
The Weather - tn U R a D A l, AUGUST S, l»4ft Arerase Daily Clrcnlation Forecast of U. 8. Weather Berisaa Ifv'.^ r A G i x t i f F o r lh » Meath o f Oalg; 1M5 Manchester’ Evening Heh’ald / Fair weather tonight aad Sat­ urday; a UtUe cooler Saturday 8,890 with much lower humidity, ^ A Social Security c^rd in the ' Trailer Fall / Member of tlM Aadlt ., name of Laurel Ailelaldc^'af-cnt in llik W from T rip CoL Batson Refu^s Sides i^ o u t T o w ii a packet of personalAiiapshots Boreaa of Ctrcnlstloiie . Mmehetter— A City of Village Charm found on Main street today xljy To West Coast In Which Botnwr Is Better / Victim Betted John Saldella and left at Tlm4lcr- (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S ori* K. MltcheJl, ■ 1-e 8 ald, 13 Bissell street. TheT owner MANCHESTER, CONN.XER1DAY, AUGUST 3, 1945 Atlantic City, N. J„ Atig. v*i< (UhuHiaeil AdVMtlMag ^ Page 8> \ - *f' the "Wave*,'.* daughter of xm'ay have thiS packet b v^H in g at ^OL. LXIV„ NO. 258 p4e Ju T wr. and Mrs. William Rl Mitchell, ^ e Herald/ ^ r » . J. H. McVeigh .in«I (jP)—A man of dl-seretlon Ix^tJoL Conrad J. Hawk, Is lim- ,8# Fairfield etreet, now.tm a tour Burnham L. Batson, pilot whd for proved ;■ Thrown /Off ■ ' ■t’-' \' ' of duty in Florida, 'was a recent Members of Manchester .^Juv.e- ghter Visit, Lt. 0>1. visitor at SUver Springs, Florida's nile 'Grange ^ 1 meet. tomorrow mer group commanderXof Mkn- Arthur A.^/Khofh Deadly Phosphorescent Bomb Dowms Liberatop cigh. See Sights. •ichcster, Conn. Having flown Home ■ Made Trailer. famed imdcr« ater fairyland, while afternoon Jour o’clock in their 875 Mata SV / X TeL 644t enjoying a week-end pass. hall on'the second floor at 991 ■both B-24 LlberatoplfC and B-17 |Big T hree Main sitreet. Work will be on Mrs. '^Jariigs H: McVefg.h and'her ■ Fly'ing Fortresses m conJiat,. he la j 'ITiet' condition of Conrad J. ''Ask Yota Neighbor” Mias Mary. Hutchison of New 'ntufpm toys for their booths at dagghtei'. Mtss Carol McVeigh, ^ in a pofaltlon to settle thaVold ar- ' HaW'k, nine,- sop of Mr', and Mrs. Haven,, formerly of-Pine street, at­ the^range Fair iri the .State Ar- have returhed\lo jhelr home on gument among airmen abdiit the Joseph Hawk of Lake street, Bol­ better ship. •'V tended the funeral yesterday aft­ .mpry, September X^nd S. and th* Oxfprd street after a visit with | ton, who was taken to the Memo­ same prpgj’anv w;tu be carried out Lieutenant Colonel James H. Mc­ ■"J'hey both brought me ha ernoon of Mrs. Ellenor A, Roger^ rial hospital yesterday Afternoon ^ays to Rebuild Pbrts ol Japan; and remained for a ’hrtef vMi'it at the next np/eting of the junr Veigh, who ,)dncc his return frnni from missions and as far as I b__ ALICE COFRAN concerned any plane that does suffering frohi' Undetermined in­ with frienda in town. iors. / / the E.T.O./ a year ago, has been ' (known As Queen Allee) |i stationed^at Santa Ana and the , that Is a good plane," he sqld at juries; was "slightly improved’* to­ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh, Sotl Ralph J. RuHde. 22, avliition Las Vestas A rm y Air' Fields, in 1 AAF Redi.strihiitioA Statinrv No. 1 day. He,was thrown from a home­ Borit With a Veil P eaceful Europe where he is-awaiting a new as- ordnanceman.'aecdnd 'Claa.s. USNR. Nevada. -Me r,xpects .shot tly to be I made work ti-ailer attached „tb a Readings Dally, Including SnndayL 118 Walnut Street, Mapeheater. Is trajisferred. to Williams' Field. slgnrtiefit. a A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By AppoIntI car driven by Henry J. Zlttnmer- More' Yesseis now back in the Stat/s for leave Chandler, Arizona. . It took A good platig to bring meat. In the Service of the Peof d o n WILLIS man, local barber, who ItVKs on Box and reassignment. He flew with Mrs. McVeigh and her daughter, Col. BaWon hack from siiiiie of pie tor SO Fears. iMaster Plan Emerges J X-— . GARAGE Patrol-Bombing .Squadron 137 who returns to. Teachers' College his mission.s, flown over some of Mountain Road,' 'Bolt.on, about 2 SPIRITIIAL MEDIUM - Senate Rows during 10 ropnths of lnten.se air in New,B'''lain in September as a ,the niost heavily defended targets o’clock yesterday afternoon. 