Supplemental Information Packet

Agenda Item - Father Serra Statue Posted July 14, 2020 (Input received by 4 p.m. July 14, 2020)

Special Meeting of July 15, 2020

Supplemental Information:

Any agenda related public documents received and distributed to a majority of the City Council after the Agenda Packet is printed are included in Supplemental Packets. Supplemental Packets are produced as needed. The Supplemental Packet is available in the City Clerk's Office, 501 Poli Street, Room 204, Ventura, during normal business hours as well as on the City's Website -

Ventura City Council Agenda Anita Mair

From: Susan Malloy Sent: Tuesday, July 7, To: Council Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra Statue in front of City Hall

I think the statue of Junipero Serra should be moved to the Ventura Museum. I understand that he was not a bad guy but its what he represents, so in the Museum that could be explained better than by putting him in the Mission Garden. Susanne Malloy

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1 Anita Mair

From: Fritz Leon Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:04 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Museum piece

Belong to the local museum

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1 Anita Mair

From: galaxyrobin Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:19 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Statue removal

I strongly oppose removal of the Father Serra statue. Please do not cater to the cancel culture who want to rewrite our history. Be the leaders you were elected to be and stand up to the vocal minority.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:58 PM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:44 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date(Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Andrea Martinez


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

1 Meeting Date 7/8/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue·

Written Comments Please remove the offensive "Father Serra" statue. He abused Native Americans to force them to follow his native beliefs from Spain. He was apart of the conquistadors mission of overtaking stolen lands from Native Americans & forcing their traditions & ways upon them. The statue is offensive & is showing that Ventura supports & praises the overtaking of Natives. I speak from the side of the abused, I am a proud Native American. I also find it ironic that you have placed a cage around the statue in question. What do you fear? An overtaking & conversation? So did we.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:14 AM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:13 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Meadow Crosby


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Agenda Item Number/Topic

1 Agenda Item Number/Topic 12A (if known)

Written Comments I would like this statue removed, it poses problematic and evokes the violence from which it originates. Native Americans were forced to hide their stories, religions, and native identities, but they still survived. We do not need a statue to commemorate the hand legalized genocide of these ingenuous Californian people. After gold was discovered in 1848, laws passed and military orders were carried out to massacre California Native Americans. Junipera Serra deserves to be put in a museum with honest _description of the accurate and historical genocide that occurred.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:14 AM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:01 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. -----··~-·"-·-·------·------~-- . ----~···---····--.. -·---··-·--··--·------·-··-·------·-··-·-~------~------···--··-·--·····------.. -- .. ~.------·------·-- Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form ------••'---•--·-··------·-·------·- ---~ Name KATE HAMILTON

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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments Hi, my name is Kate Hamilton, I live, work, vote and pay taxes in District 1.There is a clear division between church and state, a Christian figure in front of City Hall is disturbing. Although some accounts are unclear it is likely Serra either had a hand or was complicit in the enslaving, beating, shackling, hunting, raping and forced baptism of thousands of people. Also, he was a small man and the size of that statue is very misleading. As for my suggestions, I think Mayor Lavere as a humane leader in this fragmented country should use this as an opportunity to acknowledge the horrific injustice done to the Chumash people, who took care of this land, this ocean, themselves for 20,000 years before the Spanish. Watch what happened when the Australian Prime Minister did the same­ people were able to heal. Then when the statue is retired, host a contestfor the commission of a replacement, ask invested citizens to serve on a panel of judges and let the community submit ideas.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:14 AM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form '

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:46 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------~· ·---·-···--·----·-- Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Ashley HIii


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

··-········-··········· . ··········-· -·-·· .. ---- ...... -··· ...• •··•·•······· --·· .. ·····-···------_, ... ,.. ··•··· ... -.. , ...., ...... - ·--·······-· Meeting Date 7/7/2020 -·---··----·-··--··•-,•·---·-·-·•-··--·•-·······. . ·------·······--··----- ·····-··-·----·--·-·----··-·-··-·- -···--·-··-··-·-•··--···------·-·-----·- ··-·- --·-·-··· ·--·-- ·····--·-···---· .. -····- -·-· - ···- Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments My name is Ashley Hill and I am a Ventura resident. I am requesting the removal of the Junipero Serra statue in front of city hall. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. A statue idolizing such actions is disrespectful to today's Ventura Chumash residents, and it does not reflect the morals of many Ventura residents who greatly respect our native community. The statue can be relocated to a private area of Ventura Catholics choosing if they so wish, but it belongs nowhere near our city hall.

Thank you for your time,

Ashley Hill Ventura Resident -- ... ·•-···•-··--··-·•·-----·-•--·-·------····--··--·······-···••·--- .. ····--··-·-···· - ·······•··•·····-·· -·····--•·················-·-·-···· --·····••--•·····--·····-··· .. ·····-··-·-~•···· Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:14 AM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:28 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name arid contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. -----~------·--·-···------···-··--·--·····-··--·····-··-····-·-·----··----···---·-·.. ------·-·-·-·-···------•-----··----· ··---·------·------··•·········-·--·-··· Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below ·on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Gabriel Skora


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments I think members of the committee need to reflect on the actual history of Father Serra, rather than the "history" we are taught in school. It's important to think about what history we are trying to reflect. A statue of a man who oppressed, colonized, and raped the indigenous people of this area preserves a history of oppression and violence. Further, a religious statue should not be on public land.

I understand that many may have an incorrect perception of Father Serra. After independent research and learning however, I feel that one can only come to the conclusion that' preserving his statue on public land sends a message of exclusivity, colonization, and oppression. Not the message that we want to be sending in our county.

Let's make a positive change in our county, set an example for the future, and remove the statue. We can reflect on him in the appropriate historical context--not as a statue in a position to be idolized, but as a flawed man who colonized much of area.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 9:13 AM To: Tracy Oehler Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:22 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form ------·~·--···-· --- Name Rebecca Wulff


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments As a 20-year resident/voter of Ventura, I support the removal of the Father Serra statue. I am embarrassed to admit that for years I passed the statue, accepting it as historical. The ironic placement of the statue was brought to my attention in 2005 by my then kindergarten daughter. Thanks to general conversations about Indigenous Peoples Day, she realized that we were honoring a man who represented (intentionally or unintentionally) the destruction of native Californian cultures. I was dumbfounded by her wisdom, and I could not explain why he stood prominently in front of City Hall. I understand that Father Serra is important to Catholics, & the statue should be relocated to our Mission. Thank you to the City, Chumash & Catholic leaders for your peaceful conversations & bravery in correcting previously romanticized racist decisions. This is not about individual autonomy. It is about the separation of church & state, & what is morally inclusive of all community members

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2 Anita Mair

From: Jennifer Finnerty Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 4:29 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

Please let the people of Ventura vote on whether the Serra statue should stay or go by placing it on the Fall ballot.

Jennifer Cooper Finnerty

Director of Business Development & Community Outreach, Rose Family Funeral Home & Cremation

Owner~ Jennifer Event Management

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1 Anita Mair

From: Deborah Meyer-morris Sent: Wednesday, July 8,202 • I • ~ To: Council Subject: -EXT- Leadership Needed

Dear City Council:

Marie suggested I send this message to you, which I just posted on her FB page regarding the proposed election to deal with the Father Serra statute.

This is why we have a City Council of elected officials. We have elected them from 7 areas of Ventura to represent and lead us. Each one of these elected officials needs to vote on this issue, not pass the buck to the voters to do the job they were elected to do because this is an issue they don't want to alienate voters over. Elected officials you need to l~ad and show leadership during this time. It is bad enough there are only six of you that can vote because someone had to recuse themselves. Hold an emergency meeting, like you should have originally. Figure it out in closed session because this cannot end in a 3:3 tie and please do not ask taxpayers to pay for an election and spend-waste taxpayer money to vote on this issue when City of Ventura has a projected multi-million dollar+ budget deficit and is eliminating jobs and services.

Thank you in advance for your leadership on this timely issue.

Deborah ---.Deborah Meyer- Morris Ventura, CA 93004

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1 Anita Mair

From: Marissa Roberts Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 6:23 PM To: Cheryl Heitmann; Matt Lavere; Erik Nasarenko; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown; Council Subject: -EXT- Why the delay?

Good afternoon Council Members and Mayor,

My name is Marissa and I live in District 2 of this city. I was born and raised in Ventura, and last night I spoke at the city council meeting in favor of taking down the Junipero Serra statue. I understood the need fora public forum yesterday, and I understood the previous conversation you held about the historic nature of the statue in question. What I do not understand is the delay to now not move forward with a vote. I kept a tally of those who spoke last night, and although it seemed like an even split, I can tell you that the amount of people who called in to advocate for taking the statue down consistently outweighed the amount of callers who asked you to keep it where it stands. Towards the fourth hour, the gap significantly went in favor of taking the statue down and stayed there until the end of the night. Here is some rhetoric that I would like to address:

"Don't give in to the MOB. This is mob rule." This one is from Fox News, they love their buzz words! We are not a mob, just people, residents of this city. As are the ones who are on the opposing side. Instead of calling them mobs, I just like to call them uninformed.

Where will it end? I don't think we should ever stop evolving as a city. Why shouldn't we be ever-changing if it's for the greater good? What we are asking is not unreasonable; and, hypothetically, should we become unreasonable, I doubt we will ever be able to see it through.

"Junipero Serra was a Saint and did not commit the crimes he's being accused or' Junipero Serra orchestrated the complete decimation of a culture and its people, intentionally and unintentionally. This is a fact that legitimate historians do not debate. He forced the native people to speak his language, practice his religion, and build his missions. Father Serra was the leader of this cultural genocide. Whether or not he individually picked up a whip to beat these people does not matter, because his bishops did. And clearly nothing of substance was done by Serra seeing as by the end of the mission-era, the Indiginous population is estimated to have been cut in half (About 60% of this is estimated to have been from diseases, but what about the other 40%?) (Source:­ indian-history/). I would also like to point out that without historical text from the side of the Indiginous people (most accounts we have are from the side of Spaniards and explorers), we must listen to the people of Chumash descent. They represent their history.

"Tearing down this statue is tearing down history" I don't even think I need to address this point, but I will. In the fourth grade I participated in the mission project, like most people who grew up in California. I made a mission out of popsicle sticks and I went to Michaels to buy little statues of Native Americans and white people to stand them side by side, in harmony. That was the history I was taught in school. Our history books completely white washed what actually happened to natives and their land. Statues are for glorification. People, museums, history books and schools remember history, not statues. We should shift our focus to how we are teaching our children about the atrocities the native people of this land have survived. Because erasing histoty means putting up statues that glorify without teaching our kids what really happened.

And finally ...

"Put this to a vote!"

1 I watched the entire five and a half hour meeting last night. Towards the end, council member Friendman asked ifwe were past the deadline to put this on the ballot. We are past that deadline. And I also believe that someone mentioned that having a special election for this item would cost us a quarter of a million dollars. Do not put this to a vote. Some things are so obvious that it doesn't require thousands of dollars to see through.

I am extremely disheartened to see that this council is holding ANOTHER public forum meeting. We have had the much needed public discourse and we showed up en masse to tell you that we, as citizens of Ventura, want that statue removed. We held the majority last night. Honestly, at the end of the day it is the Chumash people who we should be listening to and I believe Mayor LaVere had it right when he went directly to them. You have all the information you need to make this decision. We elected you to do your jobs, so do them. Hold a vote.

Thank you for listening,

Marissa Roberts Ventura, CA 93001

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2 Anita Mair

From: Patrick Burke Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:13 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Remove Serra Statue quickly

Council members,

Please act now to move the Serra statue from city property.

The main stakeholders, the Chumash leaders and the Parrish priest, seem to have come to an agreement on relocation. The rest of us have expressed our opinions.

Now, please act as our representatives and wisely put this matter behind us.

Thank you.

Patrick Burke

~Ventura 93004

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1 Anita Mair

From: Christy Cantrell Sent: Wednesday, July To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue Issue

Don't put it to a vote! Decide amongst yourselves like was done when it was brought here. It's such an affront to more than 50% of the community so I don't know why you had to wait this long. I look forward to not being looked down upon by a genocidal patriarch. Christy Cantrell

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1 Anita Mair

From: Terri Dawson Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 11 :SO PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Save Father Serra statue

Please keep the statue and don't give in to this political pressure! All because protesters and rioters of BLM are going wild- our city is going to roll over! This is part of the City, The California missions! - Whats next, are we destroying the missions, then the - this has gotten out of hand and we can not tear down and destroy every element that someone says involves unfair treatment of people. Look at all the good the Catholics taught the Indians. Please enough is enough. They are bullying you! They are threatening you. If you give in what's next? Thenmission and the Catholic Churches. Who would ever think anyone could suggest the police be defunded? Black Lives matter is rooted in Marxism. Socialism. Shaming and tearing down if you don't support. They want to defund police yet don't stand for all black lives. Not black police or blacks killed in the cities. They want to rid the police for 1-2 that were killed wrongfully! They don't want to support 2 parent households or realize half the murders are committed by blacks who only represent 12 % of the population. Yet the police is their enemy they say. Defunding and riding police will only being a lot more crime against blacks not less. Be careful who you listen to! Don't give in to demands or threats! Father Serra represents to me (I'm not catholic) the person who started the California missions and yes they converted and taught Indians - they helped them learn many things. We're things perfect?. Probably not, but it's the history of the missions. Are we going to eliminate California missions from 4th grade. And again tear down the missions? This BLM is getting out of control and there are blacks who oppose it - not all blacks are liberal statue hating people! I hope Ventura has the balls to stand up for what is right. This info did not just come about. Stand strong and don't tear down the statue. Don't let them threaten you. And don't adopt the Marxism socialism agenda of Black lives matter=get rid of the police! It's not what all blacks want. It's not what Ventura wants! Sad day in our country and city! We have to stand strong. The loudest mouths are not necessarily the majority. Thank you Terri Dawson

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1 Anita Mair

From: Amber Bowyer Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:34 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Further thoughts on the removal of Serra

Hello esteemed members of council,

First, thank you for your dedication and hard work. I was one of the first commenters Wednesday night, and was interested to listen to the rest of the comments and learn about the motivations of those opposed to removal. These are a few of the thoughts I want to share after consideration of the conversation in total.

To my understanding of government, there is one important circumstance in which democracy is suboptimal, and that is when protection of a minority is required. Majority rule should never be allowed to do harm, and that is part of the reason we elect wise executives to act as a bulwark. To the suggestion that this matter he put up for a vote, I counter that this is not a Serra Statue popularity contest. Whether the majority favors the status quo or not, this authority is yours and you should not pass the buck and abdicate your ability to protect our indigenous citizens and our city's r~putation. This is not a matter for the ballot.

A great portion of the speakers opposing removal invoked the slippery slope argument, that if we "radicals," we "violent mob," get what we want now, where will it stop!!? (The answer is when there is peace and equity but I digress.) I trust this hysterical hypothetical thinking has no sway with you. Why were they unable to effectively address our motivations for removal, instead of conjecturing about our next inexplicable power plays? I'll tell you why: because that would require empathy antithetical to the maintenance of their position.

I thought I had a third point but as it's 1:30 and I've been sewing masks to Hamilton for a few hours, I've lost my cogency for the night. I have every confidence in you all to demonstrate compassionate leadership! Thank you very much.


Amber Rae Bowyer Sent from mobile CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. /

1 Anita Mair

From: summer kemick Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:06 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue


I am writing to you as a 3rd generation City of Ventura resident. I fully support the IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of the Father Serra statue. Please do not delay on this. Ve.ntura City Council has a unique opportunity to become an example for other cities by voting for a peaceful removal and relocation of this statue. DO NOT LET THIS DRAG OUT UNTIL NOVEMBER.

I recognize that we are a city divided on this issue. PLEASE become part of the solution and give a voice to the indigenous members of our community. You have an opportunity to amplify voices of those whose voices have been silenced for so long. The immediate removal of the statue is not meant to erase history. It is choosing who we put on a pedestal to represent our town. The history of the missions that Serra founded in California is a dark and violent one. Is that really who we need to glorify in our city moving forward?? Please ask yourself if you want Ventura to stay in the racist past, or if you want to help guide this city into effective anti-racism practices. VOTE TO REMOVE THE STATUE.

Thank you, Summer Dalton ~ Ventura CA 93001

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1 Anita Mair

From: Sufisue Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:15 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra statue

Please remove the Serra statue to a church property where it belongs. It definitely does not belong on public property as it represents the horrors done to local Chumash Indians. It's offensive. If the church is so proud of him let them have it on their property not on the publics. Thank you.

Susan Williamson An Ojai resident

May All Beings Be Happy

Sent from my iPhone Sue Williamson [email protected] CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: John Brooks Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:25 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- The council must decide on the statue.

Dear Ventura council members, You were elected to make decisions for your constituents. Especially the difficult ones. To protect the Serra statue, the people who are traumatized by it and the safety of all, vote now. To delay until November is wrong. Thank you

John Brooks

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1 Anita Mair

From: Katherine Rodrigue Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:55 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Take it down!

Every minute you lag in removing the statue is a DISGRACE to my Ventureno Chumash people and I. All we are asking is to show us the RESPECT we deserve by being the original and rightful caretakers of Ventura. In your heart I know you know the right thing to do is to TAKE IT DOWN NOW! Stop giving more and more time for hate to grow which will increase the chances of someone being hurt.. We've came to you for over 20 years requesting for it to be removed and we WILL NOT STOP til it is down. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Destiny Nadeau Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2 To: Council Subject: -EXT- Removal of Serra Statue

Good morning only to those that are in favor of the removal of the Serra Statue,

I give no well greetings to anyone else.

I will make this short and sweet: the statue needs to be removed. The history of colonizers both Spanish and European has no place on this land. We will learn about it from the whitewashed history books that glorify the white savior complex.

Remove the statue and allow the Chumash to live in peace without the constant reminder of their rape, cultural and religious genocide. The only people you, we, need to listen to are the Indigenous people of the so-called "Americas."

Destiny Felicia Nadeau Honors in English California State University Northridge

inated from outside' the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Madeline Offerman Sent: Thursday, July 9, 202 To: Council Subject: -EXT- Take Down Serra Statue

Dear City Council,

As a lifelong resident of Ventura, I ask that you vote to remove the Junipero Serra statue. It is a tribute to the racist violence against Native Americans and has no place in Ventura. It should be completely removed from public viewing and thrown away.

Thank you, Madeline Offerman CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Natalie Spevak Sent: Thursday, July 9, 202 To: Council Subject: -EXJ- Peaceful Move of Serra Statue

Dear City Council Members,

Thank you for your leadership during this time. I am writing in support of the peaceful moving of the Serra statue. Thank you for reading this as I know that this is a pivotal time for our community and this is an important statement.

I moved to Ventura 12 years ago. Today I am a proud home owner (one of the few young families I have to admit!), raising two kids here, and I also worked in Ventura Unified for over 10 years. I love Ventura, my friends and my young family hopes to continue to stay here a long time.

When I first moved here, to be frank, I was really shocked to see a statue of Father Serra in the middle of town. It seemed really odd to have a religious leader prominently on city property (I think?) and such a symbol of what had to happen to this land to have what we have today. It's so sad our legacy of displacing the indigenous, then the Chinese community, and also the Latinx community for the freeway.(! know three completely different things, but worth mentioning in context of our city history). Ventura truly has an ugly history of displacing non-white people ... but for it to be displayed so proudly made me feel a little sick.

So what I did at the time, and for the past 10 years, is just "shove down" that feeling because I knew people must not be ready to see that. Also, I worked in Ventura Unified, helping to diversify the 95% latino population over at De Anza (DATA). I got over a decade of seeing the racist underbelly that Ventura does not like to face.

So are we ready to face it? I sure hope so. This movement brings me hope that we could be the model for other communities. Everywhere else Serra statues are being torn down and vandalized, which does not help to heal a community. The headlines could read - look at this example of how a community can work together! We need that kind of hope right now.

Furthermore, never in our history have we had the opportunity to honor the Chumash that we slaughtered and enslaved here. To make a statement that we all can live in the same place and find solutions together. We need this peaceful counter-narrative to the divisiveness our country is going through.

Also - I just want to say all this talk of people coming "out of town" to bring down the statue or walk with Black Lives Matter. I just don't see it. I know many many people out there marching (I'm afraid of COVID!). It seems the out-of­ towners are the bikers coming to mow down people walking. Or at least I hope they are from out of town.

Thank you for reading this. I'm rooting for you.

Sincerely, Natalie Spevak Ventura 93001 . . . ' email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Hannah Hoffman Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2 20 11:27 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra

The statue needs to be taken down. As a citizen of Ventura County, I visit Ventura often. Let's respect the Chumash people and move it to a museum. Be on the right side of history. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Shannon Fredericks Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 11:34 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra statue

Dear esteemed Council members: I'm writing to express my opinion that the Father Serra statue should be removed from the front of City Hall. I realize this has become a heated debate. While I appreciate the concept of presenting the issue to voters, this is unnecessary in both cost and purpose. City Council has the authority to make this decision. Citizens have had opportunity to express their opinions during live comment as well as via email. I am glad you are doing your due diligence on the matter with regard for public comment; however, I feel it is Council's responsibility to vote on this issue. As I previously stated, I support removal of the statue. Based upon what I've read, local clergy and community leaders are in agreement over the statue's removal. It would be better placed at the mission. Out of respect to the artist, relocation would be the best solution. Thank you for your earnest consideration of this matter. You have my utmost respect for having taken this leadership role for our great city. Shannon Fredericks

Ventura, CA 93003 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when 'opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Michelle Stevens Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 11 :42 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- I stand with the Chumash

If the Chumash people want Father Serra removed then that is what we should do.

It doesn't have to be destroyed, simply moved somewhere more appropriate. This does not erase history It just stops n glorifying atrocities.

Furthermore if it doesn't get moved there's a good chance it will get torn down & ruined, that is made obvious by the very tacky fence that has been put up.

It's not even the original statue.

Catholic Church sympathizers still have plenty of monuments.

Having religious statues in front of government seems pretty outdated & incongruous with the promised separation of church & state.

I stand with the Chumash. Move the statue. It's the right thing to do.

Sincerely, Michelle Stevens 93001

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1 Anita Mair

From: Matthew Greenlee Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 11 :48 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra statue

The father Serra statue is divisive to the city of Ventura and offensive to the ventureno Chumash who were forced against there · will Into Catholicism and building these missions across California therefore I believe the statue should be TAKEN DOWN immediately and placed inside the grounds of the mission where it belongs and not as a symbol of our beautiful city of Ventura that has already deemed it as not a historical landmark so I Matthew D. Greenlee ask you for a Quick removal of the father Serra statue CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Rose Hayden-Smith Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:01 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Fr. Serra Statue

Dear City Council:

I write to you as a U.S. historian and a Ventura citizen (and voter).

This is a no-brainer. Remove the statue to a location where it will be 1) kept safe and 2) be presented in a fully contextualized way. We are a secular society, but our city's unique history is intertwined with a religious figure (and institution: the Catholic Church). We cannot avoid that history, but we shouldn't celebrate it by having a figure that is very divisive and traumatic to many in front of our City Hall. The statue itself prioritizes a particular historical narrative of colonialism, and the location makes it an official narrative. This is wrong, and it presents a very narrow viewpoint of our city's rich history. My preference would be to have the statute at the Museum. It is not a historical statue, but it is worth preserving.

You already have agreement (albeit reluctant) between our Mayor, the Catholic Church, and the Chumash. There was disagreement when the statute was placed, but other voices overwhelmed dissent. Things have changed and those voices are now being heard.

We have enough challenges facing our community: grappling with COVID-19, an uncertain economic future and the potential loss of beloved local businesses, an affordable housing crisis, a changing climate and more. Those are the issues we should be focusing on. Let's end the divineness around this issue now, remove the statue, and move on.


Rose Hayden-Smith, PhD CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Bryan Rosen Sent: M~nday, July 6, 2020 1:03 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Regarding Father Serra statue, please don't remove history, create a new exhibit alongside it to explain

Dear Ventura City Councill,

Regarding the Father Serra Statue, I don't support its removal. We need to keep our history, not remove it. It helps us understand where we came from. To remove history is to make us less aware of history. It is important to know our history so we don't repeat it. oppose removing any historic monuments. They can also be important works from an artistic viewpoint

Instead of destroying or removing this statue, let an exhibit be put by it, explaining what happened to the Native Americans. Instead of just destroying, let new monuments be created. It's easy to attack the past, the departed people aren't able to defend themselves. It's important to see the good in the past, not just the bad. We need to see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

There are questions to be answered in a new exhibit. Did the Indians come willingly to the missions, or were they forced to come? Human beings are foolish no matter what their skin color, and I've heard they came willingly as it was a novel thing. However,- I don't think it was safe to stay out of the missions because Native Americans could be brutally treated. Was there anywhere safe for them to go? Maybe ?

Father Serra was recently made a saint by the Catholic Church, meaning the church felt there were verifiable miracles attributed to him. It doesn't sound like he should have been made a saint. He was a human being, and like everyone, had good and bad in him. It's easy to condemn the past, but it was a very different time. While there may have been horrors in the mission system, there were good people, too. There must have been some Catholic priests who cared about the poor and native Americans.

Please, before you even consider removing history, please come up with a plan to create a memorial, beautifully done, that honors the native Americans, and sees the good and bad in the Catholic Church. We need to bring people together for healing and forgiveness if a better world is going to be created. It would be nice if Catholics and native Americans could come together. The whole world needs spiritual healing, and spiritual healing groups could meet by the Father Serra statue as well as next to a Native American Memorial.

Jesus said that the people condemn their ancestors for persecuting the prophets of old, but don't condemn those who persecute the current prophets. Was what Father Serra did any worse than what our government is doing right now? Drones are still killing lots of dark skinned people in the Middle East. Obama, a black man, killed a lot of people with drones. Trump is helping the Saudis to commit mass murder. Martin Luther King spoke against the miliary industrial complex and in his speech "The Three Evils of Society" said that billions were spent on mass murder Congresssmember Brownley votes to fully fund the military industrial complex, and joined the Democrats to give Trump everything he wanted. Yet these same politicians who support the military murder machine are trying to co­ opt the Black Lives Matter message. If statues are made of our current leaders, do they need to come down in a hundred years? Where does it all end?

So how about condemning the injustices occurring in the present instead? How about coming up with a plan for decent wages, and helping people get out of poverty? How about creating community orchards and coops to help low and middle class people? How about transferring funds out of police departments to be used to prevent crime? You get a lot more for the buck there. Teachers do more to prevent crime than police do, so how about supporting decent wages for teaches?

It's time to create a society that works for everyone. Censorship and cultural wars get us nowhere. In history, it's good to see things from everyone's perspective, and there needs to be healing.

I We need to realize we are all one, and whatever we do to anyone we do to ourselves and to God. Forgiveness is absolutely essential for our health physically, and is necessary for spiritual progress. And if we don't forgive others, no matter what the transgression, we won't be able to forgive ourselves. The Lords prayer that the Catholics said even in Father Serra's time says "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Instead of removing a beautiful statue, please come up with a plan that has overwhelming consensus from the community. Would most people in the community support a monument to the native Americans? I think so. I think most people would want to understand the good as well as the bad in the history of the Catholic Church. I was listening to Martin Luther Kings niece recently, and she acknowledged that a famous president in the past also did good things, and supported putting something next to an old monument to explain things. If that is done, we're not just tearing things down, something meaningful is being created for the future.

Symbolic gestures like removing statues may be easy to do, but they can also be a diversion from the really important issues. I remember how under President Obama, the native Americans were tear gassed and brutally treated at Standing Rock Nothing much 1 was done to help the black people in Flint, Michigan. Lots of lip service was given by politicians to Martin Luther King, Jr. and they love to "celebrate" him during the holiday. If you really want to celebrate him, then please stand up against the big moneyed inter~sts, and do some things to help the people in need. For example, farmworkers around Ventura are being sprayed with toxic pastiches. During the era of the Missions the native Americans may have worked overly hard in the fields, but at least there weren't any pesticides. Some learned skills like working the loom to make clothes, and some participated in the choirs. Some were beaten, I understand. But at least they weren't exposed to toxic substances, as the modern day slaves are, who maybe don't die from the whip but may die from pesticides.

It would be nice if you would invoke the Constitution, the highest law of the land that overrides all illegal laws, and ban toxic pesticides in the city of Ventura. That would take courage. After all, farmworkers also have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

To sum it up, please let each generation create it's own monuments, and do some positive things for the people in our present time.

Bryan Rosen

mail originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

2 Anita Mair

From: james mcdermott Sent: Monday, July 6, 20 I I • :f. To: Cheryl Heitmann; Erik Nasarenko; Matt Lavere; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown Cc: City Manager Internet Email; Peter Gilli Subject: -EXT- Where is Serra? Attachments: Attachment Packet (5).pdf

Council Members & Staff:

On behalf of Ventura Coalition for Historical Integrity, an association comprised of Ventura residents, please find below comments regarding Item 12.A for the July 7, 2020 City Council meeting regarding a discussion· of the Father Serra Statues.

As discussed in detail below, reports to the Council from City staff and City consultant the Historic Resource Group (HRG) state that the original, concrete Father Serra statue has been preserved in storage as the actual historic landmark. The Historic Preservation Committee relied on and adopted that factual predicate to conclude that the original Father Serra statue, and not the 1989 bronze restoration, is the actual historic landmark. However, that predicate assumption is apparently erroneous. The City's Public Art Commission concluded in 2018 (see the last page of the attachment) that the original concrete statue "was broken up and discarded years ago," thus undermining the bases of the HRG and City staff reports and the conclusions of the HPC. As you know once minutes have been approved they are presumptively accurate. If you have proof that your own minutes are incorrect and that the original statue is in city storage please provide that to me immediately.

Until recently, the City had a cohesive and consistent position regarding the Father Serra statue. In 1974, · the City designated the then-concrete Father Serra statue as a local historic landmark. In 1989, due to the deteriorating condition of the original statue, Ventura restored the statue with a bronze Father Serra. Importantly, the City did not remove the landmark designation for the statue when the deteriorating concrete statue was restored with the current bronze version. To the contrary, the City repeatedly and consistently referenced the bronze statue as a continuation of the original statue and still a landmark. The plaque on the bronze statue stated the obvious: it "replaced" the concrete statute.

For example, in 2007, the Historic Resource Group-yes, the same consultant used by the City now­ conducted a historic resource survey for the City. HRG identified the existing Father Serra statue - not the prior concrete iteration- as the historic landmark "site" (attached). As recently as 2018, the City's Historic Preservation Committee required a condominium project on Poli Street to be designed to be respective of"the Father Serra Statue (Landmark No. 3)" and other nearby historic resources (attached). Until the end oflast month, then, the City for three decades identified the existing, bronze Father Serra statue as the historic landmark.

Of course, nothing in the law absolutely precludes the removal of a historic landmark. It may be done in compliance with State and local laws, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). But such compliance is extremely burdensome - as many property owners within the City can attest. And so the City has thus far chosen not to adhere to the same rules that it has applied to so many others. Instead, City staff has

1 chosen to re-write history and omit key facts in order to evade compliance with applicable procedural and substantive requirements regarding the removal of the Father Serra statue.

One absolutely critical fiction told by HRG and City staff is that the standing Father Serra statue is, contrary to three decades of City conduct, not actually the designated historic landmark ( and thus not deserving of protection). Instead, HRG and City staff recently take the newly-invented position that the formal historical landmark designation attached to, and remains with, the original, concrete Father Serra statue. In support of this position, both HRG's report and City staff inform the Council that the original has been preserved in storage as befitting a historic landmark (see attached excerpts from the staff reportr

Relying on HRG and City staff, the City's HPC fell in line and agreed that the historical landmark designation followed the concrete statue. As noted at page 2 of your Council staff report, "The HPC concluded that the original 1936 statue, since it still exists, remains Landmark #3, and that the Bronze Statue did not qualify a,s a historic resource on its own." However, this factual predicate is directly contradicted by the City's Public Art Commission which after investigation concluded the original was destroyed. According to the attached October 9, 2018, minutes from that Commission, "Vice Chair Growdon spoke about the original concrete Father Serra statue. He was able to speak with the family that carved the wooden Father Serra statue used today and they informed him the concrete master was broken up and discarded years ago."

So a fundamental fact supporting the City's new position is, at a minimum, in doubt. For this reason alone at a minimum, the City Council should continue tomorrow's hearing in this matter until HRG and City staff have corrected their erroneous reporting to the HPC and now the Council. It would also be helpful to have your contractor HRG explain the glaring contradiction between its last two reports on this issue.

Also, the very fact that the City is confused about the whereabouts of the purported "landmark No. 3" or that it was sitting as so much scrap for decades lays bare the claim that it is "Landmark No.3." Presumably the City does not normally discard - or misplace in some obscure storage facility - its landmarks. Instead these actions support what we all have known since at least the late 1980's: the existing, standing Father Serra statue is Landmark No. 3.


Jim McDermott

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

2 Historic Resources Survey Update City of Ventura, California

Downtown Specific Plan Area


The City has designated a number of sites, objects and landscap as Landmarks or Points of Interest. Several of these can be assoc one or more specific parcel addresses a11d therefore are listed 01 Property Data Table by those addresses. Examples include the P Bay Fig Tree, the Erle Stanley Gardner Office, and hitching post~ and 81 North Ann Street. fhii)lffi~li0~~v~~,~1t~~t~!~~~t0!:t?~~~{~~~i~:?W~~ addresses in the Property Data Table. These sites are: o Shisholop Village Site - Point of Interest #18, defined by the south end of Figueroa Street. o China Alley Historic District - Point of Interest #91, defil City as the 200 Block of E Main St.

· o =£~= 't"\§:ir~j,1.Wf:fi~:~Di~(tWiiiht~

o Mission Plaza Site - Landmark #6, located in the 100 bloc Main Street o John C. Fremont Camp - Point of Interest #90, located i1 block of East Main Street. o Morton Bay Fig Tree - Landmark #12, located in the 100 East Main Street.


This survey update identifies 50 properties as appearing eligible in the National Register of Historic Places, including 4 propertie~ currently listed in the National Register. The update identifies 5 as appearing eligible for listing in the California Register of Histc Resources.

This list reflects preliminary assessments of National Register an Register eligibility. The properties listed below appear to be sigr primarily as excellent, rare, and/or highly intact examples of th architectural style within the City of Ventura, although other hi~ associations may exist that contribute. to the property's significa research may reveal additional properties not listed here that m ~lioihl~ fnr lic:tino in th~ N.::1tinn.::1I nr r.::1lifnrni.::1 r~aic:t~rc: In nrrl~1 CII Y HISTORIC PR£SERW\TION COMMITTf.£ Mil\ Pamela Huckins, Chair Jeffrey Lambert, Community Developm Tyson Cline, Vice-Chair Dave Ward, Plannil Ann Huston, Member Scott Kolwitz, Prine: Sherry Schafer, Member Julie Stuva, Recordin Mel Willis, Member CITY OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MtNl

Brian Brodersen, Chair Jeffrey Lambert, Community Developmer David Ferrin, Vice-Chair Dave Ward, Plannini Albert Antelman, Member Scott Kolwitz, Princi~ Tyson Cline, Member Julie Stuva, Recording Fiona Dunne, Member

Chair Huckins called the meeting to order at 4:04 pm in the Community Meeting I


PRESENT: Members Huston, Mercer, Schafer, Vice-Chair Cline, and Chair Hw


STAFF: Jeffrey Lambert, AICP, Community Development Director David Ward, AICP, Planning Manager Scott Kolwitz, Principal Planner Don Nielsen, Associate Planner Julie Stuva, Recording Secretary

PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: Joshua Haggmark and Karin Haggmark (ceding t Joshua) 201 Barnard Way. Spoke about the 5-day Posting process, distributed p . information about their home. Barry Morrison, (Speaker Card), 188 Barnard Way, of modifications to 201 Barnard Way.


CONSENT ITEM- DESIGN REVIEW & HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITl DRAFT - Joint Historic Preservation Committee & Design Review Committee Minutes

August 1 l 2018 Page 8



Chair Brodersen declared the motion carried 4 - 0 with Member Cline abstaining


5. PROJ-10526 - Conceptual Design Review of a • ,··osed removal of a parking lot and the development of a new, m·, ,~ , se, three story proje condominium units with associ,ated ou_1; tio spaces, and 12 parking spaces on approximately 20 ,00~~ q 1 eet (0.46 acre) ~ property located at 462 Poli Street. T .~plicant a .roposes to ma 1 improvements to the City-owned O ere lot direct1'4; ~? he east; Khc DDS, applicant; zoned Urban Core~ ~~~-1) & Parks and Op ace (POS Overlay. '

Case No.:


SPEAK-~ .­ Staff: Seo · -~~~ witz, Princi ,__ - lanne ~ on Nielsen, Associate Planner Applicant: :~,~-- anchez ( . tal Ar ;ifitects, Architect) Members of Pu -~ · Alla Ab · j (Ventura); Shirley Cali (Ventura); Van Carver

Martin C , rt. Vent · Irene Cole (Ventura); Ray Mulokas (Ventura); St (Ventura); .,,,¾ entura); Stephen Schafer (Ventura - Speaker Written Com ,___ evin Seelos (Ventura); John Stewart (Ventura Spe and Written Com~ent), and Bambi Ruebe (Ventura). Documents: PowerPoint by Staff and Applicant; Transmittal No. 1 with lette(frc Marshall. Additional letter submitted at meeting from Ray Mulokos. Ex-parte Communication: Member Schafer recused herself as her company is DRAFT - Joint Historic Preservation Committee & Design Review Committee Minutes August 1, 2018 Page 9

lan,cfiSCa:p,~). .Th,~.· .p,rqj:ept•·S"h!ou:ld •.· .. •be~ .. ·~··•·•ll:A;if:i::c,)Q· .. ·•·~ITT!,:Sf.ic .• e~~r~~:~i,§ri}trc!t]r-1!'?:9.'Ea}

cOntext,oflh:eFathe:f·._c :. ~-- ~--. ----~-~-:._· ____-'._,:;. --~-- _: ___ : '" .. :....:-_· __ .:.~ ~ ___ ·_. ~-----· ____ ~ . ..:..:... .•: _; ___ S.erraSta.tue·lltai6air1:ark\Nii_:_ __ :_~.:... __ .:__:__: ___ :__ _: __ --~ --~--: __ ,._ · . : ___ ·_.\,., __ ·•~-·--:..:.:...... · ______:_,::_·:_•~:-_:_: _ _::_, __.:~i...:·_:,_~~~-- ...'.:~...:__~-~-c: 3X')design __ l: (Art Deco) an (Landmark No. 4) design (Beaux Arts) and the greater downtown; • Study the project for consistency with the Secretary of the Interior Standar • Provide simulated photos showing the building with City Hall and Father Se in context.

