Frequentism-as-model Christian Hennig, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Universita die Bologna, Via delle Belle Arti, 41, 40126 Bologna
[email protected] July 14, 2020 Abstract: Most statisticians are aware that probability models interpreted in a frequentist manner are not really true in objective reality, but only idealisations. I argue that this is often ignored when actually applying frequentist methods and interpreting the results, and that keeping up the awareness for the essential difference between reality and models can lead to a more appropriate use and in- terpretation of frequentist models and methods, called frequentism-as-model. This is elaborated showing connections to existing work, appreciating the special role of i.i.d. models and subject matter knowledge, giving an account of how and under what conditions models that are not true can be useful, giving detailed interpreta- tions of tests and confidence intervals, confronting their implicit compatibility logic with the inverse probability logic of Bayesian inference, re-interpreting the role of model assumptions, appreciating robustness, and the role of “interpretative equiv- alence” of models. Epistemic (often referred to as Bayesian) probability shares the issue that its models are only idealisations and not really true for modelling reasoning about uncertainty, meaning that it does not have an essential advantage over frequentism, as is often claimed. Bayesian statistics can be combined with frequentism-as-model, leading to what Gelman and Hennig (2017) call “falsifica- arXiv:2007.05748v1 [stat.OT] 11 Jul 2020 tionist Bayes”. Key Words: foundations of statistics, Bayesian statistics, interpretational equiv- alence, compatibility logic, inverse probability logic, misspecification testing, sta- bility, robustness 1 Introduction The frequentist interpretation of probability and frequentist inference such as hy- pothesis tests and confidence intervals have been strongly criticised recently (e.g., Hajek (2009); Diaconis and Skyrms (2018); Wasserstein et al.