Volume 46 Number 28 Saturday, July 9, 2016 • Harrisburg, PA Pages 3625—3778 Agencies in this issue The Governor The Courts Board of Finance and Revenue Department of Banking and Securities Department of Education Department of Environmental Protection Department of General Services Department of Health Department of Human Services Environmental Quality Board Governor’s Office Independent Regulatory Review Commission Insurance Department Milk Marketing Board Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Philadelphia Parking Authority Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Susquehanna River Basin Commission Detailed list of contents appears inside. Latest Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet): Pennsylvania Bulletin Pennsylvania No. 500, July 2016 TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Attn: 800 Church Rd. W. 17055-3198 PA Mechanicsburg, FRY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. COMMUNICATIONS, FRY CUT ON DOTTED LINES AND ENCLOSE IN AN ENVELOPE CHANGE NOTICE/NEW SUBSCRIPTION If information on mailing label is incorrect, please email changes to
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