The NUes 8ugIe.Thrsdaylime 15.1961 12 The Nile. 8uIe Juie fl 1961 ...,,

' 'coadaued from pagel 'July4 'Fire%rorT' "" ,.' I l{omey Fined The part borda intendon b OutapolenAdmIral }hanan ognitlon for the nfor ceno- neaght and' that mai.y Qf the Now On Sale Pandera to be pzeent at many of the Ric1edVeropunking about the omy tu govecum050. The Cie- ideas advanced durin the cam- Resigns; paigtis ' are now being fulfilled. Iñeome . Appointed villoge hoard meetlngsthus. operauòn Of our U.S. Navy. re- cane group led the way for a and that you and I, the eIre- $500 On RecrealionDirector co-oTdlnathig actions. ofloth , cently 'stated that 2f a man ran village manager and this wIll ParkBoaril boord was Ingenefol agree-. orate. are receiving the bene- commissioner ment Inst Panderoos boards. his business as the got'ornment sosa come topass. Stanlyem- Tickets for the huge 4th 01 Tax COunt, jules Panderaresignedhis post "the man authority In the post, whichysas onere defeated In the April e- . . 'it, which resulted from all the for the lob" The park buar&s elimInation runs the Navy he would either phasized thneed for central July fireworks display aç No-. and was promptlyteh1,efr- and offered him is conflict with the pee-April lectloo, had ruled along with of ' the pike chief postfol- go baokrupt or wnuldbave to purcbasing and poInted to the clamor which preceded Apffls tre Darne High School Stodium o'ws)--The former policechiefretjon director forNileppsrt,s the post, Hehod keen elected election. R0l' A. Rlmey, was to a sIx ' park board, Pandero then rain the other 3 commIssioners, a-. Sowed up by their recent re become a good forger..Well, $300.000 sales tax revenue en- spousored by the NUes Cham-. sI Riles, at -speclal park booedmeeting ' year ' terso as park 1er the park commissioner's galsrtthe Pandera quest that the vfllag0 place the visioned front Calf Mill. The I U.S. District judgeTuesday eight. He commissIoner and petition, this certainly applies to many ber of Commerde, can now be fuod$500Perry last Week for resigned his a sew op.. post, polling the highent, total which they sold was en advice one park policeman on the ope- governments thsuout the land. recent $20.000 monthly sales Quartet purchased from the NUes Po.. joseph A. two monthold cononissloser's Pointosent will 1111two of the a,l000g tise 7 men uimnlng for Edlet Maine report In his. income years, 'Sii, post holzig of park counsel. However, the dol police ro1 of the vfflage and NUes would dertainly be tax fIgure shows he was not lice and FIre Departments os fillIng to POsteffective ua7toan,e subject three òffices. However, itwas court ruled in favor of retl4rn- atiesto to the co-operation by One of them. , Sings Tuesday retortsp3.150 received inthe'75tIO director's to eleetloo in 1963. far off. And his contrai pur- well as from any of the lusal las Irons the Tsrn-O- ob5 which necessary ter Pailderato go to Ing the three candidates to the the park board. This board chasing theme will llkeiy come The East MaInd Baptist, homeowner assnclations, After l95 he hod. Previously heldfor ewe court, smug with ltayEogauand ballot after noting that there initiated the action forsucu . e o è July 1st tIckets can he pur- gncer GolfTÓuthamonts, onyenrs prior to his resignation, Poudma hadresigned fron, Carl Broholm, w.pass. fo Blase force? end Youth Fellowship. wIshes to Sam lost *694.41 in to be placed woold.bave been no cornpetftlos co-operatIonandcertn1ñy of corruption and "clean present THECOSPELAIRES on chased from Niles Commsnity chick Uncle from the post before APril's rocreotlo, director'spost be-. on the ballot. His petition for for the open posto if the three should be commended for their lore April's election Interestingly. the recent 4 sweep puno-ases are certainly Tuesday evenIng, June27, atBakery, 7954 Waukegan Road, '61es. . , Pork board election. The pork 'afîr cit- his casdidacymbmmrejcemI mes were sot included on the log his difficultyin obtaining s'oIft ction InOrreC11ng the ,'party election will likelyre- being fulfIlled. , 7:30, 6321 Ballard Rd., Nues.Harczaks Sausage Shop, gn5 Two of the commissiosers, who ballot . '9060 obstacle to Its previous suit in our o,un advancement Milwaukee Avenue, Nitos yjftßN .ROMEY pointed. Out to actions. :in the village, os a result of Where/s,we can certainly This la voai. quartette of Drags.SOOl Milwaukee Avenue the coUrtthat he would lene his each one nf the four puedes. mlsed voices, represenilngthe ponslOS rUhtsbased on 29 years see the dIsadvantage in 50 many Music Department of the Orna- ami Niles Savings And Loan mi9 la the very first step The Stankowlcz forces ran on parties running in an election Association. '8105 MIlwaukee wIdi tbNu1es police force as a necessary to the succes of any, an economy pledge. and the ha Baptist Bible College. They reldt Of theguilty finding after we now have evidence that all will give a concert of sacred Avenue. future undertakings on the part cost-cuttIng efforts of our pro- the campaigning did not go f04 agrao-doy hooch Iriol,. judge. of the park banrd and 1the sent I,oat.ihears out the ree- music this alte. The public Is Perry'tsld bien: first step in their giving Nties cordially invIted. . the,parks which are so badly 1 cask that intoconsideration, Niles you.' e needed. Is only fining TA3-7t145 Being ever the epumist we Day SuI ', iesldes paying Idy,fino.Romey. ,OVOL,4N0. 48 THE NILES BUCLE, THJJRSOAY, JUNE 29, 1961 iof PER co , arecenvincediftheparkboard Is. liable forpoOt of the hack Continues this co-operative ap- Sous with 50 porcent fraud . preach they can nass an' sound HOME NEEDS AND cHIEFPAINTS penuitles and interest. planforrefe6wndums D . they undertake. For the .yajor , Ils was replaced aspòllce chief obstacle to pasi-Iefeatod re- Friday, Saturday, Sunday June23,24,25 May 31 by NicholasBishe. newly ferendums was not the referen- oietnd mayor ofNiles. Thi, was rus dems themselves. but ratherthe alar bio bodidilsent. es.K.PolioClinic suspicion arouse4 In many vo- . ters meido,' resulting frene no EusyGIîdhig For the three years involved. being 'ouiihoen' about co i .'i.e: 'A the govorisment charged. Romey, what they weré pre'séntlng.' oho Is 62 and lives at 6921 Nileo Gala Parade,clinic.T Be 'Terrace. NUes, reported tqtalin- We look with much hope dur- comt of $20,dgS andjpaid income Fireworks At Lutheran ing the next two years, In which Äiî OLt tases of L3,400.07. park plans for Mies will change NUes Use a new roller and be July4 munityfrem a parkiess corn- sure of getting a solooth, 'Ho should have reported 23,- General to a village which pro- uniform finish! Thisfinequality, hardwood handle PAINT 013.17 bicorne and paid $4,174.50' This is the licol proclama-. 'Tho NUes village booedap.' vides its children with facilI- HOUSE In taxes, thezovernmenc 5014. clonthatis belag Issued by provost eopendltore of 510e for ries equalto or. better than roller comes with Lambs Woolor Mohair Cover. the NUes Chamber 5f Corn- a One-day 'publie pollo clinic, her boot-door neighbors. mo unreported payment. made merce, Fourth of July Corn- to be held p. the outpatient Per Gal. to komoy'by the GeorgeS. May mitico, MonIno flow by like sectioo of Lutheran General s6.50 in. for auperiotonding the police secoods and the ploneerlog ef- Ho'spital. The ypielsg ¿t the däte' ork for two weeks of the golf farts are fioolly drawisgto a o-iii i."soouxíced In the im- Last week we mentioned that tournament each year, were a, close, mNj,o- the vifiage Is losingaboút$9000 'tore and the NUes with purchase . follows: 1953t $900; 1954: $1,125' Ç . mission wllladmin- every eCOad year by ont taking md 1955: $1,125. The committee haa worked lote,' titi, an annu9i Iral census. Mid gram,The$lO0out of one gallon or 'CHIEF Rubber latex hard 'sud ektesivelyon o par.. lay, Is Ihr syringes andsup- we ceported thatthereare mdny. Arrested ade' and evening program. Now p11ev Incidentai for the dllnic other theasures.whlch can save more of Top Quality they ore oskieg foryou, THE Doctors ro NUes Health Corn-' us money A aecond money-los- PEOPLE OF NILES, tocome missioo,los curses from the er for all Nileultes was un- CHIEF ..'.' out aod participaté, In the.feo- .For Selling hospitalmi" adnsinlstnr the cevçbod last week when mistee SATIN WALL PAINT tivities of o "Good Old Fourth program. Health Inspector Roy Ken Scheel told ub1lc offIcIals Interior Finishes Firèworks of jsly". Wilkins sirho pollo shot Is that 000c $150.000 of NUes Finest Quality! Dries ¡n 20 minutes. l'lo "painty" the 3 In 1 shot, thai it°fh "very moneys In Its water account, loruard Garher,ssner of The Parade will be made ap simple to do" regardingthe Wa, layIng In the b.ak. with- odor. Water cleani brush or roller. Extra wasb ober1's Cycle Shop, *505 Mil.. of the fire dopautmeat, police re-. . violen Avenue, was aruented . Golf Mill StateBank Grand ceiving of the shots fjom the out dunning interest.Scheel Im-. able. Newest "House & Garden" colors & white. department,floats, decoroted Ceonty Health Commissino, and mediately took nteps to place by Siles police Monday, after ears, scoots, baseball leagues, thatthe County Board wants the money In goyerniientnotes, CHIEF Acryhc4tex .