EXPOShanghai Newsletter

Countdown: 690 days to go www.expo2010china.com Newsletter No.4 June 10 2008 March of the Expo volunteers MORE than 15,700 ideas for a World Expo 2010 volunteer theme and slogan are under consideration. The winner will be an- nounced in October when the re- cruitment of volunteers begins. There are 6,982 entries for the logo and 8,156 for the slogan contest, according to the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coor- dination. Entries were submitted from the Chinese mainland, Kong, Macau and Taiwan and many other regions and countries including Britain, Italy, Japan, France and Mauritius. Solicitations began on December 5 2007 and finished on April 30 2008. The volunteer logo is to be The World Expo Exhibition Center at downtown Hong Kong New World Tower is attracting visitors. modern but embody Chinese characteristics and will be integrated with the Expo logo. At least 20,000 volunteers Center launch marks are needed for 38 types of on- site positions, including interpreters, media assistants, traffic guides and “environ- ment maintainers.” Expo countdown

Center a big hit SHANGHAI opened the Expo working on the details. M. Nearly 66,000 people have vis- Shanghai Exhibition Center and The Bureau of Shanghai World “This exhibition center will ited the Expo Exhibition Cen- unveiled the ticket sales plan for Expo Coordination plans to start create the necessary bridge ter by May 25. the world fair on May 1, marking trial operation of the Expo site on between World Expo 2010 The center is receiving the two-year countdown to Expo January 1, 2010. Rehearsals for Shanghai China and the citi- nearly 3,000 visits daily. On 2010. the opening ceremony of the zens,” said Vicente Loscertales, the May 1 Labor Day holiday Tickets to the event are world fair is scheduled for April Secretary General of the Interna- more than 11,500 people went tentatively set at 160 1, 2010 and previews of the tional Expositions Bureau, in his through while on May 2, the (US$23) and are expected to go exhibits will begin on April 20. congratulatory letter on the number exceeded 5,000. on sale after the Beijing Olym- The six-month Expo starts on opening of the center. The Organizer had set a pics, most probably in late May 1. The center contains some rare ceiling of 3,000 visitors daily, September, the Expo Organizer The Organizer is expecting exhibits donated by regional but the enthusiasm of local said. more than a million people to governments including a brick residents was so high that According to the Organizer, visit the new exhibition center from the Great Wall donated by they had to allow more people they have finished the draft plan on the third floor of the Hong Hebei Province. to enter. for ticket sales and are now Kong New World Tower on More, Page 3 Expo Fact A total of 11 corporate pavilions have been confirmed for World Expo 2010 Shanghai China to date. 2 www.expo2010china.com Newsletter No. 4, June 10 2008