169 Church Street, Hartford, Connl Erom Potsdam Confer* Every Important Harbor Complete Anto Service fighting over A large area df the j jiinior./lerf early lii July for the i-n Fitircipe. Once. over. Hamburg, Zimmerman is being held by the 'Phone 6-2024 * S u p er-Fo rt We.sL traveling in an aii-condition- ^ven ships in the he' was police on a chargo of recklgss driv­ en^es; Rtissia’s Role Chinese Units In Homeland and En* Pacific. ' ' / group Seen Looming i 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 rd slieauillrier of the LTdon iPacifle leading were- shot from the sky ing awaiting . the effect of the 2d iJeut. George P, Lwlirtsenia ' • In‘^nffict With Jap*- tire “Coastline of Ko* The <34th Ordnance Motor to Las Vegas. Colonel MeVeighX and his ptaiic was badly damaged boy’a injuries. The accident is be­ Lo sses H it leave of absence began Soon after by the heaW accurate flak.. ^ j ing Investigated further by Offi­ Remains Cloaked Renew Drive rea to Within 21 Miles ▼ahleie Aaeegibly Company at f ^ George Palmar. L^irt.seina, 21, ' v l an ForTreaties Tewkesbury, England, has gone^ their riVival .so that he hail oppor­ The formei\commantler of ' the Col. Burnham L. Batson cer'J3. Fi Dwyer. Mrs. Delia Sullivan If :'’ son of Mr, and MrA Peter Luurt- tunity tfKji'-nvel with his faniil.v. Rngland-ba.sed X52d Bomb Giinip ; . According to the Investigating SPEN(1ER CORSETIER In Stnet Secrecy. O f Russia Mined by into reverst operation in \order to \ sema. of 0 Warfen street, Sun L o w P o in t prepare vehicles for shipm^^ to : One of their first trips was to the I led hl?_raeii on Ih^e third ahiittlc tary Academy, Col. Batson holds officer, the car, operated by Zlm-. Vigorous Republican In K w angsi Super-Forts; Japanese husband of E.sUier l.uu'rUe- Grand Cuiin^ , Bnulder nam and : riin made. Takin^off from Eng- the Distinguished I Flying ' Cross mteman. was gbing west on Lake „ N ■ '' ■ .other theaters of war. ^xCoiwm l ma-of .396 llai'lford rortd. gradu­ I 5 Broad ■Washington, Aug. 3.— (/P) Andrew BIggerstaff. .I f. 20,/oiv91 i j.the Painted EV^rrl. .Con.sfdertnile : Irttid- they bombed CKemnitz/lheii ■with two oak leaf clusters and the street bridge with young Hawk in Criticism Gives Tru­ Send Small Craft ated recentK' willi the wings of Air Medal with four oak Ickf cluX' Street -A master plan for recon- 27,000 "Sorties Flown Autumn street. Mancheateiy tru I time Was spoiiiNw’ the trio in Lo.s I landed In Poltava. Riihrix ' j the trailer behind. The..4raller Wedemeyer I n d i c al e s ah aerial /navigator in ^the Army I Angeles, where - have rela- "ters.. He is the .son of Mrs. InM Istructing a peaceful Europe man Notice Trouble On Suicidal Missions* driver. Is a member of thia com­ Siir Forces. 'Fhe exorcises were 1 next day they bombed up\and'yts- 1 wae empty except for the boy. Call 2-0900 Over Jdpan from Mar-' pany which before V-E 'Day, as­ I live?, and many of^^c Interesting I ited a target near Budape'gt then j M. Batson ht-fi'80 Burnham aUhet, The trailer started swaying and lout of the ruins of war American-Trained Cbi- hild at San Marco^ Army A'r I places in that .seetioi\^ California: Manchester. His wife, the.form­ b^ame unhooked from the car and for Ahead on P^ace Pacts. America has sembled more than 17,000 vehicles FicM, Texas ' to Italv. The nex.t hny they^ew lemerged today from the deci- nese to Open I.arge- ianas ^ith Loss of Guam, Aug. 3.