çloiplaluts were fIled against Opening Saturday kfddy parade, dignitaries, und to know Where It .vill be held which draws ahaut 3% interest. blot fsrs,fllingllIego1fIrework . clowns passing outloilipops and. asd what doctors will be Is at- ma weeid.'glve NUes $4,500 a iof seflhtutìlrewsrksto minors. The néw ColI Mill State Bank Fadhitlés of the bank also In- balloonstoall the childroo ' teodosce, MayerBlase's re- year. Add that 'to the provi- Per Gal. He wIn i4leaaedon a $100 pe'4 cIde two walk-up'windaws for $5, located In the Golf-Mill Shop- bankIng and a cus- quest for a mois,. o Instigate oua $9,000 and we would add HOUSE PAINT co4gance bohct(mereiya sIgned ping Center plans Its grand o-. The parade will begin st jd;oo the program Was followed by o $lljSOO to vlflage reiters. ' S5lomeut to tise hand). tomera lounge area with'dialrn, AM sharp fromthe Tosky-. posing chis Saturday, July 1. .Ini oefteen. motion from trusts,Len Say- The new '°gniracle"House PinL! Thins with water' Architectural beauty, modero Fraphs Avenue Park and will mauski, which was asaoim000- . The key coloñ of me boni Trutee JohaStanleybnspre- Police Chief Ent'Pllcsonsaid facilities, commodous quar- proceed west os Toahy on tiar- ly approved by the hoard. The , 'ylausly campaigned (and long SpreadsOn'fast and easy. BtisteresistantJäde- 'onylblng 'wlsjcb lookslike fIre- renuul blue and belgé. The 1cmto Oaktos, an&,West oi , before ters and -date4or theose-day'clIsIe will- . tÇed lu' VaIflJ 'loi'a Sonia soUl be confiscated" in convenience with highly effie- Oak'llflo Milwaukee where they be 0000uoced shortly, centrai puucbaain$ plan for.all SistaI1t Dijes ¡fi 30 minutes. Colors and white. telling ofhis upholding the , purl belge macbie with a' will disband. (Tile biddy parade lent. service keynote this mu-' blue acript olgn,Biue-greencar- village offices.,Stanlöy tUn 501e slatotes, whichbans the wili have a shorter route us- dors commonity bask. , pet, vinyle tile and brezze- are Inother activos the hoard commented that esh separate 846sf just aboutallfireworho, less they Wast fo go oli the way), approved a sew post for vil- ' department buys ita own sto- OutsIde of capo. used n'a the floors wIth pearl AU pliairea Of bankIng: opera-belge marble eaIl and rubbed 'lage collector at monthly sal-. tinnery eiulpmenf, etc., at i dons fromtravelers cbscha and ary of $350. Marge Lleoke was discount, often duplicating of- Gather's problemsstarted a wainut desks completing the col- To top off the day's ksliday vacation loeap to largeoosporeor acharne, festivities a gigantic lirework's appoisted to the post. She also torta, and at a price above . Week ago when hevoid a small $6.95 fife to alien leona ooitoi'- display will he held at Notre will de detall Worlf IO the vil-. . which ahoul4 be receIved,Stan- an 8 1/2 year oldlea are in of thi, ,,,,,,. bay. The 5OMàIIi?dIed Dame stadium heginniog at 7 luge clerk's . office which wil1' le1 purcba9tng plan would be smafl..wj'flare bank and '' cuumrso,m,,mr Include hans$Isg et the minutes another. atop In saving the vil- tiused $9Q dasinge1k an aulo air cendliloning and l,O cop- P.M. Per Galloù 24 built to give 'Golf MIII State ''Per-colored satet' dePosit basca of the zonIng hoard. lage money. , ' ' , June ' Bénk adiauinctpersouzlityansaogIS popular aises oathemainfioer The eveoieg program te he ,...Mayor Blasesaidthe 'Vet, despIte ali these sag- the finer honks In Ilse nord.- ' 'board woald stody theproblems Costisued on page 4 held at theNoireDameStadlam, gestions, it all points in eno PayørBaoBOVo which will begin at 7:00 PM, will of garbage disposal. He said the direction, which haont been stady would be made under heard . from since the eLection ,, sad 0m, la cwaooI aedoSa feature Kyle Klmhro, a dusting- ulohed vocalist. Also during Trustee P000chl's directIon to .....the obvious needfor a vU,- Appetites pop up whenyou . cook on Grennan HeightsFestival' ,oake nuse the village Is get-. lage manager. Come In And See Some Of The the evenlog performance,th ail- , a WEBER Covered Bar.B-Q Kettle dillon to the many othek par- ilag 'the best for its dollars". . At preseet the work Is being Despite the efforts of Scheel Other Money Saving Va1us W Combats Weather &Thieves ticlpunls, will be the Nile, Fire Ree lioso Weber's mogle cover cooks meat, fowl and fish lo Orennan Heights assual sum- Was located Is a cspboord and the Police Departments. They done by a private fIrm which and Stanley and the other of- , o delicIous mouth.watering turn. See how flanee00, mer festival had to combat ose game was ' foundIs the will present spectacular per- cook over the work last year tidal, tO find many loophoka re°ieeted darnper.controjleci heat seats in natural ¡mees. from the vIllage. Trustee 5pm. 19 vIllage operations. they ära Have For You! the weathermansed petty cloak room. formantesnever undertakes nevertheless hit. arid ruñ el- Sec h ' i's easy It Is .10 coOk a la Weber. No spits to tend or thieves over the weekend. hefoit by any fire or polIce matteM said the trial period g:ills to hip... you have plenty of time toentertulo department. This spectacle you for the company was for six forts. Since the New Era can- your friends while barbecuing. According to o park official, 'dIdaten favored a village ¡non- Garden Hose Nozzle 69 Saturday afternoon rain In'- so member el the maintenance will not wept to oijas See how you can enjoy this cookIng sensation anywhere, tereupted the opening hour and or recreation grasp wan In the Continued an page U ContInued an page' Il ager the Urne Is ripe to seek any tIme of the year. completely weatherproof puree' bulldlsg from naos Saturday, a man who will obviously save ' a second downpour resulted in Fines(Quality Dustmop$1.88 loIn "-arnel finish will noi rust sparkles store.oew the closIng down of the car- blch ws prior to the begin- NUes five.'fold oz more his with a adpe.. ' Nuesalendar Of Events oal*i-y. ObvIously. Scheel and nival at 8:30 S0tarday evening, tiler of. the festival until Mon- A hurrIed-np meeting between day morslsg when the missing Stanley, both operators of their 10 Quart Galvanized Pail 79e th merchandise was first sated. , ownbusInesses, caanot devote officIals of the elidir resulted VIllage Board Mectlng.,.and the tjme to continuously smdj in their re.-ucbeduling the les- Tuesday of.each mnath.,...NIles Toen., july 4th,,NUes Cham- Uval for Snoday. While the weatherm$s phis her of Comrnemm Parade,.,, wsy' i t 'runaifig a mare Of- 6 Foot Folding' Rui 89e the lossst these Items de- Village HalL,.7l66 Milwaukee Beg, at 10630 a.rn,I°lreworks.,, fimeflt Avesse 8:00 P.M takes a man who is traIned in When the evenIng's festivI- breed the group floss gaining at 7:00 P.M. at Notre Dame ties ended prizes and gifts not a greet profit tblrI3r-soveo,per-, StadIum,. village management. and who de sans at the affair skowedapro- Parli Board Meeilng,....,Ind can devote the tali measure of used were pieced in the field- Tnoraoayof enchmonth.,,,Gres- Is house, according to co-chale- fit. Don Smith, 8146 Obole, was bis dinO ta this Job.' . as, IleI,$hts Pieldhouse,,..$255 It ma, Stan Lowe. Monday mors- the grasd wInner receiving a July S.,.,VUloge Bor,j bu lawn ambrella, tabieaod chairs. lketo 8:081 P.M. , , '. tug when officials of $ie testi- to Open Fire Station BIOS,,.. f $tLSIARDWRE II valreturned for the prizea Other' wInners included Rocce 'flurs., June 29....,..Zonlng 7166 Milwaukee,,,,,,,8oijPJ t, Lowe said between $2Otk to Ptitigsaso, 834Oketa,gIftfrom Beard meeting,..J4Iley Village $250 of mechasdlse Was miss- tle Hesse of Eric, D. P'redem. Hall, 7166 Milwaukee Avenus,, lag, Includingthree radios, 'icks, 7205 Monroe, gift certi- 6:00P.M. ParlMo,yie Schedale u, f Lowe said some of the lost ficate from Sciolte Stadlos, nod . 8:30 P.M '4L !itg E, Musdt, 8119 Onceola, and H, , . , merchandise incladed a blanket San,, July 2,,,KlrkLane Pic- Monday NIcO Park' loiC!itl055ltlemtheoghnelhbo_ MWer, 8200 Osceola, gift cee-. br have had them tonad stuffed in o.garboge caS nlc..aßunker Hill Woods Grove Thtesdap OaktonManor °°°r-al tificateo from Harczak'o Sau- #5...,.,,,,Beg, l.00 a., eaIar Grennan Helgbsa yeag, 'a leather hag woofousd under sage Shop. 'the sink, acohoh$n'iaflter5 'r -la îhrsdayJune 15 1961 U J - LLF I J -- _i______---- __:_. . ------[: r : -- - '' I - The NUes Bugle, : Thusiby, June 29. 1961 , From The Welcom to Brian.DcuiaS ' Darlene CongiuEngaged' . Hosp1t1 On GoodBusinessTo oTour ' fd "It's Left Illand :b t:;r d'g d Edrtor&pbiiher lIi_III_!III. .

