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‘Abdullah Bin ‘Abdulaziz, King of al-‘Awadhi, Muhammad, 44–5 , 150 al-A‘tar, Ayman, 152–3 ‘Abdulnasser, Gamal al-Akhbar, 85 and “Voice of the Arabs,” 151 al-Aqsa, 25 ‘Abdulwahhab, Muhammad, 68 al-Arabiya, 22, 29–30, 52, 86, 103, ‘Abdulrahman, Hisham, 91, 102 173, 177, 182 ‘Abdulaziz, Fahd Bin, 66 and Eye on Palestine, 30–1 ‘Abul Hassan, Muhammad, 127 al-Asad, Bashar, 28, 39, 154–6, 172, ‘Addoum, ‘Adnan, 180 174 ‘Adel Mu’awida, 55–6 al-Asad, Hafez, 144, 149, 156, 180 ‘Ajram, Nancy, 60, 80, 169–70 al-Asala, 48, 54 ‘Aoun, Michel, 179 al-Atrash, Rasha, 175, 189 ‘Atallah, Elias, 179 al-Ba‘th, 156, 158 ‘Attiyeh, Rowayda, 144 al-Bishr, Badreiah, 28, 101 ‘Omar, Shadha, 105 al-Bizri, Dalal, 40 ‘Omran, Hala, 52 al-hadatha. See modernity ‘Ukasha, Muhammad, 157 al-Hamad, Turki, 104 Abi Dahr, Walid, 76 al-Hamidi, Ibrahim, 158 Abu Dhabi TV, 23, 86, 209 Alhan Wa Shabab, 211–12 Abu Lughod, Lila, 7 al-Hariri family, 154, 162 Ad-Dustour, 150 al-Hariri, Nazik, 146 Advertising, 10–11, 25, 43, 83, 85, 95, al-Hariri, Rafi q, 35, 67, 78, 83, 89, 105, 150, 153, 204 144, 146, 154, 166, 168, 176, markets, 98 183, 185 slogans, 180 assassination of, 153, 160, 163, spending, 10, 52 166–7, 192 on Superstar, 148 and demonstrations, 164 women in, 13 and Future TV, 80 al-‘Alam, 23 media memorialization of, al-‘Ariss, Ibrahim, 190 167–73


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al-Hariri, Sa‘d, 186 al-Rasheed, Anas, 133 al-Hayat, 24, 40, 57, 95, 107, 109, 158, al-Rasheed, Madawi, 89, 92, 97 162, 170, 190 al-Rayyes, Ali, 135 al-Hekmi, Ibrahim, 160–1, 163 al-Risala, 25, 117 al-Hurra, 23, 177, 194 al-Riyadh, 100, 103, 105, 107 al-Hussain, Fatma, 126 al-Rshaid, ‘Aisha, 119–22 al-Ibrahim, Walid, 30–1, 51, 53, 79 al-Sabah family, 119, 122 al-Jasem, Muhammad, 123, 143 al-Sahly, Moubarak, 133 al-Jazeera, 1, 2, 19, 21–2, 28–30, 42, al-Salim, Sabah, 124 45, 50, 52, 55, 63, 66, 156, 173, al-Shatti, Bashar, 133, 196 175, 177, 182, 189, 190, 200, 216 al-Shaykh family, 68, 92 al-Khairy, Amina, 57–8 al-Tabtaba’i, Muhammad, 131 al-Khalawi, Muhammad, 91, 106 al-Tabtaba’i, Waleed, 120, 139, 196 al-Khalifa family, 47, 59 al-Tarrah, Ali, 136 al-Khazen, Jihad, 74, 76 al-Thawra, 158 al-Manar, 25, 78, 168, 177–8 al-Watan, 76, 119–20, 138, 148 al-Masry al-Youm, 200 al-Watan (The Nation), 119 al-Minbar, 48, 54 al-Wifaq, 48–9, 54 al-Misbah, Nazhem, 139 American Idol. See Superstar al-Mubarak, Ma‘ssuma, 119 Amir, al-Shu‘ara, 209–10 al-Mughni, Hala, 123–5, 127 Annahar, 83, 146, 154–5, 158, 178, al-Mujtama‘, 124 183, 185 al-Munajjid, Muhammad Saleh, Anzour, Najdat, 157 99, 114 Appadurai, Arjun, 206 al-Munla, Nadeem, 145 Arabian American Oil Company al-Muslim, Faisal, 132 (ARAMCO), 69 al-Mustaqbal, 76, 81, 154 Arab News, 73–4, 76, 102 al-Qa‘ood, ‘Abdullah, 147 Arab Satellite Television al-Qabas, 124, 131, 136 Charter, 199 al-Qaddhafi , Mu‘ammar, 22, 120 Arab Women’s Development Society al-Qassem, Anwar, 158 (AWDS), 123 al-Quds al-Arabi, 39 Armbrust, Walter, 6, 219 al-Ra’i al-Aam, 171 Asharq al-Awsat (The Middle