In Brief Expo roadshow in Auto companies sign contract The two exclusive automobile part- ners of Expo 2010 signed the Fujian draws crowds event’s first participation contract for corporate pavilions in May. THE Expo 2010 roadshow reached Fuzhou, Shanghai Automotive Industry capital of Fujian Province, on May 17 for a Corp and General Motors Corp weeklong promotion in this coastal province in were the first to confirm their cor- East China. porate pavilion and were the first The Organizer canceled the opening cer- to submit a theme for their joint ex- emony for the roadshow and donated the saved hibition. The SAIC-GM corporate money to Sichuan Province which was hit by a pavilion will present the concept of devastating earthquake on May 12. “sustainable personal mobility.” The May 17-23 promotion in Fujian featured a The concept is part of an emerging 1,200-square-meter exhibition. The exhibition, class of vehicles for single-person which also stopped in 10 other Chinese cities, has transport and is a new direction in already attracted more than 800,000 visitors . the automobile industry. The exhibition highlighted some Fujian prod- ucts, such as hand-made combs, lacquerware and Coca-Cola to build paper umbrellas, which received golden medal corporate pavilion at previous World Expos. THE Coca-Cola Company, a global Ye Shuangyu, Deputy Governor of Fujian Province, visited the exhibition, accompanied by partner of Expo 2010, has con- Zhong Yanqun, Deputy Director of the Shang- firmed its construction of a corpo- hai 2010 World Expo Executive Committee. rate pavilion for World Expo 2010 Ye said Fujian would use the Expo platform Shanghai China. It is the 11th con- to showcase its glamor. firmed corporate pavilion for the Fujian has already established a special commit- event. Coca-Cola will showcase its tee to prepare its exhibit for Expo Shanghai. understanding of the Expo Shang- The province has also proposed four candi- hai theme “Better City, Better Life” dates for the theme of Fujian exhibit and asked by displaying its practices and re- for public opinions during the promotion week. search in environmental protection Meanwhile, lectures and forums were held during beverage production. It will during the roadshow. The Organizer plans to take create an enjoyable experience for a smaller version of the Expo exhibition to some visitors. local universities in Fuzhou. Gas and power supplier named A young visitor enjoys the Expo 2010 SHENERGY Co, a Shanghai-based roadshow in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. power and gas supplier, will take charge of power and gas supplies for Online the six-month Expo Shanghai. The company signed a sponsorship agreement with the Organizer on May 10. Renewable energy is cru- cial to sustainable development and Saudi Arabia to participate in creating a better urban life, Expo official Zhong Yanqun said at the Expo Shanghai Online project signing ceremony.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on The country has chosen a B-type kilometer Expo site in Shanghai. Weather pavilion May 11 confirmed its participation pavilion setting, an advanced one, People will be able to visit the site shows green living in Expo Shanghai Online. to allow visitors to interact in the by accessing the Internet from any- The World Meteorological Organi- Saudi Arabia submitted its partici- virtual pavilion. where in the world. zation (WMO) signed an Expo par- pation confirmation form with a sig- Several countries are in discus- ticipation contract on May 9. Expo nature from Commissioner General sions about joining the project, said Contacts: Coordination Bureau Chief Hong H.R.H. Prince Dr Mansour Bin the Organizer. Chen Xuyan Hao and Xu Xiaofeng, Deputy Di- Mutaib Bin Abdulaziz, to the Bu- Expo Shanghai Online is one of Tel: 86-21-2206 2079 rector of China Meteorological Bu- reau of Shanghai World Expo Co- the two highlights of Expo 2010, Email: chenxuyuan@expo2010. reau, signed the contract represent- ordination. along with the Urban Best Practices gov.cn ing each party. China is a member Saudi Arabia is the second coun- Area project. Chen Xiaobo of WMO. Green living, energy con- try, following Switzerland, to par- By using Internet technology, the Tel: 86-21-2206 2085 servation and efficiency will be ticipate in the Expo Shanghai Online project will present a virtual tour of Email: chenxiaobo@expo2010. highlighted in the 2,000-square- project. all the pavilions in the 5.28-square- gov.cn meter Meteorology Pavilion. Expo Fact To date, 42 countries and international organizations have signed Expo participation contracts. Newsletter No. 4, June 10 2008 www.expo2010china.com 3 Provinces tout unique New center offers a charm in Expo show glimpse of Expo Frigid Heilongjiang Province and tropical Yunnan Province will be MORE than one million people are showcasing their urban achievements expected to visit, and be thrilled, by at Expo 2010 on the central theme of the city’s newly inaugurated Expo “Better City, Better Life.” Shanghai Exhibition Center on the The two provinces recently sub- third floor of the Hong Kong New mitted themes for their exhibits. All World Tower on Huaihai Road M. mainland provinces will have an ex- The 1,000-square-meter display hibit in the joint China Pavilion. presents the history of World Expo, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan will foreign and Chinese memorabilia have separate pavilions. from previous events, and updates Heilongjiang, the northernmost on participants, pavilions, planning province bordering , suggests and infrastructure. “Ice and Snow Make Us Unique” and The designs for national pavil- “Livability of a Cool City” as the ions will be displayed as soon as theme; Yunnan which borders they are released. Myanmar and Thailand favors “Col- One of the oldest bricks from the orful Yunnan, Harmonious Urban Great Wall, a contribution by Hebei and Rural Development.” Province, is on display — it was first The new Expo Exhibition Center will feature a myriad of great The Expo 2010 roadshow in exhibited with nine others at Expo displays, information and Expo memorabilia. Kunming, capital of Yunnan, in Janu- 1982 in Knoxville in the southern Center last August to mark the Expo 1889 in Paris is also on ary, drew enthusiastic response from US state of Tennessee. 1,000-day countdown. It boasts display. “People had to wait three local people. The province is a well- A replica of a Maotai liquor many multimedia and interactive hours to see the gramophone known tourist destination for those bottle is shown as well. The original displays. invented almost 120 years ago, who long for nature, Shangri-La and was broken on purpose at the minority cultures. It has 52 of the to- 1915’s Panama-Pacific Interna- National flags line the walkway now it’s just a touch away,” said tal 56 ethnic minorities in China. tional Exposition in San Francisco to the entrance. “The colorful Yu. Minorities account for 30 percent of — to attract drinkers with its entrance marks a grand gathering Yunnan’s population. aroma. It worked. The liquor from of all nations. Perhaps only at the Opening hours: 9am-6pm Heilongjiang, too, is famous for an ancient distillery in Guizhou United Nations can we see a Reservations required. Visitors breathtaking winter scenery and Province in southwest China similar scene,” said Yu Li, chief must book three days in advance sports. The annual Harbin Ice Sculp- became a world-famous brand after planner of the exhibition. by calling 6335-3336 or 6335- ture Festival draws hundreds of thou- winning a gold medal at the Expo. He praised Hebei and Guizhou 3338 (English service) sands of tourists from around the The new show is similar to, but provinces for their contribution of Online booking: www.scw.org.cn/ world. The average annual tempera- bigger and more colorful than, the precious exhibits. TesseraShow.aspx (in Chinese) ture in Heilongjiang ranges from mi- Expo roadshow held at the Shang- The Thomas Edison Address: 3/F, 300 Huaihai Rd M. nus 5 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees. hai Urban Planning Exhibition gramophone that was unveiled at Admission: Free

Your Say Dr. Jean Marie Cishahayo, Commissioner General A.I. for Burundi in World Expo 2010 Shanghai China

