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Download Musical Numbers and Cast and Crew Here ffiffiffie*re1ry SAN DII(]O CIYIC TIISATNE June 13-18.2017 l"1l[llAit tlARfil50li, DAilI0 lAil and llt0[filAli0[R PfilSfilTATl0l,i5, il{[. f! Irill Si,u;}go'U#"*=r} ! iI!r \I1.1\r,-.\l ffased on theUIARI{IR BR0S. film sreenptay b],|-Afrlfttfll[t I{ASDA|\I tuor ry ALIXA|{DIR DIl[ELARIS Starring DIBORAH EOX and JUDSOIJ $}ILLS *ith OOIJ$I,ASBALOIO Atffi CORRATO JARIDTAIJBIL IIIARLISGilAY JOI{AT}IAtr ilADIY lItlfill! H. JOf,JIS III JOR6E PAIIINGUA JASIHII'I RICHARDSOIj llYSSAJ0BR0{{ll $ffii!}$I{lHAl! \{l[ttDtI HE0AI{tLYStlULiiffi AtuAtiDRAlilAT0S 0iCiJliJAl'!00fl1 BaADf0fi0RAtlllli0ltJ BililAliIli,Rll,tRA SlAl{&0lAlt5zu l{AITHIlldS[Hh1|0I tA0ljt/,1ll0Rf stllls |it[M spti{fffi tA{J[fr{ TANIR f!A0$11 t. ffi,: li;hting !eiigner Video 0rsigrrer 5ourd"{rALL[y Designer l'{4ft( l{lfil[RSOl{ DIJIIIAlj luTLIAI{ RiCHARD BROOKII Iiodlcli,;, Il,i.ral 5..!"rvisor 0rciestrahr and trddiiienal ilusir 5'Jotal irran;errents CilfiIS IfiAIiJ Ntl(t illx0t{ Asroliaie Direilor l,lusital 5L;rrrvisor f,:sistani lhlreographer rfiAl{t( Tfl0[IPSor{ RICIIARD BIA$LI AIIY IHORI,{IOi{ Hai; 'liigs & IlaLeLip hi,,islcal Drrerior l,lusiial lorrdlnatnr tAr!1PB[t Y0lJt{6 ASS0eiAIlS r''1AITll[I,I,ISi,lIOAL IAIITfiATffiR It l'lljsl[ ffirrBi{Alr0r{f,r r lastirg 0irector Iaur Bookin* trgeniy iour iriarketirg PA{JL }iAfiDT IllI BOOtiII{[ O&OUT A[lYtfiTl IrliRtDlTll BtAlfi leteral [1aril!rr lrc.ll ttrcrr StaSt lia,rager Production liianagri ( T ROi A TI,ITiRTA IIiIJ i I{T lJtLtsSA ItjA[0i! TR0lltA Itiltfl TAltiiidt$lT JIIJ tAiIAliAIt Artll.1lA I BflIE firoreegrapher fiAftIH BRIIII $et I lt$ume $migner TI},I }IATIiY :. 0irecfur Tit[f; sfi$RR0t}( 0riginally produ*d i* ihe $Jst ind ol lnridan by !,{ichael t{arisan fnterlalnnent and 8atiid lan P{odrl$iors. lhe U$ Tour premiered at?aper [Iill Playhouse, redpient of the i$l6 Hegiona! l}atre Tany Alurd. Pnduted wlth pennission of Ulamer Brm. Ilieatre lleniures, lnr pLAyBILL llris pmdufiion has rrot bmn aulhorized by tire tstate of l{hitney ffuu$on. CAST in order of appearcnce Frank Farrner JUDSON MILLS Klingman..... MATTHEW Assassin ...... BRADFORD RAHMLOI\' Raehel Maron DEBORAII COX Bitl Devaney .. CHARLES GRAY Tony Scibetli ...., ALEX CORRADCI The Stalker.... .. JORGE PAr\IAGUA Fletcher (Tue, Thu, Sat Eve & Sun Mat) DOUGLAS BALDEG Fletcher . {Wed. Fri, Sat Mat & Sun Eve). " . KEYELIN E. JONES II} Sy Spector ... ...JONATHAN HADLEI: Rory,., .".....BRADFoRDRAHMLoE Douglas...... ...... MATTHEII SCHMIDT Nicki Maron. .......JASMIN RICHARDSOI{ Ray Court .. .. JARID FAUBEL DJ........, ,,.... MATTHEWSCHMIDT Backup Yocalist... DEQUINA MOORE rfrilr, College Cirls..... .... MEGAN ELYSE FULMER, DEQUINA MOORE. H NAOMI C, W'ALLEY: :, Jimmy ... ..... MATTHEW SCHMIDT Stage Manager . ....... ..... MATTHEW SCHMIDT 0scar Host MATTHEW SCIIMIDT Ensernble...... ......BRENDON CI{AN, MEGAN ELYSE FULMER. ALETANDRA MATOS, DEQUINA MOORE, BRADFORD R.AHMLOW, BENJ,AMTN RivERA, MAT"IIEW SCi{MI}?, J,{QUEZ ANDRE SIMS. NICOLE SPENCER. NAOMI C. WALLEY SWINGS ELYSSA JO BROWN, WILLIE DEE, SEAN ROZANSKI, LAI'REN TANNER DANCECAPTAIN BENJAMINRIVERA FIGHT CAPTAIN SEANROZANSKT UNDEBSTTIDTES Undentudies net er substiutte for listed pet{onners unless c specific cstttouacetnerci is made at tke time o{the