— ()P)—The tot use In the European theater. .were visited, while theyi'nade their I back to their hqirte base. '' /X er Virginia Brooks lives at Blake­ veered to thb aide of the. road, Appoint­ proved that me* headquarters at the Ainbn.ssador ley, Ga. , • . striking a large boulder on th? left Isiohs of the Big ThVee con- Washington. Aug. 3— - (A>) — Only .0055 Per Cent. ports of besieged Japan^^iave ;;| Benik«i W. Yellenh. 21, aviation 1 A graduate of the U. S. M(H^ ment At Scale Operations Soon. pf vartona rapea, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tnlf and hotel. of the highway. The trailer tipped Iferehce at Potsdapi. But Rus- Vigorous Republican criticism of been sealed off- from desjier- machlnsrx mate, 'first cla.ss, USN, Wliile In San Dtpgo the.V took of difteretit rell- daughter .lanice of Woodland cktion. but all will not "go at Once, over, throwing Hawk from, the ve­ Your Home Isia’s role in the conflict with atdy needed food and war 137'-j Noi-bi Main S t. Manches­ advantage of the opportunity for the P o ts d a ^ agreemenU gave Chungking, Aug. 3— (IP) —The Guam, Augi 3—(^-r< Marianaa- giens, can Hva street are vacationing at .Amston ter, now bacic'-in the States for Town*^\Eiiiployees it hgving been decided to grant hicle. or. Mine. Ijapan remains cloaked in the supplies by mines parachuted ja run over, the border into Mexico. It was- impossible to ascertain President ^miman notice today Chinese high command announced based B-29s have flown 27,000 and w • r fc to­ Lake. leave and reassignment, flew with I Returning. to ' Los Angeles -they the ' vacations to'this department Isame aecrecy aa ever. from ' B-29s, while disastrous .so there Will be only part of the, the full.extent of,the boy's Injuries that there may be Senate, troubU a renewed drive on the, Kwangsi sorties over Japan with a'losa of gether in hai^ Patrol-Bombing Squadron' ,137 i I raveled nol tliw.'ird on t.he sbei ial' (ieUiiikyaealioii The plan provides for a strip- new blows hit 91 more Japa­ Sergeant ' Harry Reinhom. son during 10 monfh.s of intense air workers off at each week’s perl<^. due to his bonditlbn shortly after Iped-down Germany, shorn of teiv ahead for the peace trearies that front today and Lieut. Gen. Albert only .0058 per cent, headquarteiia mony and.peaces j train along thie coast to .Snii Fran-: being admitted to the hospital. of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Reinhom fighting over a large area of the ci.Kco. B.y that time th,e Peace The garbage collection department Irltories, wealth and power. The document enWsages. reported today.' Wv-j nese, vessels, Navy and Army In a statement lent added signi­ C. Wedemeyer Indicated that o f 27 Winter street who has qerved Pacific. Conferenee wa.s ovel' at the “Gold­ w 111 also rotate their vacatlonsti Ination that once aspired to American-trained Chinese, Includ­ Altogether, 149 Super-Forts air. officials disclosed today. for four and a half yeara with the The town's highwa'y employees ficance because of his chairman­ en Gate,” and the .travelers were sve being given this W'clik off with ■world dominion is to be Umlted to ing parachute troopers, would'sqqy have been lost to enemy action Shipping Cut to "Shadow” I Army, 31 montha overseas In, the Lt. Harold F. Knowles of Man­ interested to see' tjie buildings 1 farming and "peaceful, domesUc ship of the Minority Steering com­ * . Tibnanbnreacent 1x)mb exploded. B-24 Liberator bomber ran Into It and was launch lar(?e-scale operations since the first attack on Tokyo last The 20th Air. Force announced Pacific arta. haa received an hon­ chester, Conn., has' reported to pay. This is the first time that mittee. Senator Taft (R-Ohlo) con­ ■|4tOHC where the world parle^ too)^ place, this has been done in MangfaMter. PIANO TUNING WANTED llndustriee." And it is to be aub- destroyeT” '^^e“& w i g g T y T Jap ganrSuring a raid over Japan.