Bulletin D'information Et De Liaison 46 (2012)

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Bulletin D'information Et De Liaison 46 (2012) ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE D’ÉTUDES PATRISTIQUES International Association of Patristic Studies Bulletin d’information et de liaison 46 (2012) Table des matières VIE DE L’ASSOCIATION 5 De la part du Président. • De la part du Secrétaire. • Cotisation et Adhésion. • Statuts de l’AIEP / IAPS comme modifiés à Oxford 2003 (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Règlement intérieur de l’AIEP / IAPS comme approuvé à Oxford 2011 (texte français et traduction anglaise). • Liste des membres du Conseil élus en 2003. • Liste des correspondants nationaux et du Comité exécutif. • Liste des nouveaux membres. • Liste des membres, anciens membres et collègues décédés. • Membres par pays. BULLETIN BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE : Travaux récemment parus ou en préparation 33 A. Bibliographie et histoire de la recherche 36 B. Ouvrages généraux I - Histoire du christianisme ancien 40 0. Christianisme et société dans l’antiquité tardive 42 1. Histoire des communautés, des institutions, des périodes, des régions 49 2. Histoire des doctrines (théologie) 63 3. Liturgie et hymnographie 67 4. Culture antique et culture chrétienne 73 5. Hagiographie et histoire de la spiritualité 82 6. Art et archéologie 85 7. Épigraphie 86 8. Codicologie (manuscrits, catalogues, microfilms, paléographie) 88 9. Papyrologie 88 10. Prosopographie II - Langues et littérature chrétiennes 89 1. Histoire des langues et des littératures classiques et orientales 91 2. Genres littéraires 94 3. Vocabulaire et stylistique 96 4. Thèmes littéraires 98 5. Patristique et Moyen Âge 102 6. Patristique et humanisme, Renaissance et Réforme, Temps modernes 105 7. Actualité des Pères III - La Bible et les Pères 108 0. Ouvrages généraux 111 1. Christianisme et judaïsme 114 2. Ancien Testament 119 3. Nouveau Testament 125 4. Apocryphes, pseudépigraphes 126 5. Gnose, manichéisme, etc. IV - Auteurs et textes 132 (ordre alphabétique des noms et des titres latins) 3 VIE DE L ’A SSOCIATION CRITÈRES ÉDITORIAUX POUR LE BULLETIN / EDITORIAL GUIDELINES FOR THE BULLETIN 219 NOUVELLES ET COMMUNICATIONS 221 Annonce extraordinaire 222 A. Congrès, Colloques 224 B. Mélanges 227 C. Initiatives diverses 231 D. Instrumenta studiorum (programmes de collection) 234 E. Nouvelles de Grèce et de Serbie 237 F. Dissertations en cours SUPPLÉMENT : ANNUAIRE 2007-2008 - ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 240 Nouvelles adresses et nouveaux champs de recherche 243 Nouveaux membres * * * 4 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION De la part du Président / From the President Dear colleagues, This year has seen the transition from the previous to the present Executive elected by the Council at its meeting in Oxford in August 2011. We have been fortunate in the excellent state in which our outgoing Secretary, Lorenzo Perrone, and Treasurer, Samuel Rubenson, have left the Association. We owe them both enormous thanks for their services. We are equally fortunate in the willingness of Benoît Gain and Carol Harrison to continue on the Executive in their new roles as Treasurer and Vice-President, respectively, and in the readiness of Marco Rizzi and Oscar Velasquéz to take on the tasks of Secretary and Vice-President. For my part, I am honoured by the trust you have placed in me as President. This year there will be some changes in the operations of the Association. As was explained at the meeting of the Council, Brepols, which has long published the Bulletin free of charge, will not be able to continue to do so in future. The Council deliberated whether we should at this time move toward a form of electronic publication of the Bulletin or its bibliographical data. The Council decided, however, to continue to publish a printed version of the Bulletin because of its importance as a symbol and a tool for many members in that form. We are, of course, grateful to Brepols for being so generous in the past and would like to continue to publish the Bulletin with them. In order to be able to contribute funds toward the cost of printing and distributing the Bulletin, the Council agreed to raise the annual membership dues from 14 euros to 18 euros. At the same time, as was noted at the Council, we need to consider how to make information about the research and publications of the members of the Association more accessible electronically. In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the Base d’Information Bibliographique en Patristique / Bibliographical Information Base in Patristics (BIBP), which was begun in the 1970s with the moral support of the Association. The BIBP is an open-access, fully-indexed database of articles on patristics in journals. It currently contains approximately 43,700 records from 800 journals. While it does not systematically review monographs and collections of papers, it is still an outstanding resource for our members. I would encourage you to become familiar with its functions. We will be