East), al-Ra’is, 1, 13, 19, 32, 36, 44–7, 50–1, 35, 41–2, 85, 95, 104, 174–5 53–6, 58–60, 62–4, 79, 110, 140, ATV (), 23 153, 194, 198, 203, 205 Audience, 2, 14, 24–5, 52, 55, 70, 75, criticism of, 13, 15 98, 106, 113–14, 151, 159–61, format, 32 172, 182, 194 and politics, 16, 19, 41 and IPSOS-STAT, 9, 99 suspension of, 19, 32 and Pan-Arab Research Center, 9 al-Rahbani, Elias, 147 Authenticity, 7, 12–16, 42, 110, 113 al-Rashed, ‘Abdelrahman, 30, 85 and liveness, 113, 115, 175, al-Rashed, Rashed, 105 187–8, 207


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and reality TV, 137–8, 13 Daily Star, 74 and Wahhabiyya, 15, 91–3, Dakhlallah, Mehdi, 159 116–18 Dayan, Daniel, 187 Democracy, 198, 200, 203 Bahrain, 15 as contested elections, 199 and al-Ra’is debates, 16, 19, 46–82, as performance, 199 140–1, 164, 171, 192 and gap between defi nitions of, and economy, 59 199 and hawala (Islamic fi nance), 50 and political deliberation, 200 and National Charter, 48 democratization, 122, 124, 198 and political parties, 49 Dobriansky, Paula, 173 and Wahhabiyya, 141 Doumit, Samer, 171 Bahzad, Ahmed Ibrahim, 57 Dubai, xvi, 2, 9 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 112 Dubai Media City, xvi, 29, 51 Barmada, Shahd, 160–5, 196 Dubai TV, 23, 86 and the Syrian fl ag, 161 Barnett, Michael, 156 Effeminacy, 128. See also gender, Bassous, Joey, 171 muyu‘a, women BBC, 23 Satellite Channel, 79 BBC Radio, 22 Eisenstadt, Shmuel, 193, 219 Bennett, Lance, 184, 186 el-Daher, Pierre, 11, 84, 90 Bennis, Muhammad, 6, 209–10 Elster, Jon, 198 Big Brother. See al-Ra’is Entertainment-politics nexus in the Bila Hudud (No Boundaries), 1, 21, , 201–2 42, 45, 55, 66 Bin Baz, ‘Abdulaziz, 94 fatwa, 14, 93, 203 Bourdieu, Pierre, 176 on gender separation. See also Boutelfi qa, ‘Abdulaziz, 37, 211 ikhtilat, 108 Boyd, Douglas, 51, 71 in Kuwait, 131–7, 142 Brubaker, Roger, 18 on liberals, 105 Bush administration, 35, 178, 194, in Saudi Arabia, 205 199 on Star Academy, 16, 20, 37, 99–103, 131–2, 142 Cantelli, Fabrizio, 38 Felski, Rita, 13 Carazon, Diana, 146, 149–50 Free Patriotic Movement, 179, 191 Cedar Revolution. See Independence and Lebanese politics, 179 Intifada Future TV, 9, 20, 31, 42, 78, 80, CNBC-Arabiya, 25 144–9, 152, 154–5, 160–3, 175, CNN, 31, 182, 189 185, 190 Coleman, Stephen, 34 and al-Hariri’s assassination, 167, Constitutive rhetoric, 18, 164 185 Costandi, Michel, 52, 62 as a critic of the Syrian regime, Couldry, Nick, 64, 187 155, 168


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Future TV (cont.) Hourani, Albert, 5 and the March 8 demonstration, Howeidy, Fahmy, 41 177 Hybridity, 112. See also modernity and the Saudi market, 86 Hypermedia shows, 11, 85–6 events, 16, 33, 186–91 and Superstar. See Superstar space, 11, 17, 84, 186–91, 201 and youth, 201–2 Gabler, Neil, 33 García-Canclini, Néstor, 13, 29, 38, Ibn ‘Abdulwahhab, Muhammad, 92 203, 206, 212, 220 Idiom of contention, 16 Gelvin, James, 26 Ikhtilat. See gender Gender, 13 Independence Intifada, 20–1, 143, and ikhtilat, 53–4, 96–8, 103, 154, 166–91, 194 106, 111, 116, 