. . . TheNdS JhmbcrofCom- . . raree hasplanned a very col- I_,...1SOME búy...a inNibs" rade and fireworks dis- ! Business I

. . housi of . - DOING BUSINESS IN AVe. te 1-lar- ;_____4-!.:____ our ov. . .:hd!gsoto Milwaukee : ! I4k ssrth on Harlem to L______WILES HELPS FIN- -- . r . % ki'1 AV" ANCE STREET IM- isi; .:. PROVEMENTS

...... , Motor fuel tax mo ______7 !lLS5 . ney returnshelps to ji:' e?Ç. : .- . . build now streäts as i .i ::::. ::: well as improve old - . --.. . "-. ones. u .:.y::: . : WILES MOTORS lWdItH WILES SAvINGS & LOAN . . . By supporting your 81 05 Mi Iwaukee 7460 Milwaukee . .

. : : state taxmcneyspßnt . . . . Arrested for Selling Fireworks . . 7°.M.atXotrearnestium . Cant1nuedftnm pag- ' a glgmtc flreworks display , after it landed on Emrlkson told THE BUGLE willtake place. Tickets are the hood ng the car. .' the mate fire . . act forbids . . used for streets, and leither . n . :1 - Mrs. Janetto, 7510 Oconto, . , sidewalks also curb- homeawner group, from thepo- reported that her son badpur.. . bic effect" } -.' improvements. lAde and fire départments and chased the flare from thestore to be utilized as firework and said It - ..; after July 1 at }iarczak's, NUes . and police Captain Camerns only ex- , dudes a. cap gun Whichoses . Savings, Nifes Drugs and Corn- warned Garher to get rid nf the a minute amoost sg j -:L_.- -.--. . munity Pakery. Wholehearted fireworks. However, last Mon- gos pow- . . AS AN EXAMPLE.. sopport of's activities day Mrs. Janetto s 15 der ( 1/2500 ofa gram). He i ., - j.------year oid aisosaid all stocks of such A talk withus may reveal how you can buy Oakton Manor and .. i cull amore Nifes of this an- daughter went into thestare . - . .. isiul affair. The Chamber's ei- and made a fireworlt fireworks can be confiscated Grennan Heights r- s pur- from anyone who has or buildthrough bank financing thatcorn- -r- forts are for your pleasure. chane..Mternetifylngpoliceand. them in ' their pnsscsuln fortably J EHLERS LIQUORS sid5nts both received MILWAUKE-CRÂIN.$}LL SERVICE its your presentearning5 pattern. , 86S Milwaukee ;:ff:::n;:ti:gfo;o_ This methodwill bringyou closer to full home 8OÛ(. Oakton about 33% redctpon eworku display. chief Emriksou and firechief POsek, who heads the NUes Charter Niles . ownership each month. Let'sput our heads .1ro prevention bureau, went to togethert Come in.soon.I - , :j the store and removed alifire- Democrats . A, Head orChicage'seariÍ o. works and took Garbeo- Into Secretary of State Charlés l{eaIth Dr. Andelman, inens. Custady. He wakre1eased after I .1 : .#t olnef bond. Carpentier announcedon -_r phasizing the need for allChi- rune 22 that he has . raguons to take edvantage of FitIFMeetlng iosue4 Ilfl 01hues the many publjc cUnicnIn Chi- a charger for the Nilee Re- For St Isaac gular Democratic Club 8233 . At .Wakenn Rd .). . nemerexampIeen- . - Joqueipman profitoranizatlon.0f; íil4s zir . . !i YO.7-5300 f LincelawnodMorton Grojeand I:!_, . On June 211th Isaac the charger rare Skohie have had schedigettc.. Jeques Women's Club »411 haveeIward M. Ciccone, Richard Ice Edenableresidents tore- ftc loot Open Meeting of theC. Klebbe,John Ptotoneand im busIness In Pililos cebe these shnc, InAdonto year, Each nf the guests will ALL ACfOUNm INSURED BY FDIC\'.5 Thomas C. Bradley, 203 N. . l; rgiaa recentpoljoepldemic he asked to : I ltMakos. Good Sonso... - -. tolte part in oAshland, Park Ridge. ,______'-,00I;_ EDISON LUMBER resulted In aìiattempt to hove "Faotlng Bee' which wifi be - .. : the entirepepuloUon innocu- LITTLE EDSDELIATESSEN a,Conto. orepored by Mps. Hatold Fleig, . . . -_---_-. ..} Milwaukee lated againstthisdisease.Since 3121 Greenhrlar Drive. Glen- 8016 Wdcegan ...... J this lubeing written béfore view, Guild 19; Mrs. Philip -. . Tulenday night'sirontee meet vi . . . Affronti, 140 Michael Manor, ._ i .- - o :. . . " J2L... Glee-low, Goild2O.Mrs.Ed.. Et - ,. :: . losurlo_g NUenie- to have a c Churchbill, t1Oflnn Greve. Ill, . (GIRL'S OR BOY'SBICYLE) -'-W. this hmocoon and Mrs. Herbert Engbrg, 141 WHENYOQDOBU$1 et o public Cresent 1r1ve. dfview. Gaild. eJlnlc_..the our oice,i sj1Z Ir,;,I,,iu vaccine lo ovali- - I 22. Tâblès sim be net up, an. . I NESS IN NlLES...... %We and has . ' ,. I ' . - been paid for by :':.i1j :. ¡-r 11 oli taupayers, the membern con enjoy a lit- \ , t SiosTxMc.oy .. tie bridge. We are hnping all ;-.:j . the new menhers of the par- ...... comes beck to serve inh will join us In os event- . .- .; i. .. evenIng. . . - - -'&. -1 you.....1/2 cent ofo- Cotinueon Il /\ . vorydollarspontipl p J . NALES Is roturnedîO th T B'

. . MIKE'S CYCLE & HOBBY SHOP NILES rp's DI5COUNT DEPT STØE 4thOf July_ DRAWING i. Harlem & DenpsP Th CouonIn 8109 Milwsics. . . AS AN EXAMPLE...... TWADv . : uuI t, flICPLAy Sales Tax returns can Just Comein Before r . -. -. . . Notre DameSta4um /'Deposit Name Dfl1Pster_ 9ètween Harlem iviuwats(..e Aid YÓu May Be Addròss...... '$jnsored ByThe The Lucky Winner!

NILES, .. / . .

UAoTbi'inhT' e1IïMgcE . IftLJi1Drjt h______You need not be present to win! B . '-'-'. .

r 11L;_Sttjj f1di1ts___$100 L__ It Makes Good Sense.. . . I j Jt SAV-MOR DRUGS & LIQUORS And Cents. A LERTRADIO & T.V. Th _ M - 7658 Milwaukee , Harlem & Dernpster . . . HENRY'S ,-... , . licketsAvailable At Reduced Prices UntilJuly 1--Càn Be Purchased From iiiur iii fd______n_ ' And UI(I VC uI -a-- Nibs PolieAnd Fire Departments . . Ali Nli HOmÒQJASSOCitIOnS. akton & Milwaalee . % jft . . , :EGlINÇ.JUl; ;r CAN BE PUffCHASEDATOtyt CAR4Y OUT SERVICE ' . UNITyBAICERY .7954 WAUICEGAW. RD. HARCZJig S SAU- 0E8115 PHONE FIRST AND YOUR ORDER . ..; . . .- . . . MILWAUKEE HILES bELiOS, tOOl MILWAUKEE J il . WILL BE WAII1PJG FOR YOU . MLEsSAVIJiGS & LOAN SSOCJAI1ON 81eS MYLWAIJ . _r__i ______--______TA. 56 82_ i______. iy; . . .. . -- . _____. _..__._..z 1- . S j. . . ------.-- .,------__s_._ . - . ..-. - -..- -.. .1..-..-___, .. --, - The NUes Bogie,Thirnday, june.15.9bl

