Talking Book News 1030 North 32nd Street • Phoenix, Arizona 85008 Phone: (602) 255-5578 Fax: (602) 255-4312 Outside Phoenix area: 1-800-255-5578 e-mail:
[email protected] Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ARIZONA STATE BRAILLE & TALKING BOOK LIBRARY A Division of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records Volume 34, No. 4 December 2004 New Computer System in Place no longer have to phone us each time you want As you read this, the Library will havejust com• the next book in the series you are reading. pleted the installation of an entirely new com• It will take all of us some time to be• puter system, which, as you know, involved come completely comfortable and efficient suspending regular service to patrons for two with the new system, especially since most of weeks while all the files were converted and us used the old system for many, many years. transferred and staff trained to use the new Old habits are hard to break, but bear with us system. Our original computer system was · and we' I I be up to speed in no ti me .. installed in 1982 and upgraded many 1 Thanks.for your support and understand• times over the years, but in the past ing and have a very happy holiday season. few years it became apparent that it was time for us to make a complete . · \~ Talking Book Bestsellers change. On September 30, the end of our fed• We purchased the new system . · ~~ era I fiscal year, we again had the from Keystone Systems in Raleigh, /' chance to see what our most popular North Carolina, and it was especially books were for the last year by designed to serve talking book libraries.