Regulation of the Uk Electricity Industry
INDUSTRY BRIEF REGULATION OF THE UK ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY 2002 edition Gillian Simmonds REGULATION OF THE UK ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY 2002 edition CRI Industry Brief Gillian Simmonds Desktop published by Jan Marchant © The University of Bath All rights reserved ISBN PREFACE The CRI is pleased to publish the 2002 edition of its industry brief on the Regulation of the UK Electricity Industry, having updated it for developments since the 1998 edition. It has been prepared by Gillian Simmonds, a Research Officer at the CRI, and supersedes the first edition which was prepared by Carole Hicks, then a Research Officer at the CRI. The brief is part of a set of CRI industry briefs for the utilities and network industries, covering water, energy, transport and communications. The structure and regulation of the electricity industry has changed considerably since 1998, including developments such as the new electricity trading arrangements (NETA), competition in electricity supply and the Utilities Act 2000, which created, amongst other things, separate, independent arrangements for consumer representation (energywatch) and the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the ‘Authority’), which took over the powers and duties of the Director General. The new 2002 edition is, therefore, substantially a new document, rather than a ‘revision’. The CRI would welcome comments on the Brief, which can be taken into account as CRI Industry Briefs have to be updated from time to time in line with developments in the Industry, and will be published as a ‘revised’ or subsequent ‘edition’. Comments should be addressed to: Peter Vass Director – CRI School of Management University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY The CRI publishes work on regulation by a wide variety of authors, covering a range of regulatory topics and disciplines, in its International, Occasional and Technical Paper series.
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