The Nifes Bode, Thursday, Jane 29. 1961

Meet The Directors Who Head The Niles Bugle, Thursday, Jure 29 1961 Q ueen Candidate Mayor Buys The Golf Mill State Bank ist Tiekets Fire Department Alarms OtÌued from page I Adsong applicants present at Qoeen of Grenwnn Jose 18, 1961 Thru Joue 24, 196i the Jane 19th meetIng nl the Estat so LOBEcustomers willneverWlìconsln ana Inc AmerIçan In- Albert A. '(Ott, a Director have to leave the bank floor forsiWte of Bwiking CMego. He of the new Golf Mill State Bank, Greenwood Estates Homeawn- . Marianne Is the o ers Annectation Social Com- Mr & Mr. Walterdoughte Pire Cafls.,..5, Ambutoitce., any seSee. . kasIng had nearly 20 years of hank- is a Nebraskan and Was born E, John Fails miltee, 16 year old Marlocyte and Is a Senior FACTS . ..7, lnhotafor....3, experience, much of It as io Omaha an4 reared in at Maine g Total Atarocsi' - The.miln bank va!tlS 23byAssistant cnsMer of The City Nebraskaio Was grad- Johnson. of 8539 'W, Kedzie, In Park Ridge, , 15 24 feet and ins a. 22 ton door.Bank and Trust Company. uoted from the Folio CityHig - Nlles 48, Illinois. vlan chosen Over 30 tons of steel barn 1k School, the University of Nob- bave bren used lo the Barrett te maclied onlives raska and theUniversityofChi- in the Sauganash section nf Chi- cago, College of Low. t . HcGiHty aros. Spray Service cago with his wife. Florence, IMMEDIATE SERVICE s Officers ai the new bank oreoand their three chlldren. . Upon graduation (tomlaw WILL RID YOUR. LAWN Henry lkelchwein, pre!id005; scbndlbe became law clerk I . ON . Vincent Pi Barreti, Vice-presi.' lie la treosiire anddlrectorof for the presiding jastlee,no-- OF - dent atri doIhIOr Sam T. Cs-the CoIf-hlll Business Men's as- einK. Baker, of the United joro cashler Norman Stepelton.soclatlon. Socrate Iseasurez Stetes Circuit Court nl Appeals - .Certificatçs Of Financia . by Jean Fan, Librarian director; Albert A.Yore, di-of the Father Francis A, Ryan in Chicago. After completing rector; and Edward P, Colby,council,nlghts of COIWnbUS.He thIs service, Yort went Intothe tÈS & CRABGR.IS$ Responsibility ' director. Reiciesda and BarreVIs. also an sedee member of the general practice of law which .As Dalles has pointed out, oro also directora of the hank.Holy Name S*iety of queen of he continued -for a period of America's rise to world pówer Average Lot Only $15.00 Ml Saints parish. 10 years. He then become an- has been comparatively recent, socinted withNationalTes 'Surety uJonds Lack al experience,, lack of Sam T, ran; pro cashier Company in the low and real homes resources, sod sheer . st- 'Lowe,' co-chairman of 4cc. Nies Dayscommittee, pro. TREE & EVERGREEIt SPRAYING at the new Golf MiliState Bank, ignorance have made Americasseots NUes mayor, Nick Blase, with Ist bookuf tickets. Pic- estate departments. tuned In frodI ofthe NUes Village Hall where the 1961, fully is* ¡n'adosSe ofthe school of ' Auto Insurance foreign policy the target . ofequipped Potd Foinlane Is-now on display. MOSQUITO & INSECT OONTROL banking at the Uitherslty Of Win- In 1937 heenteredthe employ- much criticism, canais, He is also s member of ment af the Ctseo Press. Inc., We can hancJie' all your problem risksqj . die Gldcsgo chapter. American and associated companies. Hin low down payment and extended term bsi AMBASSADOR'S REPORT, In Ijisilune of Bonus;, Corone sens- work wits the Onll-Mili Shop- Chester Bowle's report of bi' NE 1-4460 ping Center began In 1957, and Ì eighteen months as AmerIcas ' he is now resident manager of . ' . ... ambassador to Iodla and Ne- the center, Ynrt is married, FIRESIDE poi. Recognized as an as- kas two sons and resides in Realty & Insurançe Co. .thorloy an Americas lorelgo Htosdale. policy.--accepted la Asia as an ' ' 8107 Milwaukeé Ave I4fles, Il understaiding friend, Mr, Bow- CELEBRATEFOURTI.1 OF JULY. with Yort Isa member of the len does oot hesitate ta cri- Hinndale Golf dab, the Chicago Delve American policy and io- OAKTON Bar association and the Amer- C!1 NowFor Complete Servie dividaaln, Sur, he nays, 'j5s.0 FOREMOST LIQUOI 'S MILWAUKEE AT OR)N icon Legion, book offers no glib analysis. . ORKTOWN 7-5252. flor does It propase a precise . FREE PARKING I)at'e of SnIe June 29th tIu July 4th FREE PARKING t Continued on poc 9 program for 3merlcs that mili guide us through themaze of 1-IENRY J. REICHWEIN _.> conflIctIngpressuren,hopes Presloot ofthe oew .bek, and prejudices which rociase SERVING NILES, PARK RIDGE, andEDISON PARK Henrj J. Retebwele, is o astique our preseng relations with the roan. He Is the only man in the people of the East. Rather T couvis-y that Is presldent.of lotis- 'hoveattempted to describe the totiits. Rotnkeinhashod 4h underlying farces whIch today ycers of proçDcalbecktagooipvr.' Influence Asianactionand F'-iS (R 'FULL OUAT 10 YEAR OLD terme and sincel95 be has been thInking, and to suggest a few CASE 24 ore.1doot nod o director of the . SAM r. CARON essential principles on which First Notional honk of Mtmdeletn I believe anyconsft-ucfiveAme.. 12 OZ. BO'IiLES BEVERAGE YE the First State Bank of Orayn-ved Io the U.S. Army sud in a rican policy must be based.' lake and the First State Bank ofmember 0f the Coofrstersity of CbrisUus Doctrine. : $98 Llbertyvïile. In CHALLENCEINTHE MID- CASE 24 2-For 25c1U0dep. Fifth From 1933 to 1950 Iteichwein He Is past treasurer of inc r DISE EAST, Harry B. Ellis, 12 OZ. CANS $3.79 was vice-president and cashierSt, TOrciasus Holy Name society Middle Eastern correspondent of the MerchnndiseNstl002lßnnknod io now secretary of t,e St. for the Christian Science Mo- . of Chicago and the MerrhnetUe,Tsrcissus Holy rsame. society.- citar, and ..Tesldeot nf Beirat, Safe. DepOsit Company In Cbi- presents th#. facts of Corn- CHUCK WAGON cago's Merchandise Mart. - Edward . P,. Colby, aji5c,e munist penetration afilie Mid- IMPORTED GERMAN In 1925, at the age of 32, betor of the flea Doll-Mill Stale dIe East and his conclnslons was-elected president of thèStstebank iv men's clothing buyer , ahaut effectiveArnerican po- - OR CHARCOAL Book of West iuUman on thefor Lyttoo's, Henry C, Lyttoo .hey In this aree. The dominant DA south side of Chicago. This bankand Company. He and his wile parpase of our policy, Mr, allIs LEIBFRAUMILCi feels, ' was one nf the five-In-Coicago.Hejéo.and their Son live at shauld be thesefe. which liquidated sndpaidoffthelr,7304 Davis St,, Morton Drove guarding of legitimate Amen- BRIOUETS depositors 100 cents on the dei-.wham Colby invillage ecos- con intennts egalnst the steady 9c lar during th&depressloninl9l3. . pressur e 'of Communist Isfil,. 59c Fifth' . Prior to1925 for 10years tratlon,' But our policy In the 1OLB.BÁG 3 Reichnein vas .5 junIor. officer Colby is a past zone chair- . Middle E;j particularly in in g large Chicago Bank, Se-moo of Lion'slo1ernatlooai, we've gt -regard to lnrael,'hdo .been.dlt- eides being president of ike newpast president nT thèLake Vicw jour. toted by domestic poiltidalcon.. Golf Mili Stete Bosh ReChWOfaLio's click, past president nl Olderatlotin, What our legltl- lo YEAR OLD . POPULAR 'BRAND Is one of thestockbaidereandon°'the forth .Edgebrook Civic As- Mate interests are and how ABLE WINE gonizers of flag bank, sociotlon, pastpresident of - ..Dew conipa1' they may be safeguardedare ' (IGÂRETIES iiokbtn's Meadow Lane Civic d.seusoed here ho an Informa- PORTUGESE'' Burgundy or ZiifafliéI aSSociation, lavt director of live maneen, The authorsays Morton Grove Days, post re- Particular attenUati to Egypt Regular Fiher or King Vibrent F, Barrett, .vino- giooal dirctonf the March and iracj and clfen many hi- . çresident nod cashier of the new of Dinsec and past consmittee- therw unpublIshed detaIls ql BRANDÇ,29 ' $149 o bOSh, Is g gt-aduote of the school mon of Liai B5ky ScoutvotAmvr- American relations with Pro. 09 19 (;allon of boekine at eIe IJnivensltV of aident Nasser at the time of - Fifth2 carton carton ¿ Egypt's senos deal 'withthe . He is present district chair- Soviet Union. Hebelieves, 'That man cf tine CommunityFood and Arab leedora - notably Pro- an timpAno of ike Morton Grove Oldent Nasser - are far mare - Little League. He is a director concerned about the dangers of '- AMERICAN OLD LOG CABIN al the Illinois Meo's and Boys Communist Influence than lu MOGEN DAVID Apparel Clob5 and a member realized by many In the West,' Bottled In Bond nl theAmericao Legion. Post AU-readers will be Impressed - 39c r-- CHAMPAGNE 134. MOST PQWERFUL by the author's Impartialcon- loo Proof LAWN FOOD YOU CAN BUY sideratlonof theextremely WINE complex problems of thehiiddle --. . Full 'l'entin '$149 - - Large Bottle 29 East, t- L s Fifth ThE Viva as modern in perfornoanicean todays cars. It'o high 3.for$l.Oö in nitrogen (22%) for In FOREIGN POLICY: THE MLES BUGLE swifter - greener growthresponse NEXT PunSE, Thomas Piolet- MEISTER BRAU plus sivitained deep-feedortion for longer-looting,healthier ter paints out that too much nf LANCERÇRACKLING lawns. Rich in potash America' 1q41 00 and phosphate too,Viga in the 'CUan in the East IMPORTED D(Efl CASE'$49 complete lawn food and lightweiglvi,for and Ib- East heu been an- ( , ' . easy application. WINE. Fifth u L L K 24'CAÑS , s Each 20-pound bag febdahardy beauty into Iluterul, lie says,The fact Is s flosotiafiiii7 thatUnited Stetes and other . op square feet' of lawn. Vil SCOTCH' - IMPORTED FRENCH .4. rl,Cte5eI, bo. is Western policy forAsla Is made ATONAL EDITORIAL Come IntOday for Viva 'anotngciy; RESULTS" without theAslancountnies han- PEPSI COLAi Linde GUARANTEED $369 VINCENT P, flARRETT guaranteed product fromIMC---- ing a proper part in the making HF'Ii I Fifth IT1t ''t0110r° of It, In Africa thr-are not WINE 69 oven regional pact-.'he AfrI- 6oz.BottIes39C ,.M8NEY Bilk! can . Revolution is behind the RED or WHI'J'E Co to Glow' June 29, 1961 VoI. 4 No, 48 Asia n In lime and so are Woo- 000,,rISts CEFO notti P1,5 00F,5 4e ?' t1 ternarrangements lar colla- (MaIn Plant)rv'-i' :;T1L!unhIB the ViIIn boTatlon.with the newly In- WE LOAN GLASSWARE, 7-ø!kton SI . Continued On Pate 9 TAktt !i5 . Unii nncap2bu price-5 Norbert's WholesaleNursery Sales, Tn FREE FOR ALL OCCASIONS) $3.75 per ysor. a Pnklinkod yo I 4lMilwaukee Ayo. " IN DELTA"!:JTY . .. .. Chicago - onardj'rownI 1458 OAKTON ST. . Z52. 54R keoAve,M1sa 48. liHeali. Growers .& Wholesalers . I Of-Pure MerionBlue So PIumbinq i Vea. Bt* Up &.DdKg. David Besser, Pftther. ,s-1,TgE CORNER OF MHAUKEE ' ' Sicas due mali pii . - ' I ¿iTri(5o'fr1SEO'f i Gbkw ci mnkorlroda* 9141MÚWAUKEEAY Y!222 ' I TAoCoTî3-Slllt¡ 54'lis .'t --'ec,a.oti... iSw'19öL,

