14 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 Eastern Daily Press

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Emma Knights [email protected] Artistic connections

More than Paint Out Norwich is building on the 30 artists city’s long connection with art, including have been the of artists who were selected to Media Partners: Eastern Daily Press famous for creating take part in work inspired by an open air event celebrating our city and Norwich in paint. county in the The inaugural Paint Out nineteenth Norwich – part of this year’s century. Hostry Festival – is a two-day en The Norwich plein air painting competition School of which takes its inspiration from artists’ two seven Norwich landmarks. great masters , Norwich were John Cathedral, The Cathedral of St Crome and John the Baptist, Pull’s Ferry, Elm John Sell Hill, and are all Cotman, (pic- set to be the subjects of the compe- tured), with Crome tition – and The Forum has now best known as an oil been added to the list. painter and Cotman best known for his Following a call-out to artists watercolours. Other artists who were part earlier this year, a group of 31 have of the Norwich School included James now been chosen and will be out Stark, John Berney Crome, George and about in the city with their Vincent, Robert Ladbrooke, James Sillett, ■ Paint Out Norwich artist Leon Bunnewell’s painting, Forum at Night. Pictures: SUBMITTED paintbrushes and easels on October , John Joseph Cotman, 22 and 23. As these paintings show, two days before their work is different media are happy to accept Eames, Katie Falcon, Cornelia , , Emily many of the painters have previ- displayed in an exhibition at the challenge.” Fitzroy, Gerald Green, Mark Stannard, Edward Thomas Daniell, Henry ously been inspired to create great ’s Hostry. The artists taking part are: John Greenwood, Jane Hall, Wil Harvey, Bright, David Hodgson and Robert Dixon. art featuring our fine city. Will Buckley and James Colman, Behm, Timothy Betjeman, Byrony Francesca Heathorn, Tyga Helme, The Colman Art Galleries at Norwich The public will be able to follow from the Paint Out Norwich team, Birkbeck, Richard Bond, Patrick Mary Kallagher, Dan Llewellyn Castle display the museum’s collection of a Paint Out Norwich trail and said: “We are delighted that such a Boswell, Leon Bunnewell, Roy Hall, Chloe Mandy, Stephen Norwich School paintings. watch the artists at work over the broad range of artists working in Connelly, Chris Daynes, Anthea Martyn, Elizabeth Monahan, Simon Page, David Pilgrim, Janet Poole, Michael Richardson, Who is taking part? Graham Rider, Haidee-Jo Summers, Mo Teeuw, Liam Wales Hugh St Clair, part of ■ Liam Wales’s and Philip Wilkinson. the Paint Out Norwich drawings have an They will all spend the two days team, sums up eight of immediacy and creating paintings and drawings EDP24. the artists taking part: vitality and he is often before their work is judged by a ■ American born commissioned by panel that includes Norwich-based co.uk Timothy Betjeman has English Heritage to artist Colin Self, plein air artist Breaking news inherited his grandfa- depict some our Trevor Chamberlain, and Amanda online ther John Betjeman’s best-loved buildings. Geitner, head of collections and love of Norwich and ■ Roy Connelly, exhibitions at Sainsbury Centre for and is fast founder member of Visual Arts. The public can also making a name for the Brotherhood of vote for their favourite artist via an himself as an atmos- Plein Air, is to be online Paint Out Norwich People’s pheric plein air found all over East Choice Award. painter influenced Anglia in all weathers, A Paint Out Norwich Gala Got a very much by Sickert with his easel and oils Launch Night and Auction will and the Camden Town to capture the unique take place at the Hostry on October photo School. light of the area. 23, where the winners of the judges ■ Welsh born Dan ■ Leon Bunnewell is a awards will be announced and you Llewellyn Hall’s familiar figure in some of the work will be auctioned highly acclaimed Norwich, often seen by TW Gaze of Diss. After the want to pictures have a with an easel strapped competition closes, all the art will dream-like quality to the back of his bike be exhibited at the Hostry until share? “for whom landscape ready to record the November 2. The winner of the became an embodi- vibrant life and online public vote will be ■ Above, a painting by artist Michael Richardson. Join our team of ment of human feeling colours of Norwich. announced at the end of the exhibi- Below, Patrick Boswell’s depiction of Norwich from iwitness reporters and thought”, writes ■ Michael Richardson, tion. Paint Out Norwich’s lead Mousehold Avenue. and send us your Rachel Campbell a member of the sponsor is Broadland Wineries and photos and video. Johnston, art critic. Wapping Group Plein other sponsors include Savills, Sign up at www. ■ Chosen by the BBC Air Painting Society, Archant and Norwich Art Supplies. iwitness24.co.uk or to paint the Queen’s works outside painting download the app Diamond Jubilee River in the Impressionist ■ Tickets for the gala launch night on your smart- Pageant from the style. cost £12. To book call 01603 phone Millennium Bridge, ■ Francesca Heathorn 598676. Visit www. versatile award is a star graduate of paintoutnorwich.org winning plein air Norwich School of Art painter Haidee-Jo and Design and her ■ The Hostry Festival is October Summers is looking ability to capture the 22 to November 2. Visit www. forward to getting the elements while at her hostryfestival.org chance to represent easel outside has some of Norwich’s gained her interna- ■ Do you have a Norwich arts finest buildings. tional recognition. story? Email emma.knights@ archant.co.uk www.iwitness24.co.uk