1 TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | 75¢ Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM $400M BOY REUNITED WITH STOLEN PUPPY Voting sliced district from changes now set budget Realignment will Gov. Scott vetoes correct disparities money earmarked in voter numbers. by top legislators. By DEREK GILLIAM By GARY FINEOUT
[email protected] Associated Press Lake City’s new voting TALLAHASSEE — Florida district boundary lines were Gov. Rick Scott, who had a unanimously approved at tough time winning coopera- M o n d a y tion this past year from the night’s city Republican-led Legislature, c o u n c i l struck back on Monday by meeting. vetoing near- M a y o r ly $400 mil- Stephen Witt lion from the said after state’s new the meeting budget. the changes Witt S c o t t were needed praised the as some dis- Scott overall bud- tricts contained more reg- get — which JASON MATTHEW WALKER/Lake City Reporter istered voters than others. now stands at roughly $74.1 Samuel Claridy, 4, reacts Monday after being reunited with Calypso, his 3-month-old, pitbull/Labrador puppy at his Also, Witt said he felt the billion — because it includes home in northern Columbia County. Calypso was stolen by two teenagers for a few hours on May 14. Samuel was change came at an appropri- spending increases in areas diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and uses the puppy for therapy. See story, Page 3A. ate time between elections. such as education. The bud- “It’s something we’ve been get, for example, includes needing to do and it was $480 million that is aimed at the right time to do it,” Witt handing out pay raises for said.