120, 128, 132, 206 Individualism, 207 and modernity, 13 Islam, 5, 16, 46–65, 124, in Saudi Arabia, 96–8 152, 195 and Wahhabiyya, 111 Islamic shows, 25 General Agreement on Tariffs and Islamic reality shows, 211–12 Trade (GATT), 50 and politics, 37 Gharzeddin, Marwan, 105 and reality TV criticisms, 41, 44 Ghazalah, Rustum, 145, 172 and ‘ulamas, 20, 100 Giddens, Anthony, 5 Islamic Authenticity, 20, 91 Global communication studies, Islamic Shari‘a, 106 205–7 Globalization, 25, 135–6, 152, 206, Jabbour, Diana, 159 208 Jordan, 23–4, 39, 146, 148–50, 152 Green Light, 209–10 Joumblatt, Walid, 179, 183 Gulf Cooperation Council, 9, 47 Jum‘a, Ahmad, 59 Gulf War, 78, 93 Kamel, Saleh, 52, 65, 79, 82 Habermas, Jürgen, 199–200, 213, 220 Karami, ‘Omar, 174, 182 Hafez, ‘Abdulhalim, 34, 148 resignation of, 173–4 Hafi zh, Hisham and Mohammed Katz, Elihu, 187 ‘Ali, 73 Kaya, Ibrahim, 60 Haifa, 109 Khaddam, ‘Abdulhalim, 157 Haifa, Nancy and Maria, 35 Khairy, Amina, 24 Hakam al-Baba, 38–40 Khashan, Faris, 155 Hartley, John, 164 Khayyat, Tashin, 168 Hassan, ‘Ammar, 152 Khoury, Elie, 105 Hassoun, Shada, 17, 196 Khoury, Nabil, 76 Hayek, Mazen, 30 King ‘Abdulaziz Ibn ‘Abdulrahman Hizbollah, 20, 78, 86, 167–8, 174, al-Faisal al-Sa‘ud (Ibn Sa‘ud), 68 176–9, 186, 191 King Fahd Bin ‘Abdulaziz, 51


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Kolakowski, Leszek, 8 Lebanese-Syrian media war, 20, Kuttab, Daoud, 31 144–54 Kuwait, 15 and Shahd Barmada, 160–4 and diwaniyyas, 141 and Superstar, 144–54 and Kuwaiti press, 122, 141–2 and Superstar 3, 161–3 and Minister of Information , 15, 19, 22, 81, 110 sacking, 20 and civil war, 74, 77–9, 144 and Star Academy debate, 142 and King Fahd’s death, 66 and Superstar debate, 143 and political system, 88 and women’s political and the politics-popular culture enfranchisement, 16, 119–27 nexus, 35 and women’s political rights, 122–6 and Star Academy, 110–13 Kuwait Television, 123–4, 133 Le Guay, Damien, 37, 43 Lerner, Daniel, 205 Liberal values, 64, 201, 208–9 L’Orient L’Express, 183 Loft Story, 36–7 Labaki, Nadine, 170 Lahoud, Emile, 82–3, 145, 167, 180 and unconstitutional extension, Mansour, Ahmad, 1, 42–3 154 MBC, 1, 11, 31, 60, 87, 202, 205 LBC, 31, 42, 62, 78, 204 and Arab traditions and values, 61 and aesthetic, 80–1, 109–11 and Man Sa-Yarbah al Malyoun and al-Hadath, 86 (Who Wants to Be a and al-Hairiri’s assassination, Millionaire?), 32, 79 167–71 MBC 2, 52–3 and conspicuous liberalism, and Nour (Light), 205 109–10 origins of, 31, 51–2 and format, 109 programming, 11, 80, 87, 205 and Islam, 82 shows on, 25 and the Lebanese-Syrian media McClintock, Anne, 163 war, 177 Media ritual, 117, 180–2 and Min Qaddak, 31 Mehlis, Detlev, 167 origins of, 32, 81, 90 Mer‘eb, Tania, 146–7 and Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, Mernissi, Fatima, 7 81–5, 89 Minbar al-Jazeera, 28 and Saudi Arabia, 87–90 Mitchell, Timothy, 5, 219 shows on, 1–2, 9, 11, 74, 86, 105, Mobile phones, 68 107 and hypermedia space, 188 and , 154–5, 168 and Independence Intifada, 189 violating gender boundaries, and television, 12 109–10 and voting, 17, 180–2 LBC Reality Channel, 33, 133, 168 Modernism, 203–4 LBC-Sat, 82, 84–6, 88–9, 168 Modernity, 4–8, 26, 60, 116–18, Lebanese Forces, 81, 90, 155, 179 193–4, 204–5


