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[email protected] Mexican Catalogue Part I -- Literature, Drama, Film, Linguistics Literature 1. Aguilar, Luis . AK 47. Monterrey, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Libros de la Mancuspia (Colección UANL), 2017. 75p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786072706606. "ak 47" is a collection of poetry by Luis Aguilar that center around daily violence in the form of microagressions, which are experienced privately but affect society at its very seams. Aguilar was the winner of the Nicolás Guillén International Poetry Prize in 2010. He is also the author of "Tartaria", "Mantel de tulipanes amarillos", "Los ojos ya deshechos", "La entrañable costumbre o El libro de Felipe", "Decoración de interiores", "Lateral izquierdo", "Fruta de temporada", "Ground glass/Vidrio molido" and "Muchachos que no besan en la boca". (64625) $19.90 2. Aguilera Navarrete, Flor. LA POÉTICA DE LA ESCRITURA EN YO EL SUPREMO, DE AUGUSTO ROA BASTOS. Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato (Pliego Literatura), 2015. 277p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786074414073. "La poética de la escritura en Yo el Supremo, de Augusto Roa Bastos" is a study on Paraguayan author Augusto Roa Bastos's historical novel "Yo el Supremo", a fictionalized account of the nineteenth-century Paraguayan dictator José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia. Author Flor Aguilera Navarrete examines the complexity and heterogeneity of the text, as well as the gap between orality and writing, unraveling the aesthetic and ethical possibilities of this dichotomy. She also studies the difficult and delicate relationship between Spanish and Guaraní.