-(NEA telephoto). aga'nat the Japanese. Thanksgiving day. They, have that every Important harbor in orable discharge. the A A F RedfitfHbutlon Stathm .and to see and heary^hniit the EAVES-TROUGH "U' • tended that the Big Three’s agree­ flown a total of 236 mlMionsr— 180 -VAST The vacation with pay was gront- Repairing* Rebuildin|; Ijected to years of Allied control ment to give Poland fit, least tem­ -Chinese troops in- Kwangsi the home islands and the entire No, 1 Atlantic City, N. J„ af^|; I preparations a ml-highlights of tjhe and Conductors Need Repairing WOM16N A N P GIRLS province drove toward the impor­ millions without loss of a single ed after a request had been na^g Bought and Sold ' i . I until it earns its way slowly back porary control of an eastern slice coaatlhie of K/irea to within ' 21 1MI iHTtMtiI m five months of-service overseas In 'NTobference, and entertainment; of or Replacing On Four Home?. •OVER 14 FEARS OF AGE^ I into the family of sovereign na/- tant Japanese base of Chuanhslcn, plane. miles of Russia have been mined the Itjalnnd and hhiropead theater, I by the men eihployed by thf town of Germany "sows the seeds of . wffioMM Monia M0 tfONSOuD the delegates. , A. G. MfCROHON V to SEW SHADE ORo Wn ' 67 miles northeast o f recenUy-re- These missions involved a total by Super-Forta and that enemy of war. ' LL Knowles serv’cd as a In San FrapCiaco the McVeighs^ !for the vacation, pointing out that CALL NORMAN BENTZ future war.’’ Attlee Names Laval Says Overthrow of 27,000 sorties by planes carrying MIm Gertrude Hermann \. , TOBACCO Poland'to Be Reshaped enptured Kweilin on the KweVlln- shipping has been cut to a ev pilot on •^8 P-4 7 while overseas. had a plea.sant visit- with Clifford tho, vacation with pay w-aa being 892 East Center Street Phone 6619 Prfilsen OnIy ‘"H»mh*’ T m um giveft -by other employers in town. I h j a paragraph-by-paragraph Hani^yang railroad, striking to a total of at' least 162.000 tons of shadow." PIANO INSTRUCTION He engaged In 27 en,mbat mis­ Gornian.^ who has lived there for Telephone 8966 The plan provides also for a re- points 12 1-2 and 19 miles west of explosives, ori a conservative basts ■Next Wto.k the' park department Truck leaves Post Office at "Thete are now no major ship­ Register Elkriy sions. Lt. Knowles is the son more t j ^ 20 years. They were the Center at 6:30 a. m. Stops I shaped Poland, augmented by, analysis with reporters of the un- 19 M em bers the enemy-held . stronghold. The of si* tons for each plane. er^loyees'will be given a like va- derstfindlngs reached by President Remark Made iri ping-lines, ports or harbors remain­ Tel. 7882,' Ifall Between of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Knowles delighted wfth their trip and etijoy- at Egst Middle Turnpike and I huge slices of Germany a ^ Japanese rushed in reinforcements 782 Jap Fighters Downed Truman, Prime Minister Attlee ing that offer safety to Japanes* 4:00 and 2:00 P. M, who reside in Norwich; Conn. ed yi’onderful weather and plent* Bant Saths laratslllas leaves Bus Station at North E f ■* latretching westward to within M and are offering stiff resistance, U. S. Army Strategic Air Force shipping."' the announcement said. "pf CaMfomia sHnshine every, day. f 0«as... Jiul ifTty with IW lea of Berlin, and for the addl- and Generalissimo Stalin, Taft For Cabinet the Chinese said. headquarters ^aald 752 Japanese at 6:38 a. m. found room to praise only what he The Japanese, are so desperata TALL CEDARS Q i v a d l n ^ Itldp to Russia of one-third oi/hs Former Chief pf Vicby General Wedemeyer. comman­ fighters had‘ been shot dowrl .