pe$ortnance. For Frank Fanner: JARID FAUBEL, JORGE PANIACUA; For fi"achel Marron: DEQUINA MOORE, JASM{N RICHARDSON, NAOMI C. WALLEY; ForBill Devaney: MATTI{EW SCHMIDT, i: :, ri:r:: . ir r:-i::_lr:..:;.:: ::1..,.:.:::,a;::. JAQUEZ ANDRE SIMS; ForTony Scibelli: BRADFOBD RAt{tvILOW, JAeUEZ t:i:- :rr.,: :,..: :r::: ::' :.. :..U:.. : l.:::.rjit::l:::.i,: :-1:i'rl::- ANDRE SIMS; For The Stalker: BENJAMIN RMRA, MATTHEW SCHMIDT; For Sy Specror: JORGE PANIAGUA, MATTHEW SCHMIDT; For Nicki Marron: DEQUINA MOORE, NAOMI C. WALLEY; For Ray Courr: BR{DFORD RAHMLOW, MATTHEW SCHMTDT use of any recordff,f#f?i#ll.,ii,#i: @rn" mlffhmr*h: rirkins orphorosraphs. S!::. F . 1O PI-AYBILL lFlAYtfrwm?jcofrl S.t, ffia..r.: l ff'!r::.:: MUSICAL NUII{IBERS ALL AT ONCE ALL THE MAN THAT I NEED GREATEST LOVE OF ALL HOW WILL I KNOW I HA\'E NOTHING I'M EVERY1VOMAN I IYA}INA DANCE \YITI{ SOMEBODY l WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU }ESUS LOVES ME MILLION DOLLAR BILL ONE MOMENT IN TIME QUEEN OFTHE MGHT RUN TO YOU SAVING ALL MY LOVE SO EMOTIONAL WIIERE DO BROKEN }IEARTS GO THERE WILL BE ONE I,^MINUTE TNTERMISSION ORCIItrSTRA Music Dircetor/ KeY s,' Matthew Smedal Assoeiate Masb DireetsrlKeys: Wendell Vaughn Wood.winds: Owen Eroder Trumpet: David D. Torres Gaitar: Michael Karcher' Ralph Agresta ' Bdss.' John Toney Drurns: Joe McCarthy ' Mttsic Caorditator: Talitha Fefu {TL Music Internationai) MUSIC CREDITS Mxic Publishing Greup' .AU at Oncd' w.iren od composid by Osborne od M**r- Pcblishe<l by Music Sal* Co{lor*ion ed Unile6al "AIi Corp. Body Elecrrie ,Iusit {BN{l,r' the *Ian I Need,, Ey r:*a Pitchford md Michael Coe. tutrlishecl try Wmer-Tmerime Publishirg {BMII' (Sret6t of AIl" WdFer b)'LiirdaCHd mcl Fifth of Marh MBSie {BMI}. AU rig}rrs*dministered bylYm:er-Tmertam PublishhgCup. I-Ye Publishiag LLC. Ail riSht arl Michael fi{[Er. pubtishcd lry qllt Crltl Horizoa lluir: Co!p. AI {ights aduitisteed by SonlCATY it{ucic ..IIow Shmon Rubicm. reseneri. Urd by peodssicr. if itl I XnolvJ' Wriuen md cmpued by Nmda lliehae} Walden. George Menili ud cf iuelf atd &rbtished by Udwal Slmic publishbg Croupud WE rVusic Corp. (ASCAP) ildCrati8lde lvluric {SOCAN}. All righrs on behalf by Pwmuic lll Ltd Gratitude lliuic adm&isioed by $/B l,luic C+rp- '{ I{are liilthing" Ey Darid Fo*er a*tl Linda Thompso*. fublished ' U[ivexalMusicfutdishingGropmdLhda'sBoysL4usic(Bl.4I)- Altdgirtsonbehdfoflirda'sBaysL{otitadministeredbyWmrer:?mrrlae val tublishirg Corp,.I,nE*-ery l{oman'n ll,ritten t1 },iickolas Astrlbrd axi Yalyie Sisrpsor. Poblished by Nich O l4uiic Co lrc {Adrninistered peei*ion lYaura by EMI April Music lac.) All igh$ adntEilered by Son1l,ATV S{usic fulrlishiig LLC. Al1 righrs re*ned Used t'y "I Dale Groug. lYill Alwa}s tove Ym" ri& Somebodl- wriuea ud rmy*rd b1. Meriit ad Rubican. tublishe{t by Udvesal L{uic Pubtishing '{ \\'irus ud Ce&ic lvripetr asd cofiposd by DoIy Partffi. hrblishid b! Cillh MEir Caryomtis. '?esr l*r'e *te" l['rittm tt1'Benjanin Nlusic bc. All righrr admininered Cddive$. tublistrd by BhI6 Rights. Mmagemenr ruK) Ltd., a B!v{G Chrysalis coupaly, mrl Eil{i Elack*oql b}. Sonl/ATV lr{usir hrblisirhg ltC- All rights r6eR€d. Lrrd b} lemissim. "llIil1kil Soll5r Bllt' Written by Alicia AugelloCmk. Al}a Felder. Kassem Dem. Nomm Hmis md &olald Tyson. fublishel by Udversai Mssic Prblishing