{ r.w NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. y ; SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTICE. Read the date on the address label of this paper. This paper will stop nt once If paid to date and It U the dale your subscription is paid to. If it is so ordemi by the subscriber. Not forced on any a date prior to the date of this issue, your time is one who quils sqiuirc. IteKufnr lA-page edition D $2.00 per year, or (5-page loeal edition $1.50 per out and you should renew at once. Kindly observe ye:ir. in advance. Please observe and oblige the and oblige the publisher. publisher. "'WiOi, Volume TTilrty-Four, No. IS '"ublic ' Ibrary y.an d THE ALTO SOLO Lowell, Mich., I'hursday, Sept. 9V 192(! THE RIGHT MAN P. M. ENGINEER GREEN RALLY FIRE EXPOSES 9ften *10ho IN RIGHT PUCE DIES ON TRACK CLOSES BATTLE BOWNE STILL YOUR DUTY ffi/se in mC//e— DEXTER G. LOOK FOR REPRE- JAMES JOHNSON, PERE MAR- FRF.D W. GREEN CLOSES CAM- LOWELL DEPUTY SHERIFF = VOTE = SENTATIVE IN SECOND DIS- QUETTE OFFICIAL KILLED PAIGN IN GRAND RAPIDS. FOI ND TWELVE ItAItltKLS TRICT, KENT COUNTY. IN COLLISION NEAR HIG RALLY MONDAY OF MASH ON CAMPAU nint cases out of ton—do to through SUPPORT HIM. MOSELEY. EVENING. LAKE FARM. Division Engineer James John- Deputy Sherill Howes was called the help and atsitUnce of a growing son was instantly killed on Ihe Pere lo Campan lake Sumlay morning Marquette track about two miles because of a lire in a ho/,' pen on •avingt account. west of Moseley at 10:30 a. in. Wed- Ihe Fred Kreiser farm and resulling nesday, when the ins|icction ear in in exposure of a slill. Twelve IT IS von; |)l TV TO TAKI-: AN ACTIVI- PAItT whieh he was riding collided lic.-id barrels of mash and olher parapher- Whether on the farm, in businett or a on with a freight train. nalia were disclosed in the ruins, IN Till- POLITICS OF THIS STATK. ON Sl-PT. Hoad Master, Charles Cole, of Kd- but the coils and a 50-gallon slill proffetfiont oris in tomeone'i employ more, and Section Master, A. Show- had been removed and were found inn vol WILL IIAVI: vot t; CIIANCI:. DO ers, of Helding, were on the inspce- in a swamp and elsewhere on Ihe vol It LIT. GKT Ol T AM) VOTIv IF YOU this statement holds true. tion car with Mr. Johnson, but rami. The deputy ordered the jumped and escaped serious in- parlies concerned lo appear at the CANT \oTI-: 1 ol! IT:1.1) W GIIKKN AND TIIK Study the Uvea of auccassful man, and watch jury. Shcrill's OM'KC for examination. how certain qualitiea predominate. The body was brought to Veiter's il is supposed Ihe tire was eaused MI;N WHO INDOLSI-: HIS CANDIDACY, YOU chapel, where I Acting Coroiwr hy Ihe explosion of a gasoline slove Inevitably you will make up you mind Springett conducted an examination used in Ihe slill. STILL HAM. A SI )Nli AND Tillltl) CHOlCi:. and derided tiiat the death was :ie- No moonshine was found on Ihe to atart a Savinga Account—Why not cidental. premises hy tin- otlicer. VOTi: AS vol THINK HI.ST. ^ The freight train was coming The enmliibiey of Dexler G. Look atart now? west and the inspet lion car was go- CONGREGATIONAL CIU KriL lo sueeeeil liimself as represenltilive ing east to Moselev to meet the pas- A. J. Hhiir, I'aslnr. in the U'Kislalnre of llic Seeond senger train. There is a sharp 4% For Your Savinf a. IHslriet of Kent eoimly, is worthy Sunday morning worship at II curve on the track, where the col- o'elock. Ihe IhoiiMhlfiil allenlion of every lision took place, preventing a lung voter in the ilistriet who ilesires ii view of tlie track, and it is supposed S( nnon Iheme: "The Land of Ihe Midnighl Sun." enpahle husiness-like adiiiiiiistrntloii Mr. Johnson having the passenger of that olliee. train in mind did not know about There will he a junior choir prac- Mr. Ldok has been a resident of the freight. liee al 2:110 o'clock sharp, Saturday City State ffiank Lowell V.I years. Came here as a Western Michigan will have tlie ariernoon. Sepl. 11. Miss llermaii LOOK'S DRUG STORE Kngineer Harrison, of the freiglit honor of Ihe presence of Fred \V. hoy and entered the Lowell Iitali trsiin, says he saw the inspection ciir wil! he pleased lo ineel all Ihe chil- school from whieh he Wiidnaled in Green on the evening of Sept. IH. at dren w ho like In sin'.;. Lowell, Mich. 100 feet away, saw the two nien wliieh lime he will close his cam- Oneoff the 10,000 Raxall Drug Stores. 