October 3, 1991 COMMENTARY
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Volume XX #2 Des Moines Area Community College-Boone Campus Oct. 3, 1991 Boone Campus Cheerleaders Germany year lead on By CHAD ELSBERRY Staff Writer By JANENE HALE Germany Year festivitics got Staff Writer under way at Boone Campus Wednesday. Septcmber 18. Thc first cheerlcadcrs meeting A film on German life was took place September 10. As of that prcscntd at 10:30 a.m.. and follow- datc thrcc people had signed on. The ing thc film was a pancl discussion ideal number would bc from four to on currcnt topics pertaining to scvcn. Cheerleaders will have prac- Gcrmany. tice twice a wcek on Monday and Mcmbcrs of thc pancl included: Wctlncsday afternoons. James Bittner, instructor; Me1 Holth- us, instructor; Dave Gocppinger, Somc of the duties are to publicize Boonc residcnt who has spent a and attend all the homc basketball considcrable amount of time travel- gamcs. Thcrc are usually thirteen ing through Germany; and Costa homc gamcs. The women's games Kowalewsky, a foreign exchange start at 6 p.m., with the men's at 8 student from Gcrmany who is p.m. currently attending Boone Campus. Kowalewsky hai been in the U.S. since September 2. To encourage enthusiasm among Bruce Kelly, instructor, was also the DMACC students and to raise present as moderator for the money, the cheerleaders may hold discussion. auctions in the studcnt lounge of new Mcmbers of the panel gave bricf and uscd items. They also help spon- descriptions of their experiences in sor the hoop shoot during half time. Gcrmany. Then the panel was open giving students a chance to win to questions from the audience. pizzas. For fun thcy have also held Kowalewsky. for example. was chccrlcading clinics for grade asked to tell what interesting thing schools. about Amcrica he has discovered. He replied that the people of America If you are interested in being a arc vcry fricndly. He was also askcd chccrlcadcr contact Jinny Silber- questions pertaining to Gcrrnan rc- horn, adviscr, or any of the unification, the currcnt German chccrlcadcrs. Govcmment, and the role of women in Gcrman society. Hcrc are the namcs of the checr- Thc presentation wrappcd up lcadcrs whosc faces will soon be very around noon. Aftcr the prcsentation, familiar: Dawn Green, Carrie Ohlcn- Kclly said hc was pleased with the dorf, Amy Carlson and Nikki turnout and that it went marvclouslv. Rusnak. Bittner added that Boone Campus g The 1991-92 DMACC-Boone Campus basketball cheerleaders are: Nikki Rusnak, Carrie Ohlendorf, fortunate to have Costa Kowalewsky --Photo by Jancne Hale SUPPORT THE and that he stole the show. BOONE CAMPUS BEARS! The presentation was meant to be a slarting point for future activities at DMACC in conjunction with Speaking out about eating disorders Gcrmany Year. The next scheduled Both social and family attitudcs evcnt here on the Boone Campus is By JANENE HALE would sometimes consume 9,000 to forcontrolovcr thcir lives, those with ccntcrcd around food and weight arc cating disorders take it one day at a "Octobcrfest," which will be held on Staff Wrlter 11,000 calorics in one night. Several guest speakers recently To balance hcr weight and hinging culprits of destructive bchavior. timc. Octobcr 18th. Further details on this Also, statistics show that child abuse event were not available at press visited Dr. Bob Taylor's abnormal bchavior, Karla turned to diuretics. Listeners' Reactions is a COmmon factor in 80 Percent of time, but notices will bc posted. psychology class. Eventually she moved on to amphcti- Here are some student opinions Charlotte Spencer is a counseling mines. At this point she did not relate eating cases- Increased about the s~eechcs on eatingu manager and lamily therapist at the the taking of >rugs to her problem awareness is nceded within the medi- disorders: story-county HOS-pital. &la is a bccausc ihcy wc; prescribed by a cal profcssion whcrc misconceptions arc still common. Cheryl Williams: I thought it was Enrollment recovering person who shared with- doctor. intcrcsting how eating disorders Thc Story County Hospital in us her personal problem with an Karla did not realize at what point compare with alcoholism. By ROBIN NELSON eating disordcr. shc had crossed ovcr into an eating Nevada has a specialized chemical Staff Wrlter Karla described her disorder as disordcr. A fricnd convinced her to dcpendancy/eating disordcr recovery Pat Tjelmeland: Both speakers The official figures show there are primarily bulimic, including alcohol scek help. program. Pcrsons seeking hclp get were very informative. Carla gave arecord number of students, 1,083, at and drug addiction. She told us of her According to Spencer, pcrsons individualized treatment plans. They cveryone an