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*** 1

" 'No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation', David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations.

But, then, Spangler chills the soul of any Born Again Christian who knows their Bible generally and prophecy of Revelation specifically. 'The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ comes from Lucifer. He is the light-giver, he is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a great consciousness. He stands as the Great Initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ'." ~David Spanler

THIS SHOW - SATURDAY August 22, 2020 - 11:05 AM (PT)

!! End of the Deep State !! Will discuss the disinformation around the death rates and testing for the virus. A review of the “arrests” which are now taking place around the world. A beginning discussion about the hidden nature of luciferianism in modern culture.

******** SHOW TIMES ******** Will have a new recorded show mounted on the website by 1:00 pm Saturday {{ }}

News from The Neal Show

[ ED: I chose this video for you as I think it is accurate and also very reassuring for what is coming. ] 8 Questions with the Twitter Sensation Chris Pomfret Charles Ward 120K subscribers VIDEO: {{ }}

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After months of condemnation for no lockdown, Sweden’s COVID deaths drop to near-zero August 17, 2020 by Edward Morgan Share TweetNewsletter Signup

Unlike many nations, Sweden never shut down its schools or economy and did not restrict individual freedoms to nearly the degree seen in the United States and much of Europe.

By Calvin Freiburger,

As heated debate continues over the emergency measures taken around the world to limit the spread of COVID- 19, new data suggest Sweden’s oft-derided approach of not locking down may have paid off in the long run.

The country of 10 million people has seen a total of 82,972 infections and 5,766 deaths. Unlike many nations, it never shut down its schools or economy and did not restrict individual freedoms to nearly the degree seen in the United States and much of Europe. 3 Sweden’s leaders faced a steady drumbeat of international condemnation as deaths curved upward from April through June, though the curve flattened in July. Daily deaths fell to the low thirties in mid June, and have been in single digits since July 20.

Are we just going to ignore the fact that Sweden never issued stay-at-home orders, kept schools open, didn’t close businesses and the general public does not wear masks…

…and the entire country is down to LESS THAN 1 DEATH per day from COVID- 19.

— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) August 7, 2020

In April, Swedish epidemiologist Anders Tegnell explained to Nature magazine that Sweden started from the understanding that COVID-19 “is not a disease that can be stopped or eradicated…until a working vaccine is produced,” and that widespread lockdowns would be incompatible with Swedish laws, which “are mostly based on voluntary measures — on individual responsibility.”

“Closedown, lockdown, closing borders — nothing has a historical scientific basis, in my view,” Tegnell said. “We have looked at a number of European Union countries to see whether they have published any analysis of the effects of these measures before they were started, and we saw almost none.”

Notably, Tegnell also acknowledged that Sweden “underestimated the issues at care homes, and how the measures would be applied. We should have controlled this more thoroughly.” This was the same error infamously made in , suggesting that Sweden’s overall early outlook was disproportionately impacted by nursing home deaths.

Although Sweden did not implement a draconian lockdown, nor did its general population suffer terrible infection rates, it has been accused of committing “active euthanasia” on its elderly coronavirus patients.

Nursing homes in the Nordic country have been accused of denying their patients basic medical care including food and water and giving them respiratory-inhibiting drugs like morphine and midazolam.

Latifa Löfvenberg, a nurse in Sweden, said, “People suffocated, it was horrible to watch. One patient asked me what I was giving him when I gave him the morphine injection, and I lied to him.”

“Many died before their time. It was very, very difficult.”

“Regarding its medical facilities, the Scandinavian country’s approach was to keep hospital intensive-care units from being overwhelmed with elderly patients who had a low chance of surviving and thus keep them open for younger people should a surge in the virus occur. Such a surge did not happen and the elderly were denied access to unused facilities,” reported the Christian Post.

“They told us that we shouldn’t send anyone to the hospital, even if they may be 65 and have many years to live. We were told not to send them in,” according to Löfvenberg.

The Christian Post noted, “Those suspected to have COVID-19 were quickly placed on palliative care, given morphine, and denied supplementary oxygen and intravenous fluids and nutrition.”

“For many residents, this was essentially a death sentence.”

4 The Swedish Public Health Agency said that “48.9% of deaths were care home residents up to and including 14 May,” the BBC reported that month.

While numerous international headlines have recently begun expressing openness to the possibility Sweden’s non-lockdown overall strategy paid off, other reports still urge skepticism. The Hill health writer Chia-Yi Hou writes that “we will never know if doing more would have actually helped.” MedPage Today quotes doctors attributing the results to variables such as Swedes spending more of their summer outdoors.

Sweden not locking down appears to have also benefited the country economically. While the country’s second- quarter GDP dropped an historic 8.6%, CNBC reports, it still fared much better than others declines in Europe, such as Spain (18.5%), Portugal (14.1%), France (13.8%), and Germany (10.1%), as well as the overall European Union decline of 11.9%.



by Makia Freem

July 16, 2020

from TheFreedomArticles Website

Normal human red blood cells under a microscope.


5 What if COVID has nothing at all to do with a virus?

• THE IMPLICATIONS: Has this fake pandemic capitalized on people's ignorance of the true nature of acidosis, disease, viruses and terrain theory?

COVID is not actually a viral condition, but due to blood coagulation and the corona effect caused by acidosis?

The Corona Effect in relation to viruses is a phrase used by naturopathic practitioner Dr. Robert Young, whose research shatters the official coronavirus narrative.

Young has recently been outspoken in his quest to alert people to the real nature and cause of COVID.

Via his blog and various interviews (here, here and here), Young has been revealing that COVID not associated with any virus, but rather is associated pathological blood coagulation due to toxicity.

Some of this toxicity is introduced right into your bloodstream via vaccines, however there are many causes of it.

He views COVID as a biochemical poisoning of bodily fluids causing cellular breakdown and genetic mutation. He claims COVID symptoms are first and foremost circulatory problems. He also connects COVID to the acidity/alkalinity level inside the body.

The corona effect shows deformed red blood cells which indicate oxygen deprivation and radiation poisoning.

What is going here?

Let's take a closer look...


Polio was Not Caused by a Virus Polio, and COVID is Not Caused by a Virus Either

Before we get into COVID, let's go back in time a little.

Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, as the saying from George Santayana goes. Humanity has gone though similar pandemics in the past, but were we always told the full truth about what caused them?

In this article, Young exposes how polio was not cause by a virus, despite popular belief, but was actually caused by poisoning from the pesticide DDT.

Remember too that the cancer-causing monkey virus SV-40 (Simian Virus 40) was found in all polio vaccines administered to Americans up until around 1963.

Young writes: "I am suggesting in this article that there are significant findings based on historical and past and current research, including my own research that the theory of Polio and possibly other modern-day diseases, such as, • Post-Polio Syndrome • Polio Vaccine-Induced Paralysis • Legionnaires • CNS disease • Cancer and AIDS may be caused by acidic chemical poisoning from DDT (dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane),

7 ...and other related DDT pesticides, acidic vaccinations, and other factors including lifestyle and dietary factors rather than from a lone infectious Poliovirus."

"Farr's Law requires, for an epidemic to be a valid example of contagion, that the epidemic increase its incidence rates exponentially.

Since polio has been ubiquitous since the beginning of human history, its incidence rate should have peaked long ago and universal immunity conferred, if immunity was ever required, and if the poliovirus was actually a predator."

"The non-funded, ostracized theory of poison causality far exceeds all other theories in simplicity, exactitude, and directness regarding correlations within all data areas: dosage, physiology, etiology, epidemiology, economics, and politics." Likewise, Young believes there is no virus that causes COVID.

According to Dr. Young, COVID = Pathological Blood Coagulation

As I have previously stated, when it comes to COVID, there is not 1 virus, not 1 cause and not 1 disease.

Part of the psy-op is to convince you that there is a single killer virus out there, and that if we could just find and isolate this virus, we could destroy it and rescue the world from this dreaded pandemic. It's an illusion.

Young reveals that what the WHO has called "COVID" is a biochemical poisoning of bodily fluids causing cellular membrane breakdown and genetic mutation.

This means deterioration of cell membranes, due to a toxic environment, created due to a compromised bioterrain (see here for the background on bio terrain, and the importance of terrain theory over germ theory).

COVID is not a viral condition.

COVID symptoms are circulatory problems that stem from pathological blood coagulation. In technical medical terms, this coagulation (lumping and sticking together of red blood cells) is known as DIC or Disseminated Intervascular Coagulation.

Blood coagulation means, the blood changes from a liquid to a gel or semi-solid state, forming a blood clot...

This can be potentially dangerous, because when blood coagulates or clots, it can get stuck and prevent blood flow.

In this state the blood does not fully and freely intake oxygen and release waste products.

When blood clots, it can't enter the capillary system to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Young stresses that blood coagulation signals: 1. the inability of the blood to remove its waste products and pick up oxygen


2. that the blood is clotting inside the vascular system, so that acids can not be removed and thus accumulate, leading to toxic overload and disease People suffering from this kind of pathological blood coagulation will experience oxygen deprivation (hypoxia or under oxygenation).

They will likely feel short of breath and have symptoms identical to high altitude sickness.

Not coincidentally, this is exactly in line with what Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell from New York said when he went public months ago (during the peak of COVID fear) to tell the world about how his patients seemed to be suffering not from a viral pneumonia, but from altitude sickness...

The corona effect: spiky, crown-like cells develop and eventually become pathogenic. Image credit: Dr. Robert O. Young

What is the Corona Effect?

In his April 7th 2020 post entitled 'The Truth about Corona and How to Prevent and/or Reverse the "Corona Effect",' Young defines what he calls the corona effect: "The 'Corona Effect' is the oxidation of the cellular membrane and genetic mutations which gives rise to cellular pleomorphism or biological transformation and the appearance of 'crowning', 'spiking' and 'knobing' projections as the microzymas or anatomical indestructible matter changes its form and its function." Corona is the Latin word for crown, so Young is using it to describe the spiky nature of these microzymas, exosomes or tiny particles which are budding and offshooting from the cells.

Again, if you haven't already, read Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole - Question Everything for the background to the true nature of viruses, exosome theory and much more, since it will explain a lot of this.

Young continues: "These biological transformations of the body cells [are] the genesis of all bacteria, all yeast, all mold, all bacteriophages, all endotoxins or cell fragments, exotoxins and mycotoxins or metabolic acidic waste.

The cause of pleomorphism or cellular transformations of the body cells affecting the cell membrane and its genetic matter is the result of an acidic lifestyle including diet.

9 The disturbing contributing factors include, • all electrical and magnetic fields (EMF 1G to 5G) • all acidic foods • all acidic fluids • all environmental toxins, including carbon monoxide • all insecticides, pesticides and herbicides found in non-organic foods (i.e., glyphosate) • all acidic water (pH below 7.4) • all acidic legend drugs including all antibiotics and drugs that contain HCL • all recreational drugs including marijuana (THC is an oxidant) • all acidic supplements including all enzymes • all probiotics • all algae • all mushrooms, or all acidic supplements and foods • all acidic 'thoughts' • all acidic 'feelings' • all acidic 'beliefs'... This is the one cause of ALL sickness and disease and there is no other cause.

Once again, the one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking, feeling and believing..." Young then makes the startling claim that viruses do not exist...

This is a little different from what others such as virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Andy Kaufman have said (namely that viruses exist but that there is no evidence they cause disease): "All viruses DO NOT EXIST and therefore do NOT cause infections. All infections are born in us and from us and are outfections of the cell due to an acidic fluid environment." Young is strong believer in terrain theory over germ theory: that we are ultimately entirely responsible for our state of health, and that we only procure disease when we allow our inner terrain to become acidic, not only through bad food, but through a host of other possible means, including even our habitual feelings and thoughts, which have a tremendous yet often misunderstood and ignored biochemical effect on our bodies. Young mentions how appearance of HIV and "COVID"/SARS-CoV-2 are identical to the appearance of an exosome.

He also emphasizes that toxic insults like vaccines can cause blood clots (see here for list of top 10 vaccine ingredients and adjuvants, and here for a list of Top 10 reasons never to Vaccinate) - which are the same thing as blood coagulation.

Corona Effect - COVID is Acidic Poisoning

Young talks about how COVID is acidic poisoning: carbon dioxide poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, methane poisoning, lactic acid poisoning, uric acid poisoning, etc. He talks about how the largest organ of the human body is the interstitium, not the skin.

