REACH The PARISH PAPER For Horning and Ashmanhaugh (Associated with the NIB magazine)

JUNE 2020 No. 511

From your Parish Priest.

We are constantly being told that the current COVID-19 situation is ‘unprecedented’; that we live in ‘unprecedented times’. In some cases this seems to be used as an explanation for actions or measures which might be ‘unthinkable’ in ‘normal’ times, or in other cases an excuse for not being able to solve the issues and get us all back to ‘normal’. If we only stop to think for a few moments about the changes many of us have seen in just our own lifetime, we may perhaps conclude that we are always living in ‘unprecedented times, and begin to understand that, for us humans, that is in fact ‘normal’.

Back in the 1960’s, the puppets in the TV series ‘Thunderbirds’ all had wrist watches on which operated as video links through which they could talk to each other. Pure science fiction, of course, because at the same time, the BBC used to broadcast ‘Forces Family Favourites’ as a way of people keeping in touch with their family members serving in our armed forces in the far corners of the globe. Even then, the radio links were variable and ‘iffy’ to say the least. Instead, we now have ‘unprecedented’ access to personal communications, with the number of mobile phones world-wide measured in billions, and yes, video phones on your wrist if you can afford it! We have commercial aircraft capable of reaching anywhere on the planet, without stopping and refuelling, and where the endurance of the aircraft is probably greater than the endurance of the crew and the passengers! All this, and lots of other technological advances, are widespread, new to humanity, -- and are completely ‘unprecedented’! Previous generations have never seen their like, and we can only imagine the life that the generations who come after us will experience.

Given this ‘unprecedented’ rate of change (which is actually the new normal, if we’re honest), it’s sometimes comforting to seek apparently stable fixed points, that may give us a better sense of security and permanence, if not so much for ourselves individually, as for humanity as a whole. Many of our churches stood for hundreds of years - some for over a thousand – and the churches and their communities are still here, despite wars, plagues, famines, persecutions, recessions, etc. And in these so- called ‘unprecedented time’, faith is still here. Christianity is still here, with its permanence, and yet its adaptability to remain fresh, to embrace all these new developments. Admittedly, that may not always seem to be the case, but we should nevertheless strive to make it so, to keep adapting, to keep up, to keep going, and to accept the ‘unprecedented’ as being intrinsic to Christianity and to humanity.

With every blessing, Revd David Smith

THE BENEFICE of ST BENEDICT ASHMANHAUGH, BARTON TURF, BEESTON ST LAWRENCE, IRSTEAD, HORNING and NEATISHEAD Rector: Reverend David Smith, telephone 01692 630216 Readers: - Barbara McGoun and Pauline Simpson

IN REMEMBRANCE OF TONY MOORE A NOTE OF THANKS FROM BETTY WOODCOCK-MOORE At the time of writing I have received 171 messages of sympathy for which I thank you all with all my heart. Our ninth wedding anniversary was organised at the Ludham Care Home, but sadly lockdown for us was 12th March 2020 and this was the last time we were together. At my age of 96, and with Tony at 92, we were so blessed to have had together our wonderful memories, especially those 7 ½ years driving to France plus many other holidays. When Covid 19 and lockdown allows us to meet in groups again, I shall be organising a Memorial Service at Horning Church scheduled for next March to celebrate Tony’s full and interesting life.


Just to let you know that following the Prime Minister’s recent statement the Village Fayre planned for 16th August will not take place, we are so sorry. Diane Harber.

HORNING GET TOGETHER CLUB A Social group for the over 50s

There will be no further meetings until such time that the Village Hall reopens. Lin and I hope you are all staying safe and well and hope to see you very soon. WE’ll MEET AGAIN DON’T KNOW WHERE DON’T KNOW WHEN!!! Love to you all KEEP SMILING THROUGH. Nicky and Lin joint chair persons


Chairman’s message The Parish Council would like to formally recognise and thank the 30 volunteers that have formed the Covid-19 Horning Community Volunteers in order to support the residents of the village during this period of ‘lockdown’. A special thank you goes to David Benbow for taking on the leadership role of the group and to Lizzie Bewsey- Dyke for supporting him as an additional point of contact. The group are grateful for the ‘flyer’ produced by the PCC that went out to all households to inform them of the existence of the volunteer group.

The Group have performed a range of ‘missions’ including shopping and prescription collection/deliveries over the last eight weeks.