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Modernity (cont.) Omnicom Media Group (OMD), 10 as battle of representations, 8, 18, Ottoman Empire, 26–7 92–4, 103 and gender, 14, 197 Patriotism, 35, 133–4, 144, 151, and hybridity, 13 161, 171, 196 as image vs. reality, 40, 45 Paye, Oliver, 38 and nation-states, 17, 27 Peters, John, 115, 164 as negotiation with the West, 15, Pettman, Jan Jindy, 162 40, 56, 71 Poetry, 209–11 as rival versions of reality, 15 Politics. See also entertainment- taming of, 192–213 politics as contention, 200 Montesquieu, 140 nexus in Arab world as Moore, George Edward, 22 performance, 200 Multiple modernities, 8, 16–18, 219. rhetoric, symbols, and ritual in, 28 See also modernity as spectacle, 27 Muqalled, Diana, 174 Pop Idol. See Superstar Murr TV (MTV), 78, 83–4 Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, 82 Muruwwah, Jamil, 77 Prince Khalid Bin Musa‘id, 72 Muruwwah, Kamel, 74 Prince Nayef Bin ‘Abdulaziz, 75 muyu‘a, 128, 197. See also effeminacy Public space, 34 and gender, 97, 107 Najjar, Ramsay, 42–3, 85 and modernity, 4 Nasrallah, Hassan, 35, 177, 194 and politics, 45 National Broadcasting Network (NBN), 78 Qassir, Samir, 154, 183, 190 National identity Qatar, 23, 71 and Star Academy, 105, 135 Qatar Foundation for Education, and Superstar, 163 Science and Community and women, 125, 162, 196 Development, 212 Nationalism, 5, 18, 37, 58, 135, Qordahi, George, 79 142, 163, 183, 191, 195–6, 204 as constitutive rhetoric, 18 Rabahi, Tawfi q, 88 as episodic, 18, 196 Radio Riyadh, 75 and pan-Arab nationalism, 17, Radio Sawa, 194 124, 151, 156 Reality, 42, 113. See also authenticity as performance, 151 as battle of representations, 45 and self-defi nition, 195 defi nition of, 198, 200 New TV, 25, 53, 78, 156, 168, 177, vs. image, 202, 210 186 Reality Television New York Times, 152, 178 and consumption, 208 Nga Longva, Anh, 125 and democratization, 198–201 Nujum al-‘Ulum [Stars of Science], and “demotic turn,” 34 212 and Endemol, 9, 32, 54, 61


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formats, 36 Shobokshi, Hussain, 86, 175 and Fremantle, 9, 32, 128, 147 SMS (Short Messaging System), 10 as idiom of contention, 45, 165, 168 Spengler, 140 and image vs. reality, 40–1 Star Academy, 9, 121–2, 193, 198, and Islamist criticisms, 143 205, 207 and moral values, 128, 131 and advertising, 63 and national identity, 15 and debate over Western and nationalism, 18, 164 modernity, 138–40 and neoliberalism, 208–9 format, 11–12, 14, 98–9 and performative politics, 151 and gender, 13–14, 93–8 and poetry, 209–11 Islamist opposition to, 15–16, 37, and politics, 15–17, 37 91–105, 131–4, 143 and reality, 113, 192–5 and Kuwaiti national identity, and social authority, 38–41, 192, 133–7 198–200 as “moral terrorism,” 41 and visibility, 142 and nationalism, 195 and voting, 162 and “Patriotic Night,” 168–71 