January 1997
One malpractice insurer is dedicated to continually serving only Alabama Attorneys and remaining in the Alabama marketplace! AIM: For the Difference! Atto rneys Insura nce Mu tua l of Alabam a, Inc.• 22 rnvemoss Cenler Parkway Telephone (205) 980.()()()9 Suite 525 Toll Free (800) 526 - 1246 D 61rmlngham, Alaba m a 35242 -4889 FAX (205 ) 980 -9009 "CHARTER MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO N OF BAR-RELATED INSURANC E COMPANIES . Parti rend ts, tlir ,111 of Wi/Jo11.Price, along "'itl, even {tutr.r re1spo,urs ,u11f llarmrrco ~ !IU/fngslry. P.C. have crt,r ,uort. 1ptnali:n 1io,r wl1tre I co,,,r to tXptrt a ctrn,i,r dtgne tlity ntay nttd ii. I of finnnci11/ rtnntth from tMir As on< of tht largm CPA 1 ff«Ol4ntants..Tht $dtnt is trut of practtca in Alabama, tht ntw i I clttnu of /llnnk,nsh,p, Lamar, firm w,11offrr ,011 tt·tn nrort ! Gilliln11dO' H,cl.:.1. \\'ell. 1/u21Soil nbout 10 strength - in tht nun,btr of ptrsonrrtl, cha,,gr-- for tht btutr. ""din 1l1t,11unbtr of str11iet.1wt'II bt al;lt to pro,•ldt, Yoo scrt, wi1h ,,,eforu1n1iort of ~Vi/sou. l'rirt, Anti wl1tn ll t:ou,es10 ptr sonr,lly ,,,ee1;,,gtv/1/1 you, Bnrro,,co, Dltu1kt't1ship6- 8Hlingslt y, P.C.. "'t'vt we'll br just as opt11 as we aver ,vtrt, brougl,t all our players togecl,er to create a 1tro1tgtr If yo,l'd like tlit comburcd s1reugtlt1o/ swo 1<a111.St11rton1 fanuury I. 1997, wt'II br brttrr oblr mpmtd CPA firm1, coll tht t<un, of IVi/1011,Prrct, to p,o.,dt rl1tnu both lorit and m,all tht 10,nr Barmnco, 8/anktmhip & Bilbngslty, P.C.
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