Additionally, a number of local businesses have offered to provide additional support to the Group and this should be recognised during these difficult times. Therefore, a special thank you to Roys of Wroxham, The Galley, The Post Office and also The Big Shop on Womack Staithe for the assistance they have offered.

Parish Council during Covid-19

The Parish Council is continuing as normal, but instead of holding Parish Council meetings, it is working via email, telephone conferencing (if necessary) and telephone. Agendas, minutes, bank reconciliations and other documents continue to be produced as they did before the lockdown. Where any agenda items require a discussion they will be postponed until such time as the Parish Council can meet in person or the PC will hold a ‘zoom meeting’ either by telephoning the meeting, or video-conferencing. The annual financial return and audit will take place as usual but with some time extensions to allow for the unprecedented circumstances that we find ourselves in. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council has been cancelled in line with new government legislation. If you have any questions or comments about how the Parish Council is working during this time please contact the Clerk.

Next Parish Council Meeting: No future meetings are currently planned, but an agenda will be published online for ongoing Parish Council business Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Jo Beardshaw

E-mail: [email protected] Parish Council Website:


It was last year when it was decided to change the May Bank Holiday from 1 st May to the 8 th so that the 75 th Anniversary of VE Day could be properly recognised by the many events that were being arranged all around the country. Little did we know that coming down the track at break-neck speed was the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

We also didn’t know, back in 2019, that in this village, and all over the country, was to be re-born the old saying that every cloud has a silver lining, and that COVID-19 was going to bring together so many people who, possibly until March of this year, barely knew each other.

That all changed on Friday 8 th when the sun came out and at 4pm along with socially distanced deckchairs, tea, wine, cake and strawberries, the parties around Horning Village began.

Down Lower Street, together with the food and drink, eleven households were brought together by Caroline, Thea, Ian and Peter to enjoy a singalong with song sheets and music played by our own Dr. Peter ending, of course, with “We’ll Meet Again” and the National Anthem. Lower Street was open to people in cars who also joined in by waving and hooting,

Pinewood Drive was car free from beginning to end, leaving the road available for tables, food, drink and music enjoyed by10 households, and from A Midsummer

4 Night’s Dream, through the wonderful acting of Toby Ellett in his mini play, the mischievous spirit of Puck was brought to life.

Abbott Road and Parkland Crescent celebrated in style. Bunting and union jacks decorated the houses and tables were set up on front lawns decorated with celebratory tablecloths and fresh flowers. Other residents went even further, linking up to play Churchill’s VE Day speech. Glasses were raised to remember the great sacrifices made by the war generation. One group in Abbott Road were still enjoying their celebrations when they spied a delivery of fish and chips. This prompted others to enjoy their own delicious fish and chip party delivered by the Staithe and Willow. Another great British tradition!

To their credit, Abbott Road and Parkland Crescent were ahead of the curve by already having celebrated St George’s Day on 23 rd April and are looking forward to celebrating the D,Day landings on 6 th June.

We must remember that there were others for whom the war did not end in May 1945. The initial announcement of Japan’s surrender was made on 15 th August 1945 and each year we remember this as VJ Day. The war in the Far East is sometimes known as “the forgotten war.” For decades after the war Far East POWs felt unable to share their experiences and it is only in recent years that survivors have started to talk about their captivity under the Japanese.

There are already plans being made to celebrate VJ Day and perhaps we can really push for more people to come together in the village to celebrate that day on 15 th August 2020. As Delia Smith would say “Let’s be ‘aving you!”


Although the Museum remains closed until July at the earliest, you can still visit our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, or check out behind the scenes videos on YouTube. Have you tried our weekly Facebook quiz, ‘Where am I’, on a Saturday yet? Just search for MuseumBroads.

We have applied for a grant for an exciting new digital project which will create a virtual museum and, also, re-imagine 10 items as easy makes for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully we will be successful and can start this soon.

The Museum receives no government funding and we normally raise our own income through visitor admissions and boat trips. This means that, like many others, we have little money coming in right now. If you are able to help the Museum survive this crisis and continue to bring the story of the Broads alive, then please see our website or visit our Just Giving Page for more information. Thank you from all of us.

Check our website for up to date information. Stay safe, and we hope to welcome you to Stalham again soon! The Poor’s Staithe, Stalham, NR12 9DA, 01692 581681 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube: MuseumBroads

6 SEA PALLING INDEPENDENT LIFEBOAT Sea Palling Independent Lifeboat needs your help.

We currently receive no external funding for our running costs which are in the region of £50k per year. We would normally raise this via our fundraising events, even the fuel costs are raised via a meat raffle.