Renan, Ernest, 164 political debates regarding, 17 Rotana Audio Visual, 83 and politics, 35–8 Rugh, William, 70 public debates regarding, 38–40 Russia Today, 23 public reaction to, 105–9, 131 as Satan Academy, 99–100 Sa‘d, Rula, 98, 105, 168 and Saudi authenticity, 91–3 Salah, Ahmad, 60 and Shadha Hassoun, 17–18 Samra, 126 as a social and cultural model, 136 Sarlo, Beatriz, 29 social impact of, 130–1 Saudi Arabia Star Academy 2, 91, 102, 171–2 and al-Khati’a wal-Takfi r, 93 Star Academy 5, 140, 205, 208 authenticity in, 91–3 State television and Grand Mosque of Mecca in Algeria, 37 siege, 74 in Jordan, 151 and modernity wars, 6–7, 20, 93, in Lebanon (and Audio-Visual 94 Media Law), 78 and Star Academy debate, 98–107 in Saudi Arabia, 97 Saudi-Lebanese Connection, 91 in Syria, 157 and Fadlallah, Muhammad Sultan, Hamed, 120 Hussain, 87 Superstar, 9, 120, 198 and Lebanese civil war, 76–7 and Beirut riots, 145–6 Scott, Joan, 108 and concert controversy, 119–21, Sha‘er al-Malyoun, 209 127 Shahata, Hamza, 94 and country voting, 17 Shaykh Hamad al-Khalifa, 48 and format, 32, 128, 153 Shaykh Isa Ibn Salman al- Khalifa, 48 and gender, 13


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Superstar (cont.) Voice of the Arabs, 70, 73, 103, and Jordanian-Syrian relations, 151 149–51 and Kuwaiti Information Minister, Wahhabiyya, 15, 28, 68, 71, 105, 108, 37 113 and nationalism, 20, 149, 151, 195 and authenticity, 20, 113, 116 and the Syrian-Lebanese media and cultural purity, 96–7, 104, war, 20 113, 206 and Western modernity debate, 139 and opposition to Star Academy , and women, nation, and Shahd 91–3, 111–13, 116–18 Barmada, 160–3 potential decline of, 118 Hamas statement about, 152 and reality TV, 117 Islamist opposition to, 120–1, and Saudi national television, 87 127–9, 143, 151 and women, 110 as a political arena, 36, 38, 41–2, 45 Watenpaugh, Keith, 26 as a social and cultural model, 136 Wedeen, Lisa, 27, 156, 164, 196, Superstar 2, 152–3 220 Superstar 3, 153, 160, 163, 172 Wehbi, Haifa, 80, 110, 169 Survivor Arabia, 208, 210 West mimicking programs from, 1 Ta’if Agreement, 146 Western modernity, 4, 138–40 Taylor, Charles, xvi, 8, 210 Westernization, 35, 197 Télé-Liban, 31, 77–8, 149, 177 and imperialism, 55 Telfi zion al-waqi‘. See reality Women television, 105 in the Arab world, 13 The Biggest Winner, 32, 202, 210 and commodifi ed femininity, The Holy Qur’an Caravan, 211 109–10 Tishreen, 158 as contested symbols, 93–8, Toynbee, 140 196–7 Trofi mov, Yaroslav, 75 and gender segregation, 54. See Tuayni, Gebran, 154, 178, 190 ikhtilat and plastic surgery, 203, Turner, Graeme, 34 208 as reality TV contestants, 50, 53 United Nations Security Council as viewers, 52 Resolution 1559, 167, 176 and visibility, 108, 110, 123, 125, 142 Van Zoonen, Liesbet, 33 Vattimo, Gianni, 7 Yack, Bernard, 60 Visibility of power, 23–5 Yamani, Muhammad ‘Abdu, Saudi and Arab politics, 198–200 Minister of Information, 75 transformation of, 27–8, 208 and women, 197–8 Zayn, Melhem, 144, 149, 169


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