilest- ranted hy mall, free ot postage, to any pertof the person, representing situated ainea Josephine Smith Elisabeth C hoaevor, it is hoped will not detor tboee partisan prvjudiees tho rolmls. Sergeant Corbett, the man who killed Booth, telaed and posseraed of eerUln real estate. ed. nrhicli uiet in the interest o( ] Inlted Mate*. deecrlt»ed in eeid pe- ooper Lucy Wheeler Sarah A writes from Washington that his life has been sale br 8. F. 811 AW, and AUQC8> In Mid Walla, and more fUUy * from who aro mourner* lor the wo For only Saeo, owanl Susie L Waterhouse J O purchasing rint Convention never dissolved, and "in the most • ford. tition .. one wishing to Bancroft's sug« threatened bloodthirsty mannei." ri'8 L1UDY. Dlddi 3m7 of thirteen hi'n'lrwl at) fortunes Any purchase That an o»r arria Sarah 0 WakefteM Emery B fa 11 of Davis and hit friend*. called Ht<>rerol Chee-1. of the United Stated, so far as jost that it be immediately togvthor Tho President's mansion is to be repainted dollar* has been made by Joseph amiiton Sarah A Webater Clara Is History pub- < U U *•*» A few imimU pictures will bo mode before sf Disease the ter, N. II.. which fler ferfoalglaw* by pho- at the to reconsider it* declaration, or clue to and refurnished throughout it will be The Knns Rerfaersl.—Ry op. to end Uie proceeds Artley Thomaa Word Ado lished, con Demo- iguin Pills, the sum fiat din- concerned iinuiedlately accept from the (out probably buy cheap taken of by President Johnson. « ration or Rrandreth's ®»r tlw twMOt or udkina Harriet tograph# engraving, to of poesee^on nf sale to be put out on Internet supply tak« somo action upon tho recent (light mi* Is reduced, and their eontjnned hmj. aoo«rdlnj» crat office. the raid Storer, awl To obtain any of Uieee letters. the eppltaaot of those id* who bare fait of John Bell, of who 0 directions wlooh each box of fCbeueaer l^1"* the inter- HT p»*rs obliged from a The death Tennessee, printed oeeouipany l»e him teeell aad eonrey urrritaa. the data What kind of their friend J off. It would bo is to eura, In all oases where the may granted u*t eall Tor "auvkutibkii n«re j Partisan parti- great oppor- was in I HMO a candidate for the i«w style, pertain to U.e statute in such eases circumstance* to while at heart prejudices! Presidenoy, Is within their sit afore eaid, aooordlng f ttila Mat. and par ••»* eeut fjr advertising, appntr loyal, for a tho mem> for the Ms-principle recuperative powers. oan aawra. san has ho manifested of lato? tunity general weeping among with Elw*rd Kverett Vloe Presidenoy, Pill*' C«rativ called lor wiUiia they with the prejudices ISynupsh sf ffroarfrrU's Qvn.'ifiri. glre Bollo# thereof ryifnot wer»* Is by tho Nashville Times aa effect bo in this they d«vp sympathisers pub- here, be«i!wWMI. great [onuer so related Is If I seise ex- A traitors and treas- "crying(.pell," feelingly by Ilia age waa 08 years. be general health aSseUd. any d In lllddefbrd. In said county, threa of tlio likfocw will bo du- try. prejudice against ol the whether local or gen* /4ur*ai, printed The rtirivctnM i would be its In any part body, that they may appear at a Pro- MOODY. member, near Point Lookout baa been that disease will more or leee of. weekssuccesslrely, '"Wi-Fi son, with manlinew, courago and ecllpeed. A farmer from ral In obaraotor, to be holden at Alfred. In said coun- ccrtifiod a member of the Contention ooupled and bowels. Now. Brandreth's bate Court KKXVKaCXKroBT. ly by carried to Washington ander the oharge of hav- net the stomaeh the first Tue«!ay In June next, at tan of to make northern traitors wince removing from the blood, and ty. nn who mi of the ability eoough a folio# rebel 5100 fur a 'Ills, by Imparities In tho forenoon, and showcauae,if any ill Itia a wind recollection A man on one of the trains captured Stone- ing paid murdering Uie stonuoh and bowols of matters that the clock under his by 1 musing hare why the of said rebukes; this is what in the eyes between Union soldier. 1 he wretoh seriou-dy asked per- restore and they prayer pcUli«n'sboal states that Jeff. Datis was on the same mission eeplo order tbeee Important and governing Attest, George II. Knowltoo, Regis tar. and he di The Provoet-Mar. the eeonoojv of man. ceda, Willi, Bonda, Pmte»ti, Pension tad iruin en route to CharlotteatlMe, but neety charged. aos ol A true J eft Davie, or would suit hearing abatement under consid- DHVUKN nillTII. Bldderortl, and Prubato *19 wars sold Wednesday to the' Thompson Floyd >f I he and returned to ft rteus- tial holds this pt**ia Hold by |>r. ^ j^oow|loD| HogUter. Pa|i«ri oawfally prepared. 1 danger escaped medicines. lalA ^ aud tin criminal tn irous. j y all respectable dealers In atu*iut f )IM10,100. L it better. il jurg. vration, a Court nr Probate held at *aco, within At a Court of Probate hald at Kaoo. within At and lor the of York, on the Br«t Tuesday LADIES' KID 7 DR. LYONS' I aod for the of Vork. on the flrat Tuaaday County 7-30's. GLOVES, LOOAL * COUNT IHTELLIGENOE. County In tu the of our Lord eighteen in In tho year of our Lord eighteen May. year of May, hundred and the Hon.K. E. Uearue, for the 7-30 bonds the bMt quality, of hundted and the Hon. K.K. Uourne, alxty-Ave, by Subscriptions Vi understand that th-» children the SUCCESS alxty*Ara, by Judm of said Court. WONDERFUL Judge of aaul Court of the eo- will bo received at at the Bank- street (iramintr Srhool will a this Maddox. Guar- ANN All NOKTON. Administratrix par IN WHITE AND k. b. Sullivan give In a Ftw Cum Treated In City. AN tno petition of Aaxuatua of Vork, In eald BLAOK, OOLORID, romana, saco « rorisin W. Mad- H tata at William Norton, lit* Rooms of the Citv Bid- concert and floral exhibition in City Hall dlan or Ausuataa K. Maddox, Irory her AratMOount ing Bank, doz. Ollra I). Maddoz. B Maddox and Wea county,i!«c«aeerd, Me. worthy patronage lief in two treatment* In the Union mtU Journal, at 18 our In (aid eoanty. eesslrely printed the of scholar*. erar taken." real eatata altuated In Kennebunk, mediately. Portland fur PurUia'xith and ) encouragement have re. Blddefbrd.ln mid county, that they may appear and the thereorto nut to Intercut, aald so s P. 8.A P. H.4»> 8JO Another— Lo»s of onehand; rwtored In three prooeeda at a I'rohatf Court to l>e hnlden at Allr®d. As these bonds arc "DRUG D«|M>t,< it that several enww of small al eatate being mure fully ueacrlbad In aald peti- boing nip* Tt reported treatments. Case of llheutnatisin In the buck In Mid county, on the Drat Tuesday In June tion those to in- do do M3 3iin have occurred io und one ia this next, at ten of the clock In tho forenoon, and shew taken up, wishiug iXD CapeKlliaMh. pox Wells, cured in three treatment*. O dtrrJ, That the glre not loo thereof idly Ncarhoro'. Oak do *0)4 3.|8 petitioner oause. If hare, the Mine ehocld not' so soon. IlUUo to all interested In Mid estate. by causing any they why vest in them must do Wc#t Mcarboro do do 9.10 3.2ft place. perenna be alluwod a e lield at Alfred, at Hit old rtand, Wall*. do du lo.OJ 4. IN He liaa aouM finished ones which he In Juno highly es and Cure of Disease. 20 aald county, on the flrat Tueeday North Rerwtek. «t» do 10 I* 4.34 Jack Bunshr in one at ten of the cluek in the forenoon, and aliew 1). A M. R. do io.3j 4 »» offers cheap, and. like next, HOUSEFOR SALE; IIOUNE BLOCK. b. liorwlck Junction. a Court of Prolate heldon at Saoo. wtthm cause. II hare, the of aald pe- IBIDOKFORD do lu.43 (.» "what he mti ho sticks to." At any they why prayer J um l. lii't Kalli Ilraoeh, and IWr the of Yurk, on the flr«t lion aiiould not Im> In on do do 10.M »n County Tuesday granted Will bo (old at Public Auction Snco. Kllot. none from t;iui can our »t., M«. Krticular,ordering rely up In May, In tha vear of Lord eighteen A'test. Uuorge II. Koowltoo, Hegiiter. 8ATI'III) iV, May 13. at 2 o'clock P. M., one Llb«rtjr Biddefbril, n at MAT 1865. Jluu**, plea«*»tly DRV as ,l«m quite the wilt of Thoioai lite of Mitd»ford, At a Court of Probata holden 8aoo( within SATURDAY, 13, Muchlne la well DYES, to a lack of ON Kwrry, wit IK of tliu Factories and Hhop, at 7.30 30" which have been owing that ami Air the of Vork, on the flrat Tuesday lloaton lor Portland, delated la anlil county. deoea»ed. the per- County and blinded, luvs a K'mmI o -liar, eonulnt 7 roouia, la in 6-30 a font representing In tlie of our Lord eighteen Tne Only MKDlClXltt. Porumoutli do W« ordered a month iigo large a»naleftat«av K. Uourne, ■rood repair, do do 10 0# 6 at tli" lu»t d«hU which he owed at the 11 mo of hi* hundred and «ixty-ll»o by the llon.K. li Klttary. new* and Aloo, a ^(xvl well of water, which brought bjr do l«».ir M r of nonpariel advertising type, of »tx hundred dollars, and of aald Court Tillot. do death by the sum Judg>» it pipe Into the kltolien. POTASH, OPIUM 4NU MORPHINE, PLRVUM- 10.28 #.68 noon aa it is received. will Till null and the whole the of John R. Rankin. Interested In TONY PASTOR'S Junet.,flrH Palla Rrancb, do they appear. l>r.i vim; for a licence to conrey petition Termi eitty, Sale on the ipot. For further par. 10.43 6.13 aue- eeUte of llaHli, late of Wella, in ERY, SIIAk'ER HERBS, TO/LET SOAPS, H. Hurwlck B A M. ILdn th>'n wo must the of our of the real c«tato of mid drceaad, at uubllc ONtho Sylvester tloulara. ofM>* Pari*, at Jatnea Jonctlon, beg indulgence pat- that administration Inquire N'anoy Ilrrwlok do do 10 88 6.2* tlon or 'ale, became «»y a ttle the Mtiil (atlt/i Imm MHl, pravins MAMMOTH COMBINATION! lltreh 3wl7 North ron*. prirate partial be to Kulghtt', ft., UMUefttid. do 11.19 6.42 residue would be >'{ tin estate or sabi drowned may granted ami a rarlcty of Diu^liU* Artlclo*. will t» Walla, do greatly lojurod Furcc, Mlimtral and Pautomimn icraat do 11.30 7-W) Orjtrrj, That the *lre notice thereof I.Mil or I I > one ttthv nultH >:»: peiiuU Opera, want to cot u rikkI llhunetacall at K. II. •olit at nriei-a that will nut fall or tflrln.; rtllifao> Kenncbunk. do tri»»l of the iron clad petitioner widow and you do 11.4ft 7.1* The Agamenti- to the holra of aald and to all 'n- Or.i.rrJ. Tnetthe olte the Troupe! and aecure mcti at bo tluu to all who lavur u* with tiiuir IMiMcford, do trip deeeaaed, pWUI petitioner IKlioKBNMBYti. picture* pattoiu^v. 7.VQ to have hv a of next of kin to take administration, and glrenotieo •« Kaeo. do do II.Ml ens, at is snid tercHcd in said estate, cau*ln£ eopv thii; aiwa> k Ken tuo t int frrtmwm lor. Kittrry navy yard, heirs d< eeased and to all Artiitio Performer* ever do do 12.07 7J7 will Im oHer to be nuMltbed in the Union ir Jmnrnx.'