10 The interstitium is a contiguous fluid-filled space existing between a structural barrier, such as a cell wall or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including muscles and the circulatory system.

The interstitium is the dumping ground for metabolic waste products from the cells.

Then it goes to the lymphatic fluid to be eliminated from the body. Young mentions how the body has 3 main types of fluids: • intervascular fluids (fluids in the blood) • intercellular fluids (fluids inside the cells) • interstitial fluids (fluids in the interstitium, surrounding the cells, which account for 50-60% of all body's fluids) If doctors regularly tested the interstitial fluids (not just the intervascular fluids) during diagnosis, they would become aware of the deeper cause of disease, and also become aware of the ineffectiveness of Big Pharma medicines (petrochemical pills).

So What is the Solution?

As Dr. Kyle-Sidell said, giving ventilators to people with these symptoms and conditions is not helpful.

In fact, it's making things worse, because the ventilators have excessive pressure which can lead to blowing people's lungs out and killing them.

Other whistleblowers, such as New York nurse Erin Marie Olszewski, have stated that COVID patients were being killed with ventilators. The problem is not a lack of oxygen per se, but rather the inability of the body to actually intake that oxygen... Young stresses that it makes no sense to ventilate someone with DIC. More oxygen won't help, because the problem is in the blood.

It can't fully take in the O2 and get rid of waste products like CO2.

The solution is to increase systemic circulation, alkalize the interstitial fluids and open up pathways so cells can function properly. Incidentally, he mentions that the reason hydroxychloroquine has been apparently working for many COVID patients is because it raises blood pH, thus bringing much need alkalinity to the patient's blood.

Young writes: "There is only one treatment and that one treatment will restore health, vitality and energy to the organism (human or animal) by restoring the alkaline design of all body fluids, including the interstitial fluids that flow through every body cell that makes up every organ, gland and tissue..."

Final Thoughts

COVID is a wake up call for all of us.


It is time to look deeply at the base assumptions we have taken for granted about health, medicine, the body, disease, viruses, bacteria and much more.

Hopefully the world can use this crisis, manufactured as it is, to re-examine the fundamentals, so we can emerge from this less susceptible to, • fear • anxiety • propaganda, ...and more assured of our own power in our capacity to be fully in charge of our own health.

Sources • • • • • • • • • • • reverse-the-corona-effect • • • •

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************************ [ ED: You will need to click on the links below to see the actual tables referenced. ]

A very informative CDC chart sent to me today.

12 Here is an article that shows, using the CDCs own data, that the death rate so far for 2020 is well below the average for most years, and shows that this seasonal flu outbreak is rather "normal." Why then the huge response from the government and media regarding this outbreak? It has obviously become highly politicized in the face of the elections coming up in just three months. PWS

Is There a Pandemic?

Posted on: Thursday, August 13th 2020 at 11:15 am

Written By: Dr. Colleen Huber

Originally published on

From CDC data, 2020 has the lowest weekly death rate in a decade - so far

Although some of this lower death rate may be due to reporting lag, that lag is likely too small to explain the lower weekly death rate in 2020 than in previous years.


A pandemic that commands the attention of the public, and action by the medical field, is one that sickens many people, overwhelms healthcare resources, and raises the total death rate above that of a typical year or season. The COVID-19 era that began in early 2020 has received much attention in the United States for deaths that have occurred during this time. Has COVID-19 resulted in more deaths (known as "excess deaths") than would have happened in a typical year? An obstacle to answering that question is that testing for COVID-19 is flawed from being both inaccurate and imprecise, for reasons discussed herein, and it is difficult to distinguish COVID-19 from other respiratory illnesses, due to symptoms and signs that are mostly indistinguishable from the common cold, flu or pneumonia. It is possible that flu and pneumonia deaths, and perhaps others, have been ascribed to COVID-19, especially due to peculiarities in mortality reporting discussed below.

13 Therefore, year-over-year comparison of deaths from all causes is likely the best analysis of available evidence of whether the United States is now confronted by a deadly pandemic.

However, only 32 weeks have elapsed in 2020. For each previous year, 52 weeks have already elapsed. How then can we compare deaths from all causes in 2020 to previous years? In this paper, I divide total deaths by number of weeks to arrive at number of deaths per week for each of the last 21 years, January 1, 2000 through August 8, 2020.

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists total deaths for many previous years. The CDC also provides number of deaths from all causes in 2020. On examination of the data for the first two decades of the 21st century in this paper, it is seen that the 2020 weekly total death rate in the US is the lowest in a decade, and second lowest in the 21st century so far.


A pandemic is the prevalent spread of a disease over an entire country or worldwide, and there is often increased mortality for its duration compared to more typical years. Early rises in death rate are a warning of an especially dangerous pandemic. In 2020, it has been widely assumed that COVID-19 is a pandemic.

Understanding the COVID-19 phenomenon has been obstructed by several factors.

COVID-19 is assumed to be caused by a coronavirus that is said to be novel, "SARS-CoV-2." However, SARS is likely a misnomer, because SARS is the acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It is not at all clear that a majority of COVID-19 positive individuals have had acute respiratory distress with this illness. Other factors, such as use of over-pressurized ventilators, have led to acute respiratory distress among those diagnosed with COVID-19.

The most confusing aspect of COVID-19 is reliance on a reverse transcriptase, polymerase chain reaction manufacturing technique (RT-PCR), now nearly universally re-purposed as a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, although there are many problems with this test. I outline these problems below:

1 The very questionable applicability of the RT-PCR manufacturing technique for propagating RNA, now used throughout the world as a presumed test for presence of the particular infectious agent in question, or of other coronaviruses, other

14 virions and virus particles that may resemble the SARS-CoV-2 infectious agent without distinction among those; and

2 The 80% false positive rate of nucleic acid testing in the diagnosis of COVID-19; (1) and

3 The arbitrary number of iterations of this test that must be selected to produce a positive result; and

4 Instructions given to physicians by the CDC to code cases as COVID-19 deaths including presumptively; (2) and

5 Controversy regarding higher Medicare and private insurance reimbursement for COVID-19 patients than for flu patients, (3) (4) which may have skewed reported cause of death on death certificates; and

6 Financial rewards to hospitals by the CARES Act for the number of COVID-19 patients they treat; and

7 Direct financial incentives to patients for positive COVID-19 test results; (5) and

8 The possibility that there may be political influences in altering the true number of deaths from COVID-19.

Therefore, in order to attain the truest picture of the impact of the COVID-19 on public health, it may be helpful to look at deaths from all causes, to see if there was a significant change. Lack of a significant change in those numbers implies lack of lethality from any new cause.


As of this writing, 32 weeks have elapsed in 2020. However, for each previous year, 52 weeks have already elapsed. How then can we compare deaths from all causes in 2020 to previous years?

I divided the total number of deaths for each year by the number of weeks. That is 52 weeks for all years, except for 2020, in which 32 weeks have elapsed as of this past Saturday, August 8, 2020, which is the most recently updated week in the CDC data cited. This gives us the average number of deaths per week for each of those years, and allows a meaningful comparison between 2020 and prior years.

CDC data provides deaths from all causes for all previous years in the 21st century. (6) (7) The CDC also provides data for all-cause deaths in 2020. (8)


15 Table 1

Column D of Table 1 shows the total deaths divided by the number of weeks in the year to obtain an average number of deaths for each week in that particular year. That is calculated for all 21 years (2000 through 2020). 32 weeks for 2020 is highlighted to draw attention to that difference from the other years.

It is important to factor in the growing US population over the last two decades. The US population for each year is given in Column E.

Column G shows the ratio of total weekly deaths per US population for each of the first 21 years of the 21st century.

A comparison of the percentages in Column G are best seen in Graph 1 below.

Graph 1

We can see in Graph 1 that all-cause deaths per week in the US population seem to fluctuate between 0.015% and 0.017% of the population throughout the first two decades of this century. However, we see for all of the 21 years, 2020 has the second lowest weekly deaths of any year as a percentage of the total population. In Table 1 of this paper, Column H shows the rank of each year of the last two decades regarding its mortality. Only 2009 had lower mortality. All other years have had higher weekly death rates, as a percentage of population, than 2020. This second lowest death rate, in 2020, compared to previous years, may reflect lag time in reporting of mortality data to the CDC. However, if that is the case, it is likely not attributable to COVID-19 because the CDC has consistently reported for over three months that COVID-19 deaths peaked the week of April 18, 2020 in the US, and have been on a steady decline ever since. That is illustrated in CDC's Table 1, which is updated each weekday at this link (8) and with screenprint from August 10, 2020 (the first weekday after and reflecting the 32nd week of 2020) below endnote (8).

Also, at the same link, the CDC estimates that at least 75% of all deaths have been reported and tallied within eight weeks. Therefore, there is likely little difference from the currently displayed numbers, and the numbers that will ultimately be displayed. Any adjustment to these numbers is unlikely to change the trajectory of the curve in Graph 1 from its current sharp downward direction, toward an upward surge and a peak in 2020, which would give evidence of a pandemic if that were the case.

16 We have an opportunity to compare the first 32 weeks of 2019 with the same period in 2020, using the following monthly breakdown of 2019 in Table 2. When considering only the first 32 weeks of 2019 (as we have so far of 2020), we see that the total deaths per week as a percent of 2019 population is still higher than the comparable 32-week time period of 2020. This data shown below is reported by the CDC (9), and is from

Table 2

Table 2 shows deaths for each month in 2019. If we consider January through July 2019, plus the first 8 days in August 2019 (derived from the whole month of August / 31 * 8), then we see that total deaths through the first 32 weeks of 2019 were 1,730,581. This averaged 54,081 deaths per week. As a percentage of the 2019 US population (329,064,917), the total weekly death rate in 2019 was 0.016435%, which was still higher than for the first 32 weeks of 2020, which was 0.015358%. It was 7% higher in 2019 than in 2020.

One might wonder if the 32 weeks of 2020 have been truly representative of what the entire year will be. According to this CDC graph, (10) it seems as if the early months of a year are generally more deadly than later in a year. January through May seem to contain a disproportionate number of deaths in a year compared to June through December.

Therefore, let's consider CDC mortality data January through May 2020. On May 29, 2020, the last weekday in May, the CDC reported total deaths of 984,553 (11) to date in the US. This was at nearly the end of week 22. Dividing, we find 44,752 deaths per week. Dividing that number in turn by the 2020 US population, we have 44,752 / 331,208,757. The result is 0.01351% of Americans died per week in those first 5 months of 2020. This percentage is even lower than the weekly death rate computed using data through August 8, 2020, and it is still lower than the weekly death rate for any of the prior years in the 21st century, bar none.


If COVID-19 is genuinely the deadly pandemic that it is widely thought to be, then total deaths would not only be a little higher than usual, but would be much greater during the period of its peak incidence and closely following weeks. It is not possible to have a deadly pandemic rage through a population without increasing the total number of all-cause deaths during the year of its peak incidence, because there is no reason for alternate causes of death, (heart disease, cancer, etc) to simultaneously decline. Therefore, if deaths

17 are not significantly increased above previous years for a given region, then there has been no pandemic, nor even an epidemic there.

On the contrary, what has been found is that so far there are fewer deaths per week in 2020, than in any other year since 2009. Although some of this lower death rate may be due to reporting lag, that lag is likely too small to explain the considerably lower weekly death rate in 2020 than in previous years.

It seems that there is no pandemic in 2020 of COVID-19 or of anything else, at least not in the United States.


1. G Zhuang, M Shen, et al. Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients. ntial_false- positive_rate_among_the_%27asymptomatic_infected_individuals%2 7_in_close_contacts_of_COVID-19_patients

2. US Health and Human Services, NVSS. Vital statistics reporting guidance. Apr 3, 2020 Document-to-Doctors-on-How-to-Certify-COVID-19-Deaths-including- Related- Deaths?campaign=VigLink&ad_group=xxc1xx&source=hp_affiliate&m edium=affiliate

3. M Rogers. Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID- 19, on ventilators. USA Today. Apr 24, 2020. 4/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients- coronavirus/3000638001/

4. American Hospital Association. Senate passes the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. bulletin/2020-03-26-senate-passes-coronavirus-aid-relief-and- economic-security-cares-act

5. J Crump. California county will pay people diagnosed with coronavirus $1250 to stay home. Independent UK. Aug 7, 2020. virus-california-alameda-county-stipend-stay-home-a9660536.html

18 6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Underlying Cause of Death, 1999 - 2018 Request.;jsession id=49999BFD95688972FC2D311081468CD0

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Deaths and Mortality. National Center for Health Statistics.

