For Immediate Release Media Contact: Insert Date Noris Chavarría 646.678.4394 [email protected] Insert your media contact:

XXX Nonprofit announces its participation in the 1st National Giving Day aimed at the , , Bisexual, & community.

City, State: Month, Day, 2013 – XXX Nonprofit is thrilled to be part of Give OUT Day on May 9th, 2013 as a participating organization. XXX Nonprofit in partnership with Bolder Giving, the Kevin Mossier Foundation and Forward Motion is excited to announce the launch of Give OUT Day, a new national initiative that aims to mobilize thousands of individual donors on May 9th, 2013, across the country to give in support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ) nonprofit community.

“Less than 5% of the LGBTQ community gives to an LGBTQ cause, according to research from the Horizons Foundation and Movement Advancement Project,” says Bolder Giving’s Executive Director Jason Franklin. “Give OUT Day aims to raise awareness of the need to support LGBTQ nonprofits and elevate the level of LGBTQ philanthropy.”

“We expect to have hundreds of LGBTQ organizations representing all of the 50 states in this first Give OUT Day,” says Noris Chavarría, Give OUT Day Coordinator.

Insert a quote about why you are participating in Give OUT Day. One from your executive director and one from your development staff if applicable.

"This is an incredible time to be engaged in the LGBT rights movement. We're literally living history as the walls of are tumbling down, brick by brick. We are witnessing firsthand the difference that each and every person has, is, and can make in transforming our world into a better place," says Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "Yet despite these major strides, we still live in a country where the vast majority of LGBT people face real discrimination, a lack of legal protections, and threat of violence. More work clearly needs to be done, which is why we are particularly excited to be involved in the first-ever Give OUT Day being launched at our Creating Change conference. Give OUT Day is a way for people everywhere to support the LGBT nonprofit organizations doing the on-the-ground work that is so vital to creating positive, lasting change for our community."

Funders for LGBTQ Issues President Ben Francisco Maulbeck stated, “Now is the perfect time for Give OUT Day. As fundraising and budget pressures on LGBTQ nonprofits mount, Give OUT Day offers an exciting new strategy for us to grow online giving in our community and for nonprofits to build a more diverse funding base.”

Give OUT Day will be breaking new ground as it adapts a fundraising model that has proven successful for local multi-issue fundraising to a national single-issue focus. Give OUT Day will engage and unite thousands of donors and organizations across the country that believe in the power and impact of LGBTQ nonprofits in daily life.

For more information visit or contact Noris Chavarría at [email protected] or via phone at 646.678.4394.

XXX Insert your mission statement below

Bolder Giving is a NYC-based nonprofit dedicated to inspiring people to “Give More. Risk More. Inspire More.” In 2011, it launched an LGBTQ Equality Initiative to specifically lift up and inspire giving to the LGBTQ community and this Give OUT Day is its newest effort to do so. Bolder Giving’s theme of Give More (significantly increasing your giving from income or assets), Risk More (giving more collaboratively, effectively & strategically), and Inspire More (spotlighting stories of notable giving and sparking conversations about giving) serves socially conscious people across the economic spectrum. To learn more, visit