^by that they have been forced to re­ Sfliools Office SIMONIZING " i^br««hUahairalaaB: Ittote Other convenient stops will ItoiTitory of German East called the "harsh” terms' imposed Snyder Moves der of U. S. fortes in Cnilna, dis­ the B-29s through ^une. The total T" ^ sr. cJsaAsr, ehaaM t tkaa Ite upon Germanjf. .. JRcgime Sbouts He sort to still ai;other suicide method A Body Shop Method •ld-—Prime the treason trial of Marshal creasing but. that “our goal is sea and France ag;ree to tn/plan, the dered why np mention Was made ot d bi^ ' Reconversion. Under Attack their sorely needed cargoes—In the be unable to get ’ one lat the -local Tomttrrow l^ighi FENDER AND five foreign ministers win ho.d Minister Attlee, turning from Petain today that he had Communications." '! four-month blockade. office and will have to make 'he many continental sore spots. Wedemeyer -said employment of Will B e l W REGULAR GAMES 25c. aieir first meeting la London by Wheeler was sorry, he said, that Potsdam to the . problems of bis said “ Here is where we over­ .. Washliigton, Aug. 3—j/P)—The Shipbuilding Ufinter TargaS 'application at the State Board of BODY WORK f'liiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiimiinmimiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii American-trained and equipped Other official reports told of Education at the State Office 7vSPE(TAL GAMES * 4848534848235389482353482353485323534853 S«Pt- 1- X nothing was said about Yugoslavia, qe.w Labor government, annoimc- throw the French republic" admlnlstra^lqn moVed in two di­ Chinese troops transferred from May Says Promotion CP.0SED , This evidently means another..adding! . ^ ^ today 19 additional members Building In Hartford. There is no l^VKEPSTARES SOLIMENE & FLAGG/ trip abroad this month for Secre­ whefi he was pushing through rections to d ^ to strengthen its Burma ^‘can be expected BOon’'„ 'n Seems Customary Re- (ConUnued "au Page SlxV great nwh Just at thia time to se­ •‘It is my understanding that in of_ his cabinet including Miss El­ the China theater.'"’ w e e k l y p r iz e INC. Attention! Manchester Girls! tary of SUte BymeS, now ..on his YugOfila^fi they have no freedom acts which made the old sol­ efforts to bring about" rapid qnd cure the applications for work as Until August 10 634 Center SL Tal. 8101 len Wilkinson asThlnlster of edu­ " I hope that in the not too dis­ " ward for Brutality the vacation, period ia nearing an MONTHLY PRIZE ■way home from Potsdiun with of spe^h. na.freedom of press and cation, second woman to attain dier a virtual dictator. He orderly reconver^n of Industry. President Truman aboard the Under the leadership of Director tant future we’ll have some large- ‘ J' end and the one week that- the uf- WAR ROND that the go^^ we are sending are cabinet rank.,l,n Britain. ■ contended his remark was a jest. i Are You Pretty?- / cruiser Augusta. John W. Snyder, the Office of War scale fighting,” he said. He added Washington, Aug.-3—(IP)—In 17 floe will closed Is not expected TO BE DRAWN JULF 27 TUied by Marshal Tito and hlg co­ For -completion Ot the wkr " I am not a Ftiaclatl I am not that he was "very ■ optimistic % Mobilization and Recom^rslon has to cause iiiiich trouble. 6,000-Word Report horts and not given to Serbs.” ' against Japan, Attlee named,*.64- a Nazi! I love the republic,” report on “bruta* treatment of sol these-irons In the fire: .X about the future.” Have You d Nice Personality ?, The blg-powet pattern of peace Wonder About Jap War Stand year-old former miner, John shouted the haggard', white-tied dlers,” . Chairman May .