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Provisional death counts. Daily updates of totals by week and by state. Table 1.

9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. State and National Provision Counts. 2019 data.

10. J Xu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. QuickStats: Average daily number of deaths per month - United States, 2017. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 68(26): 593. Jul 5, 2019.

11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Provisional death counts. Daily updates of totals by week and by state. Table 1.

Also screenprinted in:

C Huber. Lockdowns failed to reduce deaths. Table CDC data, May 29, 2020, Part 1 of 3. Jun 16, 2020.

Dr. Colleen Huber is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. Her clinic, NatureWorksBest Cancer Clinic, has reported its results in detailed documentation of every patient who stayed at least two weeks at the clinic, from 2006 to 2014. Those results are here at this link.

Dr. Huber’s study on sugar intake in cancer patients was groundbreaking for being the largest and longest such study in humans. We are not aware of any longer duration study of this topic. You can read the study at this link.

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Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? By Celia Farber - April 7, 2020

The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus

“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” –Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction What do we mean when we say somebody has ‘tested positive’ for the Corona Virus? The answer would astound you. But getting this “answer” is like getting to a very rare mushroom that only grows above 200 feet on a Sequoia tree in the forbidden forest. 20 I say that for dramatic effect, but also because I wound up, against all odds, finding it. Every day I wake up and work at shedding one more layer of ignorance —by listening carefully. I got lucky with scientists many years ago; Epic, incredible scientists, happening to cross my path when nobody else wanted to talk to them. Now their names are emerging, their warnings and corrections crystallizing. True “science” (the nature of the natural world) is never bad news. Globalist science is nothing but bad news. The reason Bill Gates wants you to believe a Corona Virus will exterminate over 450 million people is that he hates nature, God, and you. (A subjective interpretation.) Why is that? You’d have to ask his psychiatrist. But let’s talk about the latest terror bomb detonated by Global Atheist PC Creeps upon your perfectly good, free life as a US citizen in 2020, governed by a President who does not think backwards. How many of us are “infected” with this novel Corona virus, and how scared should we be? First, a spiritual law: Anything that tries to frighten you comes from “opposition,” in spiritual battle. It’s not the Holy Spirit, period. Ignore its threats and keep your wits about you. You don’t have to shout, “Stay safe!’ to your neighbors. We are safe. We have an immune system that is a miracle like The Sistine Chapel. It withstands toxic, microbial inundation on a grand scale at all times, while operating a super-highway of adaptive life-sustaining genetic information, on cellular bridges, emitting telegrams of vital evolutionary code, slandered as “viruses” or “retroviruses.” People die—yes. But people don’t die the way Bill Gates would have you believe, at the mercy of malicious, predatory pathogens, “lurking” on every surface, and especially other humans. That’s not “science.” That’s social engineering. Terrorism. Let’s proceed. What do we mean when we say a person “tests positive” for Covid-19? We don’t actually mean they have been found to “have” it. We’ve been hijacked by our technologies, but left illiterate about what they actually mean. In this case, I am in the rare position of having known, spent time with, and interviewed the inventor of the method used in the presently available Covid-19 tests, which is called PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction.) His name was Kary B. Mullis, and he was one of the warmest, funniest, most eclectic- minded people I ever met, in addition to being a staunch critic of HIV “science,” and an unlikely Nobel Laureate, i.e. a “genius.”

21 R One time, in 1994, when I called to talk to him about how PCR was being weaponized to “prove,” almost a decade after it was asserted, that HIV caused AIDS, he actually came to tears. The people who have taken all your freedoms away in recent weeks, they’re social engineers, politicians, globalist thought leaders, bankers, WHO fanatics, and the like. Their army is composed of “mainstream media,” which is now literally a round-the-clock perfect propaganda machine for the Gates-led Pandemic Reich. Kary Mullis was a scientist. He never spoke like a globalist, and said once, memorably, when accused of making statements about HIV that could endanger lives: “I’m a scientist. I’m not a lifeguard.” That’s a very important line in the sand. Somebody who goes around claiming they are “saving lives,” is a very dangerous animal, and you should run in the opposite direction when you encounter them. Their weapon is fear, and their favorite word is “could.” They entrap you with a form of bio-debt, creating simulations of every imaginable thing that “could” happen, yet hasn’t. Bill Gates has been waiting a long time for a virus with this much, as he put it, “pandemic potential.” But Gates has a problem, and it’s called PCR. Of Mullis’ invention, Polymerase Chain Reaction, the Observer wrote: “Not since James Watt walked across Glasgow Green in 1765 and realized that the secondary steam condenser would transform steam power, an inspiration that set loose the industrial revolution, has a single, momentous idea been so well recorded in time and place.” What does HIV have to do with Covid-19? PCR played a central role in the HIV war (a war you don’t know about, that lasted 22 years, between Globalist post-modern HIV scientists and classical scientists.) The latter lost the war. Unless you count being correct as winning. The relentless violence finally silenced the opposition, and it seemed nobody would ever learn who these scientists were, or why they fought this thing so adamantly and passionately. And PCR, though its inventor died last year, and isn’t here to address it, plays a central role in Corona terrorism. Here is an outtake from an article I published in SPIN, in 1994, about Kary Mullis, PCR, HIV and…Tony Fauci: 22 “PCR has also had a great impact on the field of AIDS, or rather, HIV research. PCR can, among other things, detect HIV in people who test negative to the HIV antibody test. The word “eccentric” seems to come up often in connection with Mullis’ name: His first published scientific paper, in the premier scientific journal Nature in 1986, described how he viewed the universe while on LSD – pocked with black holes containing antimatter, for which time runs backward. He has been known to show photographs of nude girlfriends during his lectures, their bodies traced with Mandelbrot fractal patterns. And as a side project, he is developing a company which sells lockets containing the DNA of rock stars. But it is his views on AIDS that have really set the scientific establishment fuming. Mullis, like his friend and colleague Dr. Peter Duesberg, does not believe that AIDS is caused by the retrovirus HIV. He is a long-standing member of the Group for the Reappraisal of the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis, the 500-member protest organization pushing for a re-examination of the cause of AIDS. One of Duesberg’s strongest arguments in the debate has been that the HIV virus is barely detectable in people who suffer from AIDS. Ironically, when PCR was applied to HIV research, around 1989, researchers claimed to have put this complaint to rest. Using the new technology, they were suddenly able to see viral particles in the quantities they couldn’t see before. Scientific articles poured forth stating that HIV was now 100 times more prevalent than was previously thought. But Mullis himself was unimpressed. “PCR made it easier to see that certain people are infected with HIV,” he told Spin in 1992, “and some of those people came down with symptoms of AIDS. But that doesn’t begin even to answer the question, ‘Does HIV cause it?'” Mullis then went on to echo one of Duesberg’s most controversial claims. “Human beings are full of retroviruses,” he said, “We don’t know if it is hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands. We’ve only recently started to look for them. But they’ve never killed anybody before. People have always survived retroviruses.” Mullis challenged the popular wisdom that the disease-causing mechanisms of HIV are simply too “mysterious” to comprehend. “The mystery of that damn virus,” he said at the time, “has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it. You take any other virus, and you spend $2 billion, and you can make up some great mysteries about it too.” Like so many great scientific discoveries, the idea for PCR came suddenly, as if by direct transmission from another realm. It was during a late-night drive in 1984, the same year, ironically, that HIV was announced to be the “probable” cause of AIDS. “I was just driving and thinking about ideas and suddenly I saw it,” Mullis recalls. “I saw the polymerase chain reaction as clear as if it were up on a blackboard in my head, so I pulled over and started scribbling.” A chemist friend of his was asleep in the car, and, as Mullis described in a recent special edition of Scientific American: “Jennifer objected groggily to the delay and the light, but I exclaimed I had discovered something fantastic. Unimpressed, she went back to sleep.” Mullis kept scribbling calculations, right there in the car, until the formula for DNA amplification was complete. The calculation was based on the concept of “reiterative exponential growth processes,” which Mullis had picked up from working with computer programs. After much table-pounding, he convinced the small California biotech company he was working for, Cetus, that he was on to something. Good thing they finally listened: They sold the patent for PCR to Hoffman-LaRoche for the staggering sum of $300 million – the most money ever paid for a patent. Mullis meanwhile received a $10,000 bonus.

