CURRICULUM VITAE NANCY L. STOCKDALE, Ph.D. Office Contacts: Department of History, 1155 Union Circle #310650, Denton, TX 76203-5017 USA (940) 565-4209 (voice) * (940) 369-8838 (fax) *
[email protected] (email) * futurowoman (Skype) EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, History University of California, Santa Barbara, December 2000 Doctoral Fields of Study: Modern Middle East, Islamic History, British Empire/Modern Britain, History of Religions in Modern Palestine Dissertation Title: "Gender and Colonialism in Palestine 1800-1948: Encounters Among English, Arab and Jewish Women." Doctoral Committee Members: Nancy E. Gallagher (chair), R. Stephen Humphreys, Erika D. Rappaport, Richard D. Hecht Master of Arts, Modern Middle Eastern History, Modern European History University of California, Santa Barbara, Spring 1995 Postgraduate Certificate, Hebrew Studies Oxford Centre for Jewish & Hebrew Studies, Oxford University, July 1993 Bachelor of Arts, History (honors, cum laude), Religious Studies (minor) California State University, Chico, May 1992 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor, Middle Eastern History, University of North Texas, Summer 2011- present (tenured) Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern History, University of North Texas, Fall 2006-Spring 2011 Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern History, University of Central Florida, Fall 2001- Summer 2006 Visiting Faculty Fellow, History Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Winter 2001-Spring 2001 Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Spring 1995-Winter 1998, Fall 1999 1 ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS BOOKS (ORIGINAL RESEARCH): Nancy L. Stockdale, author. Colonial Encounters Among English and Palestinian Women, 1800-1948. Published by University Press of Florida, November 2007. (ISBN 978-0813031637) Nancy L. Stockdale, author. Staging the Middle East: Amusement and Knowledge in Great Britain and the United States, 1851-2001.