Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara


I am, Yulia Aldina Sagala, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


A Description On Characterization of The Main Characters In ’s Novel, Theodore Boone The Abduction. Paper: English Department, Faculty Of Culture Study, University Of Sumatera Utara Medan, 2019.The purpose of this research is to analyze the characterization of main character, which is mostly found in the Grisham’s Novel, Theodore Boone The Abduction. In this case. the method of this study is using qualitative method. The research questions will be answered in analyzed description. The concept of analizing the main character is by using Graham Little theory. It is related in his books “Approach to Literature” about steps to analysis of the characterization which is based on these aspects: Physical appearance of the main characters, and Social Status Of The Main Character

Key words: Novel, Characterization, Main Character


Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRAK Penjelasan Karakterisasi Dalam Pemeran Utama Yang Terdapat Di Novel John Grisham Theodore Abduction. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakterisasi pemeran utama dalam novel Grisham’s Novel, Theodore Boone The Abduction. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pertanyaan penelitian akan dijawab dalam deskripsi yang dianalisis. Konsep yang digunakan dalam menganlisis main karakter adalah menggunakan teori Graham Little. Teori tersebut berkaitan dengan bukunya yang berjudul “Approach to Literature” menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah menganalisis karakterisasi yang didasarkan pada aspek berikut: Penampilan fisik karakter utama dan status sosial karakter utama.

Kata kunci : Novel,Karakterisasi, Karakter Utama


Universitas Sumatera Utara


In the name of Allah, the most Generous and the most Merciful

First of all, I would like to give all majesty and praise to Allah SWT, the lord of the word for blessing and giving me the opportunity, health, strength, patients, and ability to accomplish this paper and Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, this success would not be achieved without support from individual, people and institution. However, this success would not be achieved without support from individual, people and institution. For all guidance, the researcher would like thanks to:

 Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S, as the Dean of Faculty Cultural Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara.

 Dra. Swesana, Mardia Lubis, M.HUM as the head of English Diploma

Study Program, and also as my beloved supervisor who give me chance to

prove my qualified for finishing this paper, for teaching precious knowledge

and wonderful experience during the study, and also the stuffs for the

facilities and opportunities have given to me during my study in this



Universitas Sumatera Utara

 Foremost, special appreciation and thanks to my beloved parents, Alm.

Jamaluddin Sagala and Zumroh Sinambela, who never stop praying and

supporting me, for her love, comfort, care, attention, encouragement, loyalty,

and financial support. They are the biggest inspiration and motivation for me.

For my Mom, I do love you. I hope I can make you always happy every time,

I will make you proud to one day. I will do it for you, I promise.

 Special thanks to my beloved brother Anthonyster Sagala & Rani Sartika

Manurung who have support me to continue my study. Thankyou so much

for your caring to me. Not only the financial support that you have given to

me, but the supports, advices and your loving. I really hope my Allah reply

all of your kindness

 For my big family, aunty Rabiati, Zaileha, Maimunah and also my lovly

sister Hubayroh, big thanks for always giving me your loving and suporting

to continue my study. I love you all. You often help me anytime and

anywhere. I hope someday i can replay their kindess

 Also big thanks to my sister Fatma Indriyani who has helping me with

financial suport and her caring to my study. May Allah reply your kindess,



Universitas Sumatera Utara

 For my best friend Faradibanasution, who always giving me her suport, big

thanks you always make me to laugh every time and everywhere.You are the

real friend because you are always there when i am happy and sad. I feel so

lucky because I have ever know you and until now

 Darzah Rizkiana, who always help me and cheer me up in every situations.

 Maryani & Yollanda, thankyou for being my lovly old friends. I miss you.

Finally, I will accept the suggestion and critics that build me up from the readers because I know this paper is not perfect, and that’s why your critics might make this paper better. Thanks to all readers who read this paper.


Universitas Sumatera Utara


AUTHOR’S DECLARATION………………………………………………… 1

COPYRIGHT DECLARATION……………………………………………..... 2

ABSTRAK…………………………………………………………………….... 3

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………. 4

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………… 8


1.1 The Background of the Study ………………………………….…………. 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study ……………………………………………….... 2

1.3 The Object of the Study …………………………………………….…... .. 2

1.4 The Scope of the Study …………………….…………………….……...... 3

1.5 The Significance of the Study ……………………………...... 3

1.6 The Method of the Study ……………………………………………...... 4


2.1 Novel…………..……………………..…………….……...... 5

2.2 Character…………………………………………...... ……..……… 8


Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.3 Characterization………………………..……………………….....…... 11

