The Norwich School John Old Crome John Sell Cotman George Vincent
T H E NO RW I CH SCH OOL JOH N “ OLD ” CROME JOH N SELL c o TMAN ( ) , G E OR G E ‘D I N C E N T JA ME A , S S T RK 1 B N Y C OM JOHN I T . E E E R R , TH R LE D BROOKE D A ’DI D H OD N R. LA , GSO ? J J 0 M. E . 0TM 89 . g/{N E TC . WITH ARTI LES BY M UND ALL C H . C P S A , . CONT ENTS U A P S A R I LES BY H M C ND LL . A T C . , Introduction John Crome John Sell Cotman O ther Members of the Norwich School I LLUSTRATIONS I N COLOURS l Cotman , John Sel Greta rid Yorkshire t - B ge, (wa er colour) Michel Mo nt St. Ruined Castle near a Stream B oats o n Cromer Beach (oil painting) Crome , John The Return ofthe Flock— Evening (oil painting) The Gate A athin Scene View on the Wensum at Thor e Norivtch B g p , (oil painting) Road with Pollards ILLUSTRAT IONS IN MONOTONE Cotman , John Joseph towards Norwich (water—colour) lx x vu Cotman , John Sell rid e Valle and Mountain B g , y, Llang ollen rid e at Sa/tram D evo nshire B g , D urham Castle and Cathedral Windmill in Lincolnshire D ieppe Po wis Cast/e ‘ he alai d an e t Lo T P s e Justic d the Ru S . e , Ro uen Statue o Charles I Chart/2 Cross f , g Cader I dris Eto n Colleg e Study B oys Fishing H o use m th e Place de la Pucelle at Rouen Chdteau at Fo ntame—le— en i near aen H r , C Mil/hank o n the Thames ILLUSTRATIONS IN MONOTONE— Continued PLATE M Cotman , iles Edmund Boats on the Medway (oil painting) lxxv Tro wse Mills lxxvi Crome , John Landscape View on th e Wensum ath near o w ch Mousehold He , N r i Moonlight on the Yare Lands cape : Grov' e Scene The Grove Scene Marlin o rd , gf The Villag e Glade Bach o the Ne w Mills Norwich f , Cottage near L ahenham Mill near Lahenham On th e Shirts of the Forest ive orwich Bach R r, N ru es Ri'ver Ostend in the D istance B g , ; Moo nlight Yarmouth H arho ur ddes I tal e s Parts 1 oulevar i n 1 8 .
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