NARSES Bibliography Publications relative to the history of Science and Orthodoxy relations from the Fathers of the Church to the 20th century

Adamson P., Baltussen H. and Stone M. W. F. (eds), Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries, London: University of London, 2004. Agapitos P. A., «Teachers, pupils and imperial power in eleventh-century Byzantium», N. Livingston and Y. L. Too (eds), Pedagogy and Power: Rhetorics of Classical Learning, Cambridge, 1998, 170-191. Ahrweiler H., «Recherches sur la société byzantine au XIe siècle : Nouvelles hiérarchies et nouvelles solidarités», Travaux et Mémoires 6 (1976), 99-124. Alexander P. J., «The Iconoclastic Council of St Sophia (815)», Dumbarton Oaks Papers VII (1952), 60-66. Alexander P. J., The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition, D. de F. Abrahamse (ed.), Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1985. Allamany Marie-Elisabeth, introduction, Les Pères de l’église et l’astrologie (Church Fathers and Astrology), Migne, Paris, 2003. Allard A., "Le petit traité d'Isaac Argyre sur la racine carrée," Centaurus 22 (1979) 14-29. 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Antoniou Y., Assimakopoulos M. and Chatzis K., “The National Identity of Inter-War Greek Engineers: Elitism, Rationalization, Technocracy, and Reactionary Modernism.” History and Technology: An International Journal 23, no. 3 (2007): 241–61. Antoniou Y., Οι Έλληνες Μηχανικοί - Θεσµοί Και Ιδέες 1900-1940 (The Greek Engineers: Institutions and Ideas 1900 -1945). Athens, Vivliorama, 2006. Arabatzi Aik., Η κοσµολογία του Ιωάννη Δαµασκηνού (The Cosmology of John of 1 Damascus) masters thesis, University of Athens and National Technical University of Athens, 1999. Arabatzis G., «Michel d’Éphèse et le cercle philosophique d’Anne Comnène. Introduction à la question du τιµιώτερον», Παρνασσός 46 (2004), 105‐112. Argyriou A., Les exégèses grecques de l’Apocalypse à l’époque turque (1453-1821). Esquisse d’une histoire des courants idéologiques au sein du peuple grec asservi, Thessaloniki, 1982. 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Baltussen H., «From Polemic to Exegesis: The Ancient Philosophical Commentary», Poetics Today 28 (2007), 247-289. Banescu A., «A propos de Kékauménos », Byzantion 13 (1938), 129-138. Barbanti M. and Martello C. (eds.), Neoplatonismo pagano vs Neoplatonismo cristiano. Identità e intersezioni. Atti del Seminario. Catania, 25-26 settembre 2004, Symbolon 32, Catania: Edizione CUECM, 2006. Barnard Leslie W., The Graeco-Roman and oriental background of the Iconoclastic controversy, Leiden, 1974. Barnes J., «Metacommentary», Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 10 (1992), 267- 281. Bassi D., Martini, E., Codices Mediolanenses [Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum 3], Brussels, 1901. Beck H. G., Das byzantinische Jahrtausend, Munich: Beck, 1978. Becker A. H., «The Dynamic Reception of Theodore of Mopsuestia in the Sixth Century: Greek, Syriac, and Latin», Johnson, S. F. (ed.), Greek literature in Late Antiquity. 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Wiesner (ed.), Aristoteles: Werk und Wirkung II, Berlin, 1987, 352-79. Benakis L., «Michael Psellos’ Kritik an Aristoteles und seine eigene Lehre zur ‘Physis’- und ‘Materie-Form’-Problematik», Byzantinische Zeitschrift 56 (1963), 213- 227. Benakis L., «Studien zu den Aristoteles-Kommentaren des Michael Psellos», Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 43 (1961), 215–235. Benakis L., «Βυζαντινά σχόλια στον Πλάτωνα και τον Αριστοτέλη», Υπόµνηµα στη Φιλοσοφία, 4. 2 (2006), 141-154. Benakis L., «Ἡ Βυζαντινή Φιλοσοφία στήν σύγχρονη ἔρευνα», Μεσαιωνική Φιλοσοφία. Σύγχρονη ἔρευνα και προβληµατισµοί, Αthens, 2000, 23-44. Benakis L., “Grundbibliographie zum Aristoteles-Studium in Byzanz”, in: J. Wiesner (ed.), Aristoteles: Werk und Wirkung II, Berlin, 1987, 352-79. Benevich Gr., «John Philoponus and Maximus the Confessor at the Crossroads of Philosophical and Theological Thought in Late Antiquity», Scrinium VII-VIII. 1 (2011-12), 102-130. 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