2.4 Definition of Character ……………..………………..……….....…...... 12

2.5 The Types of Character ...... …..………………..……….....…...... 13


3.1 The Physical Status of Main Character ………...... 16

3.1.1 Theo Bone...... 16

3.1.2 April Finnmore...... 18

3.2 The Social Statu Of Main Character...... 19

3.2.1 Theo Bone...... 19

3.2.2 April Finnmore...... 23

3.3 The Personality Of Main Character...... 24

3.3.1 Theo Bone...... 24

3.3.2 April Finnmore...... 26


4.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………….………...……... 27

4.2 Suggestion ……………………………………………………...…………. 28

REFRENCE...... 29

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………… 30

SUMMARY...... 31


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER 1


1.1 Background Of Study

Literature represents and pictures out various aspects of life. According to

Wellek and Warren (1956: 3) the literature mirrors and expresses life that is even more ambigious . It means that the literature is come up from the events happen in the society. In literature, the author presents a work to delivers his/her ideas to the reader.

Here, we can understand that in every work has its own characteristic dan authors‟ objective. It is obvious that the author‟s ideas in a work can be very influential to the readers‟ mindset. Moreover, the definitions of literature cannot only stop in one person‟s opinion. The researcher will comes up some definitions from some experts of literature in this discussion.

Hmlyn (1998:1) also describes about literature in a different way. He states that literature in the word originally meant all written language. More formally, literature is defined, according to one dictionary, as writing in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essensial features, as poetry, romance, history, biography, essay etc. Not all good books are literature, but all literature is good, interesting, significant, well written, etc.

Graham Little (1970:101-102) states that a novel develops a theme which is one of the best ways to express moral and social thought. By using obvious pictures of its time guides us to perceive that we comprehend its setting. It invites us that we have lived in it.

1 1 Universitas Sumatera Utara Furthermore, according to Long (1991:3) literature in the broaden sense, perhaps, literature means simply the written records of the race, including all its history and science, as well as its poems and novels; in the narrow sense literature 12 in the artistic record of life, and most of our writing is exclude from it, just as the mass of our buildings, mere shelter from and from cold, are exclude from architecture.

Every novel was created with their own purpose. The purposes of novel in real life are to entertain and give benefit to its readers. We could get knowledge, entertainment, information and messages by reading the novel.

Based on the topic to be studied, here the researcher chooses novel to be discussed. Novel is one of literary work that which presents some values of character buildings, especially those which are presented by a particular cast of the novel. In fact, reading a novel is able to enrich our understanding in giving interpretation about its content. Furthermore, by reading novel, brings us to know more about various human being aspects and things happen in the reality


Universitas Sumatera Utara In this paper the writer uses John Grisham‟s novel Theodore Boone The

Abduction. The writer choose this novel because the writer is very interested to the main characters in this novel. Characters are very important in a story. Characters make the story become real and interesting. The writer only focussed to the characterization of main characters in this novel. The story told about a man who had lost her best friend in 13-year-old Theodore Boone. He had a bestfrend named,


The story begins with Theo being woken up in the middle of the night to find out that April has been abducted. The fear is that April's cousin, the notorious criminal Jack Leeper, has kidnapped her. He is seen around town and eventually caught. Leeper claims to know where April is but refuses to tell the police unless they agree to his conditions. Theo and his friends search the town but are stopped by unhelpful policemen. The rumors around April's disappearance are made worse when a body is pulled out of the river. However, after a few days of examining the body, the police discover it was a man.

1.2 Problem Of Study

The main problem in this paper is about how are the characterization of main

characters that is potrayed in the John Grisham‟snovel Theodore Boone The



Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.3 The Objective Of Study

The purpose of the study is to describe about the characterization of the main

characters that is potrayed in the John Grisham‟s novel Theodore Boone The


1.4 The Scope Of Study

The scope or limitation of the study is needed to be the base of everything

which is related to the solution of the problem itself. In order to make the study

more specific, the writer chosee to find some characterization of main character

that is potrayed in the Theodore Boone The Abductionn novel and the writter only

focuses on the physical appearance of the main characters and social status of the

main characters in the novel.

1.5 Significant Of Study

The significance of writing this paper was expected to be useful both

theoretically and practically. Theoretically the results of this study are expected to

be beneficial for readers, society and any other researcher in educational field to

get motivated in analyzing some literary works especially about some

characterization character through the novel

Practically the results of this study are expected to provide some

information and knowledge especially in analyzing the characterizations in the

Theodore Boone The Abduction novel. I hope this paper can be used as the reference

for student of literature and can be adeded to the library collection


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.6 Method Of Study

On this paper the writer used the qualitative research. The writer identifies patterns and relationships on which to base an analysis of the findings. The data source is from the Theodore Boone The Abduction novel and also from internet.

