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vKunr THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entored as Bocoiul CULBB Mutter FITHIRD YEAR—NO. 47 Poat Office, Westilold, N. J. Published WESTFIBLD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 Evory Thursday 30 Pages—S Cents Groups Olympics, Baby Parades Hold Union Services Set At Methodist Church Gross Receipts of Rain Brings End to Shortage of Four Area Men )se Roadside Spotlight At Town Playfields Summer union services, in which Post Office Here Water In This Area 'Temporarily' Killed During tho Baptist, Congregational and Enrollment at all playgrounds the midget class are Nancy Cole- Methodist churches are participat- Last week's heaviest rainfall "Temporarily at least the situa- dinBoro in Westfield stands at 1403 at the Break Record man with a Softball throw of ing, will continue with tho wor- in six years boosted Plainfield- tion is back to normal, thanks to Korean Conflict end of the fifth week. Total daily 96<A feet; Bob Daniels with 7 out ship service this Sunday being held Union Water Co, reservoir levels e May Purchase attendance numbers 17,170, it was of 10 in the Softball accuracy di- in the First Methodist Church. to normal and ended the emer- your cooperation in curtailing lawn reported today. These totals sur- vision; junior, Bernie Gartland Tho Rev. Dr. Joseph L. McCorison Said to Reflect gency which has plagued consum- sprinkling and to the present rain- Two Westfielders, id to Continue pass 1052 figures of 1088 enroll- with a throw of IBB feet; senior, Jr., minister of the Congregational ers since June 27, George M. Has- fall. Church will be the preacher. He Town's Growth and 2 'Plains Servicemen Star Drive ment and attendance of 11,602. Jimmie Bondell's softball throw of kew, superintendent, informed po- "Should there be another hot, Features"* of the coming week 240 feet; Eddie Fisher's standing will speak on "The Word That Rate Increases lice and municipal officials by let- Die in Combat AINSIDE —Opposition Saves." J. Prentis Haworth, bari- dry period it is likely that the same ji at least three organiza- will be handicraft exhibits and broad jump of 7 feet, 3 inches, er Saturday. measures would be necessary badminton tournaments. and a total of 11 chin-ups. In the tone, will sing "God So Loved the The record-breaking increase.of long with legal entangle- World." (Fearis), and Miss Dilys Saturday morning Mr. Haskew again, in which case we will in- Four Westfield area residents E Lincoln playground held its an- senior division a three way tie $76,418 gross receipts of the Post form you. died in Korea in the three years irced the Board of Adjust- had announced to the press that between Fran Cagnassoltt, Bob Jones will bo at the organ. The Office for fiscal 1953 over fiscal rescrve decision on the nual baby parade this week be- service starts at 9:50 a.m. All are despite the rain, the water situa- "Please accept our sincere of fighting, according to reports fore a crowd o£ over 100 persons. Westrick and Jim Bcndel exist in 1952 reflects population growth received to date. Two were resi- of the late Charles W. invited. of the town and increases in postal tion was still "critical." thanks and appreciation for your of 201 New Providence, Big brothers and sisters proudly the softball accuracy throw. dents of Westfield and two Scotch rates, William C. Nestor, assistant He explained the discrepancy help and the splendid work of your Plains, have the board grant a displayed their favorites. In the Some of the other early partici- Monday by saying that he did police and firo departments." curliest hair class Nancy Hely's pants arc Bob Jones, John Hcroux, postmaster, announced here Fri- Tho first wns Army Pfc. Frank ariance so that a drive-in day. not realize when speaking with re- The company's shortage stand could be built on a 12-month-old Mary Lou Hely took Dave Leursen, Dick Gewehr, Jim Local Scouts Earn W. Begasse, a brother of Mrs. Guy top honors. Jonathan Berse was Gallagan, Kim LaPorie, John Nel- Receipts for fiscal 1953, which porters Saturday that the letters, troubles, particularly a total pres- Villa, Jr., of Lake avenue, Scotch Route 22 at New Provi- judged the chubbiest baby and son, Joe Dubiel, John Webber, ended Juno 30, totaled $271,045, which had been prepared in ad- sure collapse in several towns June Plains. Private Begasse was felled wd. Sandy Boyton walked up to the Jerry Bonnetti, Bill Butler, Mike Jamboree Awards Mr. Nestor disclosed. For the pre- vance, "were being mailed out so 27, have led to a Public Utilities on July 27, 1960, while fighting winner circle with him. David Soules, Carl Tishler,1 Vincent Don- ceding year, they stood at $195,- soon." Commission investigation