Äiî Olt Tases of L3,400.07
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The NUes 8ugIe.Thrsdaylime 15.1961 12 The Nile. 8uIe Juie fl 1961 ...,, ' 'coadaued from pagel 'July4 'Fire%rorT' "" ,.' I l{omey Fined The part borda intendon b OutapolenAdmIral }hanan ognitlon for the nfor ceno- neaght and' that mai.y Qf the Now On Sale Pandera to be pzeent at many of the Ric1edVeropunking about the omy tu govecum050. The Cie- ideas advanced durin the cam- Resigns; paigtis ' are now being fulfilled. Iñeome . Appointed villoge hoard meetlngsthus. operauòn Of our U.S. Navy. re- cane group led the way for a and that you and I, the eIre- $500 On RecrealionDirector co-oTdlnathig actions. ofloth , cently 'stated that 2f a man ran village manager and this wIll ParkBoaril boord was Ingenefol agree-. orate. are receiving the bene- commissioner ment Inst Panderoos boards. his business as the got'ornment sosa come topass. Stanlyem- Tickets for the huge 4th 01 Tax COunt, jules Panderaresignedhis post "the man authority In the post, whichysas onere defeated In the April e- . 'it, which resulted from all the for the lob" The park buar&s elimInation runs the Navy he would either phasized thneed for central July fireworks display aç No-. and was promptlyteh1,efr- and offered him is conflict with the pee-April lectloo, had ruled along with of ' the pike chief postfol- go baokrupt or wnuldbave to purcbasing and poInted to the clamor which preceded Apffls tre Darne High School Stodium o'ws)--The former policechiefretjon director forNileppsrt,s the post, Hehod keen elected election. R0l' A. Rlmey, was to a sIx ' park board, Pandero then rain the other 3 commIssioners, a-. Sowed up by their recent re become a good forger..Well, $300.000 sales tax revenue en- spousored by the NUes Cham-. sI Riles, at -speclal park booedmeeting ' year ' terso as park 1er the park commissioner's galsrtthe Pandera quest that the vfllag0 place the visioned front Calf Mill. The I U.S. District judgeTuesday eight. He commissIoner and petition, this certainly applies to many ber of Commerde, can now be fuod$500Perry last Week for resigned his a sew op.. post, polling the highent, total which they sold was en advice one park policeman on the ope- governments thsuout the land. recent $20.000 monthly sales Quartet purchased from the NUes Po.. joseph A. two monthold cononissloser's Pointosent will 1111two of the a,l000g tise 7 men uimnlng for Edlet Maine report In his. income years, 'Sii, post holzig of park counsel. However, the dol police ro1 of the vfflage and NUes would dertainly be tax fIgure shows he was not lice and FIre Departments os fillIng to POsteffective ua7toan,e subject three òffices. However, itwas court ruled in favor of retl4rn- atiesto to the co-operation by One of them. , Sings Tuesday retortsp3.150 received inthe'75tIO director's to eleetloo in 1963. far off. And his contrai pur- well as from any of the lusal las Irons the Tsrn-O- ob5 which necessary ter Pailderato go to Ing the three candidates to the the park board. This board chasing theme will llkeiy come The East MaInd Baptist, homeowner assnclations, After l95 he hod. Previously heldfor ewe court, smug with ltayEogauand ballot after noting that there initiated the action forsucu . e o è July 1st tIckets can he pur- gncer GolfTÓuthamonts, onyenrs prior to his resignation, Poudma hadresigned fron, Carl Broholm, w.pass. fo Blase force? end Youth Fellowship. wIshes to Sam lost *694.41 in to be placed woold.bave been no cornpetftlos co-operatIonandcertn1ñy of corruption and "clean present THECOSPELAIRES on chased from Niles Commsnity chick Uncle from the post before APril's rocreotlo, director'spost be-. on the ballot. His petition for for the open posto if the three should be commended for their lore April's election Interestingly. the recent 4 sweep puno-ases are certainly Tuesday evenIng, June27, atBakery, 7954 Waukegan Road, '61es. , Pork board election. The pork 'afîr cit- his casdidacymbmmrejcemI mes were sot included on the log his difficultyin obtaining s'oIft ction InOrreC11ng the ,'party election will likelyre- being fulfIlled. , 7:30, 6321 Ballard Rd., Nues.Harczaks Sausage Shop, gn5 Two of the commissiosers, who ballot . '9060 obstacle to Its previous suit in our o,un advancement Milwaukee Avenue, Nitos yjftßN .ROMEY pointed. Out to actions. :in the village, os a result of Where/s,we can certainly This la voai. quartette of Drags.SOOl Milwaukee Avenue the coUrtthat he would lene his each one nf the four puedes. mlsed voices, represenilngthe ponslOS rUhtsbased on 29 years see the dIsadvantage in 50 many Music Department of the Orna- ami Niles Savings And Loan mi9 la the very first step The Stankowlcz forces ran on parties running in an election Association. '8105 MIlwaukee wIdi tbNu1es police force as a necessary to the succes of any, an economy pledge. and the ha Baptist Bible College. They reldt Of theguilty finding after we now have evidence that all will give a concert of sacred Avenue. future undertakings on the part cost-cuttIng efforts of our pro- the campaigning did not go f04 agrao-doy hooch Iriol,. judge. of the park banrd and 1the sent I,oat.ihears out the ree- music this alte. The public Is Perry'tsld bien: first step in their giving Nties cordially invIted. the,parks which are so badly 1 cask that intoconsideration, Niles you.' e needed. Is only fining TA3-7t145 Being ever the epumist we Day SuI ', iesldes paying Idy,fino.Romey. ,OVOL,4N0. 