23 Mullis’s mother reports that as a child, her lively son got into all kinds of trouble – shutting down the house’s electricity, building rockets, and blasting small frogs hundreds of feet into the air. These days, he likes to surf, rollerblade, take pictures, party with his friends – most of whom are not scientists – and above all, he loves to write. Mullis is notoriously difficult to track down and interview. I had left several messages on his answering machine at home but had gotten no response. Finally, I called him in the late evening, and he picked up, in the middle of bidding farewell to some dinner guests. He insisted he would not give me an interview, but after a while, a conversation was underway, and I asked if I couldn’t just please turn my tape recorder on. “Oh, what the hell,” he gruffed. “Turn the fucker on.” Our talk focused on AIDS. Though Mullis has not been particularly vocal about his HIV skepticism, his convictions have not, to his credit, been muddled or softened by his recent success and mainstream acceptability. He seems to revel in his newly acquired power. “They can’t pooh-pooh me now, because of who I am,” he says with a chuckle – and by all accounts, he’s using that power effectively. When ABC’s “Nightline” approached Mullis about participating in a documentary on himself, he instead urged them to focus their attention on the HIV debate. “That’s a much more important story,” he told the producers, who up to that point had never acknowledged the controversy. In the end, “Nightline” ran a two-part series, the first on Kary Mullis, the second on the HIV debate. Mullis was hired by ABC for a two-week period, to act as their scientific consultant and direct them to sources. The show was superb, and represented a historic turning point, possibly even the end of the seven-year media blackout on the HIV debate. But it still didn’t fulfill Mullis’ ultimate fantasy. “What ABC needs to do,” says Mullis, “is talk to [Chairman of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony] Fauci and [Dr. Robert] Gallo [one of the discoverers of HIV] and show that they’re assholes, which I could do in ten minutes.” But I point out, Gallo will refuse to discuss the HIV debate, just as he’s always done. “I know he will,” Mullis shoots back, anger rising in his voice. “But you know what? I would be willing to chase the little bastard from his car to his office and say, ‘This is Kary Mullis trying to ask you a goddamn simple question,’ and let the cameras follow. If people think I’m a crazy person, that’s okay. But here’s a Nobel Prize-winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people. It has to be on TV. It’s a visual thing. I’m not unwilling to do something like that.” He pauses, then continues. “And I don’t care about making an ass of myself because most people realize I am one.” While many people, even within the ranks of the HIV dissidents, have of late tried to distance themselves from the controversial Duesberg, Mullis defends him passionately and seems genuinely concerned about his fate. “I was trying to stress this point to the ABC people” he says, “that Peter has been abused seriously by the scientific establishment, to the point where he can’t even do any research. Not only that, but his whole life is pretty much in disarray because of this, and it is only because he has refused to compromise his scientific moral standards. There ought to be some goddamn private foundation in the country, that would say, ‘Well, we’ll move in where the NIH [National Institutes of Health] dropped off. We’ll take care of it. You just keep right on saying what you’re saying, Peter. We think you’re an asshole, and we think you are wrong, but you’re the only dissenter, and we need one, because it’s science, it’s not religion.’ And that was one of the reasons why I cooperated with ABC.” 24 “I am waiting to be convinced that we’re wrong,” Mullis continues. “I know it ain’t going to happen. But if it does, I will tell you this much – I will be the first person to admit it. A lot of people studying this disease are looking for the clever little pathways they can piece together, that will show how this works. Like, ‘What if this molecule was produced by this one and then this one by this one, and then what if this one and that one induces this one’ – that stuff becomes, after two molecules, conjecture of the rankest kind. People who sit there and talk about it don’t realize that molecules themselves are somewhat hypothetical, and that their interactions are more so, and that the biological reactions are even more so. You don’t need to look that far. You don’t discover the cause of something like AIDS by dealing with incredibly obscure things. You just look at what the hell is going on. Well, here’s a bunch of people that are practicing a new set of behavioral norms. Apparently, it didn’t work because a lot of them got sick. That’s the conclusion. You don’t necessarily know why it happened. But you start there.” That was a historical detour, shared in hopes of rooting this conversation historically. When you see the word “cases” on your TV screen, in this world that has now been hijacked by one single event, one dread, one Idol, you will be forgiven for thinking those are cases of Covid-19. The number of “cases” is often a very big number, back-lit in red. Today for example, the number of “total cases,” in the US, according to Worldometer, is 309,728. The total death figure is 8,441. “Active cases,” is 286,546, of which 8,206 are “Serious, Critical.” The number of “new deaths” is 1,037, and the number of “total recovered” is 14,741. I’m not clear what an “active” case is. Does that mean fully symptomatic? Partially symptomatic? If the latter, it surely encompasses influenza/pneumonia, which has magically, as many have observed, dropped off a cliff for 2020. In China, generally, they diagnose ‘Corona’ with CT scans and one or two positive PCR tests. In the US, it’s difficult to find out what makes a “case,” ie what the case definition is. Absent CT scans, we are in a bio-tech free-fall. One website offers this distressingly unclear definition: “The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has been spreading worldwide, resulting in growing numbers of infected individuals since late 2019 and increased mortality numbers since early 2020. So far, experts have seen that while there are severe cases, the infection is usually mild with non-specific symptoms. And there are no trademark clinical features of COVID-19 infection.” There are no trademark clinical features? What then, collapsed the world? I sure hope this isn’t all riding on a “test,” as bio-tech Oracle. A few graphs down, my fears are confirmed: “Diagnosis of COVID-19 involves laboratory tests. Once someone has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, additional diagnostic tests may be done to determine the severity of the infection.” I accept that “something is going on” that overlaps with flu, but reportedly worse than a normal flu. That’s what we’re hearing. It involves an acute lack of oxygen, for reasons unclear. People can’t breathe. Intubation is a serious, potentially dangerous procedure that begs many questions—but that’s for a future article. What is the relationship between the spread of testing and the “spread” of a new virus? How do we know what we are experiencing, in comparison to what we are assuming we are experiencing? One study in Austria found that increased testing correlated with, no surprise, increased “cases.” 25 In an email discussion between a group of international scientists, academics and MD’s, the question was posed whether the daily number of new cases would track with the daily number of tests. “Yes, they do,” wrote Austrian MD Christian Fiala. “Here are the data from Austria. In other words if they want to further increase the number of ‘infected‘ people, they have to also increase the number of tests. However, that is physically impossible. Another aspect: during the first weeks most tests were done on sick people. Therefore, the percentage of positive tests was relatively high. But there are not so many sick people and with the general roll out of tests, the vast majority of those tested will be healthy. Consequently, the percentage of positive tests will be low, and most will be false positive. In other words, it is impossible to continue the increase of positive test results.” In the US, we have all but abandoned classical diagnostic medicine in favor of biotech, or lab result medicine. This has been going on for a long time and is a dangerous turning. The “Corona test” is named with characteristic tech-tedium: “CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” That means it is a needle in a DNA haystack test. A PCR test. It finds fragments, nucleic acids. From an email from Kary Mullis, to the widow of boxer Tommy Morrison, whose career and life were destroyed by an “HIV test,” and who litigated ferociously for years, against test manufacturers, Dr. Mullis wrote, on May 7, 2013: “PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment. “ If things were done right, “infection” would be a far cry from a positive PCR test. “You have to have a whopping amount of any organism to cause symptoms. Huge amounts of it,” Dr. David Rasnick, bio-chemist, protease developer, and former founder of an EM lab called Viral Forensics told me. “You don’t start with testing; you start with listening to the lungs. I’m skeptical that a PRC test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine. 30% of your infected cells have been killed before you show symptoms. By the time you show symptoms…the dead cells are generating the symptoms.” I asked Dr. Rasnick what advice he has for people who want to be tested for COVID-19. “Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,” he replies. “No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable.” One of the countless head-spinning mysteries of this whole Corona Situation has been the advent of famous people, from Tom Hanks and his wife, to Sophie Trudeau, to Prince Charles announcing they had “tested positive” for COVID-19 and were self-quarantining. In all these famous-powerful people cases, the symptoms were either non-existent or mild. Why, one wondered, did they make such hay about it? The British Royals, especially, seemed to contradict their ethos of secrecy in this case. So what did it mean? It signaled, if anything, that COVID-19 is not all that deadly. That the virus can be present without causing the disease. That host factors matter. And that being “positive” for COVID-19 is neither a PR death sentence nor an actual death sentence. Maybe in their elite and esoteric language, it means some kind of prestige, or sacrament to a Pagan Virus Deity. Who knows? In the case of the Trudeau, Sophie tested positive, and had symptoms, while her husband Justin, the Prime Minister, never got sick, and was never tested. (He didn’t want to appear privileged; Not everybody can get tested in Canada, you must have symptoms.)

26 We do live now in a world dominated by a Corona virus, as my friend Kevin Corbett, a retired nurse in the UK puts it, “with knobs on it.” Shrek-Green is the color that was chosen. We’re lost in a simulation, seeking to grab hold of “truth” and reality. One way that I do that is to grab hold of words, slow them down, and analyze them. Globalists love to weaponize words and make spells out of them. Hypnotics. To this end, they invent new words, and force you to use them and live them. Words like “Corona Virus,” and “Social Distancing.” “COVID-19.” “Tested Positive.” Whether we realize it or not, this phrase is an echo of HIV-think, which I swam through for most of my so-called career in journalism, choking and spitting all the way out. The globalists write code. They encode “viruses” and give them a weaponized, video-game identity. In this video game, you lose all your freedoms, and must display gratitude and servitude. Viral code trumps all other forms of politics. Nothing can counter it. Especially not “science.” The virus is also a sweeping metaphor for the spread of “misinformation,” which means anything outside their religious doctrines, not recognizable by classical virology. The code, the potential scenarios, the mysticism and superstition about how the virus spreads, must not be questioned, If you wish to remain a person, as opposed to an un- person. It’s a form of post-globalist environmental socialism gone malignant: Demand that all people submit to an equal chance to be killed by a virus. Act out the theatrics of worshiping the virus with fear as the measure of inverted faith. This is why celebrities love this kind of thing. It gives them a chance to debase themselves, to self-flagellate as fellow sufferers. As I write this, from my window in New York City, at 7 pm every evening, people are heard hollering, clapping, and blowing horns from their windows, to show solidarity to the health care workers on the front lines. Was any such thing ever devised for the mass deaths from opioids? No, they weren’t significant deaths for the global elites. It’s not “death,” this play is about. It’s socialist contagion theology. You can’t go to the grocery store without encountering new displays of Corona Heroica. Only viruses interest these people, these haters of liberty. Yet they refuse to learn the first thing about the natural life of viruses and humans. If they did peer into this world, they would find beauty, truth, and wonder. They would find that viruses are rarely deadly, always misunderstood, and actually trying to protect us. The reason the globalists are obsessed with “spread” and “viruses” is because they want to shut down all forms of communication and information exchange that threatens their New World Order. “Every time somebody takes a swab, a tissue sample of their DNA, it goes into a government database. It’s to track us,” says David Rasnick. “They’re not just looking for the virus. Please put that in your article.” Technocracy In HIV, the death spell (code) came to people in the form of two antibody tests called ELISA and Western Blot, initially. Not PCR tests—they came later, to measure “viral load,” and were specifically not to be used for diagnosing HIV. Rather, to stress people out about their “surrogate markers,” said to represent where they stood in their battle against HIV. (Did people really need to be in a “battle” against HIV? This was the trillion-dollar question.) In any case, those tests were not built on a “gold standard” which means purification of an actual virus. Purification means the pathogen has been separated from all else. HIV co- discoverer and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier famously told journalist Djamel Tahi in an interview: “I repeat, we did not purify.” HIV was never “separated from everything else.” It was and is a laboratory artifact, a set of lab-tortured antigens around which a “test” was built—a test which shattered countless 27 millions of lives, because people watched TV and believed what they were told. They didn’t get a chance to hear what Kary Mullis or dozens of other real scientists had to say about the supposedly deadly retrovirus, HIV. Nothing was proven before it was asserted. This became the norm, paving the way for the situation we are in now. Global viral communism. We all dreaded this would happen, but we never dreamed they would choose a cold virus. A Corona virus. In the early 1990’s, PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction) came into popular use, and Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize for it in 1993. PCR, simply put, is a thermal cycling method used to make up to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, making it large enough to study. As it correctly says on PCR’s Wikipedia page, PCR is an “…indispensable technique” with a “broad variety” of applications, “…including biomedical research and criminal forensics.” [Italics mine.] The page goes on to say, to my dismay, that one of the applications of PCR is “…for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”

PCR is a needle in a haystack technology that can be extremely misleading in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” The first conflict between this revolutionary technology and human life happened on the battlefield of AIDS, and Mullis himself came to the front line arguing against PCR as diagnostic tool. In 1987, esteemed Berkeley cancer virologist Peter Duesberg had doomed his funding and “career” by issuing a broadside in a paper published in Cancer Research to the growing and promiscuous assertions made for cancer viruses, including at least one he stood to gain a Nobel Prize for had he not diffused its significance himself. His main argument was that the Gallo/Montagnier fusion “virus” that came to be called ‘HIV’ was (like all viruses in its class) barely capable of infecting cells. It infected so few cells that Duesberg likened the pathogenic model to thinking you can conquer China by killing 3 soldiers a day. There was simply not enough “there-there” in the form of cell death. “It’s a pussycat,” he said. He even said he wouldn’t mind being injected with it. (though not if it came from Gallo’s lab.) With PCR’s rise, the HIV Industrial Complex weaponized it to assert that now they could see HIV more abundantly, hence their maligned foe Peter Duesberg was toast. And it was Kary Mullis, himself an HIV dissenter, who rose to Duesberg’s defense and said, “No he isn’t.” I conducted a two-hour interview with David Crowe– Canadian researcher, with a degree in biology and mathematics, host of The Infectious Myth podcast, and President of the think- tank Rethinking AIDS. He broke down the problems with the PCR based Corona test in great detail, revealing a world of unimaginable complexity, as well as trickery. “The first thing to know is that the test is not binary,” he said. “In fact, I don’t think there are any tests for infectious disease that are positive or negative.” The next part of his explanation is lengthy and detailed, but let’s push through:

