Together, Let's Save Antibiotics
TOGETHER, LET’S SAVE ANTIBIOTICS Proposals of the special working group for keeping antibiotics effective Together, let’s save antibiotics Written by : Dr Jean CARLET and Pierre LE COZ 2 TOGETHER, LET’S SAVE ANTIBIOTICS REPORT FROM THE SPECIAL WORKING GROUP FOR KEEPING ANTIBIOTICS EFFECTIVE June 2015 TOGETHER, LET’S SAVE ANTIBIOTICS 3 Acknowledgements My sincere thanks go first and foremost to Marisol Touraine, the French Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights, for entrusting me with this assignment. I would also like to thank the cabinet ministers, especially Professor Djillali Annane and Dr Jérôme Salomon for their well-informed advice. I am grateful to Professor Benoît Vallet, Director-General for Health, for his encouragements throughout this assignment, and to Dr Marie-Hélène Loulergue, Deputy-Director of Infection Risk Prevention, her assistant Dr Bernadette Worms and their team for their warm welcome. I would like to highlight the involvement and commitment of the working group coordinators, Dr Bruno Coignard, Deputy Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS), Professor Céline Pulcini, infectious diseases consultant at Nancy Teaching Hospital (CHU), Ms Claude Rambaud, Vice-President of the Collectif Inter-associatif Sur la Santé (CISS), Mr Alain-Michel Ceretti, Founder and Chairman of LIEN, Professor Jocelyne Arquembourg, lecturer at the University of Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Ms Florence Séjourné, Managing Director of the biotech Da Volterra,
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