E/RS Series Hosts Award-Winning Author by ERICA LAMPERT the Plundering and Exploitation of Black Staff Writer Americans

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E/RS Series Hosts Award-Winning Author by ERICA LAMPERT the Plundering and Exploitation of Black Staff Writer Americans Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-09-14 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 774. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/774 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CII Issue 5 September 14, 2016 E/RS series hosts award-winning author BY ERICA LAMPERT the plundering and exploitation of black Staff Writer Americans. Ta-Nehisi Coates, an award-winning He plans to talk about these issues as he author and national correspondent for relates them to several main themes within the Atlantic, will give a talk entitled “On his works. Race in America” in the Cintas Center on “Coates can be a blunt speaker and Sept. 26. writer, someone who does not hide Well known for his often controversial from difficult truths, but he is also a writing on cultural issues and race relations poetic writer,” Gottlieb said. “This in America, he has become familiar to many combination, I think, will make it a in various university classrooms who have unique event for students.” read his works. Coates has also written several “I first read his article ‘The Case for books on the issues he discusses in his Reparations’ when it was published in talks and presentations. The Atlantic during the summer of 2014,” He is well known for his memoir Associate Professor Gabe Gottlieb said. The Beautiful Struggle, a reflection “I thought it was an insightful and phil- on issues involving race, class and osophical essay my students could benefit masculinity that he faced growing from.” up in Baltimore as the son of a Since reading it, Gottlieb has taught the former Black Panther. SLHFHWRKLVÀUVW\HDUHWKLFVFODVVDQGFRQWLQ- His book Between the World and ues to connect its themes to those in Plato’s Me is also well-known for its pas- Republic during classroom discussion. sionate and lyrical essay addressed “Coates offers an important perspec- to his teenage son about his experi- tive on issues of race, one that will likely ence of being a Black man in America challenge the way students have thought today. about racial injustice and what is required His articles have appeared in the Village to meet the demands of justice,” Gottlieb Voice, the Washington City said. Paper, the Washington Gottlieb and his other colleagues invit- Post, the New York ed Ta-Nehisi Coates to Xavier to share his Times Magazine, Time important and distinctive voice on issues of Magazine and the race, police-community issues and the legacy New Yorker along with of racial injustice in America. his publications in the “Students will gain a deeper understand- Atlantic. ing on the importance of race and addressing Those who would like issues of racial injustice in American society. to attend his talk can pick up It is easy to turn your head the other way and tickets at the Cintas Center and to bury yourself in your work, but this is an Joseph-Beth Booksellers. opportunity to think about these issues and The event will be held in the Cintas hopefully to consider models of change,” Center at 7 p.m. on Sept. 26. Gottlieb said. All students are encouraged to come listen The title of his talk, “On Race in to the lecture and interact with the Greater America,” involves the current issues Cincinnati community. Photo courtesy of nyt.com of reparations, the legacy of racism and Author Ta-Nehisi Coates will speak as part of this year’s E/RS lecture series. Cincinnati plagued by wave of bomb threats BY MAX BRUNS AND “The Cincinnati Zoo & p.m., however the Zoo kept the was canceled. 2IÀFHUVGHFLGHGWRDOORZWKH Botanical gardens safely evac- doors closed for the remainder All persons in attendance of game to conclude and prepare a TAYLOR ZACHARY uated staff and guests today of the day due to ongoing safety the games were safely evacuated, “protected evacuation” of fans, Unsuspecting families and around 3:30 p.m. as a precau- concerns. and no one was injured in the students, and coaches. ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RIÀFHUV ZHUH WLRQDIWHUDQXQVSHFLÀHGWKUHDW The following night, bomb process. $IWHU WKH ÀQDO ZKLVWOH RIÀ- the targets of a series of bomb waa called into the Cincinnati threats led families and fans to Since the incident, a Mason FHUV EORFNHG RII WUDIÀF HQWHU- threats last week. Police,” the statement said. evacuate Mason High School’s High School student has been ing the school and organized a The Cincinnati Zoo received “The Zoo takes all threats seri- football stadium, as the team LGHQWLÀHGDVDVXVSHFW clean departure of over 10,000 a bomb threat in the early after- ously. We will continue to work prepared to play Moeller High Several hours after Mason attendees. noon of Sept. 8. with the Cincinnati Police to School. High School evacuated their 2IÀFHUVUHSRUWHGWKDWQRRQH Staff personnel quickly re- ensure the zoo remains a safe The caller who reported the IRRWEDOO VWDGLXP 3ROLFH RIÀFHUV was injured in the process of sponded by contacting local environment.” threat claimed there would be an learned of a bomb threat to evacuation. law enforcement agents and Following the report- explosion at two tailgating loca- Colerain High School. The Butler County bomb evacuating guests as well as ed threat, Cincinnati Police WLRQVDQGDOOUHVSRQGLQJRIÀFHUV The threat came at approxi- squad used K-9’s to sweep the themselves. Shortly after the brought bomb dogs to survey would be shot. mately 10 p.m. while the Colerain area for explosives. evacuation, the zoo released a the zoo facilities. As the threat came at approxi- High football game was coming As of Friday night, no explo- statement. The threat ended at 5:30 mately 6:10 p.m., the 7 p.m. game to a close. sives had been found. 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Henry Eden September 14, 2016 Campus News [email protected] Four Freshman kick of music series in tribute BY KEVIN THOMAS and those who lost their lives as a words of memory and sorrow felt Guest Writer result of the national tragedy. by all on that day, and history of Bespalko, who booked the their group. The Four Freshmen kicked JURXSKRSHGWKDWKRVWLQJWKHÀUVW 7KH )RXU )UHVKPHQ ÀQLVKHG off the 2016-17 Xavier University event of the Music Series on 9/11 the set by taking requests from Music Series with a memorial and would be perfect so that the series WKHFURZGDQGÀQLVKLQJZLWK´,W·V a 9/11 tribute in the Gallagher could have a tribute as part of the a Blue World” featuring the Men’s Student Center (GSC) Theater show. Chorus. The group dedicated the this past Sunday. “I approached that idea (of a song to the original four mem- Dr. Polina Bespalko, a music tribute) to Freshmen, and they said bers of the band that created the professor and the director of the that’s great,” Bespalko said, “And group 68 years ago. Series, opened up the stage by in- I thought maybe we should in- However, the crowd was not troducing The Four Freshmen, volve students, and Xavier’s Men’s willing to let them leave without a swing and jazz group that has Chorus graciously accepted.” DQHQFRUHÀQDOO\UHFHLYLQJDUHQ- been together since 1948 with The involvement of students dition of “Somewhere Over the rotating members. She then de- as part of the Music Series was Rainbow.” scribed the upcoming shows and a new addition and will remain The group is also active in mu- offered a tribute to those who lost prevalent in Bespalko’s vision for sic education, and helps to create their lives in the attacks on Sept.11 the future of the series. music literacy in school systems 2001. “We’re not just having a musi- around the country. The group hails from Las cal journey,” Bespalko said. “The According to the group’s web- Vegas, Nev. and consists of four artists are not just showcasing site, “Most important to The Four members: Bob Ferreia (Drums, talent, but actually involving stu- Freshmen is what it means to be bass vocals) Curtis Calderon dents and being able to work with an individual in a group/band, (Trumpet, third part vocals) Stein them.” no matter the size and to realize Malvey (Guitar, second part vo- The Four Freshmen brought and capitalize on the fact that you cals) and Tommy Boynton (bass the audience on a musical journey are creating a sound with those guitar, lead vocals). The original with them, ranging from playing around you, and how much your four freshman group was cre- slow ballads to swinging rendi- own strength of sound can affect ated in 1948, and since then, new tions of classics, in addition to the larger picture.” PHPEHUVKDYHÀOWHUHG several new arrangements, both The series continues next The Four Freshmen contin- originals from the Freshmen to Sunday, Sept. 18, at 2:30 p.m. with ued that tribute when they came works by John Coltrane and Duke Thibaut Garcia, a French classi- out on stage, bringing with them Ellington. cal guitarist. similar events con- the Men’s Choir, and singing an During the breaks between tinue throughout the school year. photos courtesy of newyorkdailynews.com, blogspot.com a cappella rendition of “The Star songs, the Freshmen continued Tickets can be purchased online The memorial beams shine where the world trade center once stood Spangled Banner” dedicated to with playful banter amongst them- (top).
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