Member Mercer seconded the motion.

Upon call of the roll, the vote of the Historic Preservatio ~-· mittee was as follo

AYES: Members Huston, Mercer, Vice~ ,@.

NOES: None


RECUSED: Member Sch~ .. r


Vice-Chair Ferrin mt following comments: •

• War .. w,,, irculation, • Study o · .. massing • Simplify ar · : , cture; • Building and -,,: ; __ ia ed to be authentic and high quality; • Search for oppo · .. .· to retain substantial tree(s); • The public park nee.,, s to be further developed to be a place for people. Th approach works as it relates to City Hall; • Provide simulated photos showing the building in context (from the Council ( from Main Street, California Street, from Poli Street, etc.); and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~-~f::1~;:~;K61){!;~:?;(~i•1~~~\:,;J;'.;;::?~i~~--~:]~llfx::{~i'lk;•,:J:,1(1r::'~~~~-;@l··ctr1;t:~uf VENT 805-677-3921 • [email protected] •


Date: June 30, 2, Council Action Date: J.t..HY?',/49:

TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council

FROM: Alex D~ McIntyre, City Manager Peter Gilli, Community Development Director

SUBJECT: Community Discussion on the Father Serra Statues


· This meeting has been scheduled to have a community discussion on the Fatht statues located across the street and within City Hall.


a. Find that the Bronze Statue does not meet the requirements for designation, based on the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Co and the report prepared by the Historic Resources Group.

b. Adopt a resolution incorporating one or a combination of the following opti

1. Keep the Bronze Statue in its present location; or 2. Authorize staff to store the Bronze Statue in a safe location pe further determination on its disposition at·a later date; 3. Keep the Wood Statue on display inside City Hall; or 4. Authorize staff to return the Wood Statue to its owner.

c. Take any other actions the City Council deems appropriate.

DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS Community Discussion on the Father Serra Statues July 7, 2020 Page 2 of 3

There are two Father Serra statues on display in and around City Hall. The f Bronze Statue located across the street from the front entrance to City Hall, whi of the public comments have focused on because of its prominent location. The is a Wood Statue located in the Atrium within City Hall.

The Bronze Statue was installed in 1989 as the replacement for the original c Father Serra statue from 1936. The original concrete statue was designated as a landmark in 1974 (Landmark #3) and was deteriorating. At the time, the City decided the cost of restoring the original statue was too great, and local group funds for the creation of the Bronze Statue and gave it to the City.;T[ff!~iilijgJffial!t,ste ~,p!~®~~itt~-g~~]~wij:e~e~rt~flt~tt\~Jtil$) The Wood Statue was created and used to r Bronze Statue. It is owned by a private entity and is on loan to the City.

Historic Resources Group ("HRG"), a firm hired by the City to analyze the histori1 of the original statue and the Bronze Statute, determined that the original statue Landmark #3, and that the Bronze Statue does not qualify as a historic resourc own (see Attachment A). -

Historic Preservation Committee

The Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) reviewed the historic status of the Statue on July 1, 2020. Twenty public speakers commented on the topic. Similartc public comments received, the speaker's positions ranged from preservation to of the Bronze Statue. (m~~:@~'i~~~t~g'~~l~lg' -f!tt~tR,JJ§i]l~1:r:~,~!l~61!,~:l~[t!~~i:§L'!~]!~1§t:~ ~~et1t.tai[d~lU&~ffJfJ1t;af~l;,tft~ and that the Bronze Statue did not qualify as a historic ri on its own.

As part of their recommendation, the HPC requested that if the City Council doe the statue, that it be protected and remain available to the public. The HPC's re primarily based on the significant community effort in the late 1980s to ere replacement statue.


Wood Statue

Since the Wood Statue is movable and owned by a third party, the City Cou choose to continue to display the statue within City Hall or return the statue to its ATTACHMENT A INTRODUCTION This report reviews the history of the commemorative statue of Junfpero Serra at 501 Poli Stre~ ,. in the City of Ventura, California, evaluates the 1989 bronze replica that is currently in situ, an provides guidance on the potential California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) implicatior of removing the statue from its present location. The conclusions and recommendations in th report are based on a review of the Landmark designation of the original statue; the productio and reinstallation of a replica of the statue in 1989; primary and secondary source research, c needed to inform review; and an analysis of potential eligibility of the 1989 replica for loc, designation based on eligibility criteria and guidance for the designation of commemorativ properties.

The original statue was funded by a grant from the Works Progress Administration. It we sculpted by Finnish artist Uno John Palo-Kangas and installed in front of what was then th Ventura County Courthouse (now City Hall) in 193 6. The statue was designated City c Ventura Landmark No. 3 in 1974. In 1989, after significant deterioration,ffJi~r

Based on an analysis of the history of both the original 1936 statue and the 1989 bronze replic this report comes to the following conclusions:

• Despite its relocation, ~~\~~tt~~I-~~1z~3~;'.~$t~st~l1¢1l~'.a1lliifilt~:f~~~ij~j~~11l~t~tl{~iijm~ {~lflla!FJI~~ It was not designed specifically for the site and was not part of an overa art program designed for the Ventura County Courthouse. It is eligible for its associatio with the WPA Federal Art program of the 1930s. The removal of the statue from i1 original location was an appropriate treatment given its deteriorating condition and dOE not constitute a significant impact that materially impairs its ability to convey significanc as a local Landmark.

• The 1989 bronze replica has not been individually designated by the City Council an is not part of the 197 4 Landmark designation. It does not meet the 40-year threshol generally required for historic designation in the City of Ventura. As a commemorativ statue that is a replica of a 1930s cast stone original, the 1989 statue is not potential] significant in its own right. It therefore does not meet local eligibility Criteria 1-5, and c such, does not convey significance under National Register Criteria A-C or Califomi Register Criteria 1-3. Therefore, it is not a historical resource as defined by CEQA an its potential relocation would not constitute a significant impact to the environment. CITYOFVE 8114 M1Nu-

Todd Collart, Chair William Growden, Vice Chair Stacey Zarazua, Interim Community Part1 Daniel Saltee, Commissioner r Teri Willison, Commissioner Kathryn Dippong-Lawson, Community Part1 Maline Werness-Rude, Commissioner Su Vacant Tobie Roach, Public Art Project r Vacant Barbara Cavalli, Recording S

REGULAR MEETING r ~lt~ll~Ylfsi~§l~l'iitllI21U!Jf8~:t·~-qxJ?:,MJ CITY HALL 501 POLI ST. - SANTA CRUZ CONFE ...,

Chair Collart called the meeting to order at 5:30 ~;::>,/. '0- "' ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Wer-' Saltee Growdon and Chair Co


. Staff Present: . artnerships Manager rtnerships Supervi:


I'\ ,tp · on meeting for members of the public to a n scheduled agenda items. Persons wishing ·or to the Commission reaching this point on the agenda.

1. Approval RECOMMENDATI · an action item. It is recommended that the Pl Commission approve :.~ tes from the regular meeting on September 11, 21

Commissioner Saltee made a motion to approve the regular meeting minut1 September 11, 2018. came to the attention of the WCDC. In an effort to be within the n guidelines, the owner of the building will now go through the process. • The owner of the building will need to go through the process. This iter brought back at next meeting to determine approval and next steps with I and DRC.

DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS Kathryn spoke Artwalk and the low attendance. This could be due to the wrong 1 year. It was a financial disappointment. The light display location was moved be they had moved the DJ so there was very little interaction with the lights with the crowd until she started to walk through the display. The pie were more on th outside. The CA Street Bridge mock was reviewed b ·· · and Michael Davis. drove to Chino to review the mock up. The reports d in that it looked just configured. There will be pictures at the next me· Stacey spoke about the life span of art project ·1 - ever ing feels the Commission was put in an awkward positio the "rushe nt application c only reason why it came before the Com n was because possibility c funding through the grant. Emily Fox has· hired as the new "'~ . unity Partnerships Manager and will start on Nave ~ 13 ·. . Stacey ._ through a couple of meetings to • . e the trans .

COMMISSION COMMUNICATIO alk and was also - t the event. It wa~ , the cables were s, hts were disconnecte entum smce the City doesn't pl

alk. The mirrors were tangled • . . The PODS were on CA stre se to each other so there wasn't 1

• Under the Sea • Review Committee

ADJOURNMENT TL--- L-=-- -- r . . ..LL-- :.a. ___ ... _ --=--· ·-- ... ._ ____ ... :__ ···-- --'=-·· ____ _. _... ""'7.1"\t'\ nl A Anita Mair

From: Natalie Spevak Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:17 PM To: Cheryl Heitmann; Matt Lavere; Erik Nasarenko; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown; Council Subject: -EXT- Move Serra Statue Peaceful

Please do not have this Serra Statue issue go to vote in November. We have an opportunity to have a peaceful resolution now. If it goes to vote there are some scenarios I don't want to see. If the statue stands we could end up like all the other cities with Serra statues - torn down, vandalized, hurt feelings on all sides. If we move it peacefully and protect it we can be the model for other communities.

I wrote a more lengthy email to council@cityofventura - apologies if this is the 2nd you've gotten from me.

Thank you. I so very much appreciate your leadership!

Natalie Spevak


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1 Anita Mair

From: Kelsey Owen Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:25 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Take down Serra statue

Take it down. Sincerely A born and raise Ventura resident, Kelsey Owen CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jared Pimentel

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_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Good afternoon and thank you for your work.

Visitors and residents deserve a fair portrayal of Junipero Serra.

1 I am not here to say that the statue should remain or go.

If Junipero Serra is to remain, especially in larger than life form and in a location that highlights this city - second to none - visitors should not be forced to conduct their own research to get an objective understanding of who he was.

If we are going to impose his figure on passers by, we should impose it in the most accessible manner that lends viewers to a fair understanding.

My 18 year old self would think he was some god like figure, whereas at 23, with degrees in history and social sciences from a university, would be disgusted at the current portrayal.

One should NOT be left with only the privilege of attending university or having the wherewithal to investigate on one's own to get a fair take.

I appreciate your consideration.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject:, -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Brenda Garcia ------·-··--- Address Phone Number -- Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council --- ______.,______

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not remove Father Serra statue.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:04 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jaclyn Levine

_A_dd_r_e_ss______pacifi~ palisades ca 90272

Phone Number - --- '------Em ai I Address ------Name of legislative body City Council Meeting Date 717/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments People that attempt to tear down Fr. Serra should be handcuffed and jailed. They are thugs and should be immediately removed from the streets of Ventura for the public's safety.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:04 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electr,onic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on. Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Betty Briggs


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Name of legislative body City Council ------·------Meeting Date 7/2/2020

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Written Comments Keep Padre Serra in place do not move

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:05 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Sr. Joan Marie

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I have lived in Ventura County most of my life. Over the years, I have visited almost all of the California missions that are still standing. In so doing, I came to appreciate Fr. Junipero Serra's intense devotion to the welfare of the native Californians.

Fr. Serra did not come as a conqueror. He traveled with a small retinue of soldiers, not an army.

1 Fr. Serra's love for the native Californians shines through his letters. He came to intervene between the native population and the colonizers coming into the California from every direction: Russians from the north; British and Americans from the east; Spaniards from the south.

He did not seek wealth or even comfort. On the contrary, his whole life was one of service, self-deprivation, and poverty; starvation was rarely far off.

Truth matters. You owe it to your constituents to educate yourselves about the true (and well-documented) history of Fr. Serra and the missions before you dare to sit in judgment over his legacy.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:05 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ·

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council- by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Sr. Joan Marie

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I have lived in Ventura County most of my life. Over the years, I have visited almost all of the California missions that_are still standing. In so doing, I came to appreciate Fr. Junipero Serra's intense devotion to the welfare of the native Californians.

Fr. Serra did not come as a conqueror. He traveled with a small retinue of soldiers, not an army.

1 Fr. Serra's love for the native Californians shines through his letters. He came to intervene between the native population and the colonizers coming into the California from every direction: Russians from the north; British and Americans from the east; Spaniards from the south.

He did not seek wealth or even comfort. On the contrary, his whole life was one of service, self-deprivation, and poverty; starvation was rarely far off.

Truth matters. You owe it to your constituents to educate yourselves about the true (and well-documented) history of Fr. Serra and the missions before you dare to sit in judgment over his legacy.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:05 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. · ------•··•····-·--··-·------·--··-·-·---·-··-··•·-· Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Brian Maulhardt


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please leave Statue there.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Thrin Short

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Council: Did you krow that, after Indians attacked Mission San Diego in 1775, killing the priest and several others, Fr. Junipero Serra intervened swiftly to protect the Indians who carried out the raid from being punished by the Spanish authorities? Did you even know about this attack?

1 Did you know that, having succeeded in shielding the Indians from punishment, Fr. Serra wrote a letter to the Spanish viceroy in which he stated, "[l]n case the Indians, whether pagans or Christians, would kill me, they should be pardoned .. . I want to see a formal decree from Your Excellency on the said matter for,, me and the other religious, present ·and future, .

How much do you know about Fr. Serra? About the missions?

Do you know enough history to sit in judgment on whether the founder of the city you represent is worthy to be honored by a statue in front of city hall?

Ventura could set an example to other cities of standing for truth. Or it could be a profile in cowardice.

Save Serra.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council · Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Gina Ravensxeoft


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------Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020 ------Select a Topic: Field not completed.

Written Comments Do not move our Padre Serra from Prest sight. He is our namesake and revered as a good holy person ------Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:08 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

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Name jeanne m berry


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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments I resent the City allowing for the removal of this treasured statue of Padre Serra who belongs as a historical landmark to the city and for those needing to know this saints legacy and his heroic and self sacrificing contributions he made during his time in California as an important figure and advocate for the native people and champion of human

1 rights and worked to defend the dignity of the native people. His statue needs to remain front and center for people to admire and appreciate the remarkable good work he accomplished and his statue needs to be stand as a testament to his life of grace, love for all people and wanting to better the lives of those in need and nurturing God's life to everyone he met.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:10 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jeanne Miller

Address ------

Phone Number ------

Email Address ------Name of legislative body· City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments I wish to support removal of Father Serra statue I have taught history, including Native American History at Ventura College for over 40 years The evidence indicates that Father Serra allowed the Spanish to enslave the Indians,, force them into Catholicism and punished them severely if they resisted and soldiers and priests raped Indian women even at the Ventura Mission. This is not the person who should have a statue in

1 front of City Hall. I also want you to change the name of Junipero Serra school and park.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jolie Macrito


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

Email Address _ _ _

Na me of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As someone born and raised in California, who is white and grew up catholic, I have always had warm feelings regarding the Padre Serra statue. However, this is not a country that is just all about me or my feelings. None of us are free unless all of us our free and as long as the statue is up, it will continue to be rem'iniscent of pain and trauma for others in our midst. Given this knowledge, as a resident of Ventura, I believe the -·-·-·-·-··------·---·-··------·~-----·-·---·------

1 statue should be taken down. Symbols that represent pain should not be allowed to remain up in our city, we should be welcoming to all.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Douglas Norris

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Agenda Item Number/Topic Saint Padre Serra Statue (if known)

Written Comments The burden of proof of whether a man is guilty or innocent rests with the accuser. There are many accusations but NO PROOF of any wrongdoing (racism or violence) of this man ( Serra) or

1 of the statue, or of you or of me. There can be no JUSTICE if actions are taken without any JUSTIFICATION.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:17 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Marsha Corrigan Maulhardt


Phone Number

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statu_e

Written Comments Please keep the statue in its original location. Taking down our monuments is taking away our history. If we do that, then no one will ever learn right or wrong. It is what was done in China, North Korea and other Marxist nations that no longer have a voice for anyone, even those who had felt like victims.

1 They were kept victims. Stop acting without thinking. God Bless You, Marsha

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: McGuirk Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:17 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- City Council Mtg - 07-07-2020 - Serra Statues Public Comment

This article below regarding the Catholic students who defended the Saint Serra statue from attack on June 25, 2020, should be read by every member of the City Council. It contains factual information that may be verified by video and confirmed by police. It makes clear the.removal has an organized political component that is not local, but part of a national 'Cancel Culture' p~rpetuated by certain named political organizations.­ tearing-down-saints-statue

To make sure there is no bias, and before offending the Catholic Church all the way up to Rome, it was the Pope that venerated Father Serra to Sainthood (to be correct it is the Saint Serra statue), the resolution should be for the statue to stay and a committee formed to research the merits of the reasons for removal. Importantly, their conclusions should be presented AFTER the presidential election in November.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:18 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments This statue completely represents a genocidal preist who systematically murdered thousands of Native American people during his tyranny.

I think we all agree a Hitler statue is NOT ok either.

1 It must be removed from public display in the name of all that is good in the world.

Thank you in advance for doing the RIGHT thing.

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2 We can right a wrong here. Remove that statue! Thank you for your consideration. Maryse Gartner

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Patrick Kelley Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:21 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Vta council agenda item (12.a) for July 7, 2020. Discussion on Father Junipero Serra statues.

-Leave the statues alone. -Learn and authenticate the history. -Provide a Native Chumash Tribe statue to recognize its pre-modern era as original inhabitants.

These are educational pieces if presented in the light of truth and reminder of our beginnings. These are not monuments or idols.

Add the historical significance of the original Native Chumash Tribes, Spanish conquistadors, Mexico and its religious order occupation, and US secularization (removing religion) with statehood of the territory.

The "Cancel Culture" can not destroy history nor rewrite modern culture for past failings that were acceptable processes in previous times. All births of a nation, religion, or political party have an uncivil past. We can amend the presentation without celebrating the sorted beginnings. Generating hate and revenge with material destruction is counter productive to positive reparations. What's next Serra school, home of the Padres!

Best Regards, Pat Kelley

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Moses Mora Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:21 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Agenda Item No. 12A, Father Serra Statue

To best understand the discourse concerning the Father Serra issue it will serve us well to understand what was happening on the east coast and the west coast of this land 240 years ago in the decade of 1780. On the west coast, the Spanish were conquering, missionizing, and colonizing by force the indigenous peoples that were here. On the east coast a group of slave owners, also known as this country's founding fathers were laying the groundwork for a new country being created for white men. Natives, blacks, or women had no say. At the foundation was stolen land and slave labor.

In terms of the damage done, Father Serra may have well been a Confederate General and that's why some feel the fates of their monuments should be the same. We can no longer afford to maintain this country's racist history and it makes no sense to. If we leave Father Serra's statue in place it's like saying, "Welcome to Ventura, where we still celebrate our racist past!"

Moses Mora CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:22 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name John Garibaldi


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Email Address Name of legislative body ----City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments It is long passed time to take the Serra statue to the basement of a local cathiloc church where at least one person thinks of him as a saint. ------Upload Files Field not completed. ------·------·------

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Nick Lenicka

Address 750 Walcott Ave

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I want the Serra stay in place. I don't see why/how the city should go to the expense of relocating it. If the decision is made to reposition the bronze then the original cement statue currently in storage should replace it.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Blaise Blain

Address Ventura CA 93001

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to express the strongest possible support for leaving the Fr. Serra statue in its current place, for the following reasons. First, Fr. Serra was a founder of our city, so whatever his faults, he deserves our gratitude for helping to bequeath us such a wonderful place to live. Second, he deserves a place of honor on account of his evident beneficent intentions and actions towards the Chumash people. For example, once he

1 realized just how great were the evils some of the conquistadors were capable of, he began building his missions away from the Spanish fortresses and was careful to keep the women and children safe inside at night. I hope to bring my children to the Fr. Serra statue for many years so as to teach them to imitate his many good qualities, while at the same time being able to have honest conversations with them about avoiding the sins of the past.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Kelly Myers - Sent: Thursday, Jul~ To: Council Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra Statue

Hello, I would like to take a minute, as a lifetime resident and current business owner in the city of Ventura, to voice my support for the REMOVAL of the Junipero Serra Statue located outside of City Hall.

I am a firm believer that statues that literally and figuratively stand tall for people to look up to should reflect the values of the people in modern day society. A statue such as thts should be in a museum where the context and history can more easily be conveyed. I'll be honest, until very recently, I really didn't think much of this statue. But that's an example of my white privilege and the white-washed version of the history that I was taught when I was in school. What I've learned, more than anything during the current political climate and through the Black Lives Matter movement is that it's important to listen to those without a voice. It's important to listen to those who are marginalized and oppressed. If the natives to this land find this statue offensive and have shared that this man was an oppressor who enslaved native peoples and stole their culture, faith, and language, then I BELIVE THEM. The values of the past do not represent the values of today. Removing a statue does not change history. Removing a statue shows that as a society, we are able to grow, learn, and show compassion.

When I asked my 11 year old son what he thought of the statue, his immediate reaction was that Junipero Serra was a horrible man and in no way should there be a statue of him still standing or a school named after him. Children today are learning the truth in school. So what does it say to our children who learn about a historical figure who forced indigenous people into slavery and stole their culture when they see a giant statue of that man overlooking our city? It sure doesn't say "here's a really awful dude that's just part of our history." No, it says "what this man did is okay because there's a giant statue of him for us to look up to." Is that the lesson we want to teach our children?

Please vote to remove this statue and replace it with someone or something we can all look up to.


Kelly Myers I owner PM Vinyls by Potti Mouth Designs

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Monica Celeste Sanchez

Address Ventura, CA

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_Em_ai_l A_d_d_re_s_s ______~------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Agenda Item Number/Topic

Agenda Item Number/Topic 8A (if known)

' Written Comments As a Catholic, and as a Latina of Mexican descent, I find the idea of removing the statue of St. Junipero Serra an erasure of the Hispanic heritage of this city. Junipero Serra is not the man as he is accused of being by some people. He was a man with

1 the vision to spread the Christian faith. He baptized those who wanted to be converted. The mission he built is the oldest building in the city. He founded Ventura. Father Serra protected the lives of indigenous peoples against any abuses by the Spanish military. Because of Father Serra, the Catholic faith grew in California. Catholic history in California is also Hispanic history, and without Catholicism my people would not exist. Most of our traditions are derived from the faith, and as a Mexican­ American of immigrant background, to see this prejudice against Hispanic heritage is just disappointing. Despite supposedly being in favor of diversity, you turn your back on the Hispanic community of Ventura. Please reconsider.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Lynn Arneill-Brown Sent: Thursday, July 9, 202 To: Council Subject: -EXT- What to do with Father Serra Statue

Dear City Council:

So, another week of discussion, if you vote to remove the statue, will you be ready to vote on where to remove the statue to? It's fine ,if you can do a city election in November, but please don't spend the money on a special election. I think we all know that all sorts of vandalism is going to occur if it stays in its current location, so it should probably be moved. Here are some options that the council should consider quickly and vote if removal is the course of action: 1. give the old historic wooden statue to the museum (if it's even salvageable) . I think it would fit in'the 77 California building. Maybe even give the bronze sculpture to the museum also.

2. place the bronze statue up by the Cross on the private property. Though I suspect it would actually be vandalized more up there.

3. give the bronze statue to the Catholic Church.

Try not to get bogged down in Memorandums of Understanding, the City is notorious for letting those linger unresolved for months. (ie: Albinger Archaeological Site)

In the statue's place I propose a tasteful monolith out of some lovely granite or marble with a very large plaque that discusses the historical narrative both positive and negative about Father Serra, the Chumash, the current argument of all citizens, and the pandemic of 2020.

This potential new monument might have the ability to make everyone happy. The Chumash would acknowle,dge that people listened. The Father Serra lovers could come and read about the controversy and how hard they tried to keep it there. And it would remind everyone that all lives matter and 2020 was a horrible year of personal and political strife that hopefully we all go thru ! !

I think replacing the statue with any other type of artwork would just enrage some other group at some point in time.

Thank you for your time, Lynn Arneill-Brown


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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your na'me and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------·-----·--··-·------··-··-·-·-···· Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Me.eting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Rhonda McKown

Address ------··--.------Phone Number

_Em_a_il _A_dd_r_e_ss______···~······~·

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not take down this historical statue. Ventura is an important town to me and it's history should never be forgotten or destroyed. Thank you!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Mary Wood


Phone Number -

_Em_ai_lA_d_d_re_s_s _____~------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear representatives of the city of Ventura, I ask that you keep the St. Serra statue in its current location. Although there are those who would like it to be moved to a private location, they do not know nor our willing to find out the truth of st. Junipero Serra who was the founder of our city. Pope Francis In 2015 declared St. Junipero a saint. In order to receive that honor, the person's life is rigorously investigated and must be found to

1 have loved God and human beings with extraordinary love. Archbishop Gomez says that St, Junipero Serra "came not to conquer, he came to be a brother. He lived and worked alongside the native peoples and spent his whole career defending their humanity and protesting crimes and indignities committed against them." He was "a champion of human rights and this country's first Hispanic saint." In consideration those now living and those who will come after of us, the truth of history must be told. Footprints of history must stand!

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2 Anita Mair

From: Blair Braney Sent: Thursday, Ju y 9, 2020 2:57 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra


I am a Ventura County resident, a Catholic, and was married at the San Buenaventura Mission.

Please remove the Serra statue from public property.

Blair Braney

Blair Braney

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:29 PM To:\ City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Elijah White


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

Email Address Name of legislative body -City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I want to talk about what message it's sending to let a few angry protesters decide what our city is going to be about. Whether Serra was a good or bad man is beside Tree point. Why did the city council rush to make this decision so quickly? Doesn't this give enormous power to those doing to vandalize? What precedents are we setting here?

1 Tracy Oehler

From: HannaShah­ Sent: Tuesday, July~ To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT- take down Junipero Serra statue

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is Hanna Shah. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a histoty of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide.

Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them.

Racism still plagues Ventura. One facet of this racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall. We need to remove statues in our own community that represent colonization, oppression, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. We need to work toward building a community that chooses to admire symbols that are inclusive of all people, including the Chumash people whose stolen homeland we live on and benefit from.

I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of peopl~ of color today, and it must stop.


Hanna Shah J.D. Candidate I Class of 2021 School of Law

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:31 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Chloe Drane


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Email Address Name of legislative body ---City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The statue of Serra has no place in front of a government building. It should be moved to a museum where a full and thorough history can be placed with it for people to learn about the founding of Ventura, along side the context of the colonization, subjugation, enslavement, and genocide of the people's native to this area.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:32 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Paul Schmeer


Phone Number

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I'd object to government promoting religion, but this statue is worse than that. It represents the Spanish Inquisition that weaponized religion to dominate native populations and claim resources for a cruel . It is sick a man who created his own pain and torture in his daily life. According to church records, before he got to CA he wore

1 sackcloth spiked with bristles, a coat with broken wire, slept with a chain of sharp iron to whip himself nightly. He used that chain in a sermon, bared his shoulders & started whipping himself, did not stop 'til a man took it from him & whipped himself to death. In sermons he'd smash a large stone against his chest. He'd sear his flesh with a four-pronged candle flame. His companion Palau described this as -quite violent, painful, and dangerous. His colleagues would admonish him for going too far. But the church has their own spin. If he treated himself this way, what of those that stood in the way of his goals for the empire?

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:32 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Therese Blain

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am very much opposed to moving the statue of Fr. Serra. The history books have been lying to children in schools for years, and they need to know the truth. Fr. Serra was a good man and only ever wanted to help the Chumash people. It would be a great dishonor to his memory and to the Catholic Hispanic culture.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:33 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Nicholas Roberts


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe we should remove the statue. It's an appropriate time in out history to voice opinions about our past actions as a society/culture. Removing will leave space open for more talk/healing/ and forward movement as a more together people.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Tina Levitan Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:35 PM To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT- Removal of Father Serra statue

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is Tina Levitan. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. There are ways to preserve a statue as an historic artifact without placing it in an honorific location. It isn't right to place this statue of Junipero Serra where his life deeds might be misconstrued as righteous, moral or ethical.

While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide.

Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them.

As statues of racists historical figures are being torn down around the world, including statues of slave owners and European colonizers, we need to acknowledge the racism that still plagues Ventura. One facet of t~is racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall. We need to remove statues in our own community that represent colonization, oppression, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. We need to work toward building a community that chooses to admire symbols that are inclusive of all people, including the Chumash people whose traditional homeland we live on and benefit from.

I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of people of color today, and it must stop. NOW IS THE TIME!

Sincerely, Tina Levitan CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:35 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Margaret OMalley


_:h_d:_:_:_:_u_m_b_e_r _____=-~------_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please leave Fr Serra in place overlooking the city. He is a symbol of peace and serenity to those who live and/or visit downtown Ventura. He is part of the founding history of Ventura, and there is no better way to represent his contributions . Thank you

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:35 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Terese Norris

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Thank you for providing this public forum.

Watching similar protests and vandalization of statues in LA and elsewhere, convinces me even more that a Person's character, history, or contribution to society cannot be decided by an angry mob with an ax to,grind.

1 I believe the wisest approach is NEVER to give in to terrorists. They are never appeased and will always be looking for the next target which soon will be our families according to the BLM website.

If a man can be tried and convicted for alleged crimes with no proof. None of us are safe.

Please ask whomever is asking for the removal of Padre Serra to submit verifiable proof of their accusations This is not about uncomfortable feelings or long past culture changes.



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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:37 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Lisa Devine


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_Em_ai_lA_d_d_re_s_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to emphasize my support for the immediate removal of the Father Serra statue. It is a horrific and triggering remnant of a racist public figure who participated in Egregious acts of trauma upon the indigenous Chumash people of this are. There is no justifiable reason for the statue to remain. Sincerely,

1 Lisa Devine Oxnard, CA

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2 Anita Mair

From: Jen Sobel Sent: Thursday, To: Council Subject: -EXT- Please Remove the Serra Statue.

Dear City Council Members of Ventura,

I'm writing to you today to ask that you please remove the Juniperro Serra statue that stands in front of our city hall. I feel this is not something that should be up for debate and the longer that we dance around the cries of the many Indigenous members of our community, the more it sends a message, that you as a council, do not really care for all the people you represent and share this special, beach side community with.

I am born and raised in Ventura. I graduated from Buena is 2005 and attended VC for two years, before I transferred to UC Irvine and graduated from there. I spent four years living in New York City and have returned to live in Ventura for short stints before and after. I now reside in Los Angeles with my fiance, but I visit my mother and siblings weekly in our East side Ventura home, not without a stop at Simone's or Palermo's for a coffee, every single visit. My fiance and I are slated to get married in Ventura next summer and hope to buy property in Ventura, where we will raise our future children. Ventura is home.

Over the past few months, I have seen a lot of concerning things come out of the wood work of our community. I realize that these are unprecedented times, that emotions are high, and the responsibility of serving on the council, must feel greater than ever now. There is a lot going on and it must be very challenging to navigate. I do not discount the responsibility of making everyone happy, but this isn't about being well-liked or finding the most perfect solution. This is a matter of right and wrong. Over the past few months, I have seen multiple videos of trucks and motorbikes intimidating & charging crowds of peaceful protestors in Ventura. The videos show very clearly, that these are not accidents. I see far too many comments from the community, in response, saying things like, "Good! They deserved it!", "I would do the same!", "That's what happens when you don't stick to the sidewalk" - this is extremely concerning to learn that many people who share my home, have this sort of attitude/mindset. The irony is that people of our community are protesting because they want everyone to feel heard ... to feel safe. When you have cars charging a crowd in these instances, it only confirms that we have a safety issue ,in Ventura to begin with.

You have a very unique and poignant opportunity to do the right thing. To be a part of a greater shift that is happening, not just in our community, but in this country. I will not write to you about who Juniperro Serra was or what the outcome was of his landing in Ventura. I pray you have done your own research and understand that, irregardless, of what his intentions were, the damage and harm that transpired from him being here are great. A statue does not tell us an entire story, it only stands to glorify its figure. Removing the statue is the right thing to do. So what if you lose some votes or favor of those in our community? It's time to write our wrongs from the past and look to the future. I never imagined I would be embarrassed of my own hometown, but as I am asking my fiance's relatives to travel far from other states to come celebrate our union, I want his family to know that I come from a community that is truly diverse, bold, inclusive, and does not tolerate hate. Please do the right thing and please don't drag this out much longer. We are looking to you to set an example here. Please don't let us down.

Thank you.


Jennifer K. Sobel Proud Community Member of Ventura 1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:38 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Andrew P

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Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments In his lifetime, Junipero Serra was one of the truest advocates of the native peoples in Mexico and the . We can read his writings, which reveal his deep love for the people of the land, and we see proof in his recorded actions that he lived that love in reality.

He refused to be an overseer of labor, carrying wood and clay ·-···------··-···-~- - --

1 alongside other workers. He supported the Pame people against the violence and invasion of their land by colonists, fighting for 13 years until it was theirs once more. He made efforts to keep soldiers away from the missions, keeping the barracks miles away from where the children, especially young girls, slept and ate. He famously traveled 2000 miles at age 60, with an injured leg, from Carmel to to insist that colonialists were punished for violence, and to ensur~ indigenous rights.

While the abuse of the indigenous is undeniable, Fr. Serra dedicated his life to their education, health, and protection. He is not the one to be hated.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:39 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Amber Bassett

_Ad_d_r_es_s______e_n_t_ur_a_c_a_9_3_oo_4 ______

_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r _____'------Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As an indigenous (Chumash) woman and lifetime resident of Ventura city, I have been waiting many years to be able to submit my concern over the representation of Father Serra in our city. It is my firm belief that this statue be placed in the Ventura county museum and addressed in the context of its history rather than used as a symbol of pride in California's history. After the gold rush, the populations of this states'

1 indigenous peoples including my own dropped due to million dollar subsidies that were issued to this state in 1850 and 1851. The result of which was equivalent of the World Trade Center dropping every year for the 60 years that followed. I feel that we are faced with an opportunity not simply to "dig up the past" but to finally begin the process of making amends and co­ create a future based in reconciliation beginning with representations such as these. Thank you for your time.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:39 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jonathan Tang


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______~------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments PLEASE REMOVE the Father Serra statue COMPLETELY, not just move it to another private location. If the City of Ventura wants to be inclusive to all of its community's diverse members, we can no longer allow a racist statue to represent the embodiment of the city. We must acknowledge the HORRIBLE wrongdoings that he and many others have committed towards Native Americans, the true people of our land. We must swiftly

1 remove all statues and remnants of the toxic missionary culture that have plagued BIPOC communities in California for decades. Be on the right side of history when your story as a city is told. The people of Ventura will not stop fighting for justice and inclusivity.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:40 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Renee Broxham

Address Camarillo, CA

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to support the removal of the Father Serra statue. A religious statue that serves as a painful reminder of native oppression has no place in front of City Hall.

I hope our city council honors the call for removal today. It will be an important step towards honoring the healing of the native people of California.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:41 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Monica Hill

_Ad_d_r_es_s ______~-- Ventura, CA 93003

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Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Relocate statue ... it symbolizes racism ·-·-·--···--··---·------·······-··---····· -· ··-··----•·•·····-··-•-····--·-·-··-·-··-•.. ·······•·· ... -.. --.-···· ···-·················-··-······-····-·····-··-··-··-···--·-···-·-······--·· Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:41 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name JoeS.

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As I drove through Ventura recently, everywhere I looked I saw mission-style architecture, characterized most prominently by the red tile rooves. If some people are upset just by seeing the statue of Fr. Serra, how do they get through a day without completely falling apart over the tribute paid to the missions everywhere they look? It is impossible to live in coastal southern California (where the majority of Californians live)

1 without constantly being reminded of the formative role the missions played in this state's history.

Note that, for the most part, no one is complaining of any ongoing injustice against the native Californians. Rather, the descendants of the Chumash apparently have been raised up to nurture hatred of the Franciscan missionaries. (Or is this hatred of more recent vintage?)

Americans usually discourage the passing down of feuds and prejudices through generations. Why here would you decide to reward the choice to instill hate in children?