. print thniiMil tothe of *»id per- The moil Talented ami WaatSrarboro* boon She | < a of do 12.16 7 46 highly satisfactory. plajed I el In lllddrford. tn eald county. three weefc» «u>-' a'iu« lntt«re«i."i ir aid 41411*. hy causing copy eoncrecnled In one Cuinpauy lu the World. J. fearhoro'.Oak II111,do lower harbor, •••• la tho Umian X Journal SAWYER^ 12 30 S.00 for deo-nce in Portsmouth re«*!v«ly. that appear at a ProhAtot'ourt tiiiaorder to pa 'lUbed lit the names: House for Sale. Portland arrlva they may three wceka Look meantime short cruise* the to be holden at AIM, In mid county, ou the printed iu Wtldt rd, In aald county, Druziciit. Fare* e»nt» hit whan tlekata ara making along at a Proliate ST ar*.4*« first In June next, at ten of the clo<'k successively, ttia! they may appear Mr. TONY Tim »*b«orlb«r offer* for **lo hit Dlddatord. April, 1*63. tit I at the otHco.tlian whan Id tha eara. ctwtt cast and went. | Tuesday In aald PASTOR, purch&acd paid In the forenoon and »hew eau«v. If any they have, Court to t>e hidden at Alfred, county TOTTAUh HOUSi: taunted on tlio ut tcu of PIUNCIS CIIANK, why the prayer of i.tid pLttton should not be on tho flrat Tuesday of June next, The world renowned Down, Comedian and lulutiti*, corner of Middle ami Acorn It will I* teen from the advertisement that and ahew any liKMT. granted. the slock In the forenoon, oausc.lf Coruic itreeU 5v»tu*e:N) x 17, with H foreign £rape vines, LITTLEFIELD'8, SACO, Tlir new Fee-going locating disease, and believe it only on the flm lirape ipIctidM th "lion. E.E.Uourne. an• obtained iu Haeo or lllil will until further no K. powerful only jilac# thuy 'Memrenl, hundred and sixty-five, hy the lIon.E Uourne, direction of Prof. JUllN II. I'AlllvKR. run a* follow* seen it demonstrated. •Bond, under the 7wl» tli-lord. 3®tloo having \ I »r Loiie M. Hn>wn. Mellwa II. 1 Jud<'e of said Court lh«. ,^'SSSSSU^i "tf-gstfstfis Joskimi Rraiiam, Ulddelord, April A ld__ Leave Atlnntl* Wharf. Portland. ererr Monday minor* and Ury* \- C. RICKKR, Kxeeutor ot the will u| has one of the vacant rah M. Brown, '1 pllARLKS will nil the latent and at 1 Charles Hardy bought 0"'j,tr*" I> Kieklel Kicker, late ofl,ehanon, In said coun- The Programme embody IVanlfd. JOTI XSON k ITIUB Y, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday rrlday, to«.,UU Recount Faroe and Old Iron o'etoeV P. SI., and Central Wharf. Norton, every lots back of the Biddcford House and front- rfloru-B.J- «l2 ty, iltcmtd, having presenteu hi* Orst gem* of Opera, Comedy, Minstrelsy, ssrs- ncu or and the for Ou> Iuox, DK4LRH* IX Monday, Tuerday, Wednesday, Thuraday and l-'rf. of administration of tho ostatd of said deceased, any indelicate express, highest price* paid * on Adams' street. The lot runs from the unallowed by I.KAn, and all other kin la of metal, i^kd I'. M. ing MOT* rullr dMortbwt in mW for allowance t the vl. Currnu, by d*y,at •U.I ions which, although they might sitlsfy CASH o— n tl.'Jft. On I .HO. and extends 100 v- tho said aceountaut give nutioe to JOIIN U.Vl.Nttd.ut lilt lllackfuiltli Uliopun Water Km I Caldn, l>eek. f walk to the Baptist Church, Or.ltml. That taste of the would ciu*o a a of tlitp tinted depraved, M X. It. Kach >i<*at i* fUrnUhrd wltb a l.utr number Jamea II. Clark has the T,'V b" Wlllla- Huff all persous Interested bi causing oopy street,Saoo. fret back.— purchased ^.rlur'^lmrr^rm^e Mush to mantle the brow of modesty. Our Corn, Flour, nfHtato (br the accommodation of ladlea "rVVi muii *W*h olftr It U MU» order to he published three week* successively near the reservoir.— hi*'Uiov. ut f.im1 iu--. and IrsvalUraara reminded that residence of D. E. Some* lit the Union Jownil, printed lllddeford Motto—Fua without Vulgarity. AMI) aud by much of time and In a IT. II. McKenney has removed his store to No. Admission 30 crnts, Reserved Seats 30. and Uiat the Inconvenience of arrl 2£i lute Court to he holden at Alfred, In said will h« made, on In June noxt at CIIOICB FAMILY GROCERIES, Do*tonat lata linnr* of the jilgttl will ba 0 Quimby k Saeeisir's block. "fl sateSS county, tho flr*t Tuesday TONY PA8T0II, Proprietor. Orrici: or Comptboi.lkk or tiik CirBBnxcr,) vlngln I. U» «•>«•"> ten of the alock In tho forenoon, and shew oavu, If CI!AS. B Agent. 9*19 • raided. llrSu'^ ORISTB, Wasiiisoto.v, .March 3i«t, 1N>3 ) In aeaaon fur to taka A small, nnoocupiod dwelling house, owned SfiSfti&i have, the saute thould uot be al- Baoo. The boat* arrive patiengera any they why Pepperoll Square, out of the lowed. PHOTOGRAPHS HERE AS. I>v ntufiictoiy evidence pro- tlio carllKt train* olty. Mrs. T. VI. Pierson, situated just beyond "IT/" are not lor to by Attest, Ueorgo II.Knowlton. Register. it his been ni'de The Company reiponalble baggage II eented to the undersigned IS ■. R.UBBT fvi In that th- was by fire on Friday A true W.L..roiiV8UN,_ an amount exceeding value,and per*on« ({eighths, destroyed copy. to tint "The South Berwick S itionitl and for Attf«t,«ieorito II. Knowlton. Register. OF THE LATE PRESIDENT, appear al, uule** notice I* given paid at the rate or night. Incendiary. Bank," in the Town of South Berwick, in JYotict. one pawenrer for every $A»j additional value. within AND GENEHALS Copartnership At a Court of ProltaU* h ilden at Kmco, the of York and State of has Frolght takou a* u*ual. of n County .Maine, a»»o. 13f* ScMXY Sids.—The reception Fifty ruRK fur tho of on tho first Tuesday ha UNA HAS K GUTTKR Is tltli y style nnkoown friend friend*, hereby tied "Au Act to >1 National Currency, hero the of tendering sin. J ud go of said Court o of the provide wouM heg prlrllopj toy should I will send a picture of ther for N. Screw Co. acknowledged. l AMES IIKAN. Executor ofthe wlllnf Mary Mean, |ierfeot secured by a pledge ot United Stfcte* bon is, cera thanks to the I'uhlio the very IHieral |>at- England Steamship thankfully „. iUowlton.IUjl.Ur. for 15 cents, or the four for 50 for an In. (liven in the ol thi S trior's advice, •I late of Alfred, In Mid emint}, d*peinil, liirln| above, postpaid, and to tor the circulation and redeinp ronago and encouragement, and hope spirit Atr account of aduilnlstra- F. J OOOliWIN, provide create of both now that I have ais<»clatod m, ,}.. II presented tho llrst and 111111 I ceuta. Address June 18 >1. and has 8KMI-WRKKLY LINK. to the and ,r:i- r: tion thereof," approval 3, K. may it realise tlviujhtlul gener- Kn..Wlt...,.U.'d,t«r__ iloatf the aetata OF said deceased lur allow.m B.ddilord, Me. with one ol our uiost eo tern ruing cltliens, It. of with all the nrovisions of aaid Aet 11AIIPV. on* or the "Your Fa- At ft Court or rmxii i. u u n.u- Also, his account against too estate complied Cutter, l>i. ClIAULKa giver given», h|e««ing, private | to l>a with before commen- 4 wl7 The and fa»t tttramanlpa ;.t said deceased. for allowance: required complied Ulilderoru, Jan. 2, IMS. iplondid ther shall rtward no- Girl Wanted. said Act. I? Im»mi !»«•*• kr, Wlllartl, and you openly." Orlrrrd, That the said accountant (five cing the husincsi of Banking under t'apt. roit two ru.wKKs. Kharwoml. the lion. L. h Uourno Notico to all Interested, hy cuustiig n irirl to do homework. of Fbkkman ('lark, h'rnn<*«Mlt. will, hun'lrcd'and *l\ty-f«v<», by persons YVfANTKI). Inquire Now, therefore, I, Cotnp. CoiiiiiifMMioiicrM' Notice. intll furtlier run aa follow* to he three weeks CliOKtnut itrocl. 14 imtlcc. Saeo, 8, 18C5. a copy of this order published >» F. A. SMAU*. troller of the do hereby that »»e«inee« May Currency, certify THE un having been Loare Hruwn'a Wharf. Portland,every KnwnUr In a cerUln successively In the Untun *r Journal. printed at Hid- in lerilgned duly Appulutod iVv^nawwl "The South Berwick National Hunk," the of I'n.i.ato fur the or nnd at 4 o'clock I'. tad I'ler I defurd in said county, that they may appear ut a I by tho Ju Irc County day Haturday. M., South in the of York examine North River. Ne w and Sat* I'roiiate Court to tie loddeii at Allred, 111 said Town of llerwick, County Vork, CommlMionrra to r«cclvo uud York, ereryWedneaoay S to commence .1 ii fin' ol William Joue«. UU »t 3 o'clock P. II. on the first Tuesday of June next, CHARLES HARDY CO., iiml State ot .Maine, is authorised eliilin* ,,i citato unlay. sssta# s^suKrsws- t County, Water In Mid deceawd, whloh Thaw ve*iel*are fitted up with line KioniBodi* at ten of the ol>>ck In the forenoon, and shew cau-o, the business of Blinking under the Act afore* or Miroujch, county, 7-30 LOAN. iilalo been Insolvent, tlx tlonifor panMiigcra, making thla tho rami apacdy, S. same not he al- U. That th« raid Kxwatur *i»« If any they have, why tho should k SvrfUir'i Blork. I'osl Officr, said. ropre»euled (and Pfl3!rU Qimiby opp. frmn tlin fourth of l-ui, bolng safe anil coiufortablc route for lr»»al»r»li«lwM» »ot[M lowed. witness and tiiunlli* t ot .March, wilt t o In »e»flonnud attend Faro >tnd Statu Itooma. A true oopy thirty day giro notlsc that they >'ami;c, 1*1.00, including 7-30 wu no the 31st uf NO. 2 LIBERTY STREET, and Juno flood* forward*'! thta Una to and ftoin Mob the Loin completed Aite-:. iicorge 11. Krowltnn, Regi-t r. 1813 F. CLAIIK, to tlmt duty, nt 3 'oloek I*. M. May 1.1th by lOwlS ot the Currency. 