Technique of Data Collection the researcher used some methods of collecting data. The methods are as follows: Reading and understanding the novel, reading some other resources related to the novel, giving marks to particular parts in the novel which are considered to the charcterization of the main character, taking note, classifying the data into categories and developing them into a good unity, and drawing conclusion and suggestion.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1 Novel

The word comes from the Italian, Novella, which means the new staff that small. The novel developed in England and America. The novel was originally developed in the region from other forms of narrative nonfiction, such as letters, biographies, and history. But with a shift in society and development time, the novel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change according to the desired imagination. Sumardjo (1998: 29) says that “novel is a story with the prose form in long shape, this long shape means the story including the complex plot, many character and various setting”.

According to William Kenney (1966: 27), character is an imagined person who fills up the story. A character is obviously relevant too us. In describing a character, a writer needs to make the character resembles human beings, but sometimes some characters are described much more special than others, and sometimes they are unrealistic in which they are too kind or too bad

Lukacs (1988, p.24) states novel is the epic of an age in which the extensive totality of life is no longer directly given, in which the immanence of meaning in life has become a problem, yet which still thinks in terms of totality. One type of literatury works that presents pictures of human life is novel. Novel is a story that tells some episodes of human life. In the Italian language the term novel is called a novella. Novella is literally means "a new small stuff", and then interpreted as a short story in prose, as cited by Abrams in Nurgiyantoro (2005).

6 6

Universitas Sumatera Utara Novel is narrative text informing of prose with a long shape that including some figures and fiction event. The intrinsic elements of novel are theme, plot, setting, characterization, point of view, etc (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:10).

2.1.1 Intrinsic Element

Intrinsic elements are the elements that consist of characterizations or disposition, events, plot, theme, the central narration and language style. The mentioned intrinsic elements are described as the following: o Theme

The theme essencially is meaning contained in the story or, briefly, the meaning of the story. It comments upon some aspect of life and has value outside the story

(Stanton, 1965). o Character

Talking about fiction work, the terms which are usually are like character and characterization interchangeabl, yet the meaning of both is somewhat the same. 5 Characterization often equated with character and disposition that often means as the placement of certain figures with certain temperaments in a story (Nurgiyantoro,

2005). o Setting

Setting is related with the time and place of storytelling. The timing can be the noon or night, day, month, or year, and it can also mean duration of the story.

Setting is the element of fiction which reveals where and when of events. Setting denotes location, historical period and social surroundings in which the action of a text develops (Klarer,1999).


Universitas Sumatera Utara o Plot

Plot is the plan or main story of a literary work. This explains that as a story runs, it needs to maintain logical relationship to what went before and what is yet to come. And one for certain, a plot plays a frame in which to enact its author„s intention (Rabiger, 2008). o Point of View Point of view

It is an author„s decisions about who is to tell the story and how it is to be told is among the most important he or she makes (Diyanni, 2004).

2.2 Character

Before we talk about characters, first we should know the meaning of a character itself. Character is personality or traits. Character is ones who are involved in the story. Duffy and Petit (1953: 24) stated that ―Character is a person in a story or a play

The character is one of the important elements of fiction. Characters are elements which can be found in a movie plot and characters are inseparable, because plot is not simply a series of event happened that come out of character to delineate characters. In order word, when we know „what happened to him or her„ and ‗how did it work out for them„, so we should find out the action of the character in a sequence of events.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Furthermore, Dickinson (1968: 17) states that: „„character is the person who

can contribute to a story in several ways‟‟. Character can be defined in different

ways, there is no right or wrong. Having character means to have courage and be

willing to do the right thing at the right time. Character is not only "moral excellence

and firmness" because excellence is an illusion. People with character always do

their best and never give up. They have no limits and will not stop supporting what

they think is right without a fight.

Author use five ways to present their characters. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry

E. Jacobs (1995: 135), tell us how characters disclose in fiction. There are:

1. Actions

What character does is our best way to understand what they are. As with ordinary

human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand how they may be

changing or why they do the things they do. Nevertheless, their actions express their

characters. Actions may also signal qualities such as nalvete‟, weakness, deceit, a

scheming personality, strong inner or conflicts, or realization or growth of some sort.

2. Descriptions both personal and environmental

Appearance and environmental reveal much about a character‟s social and economic

status, of course, but they also tell us about character traits.

