THE CASTLE STUDIES GROUP BULLETIN VOLUME 27 SEP 2018 Inside this issue Editorial Editorial 1 This summer has been busy in terms of castle related excavations and Diary Dates research across Europe including Auckland, Carrickfergus, and Pembroke as 1-2 well as discoveries due to the dry summer. It has been difficult to include all CSG Autumn of the projects and discoveries in the newsletter; some of those missed out, Conference such as Hylton, Newcastle, and Norwich will be included within the next 2-3 bulletin. Derek Renn’s Festschrift The year is far from over, next month is the CSG one day conference held at 3-4 the Society of Antiquaries of London, which I’m sure many of you are very CSG Annual Conference much looking forward to. There are some spaces left if you still wish to 5-6 attend. CSG Small Projects fund As many of you will know, a short while ago David Bartlett, our CSG 6 Secretary, died after suffering from an aneurism. Thoughts are with his News in Wales family. He will be missed not only for his hard work as members’ secretary, 7-8 but also his convivial presence at conferences. A full page obituary will be in News in Scotland the next Journal. 9 News in England As always thank you for those who have sent pieces to be included in the 10-13 bulletin. If you have anything for the next bulletin, please send it to News in Ireland
[email protected]. The Deadline is 22nd December. 13-14 News in Europe Therron Welstead 14-15 CSG Bulletin Editor Conference reports …………………………………… 15-17 Rebuilt Castles in East Central Europe Diary Dates 18-21 Castle Studies Trust CSG One day Conference 22-23 Castle Studies: Current Research and the future M.Phil.