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"'WiOi, Volume TTilrty-Four, No. IS '"ublic ' Ibrary y.an d THE ALTO SOLO Lowell, Mich., I'hursday, Sept. 9V 192(! THE RIGHT MAN P. M. ENGINEER GREEN RALLY FIRE EXPOSES 9ften *10ho IN RIGHT PUCE DIES ON TRACK CLOSES BATTLE BOWNE STILL YOUR DUTY

ffi/se in mC//e— DEXTER G. LOOK FOR REPRE- JAMES JOHNSON, PERE MAR- FRF.D W. GREEN CLOSES CAM- LOWELL DEPUTY SHERIFF = VOTE = SENTATIVE IN SECOND DIS- QUETTE OFFICIAL KILLED PAIGN IN GRAND RAPIDS. FOI ND TWELVE ItAItltKLS TRICT, KENT COUNTY. IN COLLISION NEAR HIG RALLY MONDAY OF MASH ON CAMPAU nint cases out of ton—do to through SUPPORT HIM. MOSELEY. EVENING. LAKE FARM. Division Engineer James John- Deputy Sherill Howes was called the help and atsitUnce of a growing son was instantly killed on Ihe Pere lo Campan lake Sumlay morning Marquette track about two miles because of a lire in a ho/,' pen on •avingt account. west of Moseley at 10:30 a. in. Wed- Ihe Fred Kreiser farm and resulling nesday, when the ins|icction ear in in exposure of a slill. Twelve IT IS von; |)l TV TO TAKI-: AN ACTIVI- PAItT whieh he was riding collided lic.-id barrels of mash and olher parapher- Whether on the farm, in businett or a on with a freight train. nalia were disclosed in the ruins, IN Till- POLITICS OF THIS STATK. ON Sl-PT. Hoad Master, Charles Cole, of Kd- but the coils and a 50-gallon slill proffetfiont oris in tomeone'i employ more, and Section Master, A. Show- had been removed and were found inn vol WILL IIAVI: vot t; CIIANCI:. DO ers, of Helding, were on the inspce- in a swamp and elsewhere on Ihe vol It LIT. GKT Ol T AM) VOTIv IF YOU this statement holds true. tion car with Mr. Johnson, but rami. The deputy ordered the jumped and escaped serious in- parlies concerned lo appear at the CANT \oTI-: 1 ol! IT:1.1) W GIIKKN AND TIIK Study the Uvea of auccassful man, and watch jury. Shcrill's OM'KC for examination. how certain qualitiea predominate. The body was brought to Veiter's il is supposed Ihe tire was eaused MI;N WHO INDOLSI-: HIS CANDIDACY, YOU chapel, where I Acting Coroiwr hy Ihe explosion of a gasoline slove Inevitably you will make up you mind Springett conducted an examination used in Ihe slill. STILL HAM. A SI )Nli AND Tillltl) CHOlCi:. and derided tiiat the death was :ie- No moonshine was found on Ihe to atart a Savinga Account—Why not cidental. premises hy tin- otlicer. VOTi: AS vol THINK HI.ST. ^ The freight train was coming The enmliibiey of Dexler G. Look atart now? west and the inspet lion car was go- CONGREGATIONAL CIU KriL lo sueeeeil liimself as represenltilive ing east to Moselev to meet the pas- A. J. Hhiir, I'aslnr. in the U'Kislalnre of llic Seeond senger train. There is a sharp 4% For Your Savinf a. IHslriet of Kent eoimly, is worthy Sunday morning worship at II curve on the track, where the col- o'elock. Ihe IhoiiMhlfiil allenlion of every lision took place, preventing a lung voter in the ilistriet who ilesires ii view of tlie track, and it is supposed S( nnon Iheme: "The Land of Ihe Midnighl Sun." enpahle husiness-like adiiiiiiistrntloii Mr. Johnson having the passenger of that olliee. train in mind did not know about There will he a junior choir prac- Mr. Ldok has been a resident of the freight. liee al 2:110 o'clock sharp, Saturday City State ffiank Lowell V.I years. Came here as a Western Michigan will have tlie ariernoon. Sepl. 11. Miss llermaii LOOK'S DRUG STORE Kngineer Harrison, of the freiglit honor of Ihe presence of Fred \V. hoy and entered the Lowell Iitali trsiin, says he saw the inspection ciir wil! he pleased lo ineel all Ihe chil- school from whieh he Wiidnaled in Green on the evening of Sept. IH. at dren w ho like In sin'.;. Lowell, Mich. 100 feet away, saw the two nien wliieh lime he will close his cam- Oneoff the 10,000 Raxall Drug Stores. 1KKU, and he^in his life work as a jump and Johnson put his feet out C.hoir rehearsal al 7:!in sharp. Sal- clerk, entering hiisiness for himself paign at Grand Itapids, at Fullon urday niuhl. Sept. 11. as if starting lo jump. II is IhoiiKlit Street Park, at K:(HI p. in. Plans have as a drn^ist six years later, coiitin- that his heart fsiiled him at tlie im- New im inhers, ;is well as old are Member o/ the Federal Reterve Banking Syetem. been made for a most glorious rc- uiiifj in the same to the present (late minent danger and that he was in- cordialK inviled lo allend our lirsl with stores at Lowell and Alma. ccplion in his brhalf. ('.ommillce choir praclice. capable of jniniting, as he sat :is if reports that great numbers of citi- I hiring those hlisy years he has spell-bound. The inspecting ear Sunday school al I'l o'clock. zens from various parls of Ihe Slate Mid w-vk service Thursday eve- found time lo serve the public elli- and freight were both running fast. • * have expressed their desire of l»eing ning al /::t(l. ciently in many other capacities, Mr. Johnson leaves a wife and a present. Many plans arc nnder way A rec(>plion wi anions them as trustee and president daughter of 12 years. The body was he given Ihe Give Thiein Botti Barrels of the Lowell Hoard of Education, for an old time rally, when :NI in- school teachers of Lowell ami \i- i taken to his Saginaw home on a terested citizens can enjoy some of TIIURSnAV, SEPT. 1« including the year of the ImildinK of special train at 5 p. m. Wdenesday. cinily al tS o'clock Fridav evening^ Ihe olden day contests. Arrange- of this week, in Ihe I'arish house. the new Utah school, 15 years as "Duck ShiKilinn" season open-; mi that (lav. • Glasses for Old and Young ii village trustee and president, also inenls for street demonstralions in We hope lli.-il all Ihe leachers will LEGION DOINGS. the form of a parade, green liyhls. £ as president and director of the plan lo allend. We should like lo *;* We li:i\r ;t Iri'sh slock ol Wiiirliesler. lieminglon. IJ. S. and The Charles W. Clark Post and at rial bombs with many olher IVa- nieel you rcg:irdless of your church Lowell Hoard of Trade, president of Weslern aiMiiiiinilioii. :ill ^n.i lo;ii|s. ^^l|l Nvill always tind ^ the Lowell Specialty company, one Auxiliary and Lowell were very tnre events denionstrating Ihe inter pl'efei elices. of Michtamrs most successful nian- well represented at the Amerieaii esl in Mr. Green's candidacy. Tlnre will he liyhl refreshnieiils X our prices riyhl. Legion convention at Lansing, Sep- and a good program. • ufacliiriim Institutions and as vice • (inns, gun oil, ch-aniiu i uls cuses. etc. We have Ihein. oresident of the City State hank of lember 4, 5, (i, 7. SIX INJI KKD WHEN CARS CRASH The nn'inhers of the I'arish arc Lowell, in all of whieh capacities, Dr. JI. P. (iotfrcdscn was elected ON M-lfi IN IONIA. cordially inviled. in hiisiness and as a pnhlic servant coimnitteenian for the Fifth district, Ionia. Sept. 5.—Six persons were The annual hiisiness nieeling o! H»2»i I!I27 III NTING t.K LNSKS his platform has been—SKHVICK. also a member of the executive eom- injured and two escaped injnry tale IIK ('.lieerful Doers was held Mon- AND LAWS NOW KKADV Tlie importance of perfect sight in all important to ! which ifoiicy has also persisted iniffee of the Michigan department. today in an anlo accident on M-I(i, day evening in Ihe Parish house. during his two terms as neprescn- With the doctor to lead, with the seven miles south of Ionia. A car (Mlin-rs were elech-d as follows: I young, middle aged and old alike. tativc in Lansing, where he has fnll- local Post behind him lo a man. driven by Miss Grace Took of Fow- I'residcnl Mrs. Ilallie I'eckhani. fllled every nledtfe to the best of his other posts in the district willing lo lerville, and containing her brollicr. l-'irsl Nice Pres... Mrs. Arinslidiig. R. D. Stocking I Errors of refraction can be remedied by glaaaea es- ; ability, a policy which will be con- co-operate the Fifth should go over William Took, of Detroit, ami Miss Second Vice I'rcsidenl, Mrs. Ilal- big this year. I; pecially made for each particular case/ tinued in his further legislative ex- Kallierine Sweeney, also of Delroil. lie Parker. t ATWATER KENT RADIOLA * perience. The Charles W. Clark Post closed skidded on the wet pavemcnl ami Sicrelary Miss Ilallie Lynn. $ V We can provide the right kind of glasses for eyes need- ; The Grand Itapids Herald in an its llscal year with a incmbcrsliip of crashed into the oncoming ear of Tieasnrer Mrs. .1. M. Ilulcliinson. 4. ^.j..j..»..;..;..;...... ^...... % August issue has this: tifty-one members and have set Tor Cliarh's Taylor, of Lowell. In the ; ing assistance. Look MiRht Become Speaker ils 1027 goal, seventy-six or more laller car were Taylor's wile aixl MMTIIOIUST ( lit K< II. "Dexter G. Look, representative whieh will entitle Ihe Post to three hahy and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law- L. IL Nixon, Pastor. from Ihe Second District of Kent delegates to the 1027 convention. yer. of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- Sunday. Sepleiiiher 12 is confer- county, will be a candidate to snc- The next regular niceting will be lor. Mr. and Mrs. Lawyer, Miss ence .Sunday. In Ihe ahsence of A. D. OLIVER ceed himself, and will probably be Monday, Sept. 20, at which lime Sweeney and Miss Took all were Ihe paslor, liiihen Smilh, of Grand OPTOMETRIST unomiosed, so "Deck" will, without ollieers for 1027 will be nominated tirnised and cut. Miss Sweeney llapids. will speak. Mr. Smilh is doubt, be sent back to another term and Ihe lirst Monday in October will snslained the most severe injuries. a pulilic school Icachcr. and has in Ihe House, where he has served be election of ollieers. The baby and Mr. Took were nnin speiil much ol' his lime on Sundays so ably during the last two sessions. There will be other imporlanl lured. The injured were taken loj in Ihe work of Ihe church. He Hut the most interesting tiling matters to come np at the next meet- their homes by passing motorists w:ts wilh us a year ago and served ing and a good turn out is hoped wilh great acceplahilily. The hour Labor Day about it, is that Look was one of and given lirsl aid.—(Grand Itapids the most popular and most able men for. Herald. of niorniiiM worship is llhl'll. fol- in the House, lie was so recogimed. lowed hy the church school al 12:(MI He was frequently mentioned as a LOOK SAYS noon. VOTE AT THE ritlMAKV. ICpworlh League will he led li\ candidate for the next speaker. It Everybody G.'t Out and Vote Any legally (lualitied voler resid- wouldirt take' a lot of work anions Next Tuesday. Miss Marion lirown. Labor Pioneers Once Looked Be- ing in the lownship or village <'l All are wi'lconie lo the scrvici-s of House members to solidify senti- Vote for Some one. Lowell eonlined to their home by VICTOR Ihis church. ment amoiifj the members in Look's Polls open 7 a. ni. lo 8 p. ni. sickness, or unable lo go lo Ihe yond and Saw What Had Been favor and put him up there as pre- Let's Make Lowell the Hanner polls, or any person necessarily ab- ( III KCII OF THE NAZAIIINE. siding olliccr. Look urcsided most township of Kent County. sent, while engaged in the pursuit Done—Saw What Could Be ably at various limes (luring the last Kev. M. L. Hark, pastor. of lawful business or reereation may Corner of WashiiiKlon ami Avery. session. He is a square shooter. ANNOUNCEMENT. vole by applying to me and upon Done—Then Did It. Sunday school al 10 a. m. He Is as independent as the prov- Heese Vealch, vocal instructor of such application will receive a bal- RECORDS erbial pig on ice. Preaching al II a.m.. :ind 7:110 p. in. Grand Hapids, will spend every lot. Itespecl fully, Prayer nieeling Wednesday eve- If elected speaker he would play rhursday in Lowell this season. Frank N. White, ning al 7;tri p. in. Result: square with everybody, and with all I.imiied nnuiber of pupils acceplefl. Township Clerk. sections of the state and would not Kveryone is cordially inviled lo take orders from any man on earth. allend Ihe lillle churi'h on Ihe cor- At Less Than Half Price That's the kind of a chap he is. lie ner. Good spirilual services, and would not be bought or sold by fav- you are sure lo enjoy yourselves. Monday, Labor Day, This Bank or or threats." Gome, and bring your friends. will be closed all day. Itemeniber Mr. Look at the prim- 7Sc, 10-Inch Double Face aries, September 14. He deserves Si:\ r.NTII DAY ADYKNTISTS. well of his town and district. Woodman hall. Sahhalh school. Strand Cbcatre Program Sepl. II. !):iri a. m. Suhjecl: "On LOWELL VILLAGE COUNCIL Ihe Way lo Lnimans. Jesus Appears lo Ihe Disciples." PROCEEDINGS. Lowell 28c Luke 21: L't-tS. John 20: P.Kil. Megular meeting of the Common Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10 and 11 I'rayer mecling. l-'riday. 7:110 p. m. Lowell, Mich. Council of the Village of Lowell, At Ihe liomc of John lioughley on 4 for $1.00. held in the City hall, council rooms, Monroe Ave. A welcome exlended Monday, August Kith, l!)2(i. lo everyhody. Meeting called to order by Presi- "Born To The West" dent Yeiter at 7: lii p. m. wilh JACK HOiLTI , MAIIGAHET MOItltIS, HAYMOND IIATTON. X CIIUISTIAN SCIKNCF.. $1.25 12 inch Double Face 60c. Trustees present: Arehart, lice- Sunday services are held al IL Alt! J'TTi: M.MtCHAL. GlioitGI- SI lit i MAN f $1.00 10 inch Double Face 48c. be, Day, llahn, Thomas. o'clock over Ihe Lowell Slale hank. Trustee absent: Doyle. Zane Grey's lalesl romance-thriller. No "ordinary" Western. !•!} Suhjecl for Ihe lesson scniinii Sep- *'?• .X- .J. .J. .«.....;..:..;..;..:..;..;..;..;. .J..;..;.... ^ ...... 1.4,%+*++*: $1.50 12 inch Double Face 70c. The mimites of the regular meet- ' • but a knock-down MatlnetSalurday at2:30. ShowftUrttat3sOO. AdmiHMon 10 and l!>c. X I lay ward, at his home in Saranac r> for the weeks ending August 7th Tuesday. August IM al 8:00 o'clock. Evening Admlmlon ISc and 25c. ^ The best variety of 0. J. YEITER and 14lh were read and ordered Mrs. Lucinda Iv Courier, sister of •> placed on lile. • I lie hride aclcd as bridesmaid and •> (IRANITR AND MAUHLE MONUMENTS •> 220 W. Main St. Communications from the follow- Mr. llcrherl L. Courier was besl t ing were read and ordered placed Sunday and Monday, Sept. 12 and 13 man. I test wishes for a long and in Western Michigan on lile. happy life. (Saranac Advertiser. Lolla McMahon. A SPECIAL ATTHACTION Mr! Lake lived in Lowell for many It. M. Shivel. years and his friends here join in 0—0—0 Hubbel, Hartgering and Hoth. good wishes. On motion by Trustee Day sup- "The Waltz Dream" Workmanship and Quality of Materials »eeeeeeee»eeeeeee»e»ee»eeeeee»ee»ee**»»»ee»»»ee»»»e» ported by Trustee Arehaii the fol- HAKGWMLL KKT M. lowing bills were allowed and or- Here is one of the screen sensations of the year Married. Scplcmber 4. in Grand absolutely guaranteed. dered paid. Yeas Ti. Carried. Itapids. by llev. Grieshaber. paslor of General Mti't.!!?) Also the Congregational church, Miss 0—0—0 Water Works 12K.K1 l.orna Krum. lo Mr. Harold Itarg- Street 201.20 Alberta Vaughan in "Fighting Hearts." well. of C.oopersville. They were Hand * (>5.50 Admlmilon 15c and 2Sc altended by Mr. ami Mrs. It. .1. Light and Power I.HOH.M Slater, the laller, a cousin of Ihe LOWKLT. GRANITE OO. City Hall Oper 44.KK bride. They left al once for an Total 2,200.45 aulo trip Ihrough Ihe North country. Ice Cream On motion by Truslee Arehart ; Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 14 and IS | 0 U R P IM C E S ARE RIGHT .supported by Truslee Day Ihe coun- WIHTK FAMILY It Ml M ON. THE OLD RELIABLE cil adiourned. Yeas 5. Carried. NOHMA SHEAHKH The annual reunion of the White PHONE 20 LOWELL, MICHIGAN O. J. Hrexina, in Lalesl and Greatest Picture family was held at the City hall BEST BY TEST Village Clerk. Monday. Sept. Ii. wilh Lta preseul Head and approved, Sept. 7, 102(1. from Chicago. Detroit, Flint, Niles. with all your favorite trimmings, O. J. Yellcr, "The Waning Sex" SI. John. Grand Itapids. Ionia. Stan- fixed up to auit the Quean'a taate. Village President. Ion, F.dmore, Clarksville. Saranac, Also a Two-Heel Comedy Durand. Greenville, Lowell. Four MAC AUGIITON FOR STATE SEN- generations were present, bringing Saturday Special—Maple Nut Ice Cream ATOR. Admissloii I Tic and 2ric, baskets Illicit to the brim with good Thomas H. MacNaughton has hon- cats. A line program was given. estly and creditubly represented Assembly singing was enjoyed, a you in the legislature in Ihe past, Thursday, September 16 history of Ihe family written and Which Way Will You Buy? and is again a candidate for State given by Mrs. Cora While Haven, of LASBY'S PLACE Senator, Heniibliean, 17lh district. JOHN HAHHON and MAHCELINE DAY in Clarksville. Headings and reminis- Home of Sweet Treats He liel|M'(l to pass the Workman's cences were given by young and eomiH'iisation Act, and all of its old. Mrs. I.eafie Slockford, Sara- Heat or Just Coal? anieiidmenls, up lo the present time. nac, was elected president for com- His occupiilion, as a farmer, his so- "The Boy Friend" ing year. It. II. While, Clarksville, cial activities, his legislative ex|N»r- vice president, Ivlmer S. While, Low- ienee and his native characlerlslics Also a Two-Heel Comedy ell, secretary; Homer Slockford, of have developed In Mr. MacNaugh- And "Snowed InM Greenville, IreaKiirer. The next re- ton all those qualities necessary to union will be held ai Island park, This will be your question from Sept. till May. Kuccessful leadership. AdmlsKlon Ific and 2i)r. Lowell, Labor day, PJ27. He solicits your support nt the COAL of a known value will save you money. primary September 14, 1026. Playground base ball game, Mon- Things s School Political adv. Coming, Friday and Saturday, day, September, III, al Ii o'clock, Jojinson-iiiindiey-JolinsoiiH, Grand USED CARS. Sept. 17 and IS—"Barney." Itapids playgronnd champions v* More heat units, ) 1024 Stiidebnker Touring. Lowell All Stars. Less clinkers, > nu imall ash pile* 1023 Oakland coach. The Johnsoir-Handley-JohnKon, For the acholara, both country end village, 1023 Chervrolet Coupe. teams were winners of Ihe indoor Fewer trips to furnace) who are atartlng achool a few daya late, we 102.') Chevrolet Touring. eliampionship last winter, and of Ihe 1024 Ford Touring. playgronnd championship Ihis Slim- have plenty of achool books yet end a big 1023 Ford Touring. mer. They are a fast team, having 1022 Ford Coupe. won twelves games and losing one aupply of school gooda. You can aend the Dodge Touring. Ihis Summer. Levi Cole, one of Mie Blue Jay Coal Brings Those ResiHs. McOUREN MOTOR CO. YOU NEED US fastest pitchers in tirand Hapids, children to us to buy for themsclvei. We will do the hurling for Ihe Johnson- Goes Farther—Lasts Lonfer. appreeiate the trade of the achool children SCHOOL HOOKS We Need You Handley-Johnsons. Are cash to every one. Cireiim- and want more of it. stances beyond our control makes Invest Your Money in People having Kinall charge ac- this •neeessjiry. We handle school counts for ebissilled ads., and cards books for convenlenee to our cus- of I hanks at The ledger olllec will C. H. RUN CI VI AN tomers and not for profit. Lowell Building & Loan Association please call al Ihe olliee and Nellie WINEGAR ML HARTMAN D. G. I^ook Drug Store, ami not compel us to waste postage M. N. Henry Drug Store, D. S. Simon Safety and H. L. ShuUr and cHort worth all or more *111111 Guaranteed Coal and Service. Winegar A Harlman Drug Store. 7% Secretary the acconnl, or we shall be com- Prtsldsnt pelled lo abandon the credit plan Freight dally-«all 27. (c entirely. Of F THE LOWELL LKOOEB and THE ALTO SOLO TH1 LOWELL LEDOSI and THI ALTO fOLD OUR SPECIAL PAGE OF SERIAL STORIES OUR OTHER STORY PAGE interesting serial stories appear regularly t print on one page aD the interesting stories we have selected for our readers. Yon i S.i i literature for < here an additional serial, or a short tale, a bit of history, or perhaps a column of humor.

