Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 47 (2017) Repository

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Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 47 (2017) Repository Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 47 (2017) Repository 5-27-2017 May 27, 2017 (Pages 2961-3066) Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau, "May 27, 2017 (Pages 2961-3066)" (2017). Volume 47 (2017). 21. This May is brought to you for free and open access by the Pennsylvania Bulletin Repository at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Volume 47 (2017) by an authorized administrator of Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository. Volume 47 Number 21 Saturday, May 27, 2017 • Harrisburg, PA Pages 2961—3066 Agencies in this issue The Courts Department of Banking and Securities Department of Environmental Protection Department of General Services Department of Health Department of Human Services Department of Transportation Environmental Quality Board Independent Regulatory Review Commission Insurance Department Liquor Control Board Milk Marketing Board Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Philadelphia Parking Authority Public School Employees’ Retirement Board State Conversation Commission Susquehannah River Basin Commission Detailed list of contents appears inside. Latest Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet): Pennsylvania Bulletin Pennsylvania No. 510, May 2017 TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Attn: 800 Church Rd. W. 17055-3198 PA Mechanicsburg, FRY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. COMMUNICATIONS, FRY CUT ON DOTTED LINES AND ENCLOSE IN AN ENVELOPE CHANGE NOTICE/NEW SUBSCRIPTION If information on mailing label is incorrect, please email changes to [email protected] or mail to: mail or [email protected] to changes email please incorrect, is label mailing on information If (City) (State) (Zip Code) label) mailing on name above number digit (6 NUMBER CUSTOMER NAME INDIVIDUAL OF NAME—TITLE OFFICE ADDRESS (Number and Street) (City) (State) (Zip The Pennsylvania Bulletin is published weekly by Fry PENNSYLVANIA Communications, Inc. for the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- BULLETIN nia, Legislative Reference Bureau, 641 Main Capitol Build- (ISSN 0162-2137) ing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120, under the policy supervision and direction of the Joint Committee on Docu- ments under 4 Pa.C.S. Part II (relating to publication and effectiveness of Commonwealth documents). The subscrip- tion rate is $82.00 per year, postpaid to points in the United States. Individual copies are $2.50. Checks for subscriptions and individual copies should be made payable to ‘‘Fry Communications, Inc.’’ Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Postmaster send address changes to: Orders for subscriptions and other circulation matters FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc. should be sent to: Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin 800 West Church Road Fry Communications, Inc. Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 800 West Church Road (717) 766-0211 ext. 2340 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 (800) 334-1429 ext. 2340 (toll free, out-of-State) (800) 524-3232 ext. 2340 (toll free, in State) Copyright ௠ 2017 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Editorial preparation, composition, printing and distribution of the Pennsylvania Bulletin is effected on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc., 800 West Church Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylva- nia 17055-3198. 2963 CONTENTS THE COURTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Notices JUVENILE RULES Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Order amending Rules 512, 610 and 612 of the Enhancement Grants Program applications.......3050 Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure; No. 737 Su- Pennsylvania Intercity Bus Program ...............3050 preme Court rules doc. ..........................2969 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD LOCAL COURT RULES Beaver County Proposed Rulemaking Cellular telephones and/or other electronic devices Acceptance of rulemaking petition for study ........2977 in the courthouse; No. 10149-2017 ...............2973 INDEPENDENT REGULATORY REVIEW COMMISSION Notices EXECUTIVE AND INDEPENDENT Notice of comments issued ........................3051 AGENCIES Notice of filing of final rulemaking.................3051 DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND SECURITIES INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Notices Notices Actions on applications............................2982 Aetna Health Inc.; small group transitional; rate DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION filing; correction ................................3052 Aetna Life Insurance Company; small group transi- Notices tional; rate filing; correction .....................3052 Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program; grant Application and request for a certificate of authority opportunity.....................................3043 to provide a continuing care retirement commu- Applications, actions and special notices............2982 nity by Seton Manor SNF, LLC ..................3052 Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting can- cellation........................................3043 LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD Conditional state water quality certification under Proposed Rulemaking section 401 of the Clean Water Act for the United Return of liquor ..................................2977 States Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide per- mits ...........................................3043 MILK MARKETING BOARD Draft Pennsylvania Lake Erie Phosphorus Reduc- Notices tion Domestic Action Plan; availability for public comment .......................................3045 Sunshine meeting calendar for fiscal year Environmental assessment approval for PENN- 2017-2018 ......................................3053 VEST funding consideration .....................3053 PENNSYLVANIA INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Nutrient Credit Trading Program; actions ..........3045 AUTHORITY Proposed Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Alle- gheny County ..................................3047 Notices Environmental assessment approval for PENN- DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES VEST funding consideration .....................3053 Proposed Rulemaking PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Metrology calibration and testing fees ..............2974 Notices DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Natural gas service ...............................3056 Notices Public rail-highway crossing .......................3057 Funding availability for local cancer initiatives .....3047 Service of notice of motor carrier applications.......3057 Long-term care nursing facilities; requests for ex- Service of notice of motor carrier formal complaints . 3057 ception .........................................3048 Transfer indirect control...........................3060 Organ Donation Advisory Committee meeting ......3048 PHILADELPHIA PARKING AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Notices Notices Service of notice of motor carrier application in the Availability of the Low-Income Home Energy Assist- City of Philadelphia.............................3060 ance Program; proposed State Plan and public hearing schedule................................3048 PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT Discontinuance of federally qualified health center BOARD alternative payment methodology ................3049 Notices Pharmacy prior authorization......................3050 Hearing scheduled ................................3060 Available Online at PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 47, NO. 21, MAY 27, 2017 2964 STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Notices Action on odor management plans for concentrated animal operations and concentrated animal feed- ing operations and volunteers complying with the Commonwealth’s Facility Odor Management Pro- gram...........................................3061 Dirt and Gravel Roads Pollution Prevention Mainte- nance Program .................................3062 SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Notices Commission meeting ..............................3064 Projects approved for consumptive uses of water ....3064 Projects rescinded for consumptive uses of water....3065 PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 47, NO. 21, MAY 27, 2017 2965 READER’S GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN AND THE PENNSYLVANIA CODE Pennsylvania Bulletin wishes to adopt changes to the Notice of Proposed The Pennsylvania Bulletin is the official gazette of Rulemaking to enlarge the scope, it must repropose. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is published Citation to the Pennsylvania Bulletin every week and includes a table of contents. A Cite material in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by cumulative subject matter index is published quar- volume number, a page number and date. Example: terly. Volume 1, Pennsylvania Bulletin, page 801, January The Pennsylvania Bulletin serves several pur- 9, 1971 (short form: 1 Pa.B. 801 (January 9, 1971)). poses. First, it is the temporary supplement to the Pennsylvania Code, which is the official codification Pennsylvania Code of agency rules and regulations and other statuto- The Pennsylvania Code is the official codification rily authorized documents. Changes in the codified of rules and regulations issued by Commonwealth text, whether by adoption, amendment, repeal or agencies and other statutorily authorized docu- emergency action must be published in the Pennsyl- ments. The Pennsylvania Bulletin is the temporary vania Bulletin. Further, agencies proposing changes supplement to the Pennsylvania Code, printing to the codified text do so in the Pennsylvania changes as soon as they occur. These changes
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