1KKU, and he^in his life work as a jump and Johnson put his feet out C.hoir rehearsal al 7:!in sharp. Sal- clerk, entering hiisiness for himself paign at Grand Itapids, at Fullon urday niuhl. Sept. 11. as if starting lo jump. II is IhoiiKlit Street Park, at K:(HI p. in. Plans have as a drn^ist six years later, coiitin- that his heart fsiiled him at tlie im- New im inhers, ;is well as old are Member o/ the Federal Reterve Banking Syetem. been made for a most glorious rc- uiiifj in the same to the present (late minent danger and that he was in- cordialK inviled lo allend our lirsl with stores at Lowell and Alma. ccplion in his brhalf. ('.ommillce choir praclice. capable of jniniting, as he sat :is if reports that great numbers of citi- I hiring those hlisy years he has spell-bound. The inspecting ear Sunday school al I'l o'clock. zens from various parls of Ihe Slate Mid w-vk service Thursday eve- found time lo serve the public elli- and freight were both running fast. • * have expressed their desire of l»eing ning al /::t(l. ciently in many other capacities, Mr. Johnson leaves a wife and a present. Many plans arc nnder way A rec(>plion wi anions them as trustee and president daughter of 12 years. The body was he given Ihe Give Thiein Botti Barrels of the Lowell Hoard of Education, for an old time rally, when :NI in- school teachers of Lowell ami \i- i taken to his Saginaw home on a terested citizens can enjoy some of TIIURSnAV, SEPT. 1« including the year of the ImildinK of special train at 5 p. m. Wdenesday. cinily al tS o'clock Fridav evening^ Ihe olden day contests. Arrange- of this week, in Ihe I'arish house. the new Utah school, 15 years as "Duck ShiKilinn" season open-; mi that (lav. • Glasses for Old and Young ii village trustee and president, also inenls for street demonstralions in We hope lli.-il all Ihe leachers will LEGION DOINGS. the form of a parade, green liyhls. £ as president and director of the plan lo allend. We should like lo *;* We li:i\r ;t Iri'sh slock ol Wiiirliesler. lieminglon. IJ. S. and The Charles W. Clark Post and at rial bombs with many olher IVa- nieel you rcg:irdless of your church Lowell Hoard of Trade, president of Weslern aiMiiiiinilioii. :ill ^n.i lo;ii|s. ^^l|l Nvill always tind ^ the Lowell Specialty company, one Auxiliary and Lowell were very tnre events denionstrating Ihe inter pl'efei elices. of Michtamrs most successful nian- well represented at the Amerieaii esl in Mr. Green's candidacy. Tlnre will he liyhl refreshnieiils X our prices riyhl. Legion convention at Lansing, Sep- and a good program. • ufacliiriim Institutions and as vice • (inns, gun oil, ch-aniiu i uls cuses. etc. We have Ihein. oresident of the City State hank of lember 4, 5, (i, 7. SIX INJI KKD WHEN CARS CRASH The nn'inhers of the I'arish arc Lowell, in all of whieh capacities, Dr. JI. P. (iotfrcdscn was elected ON M-lfi IN IONIA. cordially inviled. in hiisiness and as a pnhlic servant coimnitteenian for the Fifth district, Ionia. Sept. 5.—Six persons were The annual hiisiness nieeling o! H»2»i I!I27 III NTING t.K LNSKS his platform has been—SKHVICK. also a member of the executive eom- injured and two escaped injnry tale IIK ('.lieerful Doers was held Mon- AND LAWS NOW KKADV Tlie importance of perfect sight in all important to ! which ifoiicy has also persisted iniffee of the Michigan department. today in an anlo accident on M-I(i, day evening in Ihe Parish house. during his two terms as neprescn- With the doctor to lead, with the seven miles south of Ionia. A car (Mlin-rs were elech-d as follows: I young, middle aged and old alike. tativc in Lansing, where he has fnll- local Post behind him lo a man. driven by Miss Grace Took of Fow- I'residcnl Mrs. Ilallie I'eckhani. fllled every nledtfe to the best of his other posts in the district willing lo lerville, and containing her brollicr. l-'irsl Nice Pres... Mrs. Arinslidiig. R. D. Stocking I Errors of refraction can be remedied by glaaaea es- ; ability, a policy which will be con- co-operate the Fifth should go over William Took, of Detroit, ami Miss Second Vice I'rcsidenl, Mrs. Ilal- tinued in his further legislative ex- big this year. Kallierine Sweeney, also of Delroil. lie Parker. t ATWATER KENT RADIOLA * I; pecially made for each particular case/ The Charles W. Clark Post closed Sicrelary Miss Ilallie Lynn.
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