of the with the 24th Infantry Division. jtter from the State High- Ostroth proudly wheeled the nely, Charlie Hely, George Berse, 226. In the letter received by mayors company which is now under way. Of tho other municipalities in ipartmcnt, opposition was youngest baby, his brother, Dan- George Kennen, John Briggs, Wil- Boys Due to Arrive Broken down Into the two main and police departments Saturday) Municipal officials, gravely con- this area Mountainside, did not d since the state has been iel, who took first prize in that lie Gordon, Bob Daniels, Eddie Home By Tonight categories, metered mail and somo signed by Mr. Haskew aim cerned because of what they have a single resident killed or Ing the purchase of land class. The oldest baby was Keith Collins, Roger Briant, John Du- stamps, the receipts compare as some by Frank L. Winslow, occre- termed a severe fire hazard, de- wounded in Korea. Fanwood, had oute 22 for the continu- Beyler's baby brother, 30-month- biel, Ray Heroux, Eddy Ayres, follows: 1953, meter, $70,360; tary-treasurer, it was stated: manded the investigation. no citizens killed. the Blue Star Drive. The old Ricky. George Van Dcrven, Dave Os- John Nelson, Thomas Rushforth stamps, $186,276, and 1952, meter, Westfield: Army Lt. Charles A. ccided to take time to in- troth,' Paul Lambert, Jerry Gil- and Robert Staub of Westfield $52,307, and stamps, $139,979. Youthful Polio Victim Lipphardt, husband of Mrs. Hope e the pending negotiations Honorable mention went to lespie, Joe Butler, Jeanne Heroux, were among area Boy Scouts who 126 Give Blood Rathbone Lipphardt, of 406 Sum- whether the state actually Kathy Keenen and her 16-month- earned jamboree achievement Receipts from metered mail in- In 'Fair' Condition Betty Ann Heileman, Beckey Old- creased $18,053, and from stamps, mit avenue, killed in action in to purchase the land, old sister, Terese, to Jack Briggs field, Judy Pett, Naticy Auster, award certificates at the recently Korea on January 13, 1951, while ocal civic groups, tho new- dressed as the father of Bob Mc- completed national jamboree at $46,297, Mr. Nestor stated. These The condition of Lawrence Scan- At Parish House with the 2nd Division. Elroy, to Maty Jo Fiserchic and Phyllis Klami, Sandy Boyton, figures, he said, show the greater ied Pembrook Civic and Nancy Lambert, Beverly Briant, Santa Ana, Cal. The .area dele- Ion, 12, son'of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Marine Pfc. Griswpld M. Hill 16-month Kitsy Kiedercr, to Carol gation is now en route home. use put to metered mail by banks, lace Scanlon, 250 Hyalip avenue, mwt Association and the Ann Breitfeller and her 2-year- Claudia Cagnapsola, Suzanne Ge- businesses and professional men. Next Bloodmobile Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Grlswold nside Civic Council op- wehr, Gail Hely and Jean Lodges. To receive a certificate, a Scout now undergoing treatment at M. Hill Sr., of 503 Carleton road, old sister, Patricia, to Pam Wiley must earn five or more of the 13 The 1953 cancellations topped Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield, e custard stand which will and her 18-month-old brother, In senior softball Bob Cricken- those of fiscal 1952 by $37,457, Visit Set for Oct. 5 killed in action in Korea on March ' by Hyman Kadesh, lessee berger returned to form to pitch available achievement awards for polio was reported "fair" this 1, 1951, with First Marine Divi- Gary, and to Patty Geroud and available in such categories as Mr. Nestor pointed out. The fig- morning by hospital authorities. sion. property, on grounds the her sister, Ann. Lincoln to a win over McKinley ures are: 1953, $6,363,387; 1952, Although the Red Cross Blood- marksmanship, angling, archery, Lawrence was admitted to the mobile fell short of its quota of Scotch Plains: Army Pvt. Leroy iment would not only cre- 16-11. Consistent hitters were $6,325i930. hospital last week with a mild levere traffic hazard, but The playground Olympics are Eddie Fisher, Jim Bendel, Bob fire by flint and steel and others. 160 pints by 24 Monday, the day F. Mack, son of Mrs. Anna Mack, progressing at a competitive and Other local boy3 who won Last Christmas season was the case of non-paralytic polio. was acclaimed "satisfactory," con- of Sherman avenue, killed in ac- uld deyalue their property biggest in the office history, the ise littered roadside condi- excited pace. Early leaders in (Please turn to page 2) awards are: Paul Benz and Rich- sidering the heat and vacation in- tion in Korea on June 9,1961, and ard Dietz of Mountainside and assistant postmaster stated. How- terference by Mrs. Hazel Gott- Army Pfc. Frank W. Begtste.. stion was raised as to the Club's Topic To Be Rebert Mears of Fanwood.