We are now facing the perfect storm – all of our fundraising events have been cancelled and are unlikely to resume in the near future and with the lockdown restrictions have been eased we are expecting a huge increase in demand as people rush to the coast.

You can help us and it will not cost you anything! If you use Amazon please sign up to Amazon Smile and nominate the Sea Palling Independent Lifeboat as your chosen charity. Then every time you make a purchase Amazon will donate a percentage value of that purchase back to the lifeboat. With your help we will continue to remain on service and ensure that no call for help goes unanswered. If you require any further information, please call David on 01692 598150


One of Horning’s neighbour churches, Irstead, delightful in its setting and its bijou charm, offers an historical riddle. It was in the gift of the abbot who, himself, died in the plague year of 1349 as did many a parish priest, Horning had three in that year. The vicar of Irstead seems also to have died in 1349 and in the absence of an abbot, the king appointed a successor, one William of Wykham. History knows a William Wykham who was born in 1324 and became in time Bishop of Winchester, founder of Winchester College and of New College Oxford. He lived on until 1404. The William Wykham who was appointed vicar of Irstead held office until 1376. historians have readily assumed that the vicar of this tiny Norfolk parish of 46 communicants was the great bishop. It is not impossible, but William was one of the commonest of medieval names and many may have come out of the numerous villages called Wickham. Long before 1376 the great William of Wickham was too busy in his many royal appointments to pay attention to a remote Norfolk parish except perhaps as a pluralist and absentee rector with a vicar performing his duties for him at a pittance. In Irstead churchyard, just beyond the east end of the church, is a unique gravestone, six feet tall, carved with a classical egg-and-dart border and wreathed by a vine with leaves, grapes and tendrils It marks the grave of Sir Francis Palgrave who died in 1861 and who was for many years deputy keeper of the public records. Sir Francis is known to historians as one of the promoters of the critical study of medieval

8 history as compared with the purveyors of tales of the Bruce and the spider and Alfred and the cakes variety. He died at Hamstead where he had lived since the death of his wife nine years earlier; they must have brought his body by train from London to lie in the same grave as his wife Elizabeth. The Norfolk connection was in Elizabeth having been a daughter of Dawson Turner, the Great-Yarmouth banker. Francis’ son was the compiler of ‘The Gold Treasury of the Best of English Verse’, something that every school-child used to know. A more recent memorial in Irstead church remembers Sir Sidney Russel-Wells, a vice-chancellor of London University who was one of the last members of parliament for that institution in the days when universities had separate members, a practice abolished in these egalitarian days. Irstead church retains the dado of its rood-screen on which survive the paintings of the twelve apostles, once again having their faces obliterated by a generation of Philistines. They are always with us. On the north wall are the vestiges of a mural such as adorned the interior of many medieval churches. It probably depicted St Christopher but is far from distinct and a window having been cut in the wall, the mural is badly mutilated. An Abbot of St Benet’s was once in trouble for barring the river at Irstead preventing the passage of other’s boats to Yarmouth. That was seven hundred years ago and the sheriff sorted him out. July – Horning Neighbours – Ashmanhaugh


300 Club Winners - May 2020 No. Name. Amount 94 Mr S Irvin £ 25.00 209 Mr L Pendleton £15.00 45 Mrs C Bowman £10.00

There may be a few numbers available if you wish to join contact Lin Galley 01692 630330. For hire bookings of the Village Hall or the Mill Suite. Please contact; J. Wright 01603 782260 Email; [email protected]

