Hays, Gilbert Adams, comp. Under the Red Patch: Story of the Sixty Third Regiment Volunteers, 1861-1864. , Pa.: Sixty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers Regimental Association, 1908.

CHAPTER I. Bombardment of Fort Sumter — President Lincoln's Call for Troops — First Battle Bull Run — Organization of the Sixty-third- — Camp Wilkins — Departure for the Front — Arrival at the National Capitol — Camp Hays — A Day in Camp. 11

CHAPTER II Camp Shields — Camp Johnston, alias Camp Pennyroyal — Deserter Drummed Out of Service — Military Execution — Picket Duty —Pohick Church — Flag Presentation. 23

CHAPTER III Embarkation for the Peninsula — At Fortress Monroe — Incidents of Camp Life — In Front of Yorktown — A Field Hospital — The Intrenchments — Evacuation of Yorktown— Official Report of — Peach Orchard and Wyhn's Mill. 57

CHAPTER IV. — Camp Sassafras — Battle of Fair Oaks. 85

CHAPTER V. Battle of Gaines Mill — Evacuation of Savage Station and Destruction of Supplies — Battle of Frazier's Farm or Glendale — Battle of Malvern Hill. 101

CHAPTER VI. At Harrison's Landing — Fourth of July in Camp — In Retreat —casualties-- Second Battle of Bull Run — Poolesville and Conrad's Ferry — Fording the Potomac — Burnside in Command of the Army — Battle of Fredericksburg — Burnside's Mud March. 137

CHAPTER VII In Winter Quarters — Origin of Corps Badges — Holidays in Camp — An April Fool Joke — Grand Review by President Lincoln — Battles of the Cedars and Chancellorsville, 171

CHAPTER VIII Camp Sickles — Annie Etheridge — The Kearney Cross — The March to Gettysburg. 184

CHAPTER IX. The . Flag captured, 193

CHAPTER X. The Return from Gettysburg — Battle of Wapping Heights — Sulphur Springs. 204

CHAPTER XI. March to Culpepper — The Third Corps Union — Centerville and Brandy Station — Battles of Auburn, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove and Mine Run. 212


CHAPTER XII. Camp at Brandy Station — Third Corps Ball — Grant in Command — Re-organization of the Army — Disbandment of Third Corps — Return of General Hays — General Hays' Letter to Governor Curtin. 220

CHAPTER XIII. — Death of General Hays — Battles of Todd's Tavern and Po River. 229

CHAPTER XIV. Battle of Spotsylvania — At the Death Angle — Battle of Fredericksburg Pike — Capture of Confederate Soldiers — Charge at Taylor's Bridge on 'the North Anna. 238

CHAPTER XV. Battle of Cold Harbor — March to Petersburg — In the Trenches. 250

CHAPTER XVI. Siege of Petersburg — Deep Bottom — The Mine. 260

CHAPTER XVII In the Trenches at Petersburg — Second Deep Bottom — Bloodless Duel in the Corn Patch — Music in Camp. 265

CHAPTER XVIII Expiration of Term of Service — Consolidation with One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers — Return of the Shattered Columns. 275

Part Second Roster and History of Companies — Muster Rolls of Veteran Volunteers and Drafted Men — Titles of Companies Previous to Muster-In — Record of Interments in National Cemeteries. 282 Field Staff and Officers, 282 Regimental Band, 285 Company A, 288 Company B, 299 Company C, 309 Company D, 319 Company E, 318 Company F, 328 Company G, 364 Company H, 374 Company I, 383 Company K, 391 Veteran Volunteers, 400 Drafted men, 401 Titles of Companies, 408


Internments in National Cemeteries, 410-11 proud of regiment but complains of demands of enlisted men, 415 Church in camp, 415-16 Band, music, 416 Horse, 416 Heintzelman, 416 Horse accident, 417 Picket duty, 417 Eager to advance and faith in regiment, 417 Soldier deaths, promotions, guerrillas? 418 , 418ff Yorktown, 418-19 Williamsburg, 419 Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, 419-20 Seven Days, Kearny, 420-22 Kearny, 422-23 Second Bull Run, wounded, 423-24 Chancellorsville, 424 Gettysburg, 424-27 Army reorganization, 427 Hunting rabbits, 429 Food, 429 Colonel Hays, drill equipment, 430-31 Fair Oaks, 431-32 Seven Days, 432-33 Describes condition of regiment, March 1863, 433-34 Wounded, hospital, Chancellorsville, 434-35 Biographical sketches, 436-53 City Guards, 454 12th Pennsylvania, 454-56 Regimental reunions, 457-61 General Alexander Hays monument, 462-65 Gettysburg monument, 465 Explosive bullets 476 Roster of surviving members, 471-76

Part Third

Letters from the Front — Biographies of General Alexander Hays, Colonels A. S. M. Morgan, William S. Kirkwood, John A. Danks, Major James F. Ryan, Chaplain Junius J. Marks, Captains Bernard J. Reid, Robert H. Millar — The Twelfth Regiment — Regimental Reunions — Dedication of Monuments at Gettysburg,

3 and to General Hays at Pittsburg and Wilderness — Music, "Bully for You," and "The Bully Old Sixty-third."