28 “What they do is they take some kind of a continuum and they arbitrarily say this point is the difference between positive and negative.” “Wow,” I said. “That’s so important. I think people envision it as one of two things: Positive or negative, like a pregnancy test. You “have it” or you don’t.” “PCR is really a manufacturing technique,” Crowe explained. “You start with one molecule. You start with a small amount of DNA and on each cycle the amount doubles, which doesn’t sound like that much, but if you, if you double 30 times, you get approximately a billion times more material than you started with. So as a manufacturing technique, it’s great. What they do is they attach a fluorescent molecule to the RNA as they produce it. You shine a light at one wavelength, and you get a response, you get light sent back at a different wavelength. So, they measure the amount of light that comes back and that’s their surrogate for how much DNA there is. I’m using the word DNA. There’s a step in RT- PCR test which is where you convert the RNA to DNA. So, the PCR test is actually not using the viral RNA. It’s using DNA, but it’s like the complimentary RNA. So logically it’s the same thing, but it can be confusing. Like why am I suddenly talking about DNA? Basically, there’s a certain number of cycles.” This is where it gets wild. “In one paper,” Crowe says, “I found 37 cycles. If you didn’t get enough fluorescence by 37 cycles, you are considered negative. In another, paper, the cutoff was 36. Thirty-seven to 40 were considered “indeterminate.” And if you got in that range, then you did more testing. I’ve only seen two papers that described what the limit was. So, it’s quite possible that different hospitals, different States, Canada versus the US, Italy versus France are all using different cutoff sensitivity standards of the Covid test. So, if you cut off at 20, everybody would be negative. If you cut off a 50, you might have everybody positive.” I asked him to pause so I could exclaim my astonishment. And yet, it was Déjà vu all over again. Just like in the HIV battle—people were never told that the “HIV test” had different standards in different countries, and within countries, from lab to lab. The highest bar (the greatest number of HIV proteins) was in Australia: five. The Lowest was Africa: 2. In the US it is generally 3-4. We used to joke that you could rid yourself of an “HIV diagnosis” by flying from either the US or Australia, to Africa. But for many years, “AIDS” in Africa was diagnosed without any tests whatsoever. Just a short list of symptoms that tracked precisely with symptoms of most tropical diseases, such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. David, in his quiet Canadian way, dropped a bombshell in his next statement: “I think if a country said, “You know, we need to end this epidemic,” They could quietly send around a memo saying: “We shouldn’t be having the cutoff at 37. If we put it at 32, the number of positive tests drops dramatically. If it’s still not enough, well, you know, 30 or 28 or something like that. So, you can control the sensitivity.” Yes, you read that right. Labs can manipulate how many “cases’ of Covid-19 their country has. Is this how the Chinese made their case load vanish all of a sudden? “Another reason we know this is bogus,” Crowe continued, “is from a remarkable series of graphs published by some people from Singapore in JAMA. These graphs were published in the supplementary information, which is an indication that nobody’s supposed to read them. And I think the authors probably just threw them in because they were interesting graphs, but they didn’t realize what was in them. So, they were 18 graphs of 18 different people. And at this hospital in Singapore, they did daily coronavirus tests and they grasped the 29 number of PCR cycles necessary to detect fluorescence. Or if they couldn’t detect florescence by…37 cycles, they put a dot on the bottom of the graph, signifying a negative.” “So, in this group of 18 people, the majority of people went from positive, which is normally read as “infected,” to negative, which is normally read as “uninfected” back to positive— infected again. So how do you interpret this? How do you have a test if a test act is actually, you know, 100% positive for detecting infection, then the negative results must’ve been wrong? And so, one way to solve that is to move the point from 37 to say 36 or 38. You can move this, this cycle of numbers. It’s an arbitrary division up or down. But there’s no guarantee that if you did that, you wouldn’t still have the same thing. It would just, instead of going from, from 36 to undetectable and back to 36 or back to 45, it might go from 33 to undetectable to 30 or something like that. Right? So, you can’t solve the problem by changing this arbitrary binary division. And so basically this says that the test is not detecting infection. Because if it was, like if you’re infected, and then you’re uninfected, and you’re in a hospital with the best anti-infective precautions in the world, how did you get re- infected? And if you cured the infection, why didn’t you have antibodies to stop you getting re-infected? So, there’s no explanation within the mainstream that can explain these results. That’s why I think they’re so important.” I couldn’t believe my ears. And yet I could. Have you ever tried to read the package insert for a “Corona” PCR test? You begin to feel after a while that the technobabble is some kind of spell, or bad dream. An alien language from another dimension, that could not possibly— whatever else it may do—help a single human being have a better life. It’s not “English.” I don’t know what it is. “I’ve been quoting, Alice in Wonderland a lot recently,” David says, “because it’s the only way I can wrap my head around it. Alice said: “Sometimes I can believe six impossible things before breakfast!” One of the ways to distinguish truth from deception in contemporary “science” is to track what gets removed. For example, David tells me, there was apparently an English abstract online at PubMed out of China that rendered the entire COVID testing industrial complex baseless and absurd. “There was a famous Chinese paper that estimated that if you’re testing asymptomatic people, up to 80% of positives could be false positive. That was kind of shocking, so shocking that PubMed had to withdraw the abstract even though the Chinese paper appears to still be published and available. I actually have a translation with a friend. I translated it into English and it’s a really, standard calculation of what they call positive predictive value. The abstract basically said that in asymptomatic populations, the chance of a positive coronavirus test being a true positive is only about 20%. 80% will be false positive.” “Doesn’t that mean the test means nothing?” I asked. “The Chinese analysis was a mathematical analysis, a standard, the standard analysis that’s been done a million times before. There’s no reason to withdraw the paper for any reason. There’s nothing dramatic about the paper. It’s a really boring analysis. It’s just that they did the standard analysis and said, in some populations, like they estimated 1% of people are actually infected in the population. You could have 80% false positive. Uh, they couldn’t do a real analysis of false positives in terms of determining whether a test is correct or not because that requires a gold standard and the only gold standard is purification of the virus. So, we get back to the fact that the virus is not being purified. If you could purify the virus, then you could take a hundred people who tested positive and you could search for the virus in them. And if you found the virus in 50 out of a hundred and not in the other 50, you could 30 say that the test is only accurate 50% of the time. But we have no way to do that because we haven’t yet purified the virus. And I don’t think we ever will.” Dave Rasnick has had exchanges with David Crowe about this, and concurs, “To my knowledge, they have not yet purified this virus.” In a previous interview I did with him a few weeks ago, he said this, about PCR tests and the fallacies of thinking less is more, or smaller is better, or more “sensitive” means more accurate: “It’s like fingerprints. With PCR you’re only looking at a small number of nucleotide. You’re looking at a tiny segment of gene, like a fingerprint. When you have regular human fingerprints, they have to have points of confirmation. There are parts that are common to almost all fingerprints, and it’s those generic parts in a Corona virus that the PCR test picks up. They can have partial loops but if you only took a few little samples of fingerprints you are going to come up with a lot of segments of RNA that we are not sure have anything to do with corona virus. They will still show up in PCR. You can get down to the levels where its biologically irrelevant and then amplify it a trillion-fold.” “The primers are what you know. We already know the strings of RNA for the Corona family, the regions that are stable. That’s at one end. Then you look at the other end of the region, for all Corona viruses. The Chinese decided that there was a region in those stable areas that was unique to their Corona virus. You do PCR to see if that is true. If it is truly unique it would work. But they’re using the SARS test because they don’t really have one for the new virus.” “SARS isn’t the virus that stopped the world,” I offer. “That’s right.” “PCR for diagnosis is a big problem,” he continues. “When you have to amplify it these huge numbers of time, it’s going to generate massive amounts of false positives. Again, I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true.” Crowe described a case in the literature of a woman who had been in contact with a suspect case of Corona (in Wuhan) they believed was the index case. “She was important to the supposed chain of infection because of this. They tested her 18 times, different parts of the body, like nose, throat—different PCR tests. 18 different tests. And she tested negative every time. And then they—because of her epidemiological connection with the other cases, they said: “We consider her infected. So, they had 18 negative tests and they said she was infected.” “Now why was she important? Well there was only one other person who could have theoretically transmitted the virus if the original patient, outside the family was who they thought it was. But secondly, she had the same exact symptoms as everybody else. Right? So, four people in his family came down with fever and cough and headaches, fatigue and all these kinds of big symptoms. So, if she could get those symptoms without the virus, then you, you’ve got to say, well, why couldn’t everybody else’s symptoms be explained by whatever she had? I mean, maybe they, they ate some bad seafood or something and so they all got sick, but it had nothing to do with the coronavirus. But because three out of the four, tested positive, then they were, they were all considered infected and out of the same paper. Another interesting thing is that they did a lot of tests. The first person in the list of people tested, he was positive on three out of 11 tests. So again, they took nose and throat samples and you know, different methods and all this kind of stuff. And they got 11 31 separate tests and only three were positive. And of course, all you need to be considered infected is one positive test. They could test you 20 times and if you test positive once, then you’re infected. So, a positive test is meaningful. A negative test. It’s like, eh. Not so much.” I asked Crowe what he thought Kary Mullis would say about this explosion of PCR insanity. “I’m sad that he isn’t here to defend his manufacturing technique,” he said. “Kary did not invent a test. He invented a very powerful manufacturing technique that is being abused. What are the best applications for PCR? Not medical diagnostics. He knew that and he always said that.” Our conversation went in many different directions and I plan to publish the entire audio interview. I asked David what he thought was happening here, at the most core level. “I don’t think they understand what they’re doing,” he said. “I think it’s out of control. They don’t know how to end this. This is what I think what happened: They have built a pandemic machine over many years and, and as you know, there was a pandemic exercise not long before this whole thing started.” “I just want to identify who sponsored that simulation conference, 6 weeks before the first news broke out of Wuhan,” I interjected. “It was the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security, and the World Economic Forum. Incidentally, all the stats, projections and modeling you see in the media are coming out of Johns Hopkins.” “Right. So, this beautiful pandemic machine is a lot like…let’s use an example of an aircraft simulator. Okay. So, so pilots are tested on an aircraft simulator. So if you’re flying along in an airplane and there’s a loud bang and you see smoke coming from an engine on the right hand side, this is probably the first time a pilot has ever been in an airplane that had an engine failure. But he’s tested this scenario 25 times on an aircraft simulator. So, he knows exactly what to do without being told. He goes through the procedure. He doesn’t have to think, he just does the steps that he’s been taught through the, the aircraft simulator and he successfully lands the airplane with one engine. So, a pandemic simulator is just like that. You sit down at the computer, you see the virus going around the world, um, and you say, okay, so what we need to do is we need to dress everybody in protective clothing.” “We need to quarantine everybody who’s positive. Next step. We need to do social isolation. It’s a mathematical model. And at the end you always win, right? So, in the end, the good guys win, and the pandemic is defeated. But there’s, there’s never been like an actual real pandemic since they built this machine. So, there’s this huge machine, it’s got a red button on it and it’s like if you ever detect a pandemic starting, you press the red button. We don’t know exactly what happened, but I think the Chinese government was embarrassed cause they were being accused of covering up a pandemic. They said, okay, you know, we want Western approval for our medical system so we’re going to press the goddamn red button. Or they did. And then everything followed from that. The problem is that the simulation was never based on reality.” In another part of our conversation, he said something unforgettable: “So, we’ve essentially been taken over by the medical Taliban, if you like.” I pressed him one last time: “David, in conclusion, finish this sentence: “The PCR test for Corona is as good as…” His reply made me laugh. I didn’t know I still could laugh. “It’s as good as that Scientology test that detects your personality and then tells you need to give all your money to Scientology. “ 32 Celia Farber is half Swedish, raised there, so she knows “socialism” from the inside. She has focused her writings on freedom and tyranny, with an early focus on the pharmaceutical industry and media abuses on human liberties. She has been under ferocious attack for her writings on HIV/AIDS, where she has worked to document the topic as a psychological operation, and rooted in fake science. She is a contributor to UncoverDC and The Epoch Times, and has in the past written for Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone and more. Having been gravely injured in legacy media, she never wants to go back. She is the recipient of the Semmelweis International Society Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism, and was under such attack for her work, she briefly sought protection from the FBI and NYPD. She is the author of “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS,” and the editor of The Truth Barrier, an investigative and literary website. She co-hosts “The Whistleblower Newsroom” with Kristina Borjesson on PRN, Fridays at 10am. Twitter: @CeliaFarber Web: FB: Celia Ingrid Farber {{ }}


President Xi Launches Historic Purge Against China's 'Deep State'

by Tyler Durden Tue, 08/18/2020 - 22:45

Just days after Communist Party officials censored a prominent academic who dared to criticize the CCP and its glorious leader, Xi Jinping, more news of what appears to be a mounting purge of dissent in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, as Beijing prepares a Russia-style vaccine rollout.

WSJ reports that one of Xi's most senior allies has called for a Maoist purge of China’s domestic-security apparatus, insisting last month that it is time to “turn the blade inwards and scrape the poison off the bone.”

Within one week of the call, party "enforcers" launched investigations into at least 21 police and judicial officials. Dozens more have been taken down in the weeks since. So far, the most high-profile figure to face charges is the police chief of Shanghai.

In essence, President Xi, who won plaudits for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic but is nevertheless weakened due to China's weakened economy and rising tensions with Washington, is launching his own assault on the deep state, mirroring President Trump's animosity and distrust toward his own intelligence machine.


While it's true that China's political system suffers from "endemic corruption", that's not the real reason President Xi is doing this now, contrary to what some western media outlets have suggested.

Instead, it appears President Xi is launching his own war against China's "deep state" by launching a full-blown purge of the state security apparatus.

The ultimate goal of the campaign is simple: create police, prosecutors and judges who are "absolutely loyal, absolutely pure and absolutely reliable".