Save the Serra statue

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Celeste Rodriguez


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Serra perpetuated colonialism, oppression of indigenous peoples including the Chumash, rape, and destruction of indigenous culture and livelihood. The Serra statue should not represent the city of Ventura.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form _

Name Sara Omanovic

Address - --- '------

_P _ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______c______

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: 1 Public Comments

Written Comments As someone who was born in Ventura and a resident of Ventura, California, I have lived in a city and county that has consistently demonstrated to me that the county will not fight for the safety and overall health of our indigenous residents and those that are of color. From lack of resources distributed throughout Port Hueneme, South Oxnard and Ventura Avenue, to outward Environmental Racism in which we destroy the land,

1 drill into the earth and build plants/projects in poorer neighborhoods without properly looking at the negative impacts of the health of those residents, I have seen time and time again how Ventura County does not care about the lives of those that make our community rich. The statue that sits infront of city hall is not one that represents the reason why Ventura is a beautiful and prosperous place. The statue belongs with the mission or in our museum to educate those about the unfortunate fate of those who suffered at the hands of colonization of this beautiful land.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm O(I Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Kevin Shin

_Ad_d_r_e_ss______Oak Park, CA 91377


_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear Council Members,

Please remove the Father Serra statue in front of the city hall. This man has no historical significance and is only a reminder of the white colonization and slavery of the native american people. Why have a statue commemorating someone who forced religion upon indigenous people. Statues of Serra were

1 and still are getting vandalized BECAUSE he is a worthless person who did not care about human rights. .. . ---······--······ ...... ··············-··--····· -·--·····-·----·-·--·------···------·--·-···-···---····-- ····---· ···················- . Upload Files Field not completed. ------•------

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:44 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name sandra g mendez-enriquez

Ad-d-re_s_sPhone Number ______. ------=- Email Address -

--- . --- Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments To all City Council members: I am writing in behalf of our beloved Fr. Serra statue. Do not let the misguided, violent haters have their way! They know nothing of the real Fr Serra history. Our beaches, Mission and beautiful statue truly represent the essence of Ventura. Please do not abdicate your responsibilites as our elected officials. Protect our statue!! Sincerly, Sandra Mendez-Enriquez

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:46 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Isabella Morones


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments TAKE DOWN THIS STATUE. It's a slap to the face to the indigenous peoples of this land, a painful reminder of the colonization and severe brutality that took place at the hands of Junipero Serra and others like him. NOW IS THE TIME, IT'S BEEN FAR TOO LONG. Replace this horrific statue with a symbol that honors and inspires the people whose ancestors

1 suffered!! This is step one, they deserve this and so much more!!!

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:47 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I D~sign Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Kate Lewis


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Junipero Serra: Franciscan Missionary who settles California and established 21 missions. He was a great promoter of Christianity because of his missions. This is a definition taken from my APUSH textbook, and it blatantly ignores the hatred that Serra perpetuated. I'm going to be a senior in high school and I didn't learn of Serra's atrocities until this year. Take this statue down and stop ignoring the hatred ------~---·-·------·---·---~

1 that he enforced. He stole this land from the Natives and terrorized them to adopt his culture. He is no hero and is not someone we should celebrate. For far too long we've ignored the reality of history. Taking down this statue will not be forgetting history, it will be remembering it. Remember how you're deciding whether or not a a statue that represents the death of Natives should stand on land we stole. Be on the right side of history and don't continue to be ignorant.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:48 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Mary T. Poe


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Have the voters of Ventura vote on it. Can't change .history! --- "··-·--··------·-.. -·------·--··-·-··•-·------·------Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:48 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name emilio r

Address oak park, ca 91377

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Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The Father Serra statue needs to be removed from any public eye. There is no reason to have this statue on display. It represents the oppression of the Native People of California. If left out to be on any display, it will serve as a constant reminder to all Indigenous people of the hardship and assimilation of their ancestors. Their voices and stories must be told, and we as a society owe them the acknowledgement that they have -·-·--··---·------

1 been wronged and we need to do everything in our power to have Indigenous people visible and respected. We cannot evolve if we leave these markers that represent an evil and dark part of our history.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Benedict coughlin

Address -Santa Paula

Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______, ------Email Address __ - Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments We should leave the statue standing. It is of a man who helped found our city and was a good man. the narrative that he was bad is nearly non existent and false. Even his opponents don't have anything against him personally. The Spanish may have been harsh with the native tribes, but Fr. Serra always worked for the tribes. Imagine if you tried to help prisoners in prison and then ended up taking the blame for the prison system

1 abuses. That would be the equivalent of blaming Serra for the Spanish abuses. Read your history, put the removal on the ballot or just leave it for now. Caving to a loud but small minority is paving the way to mob rule, and they won't stop here.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:51 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Taking down the statue of Father Serra will not build up the legacy of the Chumash. Both should be commemorated. An artwork celebrating the Chumash should be placed in a prominent place in the city.

The removal of Serra statue is also erasing part of America's Spanish heritage, which unfortunately is unknown to too many.

1 Before Jamestowne there was St. Augustine, When the Pilgrims were starving in Plimoth, people were eating in restaurants in Santa Fe. And before, during, and after the American Revolution -· Fr. Serra and the Franciscans were founding California. If were are interested in inspiring the young, shouldn't Hispanic students see that people with Spanish names did so much to create California?

Finally, the Serra statue stands in front of a government building as a warning. The history of the missions shows that whatever good intentions leaders may have, sometimes the very people that their policies are intended to help are hurt the most. ------~------··-·-----~---~·-·--~---- Upload Files Field not completed. ------~-·----·-··· ----

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:51 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Ashly Hernandez


Phone Number

Email Address -~---'------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As progressive as you would like to believe VC is, as Father Serra's statue continues being held high with a sense of pride, it completely contradicts any progress we have made. There is a mortifying history to Father Serra and his actions here in Ventura County. He is not the saint that locals hold so dearly to their hearts. He did not "save" the indigenous people that lived here, he murdered them. They were taken from their homes,

1 forced to work under poor conditions in the missions, and were either beaten or killed for unjust reasons; such as not converting to Christianity. Thousands if not millions of indigenous people were killed, many not being able to live past the age 12. However, it being 2020, I am sure (or at least I hope) that many of you know the truth already. The truth is is that what happened to the Native Americans in our coast was indeed a genocide, and many remaining Natives are still hurting from Serra's actions. So it makes me wonder why is it that the City Council

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission -. by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Bill

Address Short

P-ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______Email Address __ - Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As homeowners in the city of Ventura, my wife and I are very much opposed to the effort to remove or relocate the statue of Fr. Junipero Serra.

First, history and truth should be respected. Fr. Serra's life and work are well-documented. His legacy should not be disregarded in favor of vague and unsubstantiated accusations

1 of conduct completely out of character with what is known about him.

Second, we are also very concerned about the future of this city if a decision to remove the statue is made in the shadow of the violence and intimidation taking place across the state and the country. Nothing is more likely to encourage lawlessness than the unavoidable perce·ption that the council is acting out of fear of a mob

Protect the Serra statue; don't abandon it. .

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Evan Akers

_Ad_d_r_es_s ______,--- ______

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_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_e_ss______· ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As a current resident of the city and someone who has grown up in Ventura County, I find it irresponsible and deeply troubling that the statue of father serra resides in the middle of downtown in front of our city hall. By not removing ~he statue, our city is actively glorifying the erasure and massacre of the Chumash people, whose land was violently stolen and which we currently reside on. Father serra is deeply entwined and

1 involved in this history, and this statue is representative of the racism and violence against Indigenous Americans. It has no place in the center of our city. While this history needs to be acknowledged, it does not need glorification. At the very least, I am calling for the city to remove the statue from the central city area and move it to the museum, where this gruesome history can be properly acknowledged and learned from.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Emily

Address Ventura CA 93004

Phone Number

Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe the city council would be doing a great dis-service to the city of the statue is removed. If you consider Juniperro Serra individually - not as a symbol of all atrocities ever committed to Indians, than you find no legitimate reason to remove the statue. I think the council has only heard from those who want the statue torn down previously because the rest of us didn't feel there was a need to be a squeaky wheel

1 about keeping it. But now we see our folly and we're rising up to show you that we want the statue to stay where it is - overlooking the beautiful city that Fr. Serra was responsible for starting.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Daniel Zweier Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:53 PM To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT- Remove and Relocate the Junipero Serra Statue in Ventura

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is Daniel Zweier, and I am a resident of Ventura. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall.

Serra's .treatment of Native Americans of California, and locally the Chumash, has been historically recorded and continues to be held as trauma by living Chumash. Serra's statue in Ventura, and his statues elsewhere, have been vandalized numerous times over many decades. Why do you think this has happened? Has the history of his oppression changed? Has the pain of the people he subjected become less sharp?

To me, there are a number of clear reasons to remove and relocate the Junipero Serra Statue:

1. His treatment of Native Americans, which was horrific and well documented. Why does a statue stand for a man who did this at our city's center?

2. His embodiment of a religious organization. Church and State are Constitutionally to be separate in this country. Why is Serra's statue next to a government building? What does his role as a missionary have to do with Ventura, the city, today?

I know that you are receiving many emails (and calls) of support for the Statue from religious organizations, specifically the California Catholic Conference and its supporters. I understand why they regard this statue as important. Let them have it. It does not need to be in front of a government center, and it does not need to sit at the center of Ventura. ·

3. As it currently stands, there is no plaque that describes his actual nature, or his actions of violence, next to the statue. If the city is not truly educational in its public attractions, it implies that Serra founded Ventura, stands a symbol for Ventura, and both his values and religion are at the heart of the city. Is that true? If not, remove the statue.

4. We have a local history museum that could hold the statue easily. We also have a Mission that could hold it. And in fact members of the padra Serra in Camarillo wanted the statue in 1995. We should have let them have it then.

5. There is a broader movement in the United States. You must be aware of this. As statues of racists historical figures are being torn down around the world, including statues of slave owners and European colonizers, we need to acknowledge the racism that still plagues Ventura. One facet of this racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall.

1 Remove the statue. Put it somewhere historic, or give it to the religious organization that reveres it. Speak clearly that genocide is not tolerated by your government, and honor the voice of a people who have asked, for years, to be heard.

Sincerely, Daniel Zweier CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ·

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Scott Christie

Address entura CA 93003

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Since the Ventura Historic Preservation Committee has already determined that the bronze statue of Father Junipero Serra standing in front of City Hall is not a historic landmark because it's a replacement of the original. I recommend the statue be removed, relocated and displayed with the original statue in a more private but public place; maybe as a special exhibit in the Museum of Ventura County. Such action could serve as a

1 testament for the City acknowledging historical systemic racism and its efforts to educate about and eliminate it. Father Serra is an important part of our history - so are his atrocities. Rather than concealing this part of our past in storage, it's better to recognize it for what it actually is. I urge the City Council to continue actively addressing additional topics critical to the discussion of eliminating systemic racism including police spending and policies, public health inequalities, official · symbols and naming and other topics.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:54 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Alison Brannan


Phone Number -

_Em_ai_lA_d_d_r_es_s ______'------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I beg of you to leave the Father Serra statue in place. It is a part of our cities' cultural heritage. Was Father Serra a perfect man? Of course not! That has never been a question. The issue is that he brought many blessings to our area and to the people who lived here. His positive attributes and contributions far outweigh his sins. If we move the statue. it is caving in to people that seem to be jumping on a hysterical band wagon. If

1 that stature is moved why don't we get rid of the mission as well?

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2 . Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:55 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I D~sign Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Alicia Renteria

_A_dd_r_e_ss______'------Phone Number

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s______- '------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments To the Ventura City Council, I am a resident of Ventura County and am very concerned about the the upcoming decisions regarding the Statue of Father Serra. I urge the City Council to remove the statue completely and also to not make it a historical landmark. Ventura County was mainly built on the lands of the Chumash tribe and other Indigenous tribes. Not only does the statue

1 represent the forceful colonization of America's Indigenous people, it also symbolizes the systemic oppression, abuse, fear, and religious conversions that was caused by the mission systems. I do not believe such a statue or anything related to that history is appropriate to be displayed or honored.

Please consider the people that you are serving, including the Indigenous tribes, and to not promote the celebration of oppression.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:55 PM To: City Clerk , Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Paola Navarro

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear City Council members,

I urge you to seriously consider keeping Fr. Junipero Serra's statue in place. Serra is being wrongfully labeled for atrocities that occurred many years after his death. As a matter of fact, Serra did not come to conquer, but rather to be a brother to the native people. He fought a colonial system where natives

1 where dehumanized. He acknowledged their historic mistreatment. He was also one of America's first environmentalists. Additionally, he may have been the first individual to advocate against the death penalty, being a very kind and merciful man. Junipero Serra truly demonstrated his love of all people and did remarkable things for this nation and thus, should not be removed from City Hall. Thank you for your consideration.


Paola Navarro

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:56 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Todd Howeth


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

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1 Growing up in California, like many of you, I have driven many times up and down Pacific Coast Highway with family and friends, stopping to admire many of the iconic Missions that mark the way. The Missions, with their Spanish tile roofs, church bells, sweeping gardens and heroic statutes of Junipero Serra- are inextricably tied to many pleasant childhood memories, illustrating a glorious past. Perhaps that is why, at first, I was conflicted about removing the iconic statue of Father Serra from its lofty perch overlooking the historic Downtown Ventura and Channel Islands.

But once you know the truth about Father Serra the choice becomes clear: Veneration of Father Serra is a mistake. It is hurtful. It does not represent our County. Once you learn that Father Serra, along with Spanish Soldiers were dispatched by white Europeans Imperialists to convert and colonize natives living on land that would later be seized to become California and Ventura County, inflicting pestilence, involuntary servitude, cruelty and an untimely death on scores of indigenous peoples. Removing the Father Serra statue is necessary in order to come to terms with our past. We must set aside nostalgia in favor of the confronting the brutal truth of our origin story. Only by embracing the truth can we move forward toward redemption.

The gut wrenching images of-yet again-another white officer killing a person of color has forced many in our nation to reexamine our history-to look past the myths-to open our eyes to the truth about racism. Once you know the truth it is hard not to see the Father Serra statue as an example of white supremacy usurping indigenous peoples. So, now it is time to reexamine our priorities. To reinvest in our future. To renew our commitment to the truth. I urge you to remove the Father Serra monument.

Todd Howeth Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:56 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Elizabeth Siboldi

Address -

_P_ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______· ______


Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am a resident of Ventura City district 1, I strongly feel that there is a need to REMOVE THE STATUE! It stands for racism and hate. Serra committed atrocities against the Chumash people. It's offensive and idolizes a murderer. REMOVE THE STATUE NOW!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Natalie Hernandez-­ Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:57 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Item No. 12a

Hello city council members,

I have been a resident of Ventura County my whole life. I grew up feeling lucky that I did not live somewhere such as the South, where I know is not as progressive as Ventura. However, as progressive as you would like to believe VC is, as Father Serra's statue continues being held high with a sense of pride, it completely contradicts any progress we have made. There is a mortifying history to Father Serra and his actions here in Ventura County. He is not the saint that locals hold so dearly to their hearts. He did not "save" the indigenous people that lived here, he murdered them. They were taken from their homes, forced to work under poor conditions in the missions, and were either beaten or killed for unjust reasons; such as not working hard enough or converting to Christianity. Thousands if not millions of indigenous people were killed, many not being able to live past the age 12. However, it being 2020, I am sure (or at least I hope) that many of you know the truth already. The truth is is that what happened to the Native Americans in our coast was indeed a genocide, and many remaining Natives are still hurting from Serra's actions. So it makes me wonder why is it that the City Council are fighting so hard to continue idolizing this murderer?

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Patrick Skinner-Morales

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Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The people of Ventura have been roused to action by a renewed determination to finally achieve the authentic peace that has never been fully realized in the history of this city, the kind of peace that is impossible without justice. It has become obvious that the public display of the statue of Junipero Serra is incompatible with this kind of peace. If City Council truly shares the people's desire for peace, then they will remove all

1 depictions of Serra from official public display and do so promptly. We the people of Ventura will closely observe and remember any and all action taken by this Council to ascertain its relationship to the needs and demands of the people. All Power to the People.

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2 Dear City Council Members I would like to give my opinion of what we should do with our Father Serra statue. I first want to let you know that I love Ventura, I love my community and it's history and landmarks. My husband was born here. His parents went to Cabrillo Middle School when it was a high school and Ventura High School when it was a Junior College. They were married here at the Methodist Church on Santa Clara St. in 1950. His Grandfather was a contractor and he lathe most of the old buildings on Main Street. His other grandfather worked the oil fields in the hills above the Avenue. We live in the 1946 house that his Grandfather lived in. Ventura has a very special place in our hearts and in our roots.~ worked 17 years with VUSD and I remember going to the Ventura Mission with our students and learning the rich history of the Chumash and about Father Serra and the building of the mission. Some of the docent's ancestors were Native Americans that were Born Native Californians. The docents would teach our students about the Neophytes (Chumash who were living and working in the mission). But I do remember the docents asking our students , "How would you feel if someone told you they were going to change your name?" I believe our students were taught the true history of the mission and the founding of our city. I read from those who have studied Father Serra's life and I heard two accounts of either he was a terrible and ruthless man or he was good man and intervened for the Chumash from brutality of the American Calvary He was loved by many Chumash and the Native Californians of his day. So really I hope the statue stays and we can make beautiful Chumash/Hispanic statues of art teaching the history of our beautiful city. One more thing I hope our city council will not kneel down to the loud mob that are sweeping our nation destroying statues and now they are coming for our landmarks and historical art. My concern is if you decide to remove the statue based on this group's demands, then what is next? The monks faces on City Halls? Changing our school and street names? All our past historical figures were absolutely flawed but they changed and our society improved and learned from history. We all are we erased our own existence from history? Thank you for listening. Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form 1

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Margaret Chavez

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_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Members of the City Council,

Keep and protect the statues of Father Junipero Serra where they are.

You are meeting because you have been asked to join in the statue-toppling craze that is so popular today. Voting to join the

1 fad means disregarding our city's history, our state's history, the history of our statue of Father Junipero Serra, and the history of Father Junipero Serra himself.

Father Serra was a great man and a great Californian. He is the founder of our city.

Some wish to saddle Father Serra with responsibility for all the evils that befell or were imposed on Native Americans across a span of more than a hundred years, despite all evidence to the contrary. Now, having slandered him, they want you to confirm their falsehoods by removing his image from our city.

Thank you for allowing my input- and please allow the statues to remain as inspiration for me and my family to love others and do great things.

Sincerely, Margaret, Johnathan and John Chavez

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I stand firmly against keeping the Father Serra statue. For hundreds of years, the voices of Indigenous people have been silenced by white people. Even the City of Ventura is guilty of this right now by neglecting Indigenous voices when asking for public comments even though Indigenous people have made it very clear that they want it removed. Allowing the majority to silence ttiose that have been directly impacted by the cruelties

1 of racism and genocide is a complete abuse of power. Just because he has not committed genocide on your people does not negate the fact that he did. Those that are in support of the statue argue it is part of history. That statue is meant to honor a man who used slave labor, forcible conversions, and systematic abuse. Is that the history Ventura residents are so proud of? By keeping the statue, you invalidate the experiences of Indigenous people. I implore you to remove this symbol so that we can ensure that each member of our community feels safe.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Ian McFadyen

Address Ventura, CA 93003

Phone Number ------

Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear City Council:

Logically, you have been given a clear choice that sits right with all concerned: move the statue to the mission. That's already a done deal. So why move it? Choosing to have a statue look over a city connotes authority and power to that person, that point of view. Historians and theologians can

1 debate Serra's direct cruelty towards the native tribes of I California. However, what is not debated, even by the Catholic Church which made-Serra a saint, is the impact of the system he put in place: the destruction and decimation of native Californians and their way of life. Is that what we want people and visitors in our city literally looking up to? Having the statue at the mission allows for the debate about his legacy, and the discussion of the impacts of the mission system to continue while, as a city, recognizing the irrepairable harm caused does not literally need a place on a pedestal. Thank you.

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, •~l ...·,. ,,

2 Tracy Oehler

From: Lawrence Barbarine Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:59 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Item No. 12A

Council and staff, thank you for your service. The Father Serra statue is not there because he was perfect, but because, as a recent book on him shows, he helped build California and Ventura and because he and the missionaries protected the Chumash and other tribes from the bad elements among the Spaniards. As a north Oxnarder who feels like an unofficial Venturan due to time and money spent in your city, I'd hate to see the statues' status changed. Please name the Bronze Statue an historic landmark, keep it where it is, and kee the Wood Statue in ·city Hall. Save Serra. Thank you. Larry Barbarine CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:59 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Johanna Went


Phone Number - --- '------_Em_a i_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Written Comments Please vote to remove the Junipero Serra statue

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:59 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part ofthe record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearing~: by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Michael Masteller

_Ad_d_r_es_s ______"------

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I do not support the removal of the St. Junfpero Serra statue. The claim that he was an oppressor of the Native Americans of California is not historically true; in fact, he was a defender of their dignity and was even willing to travel from Carmel to Mexico City - a journey of 2,000 miles - in order to protest against their oppression and abuse and to have their dignity defended and recognized. To tear down his statue would be a

1 lie and also a defeat of the good he accomplished as being an advocate of the Native Americans.

In the fervor to tear down statues across our country, should we not allow the residents and people of Ventura County to voice their opinion in the matter? To take down this popular statue without appealing to the people of our county would be a blow to our democra·cy.

I would like to thank the City of Ventura for their efforts to protect the statue and prevent it from being defaced or damaged, and in proceeding in a legal manner throughout this process.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Leslie McGiven Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:59 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Padre Serra statue city council meeting 7 7 2020

I am a 42 year long proud resident of Ventura California. I was born in California and ecstatic to be a Californian living in two of the cities and also two different counties County that were originally and founded primarily, historically to spread Christian faith of love and respect for All Peoples by missionaries, one of the main ones who was st. Padre Junipero Serra.

I want history and the statute to remain as is. As Father Tom from the mission stated, if others are so drastically her at this present time by what some people mosfassuredly might have done many years ago, been temporarily removed for safekeeping in a "holy place:" the statue that is there currently at the top of California Street & Poli Street & City Hall . A strong suggestion would be to place an appropriate plaque in the same area and it could be dedicated to all the historical people, naming several of those who lived here ... INCLUDING Father Serra and had a major impact in the indigenous people and the founding of this Fair city of San Buenaventura.

Sincerely, oh very sincerely, Leslie McGiven - Ventura ail originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing,. it will allow staff to fol/ow~up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ·

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing. this form

Name Gregory S

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not erase the history of a good man by getting rid of the statue of Father Junipero Serra.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name W. Short

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please preserve the integrity of our unique history as Venturans. Keep the statue of a great man standing!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design R~view Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Mary Bagdazian


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Written Comments I urge the City Council and all community members to become' better educated about Junipero Serra. The public has been miseducated about him for a long time. He did not come to to destroy the native population. He came to help the people who were here. The state ordered and sanctioned mass genocide of the native people after Serra's death. I am becoming more educated about Fr. Serra and the more I read

1 from mulitple sources, the more I learn that he did not force Chumash and other natives to convert to Christianity. About 10% of the native population lived in the missions. They were not forcibly baptized. The height of the death toll of the natives came after Serra's death, during the Mexican and US rule. I propose that if the Serra statue is moved, that it be moved respectfully to a place where he will be honored. A statue of the Chumash should be erected. This should have happened a long time ago.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM . To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form ·per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Rachel Vargas

· _Ad_d_r_e_ss______

Phone Number ------_Em_ai_lA_d_d_r_es_s ______~------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Throughout California, Father Serra and the mission movement stripped native communities of their culture, heritage and identity. Massacres, rape, oppression, endless violence and exploitation. That is what Father Serra represents. As a community, we must show empathy and love for everyone in our community. Show that we acknowledge strife and protect natives from being retraumatized. Yes, Father Serra is a part of

1 our history, but not a part that should be commemorated or memorialized in a public statue of this sort. By the proud stance it holds in front of City Hall, it represents Serra as a hero. He is not a hero. Memorializing such a figure is a lasting reminder that America cannot see history for how it truly was. It retraumatizes these communities again and again. Take it down and replace it with a statue of someone who made true, positive change in our city or just make it a green space. Eitherway, it needs to be removed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. '

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Anna Bermudez


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_a_il_A_dd_r_e_ss ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As a citizen of Ventura and as Chief Curator of the Museum of Ventura County and a member of the Latino/Chicano community, I am appalled at the behavior of some of our citizens in the past week, regarding the statue of Father Junipero Serra. Racism in our community is out of control and has been evident for many many decades. To say that the statue of Father Serra is a symbol of the city of

1 Ventura is insensitive to many members of our community. it is a slap in the face for our indigenous families. it is not representative of any part of the governance of the city and does not belong in its present location. The lack of separation of church and state in this city is quite obvious. I stand in favor of moving this statue.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design_Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and 8ecreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Rebecca White


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As a resident of Ojai, Ventura County, the proposal to remove the Fr. Serra statue strikes me as very anti-cultural and weak, to say the least. It is the direct result of mob pressure and NOT consideration of the historic facts. They seek to destroy American history and Christian culture, not to uplift native Americans. Fr. Serra was a greater supporter of the natives and those who say otherwise, have not done their research.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: El,ectronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ·

Submission Deadlines: _ Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Mark S.

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As a resident of Ventura County for most of my life, I ask the City Council not to act rashly in taking down or moving the Fr. Serra statue. A decision made in this heated time will only serve to further divide our county, our state - Americans.

My family and I have watched in amazement and disgust as, for weeks, a few lawless individuals have decided for the rest

1 of us that certain historical figures will be dishonored, certain historical facts will be covered up, and certain people must be silenced.

It has to end. The brave defense of the statue of Fr. Serra here in Ventura has received attention and appreciation from around the world. Don't take that away by a rushed decision to appease the passions of the moment.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Johanna Went Sent: Tuesday, July 7, To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Remove Statue

Please vote to remove the Junipero Serra statue.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Cosmo Bua Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Fwd: City Council Meeting 7/7 /20 (Agenda Item No. 8A) Ventura Historic Landmark #3

--- Forwarded message------­ From: Cosmo Bua Date:Tue,Jul7,20 Subject: City Council Meeting 7/7 /20 (Agenda Item No. 8A) Ventura Historic Landmark #3 To:

City of Ventura City Council of San c/o Antoinette Mann, City Clerk 501 Pol,i Street, Room 205 Ventura, CA 93002

Please Work to Remove the Father Serra Statue

The statue should be removed to a public museum and there displayed with very visible information as to its previous location and why it was removed. Part of the displayed information should be an accurate detailed biography of Father Sierra and his actions, not a candy coated version. It is well known that he was completely in charge of and responsible for tremendous harms to native people and to their communities all up and down the area of his authority. It is also known that he was so extreme in his treatment of the Indians his "mission" encountered that even the government of Spain tried, but failed, to moderate him primarily do to the freedom he had at such a great distance.

I haven't had time to review all the relevant documents regarding CEQA, the Coastal Commission, or the actual history of this statue and whether or not it is truly Ventura Historic Landmark #3. I've also seen many examples in many California cities of Staff routinely claiming Categorical Exemption from CEQA numerous times when it really did not apply.

Having said all that, I believe it is mostly besides the point. I remember loving the statue and the wonderful effect it had on its immediate environment, especially including City Hall. When I finally walked over to see the statue up close, I was shocked that it was Father Serra. His actions are beyond dispute, we have the separation of church and state, and he should not be honored in this way,. For the City of Venture to have him as possibly the main sight identifying and defining itself to the public, especially children, is wrong.

Certainly all the appropriate City, County, and State laws and procedures applying to it must be adhered to, but the City of Ventura must take a moral stand. Leaders must show us who they are and what should be thought of the City.

In the meantime the danger to statue is real. I would ask the City to put up large and clear notices around it and elsewhere in town, explaining that there is a legal process that the City of Ventura must follow in dealing with the issue and that the City is going through the process as quickly as possible. All future public meetings on the fate of the statue should~ also be very prominently posted.

Thank you for your consideration. Cosmo Bua

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Cory Yniguez Sent: Tuesday, July , To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT- Move Father Serra

Dear City Council of Ventura, I have lived in a home with a view of the Father Serra statue for a few years. This statue represents a tragic story in the history of our city. I do not agree with erasing history but I do believe the time has come to remove this statue from this central point of downtown Ventura.

In the years I have lived here, I have very rarely seen anyone viewing or "enjoying" the statue. The group claiming it is so meaningful, has not been active in worshiping around the statue until the last couple weeks. Moving the statue will a powerful, and much delayed message that this beautiful city also has a beautiful culture of honoring history and showing love to the Chumash Indians who's history is so tied to the statue. It needs to me moved and I urge the council to consider doing this soon.

Cory Yniguez

Typed on the tiny computer I carry in my pocket. Please excuse any typos as a result of thumb taps and inexplainable auto-corrections. · CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Dennis Adams Sent: Tuesday, July 7, To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- City Council Meeting Agenda - Agenda #12A

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my strong support for keeping any and all statues of Fr. Junipero Serra in honor of his heroic and selfless contributions to the founding of our state and the well-being of the communities, including indigenous ones, that he served. Revisionist historians have in recent decades besmirched his record, and the mobs that have vandalized statues of him throughout California in recent weeks should not be given leeway to do as they please. Intelligent and reasonable debate, as in the case of this meeting, should take place, and let Californian historians of repute and without animosity to religion clear Fr. Serra's good name and works.


outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Lawrence Barbarine Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Fwd: Item No. 12A

Clerk Mann, If too late, I understand, but if can, please change the word "status" lower in my email comment for tonight to "locations". Thank you for your consideration. Larry Barbarine

--- Forwarded message------­ From: Lawrence Barbarine Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2020, 3:58 Subject: Item No. 12A To:

Council and staff, thank you for your service. The Father Serra statue is not there because he was perfect, but because, as a recent book on him shows, he helped build California and Ventura and because he and the missionaries protected the Chumash and other tribes from the bad elements among the Spaniards. As a north Oxnarder who feels like an unofficial Venturan due to time and money spent in your city; I'd hate to see the statues' status changed. Please name the Bronze Statue an historic landmark, keep it where it is, and kee the Wood Statue in City Hall. Save Serra. Thank you. Larry Barbarine CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and. Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Lisa Berquist


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Keep the statue in place! I live in Ventura County, and I treasure the rich history we have here. Father Serra was an outstanding example of true love and charity for all, and a real champion for racial equality!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:03 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date! Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Amanda Ullman

Address Oxnard, CA 93035

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Thank you to the Ventura County City Council for holding this virtual public hearing. I would like to comment in favor of the removal of the statue of Father Serra from its high-visibility position in front of Ventura's City Hall, a landmark of great importance in representing the democracy that underscores the foundation of our community. It is of the utmost importance that Ventura's City Hall, and the democracy that it represents,

1 stands to highlight the voices of all members of our community, include the American Indians who stewarded this land long before their communities were invaded by the missions conducted in the name of the Spanish crown. The prqminence of the Father Serra statue directly in front of our City Hall is in direct contradiction to this effort. Father Serra's legacy as an "evangelizer of the West" has been continuously exposed as a legacy tainted by colonizers enslavement of the ancestors of our local tribes and his involvement.. (continued in attachment) ------·---·------·-·--·------·------···------•------·---- Upload Files Father Serra Testimony.docx

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2 Thank you to the Ventura County City Council for holding this virtual public hearing. I would like to comment in favor of the removal of the statue of Father Serra from its high-visibility position in front of Ventura's City Hall, a landmark of great importance in representing the democracy that underscores the foundation of our community. It is of the utmost importance that Ventura's City Hall, and the democracy that it represents, stands to highlight the voices of all members of our community, include the American Indians who stewarded this land long before their communities were invaded by the missions conducted in the name of the Spanish crown. The prominence of the Father Serra statue directly in front of our City Hall is in direct contradiction to this effort. Father Serra's legacy as an "evangelizer of the West" has been continuously exposed as a legacy tainted by colonizers enslavement of the ancestors of our local tribes and his involvement in the brutal colonization that took American Indians' lives, land, crops, and dignity of the women they brutally raped. Robert Andrade, the executive director of the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission, reported that Serra's complicit involvement in this brutal system resulted in the decimation of 90% of the American Indian population. Idolizing Father Serra in the form of a statue representing the voices of the Ventura Community makes our city passively complicit in continued revere of a man connected to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American Indians, a man connected to the missions that were disturbingly similar to slave plantations within our great California state. American Indians like the Elewaut have advocated for Father Serra's care towards the American Indian communities and his desire to protect them and these histories should not be erased or overlooked. However, Serra and the violent past that he represents and to which he was complicit, should not greet our community's residents and visitors as the face of our city. His statue deserves preservation and not destruction, as has been made the wish of the Chumash community. This preservation belongs in a museum or exhibit that can most clearly and fully portray the violent, complex history from which the memory of Father Serra rises. Its location at the top of California Street, in front of our city hall, is not that place. Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:04 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Laurel Edson


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______,______

Email Address -

--- i------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear City Council members, Firstly, thank you for your service to our community. I write today to express my support for the moving of the Father Serra statue from in front of City Hall. If those who practice Catholicism want to continue to celebrate Father Serra as a historical figure, they should do so in a place that is not overlooking and imposing upon the entire community. I believe

1 this resolution respects both the Catholic and Chumash peoples of the Ventura community. If the statue is placed in another public place, it will be imperative to make sure there are facts provided by a neutral source displayed with it for the viewer's full understanding. Again, thank you for your consideration and service. , My best, Laurel Edson, age 33, Ventura resident ··------··· ---··----·-·····---···---·• ···•·•-··-··-·-····-····· ------·······-·-·······-··-··-···········-····· ········•···-··········-·····-··- Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Keihan Gibbs


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Tear the statue down. This statue doesn't represent the community or its values. This statue represents a brutal history that we don't need to glorify. Put it in the museum.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:08 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Delanie Grewe

_A_dd_r_e_ss______Ventura CA 93003

Phone Number

Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am expressing support for removal of the statue. Junipero Serra and the Spanish settlers committed atrocities against the Chumash people. We should not glorify him and minimize these actions by maintaining a statue which is symbolic of colonialism and genocide.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:09 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Camila Wise

_Ad_d_r_es_s______· '------Phone Number

_Em_a_il _A_dd_r_e_ss______i------

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 2/25/1998

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Hello! I'm writing regarding the taking-down of the statue of Father Serra. I am a long-time resident of VC and have learned about him and the mission systems since I was a child. I have also learned about how the land we are on was once Chumash land and how keeping this statue up is a celebration of how Father Serra and other Catholic missionaries made it their duty to eradicate native culture in the area. It's important we know

1 our history of colonization, of missions, and of Padre Serra. But I think its equally important that these dark moments not be glorified at the expense of native/Chumash narratives. We need to set an example of empathy and listen to and respect native culture and heritage. Please consider replacing the statue with a notable Chumash leader or artist, as we work to right the wrongs of California's past.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:13 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Kristen Zozulin

Address Ventura

_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

Email Address ~------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments As a physician working in Ventura County, I have witnessed first hand the devastating effects of racism, discrimination, and implicit bias on the health of individuals and families. The statue of Junipero Serra is a physical representation of the repression and violence perpetrated against the Chumash people, and its continued display is a citywide endorsement of that violence and genocide. I implore the members of the

1 Council to take a stand against racism and the trauma inflicted on our Chumash brothers and sisters. ------·------·------·------·-- --·------·------·------·------·-· ------·------·-·--·------·-··---·------·--··------Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:17 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Margaret O'Reilly

Address ------Phone Number

Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not remove the statue of Junipero Serra. It is a historical landmark and should be preserved. It represents a large and important era of California history. The man it depicts was an advocate for the native people. He was not an oppressor but a kind man who intervened for the people against oppressors. Those who want to vandalize the statue and tear it down are

1 not speaking for the majority of Ventura County citizens or Americans; they are like children who never learned respect for other people. Don't give in to their misguided intimidation tactics. It is better to educate them by standing with truth about Junipero Serra, with the law regarding public property and historical landmarks, and, in this case with the majority of Ventura County residents.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Mel

Address Ventura

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Agenda Item Number/Topic 12A - Serra Statue (if known)

Written Comments Saint Serra's motto was 'a forced conversion is no conversion.' As such, only about half of the Chumash joined the Catholic Church. Saint Serra made sure they had free will and choice. He was venerated by the Pope for a reason. Also, he knew

1 Russians were settled up the coast on their way down to claim California as their own. With no immunity to disease, the Chumash would be decimated. No matter who ended up with California, he encouraged the Spanish soldiers to marry Chumash women so, at least, their children would inherit some immunity and the culture would not be completely decimated. This was Saint Serra, any derogatory accusations should be thoroughly researched before action taken with the results provided after Nov, 2020 to insure they are not politically motivated.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:21 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Barbara Leija


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra. Statue

Written Comments Keep Father Serra where it is now. ------·---~------·--·------, ·---- Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Heather Castillo


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Remove the Father Serra Statue. We should not celebrate the slaughter of people. This is not the legacy we should remember.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:27 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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C Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm qn Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Maria Mendez

_Ad_d_r_es_s______~anta Paula CA 93060

_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

Email Address ----- Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am an educator at Santa Paula High School and I'm currently teaching World History. One of the topics my class covers is how governments control and dominate other countries, and how slavery And oppression coincides with colonization. Please remove the Father Serra statue to show the world and the next generation that you do not condone racism, oppression, or slavery. Perhaps the statue Could be placed at

1 the mission or a local museum for people to appreciate the rich local history. Please do not keep the statue, a symbol of racist oppression, at the center in front of city hall. Please do the right thing. The time has arrived. Thank you.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:27 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Eva Sintar Emmerich

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I would like the statue to stay where it is now. ------··"--.. -~--·----··•--•-···----·-----····----·-·-·-----··-----.-- Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Sheryl Bradshaw

Address Van, TX 75790

Phone Number

_Em_ai_lA_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am a native of Ventura, born and raised here. The statue signifies comforts of home to me. It's an innocuous statue that is non-offensive. If we allow this to be taken down, what's next? The cross on top of the mountain? To remove this would be a removing a very special piece of our history. To allow a special interest group to dictate what history is preserved robs us all of our history.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:34 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Raymond Bradshaw

Address Van, TX 75790

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My wife is from Ventura. I am proud of that fact. I have visited your beautiful city and I always felt at home there. I heard the stories of her growing up there and how the Crosses on the Mountain were so integral in her past. These statues are history and they're important to so many people. Please don't allow anyone to steal your history, it belongs to all. Once it's gone you'll never get it back.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:36 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Sister Francis Mary

Address , Ojai, CA 93023

Phone Number

Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My position on the statue of Saint Junipero Serra is the same at that of Archbishop Jose Gomez. Please see­ memorial-of-st-junipero-serra/

The bronze statue, dating to October 1989, was paid for with funds ($100,000) donated to the City of Ventura by the citizens

1 of Ventura.

