Languages of the United States - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Languages of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Many languages are used, or historically have been used in the United States. The most Languages of the United States commonly used language is English. There are also many languages indigenous to North America or to U.S. states or holdings in the Pacific region. Languages brought to the country by colonists or immigrants from Europe, Asia, or other parts of the world make up a large portion of the languages currently used; several languages, including creoles and sign languages, have also developed in the United States. Approximately 337 languages are spoken or signed by the population, of which 176 are indigenous to the area. Fifty-two languages formerly spoken in the Official None at federal level [4] country's territory are now extinct. languages The most common language in the United Main English 80%, Spanish 12.4%, other Indo-European 3.7%, States is known as American English. English languages Asian and Pacific island languages 3%, is the de facto national language of the United other languages 0.9% (2009 survey by the Census Bureau) States; in 2007, 80% of the population solely Indigenous Navajo, Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Dakota, Western Apache, spoke it, and some 95% claimed to speak it languages Keres, Cherokee, Zuni, Ojibwe, O'odham,[1] "well" or "very well".[5] However, no official language exists at the federal level. There Other have been several proposals to make English Achumawi, Adai, Afro-Seminole Creole, Ahtna, Alabama, the national language in amendments to Aleut, Alutiiq, Arapaho, Assiniboine, Atakapa, Atsugewi, immigration reform bills,[6][7] but none of these Barbareño, Biloxi, Blackfoot, Caddo, Cahuilla, Carolina bills has become law with the amendment Algonquian, Carolinian, Cayuga, Cayuse, Central Kalapuya, intact.
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