(D., Ky.) / 1. Extension of the .War Pro­ He added that Lieut. Gen. Lu­ Late'HuUetths ol the 1 for Europe waa disclosed in a 6,- Others wondered why there wae James Lawson, as secretary of former chief of government of cian K. Tniscott, commander of of the House Military committee TIN IS STILL NEEDED Fresh Salted Nuts no news of possible Russian entry Petoln’s Vichy .regime. duction Board’s wartime powers to How About That Smile? 000-word report at} the Potsdam state ^for war.. He . replaces Sir the U. S. Fifth- Army in Italy, said today “promotion seems to be Local Agency for meeting of Mr. Truman, Gfineral- into the war against Japan, why cover reconversion. This would-be Fraud .Charged In Sale of the Churchill cab­ Recounts Numerous Secrets done by making WPB an operat- would soon visit China.., Lieut. Doable Kay Brand Hospital I Issimo'-SUlln and Prime Minister the disposition of German prison­ ------. - a customary reward'- for brutal­ Woonsocket, ,B, L, Aug. 8.^-tin DON’tN l ET-UP— TIN CANS , . LECLERG ALL Do You Look Your Best in an Evening’Coten? inet. /J. After recounting mimerous, se­ ing firm of OWMR, a step Snyleri Gen! William H Slmpsoft,,;former Attlee released simultaneously at ers in Allied hands was .not set Returned to Old Post ity." —A elk'll suit charging fraud W*a FUNERAL HOME Arthur Drug Stores out, why-Greece waa unmentloned crets, of France in the, days before hopes President Truman soon will mmander of the U. S.j Ninth • May’s formal statement was 848< Maln St. Tel. 3806 Expense Plan ‘ L If you have any or ail of the above qualities, and are 5:30 p. m. (e.w.t.) yesterday In Attlee returned A. V. Alexan­ and after the armisticCi' including A^my Ih Eurone, is currently vis filed against the city of ■ W4nhi- MAKES Washington, London and Moscow. and whefhe'i Russian' troops would take by means of. an executive or­ based on a subcommittee investi­ socket today by six of the taara’a For Men, Women and V I der to his old post as first lord of a military alliance with Mussolini In the China theater. A S8 Main Street . between I 6 and 21 years of agAget in touch immediately be withdrawh from Poland. der. gation Into repo'rts. of mistreat­ citizens, who asked the Provt- x. children •Hie conference ended Wednesday the Admiralty; succeeding Bren­ after 1936 ’’agaki.st German ag­ , 2. Eventual mer.ging of the Ot- Bteme.’ Put on Communists ~ V Phone 5289 night. It began July IT. f . Observing' that -the agreements ment of American soldier-prison­ dence Superior court to set aalda PAYS FO R f RADIOS ; - ' • ■ ' ■ '< .. dan Brachen. Alexander held the gression,” ' Laval was confronted fice of Blconomic Stabilization GenT^u Ts'ing-Nan, command­ ers "at the Lincoln, Neb., Arnty Air The report deals almost exclu­ seemed to- foripalize a Russian post throughout the coalition gov-' the sale of the former city poor Sickness or nccldent expenses I Mrs. Olive Murpby, 34 ^ e st St., Tel. 4054 sphere of Influence, in Poland. Bul­ by M. Pon/aret; former secretary with OWMR. This would eliminate er of th i^ lrs t War zone in China, Field. sively wHh political questions. A ernment of . ^ general of the Senate. one tier from the iitnioture of gov­ today charged Chinese Commu­ farm, alleging the sale Included when confined In say hospital Repaired garia, Finland, Hungary, Romania ■ It dealt in detail with the case, Dunn Meitorial park. A blD. ol Open Busine^r A REMINDER! 'Who' knows, you may be ^w n ed HARVEST HinKlo reference to the war with Bracken was first; lord in the re­ Pomaret recalled the fateful July ernment agencies, dealing with nist troops With full responslblll- of Pvt. Warren C. Miller of War- anywhere In the O. 8. A. or Japan crops up in a section of It­ aha eastem-AuStria, Taft said the complaint Usting 28 partloalan Cansda. Room and hoard ex­ i QUEEN of "Manchestier Grange SepL 7 and 8 at Big Three 'understandings “ in ef­ cent "caretaker” a'dmlnlstratldn. ■ 10. 