Therefore I strongly propose that the City Council place before the citizens of this fair city the opportunity to vote on the placement of the image of so central a figure in California history in general and Ventura history in p~rticular.

A City Council composed of seven members should not have the final say in this matter.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:41 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeti~g Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing thi~ form

Name Brian S Guevara


Phone Number

Email Address Name of legislative body -City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please open my file for what I would like to deliver to the City Council. As hard as I tried I could not limit my verbiage to 1000

1 characters including spaces and get my point across. It came in at about 1500 characters. Short form = Vote "NO" on the statue's removal. Thank you.

Upload Files Father Junipero Serra Statue.docx

1 I am againstthe removal of the Fr. Junipern Serra statue from its current location. Attemptingto seize the moment under the current unrest playing out through our country by those who wish to overthrow all that we believe in as a country was wrong. There are some asking for its removal because they are ignorant of the facts. They claim that Fr. Serra was responsible for the genocide·ofthe Native Americans during his tenure .• · In fact he was·an advocate for them and prayed for their souls. He wennoMexico City in 1773 to convince the Spanish Viceroy to assist him in the protection of the indigenous people and walking awaY with what is known as "The Bill ofRights''for the Indians~ This was three years BEFORE our very own constitution. Then there are those who either have no.clue ofAmerican:history orjust don't care and wantaII American statues and1nonumentsremoved even its ofLincoln:and Grant who fought for the end ofslavery, that of the 54 th aII black union regiment,· Colonel Hans· Christian Heg, aNorwegian immigrantwho spenthis life fighting slavery before dying in battle whileleading Union soldiers intheAmerican Civil·War, or Frederick Douglas and the list goes on and·on. This insanify·has to stop and let it be here with our founder's sculpture.

I understand that there are. descendants of the Chumash nation whc, too wish for its removal but I am also aware of other people ofChumash ancestry that don't want it removed. Once again usuaily between those that have sfildied their history and see Fr. Serra for what he was and the benefit that he was for them at the time versus those who are spouting another, undocumented version, based more in feelings and hearsay than facts. I have no objection of displaying a prominent Chuniashleader's figure in a location of honor within our city•limits. It would be a righteous, appropriate and welcoming act. Please vote "NO" for the removal.

Brian Guevara

Ventura, 93004 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Douglas Norris

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments It is indisputable that Junipera Serra founded our city of Ventura and built a beautiful culture of peace and love for all people here. He should be honored for that and have the benefit of any doubt. Serra is a fine example of what Ventura stands for. Good Fortune. He has been bringing good fortune to Ventura all these years. This is no time to tell him to stop his patronage

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:47 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Eileen Miller

Address Tulare CA 9327 4

_P_ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My husband and I just visited the Father Serra statue on July 2. It is in such a wonderful setting. Father Serra is a saint honored by the Catholic Church as having heroic virtue. He was instrumental in bringing Christianity to California. He has been mischaracterized for different reasons, but history shows he cared for indigenous people in body and soul. The statue is appropriate for a present day. It is proper to honor him with a

1 statue in Ventura where he founded his 9th and final mission. To take it down would be responding to emotional and ignorant mob hysteria which is anti-history and anti-Catholic.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Mary G Karon is

Address Santa Clarita CA

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Fr Junipero Serra is innocent. On what proven grounds do you base considering to destroy his legacy to California, to Ventura? I know this area since 1962 with its agriculture, colleges, courts, oil fields, military, Spanish & Indian influences. It is a blessed area. Fr Serra's Cross on the hill overlooking Ventura was a beacon to drivers on the 101 freeway and boaters on the ocean. Fr Serra, now St Junipero Serra, has

1 stood as a guardian over this plain and its government. He converted the Indians to Catholicism; taught them to read and write; taught them how to farm - about agriculture. All this is preserved in the missions and books about the missions and the priests including Father Serra. He knew he had to teach the Indians to protect them from the conquering Spaniards. His writings show his love for the Indians. The missions provided the Indians a place for shelter, food, clothing and education. The Indians came in droves.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:52 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I DeS:ign Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Bo~y when completing this form

Name Elizabeth Ortega

Address Ventura CA 93004

_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I do not agree with the removal of the Father Serra Statue for the reasons that it's removal is being proposed. Our beautiful city of Ventura would not be the same if Father Serra had not been a part of it's history. If Father Serra is moved, there should be nothing put up in his place. It should just be an empty space, commemorating nothing, as there will be no other statue that 100% will agree upon. Maybe another group

1 would rise up and dissent against the new statue. This could never end.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Michele Chapin


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I support the relocation of the Father Serra Statue ,,,the museum or the mission would-be a more fitting location for this sculpture,,,,please support the truth and our Chumash heritage ,,, the Chumash were here in Ventura first,,,, and the treatment of our local Chumash by Serra and other religious zealots was a crime against humanity ,,,, the true history of these people

1 needs to be taught in schools, with a renewed respect and pride for their Place in our Civic history and culture

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2 Anita Mair

From: daniicalgt Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 4:57 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra statue removal


I'd like to speak as a member of another group you may not think of in the conversation surrounding the removal of the Father Serra memorial.

As a queer transgender Venturan who relocated here several years ago when I sought a safer place to be myself, I'm always disturbed when I see the statue of Serra, a Catholic religious figure, given such prominence on public land in our secular community. In addition to Serra's personal role in the oppression of this area's indigenous peoples, it's always bothered me that a prominent former leader within the church, whose ongoing stigmatization of LGBTQ people has deeply negatively affected my own life, is memorialized in a position of respect over the lives of citizens like myself who have fought tooth and nail to overcome the stigmatization and marginalization church leadership has spread for centuries.

It's time for Serra to go. Please remove this memorial to a genocidal leader of the Catholic church, an organization that continues its crusade to stigmatize and marginalize LGBTQ people, today. The actions of Father Serra, and the actions of the organization he's affiliated with, are undeserving of memorialization in their place of prominence in our community, let alone in front of our secular government buildings. It's bad enough that we cannot enjoy the views from what was once publicly-owned Grant Park, without being subject to the religious symbols of our oppressors. We shouldn't have to be subject to those symbols of our oppression in Ventura's other prominent public plazas as well. Ventura should be a city that feels welcoming and open to ALL of her citizens. With the Father Serra statue in place, Ventura continues to meet that most basic public obligation.


A concerned Ventura citizen who still doesn't feel safe publicly outing herself in the public records, in large part because Catholic church leaders continue to wage a successful campaign of marginalization and oppression against us CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:08 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Julie TumamaitStenslie


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am the Tribal Chair of the BarbarenoNentureno Band of Mission Indians (Chumash). I would like to say to the City Council and the Community of Ventura County that our Native community is asking_ the City Council to please consider relocating the statue of Fr. Junipero Serra to a new location. We ask this for many reasons most I cannot say for reasons being, they are not my stories. I do not

1 have permission These stories have a lot in common. We share much of the historical and intergenerational trauma that one can say that the presence of the Statue of Fr. Junipero Serra only exacerbates these feeling of pain, and lost, distrust and deception. We will never be able to fully tell you what it means to see that image on a daily basis knowing that it is acknowledged by many as a victorious time for your people.This isn't a win/win situation. This is a decision that must be made for the peaceful removal/relocation of a symbol of racism. History can never be changed or lost by this action.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: AnnaTretko--­ Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:15 PM To: Council; City Clerk Subject: -EXT- SAVE SERRA Qus

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Kati Perez Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:16 PM To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT- Remove the symbol of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide.

Dear City Council of Ventura, My name is Kati Perez. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide. Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. As statues of racist historical figures are being torn down around the world, including statues of slave owners and European colonizers, we need to acknowledge the racism that still plagues Ventura. One facet of this racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall. We need to remove statues in our own community that represent colonization, oppression, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. We need to work toward building a community that chooses to admire symbols that are inclusive of all people, including the Chumash people whose traditional homeland we live on and benefit from. I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of people of color today, and it must stop. NOW IS THE TIME! Sincerely, Kati Perez

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:19 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name kati perez


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Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide. I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero

1 Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of people of color today, and it must stop. NOW IS THE TIME!

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:21 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Quinn Solis

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_Em_a·_,I _Ad_d_r_es_s______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statu.e

Written Comments I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide. I urge you, as city council officials, to st~nd for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero

1 Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of people of color today, and it must stop.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:25 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name alexander penaloza

Address _.______

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Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Let's consider a solution that honors our Chumash family and preserves history. I'm in support of relocating the junipero serra statue and replacing it with a statue depicting a chumash person. We must decide as a city, where we'll lie on this page in history. Make the right choice.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: james mcdermott Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- For the record

Please see the attached link for The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, which are hereby incorporated into the administrative record for this matter:­ treatments/treatment-reconstruction. html.

Jim McDermott CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise cautio~ when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:33 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Leslie Studer


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

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We have visited the Carlos Borromeo Mission and Museum in Carmel, California. The Museum has extensive artifacts and references, which we have read, including personal letters and personal history of Padre Serra. There is found a wealth of knowledge about this mortal loving Spanish priest.

This man expressed genuine concerns and actions on behalf of the Native American people. He showed the Spanish desire for integration, respect, and inclusiveness of native populations not alw~ys part of other European cultures. He helped improve and develop agriculture, animal husbandry, trades like blacksmith, tanner, wheelwright ad well as education, reading music, and playing instruments.

He was preparing them for life in western civilization which was coming steadily at them. And he knew this would impact them in ways not in their best interest. Padre Serra prayed for and sought to prepare his beloved native peoples for the changes coming from European occupation. Always caring always loving he shared Christianity, knowing it would help his beloved native people prosper as life changed around them.

His cause for sainthood was not a simple process. It is a long, detailed, and well researched process which only ends with sainthood after all is investigated and validated. A Saint as founder of our city has bestowed an unusual and rare privilege on·its citizens.

¥es, within our city are some who do not know our founder. There are those within our city who bring different life perspectives, to bear on how they see the city and the events of history which has shaped it. They may not understand it.

Does not knowing or not understanding become an adequate basis to press your will upon the thousands who before you have understood and appreciated and celebrated the great and marvelous roots of our city, planted by the energetic, global traveler from Spain, Padre Serra.

May the statue continue to stand! Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:38 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Marla Ciuffetelli


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am a native Venturan. I am also Catholic and of European descent. Father Serra is undoubtedly one of the most prominant figures in Ventura history and there are no allegations against him personally of conduct that would justify the removal of his statue. He is condemned basically for European conquest of the native people, however, he was not a conquistador. He is a huge party of our city history and

1 cannot be erased. The statue is beautiful and should stay in front of City Hall.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:39 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Vanessa Brintrup


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Agenda Item Number/Topic

Agenda Item Number/Topic #12A (if known)

Written Comments I am a resident of Ventura and live 2 blocks from the Serra statue. Considering the value in separating church and state, I ask the city to remove the statue due to it's catholic nature and strong, compelling history of horrific abuse against our local

1 indigenous Chumash people. For those declaring the statue's value as "historical" a simple solution is to move it and place it at a more appropriate historical site: the mission. It is important to honor and represent the wishes of the living ancestors that suffered the torture and genocide at the hands of Serra. Should it stay, I would be deeply ashamed at the commitment of your Council to glorify the unspeakable acts of human violence by standing by and protecting such an easily accountable villain. There is plenty of real, tangible evidence of the atrocities Serra · was responsible for. And depending on your decision today, your choice can affect how you, members of the Council can be remembered as well. Please remove the statue.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:40 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Maritza Flores


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please keep the statue of Father Serra in place. It is part of our history, he was a great man who dedicated his life to the service of others and to bring the Gospel of Salvation to all people . He was a man who wanted the best for all and what can be better then to offer eternal happiness in Heaven. Thank you and God Bless you.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:41 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Tonya Gresiak


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Junipero Serra was responsible for enslavement, forced relocation, and conversion of California Natives. These actions lead to the erasure of native culture in California and I do not stand for that. Ventura and Ventura County do not stand for that! The statue of Father Serra MUST be removed and placed in a museum where people can learn the good and bad of his

1 history. The statue should not be placed in a Mission or a Church where the history to be learned is biased.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Danielle Rivera

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My name is Danielle Rivera and I am a Ventura resident. I am requesting the removal of the Junipero Serra statue in front of city hall. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. A statue

1 idolizing such actions is disrespectful to today's Ventura Chumash residents, and it does not reflect the morals of many Ventura residents who greatly respect our native community. The statue can be relocated _to a private area of Ventura Catholics choosing, if they so wish, but it belongs no where near our city hall.

Thank you for your time,

Danielle Rivera Ventura Resident

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My lineage flows thru both Francisco Cordero and Pinta in the Cumash tribe, My ancestors walked on the Palo Alto Expedition thus landing in Venturino. At that time Palo Alto was controlled by Spania. Currently I am a Native Venturan whose ancestors helped build San Buenaventura. It is with great concern you even debate removing history. I know the past has many scares, it also has BEAUTY and LOVE. I wabout as at

1 the BLM protest on the 4th and I must say they DO NOT CARE about the Cumash. One man only asked "What about the Indians?" Only I responded with this, "We must forgive to release ourselves from the chains of HATE." With great Prayer and Council, I say to you, we must keep the History as it is. To remove Father Serra is to also remove the remaining Chumash heritage. The future will forget the Chumash and all other cultures and history should we allow such an extreme agenda. The example of Peace and Harmony must be shown to others. Only in America can this be done. KEEP HISTORY!

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Robert McCord Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

Went on Webex. Not sure if our message was received thru the chat option.

Our comments: our family totally opposes this idea. The statue is more than just a bronze object. It is part of the heritage of the community in its present location. It is a work of art that we watched first being carved in wood, then casti then placed. Just say no.

If anyone on the Council takes any action on the proposal let the citizens of the community make the decision in an election.

The McCord Family Robert Mccord CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:51 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Marlene Iara


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Hello my name is Marlene Lara I'm a wife and mother of 5 beautiful children and more importantly I'm a daughter of the most high, God. I'm taking this time to write to you and ask you in behalf of my family to please keep the statue of father Junipero Sierra up in its place. Father Serra taught love faith and hope. Everything this world is now lacking. If we don't stand for something we will fall for everything. We need to

1 remember everything he did in California and for the people in California. He God bless. --,,,-cc--· -·---·-·---··-----·--·------···-·--·---···-····---·--·-·-··-·---···--·-- .. -----··-•··-·-----·---··· Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:52 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Grueima


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Serra was a great man and a Californian. He is the founder of our beautiful city. He should not be removed

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:54 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Lisa Mcdermott


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

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1 Dear City Council,

As a lifelong resident of Ventura, I am saddened that our local officials would submit so readily to a mob with an agenda seeking to sully the name of Father Serra, along with that of our city; a city rich with a history that predates our country itself. Some bad, but most good-what a concept! Beginning in second grade, I have met that statue almost every morning of my life as my mom drove me and my siblings up California St. to Holy Cross School. As a mom, the tradition continued as I drove my kids to that very same school. Fr. Serra was always there, overseeing our beautiful town. Lately we are hearing of atrocities committed by him accompanied by threats to tear down his statue. The accusers have produced little to no evidence to back their claims, and any attempts to present differing viewpoints are met with hateful words and threats of violence. This is a situation that should be used as an opportunity to learn from the past.

The actions of the Mayor, Matt Levere, who met in secret with so-called "representatives" of his own designation and decided without the input of any other elected official to remove the statue are inexcusable.

The farce that occurred on Monday, when our own Ventura Historic Preservation Committee conspired to remove the historic landmark designation from the statue in order to clear the way for its removal is an outrage and should not go unnoticed. This is the same group who regularly puts obstacles in front of new projects, delaying them for years in the name of preserving our city's historical character. The pace at which they put together this meeting and made a virtually unanimous decision say~ a lot indeed! The Historic Preservation Committee applies the rules to others and changes them as they see fit. It was clear from Monday's meeting that the support to save the statue is there, yet the committee ignored the pleas and recommendations of almost everyone who spoke and proceeded as if they hadn't heard a word.

As you can see I feel strongly about this and I know that here are many more voters who do as well. I am outraged jus~ thinking about the deceitful nature of how the city, along with the HPC has gone about this. If they can exert their power like this over a statue, what will be next? This is about more than just a statue.

Thanks for your time.


Lisa McDermott Tracy Oehler

From: Bryan Rosen Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 5:56 PM To: City Clerk Subject: · -EXT- Fw: Regarding Father Serra statue, please don't remove history, add ari exhibit by it to honor Native Americans

To Ventura City Council, It's unfair for you to come to a decision on the Father Serra Statue if people without computers aren't included .. I have a computer, but am not set up to comment to you.

Whatever people puf up the Serra monument believed in what they were doing. Because a historical figure is now unpopular, people think it should be taken down. ,

Let each generation speak for itself. We can put up our own monuments. The people of yesteryear had good and bad in them, like us, and have no say in your decision. I support putting up monuments honoring the Native Americans. Do something positive instead of just trying to tear down the past and our connection to it.

As I've said a plaque can be put next to the Serra statue.

All historical monuments need to stay. Let us do something positive in the present. For example, you could do a resolution against the military industrial complex, and how our representatives are voting to fund it. Martin Luther King had wonderful things to say on that.

You could authorize a row of statues of great black leaders including King, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, Harriet Tubman, and other civil rights heroes.

You could take action on the pesticide issue that hurts so many farmworkers.

Pick on the evildoers of today, not someone two hundred years ago. The bombings and wars in the Middle East hurt a lot of darker skinned people. Let's not forget what's happening to the Palestinians. So I'm saying at least find targets in the now. If you go after Father Serra who might be horrified by today's wars, you just help create more division, instead of the healing that's needed.

I went by the Santa Barbara Mission today, saw a lovely banner with St. Francis on it, and I believe it said "Prayer and all Good". Nearby at the Monastery of Poor Clare there was a tile design with the famous St. Francis saying " Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace ... ". There was also an exhibit on the place the Indians washed the clothes. It felt like one could commune with the spirits of the past there.

Our history is important, we become disjointed as a society if we try to eliminate the past. It's not for us to judge whether Father Serra deserves to come down.

Thank you, Bryan Rosen

1 Dear Ventura City Councill,

Regarding the Father Serra Statue, I don't support its removal. We need to keep our history, not remove it. It helps us understand where we came from. To remove history is to make us less aware of history. It is important to know our history so we don't repeat it. oppose removing any historic monuments. They can also be important works from an artistic viewpoint

Instead of destroying or removing this statue, let an exhibit be put by it, explaining what happened to the Native Americans. Instead of just destroying, let new monuments be created. It's easy to attack the past, the departed people aren't able to defend themselves. It's important to see the good in the past, not just the bad. We need to see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

There are questions to be answered in a new exhibit. Did the Indians come willingly to the missions, or were they forced to come? Human beings are foolish no matter what their skin color, and I've heard they came willingly as it was a novel thing. However, I don't think it was safe to stay out of the missions because Native Americans could be brutally treated. Was there anywhere safe for them to go? Maybe Mexico?

Father Serra was recently made a saint by the Catholic Church, meaning the church felt there were verifiable miracles attributed to him. It doesn't sound like he should have been made a saint. He was a human being, and like everyone, had good and bad in him. It's easy to condemn the past, but it was a very different time. While there may have been horrors in the mission system, there were good people, too. There must have been some Catholic priests who cared about the poor and native Americans.

Please, before you even consider removing history, please come up with a plan to create a memorial, beautifully done, that honors the native Americans, and sees the good and bad in the Catholic Church. We need to bring people together for healing and forgiveness if a better world is going to be created. It would be nice if Catholics and native Americans could come together. The whole world needs spiritual healing, and spiritual healing groups could meet by the Father Serra statue as well as next to a Native American Memorial.

Jesus said that the people condemn their ancestors for persecuting the prophets of old, but don't condemn those who persecute the current prophets. Was what Father Serra did any worse than what our government is doing right now? Drones are still kiUing lots of dark skinned people in the Middle East. Obama, a black man, killed a lot of people with drones. Trump is helping the Saudis to commit mass murder. Martin Luther King spoke against the miliary industrial complex and in his speech "The Three Evils of Society" said that billions were spent on mass murder Congresssmember Brownley votes to fully fund the military industrial complex, and joined the Democrats to give Trump everything he wanted. Yet these same politicians who support the military murder machine are trying to co­ opt the Black Lives Matter message. If statues are made of our current leaders, do they need to come down in a hundred years? Where does it all end?

So how about condemning the injustices occurring in the present instead? How about coming up with a plan for decent wages, and helping people get out of poverty? How about creating community orchards and coops to help low and middle class people? How about transferring funds out of police departments to be used to prevent crime? You get a lot more for the buck there. Teachers do more to prevent crime than police do, so how about supporting decent wages for teaches?

It's time to create a society that works for everyone. Censorship and cultural wars get us nowhere. In history, it's good to see things from everyone's perspective, and there needs to be healing.

We need to realize we are all one, and whatever we do to anyone we do to ourselves and to God. Forgiveness is absolutely essential for our health physically, and is necessary for spiritual progress. And if we don't forgive others, no matter what the transgression, we won't be able to forgive ourselves. The Lords prayer that the Catholics said even in Father Serra's time says "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Instead of removing a beautiful statue, please come up with a plan that has overwhelming consensus from the community. Would most people in the community support a monument to the native Americans? I think so. I think most people would want to understand the good as well as the bad in the history of the Catholic Church. I was listening to Martin Luther Kings niece recently, and she acknowledged that a famous president in the past also did good things, and supported putting something next to an old monument to explain things. If that is done, we're not just tearing things down, something meaningful is being created for the future.

Symbolic gestures like removing statues may be easy to do, but they can also be a diversion from the really important issues. I remember how under President Obama, the native Americans were tear gassed and brutally treated at Standing Rock Nothing much was done to help the black people in Flint, Michigan. Lots of lip service was given by politicians to Martin Luther King, Jr. and they love to "celebrate" him during the holiday. If you really want to celebrate him, then please stand up against the big moneyed interests, and do some things to help the people in need. For example, farmworkers around Ventura are being sprayed with toxic pastiches. During the era of the Missions the native Americans may have worked overly hard in the fields, but at least there weren't any pesticides. Some learned skills like working the loom to make clothes, and some participated in the choirs. Some were beaten, I understand. But at least they weren't exposed to toxic substances, as the modern day slaves are, who maybe don't die from the whip but may die from pesticides. -

It would be nice if you would invoke the Constitution, the highest law of the land that overrides all illegal laws, and ban toxic pesticides in the city of Ventura. That would take courage. After all, farmworkers also have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

To sum it up, please let each generation create it's own monuments, and do some positive things for the people in our present time. 2 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

3 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:00 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Beatriz Basurto

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Email Address Na me of legislative body ----City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Hello, I am a resident of Ventura County. Since moving here and visiting the view top that many know of as the location that Father Serra statue is located I have been uncomfortable and feel a great disgrace that the county has allowed a statue that represents one of the many contributing factors of the erasure and genocide of the indigenous folks in Ventura County

1 (Chumash Land).Please to not continue contribute to having someone who particapated in the ideals that have erased indigenoues people in our county be idolized. I ask that you remove the statue and in place show your allyship to indigenous communites.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Rita L Acosta-Roots


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The statue of Father Serra should not be removed from its current location in front of City Hall. Father Serra did bring the development of our missions and christianity to the native americans and his history lives on in our community.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Tatiana Juarez


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments In favor of taking the statues down (both inside and out)! It is not what Ventura should represent.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body wheo COf!1pleting this form

Name Rebecca Bower

Address Camarillo, CA

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe the Father Serra Statue should be removed. As a longtime resident of Ventura County, I find it deplorable that a religious statue is on city property. The Father Serra Statue is not a historical monument, nor does it reflect the diverse

1 population in the city of Ventura, Ventura County, and the state of California. The city has made a statement regarding upholding racial equality recently and I expect those values to carry over to your decision today. The Father Serra Statue does not represent the city and county's people as a whole. However, I understand that the statue is beloved by certain members of the community, so I believe it should be donated to the church or stored away for safekeeping.

Thank you for your time.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:06 PM To: City Clerk . Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jennifer Gaddis

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_Em_ai_lA_d_d_r_es_s ____~------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My name is Jennifer Gaddis and I am a Ventura resident. I am requesting the removal of the Junipero Serra statue in front of city hall. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. A statue

1 idolizing such actions is disrespectful to today's Ventura Chumash residents, and it does not reflect the morals of many Ventura residents who greatly respect our native community. The statue can be relocated to a private area of Ventura Catholics choosing, if they so wish, but it belongs no where near our city hall.

Thank you for your time,

Jennifer Gaddis Ventura Resident

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:04 PM, To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Dean Kyle Johnton


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The Serra statue represents the glorification of a man who sought the conquest of Native people by means of enslavement, forced conversion, and violence. The Serra statue reinforces the narrative of Christian colonists bringing "civilized society" to "savage" peoples.

This is wholly disrespectful and dismissive of the Native

1 peoples not only in California, but all throughout Serra's path of destruction. It sends a message that the internment of Native Americans was righteous.

The removal of a statue of Serra would not be the first. He is being denounced all throughout California, and Ventura should not be an exception.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jessica Oddi

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I strongly support the removal and relocation of the statue. In an effort to move forward as a city, I feel that Ventura should act boldly and morally to remove the statue and set an example for the rest of our country. Please do what is right, separate church from state, take down the statue and show that we honor the lives lost and the land of those that he stole from.

1 History is history. Let's move forward. There is no better time than now.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:08 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Yesenia marsh


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I do not support the removal of the statue of Father Serra! He is a part of our history that can not and should not be erased. These times are very difficult and trying but by removing the statue isn't going to solve any problems that people feel. The statue doesn't represent racial discrimination. He was a holy man who founded our great city of Ventura. Removing him

1 won't fix the problem, it will cause more hurt and division amongst our citizens! Thank you and God Bless

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2 Tracy Oehler 1

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------···----·····----···-··------·--·· Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered pa,rt of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Mark L Jass

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The Spanish came in and essentially enslaved the indigenous people, forcing a religion upon them. Why honor it. They were basically conquerors.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Madeline Chetkovich Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:12 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Agenda Item #12A

Hi there,

My name is Madeline Chetkovich. I am a resident of Ventura County but am unable to attend today's virtual town hall. I wanted to add my support for the removal of the Serra statue in Ventura County. Keeping that statue defends the violent legacy Serra has left on the Native American's who were brutalized by his hand. I believe we should honor our local Natives- the original people of Ventura County- in seeing what they would like to do with this statue further. Thank you.


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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Suzanne Tringali Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 20 0 6:12 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Removal of the Fr. Serra Statue

I debated submitting a public comment because this Council has already made the decision to submit to a mob that condones violence and vandalism-a group that uses revisionist history to validate their agenda. Today they are demanding the destruction of a statue-but what will they demand tomorrow? They won't be satisfied by taking down one statue. Just listen to their words-carefully read their demands. Will you submit when they call for elimination of crosses? Will you submit when they call for destruction of the missions? Will you submit when they start vandalizing and burning Catholic or other Christian churches? Where will you ~raw the line in the sand? As in other similar movements, after targeting property, they will begin targeting people who disagree with their ideology. Don't think you are immune by submitting to their demands. During the French Revolution, once the revolutionaries won power, no one was safe­ even those who supported them. Robespierre was pivotal in sending to the guillotine those perceived as enemies of the revolution. Eventually he was sent to the guillotine by his fellow revolutionaries. So, do not think you are guaranteeing your safety or the safety of Ventura by succumbing to their threats.

Thank you Suzanne Tringali

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:13 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and conta·ct information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date, OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Joaquin Lara jr


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------·--,------·-·-···-·------·- ····-·-··--· .. ··--··--~---·•····-·----··------Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue ------Written Comments Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:15 PM To: Council; City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue item #12a

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2020, at 4:11 PM, Brenda Guzman wrote:

Ventura City Counsel,

The removal of the statue of Junipero Serra would be a good step towards the healing of our local Indigenous "Chumash" People and others effected by its presence along with repairing a broken bridge between the government and native people.

This statue is a constant reminder of the torture our Ancestors endured, an untold history of the Chumash people, my people. Today I, ask for the removal of the statue of Fr. Junipero Serra to not only honor those Ancestors who were victims of genocide, enslavement, rape, erasure of our; language, traditions and religion, to only name a few, but to heal and save our Youth along with the generations to come from the pain we live seeing this statue daily along with knowing the City of Ventura would support such acts of inhuman oppression, genocide of Native Lives while glorifying the assailants with a statue overlooking Ventura ..

Please know many of our ancestors (great grandparents and grandparents) and current family members continued to be submissive to Catholicism however many are very disconnected and unknowing of our true Chumash ways. This was what Serra intended on during his forced conversion of our people. Their voices were silenced yet we their children know of our history because they never let it die with them. Theses stories were not spoken outside of our homes. Many of us are still unlearning the forced Catholic ways.

1 Words spoken and written over 300 years ago "merciless savage Indian" such as in the Declaration of Independence were also spoken by Junipero Serra. Those words are still being taught through hatred and glorification statues of the very indivuals who spoke then. The removal of the statue does no remove history. It is in fact is forcing us to respect the untold stories and teach all history to our country especially or future leaders. I personally believe the statue should be destroyed however that may not be an option so give it to the Catholic Church to preserve in the confinement of their property were it could be admired by those who continue to be submissive and oppressed to Catholicism. I must add the property the Catholic Church sits on are the graves of the Chumash ancestors who were forced into the Catholics religion and voices were silenced of Ventura. As stated during the Historic Preservation Committee 7/1/2020, this statue is not a historic landmark. Please do not remove the statue based on a loop hole but rather the respect of the Chumash people. Please stand for justice and against the oppression of indingenous people by removing this statue. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO THE RIGHT THING FOR ALL PEOPLE! Brenda M Guzman Ventureno and Barbareno Chumash City of Ventura resident

- I • • • I I

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:22 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date/ Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Michelle Critzer


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Nam.e of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments My name is Michelle Critzer and I am a Ventura resident. I am requesting the removal of the Junipero Serra statue in front of city hall. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior

1 beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. A statue idolizing such actions is disrespectful to today's Ventura Chumash residents, and it does not reflect the morals of many Ventura residents who greatly respect our native community. The statue can be relocated to a private area of Ventura Catholics choosing, if they so wish, but it belongs no w~ere near our city hall.

Thank you for your time, Michelle Critzer

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2 Tracy Oehler·

From: no rep [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:24 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The_ Padre Serra Statue is a very important and a major part of the whole California History, deemed the Founder of California. Regardless of the Statue being original or not, it is history in itself and should remain where it is. The City, the County, and the whole California itself has the duty to preserve and protect it at its present location and to protect it from harm and vandals. It only takes a simple process of putting a fence

1 around it, a surveillance and a patrol from time to time. Those caught vandalizing the Statue has to be punished in the highest degree and the Government has to make it known that it is punishable. Even the City is liable from even thinking or discussing its removal from its present location. It's a waste of time and taxpayer's money to spend on studies by the Historic Resources Group and the HPC when it takes only common sense and a sensible mind that the Statue stays where it belongs. Even the General Exemption by Staffs is questionable.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:29 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- o'nline Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: . Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Rachel Ashley aka Rae Biffin

Address Ventura CA 93004

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The mission system was designed to convert and acculturate the Native American population to Catholicism and European culture, and this was done by confining them to missions up and down the coast. Native Americans who tried to escape were captured. Those who disobeyed were beaten. Indigenous beliefs and customs were banned.

1 Nonetheless, the Catholic Church - quite controversially - canonized Serra in 2015.

As a Native American myself, I believe it is time for reconciliation and with that, it is time for the WHOLE truth, all sides of the history need to be told. Not just for us, but for future generations.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:32 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Mark Beck ------Address - P-ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r-----~------Email Address - _

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Leave 1974 Bronze Father Serra statue in place. Do not distrube / remove unless restoring. Retain statue status and keep Ventura historical landmark #3 in place. It it part of San Buenaventura history and worthy of preservation. A public asset. As all history though our democratic republic is worth preserving and teaching to current and future generations.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:37 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date (Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Debbi Pacheco


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Name of legislative body City Council ·

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please remove the statue! Please dismantle the statue. It is a statue that is representative of systemic racism! Ventura, please do the right thing for your community and for future generations to come. Respect those indigenous to this land!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:40 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Comm;ttee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Tlaka Tlaetzin

Address -


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Written Comments "Father Serra Statute" Greetings: To all my relations -Aho Mita Ku Ye Oyasin (Lakota Language), Ha todas mis relaciones (Spanish), and NochTin Nome Kayotsin (Nahuatl). I am in FAVOR of Removing the Father Serra Statue in Ventura. This would not erase Her-story nor His-tory. Instead it will CORRECT the hidden and false narratives of our diverse ethnicities. It is time to take the lid off of Denial and Ignorance;

1 Time to Face the Facts from our indigenous past. I am of Chichimeka, Anahuaka, and Xikano bloodlines. I am not a "Made -Up Label"; Not Latino -Not Hispanic - Not Latino/X. The name that was given to me in a "MeXiKa" traditional/ancient indigenous ceremony is Fire person "Tlaka Tletzin"(keeping the flame alive of our ancient teachings). I recommend we move the serra Statue. Where will it be kept? How about either digging its grave near or in its existing location? How about we build a grave above its present location. How about encasing it with a thick clear material?

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. --·-··---·-··-·-···---·------·--· ------···•·-···-·•--···--·-·-··•------·····-··--····-·-·-· Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form ------Name Timothy OHearn


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Keep the statue.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name P. Lemmon


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments To the Ventura City Council:

On America's birthday, July 4th, "protesters" in upstate New York destroyed a statue of famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglass--a man who nobly helped the USA come closer to its ideal of itself. Also vandalized are statues of George , Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Crowds

1 in this country--not lran--have been recorded in the news shouting "Death to America." In Scotland, a statue of Robert the Bruce sitting on his little war pony was vandalized with the words "racist king."

And you plan to santize Ventura of Fr. Junipero Serra, a man history says helped form California?

Black Lives Matter? If black lives mattered, BLM would be rioting in front of Planned Parenthood Clinics responsible for taking millions of black lives; or in cities like Chicago, where multiple black lives are snuffed out every week. The iconoclasm is not about black anything--that's hypocritical and Fake News. SEE UPLOADED FILE FOR REMAINDR

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2 To the Ventura City Council:

On America's birthday, July 4th, "protesters" in upstate New York destroyed a statue of famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglass--a man who nobly helped the USA come closer to its ideal of itself. Also vandalized are statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Crowds in this country--not lran--have been recorded in the news shouting "Death to America." In Scotland, a statue of Robert the Bruce sitting on his little war pony was vandalized with the words "racist king."

And you plan to santize Ventura of Fr. Junipero Serra, a man history says helped form California?

Black Lives Matter? If black lives mattered, BLM would be rioting in front of Planned Parenthood Clinics responsible for taking millions of black lives; or in cities like Chicago, where multiple black lives are snuffed out every week. The iconoclasm is not about black anything--that's hypocritical and Fake News.

Justice for the Indigenous? It's not about that either. Fr. Serra was a good man of holy life, who selflessly gave that life so people could know Christ their savior. His own journals document how he built his missions on land as far removed from the military installations as possible, to protect the natives from the soldiers.

Do the Chumash demand to reverse the colonization of the State or the continent? Colonization was going to happen. All should admit how much better it was with Fr. Serra, than a merely military conquest have been, devoid of his selfless, high-minded, peace-making and protective influence.

Were residence rules too strict, for those who chose to live the mission life within the mission walls? Was every practical decision correct? How dare we apply our modern "anything goes" lens to an ancient cultural situation? Or condemn the whole because a part is flawed? It is blatantly dishonest, illogical and suicidal to do so.

The novel 1984 is not meant to be an instruction manual. Winston Smith's job was to rewrite the news daily, hourly, to make the past whatever the present prefers. This tyrannical nightmare recipe for slavery is cooking in America-haters' pots across the land, and it is cooking in this disgusting, Identity-Politics: divisive plot to erase Fr. Serra from Ventura, the city he founded. Do some tear down because what is built stands on "sacred" ground"? Well, Junipero Serra is a figure sacred to Californians, and explicitly and properly to all California Catholics, who call him SAINT Serra. If what is sacred is sacred, then touch not Fr. Serra.