erlng and Inclined to sob. Olher chil- on the stairs. The last of Ihe sunset 10 my positive kiiiWUJye lau'rali th* dren followed them and It waa quite glow caught her hair, and the fine set water an hour every day?" an linpodlng group that turned in at of her head on her square little shoul- Lydla blushed and tried to hide one the Marshall gate, just as Mrs. Mar- ders was never more pronounced than ankle behind the other, "I think The Man With Three Names LYDIA shall camp to the door to bid a guest as she walked slowly toward Dave you're terrible Impolite," she mur- The GIRLf in the MIRROR good-hy. Marshall. mured. CHAPTER IX and permitted to die a pauper; a ter By ELIZABETH JORDAN The scene that followed was dilfl- "I never bail a licking." she said, Duve roared wilh laughter. "Itighl rlble narrative of Ihe rulhiessness o;' of time. See how fast these little , of the Pines cult for either Lydla or Kent to de- —10— By (® l>j Tie-1 Vntury Oiiiii|iMrt|r.) "but 1 guess 1 deserve one and so you are. Lydia: I guess I'll have to business, of the callosity of self-inter AND STORY FROM THE START hands are moving. The nearest police scribe afterward. There was a hulla- "Mansfield Comes Home." you'd better do it and get it done, bitch up and drive us all over." esl. And yet she knew it could not WNT lfervh-n station Is only two blocks away. I'n- baloo that brought half the mothers Hetty and Calhewe stood alone, Mr. Marshall." They drove to the Willows and Mar- Harold MacGrath be I rue. l.nurle I'evfii. a any youtm less you glve-me that promise, you of the neighborhood Into the yard. The facing each other for a moment. gery went ihrough her paces, while The truth! To whom might she go* ch«|i somewliHl Inelliieil to vvlld- will be in it In " he made a calcula- doctor was sent for. Margery was pul "Suppose we return lo the green- <(£. by Dell Syndicate.) nt-HH. bus reei'iitly r-uee^edi'ii a* belililing it I I know It wa« something CHAPTER III her father watched and applauded Noi to her father in his present erit BELLS 1 tion "In jusi about four miniiies." to bed and Kent and Lydla were men- house?" she suggested. a Idaywrltflit HI* weuliliy slx- big, Hui the linlsh you chose wasn't from the shore. When they had fin- WNT Servl. e leal condition. . . . Maddox! Slu She seemed to come to a deeislon. tioned as murderers, low-down brats He led Ihe way. closing Ihe door T^r BurliHru, who IUIH helped liim meani to be. or it would have come % Ished and had run up and down to Hung herself out of bed and ran l« to suceced, hue Jii*t been miir- "I.lsien to me." she said, rapidly. and coarse little brutes by Mrs, Mar- The Cottage gently. "I have tried t< avoid Ihis mo- olV, You see lhat don't you? Tbe warm up and dry oir and were driving rled and IM Kolng to Juiwn. leav- cannoi be frank with you -" shall, who endod by threatening them Marshall cleared his throat and ment, bui il was Inevf.uble." shoulders ami pushed him from the the exietislon telephone. Yes; lu j ing Uiurl^ on hie own. Kiim.dn very suu in lis course look pains to home, Dave said; "I'M* noticed thai." Laurie Interpo- with the police. reaching out, took Lydla by the arm "Why do you hale my father?" room. He himself had work lo do. could give her a few minutes, hut h» ; and BHIIUS, hU iheairlcal imrt- show you to lue in time to stop It. "You'd better come In to supper lo'rs, h.ive promised llurliiir.i lo lated. "with regret." sp Old Liz/.le appeared on the scene In and pulled her toward him, (le could "I do noi bate him. We have dif- He sal down and wrote ihe editorial was hard pressed. Finally he ar i THE BRIDE'S PERQUISITE Thai means sometbing. Miss Mayo." wltb us, Lydla." keep Ha eye on l.aarle. They She Ignored ihe interruption. time to take Lydia's part and Kent feel her muscles stiffen under his ferent ideals.'* whieh was talked about long after rived. She seemed slightly startled. hy "No, thank you," answered ibe Hi-obi him for hlii lnrlnesK ul" In'** "Hut 1 can lell you* l bis much. I am disappeared after Mrs. Marshall had touch. The bright red color left her "I was just beginning to like you!" the fire was forgotten. This editorial She pushed him into a chair ami A proinlneni film star waa being and he retorts that he sei-U* ud- "Il Is Miss MMX,,. Isn't ii? That's child. "Mr. Levlne's coming to sup- Hot alone in my trouble, others are Honcte told him that Margery's father would cheeks. "And now?" was beaded: "Mansfield Comes Home." laid ihe clippings on his knee. "Head married. walnre. From his wliidnw In tbe name Ibe elevator boy gave me, S'V * per at our house and 1 have to M .N«'W York he t>lii Hi" "Hum! What does John Levlne CHAPTER X "Il will do." She spoke absently, sTand?" "is the child dead?" demanded old "If he let me whip you, even if I Has my father ever wronged you or "Ves; all these things are true, little a'dock we visit the registrar. Alter «devji(or hoy in the pliT" li"it airead.v on ibe trail of another • C by Frcdtrlck A tftokM Co.) Lizzie, holding I'atlence on one arm do at your house, so much?" lady. Hut what your father did last that we go to the church and then you I iiaile leaHM the Ktrl's lume- U Laurie sliook bis head. He did hot wanted to." yours?" The Truth. thought. Suddenly she eaughl it. WNV ftrvte* while Lydla clung to the other "Oh, he's going into politics," an- night cleans the slate. In the eyes ol are my own dear wife. Have you any- .Mayo AKIIIII In the mln-'-r s re- undersiand at all; hut vague and un Lydla took a quick look up Into bN "No." fleciioii he Keen her with II re- "Then you broiigbt Ibe basket, or "She was able to walk upstairs," swered Lydla, innocently, "and Dad Hetty, who had slept In Ihe chair God as well as man. You baby! Don'l m thing to say about the arrangements?'' pleasant stories about e-plonage and face. Then she gave n little gasping "Then why do you attack him?'' volver and (ears jdo' means i . seni n','" >be cried. "Il wa- you I How said a neighbor. "It's Jusi Mrs. Mar- advises him." beside her father's cot, spread out Ibe "Only that Ihe film rights will, of I'oreign spies suddenly tillered Ibroiigb sigh, her lips quivered and she leaned He was silent. you dare sit In judgment on your fa- eommll nuiclde. He rash's ini" dared \ou!" •TORY FROM THE START shall's way, you know." "Well, tell them you've done n fine Times and with heavy eyes scanned ther at this moment." courMe, beloug to me." Herlln Lustlge her apartment, and, wlaninu h»-r bis niliul. against his knee. "I love my father, and he loves me. tbe black headlines. eoalldeai e, iaduee.I her I-I lum-li She 'bad half risen from her chair. "I'll way her," snorted Lizzie. "Fine Job as a swimming teacher," Pave "And I—I have misjudged Hrandon Blaelter. "Il suiinds an awful iness," be said Lydl» Dudley, with her baby "Look here, Lydia." said Dave Mar- He will not sloop to defend himself wflh him, thouKh she waras Hendliig ^leros.s ibe table, be gently thanks lo Lydla for saving the child. spoke carelessly. "I don't see why "Daddy!" she cried exulianlly. Calhewe?" i frankly. "If li s got anyiblng to do • '»ter. Patience, returns huni»- shall, "this IN to be your punishment. from calumny. Different ideals! My him of diinaer. Come home wilh your old l.lz. dearie, Levlne wants lo get into politics. He's "You're a hero! The whole town Is pushed her baek into It, wilh •lermaii propaganda- " from an afternoon of pluy. TIM father has made this city prosperous. "I'll tell you. A few hundred years A FREEZE OUT home Is an untidy home, the Im- and Ret Into ihe nice cb-an dress I've I want you and Kent to teach Mar- doing well In real estate." talking about your deed. Listen." She '"Sii down." be said, Imperlurbably, She Inlerrilpted with a iiesiui'i' of What have you. an outsider, done?" ago he would be wearing a surtout poverished household of her fn- got for you." gery how to swim and how to get "Oh!" exclaimed Lydla. with a began reading the account. She besjiated, and be repealed ibe Impatience. "Not an outsider. Just an outcast," w.'ih a cross on it and he would he CHAPTER IV—Continued th«»r, Aroos Dudley, In Lake City dirty, see? Let her play with you child's importance at having real "What paper is that?" be asked. command, ibis time almost curtly. "No, no!" she eried. ''I am not a H«r father's friend and her own Lydia told the story to Amos at outside the wall of Jerusalem. I loved 'common kids,' will you?" he answered. Here is a treat that can't I'nder ibf new tone she obeyed. devoted admirer, John Levlne, suppertime. He was mmb disturbed. news lo imparl, "he's going into poli- "The Times." thai boy. | wish God had given me a • iennaii or a propagandisi. or a pa'l "Will her moiber let her?" asked "Well, I'll give you a surprise. After "When we were over In yur >lui1io." are dlscuaslng affairs In genera'. "I've told you . (ion and often, Ly- tics so's to gel some Indian land." "leii can tell you." •very day. Amos thlnltH that If "Ves," answered Dave, grimly. the policies of your despicable news- mires him secretly. He tried to avoid life 1 had tried to—make away wilh can't swim. You and Kent should shall. She obtained one and opened Ihe CMS der resources of experience and lad. "Then Ibal's all right I" Laurie >• time the Indlunf. who occupy paper." you beeause he didn't want you to myself Only two other persons In the have had more sense." "All right," said Lydla, with a little "Oh, daddy I" Margery's voice was newspaper to page four. "There Is an I don't know what anyone else would glanced ai Ids watch agai'i. "If yo-i A reservation twenty mlleh away, "And what miracle will happen to know him as he is. It would have were movlnir on in order that The quick tears sprang to ihe (•blld's sigh. exactly like her mother's. editorial here," said Hetty. Peppermint FlaTM world know thai', but I'd llli*' to lell do In ibis siluallon; hut 1 do kuow had been a Cernian spy." be addei!. prevent me?" madu you doubt your falher. You the white men might huve this eyes. She was silll much shaken. "I know It'll be a bard job." Mar- you about It, If you don't mind.' i W|11|t They were turning Into the Mar- "Head it to me." have met his mother. He couldn't be m going lo do myself. And. "with a lillle round knob of hair on land. John Levine, after talking "Is this lesson enough for you. or shall Interpreted the sigh quickly; "It has already happened. At this Some Sign for White Way She looked al him. There were j things over, announces his In- shall driveway and MarshalKs face When she had done—with a voice very had with such a mother. He what Is a lot more Important. 1 know tbe baek of your bead and bombs in FISHER DESIGN must I forbid yur playlnu in the wa- "that's where Ihe punishment comes moment I control the majority of the A washing machine manufacturev strange things in Ihe look, things lhat tention of going Into pollllch was a curious mixture of amusement lhat had been strong al Ihe begin- misjudged you, too. He thought you what you're going to do." every poeket, I couldn't byve bad The next day, Lydla, FatletiC' ter? I thought I could trust you ab- In." stock." The level quality of her tones has signed a coniracl for an electrfc thrilled blm. and olher things he sub- and Irriialion. lie kissed his little ning but which presently lost lis reso- had deserted France, thai you were She laughed, and he wiie-ed al lie* much to do \\itb yon, 1 really ••oubln'l and comjuinlon, Kent Miultoii. solutely." "Lydia'll do It. I'll see lo It," said i was Manslield ian cold and Implac- sign over P,roadway. New York, to consciously resented, wllhoul under- jilny'rit/ >iy fK«i Inlf, (iro nr • . daughter when he lifted her from the nance and broke frequently toward only a giddy butterfly," sound. Hui as you and your companions are "Slop your scolding her. Anms Pud Amos. able. cost $70.(100 a year. standing why. When she spoke there ed by nr. ' M who lives on buggy and bade her run to Ihe house. the end -the paper slipped from her "Whereas—I am an ant. Who" Is % "That's easy," she said. "I'm going not Involved in thai kind of thing, i ley," exclaimed old Lizzie. "I won't "You keep out, Dudley. This Is be- j As be was trying lo comprehend Ihe was a more personal nolo in her voice SETS THE PACE thf reservation nearby- Lydla Before he lifted Lydia down he paused hands to the floor and she stared he, really? From where does he to finish the act you Interrupted." am forced to remind you that you'll Rives h<-r food .Murgery, th<' have It. She's too nervous a child." slgnilb ance of this there came a series limn it had yet held. iween Lydla and me. How about Ii, ; and as he siood on ihe ground and she across Ihe row of cots. come?" "i lb. no. you're not I" be headed toward ihe station in bisi -mall dauijhttrr of Davt- Marf-hall, Amos was saved a reply by a ring of rumbles like thunder in Ihe dis- Lydia?' sat In the surrey, she looked levelly "I don't understand." she said, ad- "You?" she asked; and she added Her lips >ei. one minute." i)•.»• town's banker, Jolna them at the doorbell. Lizzie let Margery s tance, The greenhouse trembled, and "There's only one way to find that The pace set by Fisher—and exempli- Fisher leads the way in luxurious fit- They diclde to xo out on thf wa "If you'll boss her mother. I'll boss j into his black eyes, dressing nobody in particular. "Daddy, almost lightly. "That seems absurd." "Do you Imagine you can prevent there was the crisp tinkle of falling out, I Jo lo his mother." Ha—Why are you bringing my coat "I hate you!" she said between her fied in the beautiful new General Motors ments and decorations—and all the in- ei In a boat father In. 11" was a short, red-faced Margery and Kent." said Lydia. with ' "I wish I had another lillle daugh- I bought the controlling Interest In "I know." glass. Insilnctively both of them "Go lo his mother," repealed Hetty, and hat? me?" teeth. cars now comraandijig public attention man with black hair and eyes. IN* a sudden laugh. ter like you. Lydla," he said. "I the Herald yesterday morning. And CLIMBING Laurie spoke with Ihe new humil- dustry follows. wheeled and stared Ihrough the glass dreamily. "Hut I am keeping you She—Didn't you complain of my "1 know I can," He shook bis bead at her. "oh. no. —is the guide lor the entire motor V,: -• loo ic'ii ' excited now to stand on "it's a bargain." Marshall rose. don't see why- bin Cod. you can't last night at Nancy's I told Mr, Cath- ity he had found only today. at the sky In the east. They saw It from your patients!" You know how your car cbllllng manner? His ipiiet assurance Impressed her. you don'l!" be said kindly. "Hut 1 see industry. CHAPTER II—Continued • •••remory. a:. ! lie followed l.lzzle Into "Cood nlghi. Dudley." get swans from barnyard fowls." He ewe lhat bla successor would be ap- "You thlnU that because I'm so Fisher creates new standards of beauty !!;•* «llnln^-!uotii. grow lurid then sharply ruddy. "I'm mighty glad you called me In. pcrformson the "test hill" "How?" she asked, half mockingly. plainly that you're a self-willed young —3— "Cood night. Marshall." continued to study Lydia's face. pointed In January." young I couldn't have been desperate in line and finish—and those standarda " This won't do, 1'Udley, These wild "The munitions," he gasped. And I don't know who could have mailed in your vicinity. Install "Very easily, l can take you from person. Association wilh me. and the Fisher's vast experience, Fisher inven- Margery l.ohitniod. "Aw, t . i,v. : Amos followed Ids caller to the "Some day, my child, you'll make The light In Mansfield's eye broke Fatt Work enough for that. Hut-you're young, j this restaurant to the nearest police are the measure of value for all of the young ones of yours ran toward the door. you those clippings, but he's done a a set of Champions and study of my poise, will do a lot for tiveness and Fisher's unapproached nrjffd Kent. "I'oti'i be f-iu-h it door. As be did su Lydla heard Kent's some man's heart break, or lift blm into many little points, and the lids These modern methodH wo deplore loo." world's cars. "\V; it a mliiule, Marshall." Inter- • • • • • e e fine service for us ail. Good-hy. little And often we repine. station, and have you locked up for you, Hy the way, you have only thirty facilities devise and perfect the beauties, cat. Thai's why us kM« iloi.: like whistle in the back yard. She Joined up to heaven." worked rapidly. "Hefty, you have compare the increased lie was looking strulgHt at tier as I rupied Amos, wit! a dignity that he When the cub reporter fell In a faint lady. And remember!" Tou ecareely get a Job heforo attempted sulcble. You know. It's u seconds left." you you're su<:i: a c'.li v drossr-l tiji idm and the two withdrew to a bench Lydia squirmed. met him?" power and performance he spoke. Her eyes, a 11111" hard and comforts and conveniences which attract It is easy to see, therefore, why the fore- had brought v-itb iiitn iVom New Kng- on the paper-Uttered floor of Cafh- After Ihe doctor had gone Hetty re- Vou're called on to re*Ign. crime here." ''Do you want to he killed?" doll. ' behind the woodshed. "Well, Margery's taught now," she "Twice, acddentally. He remained with your previous best. challenging, then dropped, you to the leading new cars in all price larid, "Margery Is all right, so we can ewe's oflice, Calhewe became Affected mained moilonless for a space. A new The word they had both avoided She hissed the words at him. most of the new cars in all price classei Tin' banker« -lauui ter "I saw him through Ihe window," said hastily, "so 1 don't have to be unknown until last night. Ho—he This is the simplest and "That's different." she multered. classes—Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, go nver ibis thing calmly. Sli down by a strange lightness In his throat. thought had occurred lo her. Hrandon So It It was out at last. Although be had "Good gracious, no!" Laurie spoke carry the emblem—Body by Fishet. ThuiiKh (•Ii*1 lovpd llic i :i'i:y doily's t said Kent, in a low voice. "What's punished any more, do I?" said be warred against you because surest way to prove that lie nodded. Oakland, Oidsmobile and Pontiac. and listen to l.ydla's story. Tell him. He fell lo musing upon Ihe elusive Calhewe. She would give him back "How strikingly this reminds me spoken It very softly. Its echoes absently, his eyes on the watch. aud tliougl: tin- of stij"'rl (his afterrx-nn WL en "Well, what have you done?" • pretty much the same sort of thing. It was like this." Lydla began. lo, but I mean 1 don't have to go get 1 hud any plans mapped out for the She had lo approach a window to Champion X— i%i\ She hostess. "Wouldn't I? I'll do It In exactly 'i don'l know why you imagine I after seasons of striving. by Fisher. grubbiti),' <'ij an eiiimlity with these "The olher day they sent me on a •sclmlvely for Fordafilli* Anyway. It makes me understand; "Hahy and me were going to play by her and bring her Into our games." future. I Just wanted the attacks decipher this scrawl; "From George -peeked In the Red Box V VI "Llfe'a butler passing dream."— llfteen minutes, unless you give me have such lurid taste," he said, dls- three inferior ••hlidren. fake Interview with Mansfield. Of and I consider that It give* me a ourselves under ihe willows. Then "No," said Dave slowly, "but I think Collar to Nancy Maddox, his friend." TltBlta. your word ibal you will never make eontenledly. "Of course I don't want •'I'm not afraid al ni! and I'm .'11-1 course, I was kicked out. So this claim on you, and the privilege of try- Kent, he came and lie played pirates It would be nice of you to sort of keep morning I cut out all the news stories It came lo her, upon this second another ai tempt of tbe kind." He took any of those things My nalure Is a as dirty «s I..Mlla !».

Martin Davis was home from and Ed. Craw, (irand Hapids, treas- TMM LOWELL LEDGER AND (iraml llapids from Saturday until urer. Will Morgan spent Labor day in lll2(i-27 hunting licenses at Stoek- SOl TII I'IDi: LOrALS. Heroic Rescues at Sea Mrs. Helen Heynolds is visiting her ITEMS OF THE TOWN Beleliug. ing's. Have- you ged yours? (e- aelv. ALTO SOLO Tuesday. MBMBSafMOOnil Mr. anel Mrs. P. 11. Anele-rseoii ami In tUJM. Till Aiae-rie-an vessots met Mrs. Dell Ford spent Inst Friday niece,, Mrs. Wesley Carlyle and elanghle-rs, Vieihi anel llyllieil. nnel PLUMBING, HOT WATER Nelson M. O'Beirne Mrs. Harolel Yeiter atteneled the The- Lowell preielnee steore wants ullli eJisnster ill se-a on or near eoiir with Mrs. Iloye Ford, of South Ver- family in Detroit. Legion convention at Lansing. yeour peoultry. Ask Thael Bogers Cryslid .leom-s, re-lnnu el I'm-selay, :if- eeiast. Twe-alyslx tl4>usnud people and geiines, Boston Township Dinner guests Monday at the home Robinson Crusoe, We have a flne new line of out- about it. (c 15 le-r visiting relatives in Mingh.-im. f . n JomsoN Men's Fine Fall Clothes i ings at 25c aud 30c. Warner & Scott. Miss Helen King left Tuesday for we-re on tiMiird lliese fldps, but due HOT Aflt HEATING Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elhaii, of Hol- of Mr. and Mrs, Seymour Dolslra Miss Lettie O'llarreow left Tueselay Kilehener, Pre-ston ami Lemel-in. Bntor tad Proorietor land, spent from l-'riday night until were Mr. and Mrs. John Hussell and PEACHES a mouth's visit at Madison, Wis. Out., e-eove-ring :i elistanee- of t«i the splendid work of tho United Thurston Springett was home mea-iiing feor Iti^ Bapiels. whe-re she- Thirty-fourth year on the job. Monday nighl al Murray lake. children, of Otisco. Miss ICva Maxim returned teo her mile-s. —General Repair Work- Hepubliean candidate for nom- from Flint over Sumlay ami Mem- will idtenel snieool. Slate;; eeiast Ruard, the lives of only (Mtamfc P^o^K^Ogoe. No. 200; Mr. ami Mrs. Byron Frost and Mr. aud Mrs. (ilen Heynolds. of for his support, day. selioeol in Otisceo Meomlay meorniiig. Miss Clara Walker le-ave-s Tue-seliix Set we-re lost. Cull Fhone 202. sons of Lowell, spent Sunday and ination of Delroil. spent the week-end wilh Mr. ami Mrs. Harrison (loir ami for he-r scluool in Ihe We-sl. Ready at Coons. Miss Pauline Whillield began her elaughler Virginia, spent Sumlay ami , it Lowell, Monday at Hie Frost collage at Iheir mother. Mrs. Lihbie Heynolds. Mrs. Klida Winslow, of Maumee, scheoeol in the Curley district Mem- Mr. and Mr* Jeohn Young le fl 1 make u specialty of /or Canning visited Mrs. Ida Young several days Meomlay in Seeoltville. us matter Murray lake. who motored home with them to day. Meomlay for a ten elays' moteor trip Plants Give 0.7 Oxygen HOT AIR HEATING iBtii'Sssfa had to depend on last week. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Denny, of Allen Weeks and sister Lorna Sheriff spend Ihe week. Loren Barber, wife and son, of Ihreougli Camilla. In the- pren-ess of pi losyiithe-sis In SUBSCEIPTION RATES PAYABLE Mr. and Mrs. (i, C. Hichards and We have a few rayon dresses left (iraml Le-elge-, spe nt the week-enel spent Saturday and Sunday with (iraml Bapiels, visiteel Lowell friemts Mr. anel Mrs. Paul Jone s, of Mar- preen phints tin' ntiMiijiiion of cartoeon PHILKRUM IN ADVANCE. relatives at Hastings, daughters spent Sunday with Mr. for Eating we will close oul at $2.75 ami $3.1)5. with relatives in Lowell. shall, visite-el the-ir pare-nts, Mr. ami Buy early, get first se- Sumlay. dioxide tiV acconipanii-d I»y a n-lt-ase Opposite Lighting Station Regular 10-page edition- Dell Font has been at Hoye Ford's, Life-long resident of Ionia ami Mrs. Jake Bush iu Fruilporl. Warner & Scott. Corre-et size' Kve-reaely batteries Mrs. Lewis Jone-s Sumlay ami Mem- Friday- Miss Ariel Lawrence returned teo One year !?2.(K» of Soulh Vergennes. the past Iwo Mrs. Biehards went from there lo Married in Chelsea, Sepl. 4, Harry feor yeour raelieo. At Stoe-king's. aelv. elay. .of oxygen. lection and enjoy the county. Farmer over 20 years, Detroit Saturday to resume her Six months 1.00 weeks doing carpenter work. Mayor Brothers clinic for treal- Salxgeber, of Lowell anil Olive Mr. ami Mrs. Ora Cormicon. eil Three mouths .50 (itiard, Ionia stale hospital K school duties. Miss Hazel Tayleor, eof (iraml Bap- Mr. and Mrs, (ieorge Lewis were menls. Prices right Parsons, of Chelsea. iels, spent Sumlay ami Meomlay with De-treoil, are- visiting nt the- heane of Single copies .05 i full season's wear. iu (Irand Hapids one day lasl week. years. Slate representative 4 School begins today with Miss Order now Mr. anel Mrs. Julius Dake and son Mr. and Mrs. Fryover and son he-r father, F. (i. Tayleor, ami sister, Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde- Mullen ami Local G-page edition- Jennie VanNoord, of Cascade, in Fred, of (iraml Bapids, visited Mr. •> Miss Fthel Clemons. of (irand years. Pledged, if elected, to Merlon, visited Iheir daughter and Laura. Martha Mullen. One year $1.50 Hapids, is spending this week wilh charge. anel Mrs. M. W. Moore Thursday. Clyele Mullen ami family, Mrs. * economy consistent with good sister at Muskegon Sunday. Miss Myrtie Tayleor ami Dr. Dora Six months .75 Miss Marian Kellogg. Lawlon Cole. Jennie Biehards, Mrs. Coletla Condon visiteel her Martha Mullen, Mr. ami Mrs. (Ira ellicient government. Mr. and Mrs. B. IL Lampman aud A. Meoem, eif (Iraml Bapiels, spent tlie WALT ROGERS Member Miehi oan Press Association NEW WEAVES in Fall Those who spent Labor day in Lila Cornell and Vehna Hurras are elaiighler, Mrs. Kelwln Herp at her Ceormiceon visite-el ul Ihe- heome- eif Mr. little Doris, of Detroit, visited their we-ek-e-ml in company at Benton DeLaval Milkers I and National Editorial Association Helding from Moseley and vicinity attending Lowell High school. cottage at Murray lake last week. iiml Mrs. Harley Mullen, ed" (iraml shades of Brown and grandma, Mrs. Dollie Bacon, Labor Harbor. is prepared to give Member Lowell Credit Exchange were T. J. Head ami son Junior, Primary, Sept. 14. Hiqnlmi Puns ORCHARD Bapiels, Sunday. day. Mr. anel Mrs. J. A. Baumaii anel Mrs, A. Hichmond, Mr. and Mrs. SOUTH BOSTON. ehilelren spent Sunday and Memelay Mrs. J. H. (Iaunt anel Mrs. Will Donalel Mullen h:is a peosition in Have No Equal. you good Blue—Plenty of Doub- Don't forget we are slill oflferiug Collins anel tweo ehilelren were sup- Hurr Davis and guests, Mr. aud Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Yan Dyke and AUSTIN L. COONS wlth his breother anel family at Lans- (iraml Bapiels, and begins weakji Owens. Martin and Charles Davis, daughter Margaret, have moved lo while you can depend on Van Dyke's some splendid bargains in Summer pe-r gne-sts with re-lativ.es in (Iraml- Tueselay. * le Breasteds. ing. \ille- Frielay. (ieorge Barnes and family. Mrs. Jes- their new home east of the Clarks- Phone 150-P11 elress goods at 31)c a yard. Warner & P. Ilalpen ami family, of (iriinel||| sie Conrad and Mr. and Mrs. Will Scott. adv. Mrs.. Thomas Buutalu anel sem Art Schneider when they took him home and Jim ville depot. Miss Margaret wfll Miss (ieolelie (aollins returneel itapiels, ealleel em Mr. and Mrs. T.I " Trucking Service Fugle and sou Clayton. apparel Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- Paul, are spemling two weeks with Smith Sumlay. remained in Ihe city with his par- leach the Jennings school again Ihis Mrs. Lena Mdirath, of Newaygo, Sumlay from a twei weeks' vae-alion Rhone 46 F-2 I From Our Point Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Frost and Mr. was a guest at the home of her relatives iu Kalamaxea) anel (lales- Mr. ami Mrs. Herb Dawson enter- } ents until Saturday, then Ms wife yeaib burg. with relatives anel friemls in Detroit Phone 27 Suits with and Mrs. IVIer IVterson spent from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Meyers, of day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday bredher, Fred Jacobi, Sunday ami anel Saline. taineel feor elinner Meomlay Mr. ami > and Mrs. Lang went for Floyd Lang Mrs. Joseph (aoeoper ami three- Saturday until Monday with rela- Hlanchard, were recent visitors at Monday. Mrs. Kve-lyn Phelps re-turneel Sat- Mrs. Clyele- Ne-we-ll. Mr. ami Mrs. to spend Sunday at home. ehilelren, eof (iraml Bapiels, spent of View. tives at Fvarl. Sunday guests at the Frank Hunt Mrs. Myrtie Klahn's, Mrs. C. K. Benedict and daughter nreliiy frean a week's visit with re- Lawre-ne-e- Ke-llo}ig. of (iraml Hnpids. and Sunday! last week with her mother, Mrs. A. t Two Trousers Mr. and Mrs. Aee Yandenbroeck home were his daughter. Mrs. Clov- Boneita and Hernice Tucker and Dorothy, of Lansing visiteel Mrs. latives anel friemts at (jreenville Bev. Myreon Dawson ami fjunily. and children altended the Catholic er and family, of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Parsons are members of Ihe Dedlie Baeem and Mrs. Hannah Beed Lenun. ami Beleliug. of i.nke- Oeh'ssa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. church supper at Cascade Monday Freshman class in Lowell High $g40 Mrs. Maggie Le-eee ami nephe w, Dawson ami family, ami Mr. nnd „ $25. $35. $40. $50. | Frank Shook, of (irand Hapids, and one day Ihis week. Mrs. Alie-e (amdoell re-turneel teo W TOO MANY SIGNS. evening. J. Sweet, e»f Keene, were Sunela> Mrs. Clarem-e- Me lnlyre- ami dnnyli-, Mr. and Mrs. Fox and two daiiijh- school this year. Starting at underwear and going Miss Maude VanArsdale relurneel he-r e-eaisin's heane- in .laekseon, afte-r Wve never heen very slrnnti for Mr. and Mrs. Aee Yandenbroeck Mr. and Mrs. Dell (ireulx and son vislteors at Ihe heome eof Mr. and Mrs. le-r Beathii. 