Crown House The Street NR32 5QB

Waveney District Council Planning Policy and Delivery Riverside 4 Canning Road Suffolk NR33 OEO

5th May 2016

Lound with Ashby and Somerleyton Neighbourhood Plan

I enclose our application to designate a Neighbourhood Area for your consideration.

I hope the application has been completed correct y and look forward to your confirmation that it is acceptable.

Jenni Livingstone Application to designate a Neighbourhood Area Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012

The designation of a Neighbourhood Area is thefirst formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan, Neighbourhood Development Order or Community Right to Build Order. Please read the accompanying guidance notes before completing this form. Further information can be found onlinf at

Please return the completed form to Council, Planting Policy and Delivery, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 OEQ. If you have any questions regarding neighbourhood planning, please email [email protected] or call 01502 523082.

Name of Neighbourhood Area

Please givethe name by which your neighbourhood area will be fbrmally known:

Lound with Ashby, Herringfleet and Somerleyton


Applicant details Additional contact (if applicable)licab

Title: Mrs Title- Mr

First Name: ( Jenni First Mame: Louis

Surname: Livingstone Surname: Smith

Address: Crown House Address: Mardle House

The Street The Street

Somerteyton Lound

Lowestoft Lowestoft

Postcode: NR32 5QB NR32 5LT

Email: [email protected]

Relevant body

Please confirm that you are the relevant body to undertake neighbourhood planning in your area in accordance with section 61G ofthe 1990 Act and section 5C of the 2012 Regulations. Yes: Q Name ofParish / Town Council or Neighbourhood Forum: No: Q Lound Parish Council 4*J//U. M&kf fafrfhiffe&r f^tftW^/^f/4)

Waveney District Council Extent of the area Please indicate below and attach an Ordnance Survey plan showindthe intendedextent of thfe area.

Whole parish / ward boundary area ® Part of the parish or ward D Joint neighbouring parish 0 Please describe below why you consider the extent of the neighbc urhood area is appropriati <.

Both Parishes are rural with connecting footpaths and bridleway >. Many visitors come to Lound and Somerleyton to enjoy the countryside by walking, riding horses

Intention of neighbourhood area

Please indicate which of the following you intend to undertake w-thinv. tr your neighbourhood area.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Neighbourhood Development Order t

Community Right to Build Order D

Additional joint parish details

If you are applying with an adjoining parish or parishes please gMe the clerk's details for each parish.

Clerk to Lound Parish Council Clerk to Ashby, Herringfleet, and Somerleyton Parish Council Mr John Burford Mr Simon Phillips [email protected] [email protected]

Declaration Jtfv/e hereby apply todesignate a neighbourhood area asdescribed on this form and the accompanying plan. In the case ofjoint parish applications, names from each parishflvould berequired.

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Data Protection Statement: The information you have supplied may be processed by computer form the bas*s of manual records. Wsveney District Counci w« use the data for purposes relevant to the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and for no