3. Dramatic statements and thoughts

Although the speeches of most characters are functional essential to keep the story

moving along-they provide material from which you can draw conclusions. Often

characters use speech to hide their motives, though we as readers should see through

their action narrated in the works.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. Statements by other characters

2.4 The Types of Character

In literarature, According to Dietch (2003:434) There are two types of

characters; they are main or major character and minor character. Major characters are

usually revealed indirectly through behavior whereas minor characters tend to be

revealed directly through explanation

1. Major character

According to Nurgiyantoro (2002:176-177) that, “major character is the most

presented character in the story. He or she is the most telling character, either as

subject or objects of the conflict. Even on particular stories, major character is always

present in every scene and conflict”. The presence of major character is very dominant

because he or she is the figure who is always present in the story and also affects the

development of the conflict and climax in the story. Although the major character is

not always present in every scene, any conflict will always be associated with him or


2. Minor character

According to Nurgiyantoro (2002:177) that, ” minor character is a character

that appearsless often than major character”. Minor character is important character in

the story after the main character. Without minor character, major character‟s role will

not be perfect. Conflict can not be done only by the main character. It needs other

charactersto make the conflict more varied.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Moreover, Tomlison (2004:25) says: “Each main character, sometimes called the protagonist, will be fully described, complex individual who passesses both good and bad trait, like a real person. Such a character is called a round character. A flat character is a character described in a one-sided or undeveloped manner. Although such a people do not exist in real life, they may be justified within the story to propel the plot. Sometimes the character is show as an all-evil or allfrivolous person; for instance, folktales present flat characters as a symbols of good and evil. In some stories, a flat character foil may occur as a flat or as a round character”

Based on explanation above means that characters in story have deverence character. A character has important character story is called main character, while a character that„s character is less important, because her/his play completely, to support, to work with main character only. It is called minor character or supporting character


Universitas Sumatera Utara 2.3 Characterizations

In the art, character refers to person, particularly potrayed by an actor who appeared in literary work, wether a fictional character or historic figure. Character are widely considered as an assential element of fictional work especially in novel and play. The process of creating and developing character in a work fiction is called characterization. Characters is the person that presented in a drama or narration and the process by which the writer makes character seems real to the reader called characterization. Characterizations or disposition is a technique or ways of showing figures. There are several ways to show character. Analytical way, is how the appearance of characters directly through the author's description.

The process of creating and developing character in a work fiction is called characterization. Jones, (1968: 84) states Characterization is the depicting of clear images of a person. Characterization, by this definition, means the real description of the characters participating in the story through their actions

In other words, to analyzes and study the characterization of the main characters, the writer uses Graham Little (1996: 83) in his books “Approach to

Literature” about steps to analysis of the main characters which is based on these aspects:

1. Physical appearance of the main characters

It contains the physical of the appearances, related about their age,

performance, describe how old they are, how they look like, about sex both

men or women is like have pale skin, handsome or beautiful, long, black or

brown, etc.


Universitas Sumatera Utara

2. Social status of the main characters

This section describes how the main character of life (rich or poor), how

education and treasure dignity. And discusses their educational background,

their life in middle, high modern classes.

3. Social relationship of the main characters.

In this case, the writer wants to discuss the relationship between the main

characters and others characters surrounding them (minor character or

supporting character).

4. Personality of the main characters

It describe the personality of the main character such as: how to create

romantic situation, can see good condition to play a role, whether or not are

they responsible, neat persons or discipline.

The types of characterization are: a. Direct (Telling)

According Albertine Minderop (Quoted by Pickering and Hoeper) in his book

“Metode Karakterisasi Telaah Fiksi” stated that one type is telling, which relies on

exposition and direct commentary by the author. In telling a type preferred and

practiced by many older fiction writers the guiding hand of the authors is very much

evidence. We learn and look only at what the author calls to our attention (Pickering

and Hoeper, 1981: 27).


Universitas Sumatera Utara In direct types any two ways to understand the characters, as follow:

1) Characterization through the use of names

It is a literature often used to give an idea or increase the idea, clarify the idea and exacerbate the characterization. The name is a story was describing the characterization that differences with the other name in a story.

2) Characterization through appearance

In literature, characterization through appearance was important in characterization. It mean was the clothes what wearing or how the expression is a picture of characterization through the appearance of characters.

3) Characterization by the author

In this type was gives a large place and free to author or narrator in established the story. The author was commented about the character and personality in each character in a story until in mind, feels and flaming of hearts the characters.

This type of characterization usually removes all doubt from the reader‟s mind regarding said character. Of course, if there is a biased narrator, then readers must be particularly cautious when considering the validity of the direct statement.

b. Indirect (Showing)

The other type according Albertine Minderop (Quoted by Pickering and Hoeper) in his book “Metode Karakterisasi Telaah Fiksi” is the direct, the dramatic type of showing, which involves the author‟s stepping aside, as it were, to allow the characters to reveal themselves directly through and their actions. With showing, much of the burden of character analysis is shifted to the reader, who is required to infer character


Universitas Sumatera Utara on the basis of the evidence provides in the narrative (Pickering and Hoeper, 1981: 27-


In indirect types any two ways to understand the characters, as follow:

1) Dialog

To begin with, the reader must pay close attention to the substance of the dialog itself. Is it small talk, or is the subject an important one in the developing action of the plot? In terms of characterization, if the speaker insists on talking only about himself or only on a single subject, we may conclude that we have either an egotist or a bore.