1 *• ters, of Knglishville. who enjoyed a lei her school duties in Pontiac, spe-mling three memth.s at her home roadsitie signs, esprciiiliy since llu- spent Wednesday evening at the Hobby, of (Jreen Hay, Wis., Mr. and Misse-s Flo iind lle-le-n Morse* sprnl , big picnic dinner. clear thru' to suits, our Fall stock Monday, entirely recovered from Kugeue Carr. in the- village. C. W. COOK auto eauu* along to furnish ns an Verne Leach home. Otis F. Powell and family, of Mrs. Lloyd Behler, of St. Paul. Mr. Mr. ami Mrs. Benjamin ICelge, eof the- week-e-ml wilh lhe-ir paie-nls.:.;. opportunity lo sir a HIIU' of llu- NEW TOPCOATS in i Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Frost, Mr. and her recent e)peratiem. William ileoinrieh anel Miss Oliye- Mr. ami Mrs. Will .1. Morse. Helen •? Helding, were supper guests at the and Mrs. Morris Leik, of Washing- r PlainlMd Ave., (iraml Bapiels. Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work hcautic.s <»f nalmv, and wr've always Mrs. Will Fngle and son Clayton ton. attended the Honie-Coming ser- Niagara Falls Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Cedlins and Se lioe nnike-r, eof (iraml Bapids', visil- is taking lln- loook-ke-t-joe-i" ami « :isli- Tower home Sunday. is now as complete as a bride's were Sumlay guests at the home ol v Autumn shades—silk spent last Wednesday in (irand Iwo children visiteel Mr. ami Mrs. eel liis meolhe-r, Mrs. Ileoinrieh id W. lU-ei Slur anel Oil-Air Oil Slove-s argued lhat signs plastered un Chris. Hieri, of Crolon, was a vices al the church here August 20. J. O. DeWeolf. ie-r's place- at Sle-ve-nson's store- al 4. fences and trees alcn.n a highway Hapids. Floyd Brooke is assisting with Kel. O'Harrow, of Shelbyville Sun- .1. I lull's home Frielay. Ionia feir Iwo wee-ks while- slu- is DeLaval Separalors, Parts anel Oil lined $30. caller al J. Tower's lasl Friday. and return-Sept, nth trouseau. Mr. anel Mrs. C. (). Lawrence wen not only obscure the scenery. IMII Mrs. Sarah I'urdy was home from the carpenter work on the Klahn elay aflernoou. Mrs. Leaiise Walkley elreive freom em her vaeatiem. Kasy Electric Wasiicrs. Oibine-t ile-alcrs Donald Pellon has come from Sumlay elinner ami aflerneoeon vislt- { are more or less dangermis for Heldiuij over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jedin Knopf ami he-r heane- in Lansing anel visile-el ov- Supervisor M. B. Me lMie-rseai and (irand Hapids to stay for a time at house. Solid Through Train—No Change eors at' the Harry Fuller heonie in Shallow and De ep Well Pumps auto drivers, ihil the limit doesn'l The Ford family held their an- John Noyes' line new house is family spent from Saturelay until Daniel Van Weorme-r. :i|ipraise-rs in italph Whinnery's and allend school. (iraml Bapiels. er Ihe- week-eml with her sister. Phone 01 or .'005 seem to have been reached until nual reunion Labor day at Island W. 11. Hexford and wife, of (irand nearly ready for occupancy. Lv, Lowell 7:110 p. m.(Cen. Time) Sept. Uth Buy With Confidence Meomlay nighl at Pond lake, north Mrs. Austin Ceieons and family. Ihe- estate- of Anna Me tie e-. widow (.1 v reeently—and now we are slill park at Murray lake, over one hun- Ar. Ninftira FSIIn . ... 6:4S n. m. (Eaat. Time) Sept. I2tli of Pine Island. Miss Mattie Collins anel Lorca Itieharel Me-tie-e-. feaMue-rlN ol Ve-r- I • Hapids. were al their collage here Mrs. Nellie Young mid son Wilbur, liiielin re-turns eif State primarie-s •> more opposed lo road signs tliiin dred being present. Buske, eof Ke nt City, were week-end 1 Saturday and went to Lincoln lake reeenlly returned from a visit with /frfsra/af Lv.NiaK.va Folla.Ont. V:00 p. m. (Kant. Time) Sept. Uth Waldeo Francisco, of Leesburg. Se-pl. It. Dem't miss Ihis. Von |f{e-nne-s township, have- tiled lin ir re •J* ••• •$• •J* •5* Held Krum won tirst premium on gue'sts eof the feormer's imother, Mrs. 1 vi ,""7^ 1, pia-t. plae-in« a value'ol ^Ui.ii'.'.'i niioii ever. lo spend over Sunday with friends, friends in Ohio. They were ac- Uuy yam llckeli early from Fla., an told selmed pupil of Mrs. A. ean have an Alwale-r Kent eor Baeheo- .'nm.-rlv Several I.owell aulo owners havi- one-year-oid heifer class, Hiehard companied home by a cousin. Miss William Ceollins. returning Monday to Helding where K. W. IIETTES, Tirket Acent Michaels-Stern Fall Suits~-iV£W. M. Andrews, at Meoseley elistriet, la in your home by ealling Sloekiim ^ 'wiiile- was in (irand Bapids called our attenlion lo Ihe ahuse »»i Krum. lirsl in Junior class, one-year- Alida Window, who will visit Miss Kthel Stinteon left Satureh.v v «!• .J. • *' 'i' 'I* v 'i' •{' 4 ^ 4. «*• .j. -j. <{• 4 they spent part of tlie day and (•rand Trunk Station Phone 131 visite el her at her home Saturelay af- Baeheo elepartmeut. "dv. ] ,(11|)1V roadside signs in ;t numher of com- old heifer. Hillie Head, second prem- brought his mother, Mrs. Comslock Michigan relatives. termoeon. feor Maple Bapiels, where she will today on lousiness at tlie I' Portis Fall Hats - - NEW. Mr. anel Mrs. (luy Meorgan, ol ((„iii. munities Ihrough which !hi \ have ium amUames Head, lliird premium here wilh Ihem. Afler a few hours Hoy Kyser exhibited his. herd of teach in the High selioeol eof th:il driven. Here and Ihere nlnii.u the GRAND TR'iNK.rANADlAN NATIONAL RYi Amly Bureliek will enter Olivet (iraml Bapiels, visite-el the-ir pare-nts, in Senior ••lass, one-year-old heifer, stay relurned home. Brown Swiss cattle at the West place the ceoming year. Ite-peat We-ehiese|a\ e vening from * highway enterprising ro.idside "mer- al Ibe West Michigan Slale fair. Mr. college the ceoming year. Amly Mr. anel Mrs. Will Morgan eme- da\ Word comes to us of (ilenn Hex- MiehiMan fair, and was awarded all Buffalo Fall Shirts - - NEW. Mr. ami Mrs. C. D. Maxeon, Jr.. \V. S. Wine-nar at Uleid.'-e-ll hospilal ehants" have pnl up such si-jns .is I**************************************************** Hiiiiciman. of Lowell, presented the LargeO Railway System im oAmerica has been Ihe etlieient mhuager eof lasl week, eiiremte for a trip 111 bird. now wilh his company, the the lirst premiums in the class. ami tweo ehilelren, eof (lah'slair^. 1 was lhal he had his eip.-ralieou lhal "Stop! 500 feel lo li.-irhecuc Sl.inil" the* Saranac Theauas stear since the Neirlhern Michigan. Byron j. Patterson six boys of-the club wilh a line hal- Marines, stationed iu California, and School begins this week in the jelay, e-ame- Ihreamh il niecl> ami is and "Slop-Chieken Dinner ;il Next Fail Neckwear - - NEW. lirst e»f July. we-re we'ck-eml gue'sts at the heane TIIK MASY .IOI5. We have again reached ihe lime ter and lie chain. he at limes, visiting friends of the North Bell district wilh Dayton live-re-tt (iuhnbeo, eif Seeotlvilh-, has 1 he-lie-veel to he- in ^'eieid preispt e ls for Cross-road." Sonielinus such si^ns Miss Lillian Smith, eif (iraml eif their fathe r, C. D. Maxin. of year when Lowell gardeners are (iertrude Krum, of Hailey church family there. He keeps well and Friend, teacher, and in the Soulh e-nte-re-el the- Leowell High seheoed and enmph-le- ir llliin. ol l.allsin -;. r tllc signs; Ihey know it is d;ingerons| easy when everylhing is going Odessa, visited at Ihe Arthur Shores mil. take- The- Le-dge-r. II The man who has had Labor day willi their parents, of daughter, of Kansas City, Nebraska, ind (irand Hapids. ceaupauieel by Mr. ami Mrs. Waltei in "Beoll Inn" eon Traverse' Bay elur- on old .OWe-ll frie-nels \. sl«Te|a\ :ili not lo do so. ami Ihey keep a slurp smoolh. Kill Ihe man in the well home Sunday. Picnic Days Are Here! Wate««M«er .^schoo1 l district. (irand Hapids, Ada, McCords, and R. VAN DYKE Blakeslee left last Sumlay feir ;i ing e'eonfe'rence week, while tie at- leielav. the law committed to his eye onl lor Ihem. lint il ihe "Slop" paid job is Ihere because he can William hevaiill and daughters, Ilarrv Salsgiver. of Vergennes ;ih,| Oraml tiiipnls, Aila, .Mci.onis, am tenels the eeonferene'e' sessiems in meel Ironbles when Ihey come. If IlK'KOKY CQRNERS. trip Neorth. They will jean Mr. anel sign is going to he ahused 1>\ road- \ivian and Madaline, of Twining, OlHivm e Parsons, of Chelsea, were I'mj* mMirled. Mrs. Frank Hilton, of (iraml Mrs. (aril Warner at Traverse City Traverse City. banc's in the past, tho man Ihe joi) is eas\ il's because he has lurried lasl Saturday aud will re- . ^I'.and Mrs. Jake lla/ewtukle anamd Before starting on the holiday trip, "IF YOU GET IT AT VANDYKE'S side. soil-drink and sandwieh men. spent part of last week with Frank in Hapids, .spent Tuesday with her anel will ge» teo the Seieo be-fore' re- llermaii Smeoke, an eolei resiele'iil of Outa Luck Ihe abililx lo make Ibings rnn in an .Shores and wife. • •i- jtwo children, of (iranand Hapids, werwer e who mack good, the orig- llien il will soon e»-;ise lo mc:in :iiiy- side at Spring laki mother, Mrs. Sarah Winks. visit our store for supplies. turiiiug. ne-ar Leowell, left feir his heome in "I.e'f nif write ymi a a'-cMonf Ihing, and Ihe dealh loll from anlo oi'dei'i\ and (|iii< I way. coinpierinti Sunday callers nt the Murphy- Sunday callers al Wesley Miller's IT'S GOOD." dillicnilies as Ihey arise. Our ad- home. Mrs. John Dyke and children, of Mr. anel Mrs. Ueohn Walters aud SeaitheTU Ore'geon Frielay, after aa Leelge-r aelve'rlisiug rate-s. C.harge-el tnsaranee- pulley." uryev) tin- pi-rslst- inal DRY candidate, en- driving will mount slill higher. \eheson home were Mr. and Mrs. FALLASBI KC FACTS. vice lo I.owell cilizens is never to Mrs. Wesley Miller and family Kalamazoo, are visiting Mrs. John ehilelren freaa (iraml Bapiels spent exteaaleel visit with relative's and ami pheme-el want aels, tile- for 2U •Mit salesman. "Vnii ma\ nee will he for cv Miss Flea nor Itiller, of (iraml their mother, Mrs. William Iloll' and .leohn Bheiele'S ami tweo seons e»f l>e eoiiiicclid wilh il lhal makes yon lurned lo their home. Louis Booth, son and. daughler, of and a full line off cakes, cookies and sandwich bread. Send for King Poultry Guide Today llermaii Pieise'ialahl ami Max Sal/.- eash or stamps with eirele-r. None- law enforcement eryonr Iraveling Ihem. Hapids.. was an over Sunday guest Joe Weston, wife and son, and treat, have loe-e'ii eamping in the- Convenient for Them woi lh sonielhing lo Ibe man who is Orange, were ai William Booth's family, of Beldiug. gehe'r, eif Chicago, Mr. ami Mrs. charge-el. (If —o—o— ol Libel Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Coboski, of (iraml Miss Florence Silloway started Paper platea and napkins. Kdilcd hy Prof, K. C. I'omnan, vicinity e»f I.eowe'll the past two Mrs. Kawle-r It is a cre-al tldm: that paying yon. Sunday. Harry Sal/gebe-r, eof Spring Lake, WAST I'D KM-IUIV. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels, wilh Hapids, were camping at Ihe Frank working in (irand Bapids Monday, weeks. The-y re-turne'el teo their yon have (lie trlephono In your honsi'. —o—o— Lrnesl 1'inekney and wife called at Mr. and Mrs. William Hoolh, son ami Mr. ami Mrs. Bay Steore-y ami heane in that city the lirst eif lli<- SICK AND ACCIDKNT INSlB- tl's dillieull In si| here in I.owell Jones place Salnrday, Sunday aud Claude, grand-daughier, Vivian ifter a few months' vacation. This luimly ivIVmur initio rovers llic niliiv licld of Mrs. K'een So the' neij.dilii>r.s lell and pielnre :i nioh ol rill.Ollll people, "lann relief in Ihe ^ood old Ibe Ira Dean home al Alaska Sun- elaughters. Avis .lime ami Heh'U we'e-k. ANCM- Dipe-nelabh- iiisiiram-e- •i* Monday. Shear, were ai Hamona Monday af- Mrs. Ira llayden and family left poullry mtlriliou ami explains Hie reldlionsliip of propii' lhat insure-s. Se-e- Jedin Boii^hh-.\ me. Center Vour Vote • moslly women ami girls, lii-hling • lays, asserts tieorge Ha/el. "con- day. Leaiise. One eif The Le-elge-r reaele'is elre.vi- Herman .bines and wife, of (irand ternoon. for their home in Salem, Virginia, e ve-nings at l'S.\ Memreie- ave-nm- or police :ind dt-lcclivcs lo i:i't inlo ;in sisled •f a tall. Mangling mishaveii Herbert Chamberlain called on JOHN BORGERSON IVedin^ to iimdiielioti ami lliosc diseases llml are of mtlri- Mr. ami Mrs. Waleleo I'raneisco. eof ead teo Austin is' heome Meaatay 4 - Hapids, spent lasl Friday night at Tiiesday morning, after spending e-all. phone thre-e- threes for ap- imderlaking purlor lo sec Hie dc.id chap ho drew siHl a inoiilh wae.es." I rank Daniels Monday. his home here and Sunday motored several weeks with her parents and tional origin. II eonlaiiis iiil'omialion every poullrvman Lee'sburg, Fla., Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. e-ve'iiing anel was intere-ste-el in tla- The Fair Coed - o—o— The Corner Grocery pointme-nt. (p If t body of n moving piflure .iclor. mid F.dward Tompson and family lo Peloskey lo spend a week in Ihe SEEI.EV 'CORNERS. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley John- should have and feeding rules lhal shoithl be praelieed. Krum, eif (iraml Bapiels, ami Mrs. e-anning eaitllt «if Mrs. C.oeoiis, whu "For my next le-ssnn," said tlie fair were in Helding Monday infill for • yet thai very ihing hai«pemil in Maybe one thinu wron^ with the collate al Hay View of his grand- Tbe Ladies' Aid, of Snow church son and Mrs. Lucy I*osier and fam- Klla .lakeway visileel eilel time scheoeol has eanm-el 1,300 epiarts eif fruit and ooe'd. "I have to desrrilie a ijaraiodiu." Primary Sept. 14, 1926 Hie celebralion. Feeds thai safeguard hcallli and vilalily, promote Ihe l-'OB SALIv—Cucumbers, elill ami • New ^ork reeenlly. Il shows how escnl general ion around Lowell is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller a mile will hold its September meeting ily, of Lowell. Right'prices Delivery Service mates, Mr. aud Mrs. Wesley Sullivan vegetables this Sumnu-r. • I" Iris and Hah Houlihan, of Crand ftrealesl growth and prodtielion. A feed lhal will aelttally pickling size-s. Alseo eanar.N hiiels.j "We'll?" people jio wild over "hero worship" ib i! I<> o main parents' slippers are from their home. Wednesday afternoon, September 15. El win, Edwin, and Wesley llay- at Clarksville, Sumlay. ami the- parly singe-rs al *3.(1(1 to ^l.rill e-ae-h. Alio • Hapids. were week-end visitors of Mr. ami Mrs. K. C. De-im-l returm-ei "Where e-an 1 see a pair?" 4 and il shows Ihe power of cnriosilv. worn onl on Ibe dance lloor. Mr. and Mrs. Spears, Sr., and at Success (irange hall. Pot luck den spent Saturday and Sunday increase body weight of hens or pttllels in heavy production spent Labeor elay in Beleliug, feormer :.^444444 Iheir parents. freom a wee-k's trip teo (Iraml Have-a phone- 2."! l-'-l-l. Mrs. Myrlle- They talk ahonl ihe sninll lown lie —o—o— grandson Hilly, with friends of Ihe supper will be served al 5:,'10. with their aunt, Mrs. Lucy Foster — Ihe real lest of any feed. laaue eof Mr. ami Mrs. Francisco. V.lmh-rjaKt. Mr. Knee, who has been ill so long - — • •— •- Frielay aftermoeon, re'inaiuing at tlu- (P in!4 full of il. Imi Mie denlh of l!ii- There are limes in Ibe life of ev- former from (Irand Hapids, spent Tlie annual reunion of Ihe des- and family, of Lowell. Mr. ami Mrs. Fmeory Bieharelson !•'. N.".White heane until Memelay DANCINCf K'lV. is much heller. A trial order will convince yon. Prices atlradivc. ICve-ry l-'riday night at Morrison dolph Vah-nliiio proves llnil when ei \ Lowell married woman when over Sunday al Ihe Spears cottage. cendants of Henjamin Morse was Mr. and Mrs. Will Ackerson and spent the week-enel with her joar- e've'iiing, when they re-turne'el tei FOB SAI.I-:—Theireinjihhre-el Bull Arlhur Spoon and family, of ISock- You can succeed und save on Poultry Feeds. Lake- liemse-. Music hy llarleepiins it comes lo cnriosilv mid "nosiness" she wonders if her Imshmnl didn't Mr. and Sirs, (ieorge A. Slekelee, held at Success (irange hall on Labor son Lester, of South Boston, Mr. am ents, Mr. anel Mrs. Henry VauDer- their apartments in Detreoit. Beiek pullets, Leowell I'rodue-e- small lown resideiils are lefl f:ir he- •y her jnsl to gel a good cook. lord. and Clayton Cahoon and fam- day wilh over fifty members in al- Used and Endorsed hy all Poultry men who have made shoiv. T. V.. Beige-rs. manager.(e la ore he-stra. Bill teo dance-•'rl.OH. (e-lfj Patronize Ledger-Solo Advertisers ma son Donald, and Mrs. Albert Sleke- Mrs. C. W. Taylor and daughter wall. Frnest VauDe'rwall came Miss Alma Bureliek ami frienel. hind by city dwellers. 11's Ihe s:nm- - o—o— ily. of Saranac. were .masts at Old temlance. The usual bouniiful lee. of (iraml Hapids. were Sunday Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor, of Comparative Tests With Other Highly Advertised Feeds... freau De'treoit alseo, teo speuef Sumlay Miss Margaret Shie-lels, eof (iraml kind of ciniosih lhal imikes Ihe John llor^erson says people who Oak I a vera for Labor Day. dinner was served at noon aud llu i'l'!A(.lli;S—(le t yemr peae he-s at the callers al .1. F. Tower's. Saranac, spent Labor day with Mr. If your nearesl dealer cannot supply you, order direcl. there', meoteoring teo (iraml Bapiels lta|iiels, spenl their vaeatiem eof twei fake slock and shell g:ime mori' amotinl lo imich Ihemselves Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worful, of afternoon was spent in games and Oak lawn fruii farm, lhal are- mil loll Flmer Sleinburg and family, of and Mrs. Wesley Johnson and fam- with thi'in to speaiel Labor elay, ami wen'ks in a ceottage al Hess lake. easily worked in Ihe city lhan in lo\ e lo hi ai; about Iheir sniarl ehil- '•rand Hapids. visited her mother, contests. Ollieers for Ihe ensuing Small orders receive our prompt alteiitioii. baske-t ripem-el, hui are- ripe ned 011 McCords, spent Sunday at Ihe Floyd ily. teo attenel the' Bible ceoiifereuee there. Mr. anel Mrs. Bureliek anel elaiighler the small lown. it's Ihe same curiosi- ih'eii and promineiil anceslors. Mrs. Jay I'arker over Sunday. year we're elected as follows: John James Schriver | tre-e-s. Ilusle-el ()e-e-ana, Ihe- king Lang home. Mr. and Mrs. John Friedli and Fureolhueut iu Leowell schools, Be th spent Sumlay with them. ty mid lack of reverence for even - o—o— Mrs. Coletla Condon, of Lowell, L. Hatdund. of (irand Hapids, vis- Hrannan, of Alto, president; Charles baby, of Detroit, spent Saturday eif all canning pe-aehes will he the de:id lhal emises hoys mid .uirls is visiting her children, Mr. and Mrs. Se'pt. 8, P.)2to is as feolleows: klnder- Axe l I-le te her, eof Park City, Utah, ripe- about Sept. 15. Theise- wish- Older rilizens of Lowell can re- ited from last Tuesday ualil Thurs- I'.irt, of (irand Bapids, vice presi- and Sunday with their parents, Mr. garteu ami lirst six grades, 317; Will Converse. f Republican King Milling Co. of our yreal cilies to look lighll\ ni'iiibi'r lb"' lime when every man day, here with his son ami family dent; Hoy Craw, Detroit, secretary; and Mrs. W . (i. Merriman. anel (luy Fletcher, eof De-treat, w-ere ing this varie-ty ph-ase- plae-e- vemr Mrs. John Franks spent Tuesday .liinieor High, 108; Seuieor high, 124; on nioridily and law ohservmiee. w ho ^"1 np lo make a public address Mrs. Ira llayden aud children e-alling em their e'eoiisins, Mrs. l-ainie-e eorelers now. we- have eilhe-r varie-- afternoon with Floy Colds. LOWELL, MICH. as e'eonipared to 308, 14!) amj 134, re- 1 The sm.dler towns of Ihe mdion ar«- reall;> bad sonielhing lo say. spent Sunday with Mrs. Ward Boit- Flelehe'r Chase , Mrs. Mattie- Fle-lche-i lie-s lhal are' mow ripening. ()r- Alfred Lanx. Ha/el I'.axter and Candidate spectively em Sept. 15, 1025. II is LONG DISTANCE shorl on :i yood man\ IhiiiMs, ;ind - o—o— lard and family, of Howne Center. .lae'eobl, Kimbatl Fletehe-r anel Mr. e-harel is leocate-el tweo mile-s soulh son. visited Hie Leece home Tuesday expected the Junior high will reach one of these lliin^s is Ihe kind of Tliere'd he mighty few fellows Sunday callers of Wesley Johnson anel Mrs. Lynn Fletehe-r the tirst eof anel four mile-s we-st eif Leiwe-ll. evening. , I.'ia anel the Senior high 175 Ihis curiosity lh:d would ni:ike one im playini" ;;oll. ' deelares ('.bris iW-ryin. and family were Mrs. Helena Cano, the week. I'heme- Neo. la.'M'-ll. W. V. Bur- Mrs. Da Her. of Helding, is staying for week. TELEPHONE SERVICE man heing lighl wilh .inolher for lin "if il was called 'work' and onl\ of (iraml Itapids, William Foster, of The' frie-mls eof Miss Millie- Chap- ras, preop. (e- 15 al Ihe Heil/. home toilay, Tuesday, A. A A A AJL ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .0^ A A A AMr A A. Aane A l Mrs. Harry Phe lps, of Ce- privilege of t;;i/.in;-4 on :i corpse. paid IbirlN cents an hour." The Most Wonderful Detroit, Miss Bertha Foster, of Low- V VTTVT V*rvTTVTTT*f*r«rTTTXTV*rV r VTTTTTT VTTVT"r TTTTTTTT* man will be pleased teo kneow that while Anthony and Fdilh are i'a dar Springs, ealleel em her parents, BABY CHICKS OB SALK—Large •—O—0— —o—o - - ell and girl friend, of Lansing. she has so far reeeove-re-el her health tirand Itapids. COUNTY CLERK Mr. anel Mrs. William Auelerson type* Barron Strain White- Leg- CHANGES AUOIT l.nJIITMNC. Hon't neglect lu vote at Ihe prim- Miss Violet Metlerniek, of Lowell, as teo lie able leo resume' he-r preofe-s- Mrs. L. J. Leece spent Monday ia Tueselay oil Iheir way heome freau beorn baby chicks, $0.50 pe r hun- ary September 11. Failing in lhat. Book in the World spent Sunday wilh her parents, Mr. slon as leacher ami has loe-e-a en- Von often hear someone in Low- Caledonia wilh her eoiisia, Mrs.",hie r the Legieon eonveuliem at Lansing. elre-d. Anceonas $11, Bheoele- Is- ell dechring lh;il lie wonldn'l mind di.n'l coinplain of Ihe work of Ihose and Mrs. Joe Metlerniek and fam- ARTHUR A. THROOP gage-el iu a rural scheoeol elislrie-t ne-ar \\ bo lake lime lo vole. I'eef. Mrs. Phil Schneider, eof Akron, Leowell for the ceoming year. land Be-els anel Barre-el Plymemth storms il il wasn't for Ihe li'-Jilning. Mrs. Wilkinson spent Tuesday af- ORE than thirty million Bibles or Books of the ily. visited her mother, Mrs. C. C. Wine- Bocks $12, Bull OnoinMhoiis anel and yel. according lo a liuslon —O—O— CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR Mrs. Bulb Stebbins, 1)3 ye ars eilel, 1 , How many people in Lowell can ternoon al home and returned to gar ami sister. Mrs. K, O. Wads- White Wyamhotte-s $13 per bun- scienlisl. Ihe « hance ol heing killed WHITES BRIDGE. 17TH DISTRICT eof Ionia, ami elaughle-r, Mrs. Stella Effective October 1, 1926 n member Hie old-fashioned doctor Saranac that nielli to help care for M Bible were sold or distributed in 1915. Born and always lived in Grand Rapids. weorth Monday and Tueselay. elre-el. These are- all husky, pure- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yardley and by lightning is onl\ om- in one Mrs. Dux berry. Matthews anel Miss Klva Ste-bbias, eof bre-d, balT-he-el freom select e-ggs who rolled bis own pills and mixed Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shear and family Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Ceollins ami inillion. The man on Ihe farm, he Miss Lora i'owen returned home The Country Candidate De-treoil, Mr. ami Mrs. J. De-nsmeore, freom eoiir heavie-st layers. We bis own medicines? Would you not love to have companion volumes to spent Sunday afternoon al Ihe home Experienced and qualified for the job. ehilelren, Mrs. (Irace Collins aud says, is lll'l- limes as likely lo lie from Kalamazoo Monday night. Lives lu Township eof ieonia, were recent guests at the pay Ihe postage- ami guarante-e- live- struck as Ihe man in Ihe cily he- —o—o— of James Shear, of near (irand Bap- familv, Mr. aud Mrs. James Collins home eof their nephe-w ami e-eaism, Maybe Ihe reason llu devil is al- Mrs. Sweet, of Lowell, ami grand- help you discover the treasures In that Wonderful Am free from combinations or cliques. aud chilelreii, Mrs. (ilaelys Hartley ele-livery. Preanpt shipments. cause of liie scareily in rural coin- son, James Sweet, of Sparta, spent ids. X Bepublican Primaries Sept. M, 11)20 Mr. ami Mrs. Wheeler J. Ilnll. Oreler freom this ael. The- James Reductions in Long Distance Rates wa\ pielnred carrying ii pitchfork Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clark and son and se)n, Mrs. William Collins aud liuiliilies of sleel frame hnildings. Sunday with Mrs. Leece. Book? Mr. anel Mrs. Jeohn Christie- ami Halche-ry. Alma, Michigan.(c 11-22 is because that's what In • uses to Boyal were Thursday guests of her Zeno Bultermeore, eof Lowell, atleml- wires ,imi olher melal slrnelnres Mrs. Leece and James Sweet were I depend on each individual voter. Mrs. Susaune Christie, eif (Iraml to Points Outside Michigan harvest wild oals. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Den- eel the Butterdieore family reiiuieon which in a cily n lieve eleelrieal Sunday evening guests at (iene Bapiels, elreove teo Meose-s Frio's Satur- FOB SALF—(leieiel weak le-am, wl.. —o—o— nis, of (irand Hapids. They also al Biversiele Park. Ionia. Fifty-six tension during a slorm. I.i^hlniny Can's al Lowell, and wilh them al- I will serve all the people alike. elay. Mr. anel Mrs. lab relarm-el 3,000 lbs., semml. IMiom- -1(5. F. To points outside Michigan that arc 150 miles or more distant, I' iv! Pistancc Door-to-door salesmen are fast called on another cousin, Charles were present anel enjoyed a splemliel rods, he says. ollVr Ihe eonnlry man leuded Ihe show. SWEDENBORG home with them remaining until 2 eir see- Harry Matthews or Art. rates will he reduced substantially—the greater the distamc. tlie ure.-ater tlie re- the same advanlaye in a llmnder- learning lhal il lakes a slick talker Hichland al Bulterworlh hospital, picnic dinner. Mrs. L. Leece was a Friday after- Will you help me win? Bemember, rural route readers, LOWELL MARKET REPORT. Meomlay aftermoeon. Mrs. Jeilin Se-hm-ieh-r. (e- If storm as wires in a hig cily. lie to "^yp" a Lowell woman and gel who is not getting along very fast. Miss Klda Tiumi, of Manhattan, duction. For example, from Detroit to St. Louis the basic stat'on-teo-station noon caller at the Heitz home. [1688-1771] you save Htlc by clubbing The Corrected, Sept. II, 11)20. Chrblle ami Mr. lab are- sisle r ami away wilh il. Merlon Alderink and Mrs. Addle 111., ami Otis Doelge, of Chicago, FOB SALIv—Barre-el Hock e-eie-ke-rels rate will he ?2.30 instead of ^3.