6t!i, at thu former residence of mid Jones to IU- treal. Uutiboo, il«i (or. Bath. Audita, Kaatport IH'l.V The sale of the second series of 2 & 3 LINCOLN Comptroller Au- March, At u Court of Probate held at Saco. within AN3D ST., Icr 'orouuli, mid nt J o'olojk 1* M.July tilth, and St. John. to aend their to and fertile county of Vor!:, on tflO flnt Tttosdv lu i 14th uud ^th. at tho Counting House In A1 Nhlpperaaro required Freight Hunt;lUCK T. IIILLnnd Dobi rah II111, Kxeeu- ' FOX, on the 1st of In the thort *puee of thir- IflspsSs v lor of Inereftslnx their ill x of New ApriL I. <1 I' 1 liunineof, the purport* Waniiinotox, t80'i, J Com iHMioiici ice. b. CROMWELL k Co..No.Mi Weatbtreet, .,«.U..A-Mt^B_ I tors of the will of I\«nlel Mill, Into A|»ril U. » fft-ok »rnt trobato fur lh<» C> unty of York, la rrerito Portlaud. «• rn«rt nl Probata holiUii at Jtaoo. within undersigned MlmU teriet ha re been told -leaving this day lc*» th *n doeea-ed for allowance to tint "The First N ttional Untile," in nnd exnmlno the claims of the creditor* ot That the said Accountants notloeto Hppear of In Mid v o n H O O T Y Oriifrra, give the York dim II. Haaaou late tlermok, county, a of this or- the of Biddeford, in OuOQlJf Of Two Hundred Millions to b« disposed of. The ££ftr& sms? al I persons Interested, hy oausing copy FARMING City deceased. whoao usUla U represented Insolvent, llio UonooM* K. b n been li'un-lr^l i.H'1 «nty ii««. h.v 9ve der to be three in the HARDWARE, TOOLS, ami State of Maine, li duly organiiwl site notice that nix months, commencing tho Five Cents Institution, published weekssuoccjjiTely of the Savings interest is payable semi-annually in currency Union \ Journal, printed at Ulddeford III snld umlvr and according to tho r4*qlii**eiiicuta fourth day ol -prll,liavo bueu allowed to Mid a ORGANIZED MARCH 27, I860. S"Wiwwr?~™«» «"?"? 1 county, that they iu.iy appear at Probate Court MANUFACTURERS' 8UFPLIE3, Act of Congmw, HitltUd, "An Act to provide A creditors to bring in uud provs their claims i and 15th of June on ou the 13tb of December And !>y Ui; V.,i£..t |iurwrtlB» to he hidden at Alfred. In said county, the a of LTni tint »ve will attend tho service nsjlgned u\ a' tho ■.■Wft.J'rt Notional Currency, necutcd by pledge President, John M. Goodwin. .111.1.5 urtuntrf first Tuesday In June next, at ten of the dock otlioo ol tho Town Clerk to Mid Berwick. and on whloh arertad- um sa u ted States bond*, an I to li« for the circu- We Prealdent. LroHaiip ANDaawe. Coupons attached to each note, In n!rovi the tint (Mturday ot Iho following months, via tn'l thereof," June andTroaaurir, Hhadiiach A. Boorair why the *aiin' should not l>« allowed lation redemption approved Mav, Juno, Jul», August uud Moptemboi', trout two becretary It amount* to That the .uld Bxeoutor with *11 the ily cashed anywhere. ^'Or''Vr «<5' *»»• Attest. Ueorgc it Knowlton, Register. ever bronchi Into tlil« market. Hoini; In constant 3, 1803, and lot* complied provisions to uvo o'clock P. 31. Wii.liav If. kiUMHi a notr,0?,,\"or thu TaoMraoN, UtamUd,by «mmUc opv A true copy. communication with tlio host markets, wo conform of soil Act to be complied with b. foro ANDREW WBNTWOllTn, \S n. 12. DoN.ft.LL, One cent prr day ou n $30 note. ... h. the required Attest.Uoorge II. Knowlton. Register our prtOM to tlio Lowrit CatH Hutu. JUMOg cotnmcncing tho business of Bankiug under mid UEORUE W. U»Rl>. Tuomab II. Col*, 44 " ** Asajantt which are ottered at Dated this 22d of A. I>. DCS. 3wli Hoiucr I Twocent* SlOO Koods Act. day April, Fokd, Tru,t*««»Trua>urt ot" ;>robute holden at Hano. within F.. II. IUNKB, " on in Now, therefore, I, FnEEMi.f CtAttK, C»mp- Trm ** *• « *300 i-wfSarA'J: andfortlit'CountvofYork the flrstTueadny AllRI. II. jKI.LKkO*, Tu-'lar In J of our Lord hun- troller of tho do certify that tv.'onShVflr.t May, lu the year eighteen REDUCED PRICES, Currency, hereby ISO J. William llninr, " «• K. E. i. ti in tho ot Bid- 20 ** •* $1000 \Imy'thJy dred and slxty-liv-j. by the Honorable "Tla-Frst N iti Bank," City Maumiall 1'iencr, llourne. J ml.'>• of said Court ■ Are Fnrmlng TnnU, »uoh as Plow*, Cultlva- in the County of York and State of II. tioniiftii, ** *« m 4» Administrator of tho deford, (John 91 5.3000 «5&3SSS®afc: t/MSIlA LITTLBUBLI), tor*. Harrows. Hay Cutters. Shovels, hpadss.lUkei, Maine, in authorized to commenco tho buslue»s Inverting Com,?Lkoxaiid Andutw*, Uiu.ut of 1 estate of Jeremiah Moore, otherwise Harry J. Boy thou. Ac Ac. under th Act aforesaid. (William Bkhky. IU«UUr. late of In said countv. deceased, of Banking SPRING ANU MJmmtH ^^.'^Tl.Knowlton. Moore, L.wnsn, MiirlilnUi*' Tool*. —Steel Baales, y hepoalt* rooelved every d*y during Banking Alru hi* first and final account of ad- Square*, In Testimony Whereof, witness my hind and MORE AND MORE DESIRABLE. having presented HtubW Dividers, Wrenches, llunim^ri*. the City «*«nk Room* Liberty HI ntfla r;,U ministration of the estate of said dcceascd, for al- Callipers. toil of this day of April, Kno»Uon..Ucl.Ur_ Hand Viois, Levels, Ac., to. office, twenty-ninth AND The Rebellion is suppress!, and the Govern* lowance 18o5. F. CLARK, HATS CAPS, At a I'ourt «f I'ri'i'ato hol'ue**Ively In Scr-ws, Ilrushes, an 1 all klndi of Machinery STYLES, COLORS Si QUALITIES, as to a published as possible peace >'»)• I".»»>"•"»»«•*• u at lllddcford, in said expenditures rapidly tJSA the Union .v Jour ml, printed HurulngOilf. twpj SPRING SEASON. Kaibraclnic nil tliu rtjular atylea uaually norn, ui at a county, that they iy appear 1'n.lnte Court it. -v l>« ob- thus from market as bor- witii many mxi Fancy pationti, way NOTICE. footing, withdrawing t > 4>t> hohkn at Alfieil, In said county, on the tained at tlta atorc of Aoe, IM4. ti t Tu sday of June next, at ton ot Qio clock NORTH BERWICK BANK. GOODS I PoMTLixn, 10. rower and NEW on all ronneeled purchaser. kliSrs.'.of ttr-u.. in the forenoon, ml shew cause. >f any they have, ONCE i* that tit u meeting FO88, INQUIRIES ordinary aut.Jecta liwihy given 1 with the enrolment, draft, ItahllU -«"T"^ the same should nuU»' allowed. of the Berwick 18 Main »t., baoo. exemption*, This is the OJS'LY LO.UY /.V MAR. why of tin* Stockholders North ties to credit! tuid accounta of men Attest, (icorgu 11. Knowlton, Register N AVING returned from No* York, drnlt, fUrnUhed, held on the 13th day of 4th month just ehould be addiextd to the Prurott Vnralial of the the and A truf Bmk, I am A K'ET now otfured by Government, w is voted to convert mid II ink and having bought advantagcoudy, TAP LEY SMITII, a ad In caae he la not able to Attest. Uoorge II. Knowlton. Register (April), 18 >3, it H Biddeford CongrcMior.iil I>l»trlet. laws of to show the Ladies ot Suco, anawer them he will a*k Information of the Provo»t THE CmRF..1T POPULAR into n Bmkinir Association, under the prepared Attorney*) and Counsellors at Law constitutes u Court of Prciiatv lioiuen ai wo, wiiinn and a Stock of Martcr Ueneral of the State. Aoawera be thua At tin- United States, and the Directors, at their viciuity 8 A (JO, may and for thr countyOf Vork.on the first Tutaluy <>l aeenred more promptly tban by the THE PEOPLE. the assent of the own* of addreaalng LOAXOF In the year of our Lord eighteen hun- pleasure, first procuring Havo (Hoilltlea fbr tbe proaeoutinn all claim* I'rovoat Master (iem-rtl at when more May, wero WaahluKton anil tho Jloa. IS. K. Bourne. era ot two-thirds of the Capital Sti»ok, MILUjHSTEIRY «_-.i in-t tlitf bUtx ii..I Him L'liltttd NUtea. The Seven-Thirty Note* are convertible on dred s!xty-!lvo. by Important huidnee» oltcu prevent* prompt auawera Ju>litv <>f *ald Courti fully authorized to do and perform nil ucta ne» which for ■urea r.tAmr, iy44 inmru to multitude* of ln<|ulrlv» now andreMed to the the estate wwuj their at the of the holder .into OAML'KL. F WliiUlN, AdmlaUtratorof 4i siary to make the nild conversion. tlMreail on uu•• 8i-o, In said cuu- R. K.MRKV. pVtftMMl i* of sauiu 'l I.. WUgln, lateof In accordance with mikl vote, and by virtue NOVELTY AND ELBGANOE P. eoneenuenee. harin* hi* llrst ncoouut ut Maj. J. W. T ty. docoaiod, presented of the nuthorit.v therein contained, the Direct- JDTCPTJTY MMIfilllirp, By order of UARDINKR. V. M. 5-20 Nil prr cenl. aduiliiiviratlon ui tliu estate of said deceased,for in seldom excelled here, CIIAm.RH II ilie absent of the ownet* of UK. POt'UHTY, allowmMMt otn have procured VM.U, 1'ap; nnd PTov Marihal, nnd have this • Grjrml, That the (aid accountant £l vo notice to (ho thirds of the Capital Stock, SURPASSING ALL MKVI0U4 SEASONS! All tolilacnrc .Till lie )>roiupt- m l*t i>i«t, .Maine* tiOLD nK.lKIW BOXds. a as -all persons Interested, hy cuusinx oopi of this dav determined to organiie immediately such l.v nltrtnleU tu ITwIS or lor to be published tlueo weeks successively In P. Cashier. COFFiJT WAnBBOUttB. a association. IIUS3EY, Which are always