If the speaker talks only about others, we may merely have a gossip and busy body

(Pickering and Hoeper, 1981: 32)

2) Action

According Henry James (Quoted by Pickering and Hoeper) stated to build the character based on action was logical from developing of psychology and personality; who shows the characters in a story perform in their actions.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1 The Physical Status of Main Character

3.1.1 Theo Boone

Theo Boone is the main character in the novel Theodore Boone The

Abduction. His age is thirteen year old

It can be seen in following text,

The last member of was Theo, who happily suspected that he was the only thirteen-year- old in Strattenburg with his own law office. Of course, he was too young to be a real member of the firm, but there were times when Theo was valuable. He fetched files for Dorothy and Vince. He scanned lengthy documents looking for key words or phrases. (John Grisham, 2011:24)

Beside that, Theo have an asthma.

It can be seen in following text,

Theo preferred not to stay at school after classes and watch the girls play soccer. He himself did not play soccer, not that he had the choice. An asthma condition kept him away from strenuous activities, but even without the asthma he doubted he would be playing soccer

(John Grisham, 2011:68)

From the text we can see that Theo have an atshma, it makes him didnt play the soccer

16 16

Universitas Sumatera Utara Theo suddenly could not catch his breath. He ran for his backpack in a corner, pulled out his inhaler, and took several puffs of medication. This happened occasionally, and, though his classmates understood, Theo was always embarrassed. He was actually exempt from gym, but he insisted on participating

(John Grisham, 2011:78)

From the text we can see that Theo has inhaler and several puffs of medication. That‟s mean Theo has an atshma

April Finnemore left the crowd and took a seat next to Theo. Very close. “Are you all right?” she asked. “I‟m fine,” he answered as he began to think that maybe an asthma attack wasn‟t so bad after all. She placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with tremendous concern. A loud voice yelled, “Hey, April, what are you doing?” It was Mr. Tyler. She coolly turned and said, “I‟m taking a break.” “Oh really. I don‟t recall approving a break. Get back in line.” To which she repeated, icily, “I said I‟m taking a break.” Mr. Tyler paused for a second, then managed to say, “And why is that?” “Because I have an asthma condition, just like Theo.”

(John Grisham, 2011:78)

From the text we can see that when April askeTheo‟s condition, he was not good.

For the first time in his young life, Theo was thrilled to have asthma.For the remainder of the period, Theo and April sat knee-to-knee in the , watching the others sweat and groan, giggling at the less-than-athletic ones, mocking Mr. Tyler, gossiping about the classmates they were not so fond of, and whispering about life in general. That night, they Facebooked for the first time

(John Grisham, 2011:79)


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.1.2 April Finnemore

April Finnemore is Theo‟s bestfriend, he was been abduction at the nigth. Her bestfriend Theo looking for her. April is a beautiful young girl. She is thirteen years old

It can bee seen in following text,

Theo had always been struck by her beauty. She made no effort at being attractive—quite unlike his mother—but some things you can‟t hide. She was also very creative, liked to paint and do pottery, in addition to making goat cheese. April had inherited the good genes—the pretty eyes, the artistic flair (John Grisham, 2011:7)

From the text we can see that April is a beautiful girl because she has her mother

good ganes, it is a pretty eyes and artistic flair

Was her career over before it started? Was April dead, a sweet thirteen-year-old kid brutally abducted and killed because there was no one to take care of her? Theo‟s hands were shaking and his mouth was dry. He closed and locked his door, then walked to the drawing and gently touched her name

(John Grisham, 2011:72)

From the text we also can see that April is a sweet person and thirteen years old


Universitas Sumatera Utara Although has a beautiful face, April dont like to make up. She dresses like a boy and didnt care of her looking.

It can be seen in following text,

Theo was one of the few boys who talked to April. Most of the eighth graders, boys and girls, liked April but found her difficult to hang out with. She was quiet, dressed more like a boy than a girl, had no interest in the latest fashions or the weekly teen-gossip magazines, and as everyone knew, came from a weird family (John Grisham, 2011:22)

3.2 The Social Status Of Main Character

3.2.1 Theo Boone

Theo Boone is the only child of two lawery. His parent, Woods

Boone and Marcella Boone. He has a bestfriend named April. Theo has a good

education in shcool.