It is Marxist to torch everything, in order to destroy people's confidence. The Revolution procedes through chaos, violence, and blood in the streets. It destroys the old, so that New Man can rise in the marxist "worker's paradise." It is the Marxist project to "transform America" into something not.

THAT's what this is all about. This particular iconoclasm can only proceed if you have no rational interest in the City you represent, and no interest in representing the Forgotten Venturans--the majority who say, "We paid our hard-earned money to erect this statue. It is ours. It is beautiful and we are proud of it, as we are of our City and ourselves. Leave Fr. Serra alone."

Sincerely, Patricia Lemmon

Santa Paula Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Austin Miller

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please keep the Fr. Serra statue. He helped to teach the Christian religion and system of values to the indigenous peoples of California. These values are the foundation of our country's values. He was not the evil person that protests are making him out to be. He is of historical importance to our state and shouldn't be removed just because people don't like his system of ideas.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name TLaka Tletzin


Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r-----~------Email Address - - Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Written Comments "Father Serra Statute" Greetings: To all my relations -Aho Mita Ku Ye Oyasin (Lakota Language), Ha todas mis relaciones (Spanish), and NochTin Nome Kayotsin (Nahuatl). I am in FAVOR of Removing the Father Serra Statue in Ventura. This would not erase Her-story nor His-tory. Instead it will CORRECT the hidden and false narratives of our diverse ethnicities. It is time to take the lid off of Denial and Ignorance;

1 Time to Face the Facts from our indigenous past. I am of Chichimeka, Anahuaka, and Xikano bloodlines. I am not a "Made -Up Label"; Not Latino -Not Hispanic - Not Latino/X. The name that was given to me in a "MeXiKa" traditional/ancient indigenous ceremony is Fire person "Tlaka Tletzin"(keeping the flame alive of our ancient teachings). I recommend we move the serra Statue. Where will it be kept? How about either digging its grave near or in its existing location? How about we build a grave above its present location. How about encasing it with a thick clear material? from

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2 "Father Serra Statute" Greetings: To all my relations -Aho Mita Ku Ye Oyasin (Lakota Language), Ha todas mis relaciones (Spanish), and NochTin Nome Kayotsin (Nahuatl). I am in FAVOR of Removing the Father Serra Statue in Ventura. This would not erase Her-story nor His­ tory. Instead it will CORRECT the hidden and false narratives of our diverse ethnicities. It is time to take the lid off of Denial and Ignorance; Time to Face the Facts from our indigenous past. I am of Chichimeka, Anahuaka, and Xikano bloodlines. I am not a "Made -Up Label"; Not Latino -Not Hispanic - Not Latino/X. The name that was given to me in a "MeXiKa" traditional/ancient indigenous ceremony is Fire person "Tlaka Tletzin"(keeping the flame alive of our ancient teachings). I recommend we move the serra Statue. Where will it be kept? How about either digging its grave near or in its existing location? How about we build a grave above its present location. How about encasing it with a thick clear material? What about turning it into an interactive visual media that describes what he did and other correct facts. How about we set the record straight with how serra's colonization actions had a negative impact with missionary native populations who were forced to comply or die? With this recommendation; perhaps both Vay and Nay Sayers could live with this current controversy. Maybe these unique recommendations could result with increased tourism? Imagine bus loads of school children of all ages experiencing factual learning; they'll always remember visiting an outdoor museum in Ventura, California (instead of having children building replicas of missions). We are living at the crossroads of an unexpected Global Pandemic/Corona Virus. There has been plenty of time for us to take two steps back to reflect about the racial inequalities and unjust systemic deadly police presence in America as well as worldwide. Therefore, I see what's happening as a moment of reflection, gratitude, and a reminder that we are only visiting our Dear Mother Earth "Tonantlin Tlali". During the 1500's, Spain expanded its rule of European Colonization using Catholicism and Nazi like concentration camps. California missions "":ere built on the land of native villages; such as the Chumash. Forced labor through enslavement was the norm for the natives who walked in shackles. Genocide included death from measles and syphilis. Women had their heads shaved if they had miscarriages from being raped by ry,issionaries. Others were whipped on their way to attend church. These atrocious actions were common acts of violence towards these indigenous populations. Some of the natives who built the missions survived the beatings and tortures that included getting their hands chopped off for not processing enough gold. By 1783, Father Fages filed a complaint against father serra for his deadly actions of secularization against the natives/indigenous populations for building the ninth Spanish mission established in Alta California (Or Nueva California); San Buenaventura mission was founded on March 31, 1782 by Father junipero serra who used God and Christ to annihilate our native/indigenous sisters and brothers. Before the arrival of the euro colonizers; the word God or Jesus Christ did not exist in native and indigenous lands.

I encourage you to read the truth from the past: Especially those in favor of keeping the serra statue;

1. "The Indian in the Closet" from Southern California: An Island on the Land, By Carey McWilliams (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946; republished in Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1979). Native American Life at the California Missions: An Overview Indian Life at the California Missions ( Dr. Damian Bacich,professor, translator and researcher of early California who started the California Frontier Project 2. "The Indian in the Closet" from Southern California: An Island on the Land, By Carey McWilliams (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946; republished in Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1979). 3. The Brick People, by Alejandro Morales Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:54 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Cloud Hamilton


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am going to introduce myself in my native language, Bozho. Ankwet Nadeshnakas, Bode wadmi nedaw. Hello my Name is Cloud I am Potawatomi from the great lakes region. I am writing this comment in solidarity to the indigenous people of this area. I can speak from experience thats seeing statues of individuals who were responsible for the murder of your people and way of life if devastating. Seeing that Father Serra statue

1 looming over our community certainly tells you who your city cares about, who this community cares about and it certainly isn't the lives of indigenous people. Father Serra was a key figure in the destruction of Native communities from Baja to Northern California. He carried out policies that gave colonizers divine permission to dispose, enslave, rape and kill anyone who resisted their efforts to claim land and resources and establish Christianity. Please consider the impact this has on indigenous people as well as the community at large. ------~---•------·------·------· - Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:57 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Abigail Thomas

Address Phone Number .. Email Address Name of legislative body ----City Council Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am a renter of an apartment in Ventura, where I have lived for the last two years, and I am appalled by the outright disrespect of having the Father Serra Statue. It must be taken down!! Right now the U.S. is in turmoil as a result of systemic racism. Individuals and organizations across the country are asking for cities and states to dismantle statues that are a physical representation of oppression and racism - its critical that we as

1 a city acknowledge and are accountable for the devaluation and dehumanization that this represents for the Chumash people, the very community whose land we live and breathe on. I truly advocate that Ventura supports the Chumash community and remove the Father Serra Statue immediately.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 7:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Lisa Ebiner Gavit

Address Glendora, CA

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I would like to express my opinion in support of keeping the Father Serra statue. Father Serra, although associated with the Spanish conquerors, was NOT on the same page with them in terms of treatment of the natives. Father Serra repeatedly and unequivocally spoke out against the poor treatment of the natives by the Spanish military and political leaders. He worked to secure their rights. He wanted to incorporate their culture

1 within the mission system, rather than eradicating their culture. Although he wasn't perfect, he played a great role in advocating for the natives and softening the harshness of the Spanish military. He deserves to be recognized for his contributions and I believe his statie should remain!

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2 / Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 7:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Pt1blic Comment Form

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Name Kyle Miller

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Hello, I'd like to express my desire that the Fr. Serra statue not be taken down. Fr. Serra worked to secure the rights of the indigenous people, so I hope you will not remove his statue. If we only allow statues of perfect people, there will be no statues left.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 7:09 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online F9rm Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------·------.. ~-- Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative .· Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meefing Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Leticia Gutierrez


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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Support of Removal ----·-----··--·-··-·-··----········-···--·--····------·------·····---·-·-··-·---·-·----·--·--·-- Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 7:29 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Tobias Smith


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r _____91111L--==;;;;___- ~~ Email Address --

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to ask you to move the Juniper Serra Statue. It is not in a historical significant stature, nor does it tell a story. Please move it to the mission where it belongs. The long history of Chumash in this City has never been told or widely publicized or told at our schools. We should focus effort on Showing and working with the Chumash to tell this history. Serra had a long and violent well recorded history of causing

1 pain to the Chumash as well as in aiding in removing their culture. It's important people know that history, but in context in a museum, or at the church. Let's tell the beautiful history of town from the very beginning. Please listen and work with the local Chumash community. Thankyou so much.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Dr. Oo Sye Sanju Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 To: Council Subject: -EXT- Please Move Serra Statue

Dear Ventura Council,

Please vote to relocate the Serra statue on July 15th away from the public outdoor space.

Sincerely yours,

Udit Kendal, MD, MPH CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Alissa Charvonia Sent: Friday, July 10, 2 20 7:46 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Do The Right Thing - Remove the Statue

Dear City Council Members,

I write to you today to remind you that it is within City Council's power to do the right thing by removing the Junipero Serra statue. We do NOT need to vote on this matter - we voted you in so that you would represent our community well and make moral decisions, not so that we would have to vote every time a piece of metal was relocated.

The relevant stakeholders - the Ventureno Chumash and the Catholic leadership - have already agreed to move it. Any further equivocating on behalf of the City Council is unnecessary. You have heard from city residents, and frankly, there is one set of voices you heard who should have more weight than others, including mine-the Ventureno Chumash.

Members of the local Chumash told you in their meeting that this statue is a reminder of violence and hatred towards them. That it celebrates a man who killed their families. They asked you for empathy. Clearly, other residents in this city are unwilling to extend empathy to their neighbors, but your job as city council is to care for city residents when residents don't care for one another. The fact that non-Indigenous residents are debating whether or not to do what the indigenous community is asking for on their land is already abhorrent. I urge you to remember that we are all living on stolen land. The very least we can do is relocate a statue in a way which has already been agreed upon.

We should not be voting on this. City Council should do their job to protect its residents. Suggesting that there are two valid sides to be heard when the leadership of both sides has already agreed, and when those directly impacted are being screamed over by people referring to the Chumash and their allies as "angry mobs" is catering to the belief that a leader should do what keeps everyone placated rather than doing what is right.

Have a moral compass. Remove the statue.

Thank you, Alissa Charvonia Ventura Resident and Former VUSD Student

Howard University she/her pronouns PhD Student, Clinical Psychology CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Emily Tan Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 9:24 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra

Dear members of the Ventura City Council,

Thank you for the hard work you have put towards the Father Sierra issue. I know it can not be easy work, but you keep moving forward.

I spoke at the meeting on Wednesday night and after listening to all the comments that evening, I wish to address one topic that seemed to come up numerous times.

Protection of minorities and other marginal peoples is not something that should be up for a vote by the general population. Majority rule should never be allowed to drown out the voice of the vulnerable among us. We elected the City Council as representatives of all Venturans. The Chumash and others have spoken out about the harm and hurt the Father Serra statue has caused them--for many years. It is time to listen. As elected officials, one of your duties is to act in protection of your constituents that need that protection.

I trust you to do the right thing and remove Father Serra from its place of honor in Ventura.

Thank you for your time and service.

Emily Smith Tan CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 7:48 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I think there is a very percentage of Chumash people who know Padre Serra at all, and that he even walked thousand of miles and days to Mexico to help them. Those who are complaining are mostly young and brainwashed for something that he had no part at all. Their comments are baseless and empty words. Mostly influenced by today's movements and think it is cool just to say something. I can honestly these are

1 ungrateful people. Any welfare programs for these people should be removed because they are playing the victims. Just for a geographical fact, all people in America are immigrants. The original people who travelled by land bridges during the Aegian times were from Asia and the Chumash claiming they were here a long time is erroneous. If there was violence, it is the Chumash people who probably started it and the colonials had no choice but to defend themselves. Of course they won because they have superior weaponry. In fact white women were assaulted. Now they turn around and blame

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:09 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am a 20-year Ventura resident and would like to speak on behalf of keeping the Father Serra Staue in it's existing location. This is a part of our history that should not be erased or censored. Padre Serra was an advocate for the community. The history can be put into context by understanding the challenges that each individual faced at that time. I believe Native Americans deserve the highest honor and that we need

1 to consider creating more monuments for them without erasing what was and is. Just as each of us today have pure motives for the well being of our community, so did he.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jenna Choquette

Address -'------

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments The genocidal and colonial legacy the Father Serra statues represent are disturbing icons celebrating the systematic and violent oppression of the Native Chumash people whose land was stolen to found this city. These religious statues have no place such prominent locations in our city (both in and in front " of City Hall) and both should be relocated safely to the San Buenaventura Mission where they belong. As a resident of this

1 city, I wonder what message we're sending to our Chumash neighbors and community members by fighting to keep the statues in public city spaces. We should be listening and lifting up their voices and acknowledging the pain and suffering these statues represent. The city has a complicated history and it's time we're on the right side of it, and relocating these icons is an important first step in facing the reality of how and why this city is here at all.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:19 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Lisa Walker


Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______Email Address - - Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments This statue honors a man who's legacy was built on the backs of slaves--indigenous Chumash people who not only had to endure the theft of their land, culture, and beliefs, but were also forced to build the walls of their own bondage. This is a man who we honor in the heart of Ventura? At our own city hall? What message does that send to our citizens, to visitors, and most importantly, to the native Chumash people who this pains

1 so deeply? We are in the year 2020 and there are no more excuses. We all need to truly understand these histories, and then we need to fully own our actions the messages we are sending. This statue sends a triggering, harmful, and racist message. City Council you have the power to send the right message and be on the right side of history.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The Planning Commission and the Planning Dept staff who recommended a categorical exemption based on CEQA were seriously erroneous in that this is a State of California issue and affecting 99% of the State population, even traumatic to Senior residents who love California's history. Physically, removal of a beloved and beautiful Statue will affect thousands of tourists who flock to Ventura to see the Statue and enjoy

1 what it represents - peace and love of God, hope and charity. It will be worse than the pandemic when businesses will have to close down when there would no tourists coming. Cars will just zoom thru in front the City Hall probably causing accidents when they don't see anything worth looking. Maybe they will see bums, instead, wandering around.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Tasha Cleaveland

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Meeting Date 7/7/2020

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Agenda Item Number/Topic 128 (if known)

Written Comments Attaching what I was going to say tonight at the meeting in a file. I was on the call for 2.5 hrs and needed to leave to attend to my children. There was no way to parent and be on the call until midnight. I hope you will still accept my comments to

1 relocate the statue.

Thank you, Tasha Cleaveland ------·--·-·-·------Upload Files statue removal. pdf

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2 7-7-2020

Thank you Council-members. I am sure this has been a difficult issue and I appreciate your willingness to listen to and support your community, especially those who are not often heard. I was on the call for 2.5 hrs and had to leave to attend to my children. I hope you accept this email message in leu of a verbal one.

My name is Tasha Cleaveland, I am a Ventura small business owner as well as being an employee in a downtown Ventura storefront, for 6 years. Our community celebrates and thrives off of tourism. Our recent pilot street closure is a wonderful example of what lengths we go to, to serve our residents and guests even better.

One of my primary jobs is to entertain visitors, direct them to places of interest and make them feel welcome. What we sell in our store is Ventura pride, which is unique and beautiful.

Imagery of Two Trees, Grant Park, the beach and the Pier are routinely sold every single day, these are the celebrated symbols of our city. Padre Serra? Maybe a handful a year. This is one indication of what the people consider an idol worthy landmark.

I spoke to many of you last year about our hometown pride at the Mayor's Arts Awards. Now, less than a year later, I question if our community truly welcomes all tourists and community members with open arms, or is the message actually, your money is welcome here.

If we are a community truly committed to ALL of the people who live and visit here, I ask how we can stand for the first thing they see upon exiting the freeway and turning right, proudly displayed in front of our City Hall, a symbol of catholic religion and ethnic cleansing.

This is our town's "Statue of Liberty". This is our town's welcoming face. Is this truly what we represent here?

This religious symbol belongs at the private property of the Mission, where those who idolize it, can do so whenever and however they wish.

I believe the first thing people should see when they come to downtown, is a symbol of love and respect encompassing ALL of the peopl~ who live and visit here.

Thank you for your time this evening and your swift action in moving this statue. The longer this is delayed, the more anger and frustration I see from our city on both sides.

Thank you, Tasha Cleaveland Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:52 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow~up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select· City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Zoe E Pedziwiatr

Address entura, CA 93003

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I joined the special meeting today re: the Father Serra statue for a couple of hours and it was clear that there were too many people who wanted to speak, so I'd like to submit my comment for public record. My name is Zoe Pedziwiatr and I am a resident of Ventura city in favor of removing the statue from the prominent view above downtown. A lot of the comments in the meeting focused on what the "right" version of history is.

1 Honestly, it shouldn't matter. Time and time again, history has been written by the victor--those with a conflict of interest and a reason to deny the experience of the people that they have wronged. The Chumash people and other native tribes were here first. They're the true founders of this city and this state. And we heard from several Chumash residents who are in emotional turmoil, suffering from the generational trauma that this statue reminds them of. This current statue is a replica and has no historical significance. Please move it to another site.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Christina Diaz Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 To: City Clerk; Council; Matt Lavere; Christy Weir; Lorrie Brown; Sofia Rubalcava Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue, Public Comment Cut Off

Good evening members of the Council,

Since my time was cut off, I felt compelled to email my full statement. I am a Ventura resident of District 1 supporting the relocation and removal of the Serra statue. I was born and raised in Oxnard, and have been a resident of Ventura for the past 20 years. I have been curating art shows locally since 2009. I have produced over 75 local art events and I am the creator of the VC Art Market. We are a city sponsored event, and are proud to have the Downtown Ventura Partners as a sponsor for the past 5 years. I have also organized 8 large scale events at the VC Fairgrounds, all of which have brought tremendous social and economic contributions to the city. I am telling you this, because I genuinely LOVE this city. I have worked hard to build a small but thriving art community and I will not be labeled and/or stereotyped as a "domestic terrorist" and or part of an "angry mob" as so many have falsely accused me of. I am but one cog in this movement to fight racial injustice.

Over the past few weeks, I am baffled with how much hate, pain and ignorance there is in our beautiful city. Ventura's racist roots are alive and well and its heartbreaking to witness, let alone experience, which I have. As a small business owner, and a POC, I am disgusted and disheartened with how the Council has "handled" the Serra Statue matter. Your apathetic and divisive response has created turmoil in our small beach community. Your council claims to value equal rights, peace and justice - but does that only apply to white people? If you keep the statue where itstands, that's exactly what you're doing, appeasing the white people, the catholics, the white supremacists and the racists. While the native founders of our city, the Chumash, will continue to be muted and marginalized! Keeping the statue where it is will further perpetuate these white, euro-centric ideologies, fueling the cycle of ignorance, racism and prejudice in our city.

In a statement released on June 18th, the Mayor, the Mission and the Chumash all collectively agreed the time for action is now. We cannot change our past, but we can change our attitude towards it. We can acknowledge it, and own it instead of ignore it. Re-learn and educate the community. We must honor the Chumash and their ancestors, the true founders of Ventura.

The council has a choice tonight, you can choose to remain willfully ignorant and uninformed or you can choose to CHANGE, evolve and grow. The methodical violence endured by the indigenous people cannot be erased, but Serra, a symbol of violence and hate MUST BE REMOVED. We are not erasing our history, but tonight we can certainly MAKE IT!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:19 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ·

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Vita Sonders

Address -

------_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______f------Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I would like to voice my support in removing the statue. There is no denying the fact that Ventura is a city built on Chumash land. Anyone who learns the history of the missions and Junipero Serra's involvement cannot deny that this was done in an inhumane way, and must consider the accounts of native people and NOT just the Eurocentric version written by the oppressors. Everyone's comments in support of the statue

1 always default to threaten the city council members with withholding votes, calling for their recalls and even suing. I am simply asking you to do what is right and put Ventura on a progressive path forward towards healing and inclusivity, not one clinging to a sordid past. ------·------··•-·"-··-----·-· --·----··---.. ··--- .-.. -----··-----·--···--·--··-·•-·»-• Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:39 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Christina Dover

Address ewbury Park, CA

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear City Council,

I urge you to consider relocating the Junipero Serra statue from city hall to the San Buenaventura Mission. Regardless of your opinion of Junipero Serra, I believe that the prominent display of this statue defies the idea of the separation of church and state, and has no place in a government space.

1 Public monuments represent a chance for the public to reflect upon who we are as a people and a country, and to determine what we value and honor most. I would hope that what we value and honor most as a community is something other than a man who perpetuated atrocities against our country's indigenous peoples. Not all of our history is "nice" - there are messy, ugly parts which should not be forgotten, but should also not be celebrated. Moving the statue to the mission will enable the community to continue to learn about the history of missions and Junipero Serra in California, without tacitly celebrating the traumas perpetuated against the Chumash tribe.

Thank you.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: laura meier Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:54 PM To: City Clerk; City Council Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is Laura. I am writing to you to remove the statue of Father Serra. The statue is offensive to the millions of Native Americans who were enslaved/killed as a result of the missions and doesn't represent our current beliefs as Venturans. I strongly urge you to remove this statue and replace it with something that more inclusive.


Laura Meier

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 10:12 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Michelle Callahan


Phone Number ------_Em_ai_lA_d_d_re_s_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I was born in this beautiful city of Ventura as well as my children & my father. I never moved away because of my love of this amazing place! We are generations of Venturans. This is our home & we are very proud of this. city. My great grandmother was 50% Chumash Indian-Tolosa tribe from San Luis Obispo. We all have connections to the American Indians. I feel the Father Serra statue is a very controversial issue.

1 Please put this issue on the ballot for all to decide. This is the most democratic way to solve this dilemma. Listening to the speakers tonight there is no easy solution either way, you will offend someone. I am in favor of keeping the statue as the fact is, whether we like it or not, Father Serra is the founding father of our city. Thank you so much for allowing our comments & all of your time & consideration in this very sensitive issue.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 10:22 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Renee Callahan


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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I have lived in the city of Ventura for 65 years. I believe this decision should not be left to the city council, but should be placed on the ballot in November. As I am listening to this special city council meeting tonight this does not represent every registered voter in Ventura. This should be decided by the citizens of Ventura.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 11 :01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Phone Number - ---- . ~----- _E _m_a _iI _A_dd_r_e _ss ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I requested to speak tonight before the cutoff and was not given a chance to talk but did listen for the duration which was inciteful. thank you to the city for creating a public forum. Removing the statue does not erase history it makes room for

1 / more history to come forward that should not be threatening. Part of the issue seems to be that the same symbol causes · trauma to an already neglected part of our community while it offers pride to others. I hope City Council and Mayor Lavere take a stance and decide that any neighbors mental, spiritual emotional and physical health is more important than a piece of metal. Also the "no preference" clause -of the Cal constitution seems to me the ruling used to sell the cross on the hill and not use public funds for preserving religious symbols- how is this different?

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2 Anita Mair

From: Marilyn Kellar Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:43 AM To: Matt Lavere; Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra Statue

Mayor Lavere and Councilmembers,

I've already sent you emails re: asking for the statue to remain as a symbol in history of the "Founding Father of the City of San Buenaventura", as well as a supreme art/sculpture example for "The New Art City".

I've so been praying for unity over fragmentation. I've suggested also including the Chumash people in public displays, such as City Atrium, segwayed into the City's Municipal Art Collection, and/or perhaps a Chumash statue down by the promenade. The City has already done much to include other ethic backgrounds such as "Tortilla Flats". It would be good to seek out all the ethic groups for higher recognition of their contributions to the history/identity/unity of our wonderful City.

As I've been praying for peace, this thought brought tears to my eyes, re: my own "insight" into the "Pledge of Allegiance". Here is my "altered" prayer ...... "One [CITY], under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for all."

Blessings to you all for your patience, and leadership, and endurance in all that we are going through at this time.

Sincerely, .---.Marilyn Kellar / Ventura, CA 93003-3123 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:40 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Taryn Choquette

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Meeting Date 7/8/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I think the Father Serra statue in front of city hall and the one inside city hall should be removed asap. I think it's wrong to , publicly recognize/celebrate someone who played a major role in the forcible removal of the indigenous Chumash people of this area. Religious imagery has no business being displayed publicly, especially in such a prominent part of the city. I am not Catholic and don't appreciate Catholic idolatry as a city

1 landmark of any kind, especially not in/around a government setting like City Hall. If the church wants to display the statues on their own property, that's fine, but I don't really care what happens to them. Regardless of what happens to the statues, I think the city of Ventura should do much more to recognize, teach, and recognize it's true history and do more to support and amplify the voices of the Chumash people whose land we all live on. We can't undo damage that was done hundreds of years ago, but it's never too late to start doing the right thing.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 12:49 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------·-·--··-----·------·------Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation , Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Anne Marie Reyes


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Meeting Date 7/8/2020

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Written Comments I would like to see the statue of Junfpero Serra remain where it is. It is part of my heritage here in Ventura County. I worked four the Cty for 33 years and my son works for the city.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Nicole Glassey Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 1:39 PM To: City Attorney; City Clerk; Matt Lavere Subject: -EXT- Fwd: URGENT: City of Ventura Council Meeting, Formal Item 12 (12a/12b/12c) Relocation/Removal of Junipero Serra Statues Discussion Attachments: City of Ventura_Council Meeting_Junipero Serra Statue_07 07 2020.docx

Good Afternoon, Yesterday at 11:10am I submitted an email with my attached comments to Ventura City Council regarding the Junipero Serra Statue. I imagine that there has been a flood of concern and the City is overwhelmed by the volume of responses. I was also on the City Council call and was about to speak at approximately 8:15pm. Although my time was cut by a minute due to technical difficulties I wanted to make sure that the respective parties of the Council received the information that I had stated on the July 3, 2020 Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes. From my understanding of this Executive Order, the Task Force (consisting of the GSA, NEA & ACHP) under direction of the DOI have a 60 period to review possible locations to establish new National Gardens and only after that review will the GSA Art in Architecture (AIA) Policies and Procedures, GSA Acquisition Letter V-10-01, and Part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations be revised. Junipero Serra is specifically called out in section 7, as defined "historically significant american" who made substantive contributions to America's public life or otherwise had substantive effects on America's History. Individuals who lived prior to or during the American Revolution and were not American citizens, but who made substantive historical contributions to the discovery, development, or independence of the future United States. With respect to this information it seems pertinent for the Ventura City Council to take this information into effect as noted in yesterday's meeting that the statue and land are public, on public land under the care and maintenance of the City. , The ACHP has already responded, as they were also included in the email that I submitted yesterday to the City Council; from their response the information presented to them has already been forwarded to the DOI for consideration. Until the verbiage of GSA Art in Architecture (AIA) Policies and Procedures, GSA Acquisition Letter V-10-01, and Part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations are officially revised, City and City Council to move to keep the statue where it is and continue to protect it has it has. Removing the statue "to keep it safe" is a way for the City Council to pacify people on both sides until people forget about it.

Thank you, Nicole

Forwarded mes--se------­ From: Lynne Richmond Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at . Subject: URGENT: City of Ventura Council Meeting, Formal Item 12 (12a/12b/12c) Relocation/Removal of Junipero Serra Statues Discussion To: [email protected]

Dear Nicole,

1 Thank you for your input. The lead agency for the Task Force for Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes, tasked with creating a National Garden, is the Department of the Interior (DOI). We will forward your comments to DOI for consideration.

Thank you,

) Lynne

Lynne Richmond Communications and Public Affairs Specialist

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 401 F-Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

732-948-7234 ( cell)

@usachp - Twitter and Instagram https: //

From: Nicole Glassey Sent: Tuesday, July O , I I I • ' To: Emily Webster Murphy; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] .gov - Subject: [External] URGENT: City of Ventura Council Meeting, Formal Item 12 (12a/12b/12c) Relocation/Removal of Junipero Serra Statues Discussion

2 All,

The attached is a formal submission in direct relation to the City of Ventura, City Council Meeting this evening July 7, 2020 at 6:00pm about the Junipero Serra Statues in and in front of City Hall in downtown Ventura.

On July 3. 2020, the Executive Order on Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heres was signed and put into effect.

The taskforce composed of the NEA & NEH along with the ACHP have a 60 day period to submit a report to the President through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy that proposes options for the creation of the National Garden, including potential locations for the sites.

The discussion taking place in regards to formal item 12, sub item 12b (2,3,4) and sub item 12c are in direct violation of this Executive order.

In light of current events, I move that this discussion be tabled for 60 days pending further review of this Executive Order and revisions to General Service Administration's (GSA's) Art in Architecture (AIA) Policies and Procedures, GSA Acquisition Letter V-10-01, and Part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations.

Thank you,

Nicole Glassey-Rios

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3 Subject Line: Agenda Item Number 12A Ventura City Council Meeting 07/07/2020

In relation to the requirements stated in the published agenda for the July 7, 2020 City of Ventura Council Meeting.

Some local governments have responded by taking their monuments down.

These statues are not ours alone, to be discarded at the whim of those inflamed by fashionable political passions; they belong to generations that have come before us and to generations yet unborn.

Recommendations: City Council Agenda Item 12a:­ american-heroes/

In accordance with Executive Order Building & Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes Published July 3, 2020 discussion of the removal/relocation of the Junipero Serra statue is a mute point based on the following, per the Executive Order:

Sec 4.(d) After consulting with the Task Force, the Administrator of General Services shall promptly revise and thereafter operate the General Service Administration's (GSA's) Art in Architecture (AJA) Policies and Procedures, GSA Acquisition Letter V-10-01, and Part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, to prioritize the commission of works of art that portray historically significant Americans or events of American historical significance or illustrate the ideals upon which our Nation was founded. Priority should be given to public-facing monuments to former Presidents of the United States and to individuals and events relating to the discovery of America, the founding of the United States, and the abolition of slavery. Such works of art should be designed to be appreciated by the general public and by those who use and interact with Federal buildings. Priority should be given to this policy above other policies contained in part 102-77 of title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, and revisions made pursuant to this subsection shall be made to supersede any regulatory provisions of AJA that may conflict with or otherwise impede advancing the purposes of this subsection.

Sec. 7. Definition. The term "historically significant American" means an individual who was, or became, an American citizen and was a public figure who made substantive contributions to America's public life or otherwise had a substantive effect on America's history. The phrase also includes public figures such as Christopher Columbus, Junipero Serra, and the Marquis de La Fayette, who lived prior to or during the American Revolution and were not American citizens, but who made substantive historical contributions to the discovery, development, or independence of the future United States.

Additional, case in point sections in this Executive Order, that the existing Junipero Serra Statue regardless of the previous WPA and CEQA National Historic Recommendations of preservation of Historic Landmarks now falls under the general terms and jurjsdiction of the above Executive Order and the triangular piece of land that the current Junipero Serra Statue resides should be made into a historic national garden under the Section 3. (b) pursuantof this order. It is recommended that the City Council follow Sec 3. (b) & Sec 3. (b) item (iii) that the triangular piece of land on California Street and Poli Ave where the existing Junipero Serra Statue currently reside be deemed for consideration of a National Garden and the land and statue be donated to the National Garden under the NEA & NEH Taskforce.

Sec. 3. National Garden of American Heroes. (a) It shall be the policy of the United States to establish a statuary park named the National Garden of American Heroes (National Garden).

Sec 3. (b) Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Task Force shall submit a report to the President through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy that proposes options for the creation of the National Garden, including potential locations for the site. In identifying options, the Task Force shall:

Sec 3. (b) item (iii) consider the availability of authority to encourage and accept the donation or loan of statues by States, localities, civic organizations, businesses, religious organizations, and individuals, for display at the National Garden.

Sec 3. (c) item (iii) call to point

Statues should depict historically significant Americans, as that term is defined in section 7 of this order, who have contributed positively to America throughout our history. Examples include: the Founding Fathers, those who fought for the abolition of slavery or participated in the underground railroad, heroes of the United States Armed Forces, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor or Presidential Medal of Freedom, scientists and inventors, entrepreneurs, civil rights leaders, missionaries and religious leaders, pioneers and explorers, police officers and firefighters killed or injured in the line of duty, labor leaders, advocates for the poor and disadvantaged, opponents of national socialism or international socialism, former Presidents of the United States and other elected officials, judges and justices, astronauts, authors, intellectuals, artists, and teachers. None will have lived perfect lives, but all will be worth honoring, remembering, and studying.

Sec 3. (v) The National Garden should be located on a site of natural beauty that enables visitors to enjoy nature, walk among the statues, and be inspired to learn about great figures of America's history. The site should be proximate to at least one major population center, and the site should not cause significant disruption to the local community.

Sec. 6. Protection of National Garden and Statues Commissioned Pursuant to this Order. The Attorney General shall apply section 3 of Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence), with respect to violations of Federal law regarding the National Garden and all statues commissioned pursuant to this order.

With Regards, Nicole Glassey-Rios, The Heyder Family, The Glassey Family & The Rios Family Residences of Ventura California since 1948

** ADM 1095.lF.pdf ** Change 2014-03.pdf ** Initiatives/MV-10-0 I-Suppl 1.pdf ** Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 3:36 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Carlos Campos


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Email Address Name of legislative body -City Council Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Good evening-

Thank you for taking this opportunity to provide feedback to this very important topic that we find ourselves addressing. I will not go on a long rant about why I support leaving the J. Serra Statue in place. Instead, I will simply ask this: As elected leaders of this community, you have an obligation to follow

1 through on the "right way" of meeting the people's demands. You may think that a knee jerk response of folding to the demands of the popular voice is the answer. However, I respectfully ask that you think about allowing the people to decide via a city-wide vote. This formality would stick to our true purpose of a Democratic Republic where our voices (vote) would truly matter. Thanks for the opportunity to share and please think about the legacy you are leaving our children. #VOTEonJSerra.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 4:34 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jim Kaness


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue


There appears to be a current fad to remove and destroy statues of historical persons. Reading the news I cannot find any consistent reason for this except random mischief. No

1 doubt Father Serra made decisions and took actions that were and are displeasing to some. So have I and so have all of you. But our human mistakes do not negate the overall good we have done for our families and fellow citizens. As Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." [Bible, John 8:7]

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 4:51 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------·-·-····------·----·-----·-··---- Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Yvonne Vizzo


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Meeting Date 7/8/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dont take away our history! Father Serra did what people did in the time he was around, he did bad things but her did many good things also!! ------·--·-- Upload Files Field not completed. ------·------·------

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 8:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Ember Wyman

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Meeting Date 7/8/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not move or destroy the statue of Father Junipero Serra. It belongs where it was placed by the community after its generous fundraising efforts to replace the historic statue. The statue honors the establishment of the Christian church throughout California. How better to teach the history of this great state and community than having this icon sitting prominently in downtown Ventura? Not everyone is inspired to

1 visit museums but it is vital to teach/learn our history. Please do not give into the streaming rampages thriving on the tearing down of statues but let this statue inspire conversation and education. If we allow the removal of the statue from its place in front of City Hall, I fear the teaching of history will continue to be replaced with relentless destruction and I believe generations that follow are going to lose valuable principals that grounded this great country, state and community and leave only the worst of history to be repeated.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: summer kemick Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 8:09 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

City Clerk,

I am writing to you as a 3rd generation City of Ventura resident. I fully support the 'IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of the Father Serra statue. Please do not delay on this. Ventura City Council has a unique opportunity to become an example for other cities by voting for a peaceful removal and relocation of this statue. DO NOT LET THIS DRAG OUT UNTIL NOVEMBER.

I recognize that we are a city divided on this issue. PLEASE become part of the solution and give a voice to the indigenous members of our community. You have an opportunity to amplify voices of those whose voices have been silenced for so long. The immediate removal of the statue is not meant to erase history. It is choosing who we put on a pedestal to represent our town. The history of the missions that Serra founded in California is a dark and violent one. Is that really who we need to glorify in our city moving forward?? Please ask yourself if you want Ventura to stay in the racist past, or if you want to help guide this city into effective anti-racism practices. VOTE TO REMOVE THE STATUE.

Thank you, Summer Dalton

Ventura CA 93001

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Marissa Roberts Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 9:51 AM To: City Clerk - Subject: -EXT- Fwd: Why the delay?

--- Forwarded mes From: Marissa Roberts Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 6:23 PM Subject: Why the delay? To: , , , , , , ,

Good afternoon Council Members and Mayor,

My name is Marissa and I live in District 2 of this city. I was born and raised in Ventura, and last night I spoke at the city council meeting in favor of taking down the Junipero Serra statue. I understood the need for a public forum yesterday, and I understood the previous conversation you held about the historic nature of the statue in question. What I do not understand is the delay to now not move forward with a vote. I kept a tally of those who spoke last night, and although it seemed like an even split, I can tell you that the amount of people who called in to advocate for taking the statue down consistently outweighed the amount of callers who asked you to keep it where it stands. Towards the fourth hour, the gap significantly went in favor of taking the statue down and stayed there until the end of the night. Here is some rhetoric that I would like to address:

"Don't give in to the MOB. This is mob rule." This one is from Fox News, they love their buzz words! We are not a mob,just people, residents of this city. As are the ones who are on the opposing side. Instead of calling them mobs, I just like to call them uninformed.

Where will it end? I don't think we should ever stop evolving as a city. Why shouldn't we be ever-changing if it's for the greater good? What we are asking is not unreasonable; and, hypothetically, should we become unreasonable, I doubt we will ever be able to see it through.