CHINA is the first developing competitiveness in civilization and country to host the World Expo. development. For African countries, most of African Africa has an open retail market which are also developing coun- where foreigners can easily open a tries, Expo Shanghai will surely shop and develop trade. Until now become a unique opportunity for countries can trade between China and Africa is them to promote and display their more than 70 percent indirect and historical values, cultural unique- less than 30 percent direct. ness and business opportunities. learn from We welcome the (establishment The most important task in of Chinese) production assembly Expo 2010 for African countries is lines in Africa as a form of direct Dr. Cishahayo Chinese ‘way’ to transform a traditional friend- or joint-venture investment. These ship into a real partnership with China has made it possible for mutual understanding. will make cheap products, increase China and the world. other continents’ less-developed Expo Shanghai can provide the African consumer market The Chinese government has countries to attend this important African countries a platform for capability, technology transfer and decided to provide a US$100 global event. direct cross-cultural communica- industrial development. million aid fund to developing Although China has had a strong tion with the Chinese people and World Expos, however, are not countries, US$650,000 for each official and traditional relationship the market. Millions of people merely commercial exhibitions. qualified applicant for exhibitions, with African countries for the last from all over the world will visit The spirit of Expo is cultural booths, activities and accommoda- five decades, people in the two the African pavilion and discover promotion and national branding tion during the Expo. continents still need to enhance Africa’s spirit of innovation and in general. Expo Fact To date, 205 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in Expo 2010. 4 www.expo2010china.com Newsletter No. 4, June 10 2008

The pick-up sticks-inspired Italian Pavilion design. The German Pavilion will be all about balance in diversity.

The 3,600-square-meter structure is comprised of Chinese functional modules of different Germany’s urban shapes, bounded by the “sticks.” game They can be assembled into smaller structures and after balancing act Expo Shanghai the project will be disassembled and inspires reconfigured. CITIES can be great places to live, The German government will The Expo 2010 theme is as long as there’s balance in diver- invest 30 million euros (US$47.34 “Better City, Better Life,” so sity instead of uniformity and mo- million), and some German Italian living green, recycling and notony. It’s all about equilibrium and companies will also contribute, reusing urban construction harmony. That’s the idea of said Dietmar Schmitz, commis- materials are part of ideal city “Balancity,” the German Pavilion for sioner-general of the German Pavilion World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. Section in the Expo. life. “Green” was also a The 6,000-square-meter Pavilion architect Lennart standard for Italian designers, FOR children of the 1970s and pavilion, Germany’s largest-ever at Wiechell said the highlight of the since national pavilions will be 1980s in Shanghai, a game of an Expo, showcases German urban pavilion is a cone-shaped structure removed after the six-month pick-up sticks stirs nostalgia. We life and how German design and that can accommodate 750 event, said Giampaolo Imbrighi, all know the game, it’s known products can help solve urbaniza- visitors. In the center of the cone the designer. worldwide: Drop a bunch of tion problems. It’s Germany’s is a 1-ton metal sphere, 3 meters in “These parts can be rebuilt on sticks and try to remove them contribution to the Expo theme diameter and covered with 30,000 one by one without disturbing single squares of Italian cities, “Better City, Better Life.” LEDs displaying a kaleidoscope of the others – a game of dexterity as a reminder of the contempo- The recently unveiled Balancity images during a five-minute show. and mental concentration. rary quality of Expo Shanghai design has a feeling of light, with To begin the show, spectators In Italy, the game is known amid the continuous and three exhibition areas that seem to must shout and move, according to as “Shanghai” (the game was industrious buzz of Italian urban float within the airy structure. the directions of virtual guides. played in ancient China, maybe everyday life,” said the Italian The pavilion will demonstrate The image display will respond to Marco Polo took it home), and organizers. the importance of balance between movement and sound. The more Italy recently announced that Italy will use 6,000 square modernization and preservation, active people are, the more energy its national pavilion design at meters for its pavilion, sur- innovation and tradition, commu- they create, the more the sphere World Expo 2010 Shanghai rounded on three sides by water, nity and the individual, work and will react. Around 9 million China is inspired by pick-up which will reflect natural light leisure, and between globalization visitors are expected during Expo sticks. into the exhibition space. and national identity. period, around 50,000 per day. This comes as a charming The design uses a cutting- surprise for Shanghai. , edge construction material Bureau of Shanghai Italy, will play host to the known as transparent concrete. World Expo in 2015. Imbrighi’s winning design, World Expo Coordination The rectangular Italy chosen among 65 candidates in Pavilion is laced with intersect- Europe, is “characterized by a Contact us: ing lines – representing a very flexible internal space, Tel: +86-21-2206-2010 number of pick-up sticks. where an artificial landscape Fax: +86-21-2206-0670 It looks as though the made of alleys, streets and Email: [email protected] shadow of jumbled sticks had squares is situated,” said Franco Address: 3588 Road S. been projected onto the Purini, professor of architecture Shanghai 200125, China surface, and the surface itself at Rome’s La Sapienza ! PRUU  then sliced accordingly. University. Visit www.expo2010china.com for more news & information