worth premium. at a iTol'ato i* « the ( ho boldeu at Alfred,In said oounty, oo tho in possible, TAXATION. of tho clock FREE FROIHI llrst Tuc/day of June next, at ten JTTOlttfEY AM) COUtSELLOR AT LAW, Hob lu tho forenoon. and show cause, If any they have, Trask, A. A. TAPLKY, Adnm* I!lock, The 7.30 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Knowlton. Mine should not ha allowi d Dr. P. R lUclfr. why the 1C tf Factory Ixland, Saco, Maine. over the i'osl Office. A Attest, tloorp) 11. Knowlton, Ro^istor. resigned hi* in tlio nr- I'ily Uuililiiu, Cities. Couuties or States, and the interest is II. Knowlton. IUgl.Ur position | UU#"^t.U^ A true corn. would inform the of Saco and Illddrfuril, Me. Attest, Urorgo II. Knowlton, RoxUter. HAVINGtny, people The Casslmcrc Hats not taxed unlew* on a of the owner's that he lias located himself at this surplus vicinity 1(111. Hole for tiiia 01 Haoo. calls LI rroprlot^r, eujr. At a Court of Probate hold at within where ho would be happy to receive OP • six hundred dollars a place, FOK 8ALE DY CLAIMS roi» BOUNTY, AKIlKARH PAY, JC.J. 8. MKIUULl/H l'attnl Coffin LU-\ntented income exceeding year. audfbr York, on tho llrst Tuesday the service* of a '■>» M» "•» K-11 """'"• thccountyof from nil requiring pbjsician. PRIZE PKN810N3, March IW, Hill liuprnvroiunt constats lu USii 8W*' In in tho of our Lord eighteen to the treat- MONEY, increase* their value from one to three Muy, year Dr. T fives special attention outline off the ltd. with a urojcetloo (br the Dana This foot hundred and thiOIon. U.K. Ilourue, LITTLK1-1101.II, miioo, Ami all oilier claim* agnlaat Uie Uovaruiuant sixty-Ave, hy ment of Humors, disease* of the Throat, Lungs, 3J" plate llie lid turiiiiiK back »TU the plat.- with A JtBSSS?WS J ml of said Court attaint*! tu i»y tho una. The crtat advantage «>f tlila per per according N uulr 'IL.I.1AM 11 MASON, Jk.. liuardian ot James Heart nnd Liver; also, Medical Are nil the rago in oorreapood th« la-' Mill auil twtamwut or nrtWi 'a ® HI JOHN \I UOODWIN, at> la of uniuii* la to exhibit tha plat* with I ha lid Al^»l a child of James Mason, treatment of all diseases ot the Genital C-ill II II. N'a«'&, minor and gical early. frank a. mill. either nr cloa*d—e/irwv* tha In led on other property. KllJutn aeocucl. b»T..c Pro,ontc no- stairC tir*om UrJrrrtt, That the mild Ouardian i;'™ TO CARI'KVTKRN AND BUILDERS. of «ltli«na, who hara tflvrn It a liberal UUrwU;}. a Saco, Miy a, 1803. by raqnaat I>m than $-.>00,000.000 of the Loan author- Jtvrmal. at Di4> tice to all persons interested, hy causing 10_ to whom we would ramlrr thauka A>r tb*°UtU*1* |»rlnU«l bo published in the Union tr HOUSE FOR SALE. patrona/a, MMlv'ly'in copy of this order t<> KKUSCUT NAILH. assorted irises,heatqtial. put tftvur# t alao, for tba liberal ualtunage of thla Id said three fann ised by the last CongrvM *r»> now on the mar- -M Jo >"*ut, printed In lllddeford. county, UUUUJ. at tho ihnr»i maritl frier*. No will l>a to Kite »atl*fae> iTvMic at a NtW UHtS5 iI'll Ity Into, I bnve a IIoum fur mI« on King vicinity. pain* apared ,| ,|r,» Tii.-.da* In Jun*> at weeks saoaesairoly, that thsy«uiay appear A !■". other of such ■■ Cllneh. tlun, and ntako thia tha Util coffin Wto £«mniUK «n "> wmcr. county, Tuesday GOODS at CllAHLBS UAKDY A CO. JJIIIi, Inr new luUN U always rentable; i( U painted and lu the rcry beat at pie. tho samo should uot bo aL will■111 rnndami UiUWUt ot tfce *nl*l deoeMwl. any they liave, why unut] Person* »a;d h<>u»e Kobe* and PI itaa on hand and fur two months, when the uotes will undoubtedly in repair. examining eonatautly u-orc# u knowlton. lowed, EMERY & W0TICE T0 FftRBIERS. i* two wi- iiIbIhM to order, at our' ReSUUr. II, CO.'S, nml lut are informed lhat the lot feet A Aite«t, Uoorgv linowltou, Heritor. Cafla MaaaAirtarr Uwrwi* atrrah a as has uniformly bevn 4 der than aa uuw fenced Price tMO. command premium, H. Knowlton.U«s;l.Ur. A truo oopy. 4wIU Union Block. would call attention to all por«<»n* Interest. J.r. UIU1V. tn»«,i,rf> Attest, II. Knowlton. \TTH or U. to | iieorg* Register *» t-«l lu Uit* of lira**, drain, any T. ROSS, A««ut. P. H. 1 ha»* tha rx?ln«lvatr> holden ut Nmo within im»« that no conn ti- or J 3. Street. UldtJeford. Mo., IV>I. 18 Loan*. It note prohibit in tha of our Lord eighteen hun >11! for tii« of York,on elm Br»t Tn«* *lay is gitm a Swv'ial Fogg. Litoity April, y May, year County VfOTICE lietvhj flMt OF BONE! ibb.'. Jrv-dte, by May. l\ Meeting of the Stockholders of bank, trable it mount beyond ikt pretent and *i M- bourn* nn ac* teatlujonlala Keal JuilnofMld Court: hundred xty.flvc, by lh« lloiuJK. be held at Mid Jkuk MONDAY, the !»1 for enrlchlm; Uie aoll. Call I KNlnif the pet'tlou «»l Marthn A Monroe, lntere«tcd J ud*c of Mid Court: wilj Faruiera a id tho Chew* to the of at U o'clock P. M„ toconnid. frou< prominent principal TO iTor Main lit XliUf!*»lurd. qfferei public. ■ la tho eetateof Ki»tiialia J. Monroe, late of.s»- t 8KX ATI! named Executrix In a oer- day May iimt., Fur aalu by ObN HWVYKK, will mrrender laU throughout the country. TI1K_LA1^LKH. lug that adinlul* to bvthc lust will er and determine whether they A CO. The tfalrr Pmm*' O. that of town and aeo- a»», In Mid aoantv.dMaMMd, pray ,'\ tain Instrument, purporting 4wltf Cll AALKH HARDY In order cltitens every If of Sic«. In or *ald Bank trutlou ol the etui* of raid deoeaMd way ;-r*nU end testament nt Mark hawyer. la'e the charter of naid Dink, change A. L. BERRY'S STORE, Offer* (Or wla at rcduc'l prtcn. frtuu on* to OM e.l t<> Willi* n II ol saoo, or to »otue otbor aald decoaseti, the Mm* of which tlon of the eountry may be aifurled facilities Deering oounty. havlug preaeutod Into a National Bankinir Association, aaprotid. tiutint T >at the petitioner oiU> the widow and Or4*rt4. That (he Mid Kxcoutrlx give notice New fh«ni Um n»« Mo«k. the the National Banks, State Otiirti. and to take such Styles. • th icc-lourOn of a milt nlty for loan, Juno I8"J5, Spring .Neil door t«.a. taking ■ uUlratlon, and give notice a ol cy." approved 3>«r of Loom anae inU>rv*t«n the Umi»n 4r Aw* a Probate Hprlig mh4 HRMM(r country have generally agreed to receive sub- of tliU orvl«r to puMlilind in •aid county, that they may appear at By order of the Director*. a*/, priuted In llid>lerord, in Mid comity, three Court to be lioldrn at AII red. In Mid oounty. tt. M. CHAPMAN. Cash. Chjinge of lln«<1 win and Jamaa B. and ihew SPRING WOOLENS, MBS. H. J. DAVIS Uim Jim buy •l'«uy"oth"«r irtori' Kline'* f. rii-r, lo llcurj H. tan of tho clook In the forenoon, cause, tiroved, approved and allowed a* the la*t will and BKRRY. arc to A. L. York. All pawn* having claim* agalMt hlai ara who only b« responsible for the delivery If aov tiiey havo, tho prayer of Mid patltlou teatauicnt of the said deceased. eall the attention of the ladle* of Hid. why Men's and wear, tad ttoeo, Fth. «i,i aw. jt to prarant ili« «»«» tor lam* ifcoald sot bo Attest, licorice II. Knowlton, Ucglater. Air Boy'a great variety daAird and vleinlty to her Srw Hprlmg raqueitad pavmaal notea for granted. rlULD all ladel ted to him ftra noil of the which they receive order*. 1!. Knowltoa. Remitter. A true low prices. nurchattxl. a oholco seleo dlauly.and p<*r»«n« Attc»t, George copy. UiMdijuit consiitlnjtof lied that hi* aaouuntr nmal l«a aatt'ad within ality A true ouuy. AtUat,Qeorgo H.Knowlton.Register. lion of will ba lafl lu th« h*o«l» of aaollae JAY COOKE. II Knowlton. RegUter. EMERY A day*or U»ay Alt« it.tif"'rge CO., ~li^Y7~T8«ir FRANK At a Court of Probata hidden at Saco. within Bonnets and Hats, tor. TOR*. Aoext, within and fbi the of York, on the drat Tuesday 4wl9 4 Union Block. liiddatord, Af. 3ft. l**t. » Sinecairriot Philadelphia. At a Ceart of l'ru>>ata huMen at Haco, County Id the jeat ol oar L«rd. NCW STVLU • and fl»r the County of York, on the llrat Tuetday In of May, eightcoo 1st. lWtf. hundred and the Uou UK ARNBR X1TCUBLL, RIBBONS. LACES AND FLOWERS,- May Mav. In the jraar of our Lord eighteen hun* a!xty4v*,by Bourne, E. ol aald Court t loand In a Ural class Soaacmirnnjia will m aKcxivsn by the drtd and ilxtvdUa, by tha llou. B» tlourue, Judge DEPUTY 8HKRIFF, of ararjr vtrtety Millinery LADIES'OUTSIDE GARMENTS > the of Oeorf* W. Ilanacuin, of Ho aold at aaoh rates u will con- J ud re of Mid Court petition Htore, whleh will Licensed_Agency. in aald Dank of Biddeford. the of Uannah Ilandall, Interested UPONKenoebunkport. oounty, representing ALFRED, MAINE. 10 form to the timts, and whloh will not tell of plea* {ALL TZXS KA-OS.l Pint Nallasal petition be la Mixed la ee as heir at law with others. Ann ears or pay, ONIn tha e*tate of Jeremiah Randall, lata of North that in* her easterners. whereof Qldeon of Se. Berwick. Uerwiak In Mid deoeawd. that ad- In the real estate Uansooin. late Bwiaets and UaU sewed, bleached and proaaod in Ho. Berwick Baak, oouaty. praying in aald and For Sate. I CO.. rBJfSIOXH, minlet ration of the estate of Mid deacatad may b K*nnc>>unk|H>rt. county, died seised the latest aty lee. EMERY Uerwick. or d. and praying that a warrant be granted within* to the la teat at las »U1 Block. BOUNTY, and Ml grant*! to Uaren A. Uutler of North pusses* No. 2 Singer's Skwimo Maoiixb, Those pnrahaee y 4V1Q 4 Union ~ aiiUMe authorising thou to make a eall U» MMM other tultaMe per«m s to persons, par- 1 do well to (teener PRIZE MONEY. of aald real estate, and Mt off to eaeh heir his at $89 less than cost. Said machines are In Oru,r~i, That the petitioner oita tha widow aad tltion I?OUR Remember the pUoe, HA the Muiet been used on- fy B. F: MU/roN," ESTATE af Kin t« take adtaialelratlon and glra notloe proportion In running order, and have A bora claim* #«*ur*d VALUABLE REAL the to the perfect CRYUTAL ARCADE promptly by lanriuf to the heir* ofuUI de>«*a*«d and to all par- OnterrJ, That petitioner fire notice ly four months. Apply to BUILDING, at jiud toall and Counsellor Law, XDWARO f.KtfTUKV, 11 JMIKOEI)' FOR MLB. •oa» intareetea la mU wutn, oaatlng a oopy of he Ira of Mid deceased peraona Interested, W. L. CROSS, Attorney hy nt this order to h« in II Liberty Street. Itladelorn. Haaa. Mala*. this urder paMlahad In tha Umi»n * 7«araaf, by can»ln^ aoopy published st. Saco. Offlco.