"Junipero Serra was a Saint and did not commit the crimes he's being accused or' Junipero Serra orchestrated the complete decimation of a culture and its people, intentionally and unintentionally. This is a fact that legitimate historians do not debate. He forced the native people to speak his language, practice his religion, and build his missions. Father Serra was the leader of this cultural genocide. Whether or not he individually picked up a whip to beat these people does not matter, because his bishops did. And clearly nothing of substance was done by Serra seeing as by the end of the mission-era, the Indiginous population is estimated to have been cut in half (About 60% of this is estimated to have been from diseases, but what about the other 40%?) (Source:­ indian-history/). I would also like to point out that without historical text from the side of the Indiginous people (most accounts we have are from the side of Spaniards and explorers), we must listen to the people of Chumash descent. They represent their history.

"Tearing down this statue is tearing down history" I don't even think I need to address this point, but lwill. In the fourth grade I participated in the mission project, like most people who grew up in California. I made a mission out of popsicle sticks and I went to Michaels to buy little statues of

1 Native Americans and white people to stand them side by side, in harmony. That was the history I was taught in school. Our history books completely white washed what actually happened to natives and their land. Statues are for glorification. People, museums, history books and schools remember history, not statues. We should shift our focus to how we are teaching our children about the atrocities the native people of this land have survived. Because erasing history means putting up statues that glorify without teaching our kids what really happened.

And finally ...

"Put this to a vote!" I watched the entire five and a half hour meeting last night. Towards the end, council member Friendman asked ifwe were past the deadline to put this on the ballot. We are past that deadline. And I also believe that someone mentioned that having a special election for this item would cost us a quarter of a million dollars. Do not put this to a vote. Some things are so obvious that it doesn't require thousands ~f dollars to see through.

I am extremely disheartened to see that this council is holding ANOTHER public forum meeting. We have had the much needed public discourse and we showed up en masse to tell you that we, as citizens of Ventura, want that statue removed. We held the majority last night. Honestly, at the end of the day it is the Chumash people who we should be listening to and I believe Mayor LaVere had it right when he went directly to them. You have all the information you need to make this decision. We elected you to do your jobs, so do them. Hold a vote.

Thank you for listening,

Marissa .Roberts Ventura, CA 93001

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:29 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment_ Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Lisa Myers


_Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_a_il _A_dd_r_e_ss______

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear City Council, As you know, we a're at an important moment in history. Future generations will look back on the decisions that are being made today, here in Ventura and elsewhere, with either respect or disappointment, just as we have done with those that precede us. I've been thinking a lot lately about the quote from Mahatma Gandhi, "the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most

1 vulnerable members." Any digging into the actions of Father Serra show that he failed to protect the most vulnerable in his time - the indigenous peoples. While we can't change the past, you now have the opportunity to stop glorifying him by removing his statue. Please vote to take it down and help our community move forward. - Lisa Myers

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Alana Sheeren Sent: Thursday, July 9, To: Cheryl Heitmann; Matt Lavere; Erik Nasarenko; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown; Council; City Clerk · Subject: -EXT- Please Remove the Serra Statue NOW

Dear City Council members,

First, I'd like to say thank you for the work you do. It is not easy at any time and right now, as we experience a global pandemic, and extreme political and religious polarization, your job is even harder.

That said, I have heard that some of you wish to push the Serra statue removal to a ballot vote in November and I have to say, this is a major abdication of your responsibility to this community and shows a lack of insight into the reasons why the statue should come down in the first place. I sincerely hope that you are not succumbing to the outright lies and bullying rhetoric from so many of the Serra statue supporters who spoke on Wednesday night and who are likely flooding your inboxes with threats.

Ventura is a majority white city and while many white folks are waking up to the many damaging effects of systemic racism, it is likely that there won't be enough folks who fully understand the harm the Serra statue does for a popular vote to remove the statue to be successful. A desire to abdicate your responsibility on this issue and put it on the ballot is a perfect example of what Desmond Tutu meant when he said, "If you choose to remain neutral in a situation of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." When a minority is being harmed, the majority should not vote on whether that harm is valid or worthy of mitigation. This is why you all have been elected - to make the considered decisions that are best for ALL of our residents.

I would also like to speak to the claim that many made on Monday that removing the statue is catering to "a violent mob". Aside from the outright lie that the protesters have been anything but peaceful (with the only violence coming from the pro-Serra side who used trucks and motorcycles to recklessly drive into the crowd), the removal of the Serra statue is not a new request. Our local indigenous people have wanted this statue to come down for decades. I find it interesting (and hopeful) that there are finally enough white people who support this request that it is being considered. The world is moving forward - hopefully towards justice and equity - and that is hard for many people with race and/or class privilege to navigate. We are afraid of losing something if those who've been oppressed by our systems finally get more. Change is difficult. But the world is not a pie and moving the statue doesn't mean less pie for the Serra fans, as they still get to see their beloved statue safely in the Mission, where it belongs.

In closing, I'd like to simply say that my daughter did a project on how immigration has shaped California in the third grade here in Ventura. They started with the Chumash tribes and moved through history to the immigration issues relevant to our world today. This was at the time that Father Serra was being made a saint and they were given the opportunity to listen to the Chumash point of view on this event as well as the Catholic narrative. As third-graders, she and many of her classmates could see that it was wrong and harmful to glorify Father Serra and the Mission system that brutalized our indigenous peoples. Let me repeat that - when taught *real* history (not the whitewashed version so many of us got growing up), third graders could see how harmful the veneration of Father Serra was. Sadly;these children had - and have - more empathy for our indigenous folks than many of Ventura's adults.

Doing what's right takes courage. It takes a willingness to see the pain of others who may not be like us, to listen to their stories, to undertake a critical analysis of the system that we all live within, to see where it falls short, and to right the wrongs that are in our purview to change. You are being handed the opportunity to do what is right. I hope you will.

1 Sincerely, Alana Sheeren Pierpont resident

"With life as short as a half taken breath, don't plant anything but love." - Rumi

Alana Sheeren She/her Producer/Director - Listen Closely Baby Ben Productions, LLC

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda layer Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 11 :24 AM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 11:22 AM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in aPublic Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Steve Owens

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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments I do not want to see the statue of Father Junipero Serra to be moved, taken down.or destroyed. Further, The City of Ventura has a duty to all of the residents of Ventura to keep it safe and unmolested until all administrative procedures have been fully exhausted and others like me, who have a right to attend, participate and contribute in the meetings of the local legislative body here in Ventura California, and ensure that CEQA, and other of Ventura and California's Laws and Regulations are completely adhered to. It looks from this instance that portions of the City of Ventura governing body immediately capitulates to any mob that rolls into town without regard to required due process. To exacerbate tings further, it appears as though our City Council, and by extension the Historic Preservation Committee, have done all that they can to avoid public scrutiny by holding meetings and making decisions without full public input by limiting by limiting participation(like with this comm

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:17 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Patty Mazuca


Phone Number


Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Ventura resident 47yrs. At last council meeting, several significant points were made. Strongest points being made were based on the legal findings of the landmark. Legal findings stated that the bronze statue was not a landmark. The parcel on the other hand is a landmark and will remain a landmark. Taking the position of preserving the bronze statue itself may be the best decision. Any decision, will certainly

1 make some people unhappy. Will Ventura be less beautiful-no. Will it disrupt the flow of visitors-no. Architecture of Ventura still quite amazing. When visitors come, I mention the amazing weather, the promenade, pier, all eateries within a ratios of a few blocks, the mission, the museum. I was catholic, I can sympathize. Will I lose my faith-no. Putting this item to a vote cost a lot of money. Many items get vandalized, street signs. Let's preserve the bronze statue and move it. Are the Chumash people still here-yes. Knowing that our Chumash can begin healing is heartwarming.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 1:55 PM To: City Cler_k Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------··------Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Megan Velzy

Address ventura ca

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Email Address -

··------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/14/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Take responsibility for your part in this instead of trying to pass it off to voters. The father serra statue is for you to decide. Make the right choice, take it down. ------··------Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 2:38 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Larissa

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Serra is a significant historic figure and iconic symbol for the city/county of Ventura. He is the founder of the city and the mission and has always been recognized as such. It starts with removing a statue, but where will it stop? Changing the school names, city crest, badges, the mission? As someone of indigenous heritage, I understand the sensitivity and how it could serve as a reminder to the terrible things that happened

1 to the areas native peoples. However, I also understand how this is part of the region's history - and whether good or bad we need to remember that history and continue to learn from it. The statue should retain its current position. Any action to remove it now would be made in haste and purely bandwagoning on the current climate.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 3:36 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Mary Kielas


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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/13/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments It is a tragedy to defame this man's memory and legacy. It is very ill-advised to bow to the pressure of a mob. Especially a mob motivated to create anarchy and lawlessness.

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1 Trac Oehler

From: Jen Sobel Sent: Thursday, y , To: Cheryl Heitmann; Matt Lavere; Erik Nasarenko; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown; City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Please Remove the Serra Statue.

Dear Mayor, Deputy Mayor & City Council Members of Ventura,

I'm writing to you today to ask that you please remove' the Juniperro Serra statue that stands in front of our city hall. I feel this is not something that should be up for debate and the longer that we dance around the cries of the many Indigenous members of our community, the more it sends a message, that you as a council, do not really care for all the people you represent and share this special, beach side community with.

I am born and raised in Ventura. I graduated from Buena is 2005 and attended VC for two years, before I transferred to UC Irvine and graduated from there. I spent four years living in New York City and have returned to live in Ventura for short stints before and after. I now reside in Los Angeles with my fiance, but I visit my mother and siblings weekly in our East side Ventura home, not without a stop at Simone's or Palermo's for a coffee, every single visit. My fiance and I are slated to get married in Ventura next summer and hope to buy property in Ventura, where we will raise our future children. Ventura is home.

Over the past few months, I have seen a lot of concerning things come out of the wood work of our community. I realize that these are unprecedented times, that emotions are high, and tbe responsibility of serving our city, must feel greater than ever now. There is a lot going on and it must be very challenging to navigate. I do not discount the responsibility of making everyone happy, but this isn't about being well-liked or finding the most perfect solution. This is a matter of right and wrong. Over the past few months, I have seen multiple videos of trucks and motorbikes intimidating & charging crowds of peaceful protesters. The videos show that these are not accidents. I see far too many comments from the community, in response, saying things like, "Good! They deserved it!", "I would do the same!", "That's what happens when you don't stick to the sidewalk" - this is 1 extremely concerning to learn that many people who share my home, have this sort of attitude/mindset. The irony is that people of our community are protesting because they want everyone to feel heard ... to feel safe. When you have cars charging a crowd in these instances, it only confirms that we have a safety issue in Ventura to begin with.

You have a very unique and poignant opportunity to do the right thing. To be a part of a greater shift that is happening, not just in our community, but in this country. I will not write to you about who Juniperro Serra was or what the outcome was of his landing in Ventura. I pray you have done your own research and understand that, irregardless, of what his intentions were, the damage and harm that transpired from him being here are great. A statue does not tell us an entire story, it only stands to glorify its figure. Removing the statue is the right thing to do. So what if you lose some votes or favor of those in our community? It's time to write our wrongs from the past and look to the future. I never imagined I would be embarrassed of my own hometown, but as I am asking my fiance's relatives to travel far from other states to come celebrate our union, I want his family to know that I comefrom a community that is truly diverse, bold, inclusive, and does not tolerate hate. Please do the right thing and please don't drag this out much longer. We are looking to you to set an example here. Please don't let us down.

Thank you.


Jennifer K. Sobel 1 Trac Oehler

From: Mandy Thomas Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 7:06 PM To: Cheryl Heitmann; Matt Lavere; Erik Nasarenko; Christy Weir; Sofia Rubalcava; Jim Friedman; Lorrie Brown; Council; City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra Statue Removal

Hello to everyone and thank you for taking the tit;ne to read this email.

To be completely honest, I am beyond sad and disgusted that this email is even necessary. I support the removal of the Junipero Serra statue and that it be taken down as soon as possible. The idea of waiting for a vote so it can be on the ballot for our November election only adds to the insensitivity on this subject. This may be the first time that a lot of you realized the horrors that were inflicted by Native Americans under Junipero Serra's leadership. All it takes is a very small amount of research and you will know that this is fact (not an opinion). Maybe you never questioned the presence of that statue before. I am ashamed to admit that I never did. It is embarrassing when the wrong seems so obvious to others and you finally wake up and see that wrong yourself. We have to shift our thoughts, ideas, and actions based on what we learn about the world AND the experiences ~f others. I want to feel proud of Ventura County, the county that I live in. Whatever your view, it is necessary to remember that statues function in honoring and paying homage to the individuals they depict. Junipero Serra represents hate and needs to be taken down. Every individual in our county and every individual visiting our county deserves to feel welcome. The statues removal will allow that.

"Hope is the belief that our tomorrow's can be better than our today's. Hope is not magic; hope is work." Deray Mckesson

You all have the ability to give us hope and make tomorrow better.

Thank you!

Amanda Thomas

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 5:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council -- by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Jay Bayles

Address , Moorpark, Can 93021 -- Phone Number - --- . ------Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 4/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do NOT remove Father Serra statue.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:26 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be· considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date /Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Eliane White


Phone Number

Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Maria Angelou in her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" wrote: "History despite its wrenching pain, Cannot be unlived, and if faced with courage, Need not be lived again ... ". Father Serra is here to remind us of the history of our town. Historical Landmark or not, is not the issue. The issue is that it is the symbol of the founding of this town. Is France going to decimate all its historical figures. Are we -going to blame all the

1 crusades and rise of Christianity, and erase all religious icons? Are we going to remodel City Hall's Facade? First it was the cross, now it is Father Serra and this will continue, unless City Council has the courage to take a stand. If the Indian want reparation, let us spend the money of statue removal and build an Indian Memorial. Francis Jensen, a Ventura artist has built amazing indian monumental statues for that exact purpose - achieving forgiveness and healing. Stand up for what is right, City Council. Do not sink to the lowest denominator.

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Tracy Oehler

From: Bryan Rosen Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:43 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Please set it up so people without computers can publicly comment on Father Serra statue

Dear Ventura City Council,

Those without computers have a hard time publicly commenting. I know some Catholics, for example, who have neither computers nor cell phones.

How about setting up a public comment section outside of City Hall? There can be social distancing. In the open air, people would be safe. A microphone can transmit people's comments to the council.

Our representatives have town hall meetings on the telephone. When one's turn comes up, one is able to speak. It's not necessary to exclude anyone on the Serra matter.

Before coming to a decision, it's important to carefully research this matter, for the sake of the Chumash descendants and those who favor keeping the historic landmark. We need to know more about Father Serra. The idea of removing a statue, a piece of art, that has been somewhere for decades needs to be subject to much discussion and debate. Education seminars presented by scholars and fair minded people can be given to the public. It's best that no-one feels shortchanged.

All of this seeking after truth will help lead to healing. A local monument to the Chumash will also do a lot for healing. Please put this matter of creating a monument on the agenda as well.

I read that the major extermination of the native population came after California became a state, and that the first governor of California called for their extermination. What does the California flag stand for? Does it need to be removed or changed?

There have been a lot of bad people in history all over the world. Where does this idea of taking down landmarks end? Didn't the Romans have slaves? Does the Roman Coliseum or the Pyramids need to come down?

Instead of taking down landmarks, wouldn't it be better to focus on injustices in the present, and improving conditions for the people? A lot of this stuff going on is a diversion from the really important issues that need to be addressed.

We don't need racism, and we don't need racist baiting by the left. Calling people racists can be a modern equalivent of the accusations of witchcraft. Everyone should be treated well regardless of race, and that includes white people. There is an effort to create division with such terms as white privelage and white supremacy. This is all a diversion away from big issues like what corporations are doing to this world.

Thank you for your consideration.

1 Bryan Rosen

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 7:41 :30 AM PDT, City Clerk wrote:


We have your communication to the Council.


From: Bryan Rosen Sent: Monday, July , 2020 6:17 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Regarding Father Serra statue, please don't remove history, add an exhibit by it to honor Native Americans and to explain things.

Dear City Clerk,

Please enclose my comments for the agenda item on the Father Serra statue. Thank you

Dear Ventura City Council,

Regarding the Father Serra Statue, I don't support its removal. We need to keep our history, not remove it. It helps us understand where we came from. To remove history is to make us less aware of history. It is important to know our history so we don't repeat it. I oppose removing any historic monuments. They can also be important works from an artistic viewpoint

2 Instead of destroying or removing this statue, let an exhibit be put by it, explaining what happened to the Native Americans. Instead of just destroying, let new monuments be created. It's easy to attack the past, the departed people aren't able to defend themselves. It's important to see the good in the past, not just the bad. We need to see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

There are questions to be answered in a new exhibit. Did the Native Americans come willingly to the missions, or were they forced to come? Human beings are foolish no matter what their skin color, and I've heard they came willingly as it was a novel thing. However, I don't think it was safe to stay out of the missions because Native Americans could be brutally treated. Was there anywhere safe for them to go? Maybe Mexico?

Father Serra was recently made a saint by the Catholic Church, meaning the church felt there were verifiable miracles attributed to him. It doesn't sound like he should have been made a saint. He was a human being, and like everyone, had good and bad in him. It's easy and popular to condemn the past, but it was a very different time. While there may have been horrors in the mission system, there were good people, too. It's not all black and white. There must have been some Catholic priests back then who cared about the poor and native Americans.

Please, before you even consider removing history, please come up with a plan to create a memorial, beautifully done, that honors the native Americans, and sees the good and bad in the Catholic Church. We need to bring people together for healing and forgiveness if a better world is going to be created. It would be nice if Catholics and native Americans could come together. The whole world needs spiritual healing, and spiritual healing groups could meet by the Father Serra statue as well as next to a Native American Memorial.

3 Jesus said that the people condemn their ancestors for persecuting the prophets of old, but don't condemn those who persecute the current prophets. Was what Father Serra did any worse than what our government has been doing in modern times? Drones are still killing lots of dark skinned people in the Middle East. Obama, a black man, killed a lot of people with drones. Trump is helping the Saudis to commit mass murder. Let's not forget the millions killed in the Iraq and Vietnam wars. Martin Luther King spoke against the miliary industrial complex and in his speech "The Three Evils of Society" said that billions were spent on mass murder. Congress member Brownley votes to fully fund the military industrial complex, and joined the Democrats to give Trump everything he wanted in the military budget for the National Defense Authorization Act (NOAA). Yet these same politicians who support the military murder machine are trying to co-opt the Black Lives Matter message. If statues are made of our current leaders, do they need to come down in a hundred years? Where does it all end?

So how about condemning the injustices occurring in the present instead? How about coming up with a plan for decent wages, and helping people get out of poverty? How about creating community orchards and coops to help low and middle class people? How about transferring funds out of the Ventura police department to be used to prevent crime? You get a lot more for the buck there. Teachers do more to prevent crime than police do, so how about supporting decent wages for teaches?

It's time to create a society that works for everyone. Censorship and cultural wars get us nowhere. In history, it's good to see things from everyone's perspective, and there needs to be healing.

We need to realize we are all one, and whatever we do to anyone we do to ourselves and to God. Forgiveness is absolutely essential

4 for our health physically, and is necessary for spiritual progress .. And if we don't forgive others, no matter what the transgression, we won't be able to forgive ourselves. The Lords prayer that the Catholics said even in Father Serra's time says "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Instead of removing a beautiful statue, please come up with a plan that has overwhelming consensus from the community. Would most people in the community support a monument to the native Americans? I think so. I think most people would want to understand the good as well as the bad in the history of the Catholic Church. I was listening to Martin Luther Kings niece recently, and she acknowledged that a famous president in the past also did good things, and supported putting something next to an old monument to explain things. If that is done, we're not just tearing things down, something meaningful is being created for the future.

Symbolic gestures like removing statues may be easy to do, but they can also be a diversion from the really important issues. I remember how under President Obama, native Americans were tear gassed and brutally treated at Standing Rock. He didn't seem to put a stop to that. Nothing much was done to help the black people in Flint, Michigan. Lots of lip service is given by politicians to Martin Luther King, Jr. and they love to "celebrate" him during the holiday. If you really want to celebrate him, then please stand up against the big moneyed interests, and do some things to help the people in need. For example, farmworkers around Ventura are being sprayed with toxic pastiches. During the era of the Missions the native Americans may have worked overly hard in the fields, but at least there weren't any pesticides. Some learned skills such as working the loom to make clothes, and some participated in the choirs. Some were beaten, I understand. But at least they weren't

5 exposed to toxic substances, as the modern day slaves are, who maybe don't die from the whip but may die from pesticides.

It would be nice if you would invoke the Constitution, the highest law of the land that supersedes all illegal laws, and ban toxic pesticides in the city of Ventura. That would take courage. After all, farmworkers also have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of

I happiness.

To sum it up, please let each generation create it's own monuments, and do some positive things for the people in our present time.

Montecito, CA 93108

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6 Tracy Oehler

From: Linda Montoya Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 2:27 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Save the statue!

A half of a century ago, I moved to Ventura ... still a child. It was hard to leave Eau Claire, Wisconsin. But then to learn of San Buenaventura and the great history behind the city was exciting.

So I think before someone fights to remove historical statues, I say, "let the one who is without sin, throw the first stone ".

Linda Montoya

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1 Tracy Oehle.r

From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:03 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Nancy Mauthe

Address Camarillo Ca 93012

Phone Number

Email Address ------Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am not in favor of removal of the Father Serra Statue. Because the organization that wants it removed is BLACK LIFE MATTERS. They have protested when they should not have. Events should only be 10 or less. Black life matters has been discredited due to there involvment in riots, looting, shooting deaths of Byrd old. The Los Angeles riots, Seattle CHOP/CHAZ Zone. I do not want to see Ventura become another Chop with

1 human waste on the sidewalks and people walking around with illegal guns and drugs, Ventura has to much homeless to deal with. Father Serra is a religious symbol that State of California cannot take down due to Separation of Church and State Laws has in the Government Laws. I am aganist any organization, person to take a Statue down.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:24 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Charles Mauthe

Address Camarillo Ca 93012

_P_ho_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r ______

_Em_ai_l A_d_d_r_es_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Serra was extremely important figure in the Catholic Church. Because of separation of church and state law, the State has no business in removing Religious Statue. Black Life Matters totally discredited has a respected organization. BLM is a Marxist organization which is anti-American. To allow BLM or any organization to take down the statue is a violation of Constitutional religious rights. BLM was involved in

1 CHOP/CHAZ ZONE, and they made a mess of the Seattle Washington State. Property Damage people have died illegal guns and drugs crime, riots fires business closed up never to open again. We do not want to see that happening to our beautiful town of Ventura, of which we visit often. ------Upload Files Field not completed.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Mandy Mence Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 6:20 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- F ather S erra s tatue

> To whom it may concern, > > Please remove the Serra statue in the spirit of respect and inclusivity for the Ventureno Chumash people. > > Thank you. > > Mandy Mence > CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Sally Shampine Sent: Saturday, July 11, To: Council Subject: -EXT- Voting on removal of Padre Serra discussion

Let us show our support for those who have suffered from the abuse and loss of their culture from the likes of priests who wanted to 11proclaim the good news" such as Padre Serra. Please vote 11yes" to remove the statue of Padre Serra to the Mission grounds itself.

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1 Anita Mair

From: Jessica Lindley Sent: Saturday, July 1 , • • 1 :f. To: Council Subject: -EXT- Remove Serra Junipero

Ventura City Council,

Please stop hesitating, causing more trauma and wasting tax payers dollars and charging for FREE SPEECH .... instead DO THE RIGHT THING, TAKE action and TAKE it DOWN.

As a friend to Ventureno Chumash told me,

"Every minute they lag in removing the statue is a DISGRACE to my Ventureno Chumash people and I. All we are asking is to show us the RESPECT we deserve by being the ORIGINAL and RIGHTFUL caretakers of Ventura. In your heart I know you know the right thing to do is to TAKE IT DOWN NOW! Stop giving more and more time for hate to grow which will increase the chances of someone being hurt.. (as there have been multiple attempts by trucks and motorcyclist in the OPPOSITION groups to instill fear and danger to those in favor of its removal) We've came to you for over 20 years requesting for it to be removed and we WILL NOT STOP til it is down. "

PLEASE, remove Serra Junipero! He is no saint, nor deserving of this immortalized position ... and I think you ALL KNOW IT TOO. Please take it down.

Jessica Lindley Photographic Artist "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Book of Romans CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Mary Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 1:34 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Safety of San Buenaventura Mission

Dear Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Council Members,

This morning the San Gabriel Mission was burned. I have grave concerns about the safety of the mission here is Ventura.

th At the council meeting on July 7 , speaker Casey Rodriguez, at approximately minute 54 the speaker states that "if you wait any longer you will have a fire that the city would not be able to put out. "

She says that with great passion. On review, after what just happened at Mission San Gabriel, this seems to be a threat that cannot be ignored.

Please take immediate action to protect the Mission.

Thank you, Mary Mellein ~

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1 Anita Mair

. From: Rbool118 illiiiiii Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 8:30 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Fr. Junipero Serra Statue

Good morning City Council Members,

My name is Regina Boon and I love the city of San Buenaventura. I want to thank you all for allowing this discussion to take place. Thank you for allowing this discussion to take place. Thank you for taking time to understand and hear various perspectives on our city's past. I, personally, admire Saint Serra. I'm a practicing Catholic and I enjoy learning about our saints. Those we hold as saints have lived exemplary lives of Christ. Many have been far from perfect people but ultimately gave their life to God. Saint Serra was not perfect but he wasn't a bad man either. It hurts to hear and read the lies being told about this man. The people that knew him, loved him and he loved them. Yes, atrocities took place up and down the California coast as everywhere else in this country. But to make it sound like he was responsible for the evils just isn't fair to his legacy.

However, I understand and appreciate the hurt that images can evoke. I understand that the Chumash People (and others) have a different perspective of The Missions and what it means to Ventura. While I hope the statue isn't removed, I know that I may be in the minority. If it is time to find a new home for the Saint Junipero Serra statue I hope the removal would be done respectfully.

If it is removed, perhaps in it's place we celebrate the Chumash People more publicly. Why not pay homage to the history of this coast and have the Chumash People nominate someone they'd like to see a statue of in place of Serra? That would would be a step to acknowledge the original inhabitants of this area and their contributions.

Thank you for your time and thank you for setting a good example for the rest of the state and country.

Warm regards, Regina Boon, 93004

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1 Anita Mair

From: Alex Coleman Sent: Sunday, July 1 , To: Council Subject: -EXT- The statue


I'm very in favor of the moving the statue. Serra's history is history. It can't be forgotten. It is fact. So removing the statue does nothing to erase or disregard what is already reality.

-But we don't really need to lionize or idolize him any longer. The present is for the living. The Catholic Church has made remarkable concessions and changes over time (Vatican 2, monumental!) so I don't think taking the statue down is really an affront to the religion.

A statue in honor of the native community is far more appropriate because that history supersedes Serra. Why cause anguish?

Thank you,.

Alex Coleman CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: Kristy Bohnet Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 2:00 PM To: Council Cc: Kristy Bohnet Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue Opinion - City Council Meeting

Hi Ventura City Council Members,

Thank you for discussing the future of the Serra Statue in Downtown Ventura. My name is Kristy Bohnet and I'm a long­ time resident of Ventura, raised within the Catholic faith, and I wanted to express my opinion of the Serra Statue. I think the statue should come down in its current place, overlooking Ventura in front of City Hall. City Hall is a government building and Serra, though part of California history, is ultimately a Christian religious figure and has no place in front of a government building; especially when Serra was responsible for the abuse and enslavement of the Chumash people.

The critics who say removing the statue is erasing our history must not be aware that Ventura (and CA as a whole) have countless landmarks dedicated to Serra. The San Buenaventura Mission is less than a mile from the current statue and would arguably be a better place to learn about Serra and mission history than a random statue. Meanwhile, I can't say I've seen very many statues of Chumash people in Ventura; perhaps the Serra statue should be replaced with a landmark to the indigenous people who were here before us. Here's one for consideration: Juana Maria ( was a Chumash woman discovered in 1853 living alone on San Nicolas Island for the majority of her life; her life inspired the book Island of the Blue Dolphin (which is a classic and required reading for most CA students). How cool would it be to have a beautiful statue of her looking at the Channel Islands, her home, in the distance?

Thank you for your consideration, but please do the right thing and remove the statue.

Kristy Bohnet CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

From: TimNicely­ Sent: Sunday, Jul~ To: Erik Nasarenko Cc: Sofia Rubalcava; Cheryl Heitmann; Christy Weir; Lorrie Brown; Jim Friedman; Council Subject: -EXT- Saint Junipero Serra Statue

Hello Councilmember Nasarenko,

I am reaching out to you, as our council representative for District 4 and as our friend, on behalf of Kelly and myself, proud native (lifelong 45 year) City of Ventura residents with this brief note.

Kelly and I support either keeping the statue of our City's founder where it has been our whole lives, or putting the fate of the statue on the ballot.

I was reminded by an email from the City this week that Serra founded our beloved City and I don't know why we would not retain and protect a statue of our founder. The City rightly reminded me in an email this week about winning wildfire grant funding (congratulations!), which included a summary at the bottom about how integral Serra is to our City:

"Ventura, officially named San Buenaventura, was founded in' 1782 when Saint Junipero Serra established Mission San Buenaventura, the ninth of the California missions. Serra named the mission after the Italian Saint Bonaventure, hence the nickname that Ventura is the "city of good fortune."

We value your leadership of our beloved City and we thank you for all you do, Erik. We love Ventura and couldn't imagine living anywhere else.


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1 Anita Mair

From: Jaxon Silva Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 9:17 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Regarding the Statue of Junipero Serra

Dear City Councilmembers,

As I am aware that you realize, during the special council meeting held this wednesday, the issue of the fate of the statue of Junipero Serra will be discussed. I am here to leave a comment on my thoughts on what should be done, as a member of this community that has been born and raised here.

Generally in my eyes, I've seen statues as having a certain purpose to exemplify. To uphold examples of people or things that, we believe, uphold values that our community should strive towards. Values, that we believe, have the potential to grow our community in character and strength.

While Father Serra does have the distinction of founding the Mission and subsequently the modern city of San Buenaventura, we cannot ignore the fact that the city he founded was built on top of the Chumash village that had existed previously.

As the journal of Fray Juan Crespi, a member of the Portola Expedition, testifies, "we saw a regular town, the most populous and best laid-out of all that we had seen on the journey up to the present time ... We counted about thirty large and spacious homes of a spherical form, well constructed and roofed with grass. According to the number of people whom we saw and who came down to the camp, there was not less than four hundred souls."

We cannot ignore the fact that the mission system established until Serra led to the torture, enslavement, and death of thousands of lndigeonous First People, all in the name in converting local natives to Christianity by force or by deception. As one example states, "On occasion t_he Franciscans permitted neophytes to escape, or 'to visit,' their villages, so that an expedition might be organized to follow them; in the process of capturing the fugitives, a dozen or more new 'Christians' could be rounded up. In this manner, as many as two and three hundred Indians would be captured in a single raid. 'On one occasion,' writes Hugo Reid, 'they went as far as the present Rancho del Chino, where they tied and whipped every man, woman and child in the lodge, and drove part of them back .... On the road they did the same with those of the lodge at San Jose~ On arriving home the men were instructed to throw their bows and arrows at the feet of the priest, and make due submission. The infants were then baptized, as were also all children under eight years of age; the former were left with their mothers, but the latter kept apart from all communication with their parents. The consequence was, first, the women consented to the rite and received it, for the love they bore their children; and finally the males gave way for the purpose of enjoying once more the society of wife and family. Marriage was then performed, and so this contaminated race, in their own sight and that of their kindred, became followers of Christ."' For life in the missions for the native peoples, particularly under the process that is called missionization, it was described, "The sanitation was wretched; the diet inadequate. From 1776 to 1825, there was only one qualified physician in all Alta California. Most of the filthy practices which later observers noted among the lndians,were practices which they had learned or acquired in the Missions. "The unsanitary condition of the Indian Villages at some of the Missions," wrote J.M. Guinn, "was as fatal as Indian war. In his native state, the Indian could burn a village and move on; but the adobe houses that took the place of the brush hovels could not be burned to purify them ... Fresh vegetables, milk, and meat were not generally served the Indians, although the Franciscans provided a bounteous table for themselves and for their visitors.

1 It has been suggested, by well-informed observers, that the neophytes were kept in a state of chronic undernourishment in order to retard the tendency to fugitivism."

Deception, enslavement, starvation, forced conversion. I do not believe these are values that members of our city should strive for, nor ones that followers of the,Lord should follow as well. Therefore, I don't necessarily believe that the statue of Father Junipero Serra is an object to represent what we strive our citizens to believe in and act subsequently with those values.

Is he a notable historical figure? Sure, but I can assure you that most children above the fourth grade know of who he is. Almost anyone can find who he is by looking up the history of Ventura on wikipedia, or by opening a book about the . We don't necessarily need a statue of him to know who he is and what he did.

· Particularly now, I think it is important to acknowledge the full history of Serra and the mission system in general, not just the sanitized version that we were taught in grade school. And maybe the right first step is to replace his statue with someone else who embodies the values we strive for as a city better, or even a disambiguous abstract statue that can work to express those values that we want to have as a city.

If the nearby mission would like to purchase or obtain the statue of Father Serra and place it within their premises, I feel like that is a valid expression of their freedom. of speech. All I ask is that if that is to occur, that it may be placed somewhere away from the public's view on the street, as I feel that undermines the statement we try to make by removing the statue from public view.

I thank you for your time and consideration while reading this comment. I hope that it helped to inform and enlighten, and strongly urge you to please do the right thing, and help turn a new leaf in the history of our beautiful city, walking forward to build a more just and equitable city for all of us that live, work, and play here. We realize that there are plenty of more steps that must be undertaken to achieve that goal of equity, but this might be a good first place to start.

Thank you, - Jaxon Silva CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

2 Anita Mair

From: patricia head Sent: Monday, July To: Council Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

This issue needs to be on the Ballot for November.

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1 Anita Mair

From: Wayne Morgan Sent: Monday, July 13, To: Council Subject: -EXT- Statue of Father Serra

Dear City Council Member, I am writing to urge you to support the removal of the Statue of Father Serra from it's current position of honor in front of City Hall and placed at either the Mission or the Ventura County Museum. Although he was an important person in our history, his life and work needs to be now viewed in historical context and his legacy reappraised. It would be best of the statue were in a location in which education could be provided. Thank you for your consideration of this issue, Sincerely, Kathy Morgan

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1 Antoinette Mann

From: Carl Morehouse Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:13 AM To: Council Cc: Antoinette Mann Subject: -EXT- Thoughts\on Father Serra statue

Not being a native Venturan, I have no strong emotional attachment to the statue. I've always considered it more as an art piece that was simply there although I understood who it was and what it was about. But in understanding the Native American viewpoint, not unlike the controversy surrounding the Cross, it is in the best interest of the City, in showing impartiality, to remove it from a prominent publicly owned space. Moving it to the Mission makes the most sense in my mind.


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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 9:28 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetfngs by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Liz Fish

Address Ojai, Ca

Phone Number Field not completed.

Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The statue should be taken down, it's a religious statue and offensive - it's not appropriate front of a government building. I often work in Ventura, and want to be proud of a city that welcomes BIPOC, and that honors the Chumash people. Replace it with a monument that tells the full story of the history of Ventura.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Patrick Laurence Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 12:52 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- City Council Meeting July 15, 2020 (Item 12A) Attachments: Ventura City Council Public Comment.pdf

Dear Ms. Mann,

Attached please find correspondence for the City of Ventura Council Meeting on July 15, 2020. This is a public comment regarding the retention of the Junipero Serra statues.

Patrick M. Laurence CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 July 11. 2020

City Council of San Buenaventura c/o Antoinette Mann, City Clerk 501 Poli Street, Room 205 Ventura, CA 93002 [email protected]

Re: Special City Council Meeting to Discuss Statues of Junipero Serra

Dear Members of the City Council:

This letter is submitted in advance of the City Council Meeting on July 15, 2020 to discuss whether or not to retain the statues of Junipero Serra inside and in front of City Hall.

I am an attorney and former resident of the County of Ventura. For the last five years, I have been publishing, lecturing, and giving radio interviews regarding the controversies surrounding Junipero Serra and the California Missions. During that same time period, I have been actively involved in researching the primary and secondary source materials to evaluate various historical claims which are sometimes made about Serra and the Spanish colonial period.

th During the City Council Meeting on July 7 , I heard the outrage expressed by some of those calling for the removal of the Serra statues. While I do not necessarily doubt the sincerity of those who expressed such sentiments, I am nonetheless forced to conclude that such persons are, at best, seriously misinformed. The bottom line is that there is no historical evidence to substantiate the claims of "land theft", "forced conversions", "slavery", "rape", or "genocide" which are occasionally alleged against Serra. Rather, it is clear to me that Serra has become for some people an object of misdirected anger-an arbitrary symbol-for the real injustices which have been committed against California's indigenous people by others.

Misdirected Anger

On January 23, 1888, a Senate committee on Indian affairs presented a report to the United States Senate in which the following statement was made concerning the condition of the Mission Indians of Southern California:

"The history of Mission Indians for a century may be written in four words, conversion, civilization, neglect, outrage. The conversion and civilization were the work of the Mission Fathers previous to our acquisition of California; the neglect and outrage have been mainly our own."