opinion and helped open BooneCampus again this fall. That is feelings of deprivation, thcn guilt with eating disorders are hard to spot. s~rcsscducation to raise levels of others' eycs. a 6.6% increase over last fall's from eating foods she wasn't allow- The age range varies greatly. Many awareness and family participation Ai Rieff: I was impressed by the enrollment. ed. Karla recalled hiding food in her persons with eating disorders are for encouragement and support. progrcss Carla has made. For exam- Kriss Phillips, executive dean, is room to eat in secret at the young age dual or cross addicted to other Equally important is continuing ple, standing in front of our class, and very pleased with the enrollment of 8. substanccs as well. Disorders of this rccovery planning after treatment bcing able to speak of her problem. being up this fall. Later, in social situations, alcohol nature do not just happen to womcn. ends. Eating disorders are destruc- This'says much about the quality of He says, "with the new part-time rcplaced her food intake. In private, Mcn are also subject to them, usually tivc mcntally as wcll as physically the program shc was involved in and teachers, we are able to service this the binges continued sometimes four surrounding weight loss/gain for and can bc very dangerous. Same as the recovery ability of those who many students." to five nights a week, when she athlctic Dumoses. with manv other erou~swho strive admit they need help. 2 THE BEAR FACTS Thurs., October 3, 1991 COMMENTARY College Daze (Editor'sNote: Thefollowing arti- tors contemplate the vastness of the cle was submitted by George Huede- universe,' and the smallness of the pohl, chemistry teacher, during the atom, while through the hall, down rastroom renovation project.) the steps, and around the comer we find thc most primitive of privies. Looking for a course to fill you schedule? Look no further. Environment 101 is a "hands on" Environment 101 still has open- course. Hands on because it is ncces- ings. Registration must be sary to hang on while thesc little complcted, however, bcfore October structures rock and roll. One 31,because if the administration has wonders if anyone is watching, but not dismantalled the "class rooms" its nothing to be ashamed of. It's a by that time, environmentally ncw cxpericnce, and isn't that what concerned ghosts are sure to do so. collcgc is all about? Construction workers are working furiously to meet that deadline. Nursing students might find the cxpcricncc somewhat unnerving as Grandpa claims to have tippcd thcy have been taught to always wash ovcr a few in his time, but these thcir hands. No that little "sink" on babies can be loaded on pick-up thc sidc is not missing a faucet and trucks. Careful now, don't tip them plug. It does serve a purpose however ovcr too far. Those chemicals literal- which wc will go into here. Just run ly cat the S-word. It is not a far stretch your hands through the conviently of thc imagination to visualize one of placcd sand pilc and the bacteria will thcse little buildings parked undcr a rub right off. tce-~ccdtree. Grand~anevcr had it so good with the S'ears Catalogue handily available. Counselors advise students who prcfcr one on one instruction to take Environment 101. One person one "Wcll I can remember, sir, when I scat. No two seaters at DMACC. Thc had to rcach for thc papcr and pluck it course is requircd for people getting Who is going to win the Series? out of thc trces. It was back in 1991 at their degree in Bean Walking. It is DMACC." also very uscful for bikers and By SHANNON HAYES Brian Phelps: Atlanta Braves. Chris Hill: Pirates with easc! campcrs. It transfers to ISU as an Staff Wrlter Jason DeBoome: Pittsburgh Chad Eisberry: L.A. Dodgers. Imagine standing on top of the uppcr lcvcl humanities course. With the 1991 baseball season Piratcs. Jeff Craigmile: Chicago White back-house (and those things are Coursc rcquiremcnts include three coming to close and the teams Darcy Reynolds: Atlanta Braves. Sox. tippy) reaching fo~a hunk of toilct consccutivc trips in which the battling it out to see who goes to the Robin Nelson: L.A. Dodgers. papcr in the dcad of night. Cool huh? studcnt has no mishaps, and always World Series, teachers and students Jesse Ziebarth: Twins all the Steve Dann: Minnesota i ins. I mcan chilly. rcmcmbcrs to push the red locking wcrc asked who they would pick to way! Scott Swier: Minnesota Twins. clcvice in placc. (It's embarrassing win it all. Roman Kula: The twinkies will Joel Irvine: Atlanta Braves. enough to bc sccn going in, but it's Not all phascs of technology surge Here arc some of the reactions and ncvcr get past the Toronto Blue Jays. Jamie White: Has no idea! much worse to be sccn as one of two teams that were picked.