. e 0011es Boio Thurgdi. luna 2O 190i Nile& &úçbdltLeagues' The NUca Bugle, Thuraday. jtaie 29. 1961 Nues Men'sSoftball ÁppointNew NotreDañze Skokie Indians Spectacular. Principal . . . by 'fly BRENNER August 5 ' . . WI1dcat nd Bears tanJed to IO agaiat the IndIano. The The 8rnveo anc the Eagles 'The adage " that the guiae is down a 6 rilo' the never latied to thrill n-thons and the WIjdcth . lns The Skokie Indians Drum& came out on Manager of the Indians paida tangled but the Eagles had u.never over Witt the lust man inning by the Nilen from coast to coast. . AtMetes, The Rev. Joseph E. O'Neill, Bugle Corps sew holdtheir an- top,- 8 to 4 WhinJogpIfthl,s. great compliment to the win- laoutis proving to be the 'So they licked .:..-__2-:_-.__._ . lot of power. und came out on their G,9A buk been u4tpsthtedprin.. noah Drum Spectacu1ar were Gary W1ontewskI_Dick. Oers O shook their tawny woio5, MsnJc the game. He said, top of the heap with a score watch word ng the itliies Men's manes,an ripai of NotreflumoHighSchool lo Motion", Augmi5th at NUes a ICøsrand Steve Formefl "A very fine wop of Boys. Softb5ll League, Lust Friday roared back to a or 16 n- 4. One of the yitiiiing 20 to 12vic. fog Boyo. Niles. Uhinoiwbtjth Township East Stadium. . . Cozy Wisniewsjjhelped o little and Coaches and Manager". night, for example, Heinze Mu- tory over the Hotshsts, F . pitchers was Ken Eltan. The The Reo, . ThSOdPI'e 'J. .Meho,e more by bitting 2 HomeRwis (lt's good to heurstatements losing chine Co, held u 10 to 3 lead Hotshnts became . and Jack Anderson hit pitchers were Scott hot againa_ C,gC, Pnsananclul ofthe Ed Mueller8200 Orloie one. like that).1Jine Kozelkahilt a Brooks and Bruce 000ash. over J & j Electric going Into gainst the league leaders, Prlestqfs Society of the Indiana NIlea stateo thatalready ses. Grand Slam Homer, buttS wasn't the ic's Inn, and Eoi. The Couga lusthull øf the seventh won a free swing.. Province of the Congregutionof eral Corps have becocontacted J'2- r ottackedthe .enoagh to overcome the lead Standings as of Jane 22, 1961. and final inning; J &.J eIer- Ing -ugguir il tu 14, J4oly Croon, to appear lo the show. Cardinals toCome out on top the Coagars had, they were down eves thoagh Corps Those of the heap by 11 WL trifled Into seven runs to tie to the Rubles having beencontacted to 3 score. National League the scare, hat Heinze picked 7 to O In the first Father O'Neill succeeds are,the ChlcagoCavaiers. 1961 Allan Pugman allowed1 run in inning, Kub he The Lions tookit on the 'p two more in the overtime ,ie'Ion had ridden Rey, James E. r Aafbemont Stute VFW Chan-pisos;theSko- . r--- \ 3 innIngs and TimZaleski al- chia twice. Against theGod-, ' Heinze eighth;then the J k J koys Over Heinze Machineroughshod hie 72 Co, ioo C,S,C who has bedo named Vuugoarth theNorwood . lowed 2 nms to holdthe Cards gers they lost 17 ta Il,the Caliera k Catino . came back with three more In o.But Heinze Park Imperials; /,'I,ip.- down. Pat Caneco hit 63 005tripped Its President of St. George's Col- the colorful 5F a Home loalog pitchers wereGoose, Lytran s their half of the eighth to wrap gears to 'demolish V,F,w, lege, Santiago, Chile, Cicero Royal Airs;and from , . Run and o dou,l. RichardBen-. Kar Marina nod Crissons. 84 to6, Theo came 20 f _ - Sos. Tim Zleski and Larry Nibs Bowl 64 ap the win. J k J was not the heart Racine, WlscsosinjbeBoys of With the Wildcats, thescore Regis quite so fortunate in its fIrst breaker agnstJ t J Elec Other changes at Nortellame- '76. . Richman allhit friples, and wan 4 to 3, the winning pitch- Golf Mill Bank .47 Outing when it ran ost of gas fric, Alan Pugman hit 2 dotb1es 47 High School inciade the appoint.. to ers for tIse Wildcats, Anderson VEW ina late Inning rally to be ment of The Rev, Thomas Mar.. These are justa few of the tflake It tin- Cougors firstvic. and Mike Sedjo. .47 55 on June 30, Norwoud Savings downed by the V.F.W. lt to 15. toas big gases hos, C.S.C, as Directorof Stud.. Corpsthatwill appear ino tory of the Season. .37 shape ap to shuffle thestue., lo the . lt was u case of too little and les undThe RevBernxrdFoley, star studded shswofcha;nploos. Americao.Weserp5 Ariterlcas Leagwo-.Easters Div. toolate asthe V,F.W. han ings: at 8:15 OdiiesLions ploy C.S.. as Director of Student Also makingas appearance at vision, Jerome Plogitorepitch_ Kahle's Inn; andai 9:15, ed the White Sos piled up a good stuck of runs t'y Affairs. the show wiE bethe famous Nues Peanut Leugae to their first DiMarla-Morhelser in the earllerinolngs, However, J k J against the NilesARs. drill team from Selijiell Post . vistos-y on June 20, 1961 letic Club, Theseyhoold to a . the V,F,W, has had its share of be real in Evmss5o, A Unit scsre of 12 to 1, 'ì Red Sus 6 ding-Song ' Father O'Neill was raised in that bay You know, wo, that junksure Tigers drubbiogs, too, since ihep lost battles, so graba 34 sandwich, hop lo the Hyd Park, Massachusetts, and helps at that'' Staodthgas of June 21 1961 Cuits 24 to the NUes Athletic Club 23 to car, and graduated from the 'University The Red Son had ' come over tu Toghy_Prank. afield Twlss 24 8, and ta Heinze Machine 20 to for of Nutre Dame In 1944, Eastern day over the ' Oilerson the an evening of ion, 'We use GE. 21st ai Jane, 1961. The attach Yankees 14 WL was led ky Capcih and Ander- Nues Athletic Club. though, The Standiogs He pursued hIs theological ''QJaHty" TubOs.& Parts Americas League-Western Div. had lust studiesat Holy Cross Col- Dodgers 41/21/2 son--3 far 3, Theta nodAn- to Kakie's ion 5 'tu RL 3In a very good, tight Ewbie's inn 21 lege, Wash1ogtÓn D.C. and was .. AILSERVICE Braves .21/2 1 1/2 derson hud triplesco help the Oilers ball Lions 32 NUes Ark, Club ordained to the priesthood in 3 3 batting attach. BobHeldereoao Aagels game, They also had what It NUes Lions' Cobs kept the Oilersto only 6 hits 32 took to come from behindund the Congregation of Holy Croas . Coagars 2 3 Athletics 32 Jk J 61cc, In June, 1948. icrow which took care of win a squeakerover the Lions 2 3 the mon-id I .Nf Cardinals chores, Vapor Heating 23 13 in 11, The Lions' roar was Hoishots D'inc-IN '?:! is.]'818': i 5 Bask uf NUes 23 Isst POt load enowgh tu shawt Heinze Mach, Cus ' Father holdsMasters De., ChANcIS . IAUNDEItDS . White Sos N!i V.F,W, WAUGAN s OAKTOt Western 13 ' grec in Classico from the Uni- 'AAfEPAy'tRv/'t Nues Pony League veroity of Notre Dome which NILE he 1956. 507-8133 7658 MILWAUK VE. NILES... Wildcats S Tigers l/:. 1/2 Standings of June 19, 1961 St. Liico'sOpen Before coming tnNotreDam'e Eagles 3 1, House iii 1955 Father O'Neill . Bears 2 1/2 2 1/2 GOU.'M1IJ Bowl' 5 0 taught - A successful vacation church at ColombluPreparatoryschool White So Chamber of Comm.5 1 lndias 2 1/2 2 1/2 NW,los. school will close with an open In Portland, Ore5onOua since 2 lb. 1J 1/2 3 1/2 2 1 house tonight (Thurs.)at St. 1955 he l9.been Dipeftor Of ROSE FOOD Jec ¡or. 1 1/2 2 1/2' of Cremino Hts Lake's Church Shermer Road Stud,esfAffairF nndtathi teach.. I 2 und Harlem, beginning at 7:30 er nt.thdhiigh schooi. lo the game between the Cabs NUes Lisos I 1/2 3 1/2. s The Follo,in . D Harczak o'clock.Parentsund friends rodúcts dWhite SoaP the Cubscame _0 6 are invited. ! ap e victors. Far the Cabs0 Leaving the Notre Damefac- ' 0112e for other assignmentsare the 9innlog pitcherswere Jahn Rev. PuaI R, Stock will Siatjek and Gary LakeS Welcome Miss Slezak coo- The Rev, George Bal,,dwin, the taue hisserles of sereloos C.S,C, and the Rev,Ber8ard lusind pitcher0 BID Pptruo. The Proud parents Mr.k kirs. on "The Sermon on the Ilowot" Cbrlstel, . HomejRws by Eco Breschkewas Herkert R. Slezak,5541 N. 'nest Sn-day ai 9:30 asd il:0O - not eôotlgh. Mllwaakee becameito proud A.M, when he will speakso parents aL Nancy Anna, the laaLthree Beatiiwdes., CIÇ4Qn..¡qJunerl . Itlookd like born Home the Caagars at Latheran Generall'laspical , QaeAvg are getting off the ground when 00 May 2h, Naory'Aooaweighed O1der'Sunda'i/ooi children SPrlflgd-(s300 -f they turned ioa score of 13 a Strappiag eight poundsten meet at9:30 AJst,1 poanger '''3àa çh Wojciugi, i See LÉGAL NOTICE und three quarterOunces, children at 11:00 A,M., when nursery care is also provided. PUBLIC NOTICE

theNotice is hereby gihen for 'BOARD OF THE NILES PUBLiC LIBRARY DISTRICT, TE WAY that u Testatine Budget and N'ILES Appropriatian Ordloanceof snid .s1xAIR LIBRARY DISTRICT for the .. . fiscal year beginning July 1, )fNl)fl'JONED_ 4iiuuial RaIe4% 1961, and ending June 30, 1962, UOdf4 will be on file and convenient- (JLI%JELS .3r' i)' avoUable for public in-pee- WHERE VOb 'MiMi Yonir'.Bavings tigo at: SEE TRII ' Library Office, 7944 Wanke- PRIVATE gas Road, Nilesa Illinois from DISPLAY .RØM BMBLEM und after the first day of 'july, 1961. P/iRKING :, SAFE ACROHS TIlES'I'RIJ:'I Notice Io furtheriven that Now . aiwn food gesranteedIo nouriohment. . lasting front-lawn .Earnsg ßlWiu.pftid WITUOUT INTERRUPTiON. a Public Hearing on said Bud- , since get und Appropriation will be gire you rrdutts that will make you luahnesa, stamina and beauty Koop foundiqg'ii. 1927 held at 8:00 P,M,on the.9th proud. ..and make yoür neighbors the envy of yoür neighborhood. day of Augont, AJ3,, 1961,at--- say, "How does hedo it!"It's 1t4J44Pa4. Sa64s' .. the Library Office, 7944 Was- Each bag turns 5000 square feet Ftmeral Home kegan Road, NUes, Illinois, is Thrive from IMCthe front-lawn of lawn into a plush green setting 4zd .ßc this, the PIlLES PUBUC LI- iswnfood" because it's custom-form- to enhanceyour home's beauty 'and 4MOciaE4 BRARY DISTRICT, andthat ulated to une wherever you want value ...grov thick, oturdy grano 5513 9iij.i,Avenue final action corner of AUSTIN AVENUE on thin Ordinance . your bestlawn to show. that stands up to children's Ñugh- 58« . 3D MILWAUKEEAVE. OW be caIn-n by the BOARDat For NO 3-Sill Chicago 46, IllinoIs a meeting' ib 'be held jointed!- Thrive's excittoive combina- and-tumble play. So buy Thrive. aLr s'aosors lSPi'ig 4-340ß ately thereafter, tion of essential elements soaks drop Try Thrive .-. nother moúéy-bsclt Mon Tue,'Dour. - ErL in the soil to provide suotained guaranteed product from IMC! Sat. ' iAJ& to0:00 Dated! June 29, l9l, P.M.9coA54j atoeA.M. os'leu EVRR'o"FHING kR YOU A,ElENEMiijEpSoN, JR. TWN C tIARDEN - . Poesident RESULTS SWEIRLIZING IN' ..' ' EVA M.MEYER 'GUARANTEED IOERIOX BLUE SODDIING T. CAMPO ' PLA,!rtflBoRES Secretary wftbany IMC product PATOOS' .Butter Baked .. for. Be$r Taste PIZZERIA OR YOUR . MONEY RACK! .GAJDEN ,. oppt bVNOATS J V ¿i.M.,S P.M, ReAtaiU'ant I

. , 0010 DUET JAIR(Lscape TA S-2300 siso maricas . MELLOGaEEN Tn-lICE " And' Campati high,Oudget'p,jted lawsTilohlgh.qaa,uityT 5000foandsa, o,Cilio w eadsast f-ORT V11W/ emergenoo 000e FOOd-Evor0,00nFuSO- DUAL aoatYsiS lawnfood; also for gar.100% organio lawnpost ' toods!Lightweight. Von-tabla Food-auth Food Nursery Cocktail Lounge food. Popala, dodo. shrobs, traes ,and garden food. snob teoso killer. easy to apply. . 2½-lb. packages. 6037 AKRY 6145 COIOTSOL Milwaukee Ave. 6454 ULWAUKEB AIE. Milwaukee ' CAR - THERE'S AN IMC QUALITYPRODUCT FOR EVERY LAWN AND GARDEN'NEED. I S'1E-1,.2097 Phone NEc&,n-Ue 14129 Sp. 5-26 idij eplsOuet BEwcauutte iiU Thsuzed All TypcttAJj Purpoaea . .WALEVSK1 Forest View' Cut Flower. 3 John T. Sebastiaoi j s íh40C Coronges Moberg's. Ever-Greeú Garden Center Elorl DesignsHouse Pin-ItS AAA roflhfjedinsiriu,iior 'i : É MUMrr WORKS & O GlassCo. Shoe ServiceAnd hr. iesoo. ai-honte pick-lit rvNwur cnomorra . #td&aaSho I)ry Cieaning Mike's FIoraJ Shop / 'no coniract Maine 111gB \ii . '. - Nues, Ill. pneu 6iO6N. Milwaukee Ave. hiving 'Innirus-ter trainingex 7303 Dmpte! tif.O.Ç Milwaukee Avè. 6464 MILWAUKEE AVE. AVE. Perle,tte. dU!Ep 4_ ,AO a.ßs4 . N1-3207 . Ro 3.55 5 Ofl!-..LMyTo ?Pi3d,fl NEi-O4O WE 3yLl VER