-HO.MKH BLOCK, 39 OAA ACRES SALT MARSH, in loft la In lu Mid 10 North prlated In >«i••*■ Mora- juwe^lMl^«® *• at app«^ at • Probate Court to t»e holden at Alfred, llYB Refer* to Hon. I. T. Draw | Hon. Paaaaa. 0j» Varoi, containing about 19} acres superior up ©■>•** AlMTln Mid ouuaty, peer II Illsnd. Saco. VALENTINE FRItB Is prepared aa the Aret In Mid County, on the Bret of Junu dan H««. DmIoI tfo««teoow, lion. Natban Dana, G the owned by Tue»l*y |a j.,n# nM. a| u„ u/ Tuesday all klads Linen, Cottoe.8llk sad Wools* NEW SPRIZSTO SHAWLS. 4wlH7 |Hi. tP.KMITII.lU(t4»»Uld. if# land—being property recently el<*k la tha forenoon. and at ten of the olook lu the forenoon, asd show todjre II. Dnnnol. Hon. J. N. Uoorfwln, I tha thew oaaM if any next, In the beet manner. Goats. Hon.M. Jotoph tha Ute Hon. Horatio Southxate. have, the of said Ooxds. of any oolor, II. C. Uonard A a. ^ |rt*jr*rata*hl • ho a I d mum. If any they why prayer cleans k CO. UokMn.lteq.lL Hooper, Kaq.. is not the on the kSSw not ho Ve»u.PanU,Cap«*. Raglan*, Dasqulas, Ae., 4wl9 EMERY i»g Mtnbtln If the marsh sold, grass * uetiUou ahould granted. Bromrd SiiSSXS' •d ami colored without t>elnK ripped, aad pat Is ■sine will be tor sale. AUeet. Oeorge R. Kaowlton, Attest- Ueorje II. Knowlton. Register. At h» t'nmn A Journal Ofllca RagtoMr. order. All oolor1a*do«e by hm li wairanUrd la tin* beet picture#? at thin office. ( aaatlyairautcrial of Scam on the A Iroa A good 1 (irinLotl "rm mom. premises, o^'Py. not format. tyr'b % Inquire Alien, !L <>••«*• U. Knowlton. Restoter. ^(TRRK Me^aee target 4•*> or KZltA CAKIKR, J*.. Portland. flaorgv Knnwltaa, Register. TiAnngfl THE OF ■ FOR THE NATION. ESTABLISHES TO AMERICA Important to the Afflicted. A Novel Blockader. P. A. DAY'S STOVES, STOVES. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS. • DR. DOW eontlnaee to bo oonealtod at hit offloe, mr*t FACTS AND REASONS DROPS. oi the uosucc**sful Mid LYON'S PERIODICAL Nm. and 0 Endloatt(Street, Dv«ton. ow nil diaaaa» At the timo FOR USING URBAT FBMALB RKHKDY r CREAT TUB Nor* PKIVATK OH DKLICATK NATL ILK Ojr KortSumtor TUB URBAT FEMALE REMEDY ,1 unfortunate Attempt tooarry by a lonjt course of study and practical experience ol and DB. a 0. EIOHAHDSON'S Lroit't* Pkriodical Dkop* Mr* all corapUlnl • unlimited extent, Dr. D boo now tbo grntlfteatloa Xeii Nelson, forotopman, just TUC WORLD'S liRLAT KBMEDV Iwarding, Incident to Uia m, and remove all obauuctloaa < r of preeentln* the unfortunate with remedlsotha was (kited most tar in the fleet, re- ron Out Sale nature, front whaterer mom, producing healtl i. have never, flnce he flrst introduced thorn, the jovial, jolly - Closing rJc«>r ancesee».llumors Fright* iro all loved him; and then in the multipli- STOMACH AND BOWELS. ) also la a graduate (Tom one of the highest Medical to which the female ai itetn la subjected, with di nil MwelllHKs, nod the Ions train of horrible symp- bt i;t mmn Colleges In New England. ipatch and a decree or which nothing touii attending this olaaa of disease, ni* made to other we our hwt cintalns no certainty aa city of dutiee, forgot ship- Prepared by the |bet Stc»nU—The Elixir ta not aloohollc, a acientIdeally compounded fluid ooul i tn-ceond alter the at- | I past To the uoat delicate constitutions. It morning iimns persons, both old ntid young, mnle and to be, without any qualification, the best and moat Its of youth. an toeakaese of the Rack and Limbs. *' tbr PERIODICAL DROPS will oertalni; of the Dimurss of that our female, sutfrr from its ravages, than from all valuable medicine tnat has ever been prepared LYON'S Dluluess head, Bight, Palplta- to npt upon Sumter, signal quarter- the return «>r nature, II taken tlon of tho Heart. Nertousoess, De- ailments combine*!. robs use. propuoe regular Dyspepsia, other It the whole family and It la k in ister on board tho m id© the dis- nover uay or two Itelore the period, of tho dig\.«ave fuuettons, Symptoms flagship of it* GREAT REDUCTION fourth—Medical science and skill hare «>p««U;d r retirement system vigor awl energy, gives weariuesa maxim of the profraaion that prevention I* bettc of Consumption, do. The fearful effects on the been able to nroduce a cathartio medicine ol equal ma wnrwny covery, as it began to grow gray dawn, J ami total indisposition to thoN onoe strong apd f|UIIJ lubicrlbtr having eniaricwi than euro. Blind are mnoh to be dreaded) loes of memory, just INtwcr and effeoti which contains so many desirable a atiwk of all kind* ol active ; renders the stomach to 1 uijiI pjrctioaod large LYON'8 PERIODICAL DROPS have Imn umx 1 contusion of Idea*. depression of spirits eel) fore- of Minn sort ot a thing powtrless dijest qualities. Its superiority as an aperient consist* In lila would call tor nit< utiun of tin within tb nondescript moving the food, and has for its jcoixli IIdu, by over twenly-flvn thoumnd Indira, bodlugs, aversion of society,selfnll.sUast, timidity, attendants, in Its turc nnd thorough action, operating equally oitlivna of lllddeford. Naco and vioiulty, to hUam< 1| n distance our kI* months, and tho U»tliuuny orallla,**! are among the evils produced Hucli persone in th: little off quar- iu»*n Stnm• ! all ot the Bowels. It never produ past dc., log port IU9JHeartburn, Conitlpntitm, 5 at PRICES OF DRY COOD8 through parts accommodation* for work, and tlio oures." before matr mony, consult ces It* neveroccaslons pis aurely should, contemplating a-»,an'< (itniril of tin irAu/r Sftrm, griping |«lnsln operation t be at ouoe restored ts. Drbilitf uMMi a ph»sielnn of ex|>erleoee, and nausea ) Its flavor is pleasing and agreeable. and OF GOODS! CAUTION II CAin refusing its a of or most LAHOE ASSORTMENT to health and happiness. offioor to our subjects particle nourishing It will uot be rqlectM by the flutldlouschild I to emr under Dr. Dow*a The rvportod instantly the iu the Hear In mind Unit (guarantee my drop* Patients who wish to remain petty hearty food, without It may bo used In nil cases where laxative at com. • paying penalty safoly which ho offers for >ala pricea challenging of tin* Mi'inrt, (rum whatever cau»< treatment a few or weeks, will be luriilshed admiral, who never most distress, and oftentimes com* GOODS tuedloino Is required. It will the comfort before the late ria«. Suppression If days admirable slept, by night agonising ALf. OUR promote petition, having purchased though can- aliould be taken to ascertain pr»K with rooms, and obargee fur board moder the terrible and health or both sexes. »n<1 of all a*e»i It will boar in mind that he haa tho turt to ple*sant was plete To meet ravages CVflimi lie the cause, mi these drops are pre ato. or more titan woasel, and then prostration. assist Nature In nil Infantile changes t It will, dur- nancy day, any ol this worst of all havo duee II liken whilst In that situation • Medicines sent to all of the country, with Diseases, prepared In : tho most atixlona hours of a mother's life, has- miscarriage, parte Exclusive of Sale! arc cautioned against them, m I will for on of o deck, and wide uwuko,— tan and her maternal It will ren- Right and all using (tall directions use, receiving description MARKED DOWN] assuage pangs j understood that I do nut hold myael "COES DYSPEPSIA CURE!" der and the of the It distinctly '. your oases. •Rebel sir—clow aboard!" loyous happy lingering days for Dlddeford and 8aco, of three of the baat when used under such circumstance* torpedo-boat, an our state* Is onoe J we pledge our reputation upon and will bo told at even agod and venerulde. And when the Rllxlr atovea now manufactured, tho responsible j will therein su. IIIGIIMT IMPORTANT In a second the admiral wai spying at the I mcut, when we say it will Introduced igto TO MARR1BD LADIES other laxative iiiodloiiio. . ( uro h om pursedeall are aa tin TO FMUl'S IX DKUCiTE IIBJLTH. <) nwr crolt, which lie could make I'tMiiivfiy me LESS THAN TRADE SALE PRICES Fifth—The which tho Kllxlr was used SUPERIOR, STANDARD 000E, They peculiarly adapted, they bring mighty long period with *uoh by the original in prescriptions to his tuoulhlv period perfectregularity. of you, uot iu u year—not in * month—-nor in proprietor, AND MAGIC COOK. 1 could furnish of testimonials o little of th»*ro in the fog. So ho hailed,— without to their cost, patients, and the great and suocess any (jUMiitity n wwk—but shall see It* beneficial influence regard «nquilifled frft of rtfrrrnc• at to thr mprrioritp of Ikttt irregularities, pression. tiling unything tliitisr Inwtiriis hearty—first, by Investment ol one dollar In Lyou's Periodica Dow treated new AO. 3, CITY KI!ILD1.