(ISSUED WITH MILITIA ORDERS, 1915). CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE. r 10th BATTALION NOMINAL ROLL OF OFFICERS, NON -COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND MEN. 10m. 3-15. H.Q. 593-2-29. 1.11111111111111t AIMS- 10th BATTALION. Taken on Strength. q I . Country o of of No. Address Next-of-Kin. 8 Rank. Name. Former Corps. Name of Next-of-Kin. Birth. Place. Date. m 4 Regimental Sept. 25 1919 Boyle, Laura Wight Mrs Crossfield, Alta Canada Valcartier.... Lt.- Col.... Boyle, Russell Lambert 15th Horse Dundee, Scot Scotland..... " " Robert - 140 Lorne St., Locher, Major MacLaren, Joseph Royal High and 12th Drags. McLaren, England " " Imp. Yeom. &Cape M.R. Lightfoot, Margaret A. Mrs........ 450 Kennedy St., Winnipeg, Man " Lightfoot, James St., Portage -la- Prairie, Man Canada " Adj. Maj.. Ormond, Daniel Mowat .... 18th Mtd. Rifles Ormond, Annie Laura Mrs. 57 -11th 26 Nasmyth, Helen Elizabeth. 223 Hartford Ave., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A..... " ' Capt Nasmyth, William Wylie 3rd C.M.R M " " " 100th Regt Howell, Ethel Constance 113 Stradbrook PL, Fort Rouge, Winnipeg, " Howell, Edmund Lally Lodge, Charlwood Rd., Putney, N. S. W Inftry . Cooke, Mrs. Francis Hotham " Cooke, Henry London, S.W., Eng Ireland " 25 England " 26 2nd C. M. R Robinson, Louie Mrs Munson, Alta " Robinson, Charles Wilson St. Helier's, Park Hill Rd., Sidcup, Kent, Eng. " " 25 " Arthur, Christopher Geoffrey..... 103rd Regt . Nightergall, Francis Mary Balls 2104, Hope St., Calgary, Alta Canada " 26 " Redman, Daniel Lee .. ... 103rd Regt Redman, Daniel End, Imp'l. Service Pott, Mrs. A. B "Littlehurst" Royston Park ltd., Hutch " Pott, Frank Middlesex, England England " 25 - -on -Tyne, Eng... g " 26 if Meikle, Andrew Fred'k Thomson.
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