(K); to Denver, $5.25 instead eif S7.40: teo San has made a survey of deaths hy Dan Carr has the house he re- Ledger with the (Iraml Bapids Press brother. Shear, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeVine Wheal, 00-lb I 18 were week-end and Monday guesls freom M. A. C. e-eollege, $1.50 each. lightning covering a period of live eenlly purchased on the old founda- explained the Dihlc's practical application to daily life; how it Yours for good and friendly service. e»r Herald. The cily cost Francisco, J59.30 instead of $13.45; to New York,$2.40 instead ed" $3.15. Reduc- years, and he has also collecled and Theda Jane, and Harvey De Wheal, OO-lb. test, white 1 18 eof Mr. aud Mrs. Dan Wiugeier. The Mrs. Mary Gaunt, Mrs. I.ester Mrs. K. Bie-hmeonel, pheme-100-5 p If Il looks like France would be lion on M-titS. The work of re- Ji5l.tK) each per year. Our price for tions in rates from this city will be in like proportions. describes the life hereafter; what the Bible parables mean when Vine were Sunday evening guests of Bye, per bu 70 Wlugeiers gave a house parly for (iaunt anel seon, Harvey (lr:ill, of some interesting lignres re.yardini; b< tier oir," says Lew Veiler, "if she building Hie ruined home is going either with Ihe 10-page Ledger Is spiritually interpreted. James Shear and family, of near Flour, per bbl 8 00 them at Holland. Mr. ami Mrs. Carl (iramlville, Mrs. Beoy Bureliek ami FOB SALIv—Feirel ceoupe- loeoely, geoeoel trallic aceidenls. He finds lhal had fewer polilicians and more tax rapidly along, and Iheir many *5.50 for either Herald or Press Rates for distances between 24 and 110 miles will be adjusted, in many cases, t'> while more people are afraid of (irand Hapids, . Oals, per bu 30 Freyermulh, Mr. aud Mrs. Owen seou Beobbie', eof Clevelaml, Mr. ami as new, I'.^.'l meoele-1. Call eir collectors." friends hope lo see them again liv- with the 0-page Ledger $5.00 per make the schedule consistent throughout, but in these cases any increase of the lightning lhan of aulos, Ihe chance His theolngical works—as issued by himself—have been pub* Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Yardley were Corn Meal, per cwt 1 80 Harper, (Esther Wiugeier,) of (Iraml Mrs. Ileowarel la-win anel b:my, eof write'. F. 11. Daniels. (p 15 —o—o—• ing on Ihe farm where they resided year for the two. Besides that we liahed by we Houghton Mifflin Co. in most modem transit Sunday night guesls of Joseph Shear Corn and oats, feet cwt 1 90 Bapids. Miss Ida Wiugeier aud Coopersville visiteel Iheir sem ami basic station-to-station (Anyone) rate will be only five cents, of beiny slrnck hy a holt of li.^hl- A trirl stenographer has retired lifly-lhree years. save you the expense and trouble of FOB SALK Tweo geoeoel Holslein Middlings, per ton HO 00 David Washburn, of Lowell, were breother, Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. (eaunt ning is but one in one million and wilh *1011.0110. That onijlil lo keep Mrs. August Mlche has been spend- tion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition of ja volumes. and family. ordering hy mail. Don't forget— heifers, eme geoeoel Durham milch in being struck hy an aulo one in Carl Haynes and family were ff MMMlisf tfcen^efCeSia Bran, per ton 28 Ot) guesls. recently. her in chewing gmn the balance of ing some time in Allegan, called save 50c at The Ledger olliee.. (c If. ceow. W. J. Precieous. Phone- ll(i Reversed Charges on Station-tO'Station 20,000. her life. The first twenty give the spiritual senae of Ocnesis and Monday supper guests of Joe Shear Hogs, dressed 14c lo 17 Mrs. A. M. Andrews received a let Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fahrni, Sr., -o—o— Ihere by the death of her old friend, Hogs, live l«i Jack Fahrni, wife anel elaughler. Mr. F 1-4. (p 15 Mrs. I leek. Exodus as understood in Heaven; and volumes 16, 27, id give and family. ter from Mrs. Levi Fletcher, an old (Anyone) Qills Mr. and Mrs. C. Lodowie Shear Calves, dressed 18 ami Mrs. Wlllarel Deunie, .Inn rahr- Clyde Collar says it used to be a Visitors al Ihe Leslie Ames home likewise the spiritual sense of the Book of Revelation. Leowellile and long lime reader of FOB SALIv--Seven room hemse- ami antl family were Monday guesls of Calves, live 11-12 nl, Chris. Fahrni, Jr.. ami family, common Ihing for a yomig man lo for Sunday were Mark Howen, of 7 (HI \ KOI ^ I The Leelger, who is visiting her son, led and ganige', 12x11, one lohoe-k Heretofore the reversal of charges has been available only em person to-person start out as a clerk and Iben own Volume 19, Marriage Love, views from the union of the Divine Joseph Shear and family, Beef, dressed 8c to 13 Aiiluir Fletcher, of Kli/abeth, N. J. enjeoyeel a fmuily picnic elinaer at eoll' paveme-nt, 123 Soulh Washing- tirand Itapids and Wesley Ames and (). P. Stephenson is spending a Beef, live 5 to 71/j the iieome eof Mr. anel Mrs. (Iny lal- (Particular Person) calls. As a further convenience to the puNu, this pri\ ilege the business himself, hnl nowadays family, of Ionia. Love and the Divine wisdom the Law of 8ex throughout all crea^ She, wilh her sem, visited New York Ion. Kmiuire eon premise-s. Otis few days at Ihe Merle Miller home. Fowls, per lb 18 to 22 laut, (Beose Fahrni,) of Seoulli Bos- will be extended to station-to-statiem (Anyone) calls where the rate- is 25 tents Ihey have cash registers. | SUPERIOR Lee Lamokin and family accom- City last week and went to the lop Poller. (p 15-10 tion. It shows the crown and Jewd of the Christian Religion, C. E. Bowen and family were Butter 35 ton, Sunilay. or more, both teo points outside eif Michigan and between points within the state. —o—o— panied by Mrs. Haines ami daiiMli- of the Wool worth building, llfly- the union of one with one only. Price $a.oo. Sunday guests of ('. Lodowie Shear Butter fat 41 eight stories high, freom which Mr. ami Mrs. Jeohn Frieelli mat sem FOB SALIv—Hay anel straw ami Untie Sam says the present pop- | DRILLS ler, of Ludinglon have just relurned Kggs 32 from a ten days' trip Ihrough Ohio, and family. height people on the street looked Junior, eof Delroil, anel Mr. anel Mrs. harel weoeal elelivere-el—will eleo cus- ulation of the I nited States is 115,- Volumes Vo. ji, 31, contain a full stitement of the True Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vandenhroeek Beans—Dark Red Kidney 7.00 teoin baling. Yeours feir busim-ss, Longer Reduced Rate Period and I'ennsylvania and Canada, visiting like 5-cent dolls and the aulos like Ileowarel Krum, (Beatrice ollar- 000,000 whieh should remind some Christian Religion as revealed from Heaven. Ij.oo the set. and son Donald, of Delroil, were Beans-Light Rett Kidney 7.00 the exposition at Toronto. They liny toys. reow.) we're Memelay vislteors at the Amos Sle-rzie-k, Lowell, (p 15-IS auto sidesmen that they slill have a REPAIRS Sunday night guests of his cousin, Pea Beans 3 50 Reduced rate hours feor statiem-to-station (Anyone) calls, both to Michigan lot of prospects. report a tine time. All 50c mereeri/eel three-quarter heome eof the Laelles' aunt. Miss tela Mrs. Floyd ('lark and family. Potatoes, per bu 1 20 Merriman. Miss Marie Friedli ae- FOB SALF—Cray mare, 14 ye-ars peoints and to outside ivoints, will be-ein at 7;(K) p. m., instead of 8:30 p. m. as —o—o— in Stock. Chad Lee and wife and Mr. and The whole 3a volumes in halfmococco at $129; in buckram, $40. heose at 31k'. Warner & Seedt. adv. old, we-ight 1,400 peoumls, $40. Wool 35 e-eanjoanie-el the Frieelli s Imaie for formerly. Between 7:tH) p. m. and 8:3() p. m., the elisceount will be approximately Someone is always predicting how Mrs. Holmes, of Saranac, were Sun- The treasurer, Mrs. Andrews re- 10-20 Titan tractor in pe-rfe-cl ceon- OAK GROVE. a visit In Detroit. the next war will he fought, 1ml no day callers at Ihe Charles Lampkin porteel having received aud dis elltieon. Just light fea- small 25 per cent of the day statiem-teo-stntiem (Anyone) rates; freom S:30 p. ni. t«o 4:30 Art Schneider Maurice Cahoon, of Soulh Boslon, Miss Verna MacFarlane re lurneel one is otrering any predictions as home. spent Sunday with HI Bryanl and SIMPLE ENOUGH bursed over len Iheousaud deollars Ihre'shing ami siho lllling. IMS a. m., the disceount will be about 50 per cent ,(KK),(K)0 a year. The service changes are visited Mr. and Mrs. John Delnier al Angelic Wisdom Concerning— Miss Sharp as leacher again this teoeok the chair and ap|N)inted a purl Broadway Ave.,# Beiilon Harbor, made in the interests eot public cemvenieiue, to relieve the burden mow imposed Cannonsburg. of her comuiitlees. Mich., amioiinee Ihe engageim-nt of FOB SALIv OB BI'INT—My 0-reoeoui Mrs. Archit1 (Jreen and children, THB DIVINB PROVIDENCB. which fovems the Uoiverie year. by the congestion eif business at midnight and to furnish still better long Miles Dodds and family attended Klmer Jones, wife and Iwo chil- Iheir elaughler Leds, leo Neirimm cedlage by park eon West sieh'. All of Hig Itapids, visited her sister, ind the Heavou and the Hells, ind the least is wdlu the gnstcse distance service. a family reuniun at Woodland Sun- The Finest Chassis ever dren, of Nebraska, came Wednesday Likes, seon eof Mr. ami Mrs. A. IN., newly eh-e-orate-el Ibreoughemt. Will Mrs, Daisy Itickert from Sunday of all things in crestta; ind in the cverydsf Itfs of Dsn. $1.25 to visit his olel home afler an ab- Likes, also of Benleon Harbeor-(Ben- se-Il on ve-ry easy le-rms anel pay night until Wednesday. day. THB DIVINB LOVE Murry Pike and lady friend, of Offered at the Price sence of thirty years. He will be ton Harbor Daily. Miss (leoelfrey Ihe same as rent. (Ieorge M. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pinckney at- Reductions and adjustments in long distance rates hetwecn points within book: san d revelation conccrrdng Ood ind Hi* Creatioa ever ' Ionia, spent several days last week remembered as Ihe son of the late was a feormer Lowell High scluool Parker. tended Ihe funeral of Mr. Dean's first puhliahed in Latin st Aroeterdaro 170» slong with tWei s l Bscsuas of tcooomUe doe to Its evet'l* sluelent. the state hecamc effective July JO. al his farm here. Alvah Jones. Afler going lirst to PBICI-D TO SIvLI^—A 1025 Chev- son near Alaska. "IntercouraeBetween the Soul and theBody^fifitputttabsdinLstto Mrs. Marl Koolman spenl several Ihe old home place he visited his Mrs. L. I1. Thomiis re-eelveel a wire Harry Mead and family, and I.eo Earl W. Munshaw reole-l se-elan in goeiel e'eoiielltieon. Star st London 1700. ______$1.29 days last week with friends at Is abU io dacntM i — sister, Mrs. John Murray, and olher Tueselay meirnlng freom Puente, a Heusegger, of Lansing, and Edilb (larage. (c 15 (irand Banlds. Mr. Kooiman went BMTCUI tnnaporudoo aato, making avat suburb eof Uis Angeles, that her Keusegger and friend, of Helding. Prka of sll ttma st cos tins, faduding poslafl $2.75 relatives, and now is iu Uiusing for her Tliursday and attended the able, svan to the an&IUet merchant, a com* "Why would you sooner be heie breother, Wllllaui Hong, wheo visileel were Labor day guests at Jake Heug- with his sister. Mrs. Miles Van Bur- WANTIvD—Ivxpe-rie-neTel farm haml aasidal ear of modem derfgn thai oSw»— WOIECITIM ITTOHET than at the seaatmror em. He is n lecture r nnd manager her Iwo weeks last Sunum-r. wife, segger's. fair there lhat day. hy niemlh eor year, (ieoeoel wages. "Oh, how feoollslo I Why, simply bo* (nee Mary Davis.), daughter, Mniml- John Heusegger and sister Eva, —die flexibility and hwdlizigesHofa three, of Chiiiilamiuas, and Is on his way IC. D. Yeiter, aelelre'ss Aela, Allei MICHIGAN BELL Ledger correspondents and eon- cause you are not at the seaHliore.** sem ami bredher-ln-law. we're killeel TELEPHONE CO. took their sister, Martha, to (inind speed trsnamiseioa -f cuppy Ileal elected for the ensuing year are; paid. Will call feir same. C. 11. Why Pay More? Hussel Slerkins. sf Mm, hi msMi tlie acteneei of kh ttmti As J"0# Come in! See thla' sturdy haulage ualt. President, Mrs. O. J. Yeiter; lirst Alexander, Ixiwell phone 115-2. Learn how lltde It vice president, Mrs. Jennie ihomas; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore and booh O, H nMtalhtrpJ,. ppfap. soowoww, mi titfcne hummkmm bnto. brsfc costs to own s Sorry for Him (p 45 If Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge (iolds spent truck on which yon proud Co hows tyecond vice president, Mrs. Ida Hfi ledrdi wsi for tht human tout. How M ^Mrtmsl amiea wire otwmd, Hhe—Why do you wear such s Usht Wednesday at Ihe fair in (irand i of mc, that nMsi tht lbM*i aoJ, Ai M aA* your name appear! Young; secretary. Miss Annie May- POIJLTBY WANTICD—See T. E. for th« Sam* weight loaf when you can get as I. H. C.f luttt Haiiids. I bt mdtoihiabo* mmi, s^lni, uirfJ Ladders nardt treasurer, Mrs. Nellie An- Goriyeir "Kliislile" Boge-rs at Leowe-ll preoeluce sleire. good or battar for 10 cants at all grocery stores? Eunice Suell will teach the Sayles JOHN DEERE It—1 wore It In a crap game and drews. The Herald, Mrs. (iunii, re- (c 15 9 achool the coming year. got faded. ported 1,045 calls made during last Central Garage Mrs. Oscar Moore and children] 8md ordftor hquMei lo All lengths^ straight, and year by members of Aid. Press Indloss STB AY FD—Freau my pasture', one were guests of Clarissa Davenport eommlltee sent forty-three letters. 2-year eilel Holslein heifer. L. A. IMPLEMENTS Exactly one day last week. exUnsion* and ttepi. Sprays of flowers were sent at Mick, Clarksville. Phone 12-2 (pIdiKOo A. H. STORMZAND, Prop. B. A. WHITTEMORE, Agent "She heoltatod a teong time bstwesn dealli of members, besides many Tractor Belts Mity-Nlee Bakery MOSELEY MATTERS. McQueen Motor Co. and repairs. sa old banker anel • young doctor. individuiil bouquets. This h a s WANTIvD—-Small ehilelren lo board nnel care feor in a licenseel ceiuntry Miss Mary Howard spent Monday IM BOWDOIN 9TRBBT( Bolton 9B Mast. Art Schneider Blaally she decided to make the doc- been the banner year flnancialiy. ••st on Earth Naxt door to Ledger Offlca. in Grand Rapids., tor happy I** SI ,804 were earned by the society, heome, rates reasemable: feor In- Authorized Phone 40-F 2 Art Sohneider feornuitleon, call 352. (p 15 S&fkfeit UKIVIIBAI c*il Service Mr. and Mrs. Owen, of Grand M1 aee. Bhe married the baakerf Ineliiding $900 from the three cir- Rapids, spent a few days last week Vbildk lowest Briced C^diift Ihidcf Phone 46-P2 cles, $572 from banquets and $157 Art Sohieider J Phone 4S-P 2 FOR HUNT—6 unfurnlsheel moel- | Starting, Lighting, Ignition from the window club fund. The with Mr. and Mrs. Burr Davii. ern rooms, convenient for house-, Telephone 43 Advertise In Tbe Ledger. remainder from various sources. keeping. Edwin Fallas & Co. (c2tfl ***** 1^1 11 1 ' ••• -:...^r—• -^•l — ,.-V-:v- - \

CIK tm\\ ledger and Jflio Solo THE LOWELL LEDGER and ALTO SOLO —I MORSE LAKE. The well at Merriman cemetery LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 No. 1 Is completed. Mr. Coon, of Alaska, MOST EXPENSIVE PARTS I FINAL ADMIN IS I KA I ION AT Volume Thirty-Four did the work. ( OL NT. UK. K u. SBEPAHO The Lowell Prod ace Store The Morse lake girls and I nyaiclan and Suigtaa Slate of Michigan. The probate SOUTH HOWNK. canning clubs sent exhibits to Hie court for the eonnly of Kenl. LOWELL, MIOIIGAN wants at least Three Thousand Head of Poultry a week. HURRAH! HAPPENINGS IN AND AROUND ALTO Frank Cooper and family visited West Michigan fair and won first At a session of said conrl, held al Negoa cie Block prize on canning and second on Saturday at Arthur Parker's. The Party by Our feeding pans will take care of that number. Last IIK- probate olliee, in Ihe Cily of OFFICE HOURS: i rOUNDIO MAKE THIS BANK B^LT * Joe Heint/lemen and wife, of I LOCAL HAPPENINGS AROUND McCORDS sewing, and a number of Hie girls (irand Itapids, in '.ml conn!.; on ('.HIT AlU'ii *|H«nl I III' WlH'k-l'Ild AUTO ACCIDENT TAKES LIFE OP Lansing, visited Monday at Harvey Candle-Light week we only reached 2800. If you ean not conveniently won prizes in o|H>n classes. Ihe 2llh day of AUMIUI, A l».. lilili, ' 10 to 12. a. m.. 2 to 4 and 714 B p. m. < f i Citz. i'hone :3H, Office: 47. Residence with his family. _ Col'NTY OFFICIAL'S SON. Hiehards.' bring them In call us. We will come and get them. Uev. Jublin was a dinner guest of BIG REPUBLICAN RALLY Presenl. lion. Chirk IC. iiigbee. (ierald Dean, IK, son of Mr. and Aaron Heintzlemeii and wife, Har- Mr. and Mrs. Charles It. Foote last Judge of Urobale. Z IBCUftlTY Your Buiness Home SERVICE i Mr. and Mrs. O. ny^ rl wero In By DOROTHY DOUGLAS McCORDS MATTERS.. ALASKA ATOMS. l.ansinn Tuesday. Mrs. Ira M. Dean, of Cascade lown- vey Hichards and wife, accompanied Don't keep those Broilers until they are out of style. Wednesday, and in Ihe afternoon in Ihe Mailer of Ihe ICslalc of Dan Wood, of (Irand Hapids. fisil- A very pretty church wedding (irand ship. was fatally hurt at 8 o'clock the former's mother lo her home in Hev. Jublin nnd Mr. Foote went to Grand Rapids Monday, Sept. 13 Sarah A. Hlanding, Deei-ased. S. 8. LEE.ILD. Mrs. John l.inlon was in ed his brother aud family Sunday, was held al our village church Sat- The season will soon be over. Old hens are now bringing Grand Bauids. Hapids Tuesday. lasl ni^ht when a roadster in whicl LLtirand Hapids Sunday. < Copy r IK lit.) M. H, Mel'lu-rsoii, having lil(-d in Physician ana Surgeon he and a chum were ridiutf turnei iT (irandpa Ferney has relurned Mrs. Hui/inga is quite ill al this urday evening, when Miss Annn a good price. Don't board them. Feed costs too much to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hounds anil said court his linal adininistralioii' Jesse Slahl, of Chiiano, was al TARDNRn came home to his hoard- writing. Joshma, daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Fulton St. Park OFFICE HOURS: lurlle on a turn on M-3!i one-half from his Kastern trip. Sunday he feed hens that are not laying. son Lewis, of Grand Hapids, were aeeouni, and his petition praying 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. 7 to I Imporant honu' over l.ahor day. tnjr house that nltflit with weary Miss Ma/ie Thomas and friend Pete Joshma, was united in mar- guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Foote 9p.m. The Most mile west of MeCords. visited the honu of Andrew Post, 8:00 p. m. lor Ihe allowance Ihereol and l<>i Sundays, 3 to 4 p. m Mr. and Mrs. Charh-s DyKt-rl an- The yonlli, whose father is a of Clarksville. steps. Ho was wishing with all his motored lo Holland Sunday. riage lo James Fdwin Menkler, son at the week-end and Sunday all Ihe assignmeiil and dislribulion of We have all kinds of Feeds, Hay, Straw, Middlings, OFFICE: LEE BLOCK riding in a line now sedan. member of Ihe finance conuuiltee of Hansom Moore and family, of soul that he were approaehlng his I'ivelyn Williams and friend mo* of Mr. and Mrs. Menkler, of Albion. went to Helding. Ihe residue ol said estate, Office Phono 93 ' Basse 11 F Part of Your Salary— Mrs. Mark Watson spent Saturday Ihe Kent county boa'il of .supervis- Helding. May ford Heaven and wife, own little house, with l(s dainty mis- lored lo Ionia Sunday. Afler Ihe ceremony Ihey returned Bran, Com and Oats, Lima. We handle Potatoes and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Yeiter had It is Ordered. l hat Ihe 281h tiay ni^lit at the Wis Yeiter home. ors. died a few minutes after the of /ion Hill, visited Monday al C. tress, who would, of eourse, be also Mrs. H. T. Williams visited al the lo the home of Ihe bride where the Fruits. n family gathering Snndny in honor of Seph niber, A. D., I!)2 order,, for ! 5 Yeiter at Caledonia. EVERYBODY BE THERE Vet nuu-h dftpoml* "n whothor a Savings Account at this strong, friendly with Miss Orpha Hunker as teaeher. Linton home to whieh the two ter with Miss May Aldrieh. the unhomellke hoardhiK-house room. eral days with friends and relatives ids. spent the week-end nt the honie llirec sm-i-cssive weeks previous lol in and near McCords. of Dr. and Mrs. L. K. Hnskins. Mrs. Churles IL 4imith and chil- Hxiionno accounts don't uct t'-n deep Mrs. Charles Hanen»fl. who has were carried by Mr. Linton and William Mishler and wife, O/i The shadeless KMH flickered in pale Whon ntntoBown tnlk loj;«-thor. said day of hearing, in Ihe Lowell bank today. Charles Tucker, of Chicago, re- Hay llaskins and family, of (irand dren were guests of her sister, Mrs. 11. P. GOTFREDSEN been seri.msly ill. is eonvalesemn neit'libors who heard their cries. Pardee and wife, called on John greetiiiK and cast Its not too flattering Ledger, a newspaper prinled and Finds Hoy Dead. llovenair and wife, of Hastings. lurned home after spending several Hapids, spent Ihe week-end nt Cam- Dr. Lustig, of Grund Hapids, last eirciilaled in said <-onnly. nieely. , . tu-lllhmce on the harren surroundlnKS. Friday. , PJiysiclan and Surgton Dr. (luy Houghton was called Sunday afternoon. days at Ihe home of Mr, and Mrs. D. pan lake and called on his parents. Rash Fellow A true copy. OVKll CITY STATE BANK Mr. int.) Mis. I-H'l ••""'V from Caledonia to attend the pair, Abe Lash and family were in Hol- However, Lardner went down to A. Wood, also Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dr. and Mrs, llaskins Saturday eve- Buy your wife Mr. and Mrs. ICImer Horn, of ' I'oiieeman—You say your husband CI.AltK IC. HKd'.r.lC, LOWELL, MICHIGAN Hie West Miehinan Stale fair \Ned- dinner to hU as he had heen sittinfi Wood. ning. Olivet, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN DALTON, hut arrived to find yonn« Dean land Sunday. died from fhe eflecls of eating a PHONES: Office 222-2; House 222-3 nesday. C. W. King and family and Mrs. John I'Veycrimith,, Sr., n few days Hegistcr of I'robale. dead. The physician ascribed an William Cosnrill' and wife attend- for two full years, nt the long Inmrd- A NEW AUBI "Viaduct" and "Bridge" ••ake you baked for Idm? That's mur- Mrs. .1. Kniikie will enli-rlam Ihe internal heniim»rha«e as the cause ed (irand Hapids fair Thursday. IriK-house tahle with Its odd •assort- DAVIS LAKE. Charles Clyne visited al Ihe home nnd nil visited in Lowell one dny Jtuh. o! I'robale. FARMERS STATE BANK I Inst week. A vladiiot Is a hrldueltke stmctmv der, ma'am--you must come along. Hiiptisl Ladies' Aid Wednesday al- of death. Mrs. Jacob Heuseh, mother of Her- ment of humanity. They were a more Mr. and Mrs. Hoberl Palmer, of of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Poller, of (I I-15-Hi). Alto, Michigan lernoon. Loose gravel al Ihe curve is be- man Heiisch. of Freeporl. passed Delroil, spenl the week-end wilh Olsego, Sunday. A Boss Power Hev. Jiihlin nnd John Freycrmiith A colored convict had rocelved a especially a law «aie of arched mu Widow—No, it was suicide. He « G- XOWSLEY, M. D. or less coiiKenial crowd who chatted knew that I baked tho cake. Nose Miss Laura Draper, of (irand Map- lieved to have caused Dean to lose , away Salnrday evening al Ihe home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis. Mr. and Helen Cole relurned to her home visiled the fnir in (irand Hapids one ftlhle from tho chaplnln, hut the very sonry, to carry n roadway or tho Ilka nffe'. e r* and Throat liii|>ersonally ahout (hhiKS In Rtmeral, day last week. 50 50 ids. was a week-end juiesl of Miss control of the lifdil car as il swerved of her daiifihler. Mrs. (iarlield Slater, Mrs. Charles Timpson and son were in Nashville Monday, after spending next day was hided Into tho prison's over n vnlley or ravine or across ai-. niLi i i' * Ashton Biiildini "A Homo Bank For Home People'' hut Lardner had never reached a more '.itizcns phone 02179 Va«la l.inlon. around the hend and he was unable in Campbell. Funeral was held dinner guesls Sunday al the Davis several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norris and own court, charged with petty thiev- other roadway. A hrldgo Ih a struc- Expert Opinion PKIMAKY DAY—SEPT. II, R.i2G. from the home Tuesday. Hurial at intimate ac(|iiain(anee with any of home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Coon. daughter, of Detroit, visiled their ery. GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN Big, Strong and Serviceable 1' .1. Sinclair and dannhU'is enter- to keep it on Ihe road, his pal said. ture ereclcl across a waterway, ra- The prisoner looked at the little Coroner LeHoy will investi^ale to- Freeporl. them. There was a Miss Drake, who Mr. and Mrs. Hronson and daugh- Several from Ihe village allended or falher, Cliarley Murphy aud Mr. and tained a nephew of the lormer from "How does this happen?" nsked Ihe vine, road or the like, serving for tie/ spectacled Judge with a professional day. Lmma Fash eoiumeneed her was employed hy tlie government ns ler, of (ialesburg, spenl Monda> the chicken pie supper al SI. Mary's Mrs. Charlie I'aiilus Sunday. Delroil Sunday. chaplain sternly. "I Just sent you passage of pei-.^uis. animals or ve ••ye; then snllTed contemptuously: The body was removed to the school in the Fillmore district Mon- an analytical chemist, a Miss Hoydon, wilh Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vollwolier. church Monday evening. Miss Kitty Murpiiv relurned lo her CLYDE 1. GREEN, D. C. Mrs. I'rank Hunker visited her sis- Mr. and Mrs. (7. S. Hunler and work at Kalamnzoo Tuesday nfter n lMM»k In which there Is a comnmnd- hides, or ns a means of support and Dean home today—Ihe day which da\ lasl. clerk In a hitf dairy oflice. one or two Mrs. C. W. King and son Kenneth "These thlnps are sent to try us," Elect Geib ler. Mrs. I'rank Mohler. ol Muske- was to have heen the yoiillK victim's Mrs. William Wordeii. daughter daughler visiled Mr. and Mrs, Cd, were (iraud Hapids shoppers Sat- lieiping to care for her falher, who ment, Thou shalt not steal.' Didn't transit as for a water main. "UrldKe" lie ohserved philosophically. Licensed Chiropractor »• •;•••{•++"J*•{••!• •I"!'•5'*!• V• I * ^v"I1 •{• 'I*"I"'!• 'I' clerks, hoth male and female, and you receive It?" •ida, last week. hirlhday. The youth, who was a Maxine, of Lowell, son Lloyd and Slauirer Sunday. urday. lias been ill for several weeks. enn be o: ed In a mni-e general sense LOWELL OFFICE HOURS: then there was Miss llennet. t no|.M. p. Mr. ami Mrs. William .1. graduate of Caledonia hi^h school, wile, of Delroil. visited Sunday with Mrs. John Karrer spenl Monday Mr. and Mrs. Merle Vanderhoof Hand Washer. We are all very glad lo know that "ViiKsuh. yassnh," replied Hie negro. than "vhuluci" can. I'UIMAKY ELECTION. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday W ilson, of Kreeporl. An^nsl •' She had attracted htm by her wilh Mrs. William Finkbiner, of Charlie Murphy was able to lake a Prosecutor is survived hy his parents and one Ihe former's brother, Kd. Lacey and and lillle daughler were (irand Hap- "Hut Ah nln't had time to git dat fur I Nnlice is hereby j'iven Ilia! a gen-' 5:00 to br.'lO p. m. son. Andrew Kay. hrolher. Kenneth, 12.—((irand Hap- w ife. •inlet, Ken tie manner, hut he always Caledonia. ids visitors Monday. ride last Sunday nfler being sick so yet." 1 eral |.i iinai \ eh-eijim will lie held in long. Mr. and Mrs. Than Hrvnnl wort' ids Herahl, Sepl. (J. Arthur Parker and family were wished she niltfht show some spark Mrs. Loren Dygert spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoover and I Collegiate Gowns llu- lownship of Lowell, ll'reel. Snmhiv dinner guesls of Mr •mil l-'ridav eveninu eallers al l-'d. La- of human warmth. and Monday in Jackson. family and Will Smilh, of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williams, of No. ) Connl\ of Kent. Slab- of Hi-CArsi-:: I In the Itiitlsli empire each nntv^r Mrs. John Linton. HOWNK C'KNTER. cey's. So he entered the dining room nnd Air. and Mrs. Frank Heynolds, of spenl Sood.iy and Monday al the Flinl, visited Mr. aud Mrs. Charlie Advance Information Michii'.