r '' . ____Th Ic

The NOes Duele. Thvrsday, June 29. 1961 - The Nues Bugle, Thursday. Juite 29,1961 Le t t r S Golf Mill: i'ank tjlirecto Name Totilvy- Tuition Pupils Paying$500$600 Gaego)L J . - Prete Pece 4 - Re E w Ile .5 aise a coach on osee st He ius boro Will Be Accepted In School District 64 TarcIHaUs Boys IlalyName Sas.- in Early, Iowa Franks Park; Dr.S.Lurie Publicity "Thanks" sud attended SacredHeart I-Ugh The muni ai Education de-. Itall ieagtef. School there. whn taughtjn Pork -Ridge pre- The Scot meetingof the Board Cazune nd his wIfe, Oei'010- - . . lae. SL in $25 ' cided at theirlast regular meet- viously are returning this year- Edacation will be huid onTues- Nues Medical Center The Gril Scoutnd Brown- including three from overseas. Inn, bave twodnugbters and they He began. his The "Name al'ark" Csofest ic troops of Niles pprecIw ing, June 21, that tuition pupilo day. July 18, at 8 p.m. at the s'caldeat 6125 Scandale Av., career ith 7948 WAUKEGAN ROAD ceuld be neeepted is the regu- offices Sesmo io 1935us o Stock Bòy spoasorod by the Elles Park the interest shòwn them by your 6th of the Beard at 400 at the State Street Buord b-fi cod II-ls Saturday, newspaper. The articles pub- lar classes uf the District 64 Eager Steele, former S. Western Ave, The public TA 39 Store, I-le Schools provided that they could grade teacher at Eversen has is invited to attend, Norman A Stepeitan, a di- progressed throughte vari... July ,f,1961, Ali entriesroust hciziug their treops'audrteigh- been uppointed Ass't. Princi.. the new Gulf Mill 006' levels of be deposited in tire bon Contact Lenses.-Gfasses Fitted-Repairs . be placed in rooms which were cd rector at management auJ arGrerro burhood'sacnvities are making Itt below average in enraliment, pal at Emem000 Jr. Highlchnoi, Stute Bank is Preoiden ut the 1951 was madeManager of suo Heights (8255 Ok-oto)or - tke public esvare that the girls aod hewill ulsu hase some Tea Cumpasy.He Sears Englnwo5d Postmarked by this deadline A 00. other things besides wear- that they puy their fail share National Itsmo at 79th of the total cast of operating district-wideresponsibilities started hln'career right alter _& Kenwood. l-leremained there $25 Saving Bond Will beaward- ing uniforms, selling cenkies for the coordination of the test- until selected by ed tu the person Wits best Examinatiòns By Appointment er marchtug in parades. the schools, and that they pm- finishIng schoul -working for the Sears to man- com- sent no ansssal problems of ad- ing program. 64gb_Law store then known as age the GnU-Mill Store. lIasen- pletrs thin statement- ,'i be- Jastment. The pupilo wilibeuc- the Cunsumer Storeo. - hauer is a Director of theGolf- lieve a good name for the Girl Scant adelts are kelp- captad os an annaal basis. The James Wright, Lincoln Jr. Miii Business Mens Asoucia- park near Toaloy and Pranks ing to make better citizens and . cnst would be between $500 nod High Social Studinoteacher, In 1934 tse started with Na-fien, member ufthe Umted Avenues ta be OR 4-6222 hamemakers of the future and 5h50 ut the present time. The bus been appointed coordinator because (25 by prisGug 'their doings" help tiaooi Ted company as a -pro- -States Chamber uf Commerce, words or tens). Board considered this chuogeof or andin-vissai materials, His -. --.-.s. duce hoy and after seven months Illinois MerchantoAssa.. Asynortyta the Pbrk District to create a better understand- policy uppropriate at this time, respansibilitles inclnde the se- in the produce department heciaBan, and Is a member uf iSrn'1jItre win (excepl mcm- 55 the enrollments in the south lection of science and nrithme- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR went out an a relief store nan' St. Colette's Parrish. He lives bers and employeesof Park holIng the district are showing tic touching aids, movie films. uger und then becattte egu- With hIs wife, Eleanor and his Board and their fansliieo). Pre- RESTAURANT I would like ta add my pet'- Virtually no change from year film strips. mspuandgiokesfor GasFuel OilWholeeale --Retail lar store otatiagor, In 1940 bethree children, Jim, Lynn, and - sentatian nf thelavlag Wand will 7530 0A1(TON Niks sanai thanka as the Flistrict ta year. Future growths es- the4itime district, snpervlsion was promoie the district salenJean in Plum Grove Estates. take piace next monthat the Girl Scout Publicity clsairmaii peeled tram the north port of nf equipment. and- dlstribútinn mafloger for the south side of Pat-k DedleatiaSa Invites You and thase of the Niieo,Neigh- the district, This paiicy of ac- uf science kits to elementary Chicago. After managing nay- To Make TItIS Your burhaod Writer, Mr. Harold cepting tuition pupils will he buildings. Nues Servicé eral brunchesStepeiton wan Fritze,for helpingto make subject to resiew by theBoard 7s Mliwauks. our jab easier and most grat- named du a tee president nf Frãm The Stacks PARTY of Education annually. A new materIalcenter and GEORGE VLAOH - Elle. 7.3Ø9 Reataren in 1958. BANQUET O CLUB ifying. a central officeof the ele- MEETIÑG HEÀDQUAR'FERS Very truly yours, Dr. Blair Pllmpton reportd mentary library service are ail - -- in March of 1961, at the age Cuntipdd Prom Pages library To Be - Betty L. Bontze that a total of 55 new teachern -to he centrally located onthe of 48, Sthpeiton Waeectei, dependent Astricanpeoples.5Af.. COCKTAIL District 6 Publicity Chairman hove signed contracts for the their - floor of the Roosevelt president of Nationak Tea and ter a curefoilydseumented dio- HOUa' Pizza & Fine Italian Foods GIrI Scout Council of Narth- n-7PM. coming year. There has been School. - u member of the huard uf di- Cusnion uf the changes in wand Closed JUl) To,.. w,u,. west Conk County bettet progress this year then rectars. He and his family-re- government since the war, he STEAKS.RIES-CHIC4EN Resignationswere accepted NUes Publio Library pill be sa ou,uprJ,dtr .last in filling paslilons with ex- U side in Wilmette. gaes an tè review the foreign V from Mrs. Jaina Lang, tinder- mbnrance closed on Tuesday, July 4th. tosinoa n,, CompleteDelivery & Carry Oat Sertis. perlenced teachers. There are pailcies of the Western Albieo Daring the rest et the week lt - still vacancies to befliled-at the garten teacher at the Washing- p Bodily Injury L1bmty O Colliaiofl Norbert E, pokenhuuor,afli- and of Russia, makes specific ten School, whose husband has Suggestions for chuoges in willbe opto regular honro: TA S-3404 primary level, a second grade 3 Comprehensive rector ofthe New Gulf-Mill our Monday und Thursday, 1f-9; Obscene Literature teacher and a kindergarten been transferred co Rochester. D -Property Damage State BbtOk, is ManogerofSeorst foreign- policy, -nod finallya teacher for half days. In the New York, andMrs.Celia proposul for whut he-fedis Is a Wednesday, 2-9; Friday, is-b; I'-!"- 5It cv'- o CI0000 vI,,ase Roeboek S Company's talf- sed Sutardoy, 9-4, - junior High Schoois there are Kmarlch. teacher at the Emer- Shopping Center Starr. -reasonable disarmemootto- After reading the article In three vacantles- a social stud- nos Jr. High School. Renee We Insure Under-Age Drivert Mili hey, the Chicago American a month leo teacher, and two teachers Kaufman han indicated that she ago about obscene literature of mnth and science, Applica- will accept a scholarship for Harlanil Clnvetosd's THE and Other stades Indallynewn- further study next year, and so - , LINCOLN - dons will be welcomed from on INSUBLNOE AGENCY GVERSE;iS AMERICANS, is -o papers, I Just wanted to weite elementary librarian and n: will leave herpositionas teach- CallDEleware 1-4514 firstiiund esplorarlss vi tile ele-' to you and compliment you on teacher for Trainable Mentally . of the T.M,H. class housed 350 10. clank st. mèdtsyeccied- -tier loeec-.slul the article titled "Clues Need Handicapped, aise, at the Franklin Schnol, Cbleaqo. IlL lerlrrtlancJ ioover-sea - to Combat Obscene Literature" sigc'merrte, plus aurivai,iieatr;e In a March Issue. Of the pontoons to be filled program vi action for the re- for this year, there were 12 ce-limoni, selection, arid troin- Always beIng first with the that were new positions- five -Jog n personnel Who today aro - news i hope more articles per- new clansrooms and 7 Jobs in carrying important respoosibi- taming to this subject will ap- special areas: speech corree- Sities for Uoiìed Ststes foreign pear In your paper in the near tionist, librarian, muaic,physi- pOlicy. This penetrufiag study future, cal education, French, Ans't.- NOW! DURING OUR GRAND OPENING- esamiaes the tremendous preti- Very truly yours, Principal at Emernon Jr. High ictus und needs-of four major -A mother hoping (or a better School, and art, Five teachers categories -of United States ci- future forjer children, tizeos living and workulog ahead; P.S. We should ail do a little Enrolled In our government personnel, the more to combat obscene liter- missionaries, -thebusineusmen, ature Summer their wives and families. The buok describen 'shut happens Teacher's Course G.FT when twa cultures meet; seme Americans succumb to 'culture shock. some leamos ta build Arthur iiaen,9O4OMaryland, FOR SAVING and bargajs io the offices and G.H. Festival of NUes. a Spanish teacher at viliages of Asiu,Africa, Europe Maine Township Went was one Suse SJBO ur.more during our celebrationnose through July 15and und Latin America. --- of 61 teachers who enrolled in take yaùr choice of a free gift. You may open ais account with $100 or - Thank you no much for your the 1961 SUmmer Institute for more nr add this amount to ysur present savings, li.: DRIVERSi generouscontribution of six Secondary School Teachers of . BuglesubscriptionStowards French and Spanish it the Uni- making oiq' Summer Festival versity of Minaouri. Sixteen ei LADIES' MEN'S ACCESSORIES a success. the teachersare from high HANPBAGS Item arc four gift obsiom toc the toua, i Sincerely schools in Missouri. fosos u Sh,aff,r jan ut, alt-.portu oipper hag, Marie Kelly S,ledt 5OO gift 1mm mc, 30 fatai- aatiog puse tyle, io suden, ,kapes, tether wallet or toiletry kit, G.HJ.A. The Institute, which began tios sod mio,,. ee,d,d, latther, June 14, will continue untiLAug, bsoaadvd, tosnbmallox, itrao, oto. 2. lt Is sponsored and finan- Parse, forove Tp wcasinn and wa,on iallysupported by the U.S. Now Meeting Nite- Office of Education which ad- The Maine TowisMp High ministers the National Defense d School Board of Education, at Education Att, and In under the Its- June meeting, voted to Direction of Dr.MamtinS,Stahb, change the reguiarmeetlngdate assocIate professor of Spanish- to at the University, - - the fourth Monday In the month, beginning August 28 The Institute has been held 1961. The Juiy meeting will for three consecutive summers take -piace Monday the 17th. at the University, and Its pur- With the e]iaa,e u, ostos, we pose is to increase the par- - hope It will be convenient for deadly weed killers and you W be present or to be ticipantsproflelency Inthe GIFTS FOR a - represented at ¿bese meedflgs. languages they teach, to in- YOUNGSThRS crease their knowledge et the complete lawn foodll in one package! - rkFy are usually heldIn the countries seSera the languages WI,,,. yOt au, PIO sr mure, you tozy have Superintendent's office, Room-. un, of than Cae gifts Huadanttr wallet. High'\ np-ken, and to demonstrate 138e Maine-Township to \them new language teach- too ttup and ente punto fue gMa you Dsf kills weeds, and more of thm, with fhe two most - School East, Dempster Street lng'nsethods. with, toleotbostead a tosntaia jan, powerful enemien weeds ever the-i - 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T and Putter Rnd, Park Ridge; Batti 1 . tft la aal, aunant. Sway. t.-. ta. .oj teaI glfh State rm Mutual rewardu Illinois families With Yet Duel is also o fertilizer that renewo and sunteino 'lawn Illinois. new rate cuti.. 110W brdefifu ., -. new-siO5feifuisgff beauty. even au it wipes out weedy ugliness. Duet in the DUeT ___nS cne1latioii dueto accidento!'Find outhow easiest, moot effective way you'll ever find todo both thene -at, latip mat iii..