\G I refutable evidence that our estimate of thecfllcacy iloirt, will bo given to thoae calling,Jram than upon patholwicteAl prtuelplea.aod wo over seen afloat. So bo Doctor has ordered the food, aud «wc- will and restore nature to It rellel icuarontecd In a very ft»w r So u iv thing else had plainest utid value of tho Iilun>i-lloot Elixir has not been fumihtt in (kit city wko are mtiny tkrm. Drops regulato speedy fear of tho distress it oausea—rising and oertaln I* th« new mod* of treatment, ondly, for exaggerated. Alao, ouiiatantly on hund. the following itoreti healthy oourao-, Invariably I it 1)0 NOT OK IMPOSED UPON must ohatluaU under It, and tailed a^ain,— and souring on your stonuoh, we ssv sit down BIDDEFORD, Sixth—In examining certificates received during Home Uuard lUngo, Morning BUr. lloatoii and that complaint* yield DO NOT UK IMPOSED UPON tin- afflicted toon III health. to cat as a meal at you the pact year of it* successful results, we are grat- Welcome tiucat. ami llrliliunt person rejoices perfect "B »at a-hoV «?" your dinner, lieirty Main'), Daylight iij lud la that our has not failed I'al which the: Dr. Dow ha* doubt greater as soon as the food to distress AND NO. 4 CALEF IQod In believing medicliio Tor wood or coal—New Kngland htat<\ Cryatal those who hnre other experience wish, ami beuins BLOCK, hy preparation* of the the cure of di>e.i*e» of women and children, tit tn "Fleet!" caino a feeblo from the In ease phcro it hss Seen trie l.tocure tho roost ace, White MounUiu and de«lro to italm off upon thn strength popu response follow it a of any C'ryaUl Lake, Improved anv other In llostou. you. by single teaspoouful stubiiom and chronic cases of CVWTIVHNEMS. i'lvmouth llock. Hut when the drng-Jst yoi physlolmi larlty of my Drop*. for who indescribablo. lltf SAGO. Sn rnth—Most Ail manifestations have also iStovca of tho beat and rarloui them, either make him bu; floardlujcaccommodation* patient* may II utine grate I'urlor quality, apply to hon not u»t hi* treat- one dollar to th wish to stay In Uojtoo a few da>* under "Fleet" is the from COE'S DYSPEPSIA CORE! been evinced '<>• Patients who have been relieved pattern*. them fur you, or else enclose Now, legitimate reply troiu LIVEIl COMPLAINTS ot longstanding. Al- nearest ireneral wholesale agent, who will returi ■Nti anl\ having couQnud hi* whole n in to a and so so,It has beon effectual In curing UUTANK0U8 llflrSE FURNISHING h tattle hy return express. i response challenge; you wrltte Attention to an for the cure or Pri- i^nhip Relievo you Instuutniieoualy! EUUPTHWH OF TIIK SKIN and In eradicating See that the name of J«hn L, Lyon la practice, a A imortracnt conatnntly on luml. auoh ai around eac1 vate disease* and acknowledge t io admiral and all the rest of us were lil'MOIlS OF THE lll,00ll. Vnd nlllleted good upon the directions which are wrapped female('ompLliit*, thus enabling anting, and the f many Knauieled. French and b* no in Uie Lulled Htatea. you, by hearty Ill I with deep seated incurnble SCflOU'LA have bcou Tin.Japanned. iirltannia, hottle. None others are (genuine. Therefore, auperior cach often :»s the All klnda or work made to order, ami N. B.—All letter* inuti contain four rod itauipa ^r.'.»t J^a!astonished. use of iho cure :ifter meal, (as benefitted a rnodur ito use of the Ellx- Iron Ware. ware of countarfoita. They are for salo by ever, by to tie of the Urat or will not to answered. (bjd digresses or sours on your stomach.) ill 1 LIUlUil all tfooda warranted quality. In city and conntry, at ono dollar ($1) pe they ••Holloa, Mr. Admiral!" shouted our you, IMIU, preatly druxgltt Olllce hour* Iroin H a. w. to 0 p. m. so can ca!M di iwi uiii mm miui'o n uni wish ttke no other. you will get in a t»ry fey days that you M'Mti—in Alao, Manufacturer of bottiu. If you relief, and nil wlia would like to pay we iiavo I)R. J NO. L. LYON, Foul-anchor in Chief; "what ilo without the medicine, except occasionally, proved jucccmAiI hej onil un> **»utanco good-natured win Imvo New Haven, Conn. we over expwed i ami tho*o thoiooghiy Cylinder*, Mulr Drum*, Praotlolng Physician, all > of mnl by me time the first bottlo W used up, Kylaalus all dlseasei Certain Cure In CaHtn, ship is that, and wh is commander your o\lv ! te*tod in effect, believe it to bt> nuperior to all otli* Who can lie consulted concerning will Guarantee free from ami oyi: profit of work In thla line o or you Dyspepsia, •r cough preparations—the K ixlr. by ll« phy*ic*l and all other kind* Faetory either pernoniiHy by letter. Or No Charge Made. to and as hearty a break- of tho buaiuuaa. tieo. Ooodwin & Co.. Ilostoni I). 8. Harnes i squadron, pray?" able eat, digest, enjoy e<|iiallxea thu cirou .itmr. Mood, C. fh>in HA M. to C r. N. KNOW THAT properties WORK of all klnda don< Wliolesal Dr Dow I* consulted dally, fast ns ever ait down to in your healthiest I>0 rot' remove* <■"11 „i-i i• u. lial» hi* unwearied — of the blue membrane*. Irom which tho C. 0. CLARK A CO., Noil Nelson, lord high-aduiir»l that our state- I rlUted and inflamed attention and < eucceee gained a rep- the bottle, upon your showiug ■ AVir Nairn. CI. itmordltmry W. E. ANDREWS cough i.« ±< Ul-UX AAJliiEJ, from all of Ui« to hoist his on a ment is uot correct. United state* mid Canadai uUtion which call* patleuU part* —with tLig hay- ..... *ufTor periodically from Ueneral Agents for the permission con«t on hand th« and licit so Ninth—Many pertoni on to obtain advice. medicine is but harmless, and mtly largest a morbid anil Brick and Portable, will bo ftirulihcd applt In nidifeford Mcssr*. Snwver. Bseot country on a The powerful I .I.NlJN IMCK, which la occa*ioncd hy Sold by in none stnnd stack. From Fort bound holed Hook ol l'KI>IU.KIl'S lUKNISfllNt at short notice. am Anionic the phvalclana lloaton, Sumter, whilst a simile will at once wl»«® HAS inaotlvo Mate of tho Mver The Blood lt not as it is entire- French and Kti ayuiptouia whloh peculiar of an and the admiral would materially injure him, Iron, st un|iml ami Plated Ware; painful nood the services experienced pliyalcian "On soul !" exclaimed ; ea«o THREE DOORS EAST OF JOURNAL OK VICE DR. LAROOKAII'3 him a call. my vegetable and contains uo All class- aiuellil Haueepiiua nil I Kettles; llrooms, Pronei aurgeou *hould glvo ly opiates. Ttnth—DYSPtil'SlA l.i nn aggravating and ill*- • new a article I'. 8. Dr Dow aud ha* lor aala •Mbero is that mischievous alive uf- es of disease that have their origin in disor- Roll Pans (a tip-top | to re- J. GOLDSIIKOUOII* lni|»ort* toptuan, lienrtculu.; dl»e.ise, often Ira lint; dangcrou* article called tho French Socret. Order by maiL 8 dered Stomach aud Bowels, are in the lliuitcil u«! of tho Elixir. according to the 29 ir a hau have a dispelled *ult*. A Blddeford, July 15,16C4. SARSAPARILLA tor aud u red ter all. 11© l, Mr. I/twin; itomxch and bowel* 91, sluiup. mime instantaneous way, by the use of direction*, will regulate the lloaton. l(M« Ml' White Mountain (/'listings; restore to April boat down directly. ttring the po »r lellow with unerring certainty, and digestion & COMPOUND, COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE! a natural uii>i aotlon. Cliudbourne Novell, N'oedlcs. 1'ina and Yankee Nn healtny AMERICAN K POKRIUft 1'ATKMI. nbo.ird, and havo him cared for. standard Threads, AVrrMfA-KIIKUII ATISM tho ninod-Hoot Kllxir For the curt IJver properly y,T(f (init Sick-Headache, Sick nett at lion*. fiioh a* Clark'* and Stafford'* cottons of Complaint, Dyspepsia »1duf, will relieve | it* warm and f|iilok«iilng of. it wan Neil. He had swam off from K. T oiiiitson'sand Harbor's Unci | readily Y<*. the Shmnrle, Cohttipntie'n, Heartburn, M. pound otion, ftxit oouutuiaot* tlio oold ami morbid e«ndltlon of Scrofula, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, iK WaltM I'nw, bom. I wiry R. II. to Colic Paint in Stomach or Bowelt, Tin Rwdliirtibocr. the llulil*, w iilch U tho eauso of all Itheu- EUDV, Sumter on a boaUoar, until, and imok Comb*. WlMon'saw [ primary Tumors, Salt Rheum", happening a children's Crowley'*, alT<-otiou* Erysific/as, Vvsentery, Voicitinff, feeling of «»f found In luutic ho Hill's Needles, and all kinds uuod* to (IKADAC'IIK will be FURNITURE I in a DEALERS, ill with great lot; adrift, and Latitude, IVant Ulaokltu nu< | Twftflk—I'erHonssubject Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, SOLICITOR OF sycamore Faintntu ftrat clas* la'ddling shop Annear's a dose of the PATENTS, relieved In n few hour* by single Lai* of U. 8. Putml H'asAinyfea, of .Ipprlitc, New Dominion oil paste l)lnckln£ (new tiling), the Side Jgtnl O/f?<•». mounted it, nnd paddled very nearly Kllxir. Liberty Stroet, Biddeford, Me., Pain in Stomach, (unjtr Ik* uet •/ IK17.) will not and cannot e*ist where the eurelsnsed. tho Hlixlr ihould care- to when lie w is discovered. .. person taking Ikiom hi* re the which Kavo on hand the and Bowels, De/ality, 70 Hlatc Kllbjr Ntrcet, ship, it rrrnoTH the Disease ».y removing the cause, HIV Hilly nt printed pamphlet aocotupa- constantly Street, oppoalte GROCERYME.\ each bottle. Nell to tho of not like Alcoholic Hitters which cover up your Dlo* and all im- BO8TON1 got promoted captaincy For tale nnd Dealer* In Medi- complaints arising'from a moments their exhilar- can sell Holie by was re- bad for few by your Stove Polish of Andrews; he Apothesarlti tin* the admiral, and feeling* cine*, and at the Doctor'* office, NSW STYLES PABLOB SUITES of the 'JO maintop by nting effects. inian Ntonr (ilaM, Dover tiln«*, I'hrenix Polish am purities an extenilrn practice or onward* or ... » cotuiie .) 1 lltiimvrr Street, lioalon. toaoeur* Patent* In the I'tilled christen**!, by his shipmates, Captain Neil Beware of all such remedlesor beverages, tint IHxon's Challenge l'olisti at rates defying \FTKRyear*, continue* tltlou. bottlo. 