It can be seen in following text,

Theo‟s problem at this moment was his habit of trying to avoid school. He didn‟t hate school; in fact, he usually enjoyed it once he got there. He made good grades and enjoyed his friends. Theo, though, wanted to be at the courthouse, watching trials and hearings, listening to the lawyers and judges, chatting with the policemen and the clerks, even the janitors. Theo knew them all. (John Grisham, 2011:20)


Universitas Sumatera Utara

. His computer skills were extraordinary and allowed him to research legal issues and dig up facts. But his favorite chore, by far, was dashing off to the courthouse to file papers for the firm. Theo loved the courthouse and dreamed of the day when he would stand in the large, stately courtroom on the second floor and defend his clients

(John Grisham, 2011:23)

Theo have a rich family. Because both his father and mother are a lawyer and they have their own building offifce where is the place they work.

It can be seen in following text,

His parents had been married for twenty-five years, and for the past twenty they had worked together as partners in the small firm of Boone & Boone, located at 415 Park Street, in the heart of old Strattenburg

(John Grisham, 2011:23)

Now the firm had just two equal partners—Marcella Boone on the first floor, in a neat modern office where she handled mainly divorces, and Woods Boone upstairs all alone in a large cluttered room with sagging bookshelves and stacks of files littering the floor and an ever-present cloud of fragrant pipe smoke rolling gently across the ceiling

(John Grisham, 2011:24)

We can see that Theo‟s family have a modern office where they handled their work.


Universitas Sumatera Utara This was usually the case. Theo‟s mother, when she wasn‟t in court, spent most of her time with clients, almost all of whom were women who (1) wanted a divorce, or (2) needed a divorce, or (3) were in the process of getting a divorce, or (4) were suffering through the aftermath of a divorce. It was difficult work, but his mother was known as one of the top divorce lawyers in town. Theo was quite proud of this. He was also proud of the fact that his mother encouraged every new client to seek professional counseling in an effort to save the marriage.

(John Grisham, 2011:26)

From the text we can see that Theo‟s mother is known as one of the top divorce lawyer in his town.

“I‟m Theo Boone.” He emphasized his last name in hopes that one of the officers might recognize it. He‟d learned that most of the policemen knew most of the lawyers, and maybe, just maybe, one of these guys would realize that Theo‟s parents were well- respected attorneys

(John Grisham, 2011:34)

From the text we can see that Theo‟s mother is respected by other

Finally, one of the other officers took a few steps toward Bard and said, “Is your dad Woods Boone?” His nameplate identified him as Sneed.

Finally, Theo thought. “Yes, sir.”

“And your mother‟s a lawyer, too, right?” Officer Sneed asked. “Yes, sir.” (John Grisham, 2011:37)

From the text we can see that Theo‟s family is popular.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Boone family dinner schedule was as predictable as a clock on the wall. On Mondays, they ate at Robilio‟s, an old Italian restaurant downtown, not far from the office. On Tuesdays, they ate soup and sandwiches at a homeless shelter where they volunteered.

On Wednesdays, Mr. Boone picked up carryout Chinese from Dragon Lady, and they ate on folding trays as they watched television. On Thursdays, Mrs. Boone picked up a roasted chicken at a Turkish deli, and they ate it with hummus and pita bread. On Fridays, they ate fish at Malouf‟s, a popular restaurant owned by an old Lebanese couple who yelled at each other constantly. On Saturdays, each of the three Boones took turns choosing what and where to eat. Theo usually preferred pizza and a movie. On Sundays, Mrs. Boone finally did her own cooking, which was Theo‟s least favorite meal of the week, though he was too smart to say so

Marcella didn‟t like to cook. She worked hard and spent long hours at the office, and simply did not enjoy rushing home and facing more work in the kitchen

(John Grisham, 2011:37)

From the text we can see that Theo has a rich family, because they eat in the restaurant almost everyday. His mother didnt cook because she is bussy person.

The library was Theo‟s favorite room in the building. He loved its rows of thick, important books, its large leather chairs, and its long mahogany conference table. It was used for all sorts of big meetings—depositions, settlement talks, and, for Mrs. Boone, pretrial preparation

(John Grisham, 2011:70)

They were waiting for Theo in the library. A large flat- screen television was on with the local news, and his parents and Elsa were watching

(John Grisham, 2011:70).

From the text we can see that they have their own library


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.2.2 April Finnemore

April Finnemore is a broken home. She is a poor girls because her father and mother didnt have a real job.

It can be seen in following text,

Theo could think of nothing but April and of her miserable home life, her warring parents, her scarred brother and sister, both of whom had fled as soon as they were old enough. April was the youngest of three children born to two people who had no business having a family

(John Grisham, 2011:5)

Both had drug convictions. Her mother kept goats on a small farm outside of town and made cheese, bad cheese in Theo‟s opinion. Her father was an aging hippie. He had no real job and was often gone for weeks. The Finnemores were in a perpetual state of separation, with talk of divorce always in the air.

(John Grisham, 2011:5)

“Mrs. Finnemore wasn‟t at home when I talked to April last night,” Theo said, his head low, his eyes darting left and right. “And she wasn‟t home the night before. She‟s taking pills and she‟s acting crazy. April‟s been living by herself.”

“Where‟s her father?” Mr. Boone asked.

“He‟s off with his band, hasn‟t been home in a week.” “Doesn‟t he have a job?” Mrs. Boone asked.

“He buys and sells antique furniture. April says he‟ll make a few bucks, then disappear for a week or two with his band.”

“That poor girl,” Mrs. Boone said

(John Grisham, 2011:17)


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.3. Personality Of The Main Character

3.1.1 Theo Boone

Of course, he was too young to be a real member of the firm, but there were times when Theo was valuable.

(John Grisham, 2011:23)

From the bold text we can see that Theo is a clever person.

Theo pressed on, “The law clearly says that permits must be approved for posters and flyers dealing with politicians and people who are running for office, but not for anything else. These flyers are legal as long as they are taken down within ten days. That‟s the law.”

(John Grisham, 2011:36)

From the text we can see that Theo is a clever person because he knows the law

At this point Theo should‟ve played along and professed ignorance of the city‟s laws, but he simply could not do so. He said, very respectfully, “No, sir, it‟s not a violation of the city code to put flyers on poles used for telephones and electricity. I checked the law online during school today.

(John Grisham, 2011:35)

From the text we can see that Theo has good personality. He respects other.

Being the only child of two lawyers, Theo had already developed a healthy suspicion of those people who thought they had more power than others, including policemen

He had been taught to respect all adults, especially those with authority, but at the same time, his parents had instilled in him a desire to always look for the truth. When a person—adult, teenager, child—was not being honest, then it was wrong to go along with their fraud or lie


Universitas Sumatera Utara (John Grisham, 2011:3)

From the text we can see that Theo has a good personality, he respects all adults.

“Okay, there‟s a manhunt underway, and I need to go help. How often do we have a manhunt in Strattenburg? This is a big deal, especially since it‟s my close friend they‟re looking for. I need to help search for April. She would expect me to. Plus, there‟s no way I can concentrate at school. A total waste of time. I‟ll think of nothing but April.”

(Jhon Grisham, 2011:25)

Frrom the text we can see that Theo is also a lovely and caring person. Because he want to help to find his friend, April.

“So, who asked you boys and girls to join in the search?” asked the police

“Well, sir, no one really asked us. April is our friend and we‟re worried.” Theo was trying to find the right tone. He wanted to be very respectful, but at the same time he was convinced they were doing nothing wrong.

(Jhon Grisham, 2011:34)

“Yes, sir, we‟re helping you guys search for April Finnemore,” Theo went on pleasantly, flashing his braces with a wide smile at Officer Bard.

(Jhon Grisham, 2011:33)

Frrom the text we can see that Theo is also a friendly person.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3.3.2 April Finnemore

April Finnemore left the crowd and took a seat next to Theo. Very close. “Are you all right?” she asked. “I‟m fine,” he answered as he began to think that maybe an asthma attack wasn‟t so bad after all. She placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with tremendous concern. A loud voice yelled, “Hey, April, what are you doing?” It was Mr. Tyler. She coolly turned and said, “I‟m taking a break.” “Oh really. I don‟t recall approving a break. Get back in line.” To which she repeated, icily, “I said I‟m taking a break.” Mr. Tyler paused for a second, then managed to say, “And why is that?” “Because I have an asthma condition, just like Theo.”

Frrom the text we can see that April is a caring and friendly person. It shows when she worried about Theo‟s condition.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


3.3 Conlusion

From the discussion in the pervious chapter, the writter would like to conclude the description of the characterization of main character In the novel of

Theodore Boone The Abduction.

Ther writer have analye the characterization of the main character,

Theodore Boone in the previous chapter which is using Graham Little‟s theory to analyzes and study. Based on the Physical appearance of the main characters ,

Social status of the main characters and Personality of the main character

So, the conclusion are :

1. Physical appearance of the main characters

1.1 Theodore Boone

Theodore Boone is a young boy. He is thirteen years old. He have an

ashma since he was in sixth.

1.2 April Finnemore

April Finnmore is a beautiful young lady. She has a short hair. Her age

is same with Theo, thirteen years old. She likes dress like a boy and didnt care

about her looking

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Universitas Sumatera Utara

2. Social Status of the Main Characters

2.1 Theodore Boone

Based on the aspect, Theo bonee has a rich family. Because both of

her father and mother are a lowyer who have a lot of work and respected by

people. They also have their own building office where the place they work. Theo

is a clever boy who have a good education in shcool.