-m, al Cil> hall wilbin said DK. M. D. WARNER Fall ; William Fox and wife. Wayne Flinl, spenl Sunday al the Joe Coo- home (.f Mr. and Mrs. Hay Lock. She will I'aiilus and Mr. Murphv Sunday. Narclssa—Looky heah, black man, stty has lis own emplrh-al usage In (Meopalhic Physician School hefflin Monday. Miss Lu- lownship, on Tuesday. Sepl. II, A. Miss l ranees lloun lilon was a stood ifmoim the jjuesls. They were ley home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hittenger nnd l>r. I.. M.thnw, cille Johnson as teacher, her third Henton and wife, visited in Ohio (ieorge Colvin spent Snndny night what's you all gwlne gimme for my regard to anidemle ndies, iheie helnu IV, llt'Jfl tor Ihe purpose of plaeing I I. Me is Ihe lies! (pialilicd audi Stv ccHBut to E. Saliirda\ ninhl fiiu-sl of Mi-, and all flntterlnir about and ianghlnf; family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hit- term in Howne Cenler school. the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hunter, of and Monday wilh his brolher. IC. K. birthday present? small relnllonsldp hclween tlie vail in nominalion lis all political par- dale, Xc"oiie<- I'lnek. I.owell, Michigan. Mrs. Lloyd llonnhhm. pM»d humoredly with candles In their Lowell, and Mrs. Kli/a Lamb, of appreciate it. linger and Harold visited Mr. Mur- Clyde Stark, his molher, Mrs. Mrs. Vivian Anderson is caring Colvin and wife. He began work ous Codes, cxccpt In fhe shape "f the lies parlicipalintj therein, eandi- Olliee Hours Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weaver, ot hands. The uas, for the flrst time (irand Hapids, called on Mrs. C. S. phy and Mr. and Mrs. C. raiilus Black Man—Close yo* eyes, honey. Helle Stark and jnand-dau^hler Dor- for Mrs. Fred Oesch and lillle baby. on ihe section al Whitneyvillc Tues- caps, gowns or I muds. Tin; colorings dales for Hie following olliees, viz.; in a. in. lo 12 in; 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Hastings, spent Lahoi da\ wilh In two years, had {.'one on strike and ilunler and Mrs. I'red Davis Friday. day morning. Sunday. She did and ho said, "Now whut you othy, left Saturday for their home Miss Myrtle Howk. only daughter see?" are unrelated except fhut red hoods Slale (hie candidale for gover- 2. lie is expel ien«ed in Ihe 1. ai ICvenings and House Calls by Ap- Hats Mi. and Mrs. .1. Konkle. Mr. and Mrs. Melville I'.oss and Oui village people were casl down Claylon Cameron, of Detroit and in Chicago. of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Howk, of Free- simply wouldn't ll^ht np. nor: one (-andidalc for lieiilenant ' pointincnt. Phone 39. son. Mr. and Mrs. I'rank King, Dar- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder, aud Miss Narclssa—Nothln'! Indlcnte a dnctorate. In the United (lovcrnor. work of Ihe eonnly. Mrs. An.ly Windier ealh d on her Mr. and Mrs. John Hickerl. of port. passed away Saturday evening "Homeihlnu's happened to themnln," with sorrow when Hie news came win (iress, Mr. and Mrs. Kmersou Melba were guesls of Mr. and Mrs. States there Is a uniform system grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Uun Fiveport. called on Mr. and Mrs. al tlie Inane of her Krandparenls. apologized the worried landlady. Mrs. Salurdav morning of Ihe sudden Black Man—Well, dat's whut ytf all Congressional One (-andidalc for i'arrott, Sumla.N eveninfi. Lind and daughler spent Sunday dealii of (ierald. son of Mr. ami John Campbell Saturday evening. gwlne get. adnplahle fu each Institution. S^rrmmwmiimn Every wanted style Wat Thomas Sunday. Heatrlce ae- I)aniel Weaver and wife, of near Warren. "Can you niana«e with represeiilalive in congress for Ihe II. He will save Ihe eonnly nio ii y. i Mrs. (ieortie Skidmore and Mrs. Lhndale wilh tuln'reulosis. Funeral wilh Mr. and Mrs. lid. Lind. Mrs. lia Dean. We exlend our Art Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hroadbenl vis- congressional dislri(-l of whieh said eom|>anied Ihem home lo spend the caridle-llf.'lit?'' Walson visited the laller s sislei in services were held Tuesday from William Schrader was in (irand sympathy to the bereaved family. iled Iheir brolher (ieorge and fam- lowie.hip fonns a pari. day. "Of course we can." they shouted Hapids Saiurday. ily in (irand Ledge Sunday. Respectfully Declined McConnick liraiul Itapids. Saturday. Wayne Henton and wife. Will Fox the Freeporl M. L. church. Inter- Legislative One caiijlidalc for I. lie is in a posiji.ni lo serv* llu , In chorus and went ahout M^htlnK and A number from Ihis vicinity at- Mrs. N. McCarthy and soil ICrnesI Snap brims in raw and wile went to Toledo. Ohio. Fri- ment in the (>. M. cemetery. Thief's Love Romance BUIII-INGASOUNE MOTOa* Phone 46-F2 "Hen, I'll give you $10 to have your senaior in Ihe slale h-e.islnlnre for pnhli(- imparl ially. bavin,:! no|i Deering Miss Mary Sinelair hejjan her dn- tended the birthday party on Miss d.a\ for the week-end. Mrs. Addie A. L. Tifjhl. wife, son Floyd, of placing candles. visited Mr. and Mrs. Karl Curliss picture made In the cage wltli that ihe senalorwil dislricl oi \v|ii(-li said li,N as inslruetor in the Dullon Pauline Hynhoiil Saiurday evening. A Sydney widow recently married Saiurday. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Yei- thai." eniharra • nr. :>lliant-es. ' Tractors edge and bound. Hinlon is earing for the children Valpraiso. visited Ihe past Week They were chaftlnc and hreathloss 'ownship ronns a pari; one eandi- sehocd Tuesday morning. Airs. Will llamillon, of Alvinsloii. a man whose anpi: inlance she mado ter, of Lowell, were visitors Sunday whih Ihey are away.. v\itli her people. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. and hichly 'enjoyint; a simple chance "No, snh, boss, not mo." • lale for repn senlalive in Ihe slale Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson, ot Ontario, and Mrs. Herl Merriman, when he snatched her purse on a train and Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lusk and and Mr. and Mrs. Wat Thomas were Hene.liet. Ic^islalnre for the legislative dis- Ih- will v.i• Ken! '"- iinl; a |)i Irtiil. are visitillH :il lh« l'« "ip to dine hy candlelight rather than of (irand Hapids. are visiting Mrs. and wns arrested h\ the police. Molher Lusk, of Lansing, aud Dr. "He won't hurt you. Ho hasn't any Snnda\ dinm r fiuesls of his par- C. M. Hi-nedicl. wife. A. I-i. Tinhl. teeth." lricl of \\hi(-h said lownship loi-ms, 1 Tillage Tools New Fedoras, silk Skidmore home Ihis week. under the hlatant dare of gas. Fred Davis. credilahle :•! iini.lral;i»n. ents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Thomas. wife and son Floyd, visited Sunday and Mrs. Lustig were Labor day vis- i part. ' I Ills thoughts were interrupted by Henry Howland and family visil- itors. "Mehlie po; hut 1 nln't going to be Mrs. Mr win (ireenleljih and Miss I'ere.N Htudard and wife, of (irand with (lien Mjller and family, of As- County Also eandidalcs for thei lined and silk trim- Olive Veiler. ol C.hieano. spent Snn- Miss Iten^et who stood close beside ed relatives al Helmonl, Sunday. gummed to death hy an old Hon.** Hapids, were Sunday quests of his sepia. THOMAS H. ; fid low iii!', eonnlN olliees, viz.: Sln-r- Vnn ean'l gel •.•ood Ie- d si rviei ini I Art Schneider 1 !l:iy wilh Mr. and Mrs. M. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Alien Lasby and MACNAUGHTON , 1 med. (^-brv a pari nts. Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Hoiilard. John Hnrman. of Lansing, called Idm holding forward an unlit candle. SPRING HILL ITEMS—ADA. cuts ! ill', ( onnl\ (-h-rk, (-onnly In-asiin-r, llu unless \"!i vole 1 a il family, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox and ( Connh il ' ' " " ' ' - Miss Hnth Carlson, wilh three mr I'erev presented them with a nice on O/i Pardee Saturday evening. "I wonder If you would give me n Jacob Theule and son (ieorge, of Rain on the Diainonds register of deeds, proscciiling at family, and Joe Anderson and fam- Known Throughout Kent County as "Tom" liiineN, connt\ auditor, eirenil conrl friends from (iraml Lapids sp> m iarne fresh water Iniut. light?" she asked softly. I Pump Engines Montreal, Canada, who have been Madge—Do you think Mr. I'hnn lasl week at Camp lake, near Spm U CAM PA I" LAKK RADIOS. ily spent Sunday evening al Will TRAVELING coniinisNioner, one (-onnly drain Howard Aldrieh and wife ale Lardner pulled out his matches visiting Ii i s brolher, Theodore loves you more than ta; does haftehall? PHiM.\|{> DAY—Sept. I:. 1!>2«. 1 Iron! dinnei with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lydia Croniiif'er spenl a Schrader's. Has honestly and creditably represented you in the Legis- ; euioiiiissiiuier, one surveyor, Iw-o Colors: Pearl, Silver nnd We feature two great Mr and Mrs. Sam Windier and swiftly. He also caught a quick and Jacks Theule, aud family, also liis brother, Mnudo—I really don't know. Last Mr. and Mrs. \\. D. Haneroll return- Lewis Hoiilard and daughter ICthel couple of weeks at home after her (ieorge Theule, aud family, and a eoioncrs, connl\ road roinniiviioner. Try Ledger job print. hreath. Had Miss Helmet's eyelashes night he told me that my eyes were EXPENSE Steal Gray. ,d from their Ohio trip Mondav eu- Monday. loiir Ihrough the stales, and Sunday lature in the past, and ia now a Candidate for sister, Mrs. Hamo and family, of The jiulls nf said cle.-liun will IM- groups— Cold-Beater's Business for dry weather like dlaiaonds. Miss Alice Johnson «oes lo (irand she started f«n- Dayton. Ohio, where always curled upward in that shadowy (iraml Hapids, leave for home today. open al 7 o'clock a. m., and will re- Fall shades of Tan and nin}i. . After thirty centuries, the method Hapids to he^in school in South she will leach the coming yi-ar. way and had the eyes heneath them James Haird. of Cast I^iweli, call- Madge—That la a sign ot alTecilon. main open until SMMi o'clock p. in., Miss Huth Carlson and [ "wai'l of producing gold leaf hy heating i $3.50 and $5 llijih Tmsday. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dntcher s|ienl always held that mischievous spark in STATE SENATOR (Republican) ed at Ihe Vosburg home for crates Maude—Then a little Inter he said of aid day of (•lection, unless the Brown. Smilh M..-I1I I,;ilinr iliiy : small cruinks of gold with mallets for | Art Schneider Aided by Long Distance hoard ol elci-liiin inspedors -hall, 'Zi&je TSnnJi^^ V ;ind Mrs. Lrin (.arlson. "1 (iiaml Ladies' \id will he held Sept. II I.ahor day with her molher. Mrs. their quiet depths? Tliursday. lhat when I cried It made him feel weeks at a time has given place to nn 17TH DISTRICT Telephone cnllsyou can in Ha ir di .en-lion, adjonrn Ihe polls Hapids. al the Aid hall. All-day nieeling. Cronin^er and Sunday niHhl took He managed to light her candle, John Osecar nnd his Ihreshing like a postponed game. inntcrlolly cut down ellicient electrochemical process. The * LOWELL il 111 o'clock, ii'mii. Im- one lionr. Laura I'lynn and daughter spent In-r to Middleville. and (-ailed on hut not without another satisfying All Kent Coiaaity Town hlpe and First Ward City of Grand Rapids oul lit were in this neighborhood traveling expenses. r.ernard Seheidl. of LansinjJ. wlio l-'riday witji Alverta I'orrill and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hell. time and labor necessary are enor- * Phone Ki-F 2 last week. Dated .Inlv 17. A. D. lOUIi. (IT.) VELVET M is working in Ihe telegraph «• hie . I look Into her eyes. Yes, tho lure * Calls to customers and children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malax, of De- Jacob Holt and sons enjoyed a CAKE-EATER NOW I I: WK N. WIUTi:. l.lmdale. was peelmti Alio friends mously reduced. « Prospects will build Mrs. .h-iinie l-'lynn has heen visit- lroil. spent the week-end al the W. was there, plenty of it. Solicita Your Support at the Primary, Sept. 14,1926 visit recently of Iheir oldest son and ClerU of said Township W Monday. ' business and retain ing her sister. Nil s. Warren* Irving, II. (irahain home. She turned from him then, hut not brolher, wilh his family from Chi- good will without the PENCILS Viiainiii A. Mnll. i-, ..r '•'•ini lb|i- of South Irving the past week. Mrs. Mae Croninjier and Lydia without a lovely thanks from lips that cago. necessity of frequent QUALIFIED BY EXPERIENCE At all i-ls. who has heen visilmK hei aiinl. Mrs. Clara Walls and Mable with spent Friday afternoon in (irand —well, Lardner didn't dare think Just ICarl Vosburg and Theodore Theule personal visits. ; :• :• ^ .5. ^...... Mrs AMI Lriekson returned Innrn > , oons a lady friend altended church Sun- Hapids. at the moment anything further ahout are trucking iteaches. Dealers Tuesday. The tdi-phonr is one of day. (ieorge (irahain is spending a few thoae Hps. They were all silting | Mr. MacNaugliton lias been six times elected to Hie Michigan | Ted Swallord, who is working for opened al Alio I uesdav days in Mnskejjon. your most voluable Supreme Sehoul down at the hig dining tahle which 5 > Legislature. Two terms to the House of llepreseiitalives and < A. L. Huiioii, has been helping oul Garage iiiorniiifj wilh I'.manm'l l-11'^1 !n HOWNK HI (il.K NOT ICS. Miss Ldna I'itsch spent a eon|»le wilh Ihe work al Ihe Vosburg farm. •ohs allies —econom- | Gould's | BILL, DING ical, pcrHonal nnd in their class. :ind the Misses Anna and Moll\ of days with Mary. Miller. tva.i suddenly transformed from nn I four terms to the Senate. During these twelve years al Lansing | A. L. Hiirton is building a line new Mrs. Clara Walls is keepinj: house eflkient. Vw. Lush us leaehers. for Miss Mat Ahirich. of (iraml Hap- Mr. and Mrs. Nell' I'ilseh (-ailed al ordinary second-class hoarding-house | he has lllled many responsible committee |>osilioiis. He lias ] milk house. * DODGE—BUICK j AsSmooll: asVelvel. Mrs. II .jen Whih* and Mrs. Addie ids, while the latter is spending her Peter Pitsch's Labor day. tattle to one flickering with the fairy- ; held many im|Nirtaiit cliairmaiiships. He has lilted these sev- < Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Harold lillis spent do' IFritr fur trial Sfimpic MeNiinniilon called on Mrs. Ada lime teaching. like laughter ami romance of bygone I eral positions faithfully und ably. ! two children, of Flinl, were week- IMnkCo e Your r Own OVERLAND l Lumber—Roofing Material Cement, »"r* lM»n» in Amcrieuu l> ad Pencil Co.. N(-w York GRANGE THEATRE presents - Thompson :ind Mrs. Sam Neiiman. •loscphone Salshnry, Dee Hryanl Ihe week-end at Ihe Sanford lillis ages. end visilors of friends and relatives ; near l^iwell. Thi. Ll«t: Blnhi i • of tUvfumout VI'.MJS I'. nciU 4 of I reeporl. l-'riday. and Miss I'anline I'orrill s|)ent Snn- home. Mrs. ICIlis went baek hut More than one couple at the table Fertilizer, Wood Fibre, Plaster, Salt,Coal, Harold stayed for another week. Verle, Marguerite, Florence and I and r.UARANTEF.l") • | Mrs. V:ildii Walls inti-rtjineil :i da\ ami Monday in Jackson, were cnsling shy glances. Lardner leaf Ceit el Sanl'ord Smith is home from his Donovan Warner spenl last week Hardware, Paint. Anything you want Marion Hurras spent Friday wilh ObiMca CSifli mimher of .M»im^ people :it a hirlh- found himself hating the young clerk 1 IbM for tea | SERVICE by EX PER- | school duties. lie has heen spend- at the Sanford Kllis home. their cousin, lillle Firnesl Earl Vos- day dinner Saiurday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Malt Keiser spent the slttini,' beside Miss Itennet and lean- for Farm and Home, Hard Coal in Tran- , burg. a'.ll-niur $|.J0 honor of her niece. ing Ihe last three weeks with his llun.n H .tiu i IF.NCED MECHANICS I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. week-end in (irand Hapids with ing much nearer to her shoulder than Vern Vosburg injured Ihe lillle Mftn,,, jus l-'riday evening siippt r quests of sit. Do not delay your Orders. Onr school started Monday Sepl. Iheir children. there was the slightest necessity for. linger on his lefl hand quile badly $1.10 Mr. :iml Mrs. I'.hner Dinlaimm were: r-hti-i li..-tr, a li. with Miss Pauline Whillield as Clayton Cameron is spending a "I propose," said Miss Itennet, while al work on Ihe dam al Ada S ooSl.Miir. |i.;ir, :• .;..;. .j..;. .j..j.+.;.+...... Mr. Mrs. Waller I.His :tm Clam Monday. Harold Lloyd teacher. ^ couple of days al Sam Snyder's. "that we all go up to my room after DO NOT Order Pochontas Coal Vow. "So Jim has become a cuke-enter, j ANNOUNCEMENT I l.llis and lady friend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hurras were eh?" use "Anyone" CnlU Mr. and Mrs. Chiml Silcox, Win. LA HAUCK KIPI'LKS. dinner and have coffee and music. Monday evening callers at the Vos-i and Mrs. .1. (i. Livingston attended You can sit on the floor or any place Price gone up. All being Shipded Sea Jess W. Clark MVes—married the baker's daughter in Itnnker. Miss Orpha lUmlvi-r :ind the funeral of Allen Het/.ner al Cale- Dorr Cain spent the week-end burg home. MICHIGAN BI-LL you find room. Everyone who plays last night." V:dda C.halerdon nllcmlrd Ihe (Irand donia. Sunday. with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Board. TRANSPORTATION is a very important factor in TELEPHONE CO. Life's Worth Living Hapids fair Wednesday. Mrs. Clara Watts attended Ihe fair Cain. anything must contribute. I have a ('OUNTV THKASI Ki:u LOGAN LOCALS. the welfare of a community. It is ns old as history it- Mr. and Mrs. I'.lmcr Dinlaman en- at (irand Hapids the past week. Mrs. Vern Lorinn and family were guitar and Mr. Johnstone has n Born, lo Fred Oersch and wife. Keep on Swatting if you self -caveman carried his mate on his hack 'p till the Sunday dinner quests wilh tier par- Aug. 211, a son, Joseoh Hoberl. tertained Mr. and Mrs. llo\ Drilling Mrs. (ieorge Frazier spent last mouth ergan. We shall have quite a Candidate fur Ke-nomlnation Rwnt tho fly whorc'or Iiu'h at, present time TRANSPORTATION has been necessary "GIRL SHY" mid Mr. ami Mrs. C. Hai nes, of De- Thursday wilh her dau«hter, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stewart. time hy candle light. Those who can't 'I School began Tuesday. Hussel And don't fornct to H\vat th« rnt and always will be. troit. over Ihe week-end. Dr. Jackson, of (irand Hapids. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schooley. and sing or play must tell a story." R. E. COLBY Hloiigh, Junior Clark, Calherim- And whlto you'ro In (Im iiwaKlna bis Eat at Harry's Seese, Virginia Oersch, Lillian llund thn idomola' cockrouch IIIH. A PAT HE PICTURE Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hood, of .loliel. Mr. ami Mrs. Orley Hnrns spent Mrs. Charles Lorin.y spent Sunday Kepubliran Ticket HOTEL They must have all gone mad In Hleam, ICdilh Oersch are Ihe begin- Restaurant who have heen visiting their daniih- Wednesdas evening with Mr. and wilh Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Klop- McCORDS, MICHIGAN that hoarding house, Lardner includ- ners lids year. Miss Hoth. teacher, There are al pre ent many methods of TRANS- ler, Mrs. Heiva Hryanl and family, Mrs. Wall Thomas. fenstein, (»f Lake Odessa, and also Striving for tke Touch WAI? called on other relatives. ed, for they all dashed upstairs, each came Monday, and is boarding wilh L7tt| Regular Meals PORTATION. The laU t and most «'onvcnicnt for Ihe returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (ilenn Livinyslon The professor had asked time nnd and son Charles and Mrs. J. C. Miss (iertrude Lorinn was Ihe clutching a flickering candle to attend Primaries Sept. 14, 1926 Mrs. Meiinda Lile. movements of merchandise is the MO FOR TRUCK, be- Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Hryanl, Leona time ngaln for tho students lo put plenty to eat Livingston called on Mr. and Mrs. quests of her friends. Mary and the lirst party they, as a unit, had Arlhur Hleam aud family, of cause of the speedy and door delivery service. ami Leo left .Satnrda\ niyht to spend Frank Hrew Thursday evening. Myrtle Thaler, of Leiuhlon, a few (irand Hapids, visited al Ihe Dilmau more iiersonnl touch In (heir themes, JUll«0A0 Sumla.N and Momlav with Mr. and Indulged in. Short Orders Mrs. Nellie llayden and children days the past week. During my term in oflice it has been my endeavor to conduct Hleam home Sunday. { so one of tho papers which he re- „, •««« Mrs. Allie liood in .loliel. 111. Miss Hennefs room occupied the ceived ended Hiuh: UUPHONf as you like 'em and were Sunday guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Sirs. Luiher Ster/i(-k has relurned the olliee in the interest of the general public. Millions of dol- ICrnest Bailies and wife, of Hast- The most reliable are those who have experience Mrs. Ceiiie Hryanl and danuhler to her home in Alio, afler spending same position In the house ns Lard- ings, came Saturday and were the *142 Special Sunday , ALTO, SATURDAY, SEPT. 11 Ward Hoiilard. lars have been accurately and pro|>erly accounted for and the "Well, professor, how nre the wife and are regtilatrd by ihe State, who do not discriminate Vivian, who have heen visit in,u re- Mr. and Mrs. (ilenn H. Livingston some time with her parents, Mr. and ner's, save that It was up one more guests of Mrs. Meiinda Lile aud and kiddles; and, hy tho way, before in tariff or believe in cut-throat competition. Stale Auditor's reports have repeatedly stated that TIIK COUN- children until Monday evening. lalives and friends here have re- and son Charles, returned to their Mrs. Kllsworlh Harper. flight of stairs. As he stood on Ihe 1 forget It, could you lend me live Chicken Dinners turned to Iheir home in Haeine. home in Delroil Salnrday after Miss Kvah Stewart, of Hradley, threshold he drew a sharp breath. TY TRKASUIHCH'S OFFICK IS liKINfiCONDtJCTKI) IN AN ICF- S. S. Weaver visited liis daughters. 1 dollursV"—I'enn Punch Bowl. Fair Prices Good Scrvice Wis. spending their Iwo weeks' vacation spent last Wedm-sday and Thursday Surely this was not a room In the For These Hot Days— FICIKNT AND HUSINKSS LIKK MANNKIL Mrs. Orville Deardorf and Mrs. Dan- Day and Night Scrvicc The ASSOCIATED TRUCK LINES have been Miss Allelic Hchler, of Lake wilh their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. with her cousin, Kleanor LoriiiK. I hoarding house. The tied had been iel Kaufman in (irand Hapids last operating daily for the past six years, offering you the Miss Helen Stewart spent Sunday week. 109 Main Street Odessa. Mrs. (ieorwe Campan and '1. Livinjislon. turned into n sofa divan, draped with Pioneer in Lighting best they have. They, herewith, solicit your patronage there. | Your Support Will Be Appreciated Several from this neighborhood two sons, of Detroit, are visiliny Mr. and Mrs. David Whitehead blue velvet nnd holding an armful of The John Wnnnmaker retail store relatives and friends in Alto and were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Froman and family,! Ice, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks attended the funeral of Myrtle Howk and co-operation. When ordering your goods, specify hluo and gold and petunia cushlonN. In I'hlladelphla Is said to tie the lirst VOTE FOR vieinily. Charles Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. of (irand Hapids, spent Sunday with, in Free|)ort Tuesday. to ship by the ASSOCIATED TRUCK LINES, and There were yellow shades on the Albert Hleam and familv visited al store to be lighted by electricity. On Prof, and .Mrs. I'ranccs Daniels, Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur his brother, Charles Froman and support the rervice that will support you. 5 the liome of (ieorge Skidgill, of tho night after Chrlslmas, 1878, It who have heen spending several Clarke called in Ihe aflcrnoon. family. candles and n white fur rug In front IlaKlings. Sunday. turned on Its 28 arc lumps, thereby weeks on the farm near Alto, have Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aldrieh and Mr. and Mrs. Hoberl Stewart and of the gas fire. A bit of statuary HARRY T. EMMONS Harold Yoder and family, of near returned to Iheir home in Mile^rille, son were entertained al Ihe home of familv, Mrs. Lr J. Stewart and Har- adorned the chest of drawers, instead liecomlng "as light us day" to every Charles Brewster old Neiter were Thursday afternoon days Freeporl, were Sunday guests at the one's nstonlshment. (ieor^ia. o. Hnrns Sunday. of an untidy tray of toilet articles. It Don't bake these hot but Harneis, Collars and Republican Candidate Mr. and Mrs. Fivmces Hnscham callers at Ihe Vern Lorinj,' home. home of Edwin Yoder. ASSOCIATED TRUCK LINES Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hryanl and was k home. There was nothing ei- and daiiMhter, of (irand Hapids. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nevers and COMPETITION IN WORDS Elmer Shaller and family were sons, who have heen living near pensive, hut everything was artistic. and Pads Charles Gunn for were Sunday aflernoou guesls of family, of (irand Hapids, spenl Ihe get your Bread, Cakes, Fried Cakes ND among Ihe lifty who were entertain- Alto for some lime left Saturday for The cool brown of Miss llennet's ed al the home of William Hollnian fiMND RAPIDS, LOWELL, SARANAC, IONIA DIVISION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrew. week-end and Labor day wilh Iheir One who goea Into the market to buy a motor PAPER HANGING ,loliel, where Vern has .1 position in daughter, Mrs. Alfred Moore and huslness frock Inn] taken on n coppery Sunduy. at a factory. Cookies from our fresh assortment. car today is naturally confused. and DECORATING MR. GEORGE P. BRAUN, Proprietor County TOWN LINE ITEMS. family. warmth nnd In her golden hair a hint Miss Mary Weiland and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hilhert Mollil, Ld- Sir. and Mrs. Harry Martin, of De- Minnie entertained a number of Work Guaranteed Harold Scott, of Waukesha, Wis., of red glistened. He has read the words tfrwafeafao often i pnasiiE HTIEI ward I'allison and Andy Hnrdick troit, were Monday callers at the beotand young iieople nnd Prof. Boyer ul is visiliiiK his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lardner wanted nguln to kick him- ; ll LOWgU, South Side h ) Art Schneider's 805 Jefferson Ave. Phone .182 were Sunday dinner quests of Mr. Vern LorinK home. that they have ceased to be convincing. Where iheir home Sunday. For return shipments to Grand Rapids, call Treasurer (). Scott. self—this time more soundly. i I I'hone KI-F 2 418 High St. Phone 260 and Mrs. Fred I'allison and danuh- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scoll also spent. Mrs. Claude Lorin« nave a birth- affia beat, he reflects, there can be no beat ICIva Mishler s|>enl Sunday wilh is Open and Beady for Busi- < Beaver^ Livery. Telephone No. 35. ler Merle. day dinner Sunday in honor of her "Two whole years wasted," he told her cousin, Marchella Mishler, of ness. If you waul a hole! iu 11 Lowell, Mich. Monday wilh Iheir parents. Mr. and We can supply your wants in Thousand-dollar cars have been described to him Kent County Mr. and Mrs. Claud Silcox. accom- Mrs. J. O. Scott. husband. The followiiiK Kiiesls himself. "I might have known she near Bowne Cenler. Lowell patroni/.e it while you <• 11 panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, of were present: Mr, and Mrs. Krnesl was THE (JIUL." io tan-thousand dollar language. And vice versa. A number from thix neighborhood have il and send your friends • 4^ •+• ^ -s- -j- »:• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t^ ^ ^ ^%t Sparta, spent the week-end with Hosenbertf. of (irand Hapids, Mr. Biidor Twiao, Pitch Forks, Shovels, Etc. allended Ihe eloKing program of the and impiirers here. You'll 11 My Slogan lloiiKhloii, spenl Sunday with Mr. Tho party was tremendously sue- Hs finds himself the target In • war of ad^sc- 1 and Mrs. Claud Lorintf, of near Mr. ami Mrs. Kd. Hi«ler. and Mrs. Claud Silcox and Mr. aifd Music Institute held at the ehurch lind it pays heller lhan to < • cessful and the candles were flicker- tivea; the helpless victim in a gigantic competi- 1 "Courteous Service" Caledonia. I-id. Hitler and Johnny Warner Mrs. Floyd HOIIKIIIOII, of Alto, Mr. of the Brethren near Elmdale Sun- howl for it after If is closed ' and Mrs. Alvah Lorintf and daugh- ing low In their sockets before there tion of words. day evening. up. :: Mr. and Mrs. C. !•'. Haldwin were altended the (irand Hapids fair ter spent Sunday evening there. wns n move to disband. Primaries: Tuesday, Thursday evening eallers al Fred Thursday. GOOD MEALH and Lnrdner contrived to he tho last to And so he Is forced to rdy on chance—the advice SOUTH-WEST NEWS. I'allison s. Mrs. Fred I'allison and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Krum, of Low- When you need Tiros, Tibos, aid Sept. 14,1926. Mr. und Mrs. Frank Peck and fam- CLEAN BEDS dauKbler Merle, were (irand Hapids ell, were Sunday afternoon visitors Took Long Nap leave. of (riends—or his own limited experience. ily spent Sunday with her sister nnd I Prices IteuKonuble. I ' of the hitter's brolher, Joe Haley The Seven Shu'pers won* seven no- He held Miss Hennet's hnnd warm- 1 Supervisor of Wyoming, 3 YMM. shoppers Saturday. Dodge Brothers, Inc., have never participated family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Har- i < and family. Mo yontliM of iOpneMiH, who IIitf culbs. Good yields a return of about per cent Is now applied to roads which former* ently excellent program.—Christian without sacssslve emphasis. mariea on Tuesday, Sept. 14. work, young iieople. Mrs. E. W. Aldrieh wns u culler on InveHted capUal. Tlie production ly collected tollH.—Exehnnge. Science Monitor. WE STAY OPEN EVENINGS Shattuck's Gardens Unasaggarated truth Is not spectacular. But in ut the Frank Peek home Friduy. Is strictly limited, nnd tho amount of The People Must Love 'Em M. B. McPherson A new lot ot flne colored prinllng tha long run, implicit public conftdence haa Miss Doris Curey, of Grund Hup- (P IS) Phone 341 lirVr quinine In tho open market Is nog. FOR YOUR ACCOMODATION at inks for (bose who like somelhlng Nine Lives a Second ids, has been siiending a few days Nelson Kelley Patron of tke Crippled i. bssn Dodge Brothers rewsrd, and thia they different in .job prinllng Just re- liglble. with Mr. und Mrs. ICd. Easlerbrook. Not the cut's nine lives, but the St. Giles was chosen patron of erip* propoae to preaerve forovor by continuing Mr. und Mrs. Guv Slocum spent "He Makes So Many of em." L. G. Sevey ceived st The l.«dger oflice. (If Uvea ot nine sardines are ended In a pies been use he refused to be cored to build juat a little better than tbey tell Sunduy In Grund Hnpids. Unfair Division second by s machine that sorts, scales, Wm. H. Myers of lameness. He was a Creek who Mr. und Mrs. ICarl Kinyon s|>enl Money Talks It vtll not do to bo saints at most* babeadi and deum sardines all in Happy Allei's General Stere Sunduy with her purents, Mr. und come to Frnnce In the Seventh ean- W. B. Bowman ing and sinners everywhere olse.— ooa aecood. Mrs. Willie Biirch. Suleniun, Salesladies and lie- tury, and beenme the head of a mea- tail merchimL My items HI nil > J Me De Hoyt Henry Ward Boecher. McCORDS, - • . MICHIGAN GOULD'S GARAGE Mr. und Mrs. Clinton Thomas J.D.rilkiiu astlc government. 111 Main g|. silent Tuesday evening with tier of you. SaleHimin uvernges tl.UO Lumber, Building Materials SUeni Misckief Fhone ISS daughler and family, Mr. und Mrs. prollt for every deuler culled on. J. G. Livingston CAeerfeUess Ahops Ail OUR MOTTOt ia and will be. Many Sales and John Christof. Costs dealer S2.U0, he sells for - Coal and Cement The moaquito Is like a child; the Tkanksgiving Berry I fti.ft) makes lM,r>() on i|l2.IH) in- Cheerful looks make every disk s Small Profits Mr. und Mrs. Frunk Peterson, of jpli E. B. Fearon Where Quality and Price Meet moment ha stops mnklnf a noise you Crnnherry was originally cruneber- vested. SuleKinun makes iM.00. If toast, and It Is that which crowas a ry. Tbe fruit Is borne on curved stalks, Grand Bupidx, and Udtie Kinyon. L. E. JOHNSON .know ba la getting lute somethiag.- you are u suleiminn or wish lo ir