9 THE MUSEUM The Cold War is a Permanent Virus. While we wade through the mire that is Covid-19 it is naïve to assume that international tensions are on hold. Rehearsals for Russia's Victory Day Parade have taken place outside Moscow and the May 9th celebration of Russia's victory over Nazi Germany will take place. New laws recently passed in Moscow carry a seven year prison sentence for those passing on the current virus if the recipient dies but, irrespective, the Parade must go on. Such is the significance that the Russians attach to their history and the honouring of their fallen dead in conflict. The break up of the Soviet Union was in the view of Vladimir Putin the greatest of climb downs by any state and a shameful capitulation. As an old KGB warrior the end of the Union combined with the subsequent expansion of NATO rankled greatly with him and his cronies. We in the West must for not one minute take our eye off the ball that hovers around the Baltic and the Black Sea as Putin continues to stiffen his attitude towards the NATO countries. Around these parts we have living evidence of Cold War times and our skies still resonate with the sound of NATO jets practising their tactics. To a degree nothing has changed as the Russians continue to fly their missions over the North Sea and the Atlantic. RAF Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) typhoon jets are on immediate readiness in Lincolnshire and Morayshire and are not short of intercept practice. Ground based RAF controllers monitor the skies over and around the UK mainland giving tactical direction and support to our aircrew. So it continues. For the generation who grew up during the Cold War this is not news. They are well aware of existing international tensions having lived through the ebb and flow of the West's relations with Russia. When they visit the Air Defence Radar Museum on the old RAF Neatishead site north east of and listen to the presentations in the Cold War Operations Room they nod sagely and remember the roar of Lightnings from Coltishall and the sight of the iconic Victor Tankers outbound over the North Norfolk coast from RAF Marham. Subsequent generations with electronic pathways to knowledge at their fingertips would be well advised to keep their eye on the ball and remember that although time passes and attitudes change cultural identity does not. It is particularly true of those cultures that have been shaped by tumultuous historic events and Russia has experienced more than its fair share. Museums play a significant role in the recording and transmitting of knowledge. They fill in the gaps that pure academic pursuit can sometimes bypass in its quest for knowledge without necessarily understanding. The RAF Air Defence Radar Museum aims to immerse the participant in an experience of what it was like to plot incoming

10 German bombers and direct the defending RAF fighters during the Battle of Britain. It affords the visitor the opportunity to understand how the Cold War jets defending UK airspace were controlled and supported as they intercepted soviet reconnaissance aircraft engaged on their spying missions. The indomitable and enigmatic leader of Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, otherwise known affectionately as 'Stuffy', established the principles of air defence management which still hold good today. Technology clearly advances the processes but the general tenet remains the same. The RAF first established a radar facility at Neatishead in September 1941 and became operational with two officers and forty service personnel billeted in local villages. Established to provide ground controlled interceptions using plan position radar the unit achieved its first kill when a Czech pilot of No 68 Squadron flying a Beaufighter Mk2 shot down an enemy aircraft. In March 1943 King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth visited RAF Neatishead endorsing the critical role the unit was playing in the war effort. Apart from a two year period 1961-1963, when the unit was under care and maintenance, there has been a continuous operational presence on site and currently RAF personnel operate a round the clock 'Remote Radar Head' (RRH) monitoring defence radar equipment. The Museum opened in October 1994 and was known as the ' Air Defence Battle Command and Control Museum'. It was an integral part of RAF Neatishead and only open to pre-booked groups. In 1997 the Museum became a charitable trust and in January 1999 the granted it permission to be known as the 'RAF Air Defence Radar Museum'. Since then the Museum has become an independent and self supporting organisation and has developed what it has to offer far beyond the perceptions of its pioneers. Governed by a Board of Trustees and led by a full time manager the Museum's venerable team of volunteers provide the public with an impressive breadth of knowledge and first hand experience coloured with typical down to earth service humour. A journey around the labyrinth of corridors and display rooms encompassing the History of Radar, World War 2 and the Cold War leaves the majority of visitors in need of refreshment which is readily available in the aptly named 'Crumbs' cafe. However, there is much more available to inform and enlighten the visitor from fighter aircraft cockpits to early radio and radar systems. Every effort has been made to keep the displays and presentations fresh and appealing to the younger generation who will find its educational worth historically valid. The visitor would be wise to allow at least three hours to go around the Museum and when the country surfaces from this imported and somewhat surreal horror if you can negotiate the challenging roundabout system north of Wroxham follow the signs to 'Radar Museum'. Pat Carter 11 NEATISHEAD, BARTON TURF & DISTRICT WI

Although still in lockdown, some of our Members, if not reading War & Peace again, tackling a tapestry that was started earlier in this decade or the one before, or sorting out all those photos taken when the Box Brownie was a new invention, have been busy making scrubs for the NHS, laundry bags, hat or masks.

The WI Federation Office in Norwich have been sending us newsletters and other notifications, including information about all those dreaded scams – where it is so easy to answer THAT call or press THAT computer link and the fraudsters have got in to ruin lives – so please be warned. Continue to keep safe, well and cheerful.

Monica Riley - 630336


Unfortunately, still no bowls being played but the Green is in excellent condition with ‘WILLS LAWN SPECIALIST’ moving into the village and taking on the job. Obviously, he is available to do other people’s lawns. Hopefully the Green will be open for play soon, but remember, if you are from the same household you can play. Meanwhile, stay alert and keep an eye on the bowls gate for information. (Don’t ask me who the two blokes are!! Editor)


MUSIC STUDY DAYS (sponsored by the Horning Boat Show)

We were ready and eager to begin our 2020 study days with ‘Byrd to Britten – 400 years of choral music’ on Tuesday 17 th March.