The charge of "genocide" might be justly laid at the feet of some of the state militias who were commissioned during the ; it is not justly claimed with respect to the actions of Junipero Serra toward the indigenous people of California or the Chumash people in particular. Likewise, it may be admitted that certain injustices occurred during the Mission era without, however, impugning the reputation of Serra. As Professor Robert Senkewicz of Santa Clara University has explained, it is unreasonable to make Serra "a stand-in for the entire 65 years of mission experience in California." Junipero Serra's Relationship with the Chumash

The Chumash people who occupied the region between San Gabriel and San Luis Obispo were of particular interest to Serra, not only because they comprised the most densely populated indigenous group along the California coastlands, but also due to the sophistication of their culture. The Spaniards marveled, for example, over the orderliness of their villages and the craftsmanship of their canoes, concluding that the latter had no equal in all of Europe.

The Chumash were also the special object of Serra's affection. In December 1776, Serra had been walking along the Santa Barbara Channel during a heavy rainstorm when he was assisted in crossing the muddy hills by the Chumash. Of this experience, Serra later wrote:

"[T]ears came to my eyes when I saw how eager they were to help me. Since I could not travel on foot or on horseback, with one person on each side, they took hold of my arms and carried me over the muddy hills. I was not able to repay them for their efforts and their acts of compassion, nor do I think I will ever be able to repay them as I would hope to do. When I was able to sing, a large number of them would happily join in and accompany me. When we stopped, I blessed those who had helped me and then a second group came over and asked me to bless them as well. Andfor me, this served to deepen the compassion I have felt for them for quite some time."

Are such sentiments consistent with what we would expect from someone who purportedly enslaved and murdered the Chumash people?

"Land Theft"

Contrary to the assertion that Serra engaged in "land theft", the mission territories belonged to the neophytes under Spanish law and were required to be distributed to them once the territories were secularized. Citing Spain's "Laws of the Indies", Serra fought against the encroachments of Spanish settlers on native lands in the missions in Mexico and at Mission Santa Clara in California. Charles F. Lummis, an early Indian rights activist, once observed: "In all the Spanish occupation of California, J cannot discover that it ever once happened that an Indian was driven off his land; under our regime it has seldom happened than an Indian escaped being so driven off."

"Forced Conversions"

During Serra's lifetime, no native convert was ever "forced" to join the California Missions. A visitor to Mission San Gabriel in 1776 observed that "[t]he method of which the fathers observe in the conversion is not to oblige anyone to become Christian, admitting only those who voluntarily offer themselves for baptism." Likewise, according to a widely-used manual of pastoral theology which Serra and the Franciscan missionaries brought with them to California, "enforced baptisms shall be considered null and void." "Slavery"

Spain banned Indian slavery in the New World as early as 1542, more than 200 years before Serra ever stepped foot in California. Under the Laws of the Indies, it was strictly forbidden for any subject of Spain to "take, apprehend, occupy, sell, or exchange as a slave any Indian." This legal prohibition of Indian slavery was binding in California until the 1820s, when Mexico gained its independence from Spain. In its primary sense, slavery is a legal or economic system in which the principles of property law are applied to human beings, allowing them to be owned, bought, and sold. In California, no indigenous person was ever owned, bought, or sold, whether by a missionary or by anyone else. As Professor James Sandos of the University of Redlands has explained, "neophytes were assuredly not slaves."


Any assertion that Serra engaged in or abetted rape is patently false. The Spanish soldiers who accompanied Serra to New Spain's frontier in California were a rough lot and occasionally did engage in these crimes. Serra's indignation over these actions is well-documented. For example, he successfully petitioned the viceroy of New Spain for the legal authority to expel such soldiers from California.


In 1948, the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defined "genocide" as an act, such as killing or causing serious bodily injury, committed "with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". Serra clearly did not intend to destroy the indigenous people of California, whether through the introduction of European diseases or otherwise. As he once put it: "We have all come here and remained here for the sole purpose of their well-being and salvation. And I believe everyone realizes we love them." One would expect this point especially to resonate nowadays given the unintended deaths in California which have been caused by the spread of COVID-19. In reality, there were no large scale epidemics at the California Missions during Serra's lifetime. According to Professor Steven Hackel, at the time of Serra's death in 1784, "these missions, by and large, were healthy settlements." This means that Serra not only did not intend the deaths of the natives-and therefore did not commit genocide-he did not even have the opportunity to respond to the unintended epidemics which broke out in later years after he was gone.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the accusations which have been made against Serra is that they completely tum the historical record of his advocacy on behalf of the natives on its head. Serra was not just a religious figure; he also enforced the indigenous population's natural and civil rights as codified in the Laws of the Indies. There is no "newly-discovered" evidence showing otherwise. Sadly, the efforts to remove Serra's statues appear to be not so much an attempt to "erase history" as an attempt to "replace history" with a false political narrative.


Patrick M. Laurence Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 1:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Fred Waters


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Know if you allow the statute to be removed, your name and picture will be removed in the near future as well because this city council was the one that made our city UNSAFE, DANGEROUS TO MOVE AROUND IN, DECREPIT & BOARDED UP BUILDINGS, CRIMINALS CONTROLLING THE STREETS AND BUILDINGS.Due to this local government decisions to follow the American Conversion Playbook of

1 Mao/BLM called on young people to "bombard the headquarters," and proclaimed that "to rebel is justified." In order to eliminate rivals within the CPC and in schools, and government institutions, Mao/Sanders-AOC charged that bourgeois elements had infiltrated the government and society with the aim of restoring capitalism.Mao/SLM insisted that revisionists be removed through violent class struggle,to which China's/USA's youth/millenniums, as well as urban workers, responded by forming "rebel groups" around the country.They would begin to hold struggle sessions/statue removals regularly, and grab power from local government

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 3:43 PM

To: 1 City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 1:11 PM To: Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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-·-·-----··-·----·-·---·-··•··-- ---··------···-----·-··------·------·····-··---··-·-·-·---·--······ ---·-···-·-··-·--··--·--· .. --. ,...... ·-·-········-···------·•··· Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments It is difficult to admit, or even imagine, that one of our spiritual leaders engaged in such .heinous acts. Trauma is also difficult to disclose. When an individual, in this case a group of people, have experienced traumatic experiences, most stay quiet because speaking up has led to pain, and at times death. Remaining quiet has led to safety, yet maintained the inequality and oppression. When people try to share the traumatic experiences, they will experience the normal reaction of having a flood of emotions or have well regulated emotions because they have sought to heal and forgive. Please remember that individuals who have been traumatized and oppressed speak up, it is because there is truth behind their words. Do not follow the pattern of dismissiveness. The evidence you seek is in the pain of the people.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 7:30 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item. ------·----·-···-·-----··---·· ---- Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Sarah Russell

_Ad_d_r_es_s ______Oj~------

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Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Father Serra was a father to the Indians. Don't let a mob of uneducated hate mongers tell you otherwise. Educate yourselves and make an informed decision.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 8:02 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Joy Anderson


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I feel that the statue of Father Serra should be preserved and left standing. It is a part of the history of this region and destroying it is ridiculous and seems to be a display of completely, misinformed and misdirected anger and frustration. Certainly hope your decision will be to let it remain. Thank you.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 9:42 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jennifer Rosato


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I'm a concerned resident of Ventura County writing to urge you to keep and protect the Junipero Serra statue.

I oppose the removal of the statue precisely because Serra, as a matter of historical fact, opposed the brutality of his countrymen and took up the fight on behalf of the Native Americans, demanding that they be treated as persons with full

1 dignity and that their human rights be respected. To tell the truth, I find it sad and ridiculous that in this day and age, our city would seriously be considering removing the statue of a founding father who is well-known for his stalwart defense of the human rights of minority persons.

Please, use this moment as an opportunity to educate others about Serra's true legacy. All of us should oppose injustice and racism when we find it, and celebrate the Chumash history of our region. Our calls for justice, however, cannot be based on ignorance but on the truth. Facts matter and the fact is that Serra was a hero of social justice.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Katherine Rodriguez Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 9:58 AM To: City Clerk; Council Subject: -EXT-

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is KC Rodriguez. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide.

Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them.

As statues of racists historical figures are being torn down around the world, including statues of slave owners and European colonizers, we need to acknowledge the racism that still plagues Ventura. One facet of this racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall. We need to remove statues in our own community that represent colonization, oppression, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. We need to work toward building a community that chooses to admire symbols that are inclusive of all people, including the Chumash people whose traditional homeland we live on and benefit from.

I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, arid harassment of people of color today, and it must stop. NOW IS THE TIME!

Sincerely, KC Rodriguez CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Shannon Dybvig Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 11:34 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Father Serra

My name is Shannon Dybvig and I'm a Ventura city resident (District 3), business owner and have lived here since 1989. I'm writing to support removal of the Father Serra statue and relocation to a more suitable location. A religious icon, controversial or not, does not belong on city property. Many arguments were made in favor of keeping the statue at its current location in front of City Hall at the WebEx meeting held July 7, 2020, and I offer refutations belqw. Some of these arguments may be redundant if you've read my previous letter - many are new or revised in light of the meeting:

"Removing the statue erases history"

I would hope the statue is moved to an accessible location where it will still be available to the public. It's inappropriate as an item in a place of veneration central to the city, not as an item existing in the world. The history of the mission era will not be impinged, that's safely contained in books, minds, artifacts, etc. And the statue can still exist, I ask that it be moved geographically, not destroyed corporeally.

"Nobody cared until recently"

This statue has long been controversial. Protesters gathered in 1988 before the statue was bronzed and when the wooden replica was displayed in the city hall atrium. The statue has been vandalized several times notably in the 1990s when the words "Spirit of Crazy Horse" and an image of a clenched fist were spray-painted in 1991. Its hands were painted red in 1992. Protests and vandalization surrounded his canonization in 2015 at several Serra statues in California. And in 2017 an op-ed in the Star called for its removal: "To have statues such as the one in front of Ventura City Hall is a direct slap in the face of all Chumash and other Native American cultures."

"You're giving in to a mob"

Many disparate groups assembled at the rally on June 20, 2020, as well as the march July 4, 2020. I was present but do not consider myself to be a member of any of them. The 10,000+ people that signed the petition likewise are not a sing4lar entity. This is an organic effort. Many people are collaborating, yes, but no single group is directing it. I would hope that when people organize to petition their government your response is one in which you are "responding to your constituents" not "giving into a mob". I'll also point out that at the meeting the side threatening to chain themselves to the statue, vote council members out, and sue the city was not the pro-removal side.

"If we give in to this where will it end?"

No serious person is suggesting we change the name of the city or remove mission architecture. Further steps might be warranted with regards graphical representation of the statue standing in front of City Hall following its removal in various contexts. For now, I ask you to consider one proposition - removing the statue only. If there should be further propositions in the future, consider them at that time. As for precedent, you'd be following the 1 precedent set by numerous communities around California who have already relocated their Father Serra statues.

"Father Serra founded Ventura"

Father Serra founded the mission and gave the mission its name but there was already a town here named Shisholop and the land had been inhabited since around 1000 AD, or for approximately 800 years. A Franciscan missionary noted in 1769 at the outlet of the : "we saw a regular town, the most populous and best laid-out of all that we had seen on the journey up to the present time." The quote is from Fray Juan Crespi's diary (page 158) available here: https://linkprotect. cudasvc. com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fcatalog. hathitrust. org%2fRecord%2f000288788&c=E, 1, tHOluXblU_SONlll2GJ2AljloKW- k4H7U0dukQ9fAUcXxvc_lUvSPd1 DP4YvlYVF8VUNJ6LyFboEQfnTONnHS8H3xmm7BzMcpx5IsbXnzbtMGXy -eQOWiQ,, &typo= 1

Shisholop and the parcels of land around the mission grew together. It was Chumash territory when Spanish missionaries came in the 1760s the mission was established in 1782. Land was sold in pieces around it by first the Spanish and then Mexico (once it won independence) and then to American settlers after California became a state in 1848. So the area transformed from a long established native settlement in fits and starts, sometimes organically and sometimes with force, over a long period of time. It wasn't like the missionaries came in, razed the town and made everything new.

"Father Serra's letters show he was a good man/good to the native people"

This was the point pushed perhaps the most by the Father Serra statue supporters at the meeting July 7,2020, that Father Serra himself was a good man and didn't want anything bad to happen to the native people. Without diving deep into competing contemporaneous accounts, can we all just agree that cultural genocide in and of itself is enough of a crime to commit? That was indisputably Father Serra's goal. However benignly he went about it, he worked to strip the native people of their religion, language, and culture. That's an uncontested point.

· Quoting from Serra's letters and journals is deeply problematic. Letters and journals are not a full accounting, they're from one perspective, they're sometimes for an intended audience, things that are negative or common place get left out that would give us a full sense of the picture.

However much he might have wrung his hands over it, Father Serra created the system in which physical atrocities happened too. Why else were the Spanish soldiers at the missions? They were not autonomous roving bands. They worked as guards and captured escaped native people because the natives were not free. And even though he may not have wanted the native people to be abused or killed or raped they were, and he continued with his campaign anyway.

The statute can't represent Father Serra independent of the mission era. Father Serra founded the missions. The mission era, before and after Father Serra's death, was an active campaign that decimated native people of Southern California. He wasn't a passive observer of the mission era. It was through his very actions that the mission era occurred.

"Pro-removal supporters mischaracterize the mission era"

Father Serra himself refers to the abuses in his letter and journals. To say they didn't happen while he was alive or that they happened unrelated to the mission campaign is folly. And again, the Father Serra statue represents the mission era, not the man in a vacuum isolated from events he set into motion. 2 Below is an excerpt written by Father Serra at Mission San Gabriel about an incident that occurred in October 1771 " ... a soldier, along with some other, killed the principal Chief of the gentile; they cut off his head and brought it in triumph back to the mission."

Gentile was the word used for the term used for unbaptized native people.

Why was the chiefs head brought in triumph to the mission if the violence was unconnected to the mission system? The mission system and the violence were clearly tied together. ,

"We should all get to vote"

Voting on minority issues is inappropriate for reasons that are perhaps redundant to state. Minorities are outnumbered. But minority issues are no less important. The Father Serra statue controversy is deeply personal to the native people of this community who make up just 1.2% of Ventura's population according to the last census. By contrast, according to the Pew Research, Catholics make up 28% of adults in California. If Ventura's make up is anything like· California's, the two groups most directly and historically affected would be unfairly matched at the ballot box. And while both sides have allies and everyone in Ventura has an opinion, an issue such as this that viscerally affects the core of a group's history or religion should not be left to the capricious whims of those not equally affected.

Thank you for your time and attention. ·

Shannon Dybvig

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3 Tracy Oehler

From: Vanessa Frank Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 11:59 AM To: City Clerk Cc: Matt Lavere; Sofia Rubalcava; Christy Weir; Lorrie Brown; Jim Friedman; Erik Nasarenko; Cheryl Heitmann Subject: -EXT- Remove Serra Statue

Dear City Council of Ventura,

My name is Vanessa Frank and I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide.

Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He ·enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them.

While no one can doubt that Father Serra is a transformational figure in California's history, the issue we face is how we present his figure now to our children. The current statue, situated as it in the focal point of our city, suggest that Father Serra is a figure of reverence, an aspirational figure for us all. Once we understand the full history of our community, from the perspectives of all the humans involved - both first nations, Spaniard, and others - we see that the legacy of Serra is far more complex than the towering statue would have us understand.

The history of the Spanish Mission system and its impact on the people and civilizations who had been living here is one of mass devastation, which, to this day, largely goes unrecognized.

I have seen some argue that Father Serra holds religious or spiritual significance for them, as Roman Catholics. But it is not the job of our city to impose one religion's sacred symbols and totems upon another's. This argument further supports the call to remove the statue to a place more fitting for such a monument: the grounds of a church or other sacred site.

At this time, in the summer of 2020, we have the opportunity to take a stand for truth, for compassion, and for forging a way forward for our community which includes the stories of all people who now call this land home.

NOW IS THE TIME! Please remove the statute. If the Mission property would like to re-home it, perhaps that is a good option. But let's recommit our city to truth and to compassion.

**************************************************************** ank

.... 1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 4:13 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

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Name Joshua Jones

Address_,_v_en_t_ur_a_, c_A_\ ______

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe that the statue needs to be removed as it glorifies the legacy of a man that was instrumental in bringing about the horrible mistreatment and genocide of the Chumash people. Remove the statue and let the church keep and maintain it properly outside of the public eye.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 5:34 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate ln a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

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Name Jose Munoz

Address Phone Number - Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments SUPPORT FOR KEEPING FR. SERRA'S STATUE. ST. Serra, is a symbol of Ventura, CA We the people of Ventura, from the West Side of San Buenaventura to the East End of Sacred Heart Church, are lover's of all people, like Fr. Serra was. Spread Love and Support the Keeping of the Statue!

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Marisa de la Pena Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 6:49 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra Statue, City council meeting

Hello Ventura City Council,

I am reaching out to you to let you know that the removal of the Serra statue is imperative, especially right now. Serra did not do all of the amazing things we have been taught about him. He inflicted so much pain on the Indigenous Peoples of this State, forcing many into labor and abusive punishments. He normalized physical, mental and sexual abuse at the various missions across California. His 60 years, decimated the populations of so many Indigenous peoples. Lets also not forget that he also started the California prison system.

If our public spaces are to be places of inclusivity, we must do that by also making sure that were not normalizing violent histories. This statue and the whole of Ventura County is on unceeded Chumash land. There needs to be steps in removing this statue and paying respect and building relationships with local Indigenous communities and organizations. There is no need to have a statue that represents a false history, when the truth is so much more rewarding in the long run.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Marisa de laPena CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 9:10 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date ✓ Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date/ Safe, Clean and Homeless c:, Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Riannon Griego

Address jai, CA 93023

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please remove the Junipero Serra Statue. This relic of the past continues to bring stirring emotions of a horrible past to my indigenous relatives here. Please respect the wishes of the Chumash people to remove this statue. Put it in a church somewhere should religious folk really need to pay homage to a murderer. Thank you.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 10:30 PM To: City Clerk , Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Lauren matern


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Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Take down the statue. This is Chumash land.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 11:16 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Magdalena Rodriguez

Address Carpinteria,· CA 93013

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Save Father Serra Statue!!

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:30 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Charles Edward Herrera


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I do not think this historic statue should be moved, or removed. History should not be erased. And I'm afraid if we give in to these ridiculous demands now, it will never stop. And there will always be more and more meaningless things for people to act offended about, until we eventually start losing are freedoms.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:52 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Sarah Stark


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Please take down the Father Serra statue out of respect for the Chumash people. The statue is a constant reminder of the torture of their ancestors. Chumash people still live here, and a symbol of the atrocities of the beginning of the colonial project in California do not deserve to be in front of City Hall.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:55 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Commen! Form

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Name Jessica Oddi

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

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Written Comments Dear council, I am writing this email to ask that you remove and relocate the Serra statue from its current place in front of city hall, to a more appropriate location, like inside the mission. There is a deep rooted culture of racism and white supremacy here in this country and here in Ventura. I believe that keeping the statue in its current place will send a message of collective silence in this matter and that Ventura

1 I does not care or prioritize moving forward as a community that supports anti racism. I think there is no better time than now to remove and relocate the statue. There is no better time than now to show our support to the Chumash community, to show that all races are welcomed and safe here, to show that we are a progressive and anti racist community, and to stop honoring and memorializing individuals who were or are contradictory to the new history we are in the process of making. Ventura Forward.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:29 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Ashley McQuown


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_Em_ai_lA_d_d_r_es_s ______'------

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing to demand that the statue of Father Junipero Serra be removed immediately. This statue represents the colonization, enslavement and murder of the Chumash people and should not remain standing. Portraying Father Junipero Serra as a benevolent historical figure erases this violent history and is retraumatizing to the Chumash people who are living today.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:47 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Amy Gurrola


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I oppose the removal of the Saint Junipero Serra statue from the park in front of Ventura City Hall. Padre Serra is the founder of the city, of which the county takes its name. I am not a Ventura city resident, but I reside in the county.

Please research the TRUE history of Saint Serra. He was enamored of the Native Americans who he helped to have a

1 better lifestyle with better shelter, crops and livestock.

The protesters who want the statue removed are re-writing history with their horribly derogatory descriptions of Padre Serra.

Very respectfully yours, Amy Gurrola

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda layer Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:49 PM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 12:03 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Donna De Smidt

_Ad_d_r_es_s______~a~V-ie_w_c_a ______:::~leA:::::r ----~------·· ------Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/13/2020 ------·-·--~---~---,---·---·------Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments We must not forget our history by erasing it. To quote Archbishop Jose Gomez, "Fray Junipero is a Saint for our times, the spiritual founder of Los Angeles, a champion of human rights, and this country's first Hispanic Saint." California is a state of missions. As a 3rd generation native California and with native American ancestry, there are few things left of my state to be proud of right now, and it would be a very sad day to lose another part of me.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:07 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Mary Dillon


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Keep the Father Serra Statue in front of City Hall. This is a historic landmark, a work of art& a work of the community. Hundreds of hours were donated along with hundreds of dollars. Our City Council should reject the hasty and incomplete research & conclusions found in the June 25th Historic Assessment Report.

1 Ventura City Council vote to keep the Serra Statue or give the residents of Ventura opportunity to vote their support for same.

Upload Files Final Copy July 11, 2020 by Mary M DIiion The Replication of the Father Serra Statue.docx

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2 The Replication ofthe Father Serra Statue: a Volunteer Community Project by Catherine Antolino Mervyn

lstBooks: 2002

(review by Mary M. Dillon)

Given the recent local focus on the Father Junipero Serra statue here in Ventura, much discussion and vigorous debate is centered on his life and times. Lesser known, however, is the actual history of the statue as a work of art itself, its background and its impact on the local environment. Wouldn't it be helpful to have such a resource for learning about the Serra statue?

In 2002, Catherine Mervyn authored The Replication ofthe Father Serra Statue: A Community Volunteer Project. It invaluable source for those interested in a fascinating and detailed history chronicling the creating of the 3 versions of the Serra Statue: cement; wood; bronze.

In this 65 page volume, complete with quotes, photos and citations, Mervyn, an immigrant herself, helps the reader get a closer view of the artistry and the artists, the unique methods, the outstanding individuals as well as the overwhelming community involvement which in the author's words contributed "to how these three statues grew out of the heart of the people of the 'City by the Sea"'.

Regarding the cement statue of Serra, the author describes the tireless efforts made by the chosen sculptor, John Palo Kangas, commissioned in 1935 as part of the Works Progress Administration, in order "to create a statue of the legendary Franciscan missionary, Father Junipero Serra, the founder of the first nine of California's 21 historic missions" (p. 2).

Kangas was "anxious to know his subject intimately," so he often traveled from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara and San Buenaventura to learn more about Serra, seeking the expert knowledge of priests and religious. Needing a model for Serra's face, he chose a local Meiners Oaks man. The completed 'reverse' clay mold for the statue was taken to an "imposing permanent location in the front of the County Courthouse [now Ventura City Hall] overlooking the ocean." There, the wet concrete was poured into the mold "right on location" (p.6).

The Dedication Ceremony for this Serra 'cement' (concrete) version was held in November, 1937. Notables present were California Governor, Frank F. Merriam; Serra biographer and historian, Father Maynard J. Geiger; and Adolpho Ortega, descendant of Captain Francisco Ortega, who had accompanied Serra some 155 years earlier when he founded Mission San Buenaventura. The location, in the author's description "became a favorite gathering place for fiestas, weddings and a variety of social affairs" (p. 7). The statue, itself, was considered "a historical landmark affmning the history of the city's origin" (p.12).

The Bronze version of Serra Statue came about because the cement statue, in place for 51 years, had deteriorated with weathering, some vandalism, and the actions taken to undo both. The author details the efforts in 1983 of Councilman Russell Bums, a mechanical engineer by profession, to remedy the statue's structural problems and the studies he undertook to determine the best course of action.

Since this would be an expensive undertaking, funding would be vital. Funding activities were conducted with a fervor and by many. A 'Father Serra Trust Fund' was set up by Mayor John Sullard. Other fundraising committees were also formed. A local artist, Charles Kubilos, created a Serra miniature clay model. This was reproduced in bronze and given to generous donors. Radio hosts, the local paper, schools and others enthusiastically helped in raising money so that by October 20, 1988, the "incredible sum of$102,l 19.50 had been collected with more to come later" (p.20). Councilman Burns, "experienced in large artworks, believed that a wooden likeness of the Serra statue could capture the spirit of the original." Burns' idea was that the "wooden form could then be used for a pattern for making the mold to cast a bronze statue" and this is where the concept "from concrete to wood to bronze" (p.13) originated. The author calls attention to the fact that this makes the City of San Buenaventura unique among all the places that have statues of Serra.

In 1986, the San Buenaventura City Council motioned to "endeavor to replace a crumbling 50 year old statue of Junipero Serra" (p. 14). A December 21, 1986 Star Free Press article is cited:" ... City Council happens to include someone with artistic credentials, Russ Burns. He is an artist who specializes in large works. His enthusiastic involvement offers assurance that Father Serra will be preserved faithfully and artistically" (p.14). Burns' plan at that time included the input of The Channel Harbor Woodcarvers Association. The Serra statue would be "replicated in wood" with the carving done in three stages: "an apprentice would 'rough' the pieces, a carver would add more details and a master carver would complete the work" (p. 15).

Among other unique artistic methods employed, Mervyn describes the use of an intaglio, or reverse mold, pointing out that this was not unlike one used to complete the Statue ofLiberty by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, the difference being that "Bartholdi was creating an original statue, Bums was replicating one--in wood" (p. 26).

With the rough form approaching 1200 pounds, the wood statue carving started April, 1987. As work proceeded, problems with calculations were encountered and solved through the ingenuity of team members Jack Holman, a retired firefighter and Joe Haugen, a retired oil field worker among others.

A member of the Channel Islands Carvers Guild, Wilbur Rubottom, a professional carver, was appointed Master Carver and carved the head and face of the statue, having carved "at least three Serra faces before being pleased with his work" (p.36). A group of 30 volunteer carvers originally was narrowed down to about 7 with Rubottom overseeing all the carving work.

Noteworthy is that this was recognized as such a "specialized activity" that it became a tourist attraction, with visitors from all over the US and foreign countries who were "impressed by the artistry, even wondering where such artists had been obtained" (p.37). The carvers, as well, featured their fme craft at the Ventura County Fair, where the gigantic wood block had been brought.

The carvers as a group expressed their "wanting to leave a legacy for their families by preserving a part of San Buenaventura's history" (p.38). The author discusses in detail the contribution of the skilled carver, Judy Monzo, the only woman on the team from Camarillo. She chose to carve Serra's rosary beads. This was her reason for volunteering and for making the extra effort to drive long distances to and from work.

When carving was fmished July 21, 1987, Master Carver Rubottom "recorded 10,000 plus of donated work hours by all the carvers" with the masterpiece weighing over 800 pounds and ready as a pattern for casting in bronze (p. 39).

As to where the wood-carving would be displayed after the bronze casting, a local radio contest invited listeners to vote: The winner's spot was the choice of the City Hall atrium. This was the same spot originally chosen by the Ventura Arts Council (p. 41).

According to Mervyn, this location led to a disagreement with the Candelaria Indian Council since they had rock paintings on-display at that same location. Eventually, it was agreed that "both the rock paintings and the wood statue did belong together and would both be displayed in the same location" (p. 44).

The wood statue, after its use in the bronze casting, was moved using a crane furnished at "no cost by Leon Zermino of the Oilfield Service and Trucking Company." There in the City Hall atrium the "life-like form of Father Serra stands in harmony, beside the colorful Chumash rock paintings" (p. 45). It was dedicated in June of 1988. Mervyn next gives an account of the removal of the concrete Serra Statue -- a feat in itself with a cost of $10,000. Much discussion is given to the location as to where this old statue would be housed. In the interim, it was to be stored in the crane· company's location on Ventura A venue. Considerations of future plans for it included the possibility of it being displayed at an indoor location: the to-be-realized County Agricultural Museum in the City of Camarillo.

In June of 1988, bronze casting came next. The bid by The California Sculpture Center at the College of the Desert in Palm Desert was accepted. Molds from the wood statue for bronze casting used an "ancient 'lost-wax"' method. Detailed descriptions are given. Twenty-two pieces of bronze together would compose the statue. Further processes were applied for completion, finishing with a protective patina coating. The San Buenaventura City Council authorized funds to for a concrete pedestal "overlaid with black granite from the Andes Mountains in South America" (p.59).

The completed bronze statue was installed over five days. The location "is the exact spot where the original concrete statue had stood for 51 years" (p. 63). The "unveiling and dedication" day was October 20, 1989. The special evening featured music along with many dignitaries and a Boys and Girl Scouts of America color guard. 500 guests attended with Mayor Monahan adding that in "addition to their own remarkable accomplishments," ... the statue represents our community's obsession and dedication to preserve our heritage" (p. 63).

The author concludes, stating the the Serra Statues "stand witness to a people's dedication and passion for their historical past and faith in their future" (p. 64).

Book available for purchase @ Tracy Oehler

From: Robin Lerner Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:20 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Council Subject: -EXT-

THE CITY AT [email protected] and [email protected] Dear City Council of Ventura, My name is Robin Lerner LCSW]. I am writing to ask you to remove the statue of Father Junipero Serra from outside of City Hall. While Junipero Serra is often seen as a sentimental emblem of Californian history, the true history behind his Spanish missions is a history of oppression, racism, slavery, rape, and genocide. Father Junipero Serra founded 9 missions in Baja California, including the San Buenaventura Mission in Ventura. The Spanish missions were systems of mass oppression and slavery. Spanish missionaries in the 1700s and early 1800s forced the indigenous peoples of the areas they colonized to build the missions and convert to Roman Catholicism. If they refused they were tortured and/or killed. Junipero Serra was complicit in the enslavement of indigenous peoples. He enslaved the Chumash people and forced them into labor and conversion. He exhibited a white savior complex by referring to indigenous peoples as inferior beings who needed Spaniards and God to save them. As statues of racists historical figures are being torn down around the world, including statues of slave owners and European colonizers, we need to acknowledge the racism that still plagues Ventura. One facet of this racism is the city's tolerance of the mass genocide of indigenous people, which it continues to perpetuate by allowing this statue to remain outside of City Hall. We need to remove statues in our own community that represent colonization, oppression, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. We need to work toward building a community that chooses to admire symbols that are inclusive of all people, including the Chumash people whose traditional homeland we live on and benefit from. I urge you, as city council officials, to stand for justice and against the oppression of indigenous peoples by removing the statue of Father Junipero Serra. To keep that statue up is to uphold the notion of white supremacy and represents a symbol of racism and systemic oppression. As we know, these ideologies are responsible for the continued and unjust killings, discrimination, and harassment of people of color today, and it must stop. NOW IS THE TIME! Sincerely, Robin Lerner CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:16 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Amber Bassett


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Meeting Date 7/13/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Writing to address item 128:

As a Chumash person and life long residence of Ventura (37 years), this moment to address the appropriate removal of the father Serra statue has been a long time coming. Please consider the perception that as an indigenous person the presence of the statue is the equivalent of keeping a public

1 representation of one of Hitler's henchman. I don't believe that by moving this statue to the Ventura museum would in anyway compromise the history of this city anymore than the removal of fascist statues throughout Europe has erased their historical framework. Thank you.

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To further address the racist legacy of Junipero Serra we must also remove his name from the Elementary school that bears his title and his likeness from the city seal. Systemic and institutionalized racism is at the core of colonialism, one that absolutely must be acknowledged and confronted. To leave that statue up is to continue to ignore the wrongs created and perpetuated by the California missions. With VUSD's 2019 addition of the Ethnic and Social Studies K-12 program there is no reason why such blatant historical revisionism in favor of the missions should continue to take place.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:43 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Katherine

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/13/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Speaking as a resident and working person on occupied Chumash land, it is time for Junipero Serra's statue to be removed. Serra ~nd the missions established under his tenure were responsible for the deaths of roughly 285,000 indigenous people. That is history, real facts. We must stop Ventura's participation in the revisionist erasure of Chumash experiences, like deferring to the key colonizer of this area as a

1 primary source of history during this time.

Systemic and institutionalized racism are at the core of colonialism and white supremacy. History is thankfully taught by more than just physical artifacts as noted by most educators calling in to the 7/8 meeting. To leave that statue up is to continue to ignore the wrongs created and perpetuated by the California missions, one that racists in Ventura continue to uphold, as noted by the vehicle attacks on Black Lives Matter protesters on 7/4. That statue is not the city's heart and soul,the people are. BLM, indigenous lives matter!

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:50 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Patrick M. Rea


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear Council,

Please find the attached link to the YouTube video showing the 1989 dedication ceremony of the bronze Serra statue. PLEASE TAKE THE 40 MIN NECESSARY TO WATCH IT. It is imperative for understanding WHY our bronze statue was and still is Historic Landmark #3.

1 The video clearly shows the Chumash participating with the blessing of the statue in 1989, drums, pipe smoke and all. The interesting thing is that it was Julie Tumamait-Stenslie's father Vincent who was the elder at the time and who did the blessing.

Furthermore, Mayor James Monahan can be heard calling for recognition for those· 'involved in the statue's RESTORATION project', and the narrator who tells the story of Serra's missionary work in Alta California ends by saying 'YOU ARE WITNESSING A LANDMARK RENEWED .. .THE JUNIPERO SERRA BRONZE.'

Once again, PLEASE watch the video, and remember that decisions with such gravity need to be made at a moderate (NOT rushed) pace, and in a DEMOCRATIC fashion.

Pat Rea

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2 Video of the re-dedication ceremony, 10/20/1989. Provided by former Mayor James Monahan. https ://www. yo utu be. com/watch ?v= lo4X R4P N1 pA Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 3:54 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Deborah Lybrand

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/13/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am in favor of removing the statue. I have lived in Ventura county for nearly 20 years. In Ventura for 12 of that. We like to spend time downtown and hope to move there. I am of Mexican descent so I am a mix of Spanish and native blood although not local to Ventura. People we respect and honor should be on pedestals not people who enslaved and used others for their or their causes gain. The statue is currently

1 positioned to be literally and figuratively looked up to. The statue should be located where one interested in the full history of our community can go and learn. Please peacefully remove the statue. Thank you.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Brenda Guzman

A_d_d_r_e_ss______v_e_nt_u_ra ______

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Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/13/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments

Take the statue down.

This statue has many representations to many people. To Chumash people who know their culture it represents oppression, genocide, enslavement, rape and torture just to

1 name a few.

By not destroying and removing the statue and giving it to the Catholic Church to display, the City of Ventura will be letting residents know they care about all people.

Thahk you Brenda Guzman Chumash woman, daughter, mother, grandmother and Ventura Resident

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:54 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am writing in support of keeping the statue of Father Junipero Serra in its current location. Father Serra founded the Mission of San Buenaventura and with it the city of San Buenaventura. Historical records show a brave man who supported the indigenous peoples against the encroaching colonization of the Spanish government. This history should continue to be celebrated by maintaining his statue in its present location.

1 Anita Mair

From: Donna Granata Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:54 PM To: Council . Subject: -EXT- Father Serra

Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members:

Thank you for soliciting input regarding the Father Serra statue.

We are at a crossroads as a nation. We must confront our past truthfully- especially now - as lies are wielded as weapons to sow discourse and distort our nation's past. American history is fraught within injustices and violence. Generating dialogue is critical to understanding and acknowledging America's brutal history of inequality. We, as a community and as a nation, need to atone and make amends for the brutal past of our forefathers. If we do not confront our history the divisiveness will continue.

The Father Serra statue needs to be carefully removed (by qualified art handlers) and preserved in a public institution, such as a museum, where scholars will have access and docents will be able to teach the truth about the building of the missions and the servitude of the native American people. The artist who created the original statue, Uuno Johannes Palokangas (1904-1957), was commissioned by the County of Ventura through the WPA program in the 1930s. He too, deserves the work to be preserved and accessible.

We have come to an age where we must confront these issues otherwise the discord will continue to escalate .. There is no escaping the fact that America was built on brutality. We need strong, decisive and knowledgeable leadership that is willing to do what is right for history and for our community. We need to turn the mirror upon ourselves and confront our dark and inhumane past. Only then, will we heal as a nation.

This is an opportunity to reconcile and move on. And of course, all of this goes back to the importance of the arts and how each object is a vital record of our shared humanity.