3mll* bUt«i| alio In tireal Britain, France. and other in their u*e a Itemed that will restore Prico |l,GO per «N ycamort. place y SOFAS, foreign countries. Caveata Hpcclttcatlon*. llood a. the disc i«ed functions to their normal condition FARMERS, and all or Drawing* for Pa- U. l'KATUJi, AMlgmneuta, Paper* uii.l -ft in the entire hum in meohanisiu GEORCJK euro Nervoua AfTeotluni. I'alajr arliln! executed «n liberal lerui ami with motion trM miik ran-s It will tent*, deipatch, have you Mpaitldln::'* Improves or Lead. It I* a Tonl< or in in rfcet and syn- of ut from tho al-uie of Mercury IU'*carche« inbiIp Into American Foreign work*, harmony, upon «rltIcti have been before the people V<>rk Count} and Counsellor TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, t principle* Attorney Law, a* well n» Alterative, restoring Uio tone of tho »> to dctcruilno tlio ur of PaUnta or with well defined laws. (°<>r tin' it»«.(.,*> Deldllty Invention*— and legal or other advlee will be the ellect of awl dura'dlUt ? IT nut. send directly Chair** 1 That such utility Will attention to » THR PEOPLE. < OI'/S DYSI'IW'HI V CURE. Haunt if*. Huik I'av and Prizr Monni Tor soldlor* or from attack* Unit originate in change uf oiiuiatf • of any i'atcnt furnished l»v iruiilllng One Dollar. tiieni—tliey cost no more tliuu ordinary pans. reaiuon. their children, mother*, widow*, or orphan acaaon and ol lift. Aaslgntnent* recorded at H'athlngton. and wo A In Marble Dltirk Walnut and Mahogany Immediately Instantaneously, pledce (liter*. «to., who nre entitled thereto. poly Tup, Urn Jf/tney in tkt Umttd .Statu yut»*»» tuprritr as our word as men of honor—our reputation HOUSEKEEPERS, or lotUr. to UtiO. C. YBATON, f'tfi/iHn for otlainimj 1'tinii or marlaim/iff lk»' , ARE YOU READY person by Pharmaceutists—our favorable 47 Bo. Herwlok. Me. Llrrr Coiiiplnlnla unit ulakt/Uw •/ fuNl/liiil, acquaintance nlwava In m In conr*e with tin- lieople as of the If you cannot buy directly flroin in®, CENTRE TABLES, And tlirlr combined ayiuptoina, audi Lumbago IHiring einht month* the aub*crlt*r. of FOB THE proprietors ««"'!- oT Ac «.ii tmrr elected QUESTION. "COK*8 COUull iI It Is HUirv, Irisis, upon mid purchase peddlers onlj how Restored. Juundlce Hheuuiatiaui, Hllloua Kruptloim, IiIk I arise prartlcc. iuh.U aiipllca- renowned BALSAM." inanu actuie. Manhood: how Lost, 1* > on# of which be warranted goods of Andrews' Alj TOILET AND COMMON \\ ln'i, ulu»ed by Scrofula Ulut, tliU Compound lion* hIXTKKN APPKALM. KVBRi us» I toour directions, which may hi edition of Or. Cul* CARD. EXTENSION, according expou*es being less thmi nny other mufacturer I»«l'll«hrd.a new luoat effectual temody. wa»«dccldad In Ai* /utwr by th< C'oiuml#»ionar ot bottle. 1 on fAr rnrf. MAN found with each and purchasing only for cash, I ran with conlldenc* verwoll'H Colobratod Essay i'atcnt* 11. 11. KDDY. THE C-O-D some Testimonials from our lYkolnilt nndtt'f'/Uut lesi e"rr We add below nlkr goods at prices 4» A ,c"' (w'l'lou' mcdieine)ofM'Eit>iATOii- II* lia* tn can a(t<>rd th«-in. or Seminal Weakne**, Involuntary TABLES, or Imilirtllo*, I KM (n make you a )>r»po.«lti< «all you through the csrvful Having yours' w.xperieuoe Seminal Lowe*, iMHWTin'T, Physical If often cauaed by HcrofUIn, which derange* tin attention il 1 understand the w.uiti 1 to Marriage. etc.» alio. CUEbTNUT AND URAINED li "I r»gwrd .Mr. m one of the m*it ea^xi/e mellnu of your Retail More*. If lie will truth* siness, 1 itter Incapacity. Impediment* •toinach and render* It unhealthy. Indication H'My * mynelt and imlucod »elf> 0*J with whom 1 have had u.l you with of the puhl c. a a thunk In I lor pa>t liberal patron CoiiMimpttan, Lpilcpiy, t'iti, by canned Korofula. Whan it I*, thli praelltlonar* fully faftrifnlly aupply TeNtimoninN. notalway* by Intercoms." age woulil solicit the samo In future. luduiic^-nca ornexual extravagance. Comuound U a ready cure. olRclul From the Patt ir of the Mtlhoditt E. Church, All work ilone to order and with dispatch. A1 I'rloe. In a nealcd envelope, only 0 cent*. 8ar*aparllla fllAltt.KH MASON, WARRANTED BOOTS AND SHOES, Ih jjJT of Patent*. Minli'un, Conn. ca*!i outers received by mall or othernlso will Tho oelelirated author In tlilf admirablefjuny CHAMBEB SETS, C'oiumlwloner iucccm- inventory thai .M..t ft ILL MAKE (100l> TIIB WARRANT TO promptly attcuded to. mi l goous forwarded iniiuc- clearly demount rate*, I'rom n thirty yearn* "1 have u»lie«ltall< il lilt warrant and Trade Murk, and can testily to its value Ill^hest Boston a'»d Now York prions paid foi relf-nbune may i>o radically cured without the dan- tho o truituoriky, mi.more capable putting their put* ily. willingly nnd Common Feathers, liiic like a Intent |e l-un. It redueea vitality Ac. ii of Internal medicine or the application Live lieese Looking In a lorui to aveurv for thein an early medicine. rags, iron, junk, Ao., gerous the blood, Conati tu t Ion*afft'Gtcd tilth HoroluUari plication* of the knife—pointing out n mode of euro at once Glasses, new Wooden nnd Hollow am! and Iterorable con*!il<-ratlun nt Patent UlUce." styles, more than other* *ubj»oted to diaeaaea, 1LEN BYGIl)MAND, Pastor M. E. Ch. Foddlo for Sale. certain and effectual, mean* of which any KI»IIM> lit:P.UK. PATENTED Wagon *lmple, by Waro, Urooms, Drushoa. Feather I)utt- bar* I«h to wlthitand orreooverfrom them Madison, Conu., Juno 30th, 18'U (ullorer, no matter what III* condition may power In thi Late CCOiiiilMloiier of PatanU every nud The Ncroiula taint or lufcotlon I- hereditary •«r Remember the placo. cure hiuuell and rad- er*, Ilaby Carriage*, Toy Tip -Mr. II. II. Kddy haa muJo n.r dm TIIIKTKKN j Vuice/rt»*» Kome tkr»*l loatbiome diaeaae can b« part on of *lx cent*, or tiro pound to him to proaura tnelr patanlf »«»> n«y benefit I have received from tho use of toe r >14 Biddefbrd.Mo. drt-M, pott piiii. receipt jh>sI Ktatids, and a ureal clacked and in the of cine* "jured. I»r«>p apply Address the majority be *ure of having the iuo*t faithful •unttloA be. Cure. Altliouch I was a great suf- ftauip*. publisher*. or other and awelllnga are cured by this greal & Dysiwpsia CIIAH. J. C. KIiINH A CO.. variety ay l)rop. j rt to obtain from Uovern which kit tat* at the Lowest Calk Pricu. I without 1 have now The subscriber is prepared offrr far Vmrnlgln. lirmlwchc *11 retailers to NEW PAIRS In arery Instance anything please, pain. meat jrive varlou* dl* >rdor* uf tho nervoua ayatem fre. wheie radical delict in the atock or u""s"" And KKNItEIIVN any a|>)»«4ra u ailae frotn a low Ma»o of tho constitution, If the Boot or Shoe Am not Attn iter* fa ARREARS OF PAY, 53 TO ORDER. quunlly writ, sail? Ste&ffJsr PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, a. PICTURES FRAMED and are cured till* remedy. trtmt that It would A» unrt uona/'/r to fxptet a ma £ al health, by powerful I'ltlZK MO.VKV, V Ma lison, Conn.. June 30th, 1864. AND A* SALT ItIIFin 0IHT»E!fT! FT* If but litth ttum, Actc J'ain w111 bo >■ f*ir. glv- b the use Coe's In the or of the United 5 All klnda of Repairing, and u From the neflt derived by of F.»t services Ar:uy Nary CQ Upholstering «R itn pt'aturt, ID ry and K Ointment fur Ilia cure ol all am ired »o and Hatters himself that an o; CauTnct Work done with ner.tueM dispatch. Rrynipelna, 'I'll only eruption* Nov u tlttrv* out Ike enable him to glre satisfaction to *11 way 30 WM. I1..NOUULL. ModeratedOM4 three ilmeiuday usually wholly KANT on them, and Rrtailrrt»/ ,,.C »:i but often re •v tho ol olov him Charges reasonable. a Ka feet the cure of the a'mvo complaint*, iwMr. Thl» li the drat liutanoe lu hietory 1 i -■g A h a an a M0BE8 EMERY. L« a* coualdornhlc time. VEGETABLE COMPOUND. • (nil* that you have had chanoe, MTM UJtf ^ o"2 *s13114 «*i rui'»»ii\o quire* »«■ \l'. to »how want a artleloaud ara wfl- Mr. bottlo of Coe's " you good Cot:—The Dyspepsia and RYE-MEAL lor s.ile at the SS I C2 9 J-'*3 DENTAL IT WILL CUKK • SHORT.S < ting Ij ! nJ Am a tuan who will warrant kit yoodt Cure you gnve me has backed up your state- lb* Illaorf, OATS,Steam Urlstmlll. For Purifying Kilt lUicnm, •ltd LIVK UP TO IT. # ment it. I bave used half a 47 1 ESTABLISHMENT, concerning only BlddefUrd,Nor. IS, X "lull!o">. 5n£assH«o^ There ia nothing now before the whieh can Scald Head. ISCI.^ 2 1 nnu x Arcndr, puWIo Krytlpela*, buttle, and can eat short cako or Xom. Crrnlnl It I* a Will you Stand by and Sustain tho pine apple e<|uel LttookuhM faruparllla Compound. IHiw, Foloiis, Ulcere, 8»»rc Rrw, au\thiaL' without trouhle. It acts like a YORK COUNTY l^54 LIBERTY HIDDEFORP of when uied In the else. 5a" a STREET, ureal promoter health, aprinu' Chilblain*. Holl«, C'ota. Wound*, C-O-D Man? n a atom at that Khlrijcln, Tb. r,.,ct i. Ncrvea Teeth Killed and Extracted with to remove all humor* tbat Infeat the *) UlUtrrn. Ilinictrnruu. I'linpU*. Killed, be aniated to out the adinlnlatrutlon oi Uaa, Ether or wawin of the year. Nature ihould lJurn»,l'liapp«-d Hand*, TUA.T IS THE QUESTION. CRAIN DEPOT. H r 5*J* a pnln by Al- 18tM. B >» ««s do thl« through lla own chanuela by thia lircat Mm New llaven, Juno IHth, Chloroform. m D & 1863. Irttf terative Medicine, New Juuo 1804. ; Olddcfuril.April 20, WHOLESALE STORE. Haven, 28th, FLOUR can he made at Rlddeford. We 2 KENNEDY'S I IS Messrs. C 0. Clark & Co.—Gentlemen liare com mo nee.I to manufacture Kiouratthe o- 0-3 30 nud 12 .MILK HTRBET, instantaneous GOOD Ka Prico, $1 por Bottle, or Biz Bottloa for $5. IN, desire to make known tho almost II tf SALT RHEUM OINTMENT "Coe's in eases of PUKPiilED IJV «. 