Preparation had been completed and food purchased, but as we were loading the car we heard the news that we were all to ‘stay at home, keep safe and protect the NHS’

Disappointed, but completely understanding the situation, we complied and settled down to enjoy all the food we had just bought!

We were keen to begin this new series of study days, especially as there had been so much interest and 25 students were enrolled. Not wishing to lose the momentum, and with the aid of YouTube, have been sharing music memories, funny and amusing songs and generally keeping our spirits up.

We are hoping that we shall be able to start the study days before the end of the year, but if not, so be it. We would rather we all kept safe and well. There will be other opportunities and we shall publicise details once we are clear about the future. If you would like to join our music emailing group then please contact us on [email protected]

Meanwhile ‘When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high.’ Best wishes Thea and Peter Boshier


A regular update from Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre.

The priorities of the GP partners and staff: 1. Maintain our primary care services – including dispensing medicines. 2. Minimise the risk of infection within the Medical Centre to enable us to maintain our services - to protect patients and staff. 3. Contingency planning to make sure we are prepared.

 The Medical Centre has now settled into a new routine that enables our priorities to be met. Our risk policy has meant that staff have been self-isolating at the slightest symptom, but we are now back up to full strength. We also have satisfactory supplies of personal protective equipment.

 Most Vulnerable Patients . Every one of us is vulnerable during this terrible pandemic. However, some are more vulnerable than others. The NHS initiated work in late March to highlight and warn those most vulnerable patients. A letter was then sent by the NHS advising patients to ‘shield’, meaning a strict regime of precautions in addition to the lockdown precautions we are all following. Subsequently, because the NHS list was not comprehensive, work had continued locally to identify other patients needing to take additional precautions. All letters have now been sent. However, GPs will continue to review patients that consider themselves to be in the highest risk category. Further advice can be found through our website.

 Appointments. Most appointments continue to be by telephone unless the clinical decision is that a face-to-face appointment is necessary. Do not come to the Medical Centre if you do not have an appointment.

 From 1 April our website has been the main means of communicating with patients. So far this has proved successful allowing demand and clinical capacity to be better managed. o Those with no Internet access have been able to ’phone as usual and our reception staff have then transcribed their health problems or questions onto the website forms.

14  Thank You. We have been touched by all the offers of support and gifts provided over the past 6-weeks. We have a very generous patient population. Our particular thanks go towards the hard-working team giving-up their time to deliver medicines to our most vulnerable patients and their carers.

Do you have an email address ? Help us to divert money from postage stamps to more GP/nurse time by giving us consent to use your email address for all correspondence. Send us an email to [email protected] with ‘ Consent to use Email ’ in the title and your name and date of birth within the text.



Editor: Barbara McGoun 01692 630663 Distribution: Bernice Dunham 01692 630913 DEADLINE FOR JULY REACH - 15 h JUNE email to [email protected] Contributions welcome, but the Editor reserves the right to amend, copy or omit unsuitable articles at her discretion. No responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions, although the Editor does her best to ensure that the information printed is correct. Views expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily those of the Horning Reach.

ADVERTISEMENTS For SMALL advertisements the rate for each insertion is £2.00 for each 20 words . For copy and payment instructions please contact the Editor. Please note that all adverts are placed in good faith in this publication. The Editor suggests you take up references where applicable before engaging the services of any company or persons advertising in this publication.


STAITHE & WILLOW Burnt Fen Alpacas – For details of our alpaca walks, cream teas or courses please check our We are delivering a variety of meals to website or call Annie on 01692 630553 people within Horning.

As we are making changes from time to COMPUTERS Problem solving and tuition, time, please telephone us on please call Jamie Nickerson 01692-630553 07747-450776 or [email protected] 01692 630915 Logs for sale - seasoned hardwood, delivered locally - £1 12 a load - Jamie Nickerson 07747-450776 [email protected] for up-to-date information on our

present menu.