2.2 April Finnemore

April is a poor girl because her father and mother didnt have a real job

3. Personality Of The Main Charater

3.1 Theo Boone.

Theo Boone has good personality. He is a kind, lovly, friendly,

respecfully and caring person.

3.2 April Finnemore

April Finnemore is a friendly and caring person


Universitas Sumatera Utara


By reading this paper the writer hopes that the readers are interest in read a literature‟s works or even the can make a literaty as good as possible. For the reader who want to analysis the novel, I suggest you to analyze the main characterization of the main charcter. Because it is intersting to analyze


Universitas Sumatera Utara


The Biography Of John Grisham

John Ray Grisham Jr. born February 8, 1955. He is an American novelist, attorney, politician, and activist, best known for his popular legal thrillers. His books have been translated into 42 languages and published worldwide.

Grisham graduated from Mississippi State University and received a J.D. degree from the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1981. He practiced criminal law for about a decade and served in the Mississippi House o

Representativesfrom January 1984 to September 1990.


Universitas Sumatera Utara His first novel, A Time to Kill, was published in June 1989, four years after he began writing it. As of 2012, his books have sold over 275 million copies worldwide.

A Galaxy British Book Awards winner, Grisham is one of only three authors to sell two million copies on a first printing, the other two being Tom

Clancy and J. K. Rowling.

Grisham, the second of five siblings, was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to

Wanda (née Skidmore) and John Ray Grisham.[4] His father worked as a construction worker and a cotton farmer, and his mother was a homemaker.[10] When Grisham was four years old, his family settled in Southaven, Mississippi.[4]

As a child, he wanted to be a player.[9] In , a novel with strong autobiographical elements, the protagonist - a seven-year old farmer boy - manifests a strong wish to become a baseball player. As noted in the forward to , Grisham gave up playing baseball at the age of 18, after a game in which a hostile pitcher aimed a beanball at him, and narrowly missed doing the young Grisham grave harm.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Summary Of The Novel

As the only child of two busy and successful attorneys, eighth-grader Theo

Boone is intelligent and resourceful --- and he knows a fair amount about the law.

His mother, Marcella Boone, has an active practice handling divorces and family matters. Woods Boone, Theo's father, specializes in real estate. His uncle Ike, once a partner in the family firm, has had a checkered past with the law, but still plays a role in Theo's life. Even Theo's dog's name, Judge, is related to his family's legal profession.

When not in school or hanging out with his friends, Theo spends his spare time in his parents' law office, where he is a whiz with computers and enjoys doing legal research and checking out facts. His favorite assignment, though, is delivering legal documents and filings from the Boone and Boone Law Firm to the courthouse in Stattenburg, where he is a familiar face with the judges and court employees alike.

Theo's familiarity with the law and investigative talents come in handy after his best friend April disappears from her house one night. April's home life is an unstable mess. Her artistic and eccentric mother has a drug problem, and her unemployed father is frequently on the road with his failing band. April's older siblings have moved out, so she is left to fend for herself.

Theo is the most stable person in her life, and the last person to talk to her the night she goes missing. He has sworn to keep a secret she has confided in him.

But after she disappears, he must decide if telling her secret will help find her or possibly cause more harm.


Universitas Sumatera Utara While the police track down leads and apprehend a likely suspect, Theo takes action on his own. He organizes a search party with his friends, despite interference from local law enforcement officers. After a body is discovered in the river, the town fears the worst. With all the courage he can muster, and with some help from an unlikely source, Theo is determined to do what it takes to discover what has happened to April.

John Grisham is on familiar ground in this legal mystery about a courageous and intelligent teenager who must take action after being faced with a difficult decision. He deftly weaves in the relationships among families, the police, lawyers and the courts throughout the story line. In Theodore Boone The

Abduction, Grisham paints a vivid picture of a desperate young girl trapped in an unstable home environment. Through Theo, he brings to light the dilemmas teenagers face between being honest with their parents, keeping a confidence, and doing what is right.


Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCES

Duffy, Charles and Henry Petit. 1953. A Dictionary of Literary Term. USA:

Brown Book Company.

Grisham, John. 2011. Theodoree The Abduction.

Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction (A Critical Guide to

Appreciation of Short Stories, Novellas and Novels). New York:

Monarch Press.

Klarer, Mario. 1999. An Introduction to Literature Studies. London:


Little, Graham.1970. Approach to Literature: an Introduction to Critical

Study of Content and Method in writing. Sydney:

Science Press.

Minderop, Albertine.2005. Metode Karakterisasi Telaah Fiksi, Jakarta:

Yayasan Obor Indonesia,.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.2007. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta:

Gajah Mada University Press.

Welleck and Warren. 1993. Theory of Litearature. New York:

Harcort, Brace and Company

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