ooooooooooooooooo CASSEROLE HELPS E^g Yolk !§ Invaluable Improved Uniform International OSTRICH BOA HAS COME BACK; MAKING A DINNER in Diet of Young Child MANY WOMEN Left-over egg yolks have many good l IT f YOUTHFUL DESIGNS IN PAJAMAS POINTS ON ^ '*5 OKITOTN uses. Tbe egg yolk contains a larger Milk Standards of Most Satiifactory to percentage of Iron than almost any Sunday School A fasolnallns play of color add* KEEPING WELL N 01.1 • friend IIIIH relurned. Yes Serve Guests. other food. For this reason It Is Inval- CET IIP SMGiNG KAiyjO f HCABINET A 'IU true, the ostrich boa In th.- '•••MIIIX upon beauty if llu* new ostrich uable In Ibe diet of ehlldrcn whu get ; % itfi). IV.'S. NHWopitpm I ulitil.) un, of fashion. Which all Koes to full uietiMire of itit former ulory i> (Pr-inc.l by il « rnlie.! Smi^i Depiirlinent plenty of calcium from milk but are Two Women FindI Healtk EueitUI to Htppiieit un with UN SIKHIII. I'arlu decrocn It ah llu- -hov I bill oNtrleh iici essorles are a of .\»'i iful'urn.) not likely to get enough Iron. Kgg ' Lesson Mow c-an unyoin* «tail (lia duy DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN (BR HEV. p. H. RRRAWATUK, D.D., NEAA Are Set Righ fon-ii -st thoUKhi ol* the present hour. " • m i pruperiy If ha wukttit In u room outstandlnt; Idea anions acces-Jorv If you liave not dise«»vered the pos- yolks can be cooked bard without tlie M Editor of "HEALTH" "My mothirdi-law, aaya Mm HtoTMT. ef Day mid Kvanlna a.'hnoli. Moody Ulbl* TUBERCULOSIS IS Summer Sports where the palot una \vull|mi»er itri fashions. So In eonies the ostrich hoa. Ask any of the bobbed hair sorority, •Ibilltles of a casserole for making a addition of any fat, for tbey them- i Intiliutii of Oliicnsu.) 1 t-:'U conatmitl> niHklnii fucon a'. tli« and Ihelr name Is le«b»n. lo express Bella Thompoon, Route t, RoaartUa^ Kt). ISS6. W-Htirii N-wnpnpor I'nlon.) After hours of active play, a cup of very lon^ or very short, not only in dinner both delicious and easy to pre- selves contain a large amount of fat. OIL, "told ma ef Lydla E. Plakham's Promulgated for Guidance ami fhe tenths per rent CJ.'i.r/; ) of SPREAD BY HENS ; furnltur« ihHr opinion «III ihe suhject and in* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , . — - | delicious Monarch Cocoa is a real dressy versions hut In street l)|i«^ pare, now is a good time to try it. This cooking can lie sailsfactorlly done Vegetable Compooad and Lydla •. total solids; provltlnl. however, that treat. "And he who gives a child a variably in a burst of Hiihusiasiu of Officials in Enforcing HELPFUL HINTS as well. PREVENTION OF An or glass baking dixh in a double boiler. I lard-cooked egg Plnkbam'a Baaatlre Waah. 1 took Lesson for September 5 the mm ol the percentages of initk The tran-iid*s!on of fowl or avian! treat, makes jovbclls ring in Hcaven't Some nf ihe smartest ostrich boas ilo-y will exputhile in a verllabte tor- with a c|ose-fli I im; cover, is desirable yolks ma shed and seasoned make a j Mm all bottles ef the Vegetable Com* in Pure Food Act. fai and total milk solids tie not less , tuberculosis through the egg Is a neg , street." Pure, wholesome, refreshing, BEDSORES rent of words upon the comfort and If you have one, especially If you In- pound. 1 could aleep and would fit satisfying, deliciou.s. Sliced oolil roust IMMM" maktH H most or rulYs assnmo a llht collar shape nt very good filling for sandwiches. Kgg | THE TENT OF MEETING lhan Ihlnv three and heven-tentlis liglble factor In spreading the iHm a>e practicablllly of Ihe fashion. Kveu HO (W.T'f). tached hennith to a urdsfrrnln ribbon. tend t./ briny the casserole to the ta- yolks, raw or hard cooked, make good ! up in the morning aiaglng and feel- tPrfpufd by Hi* rnltut Biai-. Ii»t,iititn-nt according lo the results of exiensiv* a--.. • ^ tasty dNh whi'ii I'oruhined wilh poiu- in rogard to the vogue of vvearlim pa- IIK healthy human being, whi of Ar'lculturr.) tuff, onions mid Then there Is Ihe 1'lerrol ooilaretM* ble. Hut if you wish to experiment salad dressings, rhopped beef mixed ing fine. 1 am the mother of three LKSSON TKXT—Rxodus US. Condensed Milk. experimenis conducted by Dr. I*, lanms. Womankind has been con- Tspends from seven to eight hours ir children, and alwaya after the babies GOLDEN' TKXT—And the Lord spake The secretury of agriculture has loumlu. I'ut u which extends JUM around the neck. In llrM l ll , 1 with raw egg yolks contains a higher S. Sweetened Condensed Milk.— ritcb. division chief, ami It. K. I.ub vorieil lo the Idea from a common* hill in i. (jtiif, will turn fn.ni .III- i- " "' " " "'""""I " " came I bad to take treatments, bat unto Mnsi-u face to face as a man promulgated, for the guidance of olll- MONARCH luyiT itf thinly ns saucy and perky a manimr as one 1 l, r proportion of Iron than almost any epeHkfth unio his friend. Sweetened condensed milk Is the behusen and Ituth N. Dikmans of the sense standpoint. More and more are •1,1... evi'li uiiruuu'li.iiHly, UurinK ilcf 1" " " 1 can truly aay that thla last time I rials in Ihe enforcement of Ihe fed- sliced uncookod rotlld wish. HHIH rrliovlng anv on* J.nrl („ iiluiiilinnn suiuyiiui. ...• ..v.... im Iron other meat dish. It can bo broiled In j rniMAItY TOPIC—Mod's House In product resulting from the evap- veterinary medicine stafl' at I'niver Qualityfor JoVcars COFFEE have only used the Sanative Waah. tbit WIliientfMi'. eral food and drugs act. revised and Never Solil Thfink'H Chjiln Store*. and potato Int" the wl11 ,l! 111 v r cakes or baked in a roll. It has a very i oration tif ii considerable portion sity farm. St. Paul. Minn. The ex Hie biKly from tl„ |.r,.Mnro „f i!.J ' " : '•" " It doea more good than the treat .M'NI'iR TOPIC—MOHM Wornhlps In amended definitions and standards for RHID, MURDOCH &. CO. IOUOIII of a hak- l f delicate Ilavor and Is therefore recom- i Ood's Houi-e. perlmenla have been running ahout a lioilr wi'lghr for t.... IOHR « .In,.., Hui I " " ' ments. It keepe me on my feet io ftW'OS milk and Its products adopted by Ihe of tlie water from the whole, fresh, Chic«go • Potion • Piushurgh • New York COCOA im; 'llsh. cover ,,,r wm f l v mended for the sick, llollandalse I care for my children and I do moat 1 NT KUM KDt ATE AND SENIOR TOP- clean, lacteal secretion obtained hy year and the experimenters have so tlif I'hrontr Invalid, whi. tnu.i «..nii- ' • ' - - u " plutler, whic1"' ,"h IC—Friendship With Mod. fowl stundurd commit lee. This com- with i tliin layer ; lu samv which consists chiefly of egg , of my work. I feel It my duty to lei Wiring Diagram ef the Four.Tube Re celver. the eomplele milkini: of one or more far examined nearl.v HOC eggs laid hv times pass weeks, months or ever cs a:; i'.\llM piece to wasiied. YOt'NO I'KOPLK AND ADULT TOP- mittee is composed of three represen- of thluly sliced I mal. yolks and butter Is good to serve with | you know Bow both of the medidnis IC—•.'omii.unlon Wilh Mod. healthy tows, properly fed and kept, about -tu known luherculous hen* af years in bed, has nu such ability, ft: casserole i- a dish saver, H tatives each of the Association of Sure Enough Generous Offer ouioii. ilici, iidd a la.vcr of thinly >liced Tile llsh and is particularly appropriate i have helped me. By K. B. HUMPHREY deep, it muy be made wider than n excluding lhal obtained within fifteen • fected with various tonus of the di- one of ihe most serious and dangerous ] cn.sserttlc dinner Is one of the Americun Dairy. Food and 1 'rug Olll- 'i'a." BEUIIN linle I.ESTER |,iverir.ore. N'TL.T I i. movie iheater: "All beef, cover wltli i iiii;n>< aiul bake un- A for lids purpose since most kinds of j In fbtt New York Herald-Trlbuno. Inches If It Is desired, due allowance 1. The Divine Command to Poatess days before and ten days after eiise. Mnn.v of the eggs were exam | complications from which such unfor-1 The guallly Four, as Its name lin- clals. ot^ the Association of Olllclal he of Ihe inquiring mliiti. "they don't child EI. ; imuhv parinl9 un- tints >ai •factory to serve lit guests llsh contain less Iron than meat and ^ Another Happy Woman being made for fhe dimensions of tbe the Land (vv. l-(l). calving, io which sugar (sucrose) has tned hy inoi-ulalion Into the bodies of iii the pot:iioi"« are well done. If i Minutes suffer Is what are known as. Agricultural Chemists, and of the U»E uny nails in .Inpaii. TL" they?' der tw< ;v< year* ATE admitted wle itne i- hoth cook and hostess. far less fat. The proportions usually ' plies, was designed with the express cabinet. 1. The abiding purpose (v. 1). chickens ami manv others have heen >kei| P£l reheat eil at dinner linit! for half au alarming for tho economical house- | aometimea have to hold myaelf ap minimum number of tubes which top of tbe panel by menns of two Innd despite the fnct that the calf animals so inoculated, has as yet d- Serve wilh a >poonfiii nriW"»of velop at any point where there Springtime streamed in through The revised standards und defini- milk soliiK and not less than eiglir "riien. latvv TLO the f.ltih tl.em- 1 hour or sit. In this way the house- keeper because of the large amount of with my hands. I waa thia way for would give quality above all else. How- v v eloped t uherculosis. peas over tin* tup "I the -I'^li IH long-continued pressure or Irrita- tbe open windowa. The green fields small brass brackets. worship had broken the bond between per cent i ' r) tif milk fat. M'lve;. p;.V' IA.);..,,; keeper is free to lliiish ihe other de- Ave yeara, off and on. I read in the ever. afler extensive tests It was tions Include milk, pasteuriy.ed milk, butter called for. For every day pur- j of Georgia were basking in the Riim After tbe appnrutus l^ well assem- them and tbelr Mod. Mod spoke of 9. Ev-iporoted Skimmed Milk.— "These result* would seem to Indi- il Is hard i" ii'aih the uverage tion, such as is caused by the patient nowapapera where Lydla B. Pink* found that It also bad good distance- hotnogenl'/.ed milk, skimmed milk, hut- tails of her dinner, S1and Is spared that poses a simpler sauce made out of ahlne. Somewhere a bird was trilb them as tbe people whom Moses cate." say the authors, "that tubercle Sure Relief housewife to buy the coaiM-r mis of j lyingToo long In one position, from i ";' ham'a Vegetable Compound haa bled on the subpanel and front panel Kvaporaied ^Vimmtii milk I-- the Ing. It waa a day to be happy. getting ability even when used with a tertnilk. goal's milk, evaporated milk, bucilli are not usually traiismltted ! the pressure of 111-flMlng easts or Uusterd and tired feeling lhat results 4 yolks, 2 lea spoonfuls of lemon 1 helped a lot of women, and I thought tbe wiring of the receiver may be brougbt up out of Kgypt. not as Ills product lesiiltlng trom tbe evapora- meat. Thev have more ilavor und as But the pale woman at the table rather short antenna. Tbe DX ability sweetened condensed milk, evnporated l wiii in fa tiirio imnilutflm: or ! "'"in bavini; too nmny last-minute Juice, cupful of water, with salt I would take it I am now gettlna taken up. own people. They hud not shown any > ihrough the ej:g and thai the danger much uourNhmeni as the steaks and splints, from too tight bandaging or alghed and pushed away her plate. skimmed milk, sweetened condensed tion ef a ••iin dileralile portion of the The meat or poul- and cayenne pepper to taste will do. better EO fast that every month 1 of the set Is due primarily to the fact true penitence for their awful sin, In thi* manner is noi yretil."' tender portions Meat that lias been even from such apparently trivial | foods on the lire. Nothing tasted right, she couldn't No. 18 round bus bar was used water from skimmed milk, and coii- lry cooked in a casserole, well sea- can feel a difference. My work nowi that regeneration can bo employed In skimmed milk, dried milk ami dried Tiiherculosis iimong chickens ,< causes as wrinkles or creases In tlie Tbe Ingredients should be combined cat much. She couldn't sleep well, tbrougbout, its It Is found easier to therefore Mod could not claim them tains mil less than twenty per cent used for soup has lost Its Ilavor. Mil la cooking. If you like, you may uae the two stages of tuned radio-fre- skimmed milk. The text of the .stand- 6 soned and in mpunled by the right In the top of a double boiler and •llher. She waa so weak. It was! handle than the heavier wire with- aa His own. (20%) of n.lik solliK PCCIHIIV fretnieni in Iowa, Miune^oia. BELLANS the food value is -till there ami by clothing or bedding, crumba or other these facta aa a testimonial. I am quency. being under control at all ards and definitions recommended by vegelabies, will be unusually line In cooked with great care over hot water. bard to do b?r work. When the baby out any particular advantnge In tbe 2. Divine aid promised (v. 2). North and South Daknta. and Wiscon lidding virions sfMSMiilugs a most pal- irritating bodies on the under sheet, willing to help you boost your medi- the committee is as follows; 10. Swe-tcned Condensed Skimmed ; flavor because of the long. slow, moist It Is necessary to bent tbe mlxturo cried, ahe wanted to cry, too. times and throughout tbe wave band extra copper. Though Iheir slus mado It Impos- sin. ("lose housing necessary In vv :i atable di>l will result. The meat friction or pressure from two SUP She had not been well for four1 cine."—-Miw. Isbkb Rect, 635 Oreea* Milk.—Swei ienetl comlfiised skiuime.l cookiag In the covered dish. It Is also even after If Is taken from the hot of the receiver. Two stnges of tuned x sible for Mod to go with Ihem. He slill Text of Standards. ter tuonths conirihutes to tlie spread which has tli most Ilavor Is found in fnces of the skin which touch each years. Her husband watched herl wood Ave., Decatur, III. A diagram of one of tbe colls la milk Is the product resulting from ihe water to prevent curdling. radio-frequency are used—-a poten- agrees to help them by sending an 1. Milk.—Milk is the whole, fresh, inii of Itifeci hm. Tuiierculosis r.i Take without Fear as Told •tie parts of body most active, like other or any olher cause of pressure wltb * man's helpless expression. Thla dependable medicine has given showing tbe connections. Tbe evaporation of a consitlerable portion been ia uae for over fifty yaan tiometer controlled crystal redltler angel before them to drive out their j clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the farm llocks hecomcs sighHicatit he llic legs am tie 1 hoe are the or irritation on the same spot for a But bU mother knew a remedy. grid Is always connected to the termi- of fhe water from skimmed milk to ELL-ASMS and two stages of transformer coupled enemies. cause of lis relation to the '.ulu'i'i ii long period of Mtne, u nal farthest away from the primary ' eompleie milking of one or more which sugar (sitcro-e) has been added. in "Bayer" Package cheaper cuts •ii Watermelon Picklee Ara audio-frequency. losis „i ea11ie and swine. In -1 flit FOR IKDlvSESTION Nurses or those having the care of NtwtieM Mental Cymr.aete Add Radio Horrore end und the "II" plus lead Is connect- M. The threatened wlllidrfiwal of healthy cows, properly fed and kept, For the v,. .nui meal cm the 'neat Keeping In mind that tbe receiver Il contains not less than tvvenlv four Zi< u'"c /v; Pk^j.Soid Lv'ery.vhce chronic Invalids, especially of older Excellent for a Change New Vork's newsboys are mental A radio autborlty says that the tlBR ed to tbe corresponding terminal on the divine presence (vv. II. ."i). excluding that obtained within tlftecn NF 'J'i cases exatiiinetl by a Neiiraska into bits i n 'iilon in a little buiter, wti designed as a quality proposition, per cent CJV,) of milk solids. 1 patients, should know the causes of As a change from other sweet gymiiitsts, skilled in Unit branch of Is not far off wben ll will be poastbll the primary winding. It will bo no- God said. "I will not go up In the days before and live days after station veterinarian it was found ilia remove tlie tinion when li^lit brown it might be well to go Into the ques- 11. Dried Milk.—Dried milk is the bedsores and should be conatantly on iKckies this year, try some made from ariiliinefic known as siiblrnctlon. At to see tbe facea of rndio announcers ticed that there if a center tap on midst of thee, for thou art n stiff- calving, or such longer period as may tubercuiosl.* of swine was contracted tind add tlie nieai. Add -lock nr wa tion of where distortion occurs In Ibe product m-nltiiig from the removal the alert to prevent them. Once watermelons, which promise to be ••rush" hours, when tbousnnds of com- each one of the coils, both on tho necked people, lest I consume thee In be necessary to render Ihe milk prac- from harnyard fowl*. Kxperlnients CORNS WJ ter and v iiek live iiiiniit''s, seaMHi with ordinary receiver and bow It may be of wafer I'mm milk, and contains not formed, Ihey are exceedingly difllcult abundant. Only I be white portion of muters pour intit the stations every All verdure has been stripped froai prlmury nnd the secondury. This la the way." The presence of Cod In tlio tically colostrum free. have also shown tiiat tlie *kin form ni' QuickreUefln/i:.painful | ^ t t' two t«-a>p<( rb t*. In this receiver the coils were care- 12. Dried Skimmed Milk.—Dried DlSchoU's A1J„, tween recovery or death of the pa ed by Ibe I'nlled Stales Department viding two different aerlul tups, the ly shown by Ood's withdrnwal from degrees Fahrenheit for not less than a Milk at llftccn cents a tjuari !s folly designed nnd a volume control skim utilk is tlie product resulling Late Built Houses Are of Agriculture: whole primary being used for a short His people. thirty minutes, after which Is is "Zinc-pads etiOM 'ar""e cheaper f""!! thaii meat ami fk'«s, Merit. by means of a potentiometer was In- from the removal of water from For each two pounds of wafermdon aerial and center tup being used for 4. The effect upon tlie people (vv. promptly cooled lo oti degrees Fahreu- Liable to Cause Ills while In -iiiaM Itivviis whcif milk is In an excellent article on this sub- •talled. skimmed milk, and contains not more ject by Dr. K. K. Marriott In the j rind allow an extremely long aerial In order to 4. (I). lielf. or lower. nine and let a (jimrl it 1- cheap fhun five per cent ("•',) of moisture. Many poultrymen are finding Miat Trained Nurse and Hospital Hevlew, II cupfuls auKor 4 tnbloRp o u n f u 1 Distortion may very easily take obtain the proper selectivity. (1) "When the people heard these 3. Homogenized Milk.—Homogenized poultry houses built too late lu the Does not affect food. 3 cupfuls vinegar ulovov place in the vacuum tube when used attention Is called to the well-known 2 atlckB clnnanieti <« iahl«s|i o o n f u 1 The distance between the primary evil tidings they mourned." milk Is milk that lias been mechan- full are apt to ivsuil In colds and housewives havi» a ifrialn Most fact lhat pullenls with feeble clrculn- allHplce aa a detector. In order to eliminate and secondary winding should be one* They had not understood fhe seri- ically treated in such a nmnner as to roup. the Heart to spend f(»r foot], l,f the this source of distortion a crystal rec- Leave Foal in Barn amount tion due to old age, persona suffering Trim off the red portion and outer sixteenth of an Inch. Tbls method of ousness of Mod's threatened with- alter Its physical properties with Mefore the birds, e-pecially pullels. Is small, all the taore need tifier Is used In place of the tube. It Is a heller plan it. leave tho foal rules* you see the "I'.nyer <'ro s" amount from heart disease, from Rright's dis- rind of the watermelons, which are winding cuts down tbe capacity cou- drawal. They knew that no angel particular reference to the condition are put in u new poultry house tin' he spent wisely, so that her at fhe barn when the mare cpes to in pat kage or on tablets you are not that It ease, diabetes or inaUgnant growths beat used at the height of ihe season, Transformer Coupling Used. pling between the primary and sec- could make up for the great loss of und appearance of the fat globules. floor as well a* the lumber U*fer of turna on (2) They stripped themselves of The essentials nt a good poultry person when posnlble i" the best way: Casserole of Chicken and Vegetables. moved from milk or cream, sweet or foal fo suckle once during Ihe fore- Toothache Kheumalism dirt Heals quickly. Keep il handy nences press on the skin, and very fat made of the vinegar, sugar and apices, quency transformers due to the com- the primary Is 28 and the size of the their ornaments, showing tbnt the sour, In the process of churning. It house are; Dryness, as this prevents for every emergency It teaches self control, by being able usually ready to serve In pieces of noon. and again during fhe afternoon Neuralgia I'uln. Pain persons, where the skin surfaces come and cook about tlfty minutes, or until petition, ond no reader may be In tho wire No, 112 double silk-covered mag- articles which indlcaled gladness nnd contains not less than eight and five- colds and loup: fresh air. which keep* CHBSEfHROUGH MFC. COMPANY to pass bv the food loo expensive for convenient size without carving at for two or till"" weeks. Ily leavltm the i Kaeh unbroken "P.nyor" pnokage eon- Wilh Oitrich AccMioHti. lo contact, are etjually liable. clear. If the vinegar la very add It least afraid to use tho Improved net wire. The aecondnry consists of Joy could not be consistently worn tenths per cent (S.-Vi) of milk solids Ihe birds in good health: suniltdit. na Blolc Sltn-t " New York the purse and often one finds real bar- the table, and this U sometimes u I foal al fhe barn Ihere Is less Infer- | tains proven directions. Handy b"\e.-' Two things are necessary for their may he necessary to dilute It. Much types. (W turns of No. SO double silk-covered when Mod had departed. We must be Dot fut. lures lies', disinfectant, and l!o. r gains In foods thai the famliy enjoys. pajamas establishing themselves al boon to tbe ontr who has to do the i feretice wilh Held work, less risk of ;if twelve tahlets etist few cetds. Drus- neckpieces. Tones aiul tints are com- prevention: First, scrupuloui dean* of the success In all pickles Ilea In na- In order to depart from the home- magnet wire. It will be found tbnt the stripped of all that pertains to self 6. Goat's Milk. Ewe's Milk, Etc.— space so lhal diirihg conlinemeiit the et-ciiilnl In ihe realm of tieiisible as carving. MOTHER;- Fletcher i Injury, mid the foal usually grnvvs 1 j gists also s,.|| hollies . f 'j 1 and KH>. A thrifty housewife nuiy have two bined, blended and contrasted with llness and, second, frequent change of Ing a well-flavored vinegar. Bottle made appearance, which a good many primary will take up about five-six- and carnal pleasures if we be clothed Goal's milk, ewe'.s milk, etc., are the birds will have ri'tim to excrcl*e. well as esthetic lingerie modes. Whut goes Into the casserole: Any faster. Vaseline good meals from a three pound knuckle consummate artistry, which, of course, position. The skin inust bo kept the pickles In usual way. Castoria is a pleasant, harm of this type of receiver are prone to teenths of an Inch and the secondury Willi fhe divine blessing. fresh, clean lactool secretions, free For the best results a poultry ".'lO.tUM JILL* l or the making of pracllcal, ea«y-to- combination of meats and vegetables of veal. <'over the meat with cold add n new charm and Interest to the dean and dry. Fretpient baths with have, the use of brackets and a com- about one Inch. II. The Tent ef Meeting (vv. 7-11). from colostrum, oblalned hy I lie com- house should he hiiii' for nulls of 'JUM Come Again launder pajamas, there Is no fabric you think could be cooked well to- lew Substitute for Castor Oil wafer ami cook at a low lempeniiure vogue. Imagine, if you please, a navy warm water and mild soap, followed The receiver tunes in much tho same 1. It was pitched outside of the plete milking of healtiiy nnimals other How to Thin Fruit birds. This rci|iilrcs a house -ju i "I'xcuse me. Im: your chicKcn- • omc until the meat is lender, hut not blue ruff sprinkled with clmnel re I ciMuparable to Ihe humble, yet adorably gether by this method. The casserole Smooth Chippad Placee Paregoric, Teething Drops manner as Ihe ordinary tuned radio camp (v. 7). by gentle rubbing until perfectly dry, than cows, properly fed and kept, The best way to get the frull thinned 4ii feel It should face *oiiihw!;rd and into my garden evt-ry tiay and- " tasteless Kcmove ihe meal from the •istrlch The ostrich neckpiece in ihis colnred, crinkly seersucker. However, If enables you to have a "meal In one frequency set. The three dials will As a token of the severed fellow- sponging with alcohol and 'lusting with on Edgae of G/osses and Soothing Syrups, espe- Art m OR CMTCRPOTARM lind conform in name to the species of properly Is to lake your hoys or the should be located on high, dry cround. "in I ihle. sir. My chickens stay broth, add IW" lablespoonfuls of rice picture I" of Jusi lhat wondrous col- tine's fancy turns to silk, what more dish." It ulso offers un excellent way register approximately tbe same nnd ship, the symbol of Mod's dwelling home. ' a r,Inc dusting powder, will generally Jelly glasses, drinking glasses, aud cially prepared for Infants m arms and Children all agef. { OPCH onlmal from which ihey are obtained. hired men out to it rchard. show ami w here it gets some shelter Mla^s AU Right, Then lhat Is wt ii . i.iiketl. a gratinj; of lemon oring. alihough yttu would never guess charming lhan crepe de chine or wash of using the less expensive cuts of may be logged in the regular way. The plnce, the tent of meeting was placed \ e! V well, then I'll lit ep Mie e^_-% prevent them. The bedding must h« fruit jars frequently liecome chipped. 