Sr-rupmd Elvll Apil &Iusic lrc-, ltllov by hodilcrio*s. All dgh6 arlministered by SonylATV Music hrtr)ishiog LLC. AU dghs r*rved. Lisd try pemision 'ore llomtrt in Tirne* (ASCA?). At, rights Joha Benis rrl AJberr H?ffiand. Albefi l{ffiordlAlbefi i{amrend Music:/l{obatt Musie Amrica md Johr Betris i{usic ]&'hitrey or hehal{ of John BenL Music adni{isreei hy 1il/]B ly{usic Corp-'Qwn of the Ntgtrt" by Dar-r'l Sirnmoru- Huston- Ksme& &lmmds gongr, adAnrmioReid. published by Sor5y'ATVMusic Rrbtistring LI.C; Bm{rie axl DI ht. (BMI). all ts}iss behallof Eoobie md DJSongs' loc. admi,isr*ed by Wmer:?merlae Publirhirg Cory; Nippy Mtic Iac. (ASCAPJi FGo&{ Music {BL{Ij, a dirision of Unirlisc lvlusic lac. (admiaisretrd i:y ".Bu to ym,, Writen and ccmporrt by Jud Fri*nan md Allm Ric*r. Pubtishet by Songs of Peer Ltd.Ji!{*ic by Catdlelig}it Swg:; of peer Ltd,) md Unirereal )vIu:ic Rrtrli.shing Grup. 'Saring 4ll My Lmd' Wriuen by Ceu y- Coflil md Nfichul Moser. fublished by Udlesai Mu5ic Publishing C{trp md Screen Cern*El4I Music fur. Atl dgitt a*aini*ered b} Son}1ATv Music P*blishirg LLC. All tighrs .So flusic fubiishiag LLC. agwed. Usd by Feroissin. Emtimsf' Writer ard ffiposed by Seinbery ad Ketly. &rblished by Soqr'/ATV Ptblislred by Sony/ AIl dgbrs Esn€d. Urd try pemissim. '"!1'1ere Do Brdcn lteails Cil" ll"riften bI Chuck Jacksm ud Fank llijdhom ATV Muic Rrblishing ItC and Bl!{G Rights L{amgemeBr{tx) Ltd." a BMG Chrrralis mmpar-r. ,4ll rights r*ned U:ed b,r 6umission. ffii' j: #:::::*.1i... frri.r- PL::: 12 PLSYB1IL fffiulr.refrl ffi' wllors rwlo IN TIIN CAST s.&': *EBORAH COX {Rachel &tarcon) Granltya Award- DOUGLAS BALDE0 {Fletcher) Broadrysv: # nominared and multi-platinam E &Bfuop recordiag artisr Kinfi' Baots (Young Lola). Narional Toilr:,&foron,*. and filrniTY actress Deborah Cox made her Broadivay Appearances: fuICC Miscasr, The Pre*cher's WiJb. debut in tke lead role in Elton Joltr and Tim Rice's Ragritne on Ellis Islarid. Christmas in Rockefeller &,i,,';,,'i..., '- . musicalAr'rJa. She stmred on Broadway in 2013 as Lucy Center. ilIacy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. TVr -.*;:: .,:: r ':' : ., ,.. in Jefull & Hyde, arrd as legendal Josephir:e :1*l;-r..:r :r l.'i: r,'r' B*ker in 'lSesame Street." "So You Think You Can Dance.'' t,,. Jostphitte at Asolo Repe*r:ry Theatre io Spring 2016, Thanks to family, Atrrans Artists, Tracey Moore. '$,.i -,"' Cox began her recording career as a backgn:und singer George and Sean, N'Kenge, Yolanda Wyns. Autrrel with Celine Dion, before securirg her rectrding Lynch. Harlem School of rhe Arrs, and ESOTA. contract'u,ith Clive Davis ar Arista Records. Helplat- @douglasbaideo inum selling debut album Deborah Cox earnrd her an Amedcan Ivlusic Award nomination. From her second ALEX CORRADO (Torry ScifuIli) is rery ercited ro CD. Arc Mslr. came the douhle platinum "Nobody's be in this praduction *f The Botl':guatrl. He thanks all Supposed 1'o Be Here" rvhich held the record for the involved especially Alex;xrder Dinelaris. AIex has been longest runnin,s #1 R&B Single tbr i,l comecutire seen in Dimer Ruslt, Hr*ytihcl, "Sex and &e City." *eeks and eamed her an NAACP Im+ge Award nom- "BIue Blocds," and "Gotliam." *,here he has a recuning fuution, a Soul Trait Aq'ard.
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