EGM Technology and Consumer Safety
The Relevance and Role of Gaming Machine Games and Game Features on the Play of Problem Gamblers REPORT Prepared for: Independent Gambling Authority South Australia Prepared under the auspices of Australian Institute for Primary Care (AIPC) La Trobe University by Charles Livingstone PhD (Department of Health Sciences, Monash University) and Richard Woolley PhD (Centre for Industry and Innovation Studies University of Western Sydney) with Miss Tsharni Zazryn (Department of Health Sciences, Monash University), Ms Lisa Bakacs (AIPC, La Trobe University) and Roland Shami PhD (Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University) January 2008 EGM games and game features Report Copyright notice © Independent Gambling Authority, 2008 This publication is copyright. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth) or otherwise set out in this copyright notice, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or stored electronically in any form without prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. The Independent Gambling Authority is an incorporated instrumentality of the Crown in right of South Australia. This publication is intended for use in the public domain. It may be copied (including being copied electronically and stored as a computer le) provided that it is copied in its entirety, that it is not materially altered and that no fee (other than a fee reasonably referable to actual cost of copying) is charged. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-921070-32-7 (print) 978-1-921070-33-4 (web) Independent Gambling Authority Level 4 45 Grenfell Street Adelaide Post Office Box 67 Rundle Mall South Australia 5000 + 61 8 8226 7233 (voice) + 61 8 8226 7247 (facsimile) ii EGM games and game features Report Faculty of Health Sciences La Trobe University A body politic and corporate ABN 64 804 735 113 The Australian Institute for Primary Care (AIPC) operates from within the academic environment of La Trobe University.
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