M.Phil/ Pre Ph. D Botany Paper I : Research Methodology in Botany
M.Phil/ Pre Ph. D Botany Paper I : Research Methodology in Botany Unit I Experimental design- Basic principles of experiment: Experimental unit, sampling unit, Experimental error, replication, Generalization andrandomization,control (3) Fundamentals of research: Characteristics of research, classification of research (pure research, applied research, descriptive, experimental, historical etc.) (2) Research process: Steps and elements, selection, analysis and statement of the problem. Literature collection and citation, bibliography. Writing skills- Preparation of research report, presentations, writing grant proposals.(10) Unit II Data analysis- variables,numerical,categorical.(3) Central measures (mean,medium,mode). (2)Dispersion measures (range, standard deviation), probability co- (10) relation and regression, Binomial position and normal distribution, parametric and non parametric tests t- test, f-test, chi-square test, ANOVA.(10) Unit III Microscopic Techniques: Light microscope: Resolving power and magnification, Phase Microscope, Fluorescence Microscope, Confocal Microscope,Micrometry. (5) Electron Microscope: Transmission and scanning techniques for E.M. Spectrophotometer: Electromagnetic spectrum, construction of calorimeter and spectrophotometer, Applications. Analytical techniques- GC-MS, HPLC, FTIR, Maldi, Raman, etc.(10) Unit IV Algal cell culture- Algal culture, Seaweed mariculture. (3) Fungal culture-Fungal culture media. (2) Protoplast and apori culture Plant cell Culture-Cellular totipotency (4) Cytodifferentiation
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