Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 35, NO. i. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 24, 1900. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ATLANTIC IN LINE. SIX CLDBS HOW LANDED IH THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BY PRESI ORGANIZATION, DENT TOM HICKEY. Two More Cities, One ,o! Which lay He Declares That the Championship be Philadelphia, to be Added to Season ol the New Organization the List at the Next Meeting In fill Open May 5 and Close Sept, 9 Scranton, Under a 132-Game Schedule. Allentown, Pa., March 17. Editor "Sport- St. Joseph, Mo., March 20. Editor "Sport Ing Life:" The Atlantic League held a ing Life:" President of the Western Kieeting in this city yesterday. The fol League, announced to-day that the sea lowing were in attendance: President Fo- son will open May 5, with Omaha at Den gel, Secretary and Treasurer Zimmerman, ver, St. Joseph at Pueblo and Sioux City Ben Fleischman, of Reading; E. B. Doug- at Des Homes. During the greater part lass and William Sharsig. of Allentown; H. of May Ornaha, St. Joseph, Sioux City and B. Merrill and William J. Clymer, of Wil- Des Moines will be playing in Denver and kesbarre; Albert Souters. of Wilmington. Pueblo, after which the latter two clubs Scranton and Elmira were represented by will make their first Eastern trip. The proxies. season will close Sept. 9. Each club will THE MEMBERSHIP. play twenty-two games with every other These clubs were decided on: Elmira, club at home, and the same numbef abroad. Scranton. Wilkesbarre. Allentown, Read A ST. JOSEPH CHANGE. ing and Wilmington. The application of a Belden Hill, of Cedar Rapids, has accept Philadelphia club, to be called the Athlet ed the management of the St. Joseph team, ics, was favorably considered, and the eighth club will be selected from either tendered to him some time ago. Byron Mc- Harrisburg, Trenton or Newark. The Phil Kibben, who has been slated as manager, adelphia application came from a lawyer- will remain with the team as a player. capitalist, who is enthusiastic over the en The players have been ordered to report in terprise. This privilege is granted by Col St. Joseph for practice about April 3. Fol onel Rogers at a nominal rental for his lowing is a complete roster of the players: grounds. John Kling, catcher; Fred. Underwood, H. THE OTHER POSSIBILITIES. C. Maupin, Hay Whited, Doc Godell and In event of Philadelphia not being avail Arthur Herman, pitchers; Ira Davis, first able, Harrisburg, Trenton and Newark are base; Ben Shelton and Fred. Pilcher, sec ready to accept franchises, thus insuring ond base; Russ Hall, short stop; Clyde the completion of the circuit. Frank Rinn Strong, third base; Byron McKibben, Dick Is now devoting his attention to organizing Brown, George Bristow, fielders. Brown a club at Harrisburg, with every prospect is also a change catcher. of success, and, while it was Impossible for Trophy For Grand American Handicap; April 1900, him (o attend the meeting, he was at inter vals in communication with President Fo- THE INDIANA_LEAGUE Ki©l. A NEW OWNER. THAT BIG DEBT. In Good Shape Now That the Row in AS TO SCRANTON. Concerning Scranton, a responsible par The Columbus Franchise Passes How Jthe League Will Undertake Anderson Has Been Settled and ty from that city communicated with the From Torreyson Into John Riley©s to Wipe It Out Within the Next Poor Has Retired. Wilkesbarre representatives and Mr. Fo- Hands. Three Years. Alexandria, Ind., March 18. Editor gel, authorizing one of these gentlemen to Columbus. O., March 19. Editor "Sport The purchase of the four clubs dropped "Sporting Life:" Great interest is already represent him, and asked for a franchise ing Life:" Columbus will be represented by the National League entails some inter beiug displayed In the new State League. to be awarded Scranton, which was unan In the Interstate Base Ball League this esting financial details. The Wagners real Managers are busy corraling players and imously agreed to. W. W. Burnham, of season, and the club will be under local ly received $46.500 for their franchise and getting things in shape for a prosperous Portland, Me., will arrive in Scranton on management. This matter was finally set players, but the $7500 received for the base ball season. Recently President Hill Monday and at once proceed to give the tled last week. President Power, of the three players sold to Boston was deducted. and Secretary Ray made a tour of the in enterprise his attention. The Reading fran Interstate League, came over from Pitts- Baltimore was paid $30,000 for its fran cluded cities and found Muucie, Wabash, chise was officially awarded to "Ben" burg and transferred the Columbus fran chise, Cleveland got $25,000 and Louisville Kokomo. Marion and Logansport to be in Fleischman. chise to John L. Riley, of this city. $10,000 to get out. This makes a total in good condition. WILMINGTON AND ELMIRA. President Power announces that, while debtedness shouldered by the League of IN© ANDERSON Wilmington is ready to go ahead and or Riley gets the franchise, he does not get §104,000, which is to be paid off in three the fight over the franchise between Jap ganize a team, possessing strong backing any of the players under reserve by Frank years by setting aside 5 per cent, of the Poor and capitalists of that city made the and having secured grounds at a favorable Torreyson, the former owner of the local gate receipts. The first $40,000 secured in club doubtful. Now that Poor has sur figure. Messrs. Matthew Kilroy and Albert club. He intimated that if Riley wants this way will be divided among the four rendered the franchise, Anderson will no Sauters being in charge of that end. The these players he would probably have to retiring clubs, $10,000 going to each. This doubt have a strong team in the league, un application of H. C. Smith for a franchise buy them from Torreyson. Mr. Riley said will liquidate the claim of Louisville, leav der the management of Dnl Williams. L. for Elmira was favorably received. to-day that he had enough good players ing Washington credited with $29.000, Bal F. Wachtell and Milo Meridith will manage now in sight to make up a fast aggrega timore $20,000 and Cleveland $15,000. Af the Muncie and Wabash teams respective THE NEXT MEETING. tion. ter that the money will be divided between The magnates adopted a constitution and ly. Mr. Riley on Thursday also signed a Washington and Baltimore until their ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION by-laws, each section being passed upon lease for Neal©s field for one year, with re claims are wiped out, which will take two separately where it effected the season©s of the league have been prepared, and will newal for another year, thus assuring a years, it is expected. During the third be filed with the Secretary of the State. operations. The guarantee clause, which new and accessible ball field. Work on the year the Cleveland people will get their cnlls for a deposit of $500 by each club on The league has .been formally recognized t©eld will begin about the first of next $15,000, provided that in the meantime the by Nick Young and will be under National Feb. 1, was declared inoperative, this ques week, and Mr. Riley will have everything League does not dispose of the Cleveland tion to be settled at the next meeting of in ship-shape long before post time. It is franchise. In the event of the franchise League protection. The next meeting will the league, which is to be held at Scran hoped that he will be able to complete the being sold prior to the commencement of occur about the 1st of April, when the ton, on Friday, March 23. The salary lim grounds in time to secure some exhibition the third year, then the money received schedule will be arranged. The seasoa it was fixed at $1500. names. will be naid over to the Ilobisous- will commence early in May. SPORTING- LIFE. compelled to worry about the behavior of ently located and accessible for all man his players. agers. The season will open on April 28, Algie McBride Is the one member of the and in the meantime, Riley will sign a team who is now under weight. He tips strong team for Columbus. The other clubs WASHINGTOOWAIL the scale at less than 150 pounds, his play will probably help him out with players, ing weight being at least ten pounds over lending him some of the spare material. THE REDS STILL AT NEW ORLEANS the figure named. Strobel will give him a couple of players Four of the members of the Cincinnati for the season, or until such a time as he LOCAL HOPES ONCE MORE DASHED CONDITIONING. team played under Manager Alien in In can secure timber that suits him. dianapolis. They are Kahoe, Phillips. Scott THE TOLEDO TEAM TO PIECES. and Newton. Strange to say, Indianapolis will report here on April 16, and will begin has developed no first-class inflelders or active training for the season. Reports re Some Hints as to the Probable Make-up outfielders in the past three or four years; ceived from all of the players show that only pitchers and catchers. they are getting in proper condition, and No Chance Now For an Association Elmer Smith is greatly improved in most of them will be ready for the field o! the Team by Manager Alien- health, and is once more taking part in the when they arrive.