8IV8RT. BOSTON. effects of Dyspepsia Cure," eoaUln.1 no or other mineral iub«UnM. Steam Grist Mill! 3 5 Maaa. roercory Chohra Morb*s. I had been for twentyfour JOB PRINTING OFFICE! DH. K. K. KMQilTd, Proprietor, Melroae, It li wholly and purely hours purging at thostom ioh and bowels,every and now ofltar IC for Mile In largo or small uuauti- tie*. nr. w. day, VEGETABLE. HENRY DAMON. fifteen minutes. I went Into your drag store to Hold wholwale by H. II. JIAY and W. P. PHIL. li l.'w We luro now on hand two grades, one a good Auction and ('oraiimsion Merchant, aubtcrlber taken the Job Printing procure some as I had alwa.vs boen having Portlaml, and at rvUll by Dr. J. H.ltVVBU, One trial l» aufTlolont to onnrlno* the moat brandy, Flour inaile ot red Canadian wheat) the 8aeo Katahllahmont In Crr-ml A rcudr IIulM- 1,1PM, akep a tor Family IVOUhl) Inform the people of Ulddeford, THE llltlrrl. M. H. Haoo, •ml by all dcul. Heal that It* ettiewoy In IntUuiiaatlon Mid told that it wa? good remedy D>senter>. article madoof clean, white la U> oxecutent abort no* MITCHELL, allaying other,a very superior • » and that I10 ha* taken out license to Ihr, Ulddcford, prepared umllolnee. biacull I* wonderfel. HATS. face and weakness at once at- can be seen at the rlolnlty. aorta of craln reducing ewellleica FORT FISHER My pallid ray Western wheat, which wheat for all who favor liiiu with a tioo and on ruaaonaulo term*, all iu ■oil at Auction may tracted the attention of the clerk charge, mill. call, Aim), all kinds of Sreund h'urniturr Tlar Crrnl Family Olittwaeiil, A uaw received at on hand for sale. Wheat thing Juat ami he asked mo at otioe "what is the matter We shall constantly keep I'owjht and told on rpimotiahle terms Second hand PLAIN AND FANCY FINE FEED mid SHORTS, ro- I : "I have l>e«n for twenty four hours MEAL. MIDDLING, st..m- «l all kind* on hand. ('»n»-s.< it Chairs Rheum replied from the mill. on Suit Ointment, aud I mo «">*>!e all fresh bottomed. Heather Im-'U constantly hand Kennedy's LITTLEFIELD'S HAT vomiting and purging, SIKAL, RYE-MEAL, OATS, and STORE, this }*» Alto, CORN, Place of business Liberty street, Hhihi lit I* In hou*«h<>ld. No other 01 nU stand or walk, from weeknees. and deadly HARLEY sob-oteil for see alaed bottlee. The emaller Partiee al a can ,, HV. At the old l)earinic Building, Bull. Put up In two <■»«■/><* luecft/ul. distance action was so wonderful and eo immeUI- short notlee. itand, are whole time and to trrtrt run from alx to Its Street, near We giving onr attantlon "1 barn eurrd vrry with HO CKWTH, hare their t-u»lneaa attended to by a Chestnut Street. Rcsldcnoe, South I forwarding ate. that I could hardly believe the evidences of FANCY COODS, 191f tha above biulueu. aud represent the following ton doira of your Sptclllc nil"—11. Keith, M.I). Tha larger. •Interne n I their c«ee Uiruu*h the mail. lo a the own and dcairt to nuhlioly Hake erery aitlolo usually found drug City Agent*, vlii—Tkt Mra. Ilae«.n. 8mlth ami Sawyer. A*. avail themselvee of its use. Like breed, it IIAIR OILS, PKRPCMKRY, COMBS, Biddeford Marble $t,ono,iiuo. company upon for »al« by le. bookt ovar 'AW inanbara of tha flrat men In Bid. and dru«1«U generally. y|; ones aud 1 FANCY SOAPS, Ao., 1 gaatua Llbby, TO BUY hould find a place in every house, dcford.Saoo, end vicinity. P°r fourteen yeara Hpaldlnc'a Tin: PLACE Particular attention to rhyslolans* Q f\ O C rank *Heve that no one should go away Iroin home jy paid co. Alao, tha Jltt* LmgUnd Lift Compmv, located at Koeeinaryhaa field* high — YOUNUU OR one of the stoeka ot ADAnTA MARRIAGE OUIDK. EAT or lie has largest IU die- aa uniform and reliable. without a b%>ttle of it in hit pookft, where it Prescriptions liirlto announce to the cltlsens ot Botton. Man., oaplUl of j eaah pure, in PIIY8IOMMJICAL WORK. or. ooa hla and Medicines In the State.and would la warranted lit. To beantl- fevery rould be made available. Drug* hare buraementa to Ita Life Member* In 1858 waa 13-15,• A D V It Doctor—Weing I Private J natructor for mar- qu»ekly to ftror lilm with their orders. I Ulddefbtd and rlolnlty thai they opened the hair. To eurl balr own physicians RE8PECTPt'LLY In the eastern end ot in"', and IU dividend In IH6I waa We op«. IYIA K T ■ ty or tnoee aboat to marry, both mala Truly yours, GLO. L. BLAKE. a (hop on Lincoln street, 3d, To remote dan* Had peraona rateaaAgenta for tha following lire eoiu pan lea 'elegantly. and female. In army thing eoaetrrnlng tha phyel. theQulnbyASweetser Mook.forthoraanufkctureoi draff To reatorc the balr to hald ""''-iflilBE ClOTH® .M«w Haven, June iw»i. Mr. Theodore P. Buck, MorriiFirt /at. Ce. of New York, capital $000.01101 effectually. 4th, ana relatione of our eeanal ayatem.aad thf Uth, To loroe the beard and wblakera to ology Or are tyuinry Mutual, Qulncy, Maat., ftarwieh ftre Int. headt. 3th. prevention ot all M*. ro*—/)f«r SirThe Ixittlc of l)y»- Stones, Tablets, 6th. To the balr from falllnK off offaprlnr.'nolodlng cltisena of Saco and llldd* Co., Norwich, Conn., Incorporated In IH03, prow. prerant now diaaovarlee narar before given la tha Kn* Mediciue I received from in- Ol'LD inform the capital of tl« 8th. To K'luctloaor icpsia jroa, e**e ou the MONUMENTS, of all reliable 7tb, TO cure all dleeaaea aealp. VOL D. Thla MATS, CAPS, fonl that he still coutluues to oarry }<00,0ii0| Pit*alarum, Maine, good, cure bead- gtleh language, by WM. NO. M. la tantaneous relief. I used it when my W ootananlea. the hair turning grey. ®tb. To only &C.. 4C. Block prevent haa done and really • valuable and Intereatfcg wrrk. Itlawrlt- me. It iu TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, we acho. 10th. To kill hair eatara. it mmI distressed about like Thankful fbr paat fkrora, aak a contlnuanoe It. t n In plain language tor tha general reader, and I* taking 8oap Stone Boiler Funnel Stonee do all thla. If you are not aatlalled. try wo doac* and one when Also, Tops. of the tame. Call and tee ui and bring your will lllaatratod with of I0U All to-tlay, to-morrow, Stove Ac. HOWARD M. HKINNER, M. I>. (Stole upwarda engravlnge. Linings, frlendi. AH bntln*e» entrnited to at will b« Prepared by inarrfM or thoaa *ery other day, increasing the quantity of done with neatness aftd and wmr faith-1 Medical Warehouae, V Tremont yonng people, contemplating FUil.XMSHiA'G Work dispatch and Proprietor) at hla to mar* GOODS, the until 1 wm BUSINESS! solicited. folly promptly performed. marriage.aod having tha leaat Impediment Dod ami decreasing medicine, BAKING ranted to aatisAullon. Ordera Maaa. Hold ererywhare. ylOeo rfre RUFUtf SMALL.A RON. 8U,Doaton, Bldde- rled life,ahunld readthlebook. Itdleelneecacorm IS nabled to eat without taking anything at all. At ttie old Pleroe Bak«rjr,Che»tnut «l., Dlddefbrd, I9M. IBtf Dlddcfbrd. Jnne2i,l9W». be with. HUH l| JIT IIII RAO July 4,' lyrlfl Uml every ana ahuuld acuaalnted case was an extreme one, bavin* *u tiered Jbrtl. Marine an Improred OWEN & MOULTON, tie and Ml lie about ly purchased »»- la a bonk that moat looked op. now eonsider ha it able to farnlth »larger on* on the ra- F. •r seven years. I roywtf cured, MACHINE, GEOKliE U. KNOWLTON, Um hoaaa. It will ha. aaot to any A. oue bottle of Medicine in the •orimttut than oror. £ aanU. A-fdraea Dr. WW TtfDlfU, Ko. HUTCHINS', nd using as hereto- eelpt of by only II* will ran hli eirti In 8a oo, the same TAILORS Phi tort two The dose waa a tea- and at Machines! MERCHANT i It aL, above Fourth, ladelphla. i»ace ot months. fore. Attorney Counsellor Law, Hpiuoe no. 3, ELLEN 8. ALLEN. Mowing and doaltr* la ^oful. Umtcftil for past patronare, he take* thla oppor- Alfred, Me. »r hi* awl rollolt* a von. in and tunity thanking patron*, Hooper's Blook, Liberty Street, Sold by Druggist* city country» tlnnanoe of their enstota C.»1T6J CHIEF, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, & rtrywherr. TIIEODOHB P. DUCK. Beady-Vade UNION JOBfilAl, oiww »i Aiirvn. i^m for Lout BIODRFORD. 39 lUitle. Biddefonl.JnneH, I9ftt. 2U ID th6 puiilio The But Maohlno the Money* ] Wtil of |?HB Prlee 11.10 per On* door York Bank, Order* moil, from eitbor dealer* or oocu* MOSES BUILT AND SOLD BT by BHBRYT BRADLEY." MOULTOnI ROGERS, Ijrr Mai> SraiKT.Baco 21 SHEMDA.X H.1TS ! »er*, attended to. DKALBU IV " promptly WUOUUALI k BURN HAM, &&82&g"2®F*mm or A»vtavisiK«. C. 0. CLARK Jt CO. and Counsellor at WOODMAN OBa'O! AII DlllUIN, IIWE Tor HOT ONE? Attorney Law, I8tf BMdalbn), M*lo«. Uirae inaertiooa or leee, $|JS fVhoifa/t Ifrufffitft, .»•» Hitrrn, Conn., ol & Om nut*, Main (CoraeT Water) street, FLOUR, fiRAI.V PROVISIONS, DEPUTY s n KRir^, Kolraaahaaltional loaartloa. Jo May h* «HUIi*i1 *1 Proprietor*. Si., Thomai Blook, RtJFUB MM ALL * ■ 1*|» NOTE—Female* tneitnlt will And this a 29 HACt)_ mjrr : 82 OomraeroUl SOIf, 8aoo, mains. By ito aqmtra. TirllKHK can 1 the nlMit r >lendid antidote for NAUSEA AT pet phntnKnuti AUCTIONEERS. Tha eaUbllahed aqaara la twelra llnaa nonpareil) LITTLKPIEtP'*, 8T0MACB, U. where Allbmln—• promptlyattended id all \> At K MclCENNRru, plciunw Me.*, to.__ whoa eat la larjtf lypo, or 4lepUjr«4, a eomewfcat indisposition peculiar to tlx situation. can ho obtained as a* at > Portland, of all kinds eheap any A. U. _ AND FIRE INSURANCE. r..rt»©r *t Mala Md Rogers. LIFE A0BNT8.| Cards at thu Office. larger rpaee i* allowed tha eqaaxa. Wmw »*•., 8m* GEO. a GOODWIN & In lllddeford or Dm. and warranted to to Uuldtfun), ll«. Wedding printed CO., plaee block. Saak Checka printed at thUoffio*. OBMlnClty DulMlng, Ml) Button, G