​Saxon Headlining Lemmy 500 in Sweden

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​Saxon Headlining Lemmy 500 in Sweden 2016-03-23 13:49 CET Saxon headlining Lemmy 500 in Sweden The British world-renowned rock band Saxon will headline the Swedish racingseries V8 Thunder Cars final, the Lemmy 500 at Ljungbyhed in September 24. Saxon will give the Swedish audience a full concert and to honour the legendary frontman of Motorhead, Lemmy Kilmister who passed away recently, Saxon will also team up with the former members of Motorhead, Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell to make a one-off musical tribute to Lemmy performing some of Motorheads greatest hits. ”It´s going to be great to come back and see all our Swedish fans! This event is something special an unique. We have never before made a concert at a racetrack on a raceday and also to do a tribute to our long time friend and rock icon Lemmy along with Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell”, says Biff Byford, the lead singer of Saxon, whose latest album Battering Ram reached number 13 on the Swedish charts. ”This is going to be a night to remember! Playing some of Motorheads greatest hits together with our friends Saxon is going to be a great tribute to our former friend and band member. The Lemmy 500 will go down in history as the rockiest race championship final ever!”, says former drummer of Motorhead, Mikkey Dee. The Swedish national championship racing series V8 Thunder Cars has been given the go-ahead to name its final race in honour of Lemmy – the winner of the Lemmy 500 and the championship will be crowned on stage before the concert starts. ”There will be no other race more prestigious to win than the Lemmy 500 in Sweden,” says Alexander Graff, runner up in the championship last year and one of the favorites for the title this year. ”It will be one hell of a final, a true party of rock ’n roll and racing mixed together. Both Saxon and Motorhead are huge here in Sweden and we will make sure the spectators will feel right at home in our paddock – we are quite a rowdy but friendly bunch and definitely more rock ’n’ roll than the glamour that is so often associated with motorsports.” Tickets will go on sale in May on ticketmaster.se For more information, please contact: Joakim Tarnstrom Media Officer V8 Thunder Cars +47(0)72-503 96 36 [email protected] Mer om V8 Thunder Cars V8 Thunder Cars är en racingklass med sina rötter i amerikanska racingtraditioner – det handlar om muskler under huven och tät racing. För att hålla ned driftkostnaderna och skapa sportsligt rättvisa förhållanden används enhetschassin och enhetsmotorer i V8 Thunder Cars. Motorerna, V8:or på 450 hästkrafter, tillverkas av General Motors racingavdelning och chassit är framtaget och utvecklat av Howe Racing Enterprises USA och Performance Automotive Scandinavia. Deltagarna kan välja mellan tre olika karosser, Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro och Dodge Challenger. V8 Thunder Cars har i sin nuvarande form existerat sedan 1987 (fram till 2012 under namnet Camaro Cup) men klassens anor sträcker sig ända tillbaka till 1975 då Superstar Cup, en klass för enbart Chevrolet Camaro-bilar hade premiär. V8 Thunder Cars fick RM-status 2008 och samma år gick man också över till miljöanpassat bränsle från Aspen. Från och med 2013 har V8 Thunder Cars SM-status i banracing. För mer information, kontakta: Joakim Tärnström Media Officer V8 Thunder Cars Tel: +46(0)72-503 96 36 Mail: [email protected] Tony Bryntesson VD Performance Automotive Scandinavia AB Tel: 0705-55 33 08 Mail: [email protected] Kontaktpersoner Joakim Tärnström Presskontakt Media Officer PR- och kommunikation [email protected] 072-503 96 36.
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