creating a page on our website with information and links to BIBP and other open-access research databases in patristics, such as Biblindex. Finally, in 2015 we will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Association. In anticipation and recognition of that event, we are collaborating with the Center for the Study of Christianity in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, to hold a conference in Jerusalem on June 25-27, 2013, on the theme “Patristic Studies in the Twenty-first Century”. The proceedings will be published to coincide with the next International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford in 2015. For news about the conference in Jerusalem I invite you to consult the website of the Association regularly. We will have much to celebrate not only then but also when we meet again at the conference in Oxford in the year of the fiftieth anniversary. Theodore de Bruyn 5 VIE DE L ’A SSOCIATION De la part du Secrétaire / From the Secretary Dear Colleagues, First of all, I would like to thank you all for the honour of being elected Secretary of the Association on August 2011 in Oxford. I will try to accomplish this demanding task at my best and, in doing so, I am sure I can rely on your help. At the same time, it is my duty to thank Lorenzo Perrone, former Secretary, for having helped me in the first times of this challenging task and all the National Correspondents and the individual members for their concern in sending me bibliographic records and any other information needed to issue this Bulletin. As in the last years, its publishing was made possible also by the attentive work of Dr. Paolo Bernardini, who laid it out in pages and checked the proofs; we have to tanks again Lorenzo Perrone and the Board of the review «Adamantius» for the generous sharing of the bibliographical data collected for the «Bibliografia Origeniana» which is yearly published in this review. In the next pages, you can find fifty four new members listed. Their number, slightly greater than that of the previous year, confirms the constant growth of the Association, especially in North and South America (we have now the first members from Brazil) and in Eastern Europe. In the rest of Europe the situation has remained substantially unchanged. However, as remarked by Lorenzo Perrone in the last Bulletin, there are still many countries and areas - especially in Africa and Asia - where AIEP is missing, while there is a number of scholars in Patristics or in related fields. Spreading the Association and bringing into mutual relation scholars from all over the world constitute a primary duty for the Executive Committee and the Secretary, but it can be successful only if every member does support such an effort by communicating any useful information on this regard or by introducing our Association if one has a occasion to be in touch with scholars coming from those areas and countries. For this purpose, you can ask me to send them complimentary copies of the Bulletin and of the Annuaire, or you can suggest any other undertaking. This issue of the Bulletin contains the French text of the Règlement intérieur and its English translation (Rules of procedure), as approved by the General Council held in Oxford on August 2011. It is an important instrument for a well- ordered running of the Association. But it is a particular pleasure for me to announce that in the Nouvelles et Communications section of this issue of the Bulletin you can find a letter of our former Secretary, Lorenzo Perrone, in which he announces the spectacular discovery of twenty-nine Greek homilies on Psalms by Origen, previously unknown, and the project for their critical edition. With his well-known generosity and in the very spirit of our Association he will share more pieces of information about this with all those who would contact him. Marco Rizzi 6 VIE DE L ’ASSOCIATION COTISATION ET ADHÉSION Cotisation 2012 Le montant de la cotisation annuelle est fixé à € 18 pour tous . La cotisation suit l’année civile (de janvier à décembre) et il serait bon, pour faciliter le travail des trésoriers que les membres s’acquittent de leur cotisation au printemps de l’année en cours (janvier - mars). Nous remercions d’avance ceux qui n’attendent pas un rappel pour nous envoyer leur cotisation. Les trésoriers continueront à examiner avec bienveillance toute situation particulière qu’on voudra bien leur faire connaître. En revanche, sauf dispense, “sera radié ipso facto , tout membre qui n’aura pas acquitté sa cotisation pendant plus de deux années consécutives” (Statuts, art. 4 b). I - Modes de versement des cotisations Ne pas envoyer de chèque en € tiré sur une banque étrangère: les frais dépassent le montant de la cotisation 1) Nos collègues de France acquittent leur cotisation auprès du Trésorier pour la France en lui envoyant un chèque à l’ordre de l’A.I.E.P.: Laurence MELLERIN Institut des Sources Chrétiennes 22, rue Sala F - 69002 Lyon 2) Nos collègues du Royaume-Uni acquittent leur cotisation auprès du Trésorier pour le Royaume-Uni: Dr.
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