BOYS - - bou stand. Call today!. big jokto at once, - AoatkPiSøttefs FREE DAILY See us noon for the double iswp proiec- 32bes AND IRLS RE SII LT Ibs - .- ' tip,n Dt Duet - another money-back guar- CockiI Lounge -. Rst*iirnt CONTEST GUARANTEED AMPLEPAZ1NG ESSAY 1CONTEST DOOR PRIZES anteed pidflck from SMC. .m,Iacp,t One bag tre-'tnand feeds 5000 sq. ft. OR YOWl FREE BOWLING CLASSES Woo a 1061 Valiant, TV ut, Its jis unois or leo, torita us tif, Multo .uuysths as RCA tedie, MiJILY liCk! - adia, IL-Fi nr phonopupk. iub,ot, "Wky tsmt mv, nose ysusgstenaxedukcatneteout. Theto', no nbligutios xhm you fue my footsw" Get eytt-y blank it 5e teto to register nu each Monday & Friday-9:30 - i i :30 A,M. rotor Vbio St, Pani Foderai for und dosib in our Child-n', Sas- r shit, Ynu ossei mt he poeseet YO.7-5545 0x07 klunkaod toll ototail, taxis. -. instructiOnSy Ann Sherman 824N Ave. Nues, Illinois:

S! IO Mr.Condtioned Banquet Hall - SPECML uoims - -TT Parksite GardiSiiop' T. P MutUaiiAutomobll lnnurancOCOinpan NJ I-V111 7l TOUHY SOHN MOREBROE 9 a.m.tu 8 p, m, I'OemoøRgm Iltaomtngtan, lIItnat "NOies Mont Complete Ganden $bep NIu:s BOWLPH: lU 7-1300 Mactiny. tluoaah Sata,dcy, 1333 PULWAUKEAVE. 0700w.,t asuh Asma. CPJ,a,t35, n.. NAu,ne a-ossu - The Niles Bugle,Thursday, June 29. 1961 Thursday. Jose 29. 1961 - 13-A - Left Haui CostlsUed fn-ornpage S OiI!jC Toe At Lutheran General - Meanest mas (more likely a months and that boy) award of the month must a report was - forthcoming,regarding the new could not- detrrmmno the cost to -Batikof HIles, will Invent New d go tothe thIeves who walked servIce, kindred dol- However, Trustee Ofrthe work .aheadof time. - $1511,000water bonds Io 90 days . off with a couple Poescbj sold he hadgiven such Scheelsald hehad consulted government Secta-Ilion, allow- T,V.'s lors of prizeswhich were lock- a report. Other engineers who Cresson Height.s csntended Ing the amount- IO drawInterest ed UP lo the ..,Bpprovd NUes Days the Workcould be estimated,.WhIch it had oòt beesd-10g, AtDhicount PHcee . 37 - Help Wented- ylildhouse. after the closing Z-Rug & Floor Cleaning 38-Help Wotted Moie 31 - Help Wanted - Pernote Committee be allowedthe use.Scheel - said loarebills want discossed sign-sod nieganceo- The hard work -- ServlcoCaIl - - of the. festival. .01Franks -Avesse for liquor include estimatesfor Wort to test for NIbs, to he, heldIn $3,95 - at nosy residents In the Cren- be PerformednInes-wino bills conjootlon with NIbs Chamber HOUSEYWIVÈS PUBLICATIONS CTORY EMI'LOYMET4T WOkTHWHILE POSITIONS oso Heightsefforto certaInly dospensing durng Hiles,Days GUARANTEED SER VICE Will be held up. - Your floor professionally waxed did Oat denerre such a fst. and that--pot-bedcars be al- of Commerce and LlenoClub, 40OFFON lowed to parb - -....Scheel reportedbudget In willitody drawings for-vIl- and polixhed. CLASSiFIED INSPECTÓR - on TuuhyAvenue -- FOR - - - ....Szymansbi reported bids being workedou and that ft lage seal, wIll choogesigns at NAME-BRAND fUBES FREE EST1MAES AD Rates most be aPpruyd by entrance - to Nlles to esclude - Ore belog taken for July 11. - Save By BrInging '8ITBURBAN FLOOR :ilj,ii,nt;iììof I years ç.xperiellce - fur gas tanks Your Set TUE NILES BUOL \1TORTHWHILE PEOPLE Hardest lark . of the mostly police Cars for Public Works Btane reported Weinen.. southern- Onlncorporàtednrea Into The -Shop' SERVICE . working, as pdo inspector area. Bids alsO includo tohevi dOy'n.(yestorday's) forumwould andadjournedto July 5,at DE 1'hAINEJOCI1N.\L - VA 4-2578 of sheet incisi ll)rictItcl parts. are available award mast also go to these balancing warb. be conducted byJudge Smigiel Which datefirestation bids MILL- R.'-.- T. -V, THE TOWN JOl'RNAL same Grenoan.Heightsworkers, and that school CL 5-8320 . - - ....At vIllage attorsey.DaRs superintendent -Would be open, Julylt will he SALESSERV!CP THERrY UNE o Goodwages FREE whose plssning.PreParation and Colver would be Inuluded nest regular isseotlog followIng sheer labor -preparatory to the recommendation the board ap- to un- 29 - Lost Gnd Found o Ste1(Iy employment proved the pausIng of orthoance S5er queutions- rogordinghis this speclut mbting, -8155 .Mllwaqhee Avoo vrn. autori festIval was rained oat district, - MInln!um $2.00er o Liberal employie benefits - -. . for condemning trailer THE WORKSHOP Satorday night. The givup had part ...,Referred tor ulody FRAERNÀL RING-Shrineein- 4 lInes orless. an eleventh hour meeting and area at Teulmy lsd Milwaukee cater-. Additional lines..- 50e for Water reservoir. GabI Ing and träwpoljnecompany's blem with one large and siz APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Free Personalized employment service. said - - / decided to rei' the event San- he would fliesach proceedlúgs requests fer permits, -- This Week small diamonds,lostIn Des DIS1'IiAY CLASSIF11I) - doy. Aftergetting over - the .570 Northwest Thghway (U.S. 14) Des Plaiiies - ...Jmpprovccj Wrote'srecom- Plati area. Reward. Call JOUR- pe column Inch .. $3.50 MONDAY JULY 10 thIs Sunday effort, Wednesday (yesterday), Dryt]eaning Special - - hasp by - mendation for foodand driob NVA 4-5151. - RAMONA and WALT NEWTON VA 7-5563 ...Trìmstee Weste'smotion (Minimum one Inch.) - the petty, thieves felony cul.. Vending machine irdmnanco. BENJAMiN mloated a weekenl which In...- approved aathorlzlog bondsmen RATIONAL RATE sell bonds necessary for laying Permits would be $3for ma- 3O-Toi Sale 8jsUouinuo . eluded cambatting the -weath- chInes - - 50e per line DIV. THOMAS INDLJatRIES WOMANWHO CANDRIVE 05mg 05e to four cents - . -thopipe, PreParatorytlIte Id- -Plain- -1 --Piece Per column Inch $4.181 N. w. Hiway a Seegers Rd. It you would enjoy workIng 3 or CLEKK TYP1ST cr0550, as well as the second- stallatlon uf the reservnlr,VIl- and $7 for fiveto nine cent : - DRAWER regular letter . size - clans citIzens wIth the sticky COPS DEADLINE Des Plaines - 4 hours a day calling regularly Ïage engined- 1-laraldOlson machines, $12 for tento tone- cabbiet;Furniture;steel.Ex- fingers. saId tees cent machines eelleñt condition. $35. Phone VA TUF313AY 300 P.M. each month on a group of StudioRiquires ability to typeawl , by begInning the workan soon äst $15 - DRESSES for all publications Girl CoeTnelIc diente on a routehandle clerical routines. Wide as-possible, It would save about fur machInes oningmore than 7rFl. - - - . except to be established In and around One year's tIme, A nixteon.Inrh 15 cents. . 'ariety of duties, .,,.Wlll studyMorton-wash.. lOME GROWN BUY UNE - deadline - MEN - WOMEN NUes and are willing to make Someone, somewhere is goIng main will be laid is MIlwaukeelogton resideot's Monday Noon - light delIverIes. etc. call DE 2- Avenue and an eight inch mom problem re- . OFFICE OR o Many employee to have to ulkt a fIrecracker fording permit and S'JE.AWBERR!ES 6400. benefits. wIll be laid Is Cumberland Ay- street ded- I°ACTORY WORKERS ander Ibe entire clvii defense - Icatmen, -approved- $2500bond o Modern air-conditioned effort In this country. The cus- enue between Roneview and Bal- for new village ASPARAGUS We handle every type of work!Route wIll pay up tó $5.00 poi - lord (among other areas) to old treasurer Ro- Positions iñ suburbs or Chicago. slant dIplomacy a .brInk- bert SchmIdt,approved payrtll hour. . surroundings. mooshlp, which Is now- danger- Ihn circulating nystim, and special RBUBAÏB Call any,tlme. AV 2-6171. ...Bruno -recommendation assessment foods - .A11I9U)fleS SURETS EMPLOYMENT - ossly hovering over the ap- that Ed Bergstrom, t8l5 Mad- (Or freezers. WhoIesali & retail. Coming BerlIn crIsIs, makes. -8109-Milwaukee Ave.- 4418½ Milwaukee Ave., Chicago our apathy concerning cIvIl de- . Ison, be- names! a specIalpo- I.A1so oilier fresh vegetables. TALcAYrr 3-7815 fesse sheer folly. Ifeither Rus- lice offIcer, md that the spe- . HANNIFIN COMPANY cial police changed Fresh lressed poultry& country36-Help Wanted-Mole sia Or ourselves goes beyond - . 501 5.-Wolf Rd. Des Plaines fresh eggs. - 37-Help the poInt of turning back who to a reserve police ordinance, Wanled Funale VA 71171 Both recommendations weré R011TE SALESMAN -- amvog as wOuld be prepared- a- doptcd, - - FOR SUBURBAN ROUTES - BEAUTICIANS for we With tosO,shelter - ,.,.Bruns read reqüost from FLOWERS IN FLATS: Igarn $ for 5 day week. plus WANTED ( -O Dictaphone Secretary- and wst being contaminated Evergreens and shrub, commission, Paid hospltallzatlon Beginners are welcome - O Accountant how many of os wotld he fire- police chIef EmrIknthat Po- - - liceman--Peter Pasek- be np--- - COPmwLgrE LINE - retirement and death benefits. - pared- to five Ip such an en!