48 THE NILES BUCLE, THJJRSOAY, JUNE 29, 1961 iof PER co , arecenvincediftheparkboard Is. liable forpoOt of the hack Continues this co-operative ap- Sous with 50 porcent fraud . preach they can nass an' sound HOME NEEDS AND cHIEFPAINTS penuitles and interest. planforrefe6wndums D . they undertake. For the .yajor , Ils was replaced aspòllce chief obstacle to pasi-Iefeatod re- Friday, Saturday, Sunday June23,24,25 May 31 by NicholasBishe. newly ferendums was not the referen- oietnd mayor ofNiles. Thi, was rus dems themselves. but ratherthe alar bio bodidilsent. es.K.PolioClinic suspicion arouse4 In many vo- . ters meido,' resulting frene no EusyGIîdhig For the three years involved. being 'ouiihoen' about co i .'i.e: 'A the govorisment charged. Romey, what they weré pre'séntlng.' oho Is 62 and lives at 6921 Nileo Gala Parade,clinic.T Be 'Terrace. NUes, reported tqtalin- We look with much hope dur- comt of $20,dgS andjpaid income Fireworks At Lutheran ing the next two years, In which Äiî OLt tases of L3,400.07. park plans for Mies will change NUes Use a new roller and be July4 munityfrem a parkiess corn- sure of getting a solooth, 'Ho should have reported 23,- General to a village which pro- uniform finish! Thisfinequality, hardwood handle PAINT 013.17 bicorne and paid $4,174.50' This is the licol proclama-. 'Tho NUes village booedap.' vides its children with facilI- HOUSE In taxes, thezovernmenc 5014. clonthatis belag Issued by provost eopendltore of 510e for ries equalto or. better than roller comes with Lambs Woolor Mohair Cover. the NUes Chamber 5f Corn- a One-day 'publie pollo clinic, her boot-door neighbors. mo unreported payment. made merce, Fourth of July Corn- to be held p. the outpatient Per Gal. to komoy'by the GeorgeS. May mitico, MonIno flow by like sectioo of Lutheran General s6.50 in. for auperiotonding the police secoods and the ploneerlog ef- Ho'spital. The ypielsg ¿t the däte' ork for two weeks of the golf farts are fioolly drawisgto a o-iii i."soouxíced In the im- Last week we mentioned that tournament each year, were a, close, mNj,o- the vifiage Is losingaboút$9000 'tore and the NUes with purchase . follows: 1953t $900; 1954: $1,125' Ç . mission wllladmin- every eCOad year by ont taking md 1955: $1,125. The committee haa worked lote,' titi, an annu9i Iral census. Mid gram,The$lO0out of one gallon or 'CHIEF Rubber latex hard 'sud ektesivelyon o par.. lay, Is Ihr syringes andsup- we ceported thatthereare mdny. Arrested ade' and evening program. Now p11ev Incidentai for the dllnic other theasures.whlch can save more of Top Quality they ore oskieg foryou, THE Doctors ro NUes Health Corn-' us money A aecond money-los- PEOPLE OF NILES, tocome missioo,los curses from the er for all Nileultes was un- CHIEF ..'.' out aod participaté, In the.feo- .For Selling hospitalmi" adnsinlstnr the cevçbod last week when mistee SATIN WALL PAINT tivities of o "Good Old Fourth program. Health Inspector Roy Ken Scheel told ub1lc offIcIals Interior Finishes Firèworks of jsly". Wilkins sirho pollo shot Is that 000c $150.000 of NUes Finest Quality! Dries ¡n 20 minutes. l'lo "painty" the 3 In 1 shot, thai it°fh "very moneys In Its water account, loruard Garher,ssner of The Parade will be made ap simple to do" regardingthe Wa, layIng In the b.ak. with- odor. Water cleani brush or roller. Extra wasb ober1's Cycle Shop, *505 Mil.. of the fire dopautmeat, police re-. violen Avenue, was aruented . Golf Mill StateBank Grand ceiving of the shots fjom the out dunning interest.Scheel Im-. able. Newest "House & Garden" colors & white. department,floats, decoroted Ceonty Health Commissino, and mediately took nteps to place by Siles police Monday, after ears, scoots, baseball leagues, thatthe County Board wants the money In goyerniientnotes, CHIEF Acryhc4tex .çloiplaluts were fIled against Opening Saturday kfddy parade, dignitaries, und to know Where It .vill be held which draws ahaut 3% interest. blot fsrs,fllingllIego1fIrework . clowns passing outloilipops and. asd what doctors will be Is at- ma weeid.'glve NUes $4,500 a iof seflhtutìlrewsrksto minors.