1924-09-11, [P ]
THE WOLF POINT HERALD «««’.HÎffilMONTANA iOeiETY OF PION R FOIRTY- H0W F- “SANDBAR m SAYS SLADE WAS ~ --“ BROWN GOT HIS m CASCADE PIONEER WORKED ON SECRETARY OP THE MONTANA SLADE’S CLALM AT TIME OF PIONEERS EXPLAINS WHAT “SANDBAR” MEANS VIGILANTE ACTIVITIES UTTE recently enjoyed the hon- territory May 26, 1864, are cordially j eye was noted as white-haired men'lips; Mrs.| A. Trask, Powell; Henry j Indian Episode on Famous Old Min Pleads the Cause of Montana’s First or and the pleasure of playing invited to attend a meeting to be and women who crossed the plains Buek, Ravalli; J. W. Culbertson, souri, In Which 3 Reds were Slain Governor; Says that Sidney Edg- B host to one of the most re- held at the courthouse in the city of J behind ox teams, slept with pistols Richland; S. H. Erwin, Rosebud; On a Sandbar Is the Real Source markable organizations in the nation, Helena, the capital of the territory, under their pillows, lived in dugouts ; A. J. Lansing, Sanders; Levi S. erton Was Not Given Fair Chance the Montan Society of Pioneers! on Wednesday, September 19, 1884, j and log cabins, and fought with na-; Wild, Silver Bow; Edwin Burke, of Peculiar Cognomen. In the Early Days. Composed of men and women who at 10 a. m„ (the day being during j ture In the raw, to add another star i Stillwater; Mrs. L. J. Daggett, To- may by common consent be called fair week), for the purpose of or-1 to the galaxy of states, answered ton; Mrs.
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