- :*jlfljáln Key Punch Operator -JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS pointed acting police saroast -- , Manied men only. up to 35 yearo TALK O' TNE TO iiç-: crtiniiíìt would be of age. Call mornings, seceetary wishorihand NEEDS BOOKKEEPERS Etc. prvtcrrable that every area In to fill the post vacated by Bm- i SCHROEDER'S ßEAU SALON Stenographer this cosntry should he prepared rikson. Thin was approved along - CREAM CREST with the recommendation to the FARMS FARMS, INC. 8053 Milwaukee Ave., Niles o Teletype Operator FIJLL TIME forthe worst, and that it should 8 infle N.W. of Zenith-Radio YO 7-7131 go for sought,than the ene civil service board that a test 10001 Skokie Mlvii. Skokie ç Inventory Control Clerk. chanceIn bç set for this Job, the result Thwer (U.S. 12) u 7 mght result which-would -fill per- , OR 3-1130 - G Intemting position inçludes !nultercbaos. - 1IETIME--- EandRd. Mt. Proepect. ll1 MEADOWS monently, -- . -- -. STENOB bookkeeping, some typing, ciearbruok 5-aIM PERSONNEL SERVICE -«.,Scheei recommended that . .tø stop this GENERAL Insist upoii the finest temporary other office duties in ex- - Connoer, Townsendbilifor - Wheeling Bank Bldg - MAINTENANCE office service center. - panding,newpaper publica- nava M340 h..paid. He. had rocom- spreading ..--.Wheelln*.fll; We hàve a positionavatiable for iòii business.... legislature has -o jlfnlm32l bIn mended thatIft,e1heidiup pre- a generalmaintenance män with a G.od salary -to start- op. zOady for passage which is of viously. lt itldr adtudy sf T menace - a minimum of 5 years experience EflYRBE - -- Weekdays 9-5 the Domestic Wscr Utilities ,. portwsity for advancement. - p8pcolsf interest taNllesmtes. Cvmpany, They alç, said th-y In ground and landscaping main.120 Main. Park Ridge, TA 5-3111 Sat by appointment o Some bookkeeping capen-. The b,ll was aimedat machines CROWN GAS S'fOVE-4 burner.tenane. Wilt also be required to which huedrecordlog counters 3 pIcco leathezette secttonal gray.perform In a variety of mainte- 1609 Sherman, Evanston enge required, - - wIth adjustable odds andan se- SEE VIRGINIA SUTFERBY - 6 ft. bar. Silver fox, 2 bar stools.nance and service duties. . GR 5-2632 cens for shop Owners to "knock 2 paIr sectional chairs In black. JOURNAL PU$IACATIONS off" he freegames In exchange Small kitchen oil stove. FULL BENEFiT pwjipj: for Cash wI»Êlngs. Thesema- :tv Dea Plaines -- EfCEU.ENT$l7iRTlNGWRIVESOX6-29-3 ALáy chInos are tMenued by the fed- - - . KEY -PUNCH VAnderbilt4BIBl - - - crol gpegnft .fng .8250 a .9518 RUG-WIth pid-4ncludIng Des Plaines Journal. year us gamblIng devices and Gala Parade - 1368 Webtord Ave., Des PlainesNEW ELECTROMC PLANT -OPERATOR .prodttg z. nutelt as $500 a conner. Spice beige Gogd condL. 90k Income, tino. ;150. VA 4-4lW. 4-Wonted To Ruy Reàl Essais - w. Continued from page 1 WANTED: If-you have some experienceon amIe the bill before the 2-ONE-HALF 13N MR CORD!- STENOG1APflERS- Alpha anti numerical IBM Kimy General Assemblywas aimed Tickets con be obtaIned from T1ONE. 1-llts spray outfit INDUST1iAL i Punch and verifying machines at these type on trailer - complete. PHONE TYPISTS of machines a the NIlón Fire and Police De- ENGINEER then you can qualify for this. HOMEOWNERS Loufos,ChicagoeprC$enlsilve James partmentn, and Homeowner for mies office to type and ATrENTIpr loçIÇbe way for an Croups through June 30th at- exwell paying position. Friendly . amendmentwhfcI would ban all discount rates. They. will go Excellent opportunity for grad-pedite orders.J'leasant, modern . - modern surroundings and many We Have BûmeN mocknes with tIle rightta re- on sale at the regular rate of - Uate bd. }7ngineer with i to 5office in Des Plaines, play, Recorstng $1_00 forddalts and $,50 for en!fidoyee benefltrgiveyou Chi- Fbr Your Home - devIces could years bd. Engineering experi witi-rgI'o. gox 6-29-2 . remain In the machines.Thus, children-- on July 1, at which cago Loop advantages in a Su- If You Want To Sll Whilethplayer of the ma- time they can be obtained from D} - 31 -Fk Salz Eouzebald ence iii a Machine shop opera PLAINFS JOURNAL burhan atmosphere, Chine e-j get a rn-play the Hiles Commnnity Bakery, tion. Knowledge of time study,1368 Webford -St. Des Plaines. IlL Please Cali U! the shopOwner, still havIng HilesDrags. Harczabs Sau- tie reCul-dIngcounters in the sage Shap, and NIbs Savings - production . methods, etc. For . SIthLING OU1 BENSON -REALTY - mneblneuwouldmore likely slid Luaji Assoclatlon,Tbe tick- - ;All Xurniture in 3 model homes In -ORDER NI7-737 Pay oft for further information write W. IJANNIFIN COMPANY - the- genoa, which et booth at the stadIum wIll Skokie. Sold by piece or room. j N. Davis FILLERS - 501 5. Wolf Rd. . Des Plaines PrevIously badbeenpre..playe& open at 6530 PM, on July the Liv. room; din. room; bedrooms; Twice heloredntl-pinball laws 4th. AvoId the rush and bay - LII ugly crabgrass this Weekend with VOID - Openings are available for active VA 7-1171 Were pans HERE'S HOW kitchen or den We deilveg girls 20-30 years old who are at by the general early. - -- SC-For *oot-amnesdal saoemhlyoul to be veloed BEFORE ilseeds to start anotter crop TO CONTROL least 53" talL Excellent starting by CoteinOr CRABGRASS IIANNIF1N COMPANY Stratton. Now lImit P,S In the event of raIn-the - -. - 40-50% OFF salary and benefits with rapid COMMERCIAL -$EICK. BLDG. We hove BEFORE ii Chokes notand rains ynar lawn 50j S. Wolf Rd. Des Pl a governor who would program will be held the fl_ , 1MOo I,ao no Short. ad'ancemenL These areperma- Good for smi. buiness oc Ostro. not block BEFORE ¡tsteals etmlrienIs - starves grass i or than 1½ lushes; See to appreeiate - sUck legislation, the lowIng Sarorday. - . .P055. COflt nest 40 hour a week day jobs Approx.. -600 sq. :fL law hasiz be watered- Kill soul, shadod salt dl,- between 10 A.M - 9 1'.M. from B-4:30. GOod opportuilty. VA -,3613. - rrabgruss now- hecoaoe in 4 to 6- weekait Onur050s Crab aros, dews beforeIt goes up to the gormlnatlo,. . MESSAGE CEÑTER will scatter hundreds of needs tu makeyour proud OR 9-4304 OR 9-4276 APPLY MR. GILLFI'TE §overeersuffIc C,rtlIla, uno,,0. PERSONNEL OFFICE OR PHONE lawn a neighborhood ey000rc.Kill it now - will, Ulurty;wa114,d eras . CLERK - HU1lt Cupboard. Hand Finished VOID - before it grawa tough and rash. VOID Cr000auut050bgras, BUTLER BROTHERS hua up -to 32% more erahgrauu-hilliog pswer than Wat,r.saak Soll IO Maple. Workbench and Studio ELECTRICIAN Wolf A Oakton Sta.Des PlainesDutiesliivolve soMe typing, ..-YueshWednes4ay, Thuiday 3-or 4-Inoh 0,0th; - similar compound-. (It's safe for Bed. Reasonable. Phone after 7- . CY9-2261 - clerical proeets and dnnp-rosl laso. mail din children ant pets to play 0,00th damit, arab- VA 4-9475. xpetienced electrician or tribution ----.:: - Special - on a - RESULTS VOID-treated laws.) Ank uqjor 1Iant Maintenance work GUARANTEED 4_ Eu,ly 000lrola wi We offer - high earnings,-paid - on ,n.IaCloja - VOID- inother mónry-6ck manyor,bgr,,, WOMAN OVER 30 - MISS JOAN'S SHAMPOOAND - Seeds; apply voio - i guaranteed product feus. ¡MC. e Good Wages holidays and vacation,-inaur- -- - IR VIII osa,kiltorobg,,,, :---- RIRE! HIll to work six hòursdall anee -coverage and low eÒst DAYCAMP flAIR-DREsSING , - 150%! - -: - - e Steady Emplóinent : Comèintò meals------. e e Sports-GaInes-Crafts NILFST}IRWF SHOP $2.00 ------e Liberal Employee . CALL OR COME IN - -e Thps.otlnterest. r Benefits 8024Milwaukée Ave. AftØr 5:30 P,M - CoedAges6.i2 - 5oExtra I - -

. . - - e - - FASTEX - Transportation- -ROWEBARGAIN'OWN CÖNTACT4t. KLIPSiElÑ Fiday & Saturday $2.50 - DIV. ILLINOIS TOOL co, - e Limited Enrolimént MUSZC FYORE WC. e Moderate Rates Srrrp.WANTED in Hiles area.195 Algonquin Rd. Des Plaines - Talk O' The .Thwn Waukegan .BEN4ANINELEOTRIC IOakton & Roads -1415 Efllnwood St .VA 4.4331 Teenager or adult. YO 5-1535.- CY6-2222. Ave. NE-1-3632 DIV. THOMAS INDUSTRI8B, 1NC - Beauty Salon - - NW Hiway & Seegers Rd. HOUSEKEEPER, coñipanjon, Pri.] Milwaukee - -YO, 7-7131LNILES 7-58O OP1N 7 DAYSj Des Plaines vate room and board plus salary. TYPISgs! HOMEWOltgEs!Cack - - - -c-- Excellent Iócatlon. Whltem middle - . for spare- time! MalleM, 2MadI- - aged. VA 4.1266. . - - _son. Gmancaste. Indinna.

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