LASA 2013 Programa.Pdf
WEDNESDAY / FULL SCHEDULE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY 2:00PM - 5:00PM 000 // REC - Reception - Wednesday, 8:15pm - 10:00pm, Healy Lawn in Georgetown University Welcoming Reception Session Organizer: Evelyne Huber, University of North Carolina 001 // FEA - Panel - Wednesday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Madison B Pre-Conference Workshop - Data Bases on Latin American Political Institutions Session Organizers: Michael J Coppedge, University of Notre Dame Gerardo L Munck, University of Southern California Chair: Gerardo L Munck, University of Southern California Freedom House: Viviana M Giacaman, Freedom House Polity: Monty G Marshall, The Center for Systemic Peace Database on Political Institutions: Phillip Keefer, World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators: Aart Kraay, World Bank Comparative Constitutions Project: Zachary S Elkins, University of Texas/Austin Varieties of Democracy: Michael J Coppedge, University of Notre Dame 002 // FEA - Workshop - Wednesday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Truman Pre-Conference Workshop - Exploring the Ins and Outs of Academic Publishing: An Insider's View (Journals) Sponsor: BLAR, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, HAHR, JLAS, LACES, LAP, LARR, Latin American Politics and Society, Perfiles Latinoamericanos, Problemas del Desarrollo, Rev. Brasileira de Política Int., RMSPyS Session Organizer: Philip D Oxhorn, McGill University 000 // FEA – Offsite Workshop - Wednesday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Library of Congress Resources of the Library
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