During his 8 years in power, President Xi has made a big show of confronting corruption, but critics say he has barely made a dent. Rather, his efforts have had more of a redistributive effect: those who are loyal to the ruler can eat their full from the trough, but those who aren't may see even a minor slip up cost them everything.

Now that Xi has experienced first hand how unforeseen events can rattle even the authoritarian supreme leader of the CCP, he's realizing that if he's going to accomplish his goal of ruling until at least 2035, he's going to need more leverage over the police and security apparatus, so that when he goes for a third term as Communist Party leader in 2022, nobody will raise a hackle, said Wu Qiang, a Chinese politics researcher and former lecturer at Beijing’s Tsinghua University.

“Xi is especially reliant on this coercive state apparatus, yet also distrustful of it,” Wu told the Wall Street Journal.

We really couldn't have put it better ourselves.

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Bronfman Family Billionaires Implicated In NXIVM Hollywood ‘Sex Cult’ Published: August 14, 2020 Share | Print This

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Source: collective-evolution

• The Facts: Clare Bronfman, pleaded guilty in April to charges related to her role with NXIVM sex cult, having funded the enterprise with more than one hundred million dollars over a few years. She is currently awaiting sentencing. • Reflect On: Why are some of the world's most powerful people being implicated with this activity? Many of these people have great power over the world's resources and in some cases, dictate government policy in multiple countries. How deep does this go?

What Happened: When Hollywood actress became one of multiple actresses t0 be implicated in the “NXIVM” sex cult case, it really opened more people’s eyes to the reality of sex trafficking in ‘high’ places. NXIVM was a well known company that supposedly offered executive success programs but hid behind this description and mainly operated as a sex cult. Mack is still awaiting her sentencing, she and multiple other actresses have been accused of working for the cult in a management capacity. Mack’s job was to lure women into the program under the false pretence of female empowerment. The leader, , is currently in and awaiting sentencing for sex-trafficking. He was also accused of raping girls as young as 12–15 years old, imprisoning a woman for 18 months, child pornography, and more.

Women and possibly even children lured into the program were then convinced to sign up for a more “advanced program” called Dominus Obsequious Sororium, which required them to basically turn their lives over to the leader, Raniere. Dominus Obsequious Sororium is a quasi-Latin phrase that roughly translates to “Master Over The Slave Women.” In this case, sex slaves.

What’s even more concerning is the fact that Keith Raniere, his company, and those associated with the company ran a number of child-care facilities all over the world, under the name of “Rainbow Cultural Garden.” RCG lives on in France through a company called Athal Education Group, which Sara Bronfman- Igtet and her husband, Basit Igtet, founded and financed, the French news outlet Le Dauphine reported in December 2018.

35 Bronfman-Igtet is an heir to the Seagram liquor fortune. The picture you see above is her father, Edgar Bronfman receiving a medal from close friend, Bill Clinton. Her sister, Clare Bronfman, pleaded guilty in April to charges related to her role in NXIVM. Trusts and bank accounts the Bronfman sisters controlled bankrolled Raniere to the tune of $150 million from 2004 through 2010, Vanity Fair reported.

An Albany home tied to the Rainbow Cultural Garden was raided by the feds, while British authorities were investigating a Rainbow-affiliated school in London. (source) It’s hard to find decent information regarding updates.

According to Buzzfeed, “Igtet was deeply involved in NXIVM, the celebrity “sex cult” whose leadership is now under federal indictment, two sources said. Igtet proselytized for the group, BuzzFeed News has learned, while his wife, the heir Sara Bronfman, reportedly kept the cult afloat with tens of millions of dollars.”

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Clare is currently awaiting her sentencing,

Clare Bronfman, an heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune, was among the most high-profile members of a cultlike organization in which some women were branded and compelled to have sex with the leader. Her wealth helped finance the group, known as Nxivm. But on Friday afternoon, Ms. Bronfman, 40, pleaded guilty in Federal District Court in Brooklyn to charges arising from an indictment filed last year against her and several other followers of the group’s leader, Keith Raniere. (source)

The company, like in Epstein’s case, was also possibly used as a sexual blackmail operation. The Bronfman family is also associated closely with Leslie Wexner, allegedly the source of much of Epstein’s mysterious wealth, and other mob-linked “philanthropists.” You can read more about those associations here.

If you want to learn more about the Bronfman family, this article is a great place to start and really outlines the power that these kinds of families hold, and the corruption they’ve been a part of.

There are many strange facts about this cult, for example, eight months after the state Health Department refused to act on a complaint from a former cult member who alleged that Dr Brandon Porter, 44, forced her to watch disturbing rape and dismemberment videos for a “fright study” he was conducting, the New York Post reports, Jennifer Kobelt, actress and the former member of the notorious cult said in her August 2017 complaint that Porter may have performed his “fright study” on as many as 100 people.

Similar to the Jeffrey Epstein case, the NXIVM case has connections to some very well known people, beyond the Bronfman family and people in Hollywood. As the Rolling Stone Reports:

“A former member of NXIVM testified on Monday that members of the alleged cult tried to buy power and influence by currying favor with politicians and making illegal campaign contributions to the Clintons.” (source)

“There are strange political connections as well. Mark Vicente, a documentary filmmaker and former high- ranking member of the group, testified at the trial of NXIVM head Keith Raniere that Clare Bronfman, the billionaire Seagram’s heiress and alleged benefactor of the organization, approached him and a few other members of the group to help her make a contribution to a Clinton campaign.” (source)

36 Our Interview With A Survivor of Child Sex Trafficking

One of the main reasons we keep covering the this topic is to draw attention to our interview with a survivor of child sex trafficking. The phenomenon is much deeper than what we are getting from the mainstream, and goes into mind control, brainwashing, ritual abuse, pedophilia, blackmail, murder, torture, organ harvesting and more.

The interview is with Anneke Lucas, who is is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga, and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based on personal experience of a 30-year healing journey after surviving being sold by her family as a very young child sex slave to an elite level pedophile network.

The interview is deep, and goes into the consciousness aspect of her experience and why that aspect is so important.

You can access the full interview and start your free trial HERE on CETV, a platform we created to help combat internet censorship and allow us to continue to do our work and get the word out about various issues and topics.

Here are some articles we’ve written that also dive deeper into the phenomenon and provide more exampels of activity in high places:

A Child Sacrifice God Now On Display In Rome Raises Questions About Elite Pedophilia & Ritual Abuse

Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell Are Just The Tip of The Iceberg: This Goes Much Deeper

Child Porn Discovered on Department of Defense/Pentagon Computers: The Latest Updates

Why This Is Important: Elite level pedophile rings have been around for a very long time. Here are CE we covered the topic well before it became mainstream with impeccable sources, yet were still branded as ‘conspiracy theorists’ for doing so. Now that it’s entered into the mainstream, many facts are being left out. This activity clearly implicates a lot of people, and what we might be seeing with Epstein and Maxwell, for example, may simply be the ‘fall’ people. Furthermore, many of those who engage in this type of activity have been in certain ways, ‘victims’ themselves. It’s a complicated topic that’s quite deep, which is why again I will direct you to the interview linked above if you’re interested.

The Takeaway: At the end of the day we have to ask ourselves, how many of our ‘leaders’ and people who have been made out to be idols, in places like the Vatican and more are involved in this type of thing. For this type of abuse to take place, especially with children, shows a great lack of empathy and morality, so I ask you, are those who are making major decisions for our planet lacking the same? Is the activity they engage simply a glimpse into the overall feelings these people have for human life? Do they really care about us, or do they simply want to use us, control us, and continue manipulating our perception of major global events so we obey their orders?

Every two to four years we continue to give our power away to presidents and prime ministers, and their handlers, believing that voting is the key to change. Voting simply upholds and perpetuates a system that is so plagued with corruption that it is not capable of making the right choices for humanity. We have to create something new, and not keep reinforcing the idea that we have to give our power away and let the government take care of us. We are capable of more than we know.

37 {{ hollywood-sex.html ||

************************ [ ED: I’m not a big fan of David Wilcock as he is a “new ager” with beliefs and principles I cannot agree with or approve of, however, he is a VERY GOOD source of information, up to a point. Here, he gives us some valuable updates. ]

Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises?

Written by Dr Michael Salla on March 20, 2020. Posted in Deep State, Featured

While much of Europe has been closed off due to the Coronavirus pandemic, elite military forces from 17 NATO and partner countries are using the Defender Europe 20 Military Exercizes as a cover to arrest leading Deep State Satanists entrenched in fortified European compounds, according to a New York Times best-selling author. David Wilcock made his startling claim in his latest video live-streamed on March 19, to his 288,000 You Tube followers.

In his video presentation, Wilcock cites at length a March 15 English language summary of an article by Manlio Dinucci, who wrote about the Defender Europe 20 Exercices on March 3 for the Italian web newspaper Ill Manifesto. The March 15 article summarizing Dinucci’s earlier Italian language article is titled “30,000 American Troops Arrive in Europe Amidst COVID-19 Crisis”, and begins as follows:

Manlio Dinucci writing in the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto on March 3rd, 2020, reports that despite Trump’s travel ban 20,000 American troops will be traveling to Europe in the next few days–joining the 10,00 already there.

38 Despite the travel advisories issued by the U.S. State Department for Americans traveling to northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe, Dinucci is again cited from his original March 3 article:

However, one category of U.S. citizens is exempted from these rules: the 20,000 soldiers beginning to arrive from the United States in European ports and airports for the Defender Europe 20 exercise, the largest U.S. troop deployment in Europe in the last 25 years. Including those already present, about 30,000 U.S. troops will participate in April and May, flanked by 7,000 troops from 17 NATO member and partner countries, including Italy.

The author of the English language article citing Dinucci, who uses the pseudonym, Poppalloff, subsequently points out:

None of these troops have been issued with Bio/Hazchem suits or masks, which seems a little reckless of the American Government if COVID-19 is really the threat that we are being told that it is…

Dinucci is then cited again:

“The 30,000 U.S. soldiers, who “will spread through the European region,” are in fact exempted from the preventive COVID-19 regulations that apply to civilians. The assurance given by the U.S. Army in Europe that “we are monitoring the Coronavirus [COVID-19]” and that “our forces are in good health” is enough.

At the same time, the environmental impact of a military exercise of this magnitude is ignored. U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells. Each tank consumes 400 litres of fuel per 100 km, producing heavy pollution to deliver maximum power.”

Popalloff, in summarizing Dinucci, points out the suspicious nature of many European citizens being in locked down in their homes, while elite NATO troops are able to travel around without any restrictions at all. Popalloff, concludes his/her article by saying that the “pandemic is obviously a cover story for some kind of powerplay by the 1%.”

The implication here is that the Coronavirus pandemic, the European lockdowns, and the NATO exercise all combine into a nefarious coup being covertly orchestrated by the 1% (the Deep State), and people need to be concerned about what is really happening behind the scenes.

In contrast, Wilcock cites extensively from the March 15 English language summary of Dinucci’s earlier March 3 article, and reveals what he has been told by his own insider sources, who tell a very different story of what is really happening behind the scenes:

What we’re getting from our briefings folks is that this is a targeted effort for the mass arrests that I’ve been telling you about this whole time. That’s why they’re there. There 37,000 troops from 18 countries including the US. … you better believe those are elite

39 soldiers they’re very trained. What are they doing? They’re going to the places where the Deep State is. They’re infiltrating their strongholds and they are arresting people.

Wilcock goes on to discuss the use of Abrams tanks in the Defender Europe 20 Exercise for a purpose that is very different to the coup that Dinucci proposed was underway:

“U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells.” Ok, well that’s weird, why do they need tanks. It’s a military exercise, the biggest one in 25 years. Well maybe they’re going into to be going into some people’s stronghold’s folks. Some of these guys that are billionaires, they’re Satanic. If you start to learn about this, that’s what’s really going on. You got to bust in through those compounds, you got to get these people. You got to arrest them. Hopefully, they don’t provide armed resistance, they’re not going to make it, okay.

This is not a coup, this is not the end of the world. It’s saving the world. These people already tried to kill the planet. So if you think this is a coup, that’s okay, but they already fired their best shot and I don’t believe this is the end of the world at all.