KINGFISHER CLEANERS LTD DOMESTIC CLEANS, END OF TENANCY THE GALLEY CLEANS, COMMERCIAL CLEANS & HORNING ONE OFF/SPRING CLEANS. CLEANING GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE. OPEN DAILY FROM Fully Insured trained Cleaners from £18.00ph. All cleaning products provided. A 01692 630088 professional and reliable local company. Please call Lorraine Kittle 07961 We stock a variety of food including 009122Email [email protected] vegetables, milk, ham, cheese, bread, deserts, beer and cider and now introducing a range of fresh salads. DAVID’S We also stock Tavern Tasty meats which can be ordered for you. Gardening services.

For those who are self-isolating, we will No job too large or small.. make a home delivery. Telephone 07778565178



Professional Painter and Decorator All painting and decorating undertaken Oil & Gas Boiler Servicing, to a high professional standard. Maintenance & Installation. Fully Qualified

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Auditing of books.

BREATHE, RELAX, BE Have a question? Bliss Yoga Give me a ring on 07899 796271 Friday 10am Mallards, 42 Lower Street, Horning Village Hall, Mill Hill Horning NR12 8AA

Come along and enjoy a gentle flowing style of Yoga creating strength and stability in the body. Drop-in £8 Ten class pass £70

New additional class: RANDALL CONTRACTORS

Mindfulness and relaxation ROAD RESURFACING Learn tools to help you have a more restful SPECIALISTS IN HOT BITUMEN sleep, build immunity, release stress and just GOLDEN PEA SHINGLE, ASPHALT feel better within yourself. AND SUBSIDENCE BUILD UP

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Horning Norwich NR12 8AA DECORATORS Tel: 01692 630434 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTER AND DECORATOR For All Your Needs ---.-... EST. 1987 In-Store Bakery – Orders can be taken Tel: 01692 631366/ 07748 257176 Chilled Fruit & Vegetables ‘BENITA’ NEATISHEAD ROAD, Groceries * Confectionery * Ice Creams HORNING, NR12 8LB * Maps * Books & Stationery MEMBER OF NORFOLK COUNTY * Medical * Papers & Delivery COUNCIL’S TRUTED TRADERS * Off Licence * Lottery

Broadland Lawn Care L Harmer - Tree & Garden Create a healthy and vibrant lawn. Services The bespoke lawn care treatment All aspects of tree surgery, felling, packages include: reductions, thinning, crown cleaning. Weed control, moss control, fertilisation All hedging work. and aeration. Over 10 years’ experience. Fully Driveway and patio insured, N.P.T.C qualified. weed control available. [email protected] For a free competitive quotation 01603 891634 or 07523 106754 call 01603 927404 or 07584 124710



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We are on the platform at Hoveton & Wroxham Station, serving burgers, ribs, smoked meats galore, woodgrilled fish & lots, lots more!

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Worship in our parishes

For many weeks now the Government restrictions, to control the Coronavirus pandemic, have meant that we have been unable to worship in any of the churches across the benefice. Instead, we have been preparing recorded services which have been available on-line, on our parish web pages on ‘A Church Near You’ and through YouTube. This will continue weekly for as long as we are unable to use our churches properly for collective worship and fellowship.

You can find each week’s service as follows:

On YouTube by searching for “The Benefice of St Benedict” channel or with the URL:

On “A Church Near You” website and searching for any of our parishes, or with the URLs: Horning: Ashmanhaugh: Beeston St Lawrence: Barton Turf: Irstead: Neatishead:

Both these sites have links to the current Sunday service, as well as the archive of all the services we have prepared since the lockdown started, and all services can be viewed at any time.

If you would like to take part in any future services, or have any church news to share, do please contact the Rector: Revd David Smith, 01692 630216, [email protected]


23 VILLAGE INFORMATION USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Doctors’ Surgery Hoveton 01603 782155 Doctor’s Surgery Ludham 01692 678111 Norfolk & Norwich Hospital 01603 286286 Cromer Hospital 01263 513571 NHS Help Line 111 – or visit

Norwich Practices Health Care (Walk in Centre), Rouen Road, Norwich – Open seven days a week. Contact 01603 677500.

DEFIBRILLATORS Village Hall, Mill Hill NR12 8LF The New Inn, Lower Street NR12 8PF Ferry Marina Reception Ferry Road NR12 8PS

Norfolk County Council 03448008020

North Norfolk District Council 01263 513811

Veterinary Surgery Wroxham 01603 783920

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444

Police non-emergency 101

Samaritans FREE PHONE 116123

MOBILE LIBRARY – Horning and Ashmanhaugh Coronavirus update Considering the current advice from the Government, we have taken the decision to suspend the mobile service for the foreseeable future.

AND FINALLY: We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell