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Events Center University Town Renaissance Man Philip Channing's &lucaling Ritds Center: Bridge Jonathan Miller 1 Favorite Photos Midlael Caine Over Campus Drive Visits UCI Page 10 Page 15 Page2 Pages Quis custodiet Who will guard ipsos custodes? the guardians? October 11, 1983 Third floor Gateway Commons, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717 Volume 16, Number 4 Moses Trains Here Olympic Hurdler AS Gives OK for Makes Strides On Irvine Tmck Events Center by Ken Young AS Council Approves Specifications; New U staff Debates Questions of 'Compromise' An older woman, strolling up to the gate at the UCI track and by Keith Bush coercion of anything designed to field stadium two weeks ago, New U staff enhance this campus," Terry said. In addition, Terry told the coun- was told by a security guard that After expanded debate, the As- cil that "if you vote 'yes' on this, the track was strictly off limits. sociated Students of UC! Execu- I know a good psychiatrist for She peered onto the track to tive Council voted Thursday to observe a large group of men approve preliminary architectur- you." After lengthy and sometimes running around with tape mea- al plans for the proposed Campus heated discussion, the council un- sures, calculators and more high- Events Center. animously decided to table the is- tech hardware than George Lucas The plans suggest an $11 to $12 needed to shoot the whole Star million facility with 5,000 indi- sue unW Oct. 6. Wars trilogy. She finally spotted vidual seats. The building will Council Re~rsal the man responsible for all this house concerts, physical educa- At the Oct. 6 AS council meet- disruption- the most dominant tion, recreational and intercol- ing, Vice President for Adminis- track and field athlete in the legiate sports, and special events. trative Services Mai Nguyen said world, Olympic gold medalist and When this concept first was she had been disturbed by com- world record-holder in the presented to the council on Oct. ments made during the previous 400-meter hurdles, Edwin Moses. 4, several council members im- meeting that implied the propos- This was the scene when a mediately raised questions. ed facility had been downgraded team of technicians, biomechan- "I don't understand what the because of administration inter- ical researchers and training con- Campus Events Center Board is ference. sultants took over the UC! track up to;· Vice President for Aca- ·~rhis resolution came out of a for two days to conduct a revolu- demic Affairs Tom Davey said. Campus Events Center Board tionary type of biomechanical Davey reminded the council meeting, and not as the result of study of the Olympic star. that Rob Peirson, chairman of the manipulation by the administra- On the track with Moses sat CECB, had originally insisted on tion;· Nguyen told the council. about $600,000 worth of machin- SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS-ICS major Brad Fleishman enjoys a 6,000-seat facility. Davey also Following Nguyen's comments, unexpected freedom after a professor falled to show up for class. ery, mainly the cameras and con- stated that the economic study Peirson said that the immediate soles of a high-speed motion which was used in formulating need for 6,000 seats no longer analysis system, never before us- the plans was flawed. existed. ed in the field of athletics. This Committee Submits Report "Peirson made it a big issue that "That number was set by the new toy, known as the SP 2000, there would be no compromise:· athletic department and not by is basically a special videotaping Davey continued. "Why are we the students," Peirson explained. system capable of shooting 2,000 all of a sudden compromising on Peirson said that it came down frames per second (as opposed to Search for New Dean the basis of a flawed report?" to a choice be tween 6,000 seats. 30 in conventional filming) and half of which would be bleachers. then immediately playing the Nearing CoIDpletion Political Stifling and 5,000 seats, all of which tape back in slow motion to pro- Bennett Terry, commissioner of would be theater-type seating. vide the athlete with a precise External Affairs, believes the "We were afraid that if half the Committee chairman and Act- study of his technique, something by Glenn Claudi-Magousaen CECB compromise resulted from seats were bleachers, that some- ing Physical Sciences Dean never before possible. New U staff external pressure. how that would be where the stu- Robert Doedens said the commit- Moses, 28, is unbeaten in his Vice Chancellor William Lilly· "It looks to me like the typical dents ended up:· Peirson said. e has submitted a report which last 87 races. He has owned the man said last week .that the stifling by politics and community Continued on Page 6 he hopes will be the last one. The world record since 1976, just re- search for a replacement for search, which began late last cently lowering it to 47.02 in o utgoing Dean of Undergraduate Four Out of Six Bills Passed August at Koblen~. West Ger- spring, was limited to persons Studies Guy Sircello is almost now employed at UCJ, he said. Continued OD Page 12 completed. "I suspect [Lillyman] will move UC Student I.ob1!J1 Scoring Big fairly quickly, but that doesn't by Tom Grant mean that an announcement will New U staff Syst~e- ~in~~rs come soon," Doedens said. UC Student Lobby Director Miguel Ceballos is pleased with the suc- "Sircello announced in the A~ -~ lilcre&aies cesses student representatives have scored with the state legislature spring quarter his intent to resign in the past year. and his resignation will take ef- "Out of six bills that we sponsored in some form or another, four bf Glen a •fl*• -'• .-. to uc .,a.e111 . aa.n- fect at the end of the year," Lilly- Ve~ · were passed by the Assembly:· Ceballos said. 'That's a good record rw . .db.a Mieblel,..,...._ man said. Sircello has been dean if I've ever heard of one." TbeBoudol ........-. UCLA Cbw:elkw a.iea E; . of undergraduate studies for five The four measures passed into law include: ed salary lncre11es tor dluicel-- Yoana. lniae <;banceBor DID- ye.ars, and for the preceding five lors aild chief~- ..., lefG.JJdriCb. Ir. recelwld a 6.4 • a financial-aid bill demanding an increase in state-supplied finan- years served under then-Humani- cial aid to offset fee increases; dais, but sallriel UCad- peKeDt 1ncrea1e. brinilnl bis ties Dean Lillyman as undergrad- • designation of September as "Student Voter Registration Month," miriistraton-ltill II& llpifk'Mt- annual salary-to $84,000. uate dean of humanities. ly behind thole pUI.,, COIDpaJlo in which student governments in state schools make a special effort UDdel'pUI Mmlnlllnl!»a "Ten years is a long time to be to register students to vote; able instibltions. ' . involved in any dean's office on • a housing rights measure, which included provisions for student Determining the amount of the.~ ·Abo approved by this campus," Lillyman said. housing; and the increases was ..done by were increases for the Uni- • a bank practices reform bill "which indirectly but fundamental- looking at comparable insti~ ~ · Sircello said Friday that al- versity of California's five ly affected students," Ceballos said. tions . and the UC chancel- presidents, three laboratory though he had initially planned lors' salaries will still be at the directors, 1 treasurer, general to resign at the end of June, he . The two me~sures slapped down were bills attempting to end UC low end of the spectrum:• Fi- counsel and seeretary. The vice has told Lillyman he would be involvement m weapons research, which was rejected in the nance Committee Chairman presidents' new salaries will willing to stay on until the end of Assembly, and a health service scholarship program which was vetoed Stanley K. Sheinbaum so.!d. range from $78,000 to $93,000, the year. by Governor Deukmejian. The chancellors received in- the laboratory directors' from After the end of the year, Sir- "This has been one of the best years for the Student Lobby and creases ranging from 4.8 to 10.6 to cello says he will go on sabbati-· the Student Body President's Council:' Ceballos said. percent, the largest increases Continued OD Page 8 cal until fa ll, when he will return Ceballos explained that the Student Lobby relies upon close con- to teaching full time at UCL tacts with key legislators and aides. Continued on Page 7 2 I October 11, 1983 NEWS NEWS October 11, 1983 I 3 News In Brief Pdrking Undergoes Dwight Stones Speaks by Clndl Seaman rhe program can be obtain- ed by writing to the CIC An 'Attitlide' Change New U staff by Greg Hardesty Reception Held for Irvine Olympians Minorities Fellov.-ships Pro- New U stall Recognition for gram, ll l Kirkwood Hall. Faculty Members Indiana University. Bloom- ':4 university is an organization of individuals, by Cindy Sand~n ed the benelits of college ington, IN 47405, or by call- entrepreneurs, and professors, all held together New U staff athletic scholarships, but Several faculty members ing toll-free at (800) by a common grievance over parking." Olympic medalist Dwight noted that amateurs in this have received ne'N appoint- 457-4420. -Clark Kerr, former UC President Stones was guest speaker at country are expected to ments and awards for con- the "Olympian Awards make a living outside of tributions to the campus "Parking is such a personal issue:· says Leon Schwartz. sports in addition to train- "and I don't think the campus community is very tol- Ceremony" Thursday at and the community.
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