This is the crux of Wilcock’s analysis of current events in Europe that involve an unprecedented shut down of people’s movements and businesses, while NATO is simultaneously conducting its largest military exercises in the last 25 years. The well- protected compounds of Deep State officials, many of whom are practicing Satanists, who frequently conduct child sacrifices, are being raided by elite military special forces under cover of the NATO exercises.

Of the two explanations offered so far for the massive NATO exercises occurring in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown in Europe, Dinucci/Poppalloff’s concerns that these are a cover for a coup by the 1% (Deep State) and Wilcock’s diametrically opposing view that Deep State officials are being arrested under cover of the military exercizes, I find Wilcock’s assessment to be far plausible. This is despite reports that NATO leaders have cancelled a number of Europe Defender drills due to Coronavirus concerns.

Importantly, Wilcock’s assessment is consistent with ongoing revelations from the military intelligence group QAnon, which has worked closely with the Trump White House since first coming forward in October 2017. In a number of articles, I have pointed out my reasons for concluding that QAnon comprises White Hats within the U.S. military who are locked in a behind the scenes civil war against the Deep State, whose senior leadership comprises practicing Satanists.

If one accepts what QAnon has revealed in multiple posts which advises readers to “prepare for the storm”, and the taking down of Deep State leaders, then Wilcock’s assessment is more likely than the alternative offered by Dinucci and Poppalloff.

Fortunately, I believe we will not need to wait long to learn the truth about what’s happening in Europe with the scaled-back NATO drills, the unprecedented Coronavirus lockdown, and alleged mass arrests of Deep State leaders occurring behind the scenes.

40 The world wants to learn the truth about who is really behind the Coronavirus pandemic, and the U.S. military also has strong reasons to reveal the truth given that an increasing number of Chinese officials are accusing the U.S. Army in the initial spread of the Coronavirus in Wuhan during the October 2019 World Military Games.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Note: An audio version of this article is available here.

Further Reading

• Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon attack on China planned in 2005? • Is the Coronavirus linked to China’s Rollout of 5G and Biowarfare? • QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin • QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat • QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State • Hidden Hand Dialogue reveals Extraterrestrial factor in Illuminati control of Earth

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************************ [ED: This article has gone viral. Whole videos have been done based on just this one missive. It seems to have “hit the mark” in a new level of perception that what the Q Team is really up to, is provide the world with a lesson plan for it’s awakening. ]

GUYS, I THINK I CRACKED Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I think I made a discovery…a real life discovery. Please read this thread!!!!!

I just want to wake people up. I can say with 100% positivity that Q is real and the proofs, heading up to election day...... will become more and more true. We are going to be laughing and cheering by the end of this movie. We will see the blackout, and as more people are watching, we are going to get more and more excited. 3/ Trump will be the HERO of the movie and THE BEST PRESIDENT TO HAVE EVER LIVED!!! 4/ I know I sound like a madman, but I finally figured it out.

Q says WE ARE WATCHING a MOVIE!!!! We are ACTUALLY watching a movie play out. It’s playing out. It has been playing out for the last 20 or so years, but definitely since October 28, 2017 (Q’s first post). 5/ Here are some of Q’s phrases that he says repeatedly…”You are watching a movie.” “You’re going to love how this story ends.” “A good movie needs good actors.” “Patriots are in control.” 6/ All of this is being played out by the MSM right now on all sides. All sides. Every national story you are currently watching this year is completely fake. “The War is Real. The News is Fake.”

41 7/ Many Qanons feel that the “War is Real” means that the war is happening right now, and Trump and the Military are behind the scenes doing battle.

Guess what? It’s not happening right now. It’s already over. It’s already over. They’ve already won. The Patriots have. 8/ What we are watching with Q is a Mass Military Operation to wake up the entire country from Mind Control. The operation isn’t to arrest, convict, take over the Deep State. The Deep State lost when Trump won. They already lost. 9/ What we’re watching is the “Fake News” tell us the story in order to wake people up slowly, to prevent hysteria, to prevent chaos, to prevent mainly (denial).

“It had to be done this way,” Q said. 10/ If the three-letter agencies have been hijacked for years, then the CIA, Deep State, International Cabal…could have easily put us under a mass hypnosis. 11/ What Q is doing from online is waking people up from one end. What the main stream media is now doing is waking people up from the other end. 12/ Think how many articles, news shows, specials, websites that you have seen over the last month completely bash and censor Q. 13/ It’s okay! They are not really censoring Q, for they’re brining more attention to it, and waking more people up. People need to be “shown” gradually. We are actually being invited into the MOVIE!!! #Qanon #OANN?... 14/(Side note: in a couple of months you're going to see OANN and Qanons become the co-stars of the show...Trump and Military are benevolent, and they want us to feel good. They want us to feel whole.) 15/ There really is nothing to worry about. The next 90 days are going to be the most exciting, thrilling, life-changing time that the world will ever know! “You’re going to love how this story ends.” 16/ You are watching a big budget Hollywood movie play out in real time. What you need to start to do is put the pieces together like a film script. You really have to do that. Think Spielberg. “Symbolism will be their downfall.” Think Summer Popcorn movie. 17/ Think The Hero's Journey.

Think, THE ODYSSEY! Odysseus = ?

... 18/ Remember what happens in the Odyssey…

Odysseus is out to sea for 10 years during the Trojan War. He returns home in disguise. His dog, Argos, is the only one who recognizes him when he returns (dog communications lately?) 18/ What prodigal son was lost at sea some time ago to fight a war (The Information War, WWIII we are in)…to return in disguise (JFK Jr. in disguise at rallies…?) 19/ If this is “The Greatest Story” ever told, the script writers seem to be pulling from The Odyssey.

Basically, what the Q team (Patriots) have done is: ... 20/ Develop a vast “de-programming” system for the Mind Control that Americans and some others around the World. Use a Hollywood movie Blockbuster feel, Hero’s Journey storyline, and The Odyssey (JFK Jr’s Return) to wake people up over a three year period. ...

42 21/ They would do this from two directions:

First direction:

The MSM gradually letting people know about Q through the "conspiracy theory" lens.

By the time Q starts (October 28th, 2017) all the major players behind the scenes know the War (WW III of the information variety) 22/ has already been won by the Patriots.

However, some will say, Why doesn’t Trump and his guys, at that point, come out and just say everything that the Deep State has been doing: the mind control,child trafficking, the central banks, Obamagate, & the destruction of America? 23/ Because, here’s what would happen:

The vast majority of Americans and people around the world would consider Trump to be crazy, and there would be wide support for immediate impeachment. He would be laughed out of office by all. 24/ NO ONE (except a skeptical few) would be woken up! People would still be under mind control (everyone, yes even you.) You may still be reading this, but you have to understand that this is VAST. The entire MSM/Fake News is currently showing you a daily scripted show. 25/ That’s why TRUMP is perfect for the “ROLE” of President. He is the PRESIDENT, but he’s also ACTING as the president. Think…what did Trump do before? REALITY TV. Also TABLOIDS. Played around with SNL and PRO WRESTLING. He knows how the story works. 26/ Trump is doing a dark to light turn. He’s going from the BAD GUY to the GOOD GUY. The DEEP STATE, OBAMA, Hillary are going from the GOOD GUYS to the BAD GUYS. He’s doing the opposite of a “heel turn” in wrestling. 27/ Trump will eventually become our hero in the movie. He will be a SUPER GENIUS, GREATEST ACTOR, GREATEST PRESIDENT, and GREATEST AMERICAN of all time. He will take over Mt. Rushmore. 28/ This is why this year has been sooooo bizarre! We are entering the CLIMAX of the MOVIE. All the characters are known, the plots are in order, the rising action is happening, and we have our popcorn and our seats. WE ARE LITERALLY watching the most AMAZING blockbuster movie.. 29/ As more and more people wake up, they will REALIZE they are ACTUALLY WATCHING Reality TV come to life on the nightly news. People will be grabbing their popcorn. It will be “must see” viewing. Think about when the Virus started in the USA? Right after the impeachment. Then, the MURDER HORNETS and TP shortage (think about it: those are the light-hearted moments in a huge blockbuster). The ones where dad rolls his eyes and say, "Oh...Of course they have murder hornets!") 31/ Then, the race riots from George Floyd. What do those do? Distract. Another plot line. Some would say, "Well what about the actual people dying? The actual people suffering from COVID and the RIOTS..." 32/ Well, those are part of the script and real life. People that are dying are an average of 78 years old. That's the actual life expectancy in the USA. So, they're just taking people that die of the flu, pneumonia, other infections and making them COVID deaths. They aren't... 33/ killing people on purpose. They are benevolent, not malevolent. Some would say, that's're telling people their family member died of COVID as a lie. Well, the Deep State and MSM have been lying to you for decades! The Patriots are lying in order to deprogram you..

43 34/ The death numbers are going down because it's summer and old people don't die of the flu or pneumonia as much in the summer, so they can't get as many "COVID deaths." But they can get tests! If people test, they can get positive numbers. 35/ More and more you will see Trump looking like a hero in the did he know to say on Friday that "you may not see me for a while...I have rich and powerful enemies." Then, on MONDAY, only FIVE minutes into his press conference, he is escorted out by Sec. Serv? 36/ It's part of a plot in a movie! His lines allowed him to say that, then look like a prophetic hero on Monday. He's not looking into the future, he's not time traveling...what he's doing is he's acting out a script. So is CNN, so is FOX, so is OANN, so is MSNBC... 37/ So are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Bar, Michael Flynn...etc. Now, are those people alive, dead, in prison, have doubles, or deep fakes, I don't know. 38/ However, as you look at the drops (2 year deltas for the next 2 months. Then 3 year deltas for the following 10 days or so...) you are going to see more and more of the script play out with Trump and the FAKE NEWS. The literal FAKE NEWS that's showing us this movie... 39/ That's why this is called the GREAT AWAKENING. We are waking up. The Q team and program isn't there to give you secret information that the president is actively playing out. They couldn't. It would be too risky. What they are doing is telling you the plot of the film that... 40/...we are all watching in real time. The Anons job now is to continue to wake people up. Not that Trump is bad/good and Obama/Hillary/Biden are good/bad; but that the entire national media and major storylines are a vast program to wake up the masses...a deprogramming... 41/ The best part about it is the good guys have already won! We get to watch a movie together as a country, as a world, as people. We get to wake up together from our slumber. We get to have a mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological, financial...... revival in the USA and around the WORLD. Countries will be free from the mind control. Free from the Deep State. Free from the Central Banks. Free from Global Warming. Free from terrorism and the 9/11 story. Everything you've known to be true the last 20-30 years has been... 43/...a lie. BUT, This is going to end VERY WELL!!!Patriots are in COMPLETE CONTROL. You are LITERALLY watching a movie. LITERALLY. @X22Report @JuliansRum #Qanon #WWG1WGA @dbongino @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino Please help me spread this thread!!! I want to help the PATRIOTS!!! 44/ @AnnaLugmair @tomchiodo @DevinNunes @overdemonrats @ElliottStands @EarlT23651193 @RyanAFournier @Franklin_Graham @GeorgenewsOrg @dasherdarling @Joy_Villa @PepeMatter @VincentCrypt46 @marklevinshow @love4thegameAK @tnguyenpost @terryca53306307 Pls help me spread this theory!!! @mentions please help spread this. Please give your thoughts. :) @mentions @mentions please check out this thread and let me know what you think! We are watching a movie.

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For the first time in 36 years there will be no flu season in South Africa 44 07 Aug

Kyle Cowan

A woman sneezes into a tissue. (Getty Images)

• Sentinel programmes are yet to pick up cases of flu in South Africa, for the first time in nearly four decades. • World Health Organisation data shows a significant decline in flu season for the southern hemisphere. • Only one case of flu has been detected in Gauteng since the start of the year.

Every year, for the past 36 years, the flu season started around mid-July.

This year, most likely due to Covid-19 prevention measures, no influenza has been detected by three sentinel surveillance programmes, which are designed to monitor influenza outbreaks annually.

According to a short article in the July 2020 monthly communique published by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, after an initial outbreak of two strains of flu in the Western Cape early this year, only one case of flu has been detected in Gauteng in the week ending 14 June.

The author is Professor Cheryl Cohen, the co-head of the Centre for Respiratory Diseases and Meningitis, one of the country's foremost epidemiologists.