Donna Granata Founder/Executive Director Focus On The Masters


Together, we will capture history... ®

FOTM Offices, Archive & Library

1 Anita Mair

From: Pat Browne

Sent: Monday, Ju y f f f l J: To: Council Subject: -EXT- Separate "church and state'

Dear Council,

I'm ·a Ventura-County resident standing in solidarity with the Chumash people in our -community.. I'm emailing you today to urge· you to remove the: statue of JuniperoSerra fro in City Hall an_d support the Ventura· Unified Sc:hool n·istricf: in· changing the names of the-Jlinipero Serra and Blanche Reynolds schools...... I _agree with the protest infrontof V~Iltura City lfall whererepresentatives shared the ongoing traumas thatJunipem Serra and his image havefofli:cted upo_n them. They· spoke _about howthe actfons of this man have· lingered ·over centuriesto reach _- _the inodern·~ay: Tp.eyospoke about how symbol~ of him are hurtful and offensive in the highest degree.:They-spdke·abouthow: the statuem"rist be removed: They_ are noialone. Serra's image h~s· been removed locations in Sari Francisco, Los A~geles,. San-Luis" Obispo,: arid S~n . Ju~m Bautista~- and for :good.reason. His· religi_ously based ·inissfon systeni enslaved the Native: peo,ples of . California, subjecting them to forced conversions, hard labor, and ·mass rape. thes.e are unconscionabie acts to c6.rrmiitagains·t another h,uman ·at ariy .time fa history, within any society, and under any-circumstances. . __ :.. __ . _ _...... J-Iistoi:ydoes nofabsoive Junipem Serra of his imm.oral ads and neither should we as .a>governmerit by.the peo·ple,.. . ors:playing·areligiousOieader, Serra' simage with .honor in frorit ofa seat of governanceJs-commei:norationaga.insttheUS . co,n.sµtution. M_emorial~ like the ·statµe are not n_~utral, they are legal ancl moral representations. And ·by commemoratjng-a ·religious'leader resporisiblefor acts of genocidal violence against an indigenous· people, our government 1s· saying that we:. a_iign ourselves withh1equalityarid injustice; ...... ·. : . . . . . ·. . ·. ·. \ ·. . ·. . ·. . .. The statue ofJunipero Serra· must be removed and dealt with according to; .. . __ _ . _ _ . :Lin keeping with the US constitution for separation ofchurch and state. Serra is a: church figure icon, not a governmental one. bo¢s the· Ci_ty really wa,rit a suh on the grounds of not separating religion_ from government? .. _ _ . ._ . . . 2; the wishes of the. Chumash people and their representatives who :are· an equal part of the fabric ofour governine:ntand society. :. . • . . :. •. . . . :. :. . :.. : . . . . :...... :...... :. . • . . :.. : .. ·1mmediately. Your city is waitingfor youto 01ake good on yourwor~ to return a religious icon to its ownreligfous icfolatryin··. prhrate places of worship: Thank you for your.attention to this matter. ·


Pat Browne

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1 Anita Mair

From: Lisa Burton Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 11:16 AM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra Statue

Hello all. I have one thought in favor of removing the statue:

Either Father Serra can live his life in a cage, surrounded by a chain link fence to prevent vandalism OR he can live his life in peace at an appropriate location where objective information can be presented regarding his history and that of the mission system.

I think he would be happy choosing the latter.

Thank you, Lisa Burton Professionaf Garden Designer Nature by Design

"Entering a garden is like passing through a mystical gate. Things are not the same on the other side." - Horace Mann

'When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." ~ John Muir

"If you spend all your time practicing your talking points, we won't be able to have a conversation." -- Sign at Rally to Restore Sanity

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1 Anita Mair

From: Dana Worsnop Sent: Monday, July 13, To: Matt Lavere; Sofia Rubalcava; Cheryl Heitmann; Lorrie Brown; Jim Friedman; Erik Nasarenko; City Manager Internet Email; Christy Weir Subject: -EXT- Father Serra Statue - from Rev. Dana Worsnop

Dear Mayor LaVere, Vice Mayor Rubalcava, Councilmembers Brown, Friedman, Heitmann, Nasarenko, and Weir,

I write to you as a faith leader in Ventura to thank you for taking up the situation around the statue of Father Junipero Serra that stands before City Hall.

Yet first I want to express my thanks and admiration for the courage shown by Mayor Matt LaVere, Father Thomas Elewaut, and Tribal Chair Julie Tumamait Stensile who spoke together for hours to discuss this emotional, historical, and fraught issue that is far older than this particular statue. In our divided times when so many grow loud and angry and accusatory so quickly, it takes true courage to sit and speak and listen with open hearts, open to different perspectives, ·willing to be changed by another's story.

I hope the entire council will follow their courageous leadership.

When I saw the statue on my first visit to Ventura as I was considering ministry here, my heart sank. Yes, it is an impressive, even majestic work of art, yet that is actually part of the problem. I taught California history to 4th graders for a decade. I know the story of the Native Peoples of California and of the Missions is complicated, including cruelty to the point of genocide. The majesty and the placement of this statue completely covers up, silences, and causes ongoing trauma pain to the descendants of a people nearly wiped out by Spanish and later American settlers.

It was clear to me then, and my conviction grows stronger, that this statue dishonors the first peoples of this land. And now I have heard directly of the pain and multi-generational trauma the statue re-triggers. Telling only one side of a multi-layered history disrespects all ofus, though most especially the Chumash people. If their voices are not as loud as some and their numbers smaller, it is largely because of a history incompletely told. /

After years of being marginalized and silenced, it is time for all to listen well to their stories, their pain, and to honor their request. I ask that the council accept the agreement made by the two most direct two stakeholders in these stories -Tribal Leader Tumamait Stensile and Father Elewaut. Please move the statue from in front of City Hall to the grounds of Mission San Buenaventura.

1 And please do not put this on a city-wide ballot. Making controversial decisions under tough circumstances is a significant part of your responsibility in this representational democracy. The voice of the people most directly harmed can so easily be drowned out, essentially silencing them once more. That would simply compound the damage already caused and do nothing to address the deeper issues, which won't somehow just go away.

Moving this statue does not erase history. Rather it teaches a more complete history. In telling the fullness of our history, we gain a chance for deep human meeting and the possibility of 1 reconciliation of centuries-old wounds.

In our fractured times, with so many loud and divisive voices, I ask that you find ways to embrace the truths of the past that our future may bring healing and reconciliation. We can then move on together.

Respectfully, Rev. Dana Worsnop Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura she/her

The best days to reach me are Tuesday through Friday. Monday is my Sabbath. Please allow 2-3 days for me to reply to your email.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Phil Youker Sent: Monday, July To: Erik Nasarenko Cc: Sofia Rubalcava; Cheryl Heitmann; Christy Weir; Lorrie Brown; Jim Friedman; Council Subject: -EXT- Junipero Serra Statue

Hello Councilmember Nasarenko,

I am reaching out to you, as our council representative for District 4 and as our friend, on behalf of

Cheryl and myself, both longtime City of Ventura residents, with this brief note.

Cheryl and I support either keeping the statue of our City's founder where it has been our whole lives, or putting the fate of the statue on the ballot.

I was reminded by an email from the _City this week that Serra founded our beloved City and I don't know why we would not retain and protect a statue of our founder. The City rightly reminded me in an email this week about winning wildfire grant funding ( congratulations!), which included a summary at the bottom about how integral Serra is to our City:

"Ventura, officially named San Buenaventura, was founded in 1782 when Saint Junipero Serra established Mission San Buenaventura, the ninth of the California missions. Serra named the mission after the Italian Saint Bonaventure, hence the nickname that Ventura is the "city of good fortune."

We value your leadership of our beloved City and we thank you for aO you do, Erik. We love Ventura and couldn't imagine living anywhere else.



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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Tina Calderon Sent: Monday, July 1 , To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Public comment

To whom it may concern:

I urge the city of Ventura to remove the Father Serra statue. These monuments are painful reminders of a horrific time for the Chumash and other "Mission Indians". We should never honor thieves, child molesters, or people who allowed genocide to occur at their hand or on their watch.

Please stand with the native people and remove the statues so healing can begin.

Thank you,

Tina Calderon Chumash/Tongva CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders •


1 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:03 PM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:20 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

\ Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/15/2020 ------~--.~·-----··----·-··-··-·------Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments The Father Serra statue is a part of our history. No one in history is perfect, nor can we change history, but we can direct our future and honor the good that Father Serra contributed to our community. Caving in to the bully-like mob of the Marxist group, Black Lives Matter, rewards hostile behavior and threatens our republic. I want to see our statue stand so that we can honor our history and thus doing, maintain the identity of our city.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:19 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Alan Salazar


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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am Alan Salazar a Fernandeno Tataviam & Ventureno Chumash Elder. My family was brought to the San Fernando starting in 1799, so I was personally effected by Father Serra. There are a few things no one can dispute. Father Serra believed the tribal people were inferior to the Spanish, that we were savages. We know that is not true. We had a very complex and very old culture. We were not war like, we were

1 business people that had trading relationships with many tribes. You cannot dispute that are languages were forcibly taken away from us. Our culture was taken away from us and our land was taken away from us.As a tribal person I find Serra to represent the oppression of my culture, he represents destruction of the Chumash people. Remember the Catholic church, the Catholic mission in Ventura still has a mass, unmarked burial site of over 3000 Chumash people still today. That is what Father Serra represents. Move the statue now. Thank you, Alan Salazar

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:43 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Address VENTURA, CA 93003

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Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue


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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:47 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date /Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name , Ian Taylor ( Address

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Name of legislative body City Council ------.------···------··---·-·--· --··---·--··------··--- Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I vote to keep father Serra right here in front of City Hall in Ventura.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 7:53 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Amber Mulligan

Address Ventura, CA 93003

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Email Address ------:------·------···---· Name of legislative body City Council ---·-·------··•···------·--•·------··------· Meeting Date 7/15/2020 ---·------Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I am in favor of Father Serra staying put in his place right in front of Ventura City hall. ------·----..·-----·------· ---.. --·--· _...... _. ______...... ______.... _.,_...... ______._ Upload Files Field not completed.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: Jad Elias > Sent: Monday, uly 13, 2020 8:38 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Take down Serra Statue and GET UPDATED TEXT BOOKS!!

I couldn't be at the meeting today but I'm still trying to voice my opinion about the subject line!! I

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:08 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Marion Inglis ------·----- Address Field not completed. -·-·-···---·-·-----····---·-·-·----·-···--·-·------····---·------··• Phone Number Field not completed.

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Name of legislative body City Council -----··•-·--·······------·-·------·----··-···- ·······------·· Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue


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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 9:18 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Cynthia Reardon Baumgartner

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Name of legislative body City Council .

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I want to voice my support for keeping the Fr. Serra Statue. My family has been in business in Ventura since 1910 right down very near the Mission. In fact, they did business in what is now the Mission gift shop before they built their first Reardon Mortuary a few doors west. The Fr. Serra statue is beloved by many and especially by all Reardons and old time families along with countless others. The City's name, the Mission, and ···--·-~·-·------···------

1 Father Serra are synonymous. If you destroy this, you are destroying more than you realize. KEEP FR. SERRA!

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:06 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jayne

Address • South Saint Paul MN 55075

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Email Address

Na me of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The statue of Father Serra needs to be taken down. It is vile and a daily reminder to the Chumash people, WHO STILL EXIST AROUND YOU, of the trauma they've endured to their people, culture and history. If you want to do the right thing, you will remove this statue. There are better ways to teach people history, and that can actually start with the truth of

1 Settler Colonialism and the effect it's had to the native inhabitants of this land.

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.1 •••

2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:27 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Robin Voves

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Selecta Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please take it down. It really is a small sacrifice, but it would be an even greater gesture towards healing the damage done to our Indigenous citizens. The Father Serra statue as it currently exists only preserves a revisionist, whitewashed history. We can acknowledge the contributions of such men without literally putting them on a pedestal. That honor shouldn't be handed out so lightly and so often to people who were complicit in the

1 exploitation and abuse of Indigenous people. It's past time to be critical of the blind idolization we pay towards some historical figures by erecting these statues. This man needs to be brought back down to earth and given the proper historical treatment - one that acknowledges him as the flawed human · being he was.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:34 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

\ Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Alma Gabaldon


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020.

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments Dear City Council, Please don't remove the Father Serra Statue. I know this decision is difficult but not as difficult as destroying the history that was created and approved by the Federal Art Project, the Ventura County Historical Society, the Catholic Church and the majority of Ventura County Taxpayers. On July 4th protesters tried to commit a Federal offense (Sec.2.Policy.(a) by

1 destroying the Father Serra Statue. Pleas ask each of these protesters to prove that they, their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents have never said or done anything wrong. Impossible, I agree, and yet all of history is being asked to do this by protesters. This will not end with one statue, this will continue until there is nothing left. I know it cost $250,000 to get on the November ballot so wait until. the next ballot. The taxpayers of Ventura County need to decide. Does The City Council really want to destory history and create possible lawsuits? I hope not. Thank you.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:39 AM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 2:30 AM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Nancy Mendez


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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee ·------·------·----- Meeting Date 7/15/2020 ------·------~- Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments I would like to put my input regarding the Father Serra Statue, to please not bring it down as a past resident of Ventura, mission member and a Ventura county resident the Father Serra Statue is part of Ventura's history.' I really hope it is not taken down.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14,2020 8:35 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation C0mmission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Bridget Coughlin


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Dear Council Members, I think those asking to remove the statue of Father Serra are greatly misunderstanding his role in defending the rights of the native Americans in the context of Spanish colonization. Abraham Lincoln made public remarks that are against race equality. Were those merely a political move to ease the idea of complete racial equality into the racist American mindsets? It's -·---·- ---·- --·······-•-····---·-····--·-··-·,.··-·----·------

1 hard to tell. He definitely became more open to the idea of greater race equality later but, as far as I can tell, he thought sending the African Americans back to Africa was a better option than completely integrating them in American society. In hindsight many would say that was a racist policy, but we honor him as a man who defended the Africans and freed America from the tragedy of slavery. We have to understand what he was doing in the context of the time he lived in and honor him for bringing his culture forward within that context. Why can't we treat Father Serra the same way?

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:06 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Michael Cruz

Address - ---- ~----- _Ph_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r _____llllllllf------_Em_ai_lA_d_d_re_s_s ______

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Good Morning, My name is Michael Cruz. A branch of my family tree is from Ventura, and Chumash is part of that heritage. I would like to add my voice to the call to remove the statue of Father Serra from public display. For myself, the statue is a monument to genocide and the brutality of colonization. Please vote to remove the statue from its current location to a privately owned

1 venue. Hopefully, the new location will be on the mission grounds or other property held by the Archdiocese. Thank You.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:26 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Disclosure: Providing your name and contact information is optional to participate in a Public Meeting, however by providing, it will allow staff to follow-up with you on your item. You may only submit one comment form per agenda item.

Submission Deadlines: Submit by hour listed below on Meeting Date OR before Agenda Item Concludes during a Live Meeting to be considered part of the record. City Council - by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Water Commission - by 3 pm on Meeting Date I Administrative Hearings by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Design Review Committee by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Historic Preservation Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Planning Commission by 4 pm on Meeting Date I Parks and Recreation Commission by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Downtown Parking Advisory Committee by 1 pm on Meeting Date I Economic Development Strategy Committee (Council Committee) by Noon on Meeting Date I Finance, Audit and Budget Council Committee Meetings by 2 p.m. on Meeting Date I Safe, Clean and Homeless Committee by 2 pm on Meeting Date I Public Input on the Father Serra Statue - select City Council for the Legislative Body when completing this form

Name Cynthia Reardon Baumgartner

Address Santa Paula, CA

Phone Number

Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I want to voice my support for keeping the Fr. Junipero Serra statue, preferably right where it is. My family has been in business in Ventura since 1910. Originally very near the Mission. In fact, they did business in what is now the Mission gift shop before they built their first Reardon Mortuary a few doors west. The Fr. Serra statue is beloved by many and especially by all Reardon and old time families along with

1 countless others. The Mission and Father Junipero Serra are synonymous with Ventura. If you destroy this you will be I destroying more of what Ventura stands for than you realize. San Buenaventura is special, not like any other city. KEEP FR. SERRA!

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Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of San Buenaventura 501 Poli Street Ventura, CA 93001

14 July 2020

Re: Junipero Serra Statue Landmark

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, I am writing to you as a historic preservation professional of over 40 years who also served on the Ventura Historic Preservation Commission from 1975 to 1982, including a term as chair. I conducted the first Historic Resources Survey for the City of Ventura in 1983 and wrote a book on the history of Ventura County. There­ fore I feel qualified to comment and offer a professional opinion on whether the present Junipero Serra stat­ ue is eligible as a City Landmark.

The historic report prepared by Historic Resources Group (HRG) concluded that the landmark was the statue designated in 1974, and that the landmark is still this original statue. This statue has been stored in a crate in deteriorated condition in a private industrial yard for 31 years. I don't believe anyone who was involved with the reproduction of the statue in 1989 felt the deteriorating statue being placed in storage was the landmark.

In fact concerned members of the community along with City Council member Russ Burns spearheaded the campaign to replace the original statue with an exact replica in a more durable material for the purposes of preserving the landmark. During the dedication ceremony in October 1989, it was announced to a huge crowd attending the event that the new statue was the "renewed" landmark. The Historic Preservation Commission and the City Council did not at the time delist the City Landmark. Rather everyone accepted the new statue as the landmark. It continued to appear on the city's list of landmarks on its website and in the Historic Re­ sources Survey update completed by HRG in 2007. To my knowledge, the only time the landmark status for the reproduced statue was ever questioned is when HRG prepared the recent report for the city. Consequently I take issue with the conclusion that the landmark is the statue in storage. This was certainly never the in­ tention of the many who were involved in the creation of the reproduction. Their explicit purpose was its preservation.

The HRG report also addressed the issue of whether the present statue meets the Historic Landmark criteria for City Landmark designation and found that it does not. I disagree with this findings on several points.

HRG found that the current statue is of insufficient age of to be designated, stating that it must be at least 40 years of age. I believe this to be an incorrect reading of the city's ordinance, which establishes no age restrictions for landmark designation. In fact the original Serra statue was designated as a landmark in 1974 when it was only 38 years old. I believe the present statue at nearly 31 years of age can qualify for landmark designation if it meets one or more of the landmark criteria. I have reviewed the City Landmark criteria and conclude that the present statue qualifies as a City Landmark under Criteria a, d, and e. The criteria are as follows:

Landmark means any real property such as building, structure, or archaeological excavation, or object that is unique or significant because of its location, design, setting, materials, workmanship or aesthetic feeling, and is associated with: Junipero Serra Statue Landmark

(a) Events that have made a meaningful contribution to the nation, state\ or community.

The six-year process that eventually lead to the project to replicate the deteriorating stone Serra statue in 1989 constitutes a meaningful event for the Ventura community. Expressions of concern over the deteriora­ tion of this City Landmark began in 1983 when City Councilman Russell Burns, a mechanical engineer, made a presentation to the City Council describing the severe deterioration of the statue and concluding that it might soon fall apart if action was not taken. This led in 1984 to the City Council commissioning studies by an art conservator, an engineer, and a concrete specialist. These studies lead to the conclusion that the stat­ ue was too fragile even to make molds from. Councilman Burns then proposed that an exact wood replica be made of the statue that could be used to make molds in which to cast a bronze replica of the original statue.

The City adopted this plan in 1986 and budgeted an initial sum of $15,000 to begin the project. Ventura mas­ ter carver Wilbur Rubottom and a team of carvers from the Channel Islands Carvers group supplied a team of 16 men who spent 10,000 hours over a 14 month period on the wood reproduction, which was completed in 1988. The work was done at the Livery in downtown Ventura, where hundreds of visitors watched the carvers at work. The huge block of wood was even moved to the Ventura Fairgrounds in 1987 allowing even more members of the public to witness the process. During this time $100,000 was raised from the community for the completion of the work. Thousands responded to the direct mail campaign and sales of Father Serra posters, caps, and t-shirts, as well as an 18-inch bronze replica of the Serra statue, to bring in the needed funds. Once the carving was compete the City of Ventura hired student artists from the California Sculpture Center at College of the Desert in Palm Desert, who made latex molds from the wood statue at the Livery, then casting the bronze statue using the lost wax technique. On October 20, 1989, the statue was dedicated on the site of the original statue in front of City Hall, an event attended by hundreds of citizens and digni­ taries. A film was made of this special event that talks about the effort to preserve the landmark.

The conclusion drawn from this history is the overwhelming support of the Ventura community led to the preservation of the John Palo-Kangas designed statue, a designated a City Landmark. This event was a mean­ ingful contribution to the Ventura community, as defined in Criterion (a) of the ordinance.

(d) Embodying the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction;

The statue should be considered eligible under this criterion because it embodies the distinctive characteris­ tics of WPA-era public sculpture. Artworks funded by the WPA's Federal 'Arts Project during the 1930s were typically abstracted, social-realist, or over-scaled in the heroic style. The artist John Palo-Kangas responsible for this sculpture was known for his works in this genre. The Serra statue is the only example of a Federal Art Project public sculpture in Ventura, and likely in the entire county.

(e) The work of one or more master builders, designers, artists or architects whose talents influenced their historical period, or work that otherwise possesses high artistic value;

The Serra statue is eligible under this criterion as an exact replica of the work of the artist John Palo-Kangas, with the exception of materials, a choice that was made deliberately to ensure its preservation. Palo-Kangas is a well known sculptor in the Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Arts Project who has been cited in the art literature for his work of the abstract heroic style specific to this period. Palo-Kangas produced a number of exceptional sculptures during this time including a statue of Father Garces for the City of Bakers­ fied. For this work he used a single block of limestone from Indiana that weighed approximately 24 tons and was cut down to carve a likeness of the priest over sixteen feet high. Kangas achieved notoriety for his first

SAN BlfNAVENTUM ~SEAIKH ASSOCIATES Page 2 of 3 Juniperp Serra Statue Landmark

work on the FAP by carving a father, mother and child from red sandstone. After these notable works he pro­ duced the heroic-scaled Junipero Serra. The present Serra statue has retained its integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, and aesthetic feeling sufficient to convey its significance.

In conclusion, in my professional opinion, the current Serra statue should be regarded as City Landmark #3 as designated by the City Council in 1974. Should the city not make this finding, the reproduction should be regarded as eligible for designation under three criteria in the city's ordinance cited above. Either way I feel it is important for the statue to retain City Landmark status, whether it is retained in its existing location or moved, in order to ensure its future protection.

Sincerely, '<140. £,~ udy Triem, Principal San Buenaventura Research Associates


From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:52 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name John Meyers


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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I object to the demands by the anarchists and Marxists to take down the statue of Father Serra. The demand by the anarchists and Marxists to take down the statue of Father Serra is part of a broader mission to perform cultural cleansing in this country. The ultimate goal is to destroy our way of life and end capitalism. As one anarchist leader is Seattle said "I don't demonstrate everyday to revise the system, I demonstrate to

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Jennifer Macisaac Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2 To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Special City Council Meeting, Father Serra Statue Comment

It is wrong to judge a complicated and nuanced human being, operating within the social fabric of his. time, because a few in our society today have no tolerance for any interpretation of history other than their own. Father Serra has the support of many modern day Native Americans. There is ample historical evidence of his compassion and dedication toward all early Californians.

Jenni r Macisaac, Ventura Resident (

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11 :29 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Please do not remove the statue. Father Serra was an ally to the indigenous people and helped them. He should be kept up as a reminder to not forget Native Americans and all that they've been through and to remember to live selflessly for others, especially those who are in need, like Father Serra did.

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1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 11:50 AM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Jeanne hunt

Address Ventura, CA 93003

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments These comments are in addition to those I submitted last week: Father Serra is representative of the Catholic Church and, as such, his likeness has no place on the public square. It is arguable that by continuing to support this religious symbol with taxpayer dollars, the City is in violation of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Please remove these statues.

1 Dear City of Ventura Historic Mayor and City Council Members,

My name is Anthony Grumbine, and I write to you as a very concerned professional with the following credentials:

Current Chair of the City of Santa Barbara Historic Landmarks Commission and Architecture Historian for the Commission

Architect involved in restoration of numerous historis structures including City, State and National Landmarks such as the Alhecama Theatre, El Presidio de Santa Barbara State Park and San Gabriel Mission

Author of many articles on the historic architecture of Southern California, and regular speaker on the subject

Author of the City of Santa Barbara's Historic Architecture Style Guide

With the above credentials, I write to you as someone immersed in the field of historic preservation and very concerned with the direction the recent events have taken. In my mind, there are two key points to make.

1) The first is that the bronze statue is clearly a historic resource, a Landmark, and even a Historic Landmark. 2) The second point is that the Chumash, and others who have contributed to the history of the City of Ventura, should be recognized and celebrated through building planned, effective and POSITIVE new monuments and actions.


The obviously rushed historic report (written in a week or so, when they usually take 1-2 months minimum so that they can be properly researched) that guided the Historic Preservation Commission's findings is, in my opinion, incredibly flawed. If this report came before before my commission, as the architecture historian, I would not be able to accept its findings for a number of reasons, including the following:

1) The historian used argumentation from the Secretary of the Interiors Standards, which are dated 8+ years after the project of the statue was begun, and 6 years after the statue was installed. They did not analyze the most obvious questions: Why was the City of Ventura so blatantly wrong in claiming for the last 31 years that the bronze statue was a historic Landmark on every document it produced? How was this somehow missed when they installed the bronze statue? If they had researched the history (and there is even a book about it that they did not list in their bibliography!), they would have found the clear intent and transferal of Landmark status to the bronze statue. I have not researched it enough to know for sure, but it looks like there is also reason to believe the concrete and the wood statue were implicated as also being part of the landmark re-designation. This should be researched more to define the nuances and implications for both the old concrete statue, and the wooden 1989 statue.

2) The creation of the bronze statue as a substitute/stand-in was - even by recent/current Secretary of Interiors standards - a valid form of treatment for a Historic Landmark as a Reconstruction as seen in the current Department of the Interiors Standards nda rds/fou r-treatments/treatm ent-reconstruction. htm Reconstruction is not the ideal choice (#1 Preservation, #2 Rehabilitation, #3 Restoration, and then #4 Reconstruction), but it certainly is a valid form of treatment for a landmark, even by current standards (1980s standards should have been, but were not discussed in the historic report). The change to bronze is a valid change due to the weathering that the previous statue underwent, and the desire to have the bronze statue last longer than its important setting. This reconstruction is similar to the rebuilding of other Ventura Landmarks, which were destroyed by fires.

3) 'The bronze statue, in its own right, is Landmark worthy both for its artistry/craftsmanship (it is not only the most famous artists in the country that get this finding) AND for its inventive and new method of creation that used both new, modern methods in combination with historic last­ wax methods. Either of these reasons alone make it Landmark worthy.

4) Aside from the statue itself, there is also a second clearly-missed analysis of the importance of a statue of Fr. Serra in relationship to its context/site. Ending the central axis of California Street and as the central feature in front of the Courthouse/City Hall, there is a very specific spatial relationship that has been a critical feature in one of the most obvious and important locations in the City. The prominent relationship of the statue of Fr. Serra, for over half a century in that exact spot in front of the A.C. Martin Courthouse/City Hall cannot be overstated, and was not analyzed at all.

There are many other facts about the statue's history that will be uncovered with a proper historic structures report. I know this from the little research I have done on this subject to write this letter. To confirm this, however, I spoke with very well respected historians that know about the statue, and who I regularly deal with on a professional level, and they agreed with my initial assessment, and the disagree with the previous written Historic Report.

It would be very easy for any number of local historians to write a full report that documents the important history of the bronze statue, which would have conclusions contrary to the report funded by the City of Ventura, and state the obvious fact that the City has known all along: The bronze statue IS a historic landmark.

The statue deserves a proper historic analysis. Please provide it before moving forward. A FUTURE FOR THE CHUMASH (AND OTHERS) RECOGNIZED IN THE LIFE OF THE CITY

This, I think, is the critical question at hand. How does a community move forward in a good and healthy manner which can be both critical of our history, and build to a better future.

Regarding positive ways to move forward, I wanted to share wh_at the Historic Landmarks Commission in Santa Barbara is doing. A few weeks ago, we received hundreds of letters from Black Lives Matter regarding several buildings they wanted designated as landmarks. We welcomed the request (some of them were already in process and/or on-the-radar}. Several historian community members including one of our Commission members, pulled together to write the HSSR for one of the properties which was reviewed, unanimously supported, and moved on to City Council to be Landmarked.

Our HLC designation subcommittee also met with BLM the following week to discuss a more wholistic study/survey/context statement for communities that have been a part,of the City of Santa Barbara's history, but which we have not been written about extensively, including the African American community. It is a wonderful opportunity to pull more up from the city's rich history of different communities. These structures and sites can then be identified for interpretation to celebrate the contributions of the various communities in the formation of civil society.

This will be a positive way in which, we can be part of building up all cultures that have been part of making our city great, rather than trying to find ways to tear down important monuments and sites from our city's history.

If you would like more information on what the City of Santa Barbara is doing, I encourage you to contact the Urban Historian Nicole Hernandez. She is even looking into grant funding opportunities for these types of reports, so funding should not be an issue.


Anthony Grumbine, AIA Anita Mair

From: Richard Thomas­ Sent: Tuesday, July 14,~ To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra

Please leave father Serra along ... don't listen to a small but vocal interest group. That statue is part of the tradition of Ventura. Next they will want to change San Buena Ventura to something that can't offend anyone ... good luck trying not to offend anyone.

Keep in mind that you may satisfy this small group that may even have hundreds of interested parties, but then you will offend a much larger group by your actions.

Richard Thomas

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1 Anita Mair

From: Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:55 PM To: Council Subject: -EXT- Father Serra Statue

I want to let you know that I strongly support the moving of this offensive statue to inside the mission grounds per the agreement made by the two most direct two stakeholders - Tribal Leader Tumamait Stensile and Father Elewaut. I encourage you to endorse this plan and help heal some of the pain that this statue has cause our local indigenous 1st nation, the Chumash people. In the current awakening of the American people to the racial issues we have in this country, this will be a good step towards recognizing those issues and starting to correct the wrongs committed.

Please do the right thing and endorse moving the statue to the mission grounds where it is more appropriate. Then, let's create an amazing statue/sculptor that would be an inclusive representation of our great city of San Buenaventura.

Thank you for considering my input.

Ventura 93003 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:57 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Juliet Ream


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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/14/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe the statue should be removed and taken to the mission. No statues of colonizers or others whose morals do not match those of today should be publicly displayed. Additionally, there should be an actual separation of church and state and no religious statues or symbols of any religion should be displayed on or in any public grounds or government

1 buildings or locations. History should be in the history books and the museums.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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• I Name Nelson Wallace


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Name of legislative body · City Council

Meeting Date 7/7/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments The statue of Father Serra should be offered to the Roman Catholic church for free, with the provision that the church is to pay to package, remove and ship away the statue, repair any ancillary damage, and pay to transport the statue out of the US, with a deadline. If the church fails to act before the deadline, the statue should

1 be destroyed, and the bill, for repairs & services sent to the church.

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2 Anita Mair

From: Rick Manzer­ Sent: Tuesday, July~ To: Council Subject: -EXT- Letter to Council Re: Serra statue

July 14, 2020

To the Ventura City Council, in regards to the statue of Fr. Serra in front of City Hall

I respect that you have a very difficult decision to make at the next special council meeting Wednesday July 15th . Whatever you decide, I am certain you have weighed all the possibilities. I would not be surprised if the vote was unanimous to remove the statue and relocate it to the Mission. Some of you may believe that Serra was a terrible person who only wanted to enslave and oppress the native people. I disagree with that opinion and think it is possible some of you do as well. But for the sake of peace you will vote for the statue's removal. There may be no time to put the matter to a popular vote as the protesters may return to our city at any time and take the statue down by force. Some of you may fear if you as an individual council member vote for anything short of its removal, these protesters will return to Ventura and descend on your neighborhood with your own home as its target. We've seen "peaceful" protests turn into riots, looting and serious destruction in other.cities,_so why would it be different in Ventura? You may think a unanimous vote for the statue's removal will end this discussion. I believe the opposite. Your virtual signaling could very well backfire. You may be telling the organizers of these protests that you either side with them or you are just too frightened to take a stand in opposition. They will be back. What will be the next target for removal? I ask you to pick one or more well known Ventura area sites from my short list of other possible "oppressors, white supremacists or colonialists:" Junipero Serra Elementary School, obvious .. Serra Park, again, obvious. DeAnza Elementary or Cabrillo Middle School, both DeAnza and Cabrillo are early Spanish explorers. Their visits to California led to the eventual Mission system and colonialism. Washington School, Washington was a salve owner. His name is still on the building even though it is no longer a public school. Blanch Reynolds School, Some believe she oppressed latinos. The two canons in Plaza Park, do they represent racism or oppression? The remaining forty feet of the mission aqueduct out by Canada Larga road. To some this represents or glorifies the forced labor of native people at the hands of the Catholics. And then we have the faces of the Catholic monks or priests that adorn the exterior of city hall. Obvious villains to some.

I'm sure if I had time I could make a longer list, as everything can be racist if you use your imagination.

Best regards.

R. Manzer 93001

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1 Anita Mair

From: Anthony Grumbine Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 202 To: Council Subject: -EXT- Letter to City Council RE Padre Serra Statue Attachments: City of Ventura City Council - Serra Statue 7-14-20.pdf

Dear City Council,

Please see attached Letter regarding the Serra Statue.

It is extremely important that the statue, which in my (and many other professionals opinion), is a landmark, and a historic one at that.

Anthony Grumbine CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Anita Mair

Subject: FW: -EXT- Take down the Serra Statue!

From: Allen Chinn Andrews Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 2:36 PM To: Lorrie Brown ; Sofia Rubalcava ; Christy Weir ; Cheryl Heitmann ; Erik Nasarenko ; Jim Friedman ; City Manager Internet Email Subject: -EXT-Take down the Serra Statue!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: Neda Zayer Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:15 PM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:25 PM To: Luz Juachon ; Neda Zayer ; Development Services Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name of legislative body Historic Preservation Committee

Meeting Date 7/15/2020 ----·····-.···-··-·•·-··-··- ----···------•·--·- --·---·--·----··-··--·--··------·--·-·----·------···------·--·------·· ...... ··•--·------···· -----····· Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

1 Written Comments Replace Serra statue with statue of Chumash

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 2:01 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Charles Teachout

Address Port Hueneme, CA 93041

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Email Address

Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Comments

Written Comments What a tragedy it would be to "follow through on the agreement" that was made a month ago, supposedly between the Church, the City, and the Chumash Tribe. The agreement was made prematurely, prior to public comment. The agreement dishonors the memory of Ventura's past, does not represent the views of most people of Ventura on this issue today, and sends a message of encouragement to those who ---·-·-·-·------· ···-·-·--··-·-·-····--·--···------·-··------

1 have brought churches and statues under violent mob attack. Instead let the people of Ventura go on record before the observing world that they stand for deliberate and fair municipal decision-making. Let them recommend the statue of St. Junipero Serra as that of an exemplary citizen of the wdrld, of great love for all the people of Ventura and a kindly man of the people that will be remembered in the centuries to come in the proposed National Garden of American Heroes.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 2:49 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Elizabeth White

Address . , Oxnard, CA 93036

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Email Address Name of legislative body --City Council Meeting Date 7/1/2020

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Written Comments My name is Elizabeth White and I reside in Ventura county and often frequent the downtown Ventura area. Since living here I have become connected to my community and further explored the history of our city and am distraught to have learned how awful Juinipero Serra was to the indigenous peoples of Ventura county. I learned he led a deadly crusade aiming to wash away the culture of Native American people and is a symbol of

1 severe pain and trauma for many. Since then we have had multiple recent incidents involving racism and racist actions that have occurred in Ventura. It is public figures like Serra who are proudly displayed outside of Ventura city hall for all to see that not only keeps the Chumash people reminded by this traumatic time in their history. It also encourages other people with bigoted ideas to be emboldened. We ask that this statue be moved away from location in front of city hall to a more appropriate location like a museum for all to learn.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:11 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name Noel D'Angelo


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Na me of legisla~ive body City Council

Meeting Date 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments Regarding the Serra statue, either option currently being considered (removing the statue vs. keeping it in its current location) is going to upset a lot of people if enacted. The council and the public should consider a third option. Keep the statue in its current location, and erect a monument or statue of similar size on the same property that pays tribute to the Chumash Indians, if not all native Americans. (It might be -----·------·------······•••··-······· ---.•·-·

1 necessary to move the Serra statue a few feet, but that's certainly acceptable). Let the Chumash tribe take the lead in designing this new monument. This solution keeps the Serra statue in its current location (which would satisfy those like myself that wants it kept in place), but it would also provide fitting recognition to the presence of the Chumash Indians when St. Junipero Serra walked these lands. Far from tearing down history, this solution ENRICHES history by paying tribute to Serra AND the Chumash Indians.

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2 Tracy Oehler

From: Catherine Myers Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2 To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue

Please consider the following when deciding to remove the statue of the City's founder.

Let me get this straight. The descendants of practitioners of human sacrifice want to tear down statues and burn Missions to erect monuments to their own lost culture because they think what The possible involuntary detention of some of their ancestors during the mission era was too brutal?

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1 I'm Catherine Myers and I approved this message.

2 Tracy Oehler

From: Catherine Myers • Sent: Tuesday, July 14, I I ~~ ~' To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Serra Statue - corrected copy

Let me get this straight. The descendants of practitioners of human sacrifice want to tear down statues and burn Missions to erect monuments to their lost culture because they think the involuntary detention of some of their ancestors during the mission era was too brutal?

Please see A History of Ventura County Vol 1 by Sol Sheridan.

I'm Catherine Myers and I approved this message. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Ventura. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.

1 Tracy Oehler

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:56 PM To: City Clerk Subject: -EXT- Online Form Submittal: Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

Electronic Agenda/Public Comment Form

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Name of legislative body City Council

Meeting Date· 7/15/2020

Select a Topic: Public Input: Father Serra Statue

Written Comments I believe that the Father Serra statue is an iconic sculpture that should remain at the base of Ventura City Hall and not removed.

The statue is an integral part of the Ventura County Government Seal and should remain at this location. The first concrete statue erected in the mid 30s was funded by federal

1 resources that came to Ventura County during the Great Depression and represented the strength of the federalist system of government that came together to take on a generational challenge. Why would we take away that memorial during a time of challenge for our country? The removal of statues and memorials during this time only serves to cause us to ignore the complexities of history and fails to engender real discussion about the good and bad of our heroes and ancestors.

The bronze statue is a beautiful image of a Catholic saint, an amazing scholar and perhaps the most important person in Alta California during the 18th Century.

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