7. Evaporated Milk. - Kvnporaied them how to do the Job and then go window.* on the east and west side* "Ai. -: in : in w hat U lien w 111 you lind, or :i ii. i 'if iiuimeu or mat t*, a It to look at thl- newspaper prim. t-at'.n made after the manner of the beef, void, bunt) and pork. Fowls, ox- aerial coll may be thrown out a little without the camp. While this showed I I,ml every evening." fresh, clean and smooth. If a bedsore Not only are CIIIPINHI edges unpleas- milk Is ihe product resulling from the back to Ihe house. It is awfully hard With curlain windows In the front will .•east Ihi si ..'-clcss purchases you pint of miik nml -erv. at once. Brown and yellow present iheni'elves model portrayed? I'erhupH ll Is the tails, calf hearts and tongues, rabbitH To avoid imitations, always look (or the signature .. by ihe use of various-sized aerials, but the excomiaunlcaflon of His people. . does develop, It Is like uny open ant, but they also afford a lodging for evaporating of a considerable portion for the owner to fake o(T all of fhe allow nit the stinlijjhf and fresti at mnkt .MI! • lit jireteM t !,;ii • h- y ar« In amber eiVcci greens tiiming to friv.ili'iM ribbon hows, or poa- in season, und many .small meats may 'roven directions on cach package. Physicians everywhere recommcnd it not enotmb to cause any dllllculty In It showed also Mod holdlnir out an op- What to E.it. ' wound and should be trouted by a sur- micro-organisms and not infrequently of the water from milk, or from milk frull that oughl to come oil' and to that the idrds reipilre. No mail with "tily one wife to ail t heap; lighter shadeM, cldnchilia nutilllngs, ex- >ll>l\ tlie cunning pockets, but. ul any be cooked to good udvantage in a tuning. The condensers nre of ihe re- porTunlty to such Individuals as Tin re lire tew pie who fe.-i that geon. for soup used In washing. The chipped with adjusiment, If necessary, of continue fo do so until fhe task Is fin- Protection of the thick airulnsi »' vise him con!d ever hop. t.. he as wise • i! * t w. si, • < 11 apHuy (jnUiie pastel tlntv. for evening wear - rate ihh particular model expresneti casserole. Tbe preferred blend of ila- Tif for Tat vised straight-line variety and give sought the Lord to continue in fellow- t meul is n.itlhiyiny which Is not lin places on the edges of tumblers and Diplomatic tlie ratio of fat to nonfat Mdlds by ished. If you stay on Ihe Joh. there is and seasonal changes of vveatlier and us Solomon. I'das. pal > vors will govern the vegetables lo go Aleck—Is this Noah's ark fuilT plenty of spacing between all the sta- ship with Illm. Ishetl '.v'lh Millie other glass articles can be made "Lei's ask moiber I'er a dime." the iiddlllon or by the absfrncflon of great danger that you will change climate Is ih;* purpose of n poultry MICROSCOPES FOR THE with these meats. As a rule, fhe meat so | Conductor—All here but the monkej tions, from the lowest to tbe high- 2. Moses In communion with Mod kiml nf dessert smooth by rubbing down with tine "No, you nsk for a nickel an cream. It conlalns not less than h v- vour ui iitl and leave more fruit on Ihe house. I'or New .lersey cotidii'i'iis. sliould be cut in pieces of a sultablo — Jump In! est. Tbe potentiometer gives an nb- (w. 810). Junket Is a PUBLIC emery paper, or with line Nandpa|H>r Will I." Hi and eight letilbs per cent (7.^'i) trees lhan they can possibly mature tlie New .lersey mtllllple utilt laying si/e for Itiiilvliltml portions, seasoned solute control of regunerntlon In the III 'i - t ilelidoUS If the emery Is not available. To Because Moses had not transgressed of milk fat, nor less than twenly-llve house gives best results. Tlie plans and then seared and browned In fat As a rule, sharp business men ar radio frequency lubes and for local dessert foi .i hot KKINM Is believing, says the old avoid breathing Ihe glass dust, one Agar-agar. Ibe -enweed gelatin, is N Ood's law, he still had fellowship with for this tiou.'ie are glvt-n In «'ircular Vegelabies are also cul Into pieces of rather blunt. reception should be turned rather well God. The visible sign to fhe people day; it may he S proverb, and the MUth of this say- sliould tie. a dampened doth over the being produced In large quantities I.VJ of the New Jersey Kxperlment convenient size. Moisture in the form buck lo tbe left. For distant stations that "Mod honored Moses was the de- varied by the use ing is shown In all educational work. nose and mouth. Much repair aa thla from beds of gelldlum off the eoast of stalion. New P.rtinswick. N. J.. which of gravy or wmer Is needed. If one Cournge conquers carea. the receiver may be brought right up scent of the "cloudy pillar" as Moses of fruit pulp and So the effort of our lies! leachers to- Is quite commonly curried out where Califoriiln. AIR TREATMENT FOR INFLATING ! can he ohlainod free on appllcailon. Choose your new plans a tomato gravy, for example, or to tbe point of oscillation and held entered the tent of meeting. whipped cream duy is to make everything they teach food Is sold and served lu quantities, lias meat stock on hand, the gravy there. It la at this point that fhe re- JI. Moses fhe friend of Mod (v. 11). U> J itrnish. Add a tablet of Junket visible io the pupil. Hvery means that emery wheels Instead of emery paper •Mto.oi.ebW may be made at tbe beginning of the ceiver Is most sensitive nnd most ae- Tliis is one of the most beaullful UDDERS BEEN FOUND SUCCESSFUL flood Poultry Rusinoss iiuart nf lukewiirm milk, add can be thoughl of bus been adopted to being used lo smooth down the chipped cooking period, otherwise the water lectlve. expressions of personal fellowship to car from the sui:ar "Weeien and stir nntil tin; make our school children see what and broken edges, lu this case, too, to Cull Out Nonhivers juices drawn out of tho meat and veg- .lust a word about the aerial. The be found In all the lllble, If not in all tablet eil dissolved. ( rush ilic they are studying, in ibis effort, the precautions should be taken to avoid t-miU cm OR wrcRSt Simple Method for Prevent- mi i In d described Is a means of pre- Just as a ctiod huslness pnipos iii ii. moving picture bus been un enormous etables may be tbiekencd at Ihe time average neiial of about eighty feet In literature. Friendship Implies mu- 1 tablei "i ei stand In a lablespitnnful breathing tbe glass dust. Pom WTMopeti veniioii not a cure. those hens thai arc not l;iyiir, al this of serving ibe dinner. A lighl fitting lenufli seems to give about Ihe best tual confidence and synipalliy, a dis- nf walei 'i • 11 -solve hefitre adding lo aid. Our children today In the schoais ing Milk Fever. In cases where Ihe disease has ai- time of ihe year should he < tilled "ii' lid keeps the steam limlde the cas- all-around results, though a longer position fo share each other's secrets, General Motors the milk l,"i the miviure staml in see not < niy still but moving pictures read.v developed fhe most practical of the Hock and sold. Tliev have proii serole and prevents tbe meat from Canning Pimentos ••i |Constrnctio'i Details of the Radio- aerial will. In some locations. Improve 4. Joshua at home in the taher sherbet cuph In a warm roum until the of things Hiclr purents could only read (Priimiril by Ilia Unitod Siniei. lurnrtment meihcd of freatmenl Is to Inject ably llnlshed their year's work and IMmentos to be canned should he t-requency • ransformcrs, i the dlstnnce. nade (v. U). nf Ari inilt in... i junket Is sei, Mash bananas and about. Tills method has been carried drying oul. sterile atmospheric air info ihe udder will cat expensive feed ami use valll packed without water. It Is staled In Though most daiiymen are familiar cover each slieibet g'ass wilh (lie pulp so far thai a nnilonul society of teach- I poslllnn -ubpaiiel was used to support Lilt of Psrte. Joshua was not Involved In ihe re- In order to distend If artltlciuliy. The able house room the rest of the ycjir. Line the lalesl Farmers' Itullctln on can- , bellion of the people. Itecause of hN with the successful air trontmenf for and lop with whipped cream when ers and psychologists lias been formed Source of Vitaminet Ibe Inhes and |i ;ievr,,.|..,.csi (\II of The list of pnrfs required, and It Is frealni' iit Is best performed hy means The poor-laying hen af ihis lime of ning, No. 1471-F. "Canning Fruits and inflaling udders of dairy cows lo pre- ready to serve. I'.-aehe- or oilier iruM lo encourage and develop such meth- Orapefrult Is a good source of ut the wiring wits eoi i i| iieneafb this to he recommended that ibe builder fldelity he wns privileged to abide In of mill; fever appnrnius mude especial- the year Is lazy, overfaf. pfobahly he Vegetables at Home." This Is be- vent fatal consequence from rnllk nmy he u •• d ods. ll is called Ihe Society for Visual leant two vllamlnos, those called It and panel and tbe t.-'ii< i"ii n. leanince of obtain all of the parts hi fore a single the tent In the divine fellowship. ly for ihe purpose, ginning to molt, and hits bright yel Kducallon and. by helping to prepare cause the processing brings out n HI. Moses' Prayer (vv. 12-2.i). fever,'a simple method for preventing In the past twelve months the public Peach Sherbet.—I'm a pound of 1 C. wbich bolp to prevent certain so- the receiver 1- iiml 'if -t wi tl btilll fac- thing IM done in regard ie Ibe actual low coloring left In her legs and beak pictures and llluts, showing things In- thick liquor In the can. Tbe skins nf assembly of tbe receiver. Is ns fol- Moses* mind wns somewhat per- the disease la noi so well known. This sugar and >1 tjuuil of water on lo called dolldency dlseiirie*. Tbe pleas- tory product. If she Is of the yellow-skinned breeds, has purchased 1,086,590 General stead of talking about them. It la the pimentos must lirst be removed by lows : plexed. therefore he camo lo the Lord malady ehlelly uffectH well-nourished, Destructive Disease boll for twenty minutes, l.et cool, then ant aromatic odor of grapefruit also For those who wish lo build up the (in fhe olher hand, ihe good layer Is seeking to give school ddidren bettor Immersing them in hot oil or placing One panol, 8% by tl by Inches. for the solution of hla problem. Mod fleshy, heavy-milking cows and gen- Abort-Ion Is one of the most destruc- Motors cars, an unprecedented record. add one and one-lnilf cupfuls of peai-li literally miikeM tho moutb water, or in r receiver according to their own Ideaa always active, looks healthy, will not and more graphic ideas of many sub- them In a hot oven. If you have sur- One enhfnot. had said that He would send an angel erally follows elosely the act of tive di-cases, economically, of Ihe cut- pulp, the strained Juice of an orange oilier words starts the How of dlgcs> a circuit diagram la given showing Three 4-Inch dials. molt iinill late in the fall, and bus pul lects than Ihey have had before. plus pimentos to cun. be sure to send jfoiteft to carry out Ills covenant obligation calving. tle indusiry af fhe present time. The and Ihe Juice of hair a lemon. I'ree/e | tlve Juices, und the acid that gives the (he various constanta used In the cir- Three eonil«ni»er»« arid Mills to matab. fhe yellow from her skin Into fhe yolks This great volume of business has made for the bulletin, which gives ull neces- concerning the people in the posses- one solution which seems most hope- Now i lie same idea is being taken tart flavor helps the food to move cuit, However, If the render la de* One rheostat, I ohme. A preventive treatment auggested of nil Ihe eggs she hus luld. Mint Sherbet.—Soak naif a cupful sary time tables and detailed dlrec- Oae potentiometer. ful uf ihis time Is one of siinifiifion possible still further economics and these up by astronomers. These men devote through the digestive tract In a health* slrous of nalng standard parts other sion of the land. Moses desired fuller by the bureau of aniiual Indusiry, Any flock owner can cull hens by of chopped mint leaves in the Juice of , lions. One slnxle Jaok. knowledge of this angel so that he und prevention. It consists in blood Ihelr lives to learning all about the ful way. VJT noceo nwumoincw* rimcwv/vu* than those In the actusl model It Is One battery awltoh. t'nlled States Department of Agricul- these indiculions. if he does not huve hare been put into the quality of the two lemons half an hour, lioll two might act Intelligently with reference testing each animal in u herd and re- 4 stars. Through llieir telescopes of Im- well to obtain all the parts and lay Two supporting braokeie. ture, conalvts In allowing n siiNceptibio contldence In his nblllly to do a good eupfuu of piigur and u cupful of wa mense power ihey study the heavenly Flit sprty clean your home in a few minutes of One .IB bypaaa condenser. to the mutter. He asked for three cow to retain In the udder for 24 moving ihose anlmalN which show a Job of eulilng lie can shut his culls 1927 series notv on display hy Qeneral ter live rniiiuies, then pour over the ; them out before sctunlly drilling (he bodies and become us well ucqualnted PROPER HEIGHT FOfi THE KITCHEN SINK disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It if clean, Oae .1 microfarad bypass condenser. things; hours after calving all the milk ex- positive reaction. Cure also must he up for a few days and see If they lay sanel. One .005 microfarad flxed condenser. Motors dealers. olher ingredients. When cold strain i 1. Fuller knowledge (vv. 12-14). taken In Introducing new animals Info uny eggs. with them as we are with our next safe and easy to use. It will be noticed (bat the panel Is Two audio transformers. cept, the small quantity required by Inlo a freezer, add ibe grated rind of} In order lo lead the fieople he need- the herd until they nre proven to be door neighbor. Itut when they try to glfea as hsving dimensions of One subpanel, by I by l>ll the calf. The milk should be taken If the fruit and a welbbealen egg white. • other people about their work, Inches. ed to know more fully his Mod, free of thu disease. The new General Motors line is first of KiDs AU HooMhoU iBMdi Inches. This wss chosen In order to poafdble from each quarter. Disten- with a cupful of sillily beaten cream. , One carborundum potentiometer eon God graciously responded to this Good House for Geese they don't make any ImpreMlon, be St In a certain atylo of cablaet which trolled crystal. tion of (he udder by the retained milk all a quality line. It embodies every ad' Herve wilh lamb roast or as a dessert, i Flit spray alaodoitroyB bed bug^raacbM and anta. Itaiarefaas request by assuring hltu that Ills In order io make u success of goose cause most of us know nothing about also provided room for the "B" bat- Four sockets. naturally followa, us in (he air treat- Keep Calf Off Pasture Date Crackers.—I'm u pound of • out the cracia and crevieM waere tlMy hide sad biead, and de- Right binding peats. presence would go with hltu und that raising tlie house should be on Ihe vantage of research. It has been proved the stars, except what wo aee with teries at the rear. However, a panel ment. snd acta ss a preventive against Keep ihe young calf off pasture washed und pilled dates with u cup- I atroya inaaets and their eggs. Spray Flit on your gannonts. Mlscellanooua wire, spaghetti and lie would give him reat. ground. A building up otT the ground our unaided eye on a dear night. Flit kills moths sad tbcirianrae which eat holas. Eitmrtve of the standard slse—that Is 7 by 22 milk fever. In the Island of Jersey until it is three months of age. Fresh fill of sugar nnd one-half cupful of | aerewe. M would be much too dry. The goose at the General Motors Proving Ho I'rof. Oarrett P. Kervlae, a well tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delkate —may be used if desired snd It will 2. If thy presence go not with me. and at the Blltmore farina. North Car- GRIINS IH too Isxatlve In nature and waier inlo a saucepan and coi»k until known asironomer, suggests that our carry UM not hence" (vv. 15-17). olina, where thla practice la common, house does not need to be expensive, Ground. Every car is finished in Duco; fabrics. be found thst the sppsratus will flt In For Quiet Operation when udded to a milk diet, scours smoolh. rool. <'ream a cupful of cities provide free lelescopon for the Moses waa. convinced (hat no sub- the numlier of milk-fever cases has ordinary rough lumber which Is bat- I FUt Is tbe result of exhaustive rseearch by expert entomol- pgnslly well. To Insure quiet operation and mail- often result. Feed limited amounts of the closed cars have Fisher Bodies. shorieiilng, adti a cupful of brown public Just as ibey provide free parka atltnte could take God's place even greatly decreased. fened on the outside would be ijuile sugar, two and one-half ciipl'nls of ogiata and chemista. It is harmlMa to mankind. Flit Ms The subpanel Is made from a piece mum aelectivlty la your anperhetero alfalfa hay or prairie hay but liberally suliable. Kurth should be thrown In- Laleit in Fajema Modes. und bathing beaches. And why notf replaced the old metboda because It kills all the insects and though (bat one lie an angel. He Kanltary conditions alio should be rolled oals which have been parched pf bakdlte. The (blckness should not dyne, be sure (he primary nnd second nf grain io the young calf. Whole oats to Ihe house so as io make the lloor Hut If free leiescopea are needed, srgued (hut It would be he((er (o per- looked after, such as u supply of pure It is a complete line. It includes 59 to a light brown, and iwo cupfuls of these hut suggest Ihe mulllllldlnous youth in IN every detail und that la doss it quickly. be less than three-sixteenths of an sry of (he IlKer coupler are tuned. Or or cracked corn snd brnu or equal at least six Inches—or. better, one surely free microscopes are much more ish In (he wllderneas (ban (o a(tempt air und dean stubllng, wltb plenty llour; stir until well blended, add a delect able colorings which imirk the u declared requisite feature fur all Gst a FUt can and sprayer today. For sale every where, Inch. The dimensions given permit, dlnarlly two .0002(1 mfd. flxed con parts of tbe three grains make good foot- above the level of the ground models of open and closed types, rang- necessary. We\llve each of tu In a to go Into Canaan without God. of dear, cool water and laxative teaspoonful of soda in half a cupful coming Hen'on's ostrich fnnlnsles. pajiinm creatlona this aenaon. ase of a cabinet only 6H Inches densers, evenly matched, will do II. calf feeds. LltnK milk feeding (o one outside. The eggs should be collected There are times when the feminine universe whieh is divided by our own 8, "Show me thy glory" (vr. 18-23). feeds, audi ss grssses and roots. The gallon or lesa st s feed. ing in priceot'the-factory from $510 of hot water und stir inio the mixture, Not only color, but novelty of de- as soon as laid. heart longs for 'ace and rlbbona a* llmltatioiiH inlo two worlds, a visible STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) IColI oul, cut and place a spoonful of sign holds altcniUm throughout the to $4,350. Within it you will find the plenty. The new lingerie displayed for universe made up of what we cun Patent Thai Corers Ave million homea by aatima(e are fruit on a cooky, cover with another, ostrich accessories. One type of lint Ne Other Guide and Master Copies may be borrowed for abort pe- the coming montha Is especially satla* and an Invisible universe made up equipped with radio receiving aeta. Horse Is Paid Tribute car you want at the price you want to then bake. hoa bus a smull plume down Ihe back Ewtry Form of Circuit The soul's discovery of God mode Depluming Mites fying to those who delight In the or* of what we cannot see. Not because It There are 2^00 radio nwaafacturars riods, or may be purchased at the pay. In pointed effect, many of the longer by the consdenes snd (lirough Christ in New Motion Picture laboralory cost. A complete list of Hens are Kometlmes troubled with Larded Beef Tenderloin,—f'ut Ihe mite. Lacy, with much handwork, ll doesn'l exUt but because our eye* fM A patent of importance to tbe radio and 2,000 Jobbers. Rddlo esportf sorl are of wlllowed plumage, others is onr emsndpadon, ami we can feel, The horse In paid tribute by the the department's Alms, with in.forma- scabies, or depluming mitea, which *iUt pork for larding from ihe linn fat fiishion'a ultimatum for the dalntlar cannoi see ll, Vet the invisible part mmZ- dnatry, covering aa arrangement for amount to SOOO.OOO a monlb. show wil towed ostrich with marabou eech and all of us (oday, ss has been United States DepartmeiK of Agrlcul- bite tbe akin at the baae of the feaih- portion noil rest ihe rind, rut Ihe boudoir pajuma aets. with no limit to Is full of dangers far greater than lllmlnatlag magnetic coupling betweaa ileii on ihe metbod of dlNtilbutlug We invite you to visit the show rooms united. Some elaborate modes have nobly said hy the great French (beo- tare lu a new educational motion pic- ers und Anally cause a loss of plum- lardons Inlo strips oiie-fourlh inch elegance and novelty when It cornea to those of the visible part. Hurely a Women of Different Slses Need Sinks of Varied Helghta. number of coila la electric eir- tliem. Is given In Miscellaneous Circu- long ostrich laHsels, and so on and To Add Anpliftcation loglsn Habader: "When, wearied bf ture, "The Honte snd Man," The fllm age, Mix four parts lard with one of our dealers and select your new car wide and as long as Ihe slices will ihe more formal types, school system lhat Inslata that every by moan ting tbe coila at a ape- lar 27-M. which may be obtained on ao on la the theme being exploited. (Prepared by the Usitetl Statea Deparimeai el Aerlealtare.l To add AF ampllflcation to n crya the world of plessure or of (oil, I long acknowledges the service which the part flowers of sulphur, and rub Ihis permit, rhlll the lanlons In iced Color contrast Is an Interaatlng child must have glasses. If It needa sngla with raspect to each other oppllcalion (o (he depardncnt st from the General Motors line. The right, height for the kKdien sink depends on tbe helgbl, length of tal set connect one terminal whlcfe te And my soul sgnln snd live a deep- horse bas rendered the humun race Washinglon, D. 0. ointment on tbe purls where fealhers water before ihreitdlng and insert Nor Is Uie vogue limited lo neck* l heme audi as tlesh-tlhted silk pa* them, and that will buy l^glaaeea, If DMTROYB been iaaued to Fret L. A. Raaal- Ita parents cannot afford to do ao, arm, and general build of the person who la to use It. Any homemaker can went to tbe phonea to P ea the AFT. er life, I csn accept no olher guide througliout the ages, recalls some of ure lucking. A losa of feathers around them one-fourth Inch below the sur- pieces, for ostrich trimming Is fur- janias, either cre|ie or crepe-back fUfc Mosqultoaa Maths by tbe patent oflice. The new ought to be able lo provide micro' (eat (bla ou( easily for herself by placing the dlshpan nt various belgbts until connect the other te ihe B on the aad master than Jesus Christ, because the Important roles he hss played In the back la aomeilniea caused by ac- face, draw ihrough, tying In a loose thermore making Us appearance on Matin, trimmed with idle green, or blue intent ia No. 1,577,421, and la the acoiata for people to see the Invisible ^ tln'lsTlm mos't comfortabl^ e we. MosMoat sinks urareo act tmtoo» low., JjjWr-slTblrty-alxs Ante Bed Dugs Roaehaa AFT, the P post to the baae and the In Him alone optimism Is without tha drsma ef American hlalory. and (ivllles of the mule birds. Washing knot. our frocks and on our wrips, Then with pink or orchid with nnilxe. birth In tbe serlaa covering thg neu- SXr. urmind in™. m'tw. from Hi. rim to the Door U «fl.u given . liood avwug. h.li(lit for B poet to the retura of the secondary, Mvollty and serlouanesa without de- dlreds at(en(lon to his economic im- Ihe bare parta with commercial disin- there is ihe oairkh fan. Together wilh JULIA ItOTTolfLK*. rodyue Inventloas of Profeasor Hssel- (®, L»>L. WMITH Newepaper Uelee.) ^ which comae from tbe catwhlsker of spair." The witness of tha conscience portance In modern industrial life. fectant aolutlon nmy prove useful in the boa 11 makes Ita entrance on tbe iii. IMI, WMittni Nawapaaer Ual«a.) tbe crystal, Tbe a if Ihe AFT goes to Chrlat lies st tho very base of la spite of (he fsct (list gaaollne deatroying depluming miles. Ths Importance of tbe patent Uaa in GENERAL to O on the aocket and tbe F to A Ohrlstlsnlty itself.—Ii J. Campbell, tisi driven tbe horse-drswn turnout Lightning rods on your bulldtnga Once tke Capital of Canada Rolls or blsculta taste almost Ilka 7MEN? fact that it covara application of mlnua. UM no "B" battery on the B B. !• from our beulevsrds, and (he belief are a good luvestment. CUM Namoi Changed Eveaing Coats Naw Handkerehlefs Klngaton, Ontario, waa the capital AROUND THE HOUSI freshly baked products If they ara You bat* no reasons lor Invention to every form ef radio More Eggs Marketed terminal. which eilsts among moi( d(y dwell* tee Hew York was formerly called New Cbarmlog little bandkercbieCs of of Cannda from IMI to lltt. It la cloaed In a paper bag snd wsrmed .jit, tuned radlo-frequsacy ampll- Thirty per cent more egga were Slim straight little coata to wear balBg BALD, wben Font's era that the horse Is doomed to fol- A dairy cow must have all the fresn Antterdam. tlilcigu la the original over lllmy dance frocks sre mude of white (trepe de chine have aceaes sltosted on the site of the French fort Bli pounds of unshelled pess will lu a moderate oven. itlon, Intermediate-frequency ampll- Just Seeda marketed co-o|>eratively In 1025 than OriffcalBARE-TO-HAlR low the dodo, (hers arc sdll more (ban dean water ahe wanta. MOTORS •tmo of thai dtf. which the Indiana glittering melal brocade lo paMei ••••i painted lo each corner. Thaae are frontensc, st the hesd of the Bt. serve els people. e e e itlon and regenerative drculta. To Kill Hum Freai Motor Juat thonghta may, and woefully In 1024, according to recent eatlmates e e e grows bak and safes wbat 15.000,000 horses providing power for e • e guv# It. I«on Angeles waa formerly itmint reproductions of "Tbe Womaa Uwrence river. It was tsken by ths To make a plain cheeae sslsd cat To kill the hum froai s motor, aaa often do, fall of producing just deeds; by the United States Department of orlngs. Their psrtlculsr daln. "• Amerlcsn farms, Ths populsrity ef Can (be culla—tbaCs all boarder CHEVROLET ' PONTIAC ' OLDSMOB1LB known aa I'ueblo de Nuestra Menora smartneea Ilea In tbelr alender line* i. the Swing" and others of similar Kngllsb In 1702. Whan the dining room and kitchen the cheeae Into thin strips, scatter you bare. a low-pass Alter. Thla BMT be made bat just deeds are anre to beget Just Agriculture, The Increase was due (o Radio Wortb a Billion polo, ths brldls psth, the nice track, heaa are good for, auybow. OAKLAND ' BUICK ' CADILLAC Is Ueloa de loa Augelea, lii.intvtor. china cupboards are back to back, a them over lettuce leaves, and serve . Drug Stent and Barber Shept. by hooking a coil la aaa lias ef tbe thoagbta. two reaaons: lirst, many of the old sod lack of orasmentatlon. Although radio as a popular sdence and the chase Is wldespresd sad Is e e e New Fort Sumter paaa-way between saves msay steps. with french dreaalng. motor output aad a All mfd. flsed associations engaged lu tbe co-oper- Corrapondenee given perianal smusameat ia oaly four years old, lacreailng. A single pair of chicken lice will CMC TRUCKS Fort Sumter haa been rebuilt since e e e see J / eondeaaer betweaa a middle motor ative marketing of eggs recctoed larg- For tbe Tailleur Irregular Heallae Snma lettuce and salad dressing . I Is BMre than a billion dollara tied The Blessiats We En for Indian poalas, cow horses, cavalry number 125,000 In eight weeks, Crook irrigation Tried tbe Civil wsr. The fort still retaias Light handling liakaa tender Ms- attention. output line, Tbe cell Is made by er quantities from their membera lu YELLOW CABS. BUSES AND TRUCKS The scalloped bemllne la not only s la the buslnsss slready. There sra Tbe private snd personsl blessings mound, race horaes, high ateppera, fee Irrigatloolata In Aoatralla are et* Home of tbe smartest new tailored Its name. Tbe reconstruction waa calta. Tbaft why ths onas mixed In sdded to a ean of llsh plus a cueam* W. H. FORST, Maaafaetarer beabwindiBg 100 tarns ef d. c. c. wire 1020 than In 1024, and, second, a num- smart for evening la pastel eslors, bat b government radio atations, 600 sta- we enjoy, the blessings of ssfaty, truck horses aad bucking brencboa, Poultry culling Is easy to learn, "A em for eeery pwrie and pwrpees" parlmeotlng wltli a system uaed by tba Mouses have plaited bosoms sad tiay heiua la 1170, suspended la 1170 tern- g harry are frequeatly better Iban her, equals a delicious lunch or sap* oa a four-Inch bakelite t^s sad tap- ber of recently formed organlxutlons for day la Mack or navy Mae freibl WOTTDAIJIPA. laa seeding out daily programs and peace, liberty, aa open BiMe, ft share honors In "The Horae aad takea Utile tine aad pays big divi* andast Oraafca la Thaodoala, by wlilaft bow lias ef Msck rlbboa, such aa s par dish, mlnua a bet cook. ping it la tbe Blddk reached (heir full stride durlug the that have simple liasa psrsrlir, sad completed abeat im tbeee mads wkb grsat cara deads. vttar far IrrlfsMiR parpoaaa was car- •aa wears with bis diaasr east tfM tbaakagWaf ef a wbole lite ilea." The Aim ia one reel la laagtb. year of 1025. I Dr. H. P. Golfrcdscn was In Lans a> School books and supplies. The Happy Allen, of McCords, was a Ing Tuesday. big line at Henry's, adv. Ledger office caller yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hatch were in Mr. and Mrs. George Fonger spenl Board and rooms al Riverside ho- Grand Hapids Tuesday. Monday in Belding. tel—by day or week. M. H. Vander Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. McMahon spent Mrs. H. Leonard spent last week hoff. Alligator Raincoats Sunday in Grant! Haven. with friends in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Joe Batchelor siient Friday YELLOW Milford Ware, of Delroil, called Columbus Jay and family spent in Grand Hapitls with Mrs. June on Lowell friends Monday. Labor day at tirand Ledge. Touse. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avers and two Charles Doyle was in Detroit the Mr, and Mrs. C. Verhurg antl chll FRONT For Fall sons spenl Monday in Belding. flrst of the week on a business trip. dren spenl Thursday nl the Green ville fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry spent Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennle spent STORES over Ihe week-end at Jackson. Sunday with friends In Grand Hap- Mr. antl Mrs. Bob Lux and chil C. THOMAS Mrs. Tom Lalley is entertaining itls. dren spent the week-end wltf Ihe West Side euchre club today. For prompt and reliable trucking friends in Etlmore. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Macham allended service, call Byron Frost, phone 123 Mrs. Charles Hathaway, of Grand the Grand Rapids fair Tnursday. or 167. (c 60 tf Ledge, visiled Mrs. Elmer While several tiays recently. CASPBELL'S Tonl. Snp, hrkSBmn, I MM IS. Smart, new models, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gonant and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burch, of Rock- family spenl Labor day in Belding. ford, spent Monday at W. J. Antler- Mrs. Will Devering wns in Grimd with the special Alli- son's. Rapids Monday lo allend Ihe Irwin Miss (Jharlotte Martin spent family reunion heltl ul John Ball Thursday al her home at Fruilporl. P. C. Freeman spent Wednesday park. CREAM CHEESE MiH Nncoim, Ik. 2S« gator process giving Mr. and Mrs. K. Kronenberger are a I Ihe St. Johns fair as Judge of sheep. Mr. nntl Mrs. C. O. Lawrence were spending the week at Iheir home Sunday tlinner ami afternoon guests the utmost in light here. Mr. antl Mrs. Dexler Conklin are at the Harry Fuller home in Grand Mr. anil Mrs. M. Sinclair and sons all nicely sellletl in Iheir new home Hapitls. al 230 Dartmouth street, Flint. weight, durability and Giles and Dan were in Belding La- Mr. antl Mrs. Arthur B. Clark hnve Camp's bor tiay. Mrs. Will Dlamon and Mrs. John purchased the Clarence Wood home CEITC kettle Ue. MILK -3 CIM 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knapn moved Young, of Ionia, were Tuestlay on Riverside drive antl have taken water-proofing. into Iheir new home on the Kasl guests of Mrs. Will Fox. IKissession. Side Thursday. Miss Mable Corrlgan spenl Sun- Mrs. Antlrews, who has been OLEO Stf" Ik. 23e. RICE BIm Rote, lb. 9c. Mr. and Mrs. K. Norwood spenl duy ami Montlay with her sister antl spending some lime wilh her son. Monday wilh Ihe former's sister, family in Grand Rapids. Orris Smilh, has gone lo Grantl Hap- College models in Jade, Mrs. Hobinson, al Dellon. Miss Mary Cameron will return lo itls for a lime. Miss Elsie Velzy relurned lo her Whitehall for her second year ns Mr. ami Mrs. Bert Smilh, of Grantl Deep Sea and Peacock at work in Grand Hapitls afler u Iwo teacher in the High school Ihere. Hapitls, antl George Layman, tif SALMON PULVERIZED weeks' vacation al home. Mr. antl Mrs. Clyde Hlmebaugh Lmsing, were recent visilors nl Ihe RALSTOR Mr. and Mrs. T. Prey, ,of Chicago, have relurned from their trip lo Ihe C. Verhurg home. Beat Pink "Soo." SUGAR $7 spent a few days' lasl week wilh Dr. Mr. antl Mrs. John Kellogg nntl and Mrs. 11, P. (iotfredsen. Byron Frost and family, Anthony Mr. antl Mrs. Carr have been speml- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walson and Guxella antl family and Mrs. Lulu ing a few days camping al Hig Star on 1 S c Ik. 8c Brutlish spenl Sunday al Murray lake, returning Tuestlay. FOOD Miss Abbie Walson, of Delroil, spenl lake. Sunday evening in (irand Hapitls. Ladies of Ihe Maccabees will holtl Paoksgo Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coles and Mr. Mr. antl Mrs. John Young are tak- election of ollieers nexl Wetlnestlnv ARGO ing a Iwo weeks* motor trip in Can- nighl, Sept. 16. Pol luck lunch. Ail MINUTE ami Mrs. John Henry spenl lasl ada, combining pleasure wilh busi- week at the Coles collage at Long members please be present. lake. ness. Miss Kinma Ransfortl antl Mrs. TAPIOCA CORN STARCH oons Mr. and Mrs. Vern Campbell, Mrs. Miss Edith Foster left Montlay for Perry Hirman altended Ihe Hansford Grand Raulds, where she will leach Knave ami her son and wife, all of family reunion ul Quincy, Monthly, 21c Detroit, spent Ihe week wilh Mrs. Ihe Michigan Uak school iu lhal ami remained for several tlays' visit. pkK.12c PfeSc It ice. cily. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Cox antl son Mrs. Sarah Morse and daughler. Mr. aud Mrs. Ted Elharl, ((Helen Hobby, Mr. nntl Mrs. James Howard Freight daily call 27. (c Miss Minnie Morse spenl Monday Andrews,) of Htdland, spenl a pari ami son Pal. all tif Detroit, s|ienl Ihe ITEMS OF THE TOWN Miss Anna Layer spenl Iwo days with Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Sissetn in of lasl week ul Iheir collage at Mur- week-end wilh relnlives in Lowell wilh relatives in (Irand Hapids. Lansing. ay lake. ami Grantl Hapitls. Miss Nemmn Freeman, business T. K. lingers pays cash for poultry Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hlair, of Harney Fales, of Kansas Cily, Mo., PURE CIDER VIREGAR nl. Me. CiOuhr.H gnrage—Rust Main slrcel. :il I.owell I'rodnee store. (c 15 Jackson, spent the week-end wilh woman tif (irand Rauids, spent Sun- has returned home afler a few tlays tlay antl Montlay with her parents Len K«ilo«« is hiiildin^ :i the former's parents, Hev. and Mrs. visit with Miss Haxel Rector, who Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Post, of Grand in Lowell. un his liunu* lol. llapids, are visiting Lowell relatives. A. J. Hlair. is siiending Ihe Siinimer with her Master John Whllmire relurned lo sister. Mrs. B. F. Green. JaincK McMalion .spent Monday :if- I.agorra McGee, wife and tlaugh- Mr. and Mrs. Fred West and his home in Okemos after a visit EAGLE BRARD MILK Icrnoon and evening in Helding. I'rank altended the (iraml llapids ter and Mr. and Mrs. ('hire McGee, Rev. antl Mrs. Charles llaywotNl, 20c. wilh his grandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. Mr. sind Mrs. A. Steward and son. liiir last week. of Saginaw, visited Lowell friends tif Saranac, visited Iheir daughter, Davitl Layer. Mrs. Elmer While Tuestlay. Mrs. of I.owell. spenl Monday evening al K. I). McOneen was host at a six Labor day. Fred West's. The second annual reunion of the White served a birthday tlinner iu o'eloek (tinner al Ihe C.ascade Hills Mr. and Mrs. W. Hlair and daugh- Ford familv was held al Island park, honor of her father's natal tiay. Lawrence lUitlierford was in (lol- (lonnlry elnb last week. ter and Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, all of Murray lake, Suntlay. Over one Mr. ami Mrs. 1). G. Robinson, iiinlins, Ohio, and Parkersburg, Ohio, spent last week with Hev. and STAR SOAP 10 bin 50c. The better class of new cars- hundred were present. (Margaret Keller,) are motoring lo B 01 A M1 Ceke lie W. Va.. last week. Mrs. A. Hlair. Dodge —Hniek—Willys Knight—Ov- Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald, Philadelphia ami Atlantic City to Prideful printing proinplly prinl- erland. (ionld's garage. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Moore, of daughter Mary and son Angus, of the underwriters' convention, tif VI. ed, properly prieed, promptly pro- Miss l.ilii:in Smith, of (irand llap- (irand Hapids,, visited al Ihe home Detroit, spent Saturday antl Montlay National Life insurance Co., will be muted—The Ledger olliee. II iils. spent over Sunday with her of Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dyke one at the Neil Cameron home. gone Iwti weeks. SHINOLA Polish 8c LAVA SOAP eeke Ie Dick Hiitherford enleiiained a few mother. Mrs. Thomas Smith. day last week. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Campbell George Mesecar, of Sierra Madre, Mrs. Lucy O'Harrow. of Clarks- friends with a weenie roast al Mur- Harry Karel. of (irand llapids, California, arrived in leowell Tues- ville, extensive grower antl denier ray lake one day reeently. spenl oyer Sunday as a gnesl al the and daughter, tif (iraml Hapids. tlay morning, and will be the guest spent over Labor tiay with Mr. ami in high class gladioli and dahlias Mr. and Mrs. I'red Wesl and fam- home nf Mr. and Mrs. John I'allison. of his mother, Mrs. Abe Keefer for Mrs. A. DeFyter. has the thanks tif The Ledger ftir a Peanut Butter SkreMed Wkeet ily and Mrs. Morris Kalward spenl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Krum. of two weeks. mammolh bout|iiel of the former, Labor day at Hamona park. .luekson, spent over Ihe week-end Mrs. M. .1. Header ami Mrs. 11. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Benuell, Mr. most beautiful in variety ami color- SNOWDRIFT Farlin. tif (iraml Hapids. spent Mr. and Mrs. I'red West and fam- wilh l.ow-ell and Vergennes rela- antl Mrs. Duane Keith, Edward Hen- ings. Tuesday with the latter's mother, ily and Mrs. Hlanche Kellogg, ni ties. nell ami l^awrencc Maxin are qJaHty lb. 20C Mrs. Ferris Taylor. Every school want .supplied at pkg. lie Lowell, druve to Lansing last Sun- Mr. an^l Mrs. Hoy Perce and spending Ihis week in one of Ihe our store. Henry drug store, adv. day. tiiin.yhler Hetty, of (irand Hapids, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McFarlin, of Andrews at Murray lake. Dond on (irand Hapids. and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sayles was in Indianapolis, The better work shop because of were Momhiy eallers of Mr. ami Arthur J. Avery antl son Morris, tif Ind., u few tlays tlurlng the week, new and impruved tools and ex- Mrs. H. A. ('.hiirles. Ferris Taylor spent Sumlay with (irand Hapitls, joined his mother, relatives in Lansing. ami his wife, molher, sister und hus- perleneed meehanies. (Jould's (Jar- Mr. and Mrs. M. Merrill and Mrs. Helen Avery antl brother, Sher- band, Mr. atril Mrs. Gordon Frost Graham Flour COIN SEAL age. adv. daughler Joyce, of Snnlield, are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Armstrong man Avery antl wife, and all enjoy- ami Mrs. Whaley s|»ent Thursday al Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ashley, daugh- spemling a few days at Ihe home of and daughter Gladys. Mrs. Jennie tl last Wednesday al Morrison lake. Ravenna with Mr. antl Mrs. Monlie 25c ters Norma and Marion, and Mr. .Mr. and Mrs, Klmer Pletcher. Townsend and son Hoberl, spent Sunilay guesls at W. J. Foster's Sayles antl Mr. antl Mrs. Frank Slbs. 21c S Ike. lie Labor tiay in Lansing. and Mrs. Allhaiise were at (Irolon Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Charles, Mrs. were Miss Olga Schieser. of lousing, Sayles. Sunday. Kli/abelh Charles and Mrs Margaret Halph McVean leaves nexl Wed- Frank Haggerly and Mrs. William Mr. antl Mrs. Charles Pelerle en- Misses Doris O'Harrow, Ina and Dennis were Sunday guests of Mr. nesday for Columbia University, Foster, tif Delroil, antl Mrs. Helena tertained with a buffet luncheon Jessie O'Harrow returned Monday and Mrs. Harry Sexton in (irand New York Ciiy. His family will re- (iamo, of Bulterworlh hospital. Saturday nighl. The following were lo Detroit, afler visiting Lowell re- Hapids, main in Lowell during his absence. Mr. antl Mrs. I. M. Goff, Mr. antl present: Mr. antlMrs. Ernest Taylor. INSTANT POSTIM Urge Sin 41 & Smll Sin 2Sc. latives and friends. The new Hell Telephone directory Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Chaffee, Mr. Mrs. Paul Garwootl ami two chil- Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Gable, Mr. nntl Miss Abbie Watson, of Detroit, has for Lowell, September issue, is a and Mrs. Harry Chaffee antl three dren, of South Hend, sin-nl nearly a Mrs. Ilarrv l^imont, of Delroil, Mr. been visiting at the home of her street and residence directory as children, tif Lansing, s|)ent Sunday week wilh Mr. antl Mrs. S. B. Avery, ami Mrs. Charles Alexander and Mrt brother and sisler-in-law, Mr. and well, a worth-while added conven- evening with Mr. ami Mrs. Ed. lloag. returning home Monday. antl Mrs. I^iyal Rickner, of ix)well. QOLD DIST Large Ptekigc 2Se. Mrs. Henry Walson. ience for Hell patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Whitlock, Dependable used cars—all makes Mr. and Mrs. George M. Parker The Lowell public library is open of (iraml Hapitls, Vivian McMahon, son Harold, Mrs, Carrie Newman —reasonable prices. Gould's Gar- have returned from a ten days' visit on regular time again, Tuesdays, of Miami, Fla., were eallers of Mr. and son Wilford, of Delroil, were age. adv. with relatives and friends in Owos- Thursdays, and Saturdays from 2 ami Mrs. F. J. McMahon Labor tiay. Sunday antl Monday guests al Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Fretl Fahrni nntl Iwo so, Pontiac and Detroit. lo N, Some interesting new books Dr. Helms antl Mr. ami Mrs. Don home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alex- children were in Bailie Creek Sun- For sick and accident insurance lo please every taste. Librarian. Cook and daughter, tif Helding, were antler. tlay al the Fletcher reunion ami see John Houghley at 72H Munrue Mr, and Mrs, Kmil Friedli and Thursday evening guesls of Mrs. Miss Ruth Layer, who has been brought hack as Iheir guests over avenue, evenings, or call Lowell •laughter, of Detroit, spent over the Cook's parents, Mr. und Mrs. A. J. spending Ihe Summer vacation with Labor day, Mr. antl Mrs. S. A. ('tiles phone three threes fur appoint- week-end wilh Lowell relatives. Hlair. her parents. Mr. antl Mrs. 1). F. ami daughler Irma, of Delroil. Mr. ment. (p If They were accompanied home Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heyers, of Layer, left Montlay It) resume her ami Mrs. J. Guy Fletcher, of Fern- LIFE'S Mr. and Mrs. (J. A. Plumb and day by Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kilgus, (irand Hapids, accompanied Mr. nnd work as teacher in Ihe Detroit dale antl Axel It. Helcher, of Park daughter Hetty, of Grand Hapids, who will spend the week with them. Mrs. (ieorge Kingdom antl Mr. and schools. City, Utah. were guesls a couple of days last Mrs, Charles Kopf, (nee Goldie Mrs. Myrle Kingdom lo Lansing Miss Doris Flalley and Stanley The annual meeting of the Bland- LITTLE week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner,) of (ilen-Kllen poultry Monday. Bordeaux, of Detroit, were Sunday lug family was heltl al Ihe home tif Fred Malcolm. farm, Middleville, was in lown Sat- Mrs. C. IL Horn antl daughler. antl Monday guesls al Ihe home of Mrs. •.Ben Soules, Sepl. 0. Nearly Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Pletcher, Mr. urday, The Kopfs are engaging Miss Mary Horn, returned Tuesday Mr. antl Mrs. Oscar J. Hrexina, ami seventy descendants were present /and Mrs. ('. !•'. Pottrulf, of (Irand in Ihe poullry hatching business on evening from a month's visit with all altended Hamona thealer Sunday from lakeview, Greenville, lonla, JESTS llapids, Mr and Mrs. (Ieorge Fasselt, a large scale, having worked into their son, Carl Horn antl family at evening. Charlotte, Holly, Grantl Hapitls, Vote for of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. K. Stock- Ihe game from a small beginning. Had Axe. Mrs, H. B. Boylan entertained for Free|Kirl, Ml. Pleasant, Vergennes well, nf Pontiac, spent Sunday and The annual Held day of Ihe West Mrs. William Freeman, ot Elm- dinner Thursday evening Mrs. Sarah antl l^iwell. Holly Blantllug, of Monday al Houghton lake. Michigan (iame and Fish Protective brook and Mr. antl Mrs. L. Wood- McPherson, Mrs. Mary While and (iraml Hapitls, was elecletl president, association will be held at Henrick- worth, of Grand Hapitls, visiled Ihe Mrs, Belle Ecker antl Suntlay guesls Emery Hlanding, of Greenville,, ftir Dr. J. P. Draper limped out of the vice president, Mrs. Belle Goseh. of house last Friday, after a week's sen's park, Lincoln lake, Saturday, ladies' brother, A. Vel/y one day al the Boylan's were Mr. nnd Mrs. Sept. 11, at 10 a. m. The invitation last week. Earl Nash. Freeporl, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. confinement after having driven an Katie Towl, Ionia, historian. The old horse shoe nail, long in a hoof, reads: "Yourself and family invit- Mrs. Hattie House has received Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander ed. Luneh served by the associa- next reunion will be nl Riverside into his knee. It was a painful in- word from Ml. Pelier, Vermont, thai enlerlalnetl over Ihe week-end antl Park, Ionia, Uibor tiay, 1027. Haze jury and the dope to prevent blood lion at 12::m." she is great grandmotlier lo a daugh- Libor dav, Mr. antl Mrs. Ernest A REASONABLE GUESS |)oisoning left him ralher "groggy." Funeral services for (ierald Dean, ter born Aug. 24, to Mr. antl Mrs. Taylor, Mr. antl Mrs. Ray tiable, Mrs. Frank Keiser, of Ionia, en- IS-year-old son of Supervisor and Alfred Taplin. Mr. ami Mrs. Hurry Lamont and son, "llobhs lionhle, from down there In tertained Wednesday afternoon al Mrs. Ira M, Dean, of C.ascade lown- Mr, and Mrs. Howard Conanl, Mr. all of Detroit. Honour Holler, has been away for Ihe home of her parents, Mr. and ship, fatally injured in an automo- and Mrs. Claude Conanl, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Freeman spent last qulto a SIM'II," said Gap JohtiHon of bile accident Friday evening, were Mrs. Walter Hogers, in honor of Mrs, Ilarrv Conanl and Ell (Sonant, week in Grand Hapitls wilh her Rumpus Ridge. "I reckon ho was for Sheriff held at Ihe home Tuesday at 2 p. in, Mrs. Dale Hankin, (nee Kslher llil- all of Hockford, were Suntlay guesls children. Rev. ami Mrs. Minty, Mr. dodging the revenuers, or something tenger, of Wayland. Decorations liilermenl was made at Whitney- of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Conanl. antl Mrs. Ernest Collar, Mr. and Mrs. ville, llev. It. 1), Freeman, ofliciat- thut-a-way." were carried out in pink and while, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hlair, of Emery Freeman ami Miss Nemma ing. "Did ho lell you sol" Inquired Gabo pink and white snapdragons being Jackson, Hev. and Mrs. A. J. Hlair, Freeman ami attended the fair. used as the table cenler piece. A The West Side neighborhood Glggery. World War Service, Full and Mr. ami Mrs. Dan Cook and Etlgar Soules antl wife, from Slur- M Iwo course luncheon was served lo bridge elnb enjoyed a Inneheon al dmiKhter, of Helding, enioyetl a gis, were Sumlay guests at Ihe home No, but when I sorter asked him about twelve guests. Lone Pine Inn Saiurday, each niem- Sunday dinner at Wabasis club al of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Ben If be hadn't lieen he said It wasn't The Seeley family held a reunion er inviting a guest. Hridge was Wabasis lake. Soules, also Mr. ami Mrs. Lou Slreg- nofie of my business."—Kansas City played during Ihe afternoon. Those Term of War. He served at the home of Milo Harney, Sunday, A, Velzy, Mrs. Carl Wingeier and go antl son. Justice Streflgo, wife, Mtar. Sepl. 5. 1820. Twenty-seven being present were Mrs. Lawrence Hiith- antl three children, of Holly. erford, Mrs. Kli/abeth Lalley, Mrs. Miss Elsie Vel/y drove lo /eeland preKent from (irand hapids, Hyron Sunday, ami were accompanicNl Mrs. Hannah Harllell is enterlaln- Kva Arehart, Mrs. D. G. Look, Mrs. fVE/VT DEEP Cenler, Lakeview and Helding. After home by Mrs. Velxy, who hud been Ing her nieces, Mrs. Pearl Dugg, of you faithfully then. He a bountiful pienie dinner ineludinM W, Walehterhoiiser, Mrs, Frank Mc- Mahon, Mrs, C. Hunclinan, Mrs, Fred visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Van Delroil, mid Miss Muriel Allen, of all Norts of good things to eat, a limten two weeks. Ollowa, Onl. The parly spenl Sat- "Pretty ami HccotnpIUhetl, eh? Does shorl program was given, consisting Jacobi, Mrs, H, P. (iotfredsen, Mrs. urday al Ihe Barllell farm In South ahe paint and drawf* of recitations by Mrs. Kdna Hoyd, C. Collar, Mrs, Haymond Hergin, Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Knillin and Mr. is ready to do it now. Mrs. II. M. Shivel, Mrs. C. Hodges, and Mj'-s. J. M. Hutchinson visited Ixiwell wilh Mr. and Mrs. Howard "Yes, she paints, dear; but dooNa'l Fred Harney, Lansford Harney, Barllell. Catherine Seeley and Fninklin See- Mrs, O, Hre/,ina, Mrs. Norman Hor- Mr. aud Mrs. Fred llosley at Oinena to attract Uie men ot all." ley. gerson and Mrs. P. Feinis. resort from Saiurday until Tuesday Mrs. Jay Ellis, son Bert, and night. The Hosleys will return to daughler Flora, visiled Ihe former's Lowell in a week or Iwo. brother, Mr. antl Mrs. Harold Don- Callotu Conaetanca Mr. antl Mrs. F. N. While, Dr. and aldson in Delroil, a few days re- tail the tale. Looktaa at Ma With pride the toller uadeinunda Mrs. F. E. While antl aunl, and Mr. cently. Mrs. Belle Hodges accom- panied Ihem antl was a guest of her That many a rich tniin'a oomioimiot ami Mrs. Arthur While spenl last More callouithnn hie lily hands. 'plS Thursday in'Grand Haven and look niece, Mrs. Robert Milne. dlniier with Mr. antl Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Neil Cameron, whose birth- Deiman al Highland Park. day. wilh that of her sister, Mrs. J. Home AtmofpAara Mr. antl Mrs. Marshall Morse, of R. Wlckham, occurred Friday. Sep- **1 want a parrot that swears some- tember 3. spent Ihe tiay wilh Ihis pin awful." Old Halt (telling yarn)—I'm a deep* Detroit, visiled his molher, Mrs. 1). sea sailor, friend, an' olnt used to Time O. Shear Sunday and Monday, and sister al her home in (irand Rapids. "May I ask, madam, why yon wish Another sister, Mary, whose birth- traveling In deep woods, but at loot # Mr. antl Mrs. Harold Morse, ulso of to hay such a blrdt" to figura on gtttinf your Fall and Wintar Clothai Detroit, were visitors of his par- day was also on Sepl. 3 has gone "Mo husband's lieen sent up fer a we got Into the pirate cave. GoOh, the on before. fixad up. Wa claan, dya, prau and rapair. Altara- ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Al Morse. year, an' ye can't Imagine how I gold was all over the floor three fset Mr. and Mrs. William Beaucbamp deep I 8SE THE PULLING Mr. antl Mrs. Phil Sayles and her misses htm." tion and rallntng a tpacialty. Suits mada to your mother, Mrs. Whaley, of Columbus, motored to Grand Hapitls Sunday Auditor—Ray, pardner, whatever maatura. t-t t-t t-t t-t Ohio, came Saiurday night for a and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. yer git Into yer git Into protty deep, week's visit with his mother. Mrs. Frank Webb. The Webbs returned Quilt don't yer? Orin Sayles. They were Joined lo tawell Sunday night wllb Mr. ' Bhe—I notice hy this arttela that Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Uordon and Mrs. Beauehamp remaining over men become bald much more than POWER Melancholy Day§ Lowell Cleaning anil Dyeing Wks. Frost antl family, of Moseley and night and Monday afternoon all women because of the Intense activity Mrs. Lulu Daker, son and lady friend drove lo Ionia, ealling on Crlends. of their bralna. The melsnoholy days arn hare of Grund Hapitls. und all enjoyed The isddriNt of the year. D. S. Simon, Prop. Opp. Pott Offica < Mr. and Mrs. Norton Avery, of He—Yes, and I notice that women When Ahrnnie Irritation smltee tine of Mother's best Sunday din- lousing, spent Suntlay at Ibe home The eye and noeo and ear. ner's. "f hw parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. don't raise beards because of the la- Ltt Simon Simonit* Your Clothu tease activity of their chlnsl The annual Fletcher reunion was Willelte in Soulh Lowell Monday. Proper Progreee held Sent ember A, at the home of Norton came lo help celebrate the • I" birthday of his mother, Mrs. 8. B. To those wonting extra copies of Vicar—And your daughter, Mrs. r' 1 Mr. antl Mrs. Bert Fletcher, Balfle The Ledger please call for them Creek, There were Ihirly-elghl Avery, and they, with Sherm Avery call for them Bliiks-the one thot'o otudylng to he and moiber, Mrs, Helen Avery, spent within a week of publicationiblicatlon. Af- uresenl, several whom had not al- ter that tbey have to be "dug up" a hospital nurse—how Is ahet lended in many years. A happy the day with a picnic dinner at Mrs. Blnks—RHendld, thank you, Bear Creek. and cant always be found. If. surprise was the appearance of Axel air. Lost we 'eard from 'er she was Fletcher of Park Sly. Utah, and gotn' np for 'er flnal oontomlnatleno. Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Fletcher, of OUR MOTTO Grand Hapids. A wonderful din- ner. was served. The reunion in PUhert of Men SERVICE «nd QUALITY 1027 will be held at Sam Fletcher's Maud—The dictionary aays that o in Ypsilanti Ihe Sunday preceding "bob" Is something used In sngllnf. Labor day. SEE THIS UST Marie—I suppose tbafo why yon IMEU Selett jreur Mat Sunday dinner from our . Among those who spent Ubor got yours, dear—to help yon load day In Lansing were tbe Lowell Horry.—Boston Trsnscrlpt mt UTO NU eheloo lino of band boys, Dr. and Mrs. If, P. Got- Mo donbt thara ara at laaat a few & fiilii*?* Nina Roberts. Mr. and OFFIOI Mrs. Will Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. h. M. namaa oo oorllat of cnatomera that AU That la Toot : BEEF, FORK, VEAL. UMB, CHICKEN ' bM ', ShlvelJIr. and Mrs, J. C. Hatch, Mr. yoo wit iMOgniaai Why not oomak "Mrs, Lady Oodlvo rides wUhoat" and FRUH PISH and Mrs. Will Fost Mr .and Mrs. thorn aa to tha addiaUttty ot baying Sire (after gtonciag without)—Very John Arehart and family* Hobert tactfully pat ay nuut—Nebrosko mfM* r • - AU kbuU 9/ CM Mmti /or rear Pienie Dinner llahn. Dr. Stryker. Forreal 8ml Four Und Oir hmwf Tha Un ia at Awgwon. Frank Stevens. Mr. and H 1 V 0*C;ri $ Gould's Garage ] Onee the Capita! ef Canada W. J. Gibaaa't Cash Market last Mate ft Phono M A Xlagsten, Ontorlo, woo tbe copltol WtylA of Ooriodo from 1S41 to 1848. It lo Mr.^MrfcOaorii wd. Ik. MhImI WkmTwCkMrM » WHO Mua IT Lowreneo if?or. It woo token bf the , ' •.? ftillohlaim _ if