Cohen co-authored a study in September 2019, which found that, on average, 10 million South Africans were infected with the flu each year.

In an April interview with News24, Cohen warned that the flu season would cause a "sea of respiratory illness" that would make detecting Covid-19 cases much harder.

READ | NICD's top epidemiologist: How the Covid-19 pandemic is evolving and why we should be concerned

45 "Over the past 36 years, the influenza season has started in week 28 (week ending 12 July). This year, the various hygiene and physical distancing measures being implemented to reduce SARS-Cov-2 virus transmission has likely played a role in interrupting influenza virus interruption," Cohen wrote.

"Global influenza activity has been at lower levels than expected and, to date, none of the southern hemisphere countries have reported any influenza activity."

According to the World Health Organisation, some flu activity has been seen in northern hemisphere countries, but southern hemisphere countries are not experiencing a flu season anything like seen in previous years.

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Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail] Date: Saturday, 15-Aug-2020 19:40:01

In Response To: Reader: Black Lives Matter Domestic Terrorists In Seattle Now Demanding That Whites ‘Give Up Their Homes’ And Let Black People Live In Them (hobie)

(Thanks, M. :)

Reader M. sends us:



Brian Wilson presents a video compilation where nationally syndicated radio host Bishop Larry Gaiters exposes the West African Odu Ifa witchcraft practiced by the founders and leaders of Black Lives Matter.

It’s true: Hillary Clinton really did join a witches coven April 2019

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Is Black Lives Matter Run By Witches?

46 53,758 views

·Aug 14, 2020

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Red Pilled TV

Brian Wilson presents a video compilation where nationally syndicated radio host Bishop Larry Gaiters exposes the West African Odu Ifa witchcraft practiced by the founders and leaders of Black Lives Matter.

A Metaphysical Comment On Working With The Astral Realm: Re: "IS BLACK LIVES MATTER RUN BY WITCHES?"

Posted By: JediShaman Date: Saturday, 15-Aug-2020 20:55:13

In Response To: Reader: "IS BLACK LIVES MATTER RUN BY WITCHES?" (hobie)

This is an interesting subject and a complex one as well. The religious and spiritual traditions from many parts of the world place a lot of emphasis on connecting with one's ancestors in the spiritual realm. There can be both light sides and dark sides to those practices. "Witches" and "shamans" can be spiritually mature and balanced enough to pursue healing or they can carry lower emotional energies such as anger, jealousy, resentment, or fear, and draw to them spirits of like vibration who will then direct them based upon those spiritual distortions. There are many power games played out with the lower frequencies of the astral realm as they remain attached to earthly matters and try to continue to play out their unresolved issues through people in the physical realm. BLM seems focused a lot on power and politics (3rd chakra) but not on forgiveness (4th chakra) or higher levels of awareness and unity that transcend fixation on race and racial identity. Without forgiveness (at a deep level of spiritual understanding) we just repeat the cycles of being victims and perpetrators.

- Jedi

: (Thanks, M. :)


: It’s true: Hillary Clinton really did join a witches : coven : April 2019 : :

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It’s true: Hillary Clinton really did join a witches coven Hillary Clinton Joins International Elite Coven (Yes, really.)

Written By Yvonne Parkinson FULCRUM NEWS

Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton made an appearance in New York City at an exclusive women’s club called The Wing. The event was put together by co-founders Audrey Gelman and Lauren Kassan in honor of Hillary. They were able to converse on her new book What Happened, her legacy, and (unsurprisingly) Russian meddling. It was quite the typical post-election conversation to be expected from Hillary. However, on this occasion, there was one significant difference. This time Hillary was speaking to a group of women who practice witchcraft and openly call themselves a coven. According to The Wing’s Instagram page: “We’re a coven, not a sorority.”

During the event, Hillary was awarded an honorary lifetime Wing membership and was welcomed by the interviewers as the “newest member of our coven” in front of a room filled with cheering members. Click Here

For decades it has been rumored that Hillary Clinton practiced witchcraft and was involved with various covens throughout the years. Most famously, former Clinton employee Larry Nichols described numerous times in which Hillary would practice witchcraft with a Californian-based coven one week and the next she would be going to church as if nothing happened. Up until Hillary lost the election, there was thought to be a concerted effort to hide her visits to these covens. Yet, she seems to be joining self-proclaimed covens right in the open and the media. Once again, has little to say on the matter.

48 The Wing

The Wing is fairly open about their organization being a coven, although still somewhat subtle. Often times they are simply referred to as an “Exclusive, Members-Only Feminist Club.” However, there are clear undertones suggesting all the members are practicing witches.

On their website,, you can see their online store is full of witchcraft apparel including a T-shirt labeled “Wing Coven Member” with an Inverted Pentagram symbol in the middle. The Inverted Pentagram is used frequently during the casting of hexes and spells onto other people. As this particular witch explains, they use spiritual pacts with demons who will then carry out their wishes in exchange for loyalty or sacrifice. According to her, pacts between witches and demons happen quite frequently as a way to enhance their “powers.”

Watch Here

Another example is their Wing Beanie displaying the phrase “Wing Spells” with a triangle located above it and is surrounded by the words “Chants, Incantation, Shouts” Wing Spells refers to a common spell used in witchcraft to give the practitioner the feeling of having wings. The website uses the Latin expression “Alis Grave Nil” which translates to “Nothing is Heavy to Those Who Have Wings.” This seems to be another incantation used for their fixation with Wing Spells.

The organization has attracted many well-known names throughout the years, Jennifer Lawrence and Senator Kristin Gillibrand recently had events with The Wing and Senator Feinstein is due to have one soon as well. One of the founding members of the coven was Lena Dunham, who was a childhood friend to co-founder Audrey Gelman. Lena Dunham has been on the receiving end of ongoing backlash on many controversial subjects including allegedly sexually assaulting her sister at a young age, according to her memoir. Gelman also has strong ties with another perverted character: disgraced photographer Terry Richardson. Gelman dated Richardson for years despite continuous allegations of pedophilia and sexual assault.

Perhaps the strangest of all can be found on their social media pages. The co-founders and other employees depict pictures of the women dressed up as witches, pentagram symbology and references to the Hindu god Shiva. One post by The Wing’s Director shows a demonic figure surrounded by witches that reads: “Witches we need you, Hex on NRA, Curse for Trump.” A separate post has a picture of several women surrounding lit candles with a caption mentioning a mass, binding spell also placed on Donald Trump.

With their elite ties and growing notoriety, The Wing has become an internationally recognized organization which has plans for more growth throughout the country and with new covens opening in London and Toronto. Although it is difficult to find copious amounts of information on this tightly-knit group, one thing is for certain: Hillary has officially become a member of an elite Black Witch Coven that enjoys casting spells on President Trump and, after years of speculation, she did so right in front of the public eye.


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August 18, 2020 Obama: 'I Make Love to Men Daily' By Jack Cashill

In composing my new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, I thought hard about whether I should address the question of Barack Obama's sexuality.

Two considerations persuaded me to pursue the issue. One was the no-holds-barred media treatment of the sex life, real and imagined, of Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. The second was the fact that despite Obama's early feint to the center, his presidency was something of a golden age for gay America. A May 2012 Newsweek cover story, in fact, dubbed Obama "the first gay president."

Understandably, the fear of offending the “black church” made Obama initially cautious about championing the LGBT cause, but there may have been another reason for his restraint. Obama faced rumors that he himself was gay. No subject made those close to Obama more nervous.

College girlfriend Alex McNear, for instance, redacted a section of a letter she shared with Obama biographer David Garrow, thinking Obama’s reflections on homosexuality “too explosive." Her concern was understandable.

In his early twenties, Obama had written to McNear that he viewed gay sex as “an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life.” Obama continued, “You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination. My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so." This passage did not make the hardcover edition of Garrow’s 2017 book, Rising Star.

In the less "inclusive" days of the early 1980s, no straight guy I know would ever have thought to make such an admission, especially to a "girlfriend." Only after McNear sold the Barack Obama letters to Emory University in 2016 was Garrow able to access the original and even then with some difficulty. Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights historian, included the passage above in the paperback version of his book. No one noticed.

Given the admitted bisexuality of Obama's Hawaiian mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and Obama’s mental indulgence in the same, the honest critic has to think hard about this excerpt from “Pop,” a poem Obama wrote about Davis while in college.

“Pop takes another shot, neat / Points out the same amber / Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine / and / Makes me smell his smell, coming / From me.” A therapist who blogged under the label “Neo-Neocon” hesitated to call the interaction “outright sexual abuse,” but she imagined it at the very least “a boundary violation.” She explained, “This child feels invaded—perhaps even taken over—by this man, and is fighting against that sensation."

After Obama announced for the presidency in 2007, a fellow named Larry Sinclair fueled rumors about Obama’s sexuality when he went public with his allegations of a two-day coke and sex romp with the then-married Obama in 1999. Fearless, if nothing else, Sinclair then booked space at the National Press Club in June 2008 to detail his reputed relationship with Obama.

From the beginning, the mainstream media, including the “responsible” right, pretended Sinclair did not exist. The actual work of extinguishing Sinclair’s credibility was left to the internet's leftist hitmen. As soon as Sinclair announced plans for the press conference, they launched an internet petition drive demanding the Press Club deny Sinclair its stage.

50 To its credit, the National Press Club refused to buckle. Sinclair held his conference. In watching it years later, I am impressed by how well Sinclair understood Obama’s hold on the media. If you asked a question about a black man who chose to run for president, he observed, “All of a sudden you’re called a racist, a bigot.”

A genuine character, Sinclair acknowledged up front the various crimes he had committed in years past. He wanted to take that cudgel away from the media. Sinclair then explained in exquisite detail the nature of his alleged 1999 interaction with then-state senator Obama.

He provided dates, the name of the hotel, the name of the Muslim limo driver who arranged the assignation, the specifics of their sexual interlude, as well as insights into the menacing phone calls he received from Donald Young, a member of Reverend Wright’s church and an alleged lover of Obama’s.

More than once during the question and answer period, reporters asked Sinclair, given his “tremendous credibility problem,” why they should take him seriously. In turn, Sinclair asked the reporters “to do your jobs and find facts.” He provided them several useful leads and challenged them to follow up. Sinclair specifically asked the reporters to check Young’s phone records. He believed Obama to be complicit in the choir member’s December 2007 murder, a crime that remains unsolved to this day.

True to form, Politico quickly moved to discredit Sinclair. Its editors headlined their article from the day of the press conference, “Obama accuser has long rap sheet.” In an aside that Trump or Kavanaugh might find amusing, Politico refused to publish Sinclair’s “outlandish” allegations because they were “unsubstantiated.” Wired, meanwhile, ran an article celebrating those leftist bloggers who succeeded in getting Sinclair arrested on an outstanding Delaware warrant just as he was leaving the Press Club.

As should be obvious, the media had stunningly different standards for Sinclair and, say, Stormy Daniels or Christine Blasey Ford. The same media that insisted we “believe the women” were not at all inclined to believe the men, at least not this man.

The same media that insisted “love is love” saw something inherently distasteful in Sinclair’s tale of consensual gay sex. The messenger in this case had to be attacked, exposed, eliminated as a threat, and that he was. To this day, few have ever heard of Sinclair. Fewer still have heard of the late Donald Young.

In fact, so quickly were Sinclair’s allegations trashed and burned, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin did not even mention Sinclair in their comprehensive look at the 2008 campaign, Game Change.

Yes, Obama did have girlfriends. In his memoir Dreams from My Father he wraps them up into one white composite girl but tells his half-sister Auma, “There are several black ladies out there who’ve broken my heart just as good.” Obama, however, does not devote a sentence to any of these imagined black ladies, and his future biographers failed to locate a single one.

Obviously, too, Obama got married. His memoir, Dreams from My Father, culminates in his wedding to Michelle. Yet he seems to have chosen Michelle with the same political calculation that he chose his church, a way of rooting himself in the African- American community. As with all previous relationships, this tale of courtship is strikingly devoid of any reference to love, sex, or romance.

At his most passionate, Obama says of Michelle, "In her eminent practicality and Midwestern attitudes, she reminds me not a little of Toot [his grandmother]." That description must surely have warmed Michelle's heart, but that may have been the best Obama could do.

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, will be published on August 18.

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