1940, imeetlngt at which three economic controls-; .ty ifor recentXarmed clashes be­ .rcn. Pa... who was court-martialed- If You Want To When Yon Need More Reasonably aly. It notes that that former Britain’s itianpower problems constitutional acts were ..passed giv­ May Be Months Away tween Commun^ and National in January, 1944, for failure to waa filed listing the city as penses op to $6 00 pFr day for i State Armory. " . Aids nation “hat now joined vith fect recogqixe that the Russians spondent and naming specifically first days* conllnemeot— were . .assigned to George Isaacs, ing the marshal full pdwers. He The o 'e S-O^VMR , consolidation forces which more obeF a corporal’s order to. remove Fire • Theft s Aat«»mobile so the Allieb In the struggle against can do as they pleato with the pup­ Mayor Ernest B. Dupre and O ty Ace Electric Motor Repsdr $8.00 per day lor next 90 days* ^liniiiiimii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUfliiiiiijHtiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiif president of the Printing and Kin­ said lAval tasked him to get the may b.e months away, "but stabill- than 100 National N^suaitles. hands from his pockets while [ Tubes Tested Japan.” Since Stalin’ s signature pet Polish government.” ' Treastirer Efulle A Pepin. The ^ Aubrey L. L ^ gille v Buy Or Sell- or Fnmitnre,.^ eonflnemenL; This plan may he It appears to him, Taft said, that dred Trades Fedelration, who be­ slgfnature of Jules Jjanneney, Sen­ eation ‘ officials said -matters' are In a telegram to Generalissimo ormation. Miller was sentenced assured his approval 6f»>the entire came minister of: labor and na­ ate president, commenting: ’’This 'tealnly tending in that direc­ hree months aff hard laborgi property waa sold at publkl auc­ changed and • designed to fit the report. Tokyo can read into that Premier"StaIfn “ gets everything he 221 NO. IMAIN STREET—COR. SCHOOI. STREET needs ot any Individual group Large Stock tional servlqe. Ernest Bevin", 1 is where we overthrow the repub­ tion." Presumably it would not oc­ (Continued on Page J3lx) Testimony Given Committee' tion six weeks ago to Joseph O. INSURANCE wishes to obtain and has not defin­ LeFrancols, for $4,066. The deed, * (Downstairs) of Insured. workers. No medi­ itely surrendered any position he lic." cur until reconversion wage and May's statement then gave this \Continiied ou Pag* Six) price policies, now undfi* study of ownership was made out to 1*- REAL CALL cal examlbatton. v Parts has taken in the past. (Oontlnn^ on Pag* Two)- Judge' Paul Mongibeaux, who account*’" based on testimony he SPECIALIZING IN ALL RtND^ DF _ Phone. Write or CaH On . Seed Of Future War Seen had propelled humerous hostile by Stabilization Directoii^William said wafi given the committee; ■ Prancois’ daughter, Florence. _ . f ■ "The transfer to Poland of near­ questions at the former premia^, H. Davis, are dete'rmined. . Clothing Plah^ P v t Alfred L. Winkle of Minne­ W. • • • MOTOR REPAIRS AND RE>^NDING Once the policy course Is ' set. Passenger Plane Sinks ALEXANDER ly a .fourth 'Of Germany certainly brought under heavy guard.from apolis, who was guarding Miller, ESTATE ALLEN & War Crinpnols spws.the seed of fdture'i war,*’ 'Taft Attlee’s T air Freshes prison, asked if he used these officials say. Davis probably Was “ dissatisfied with the speed” Miami, Fla., Ang. 8—(A*)— A / asserfcd.-.^ '‘The'trans'far- .of mll- those words. would find the merger an appro­ Change v^ h which, the ’ prisoner was Pah-American amphibian plane A At JARVIS HITCHCOCK/ ■ “ Like New "I cannot deny it,” Laval sa( . V’ '-X.,.- . -X. .1 . ‘ orderly transition to peacetime ac­ goyemment’s ambitious program G. E. WILLIS & INC. BuRetln! , “ London, Aug. 3— (IP)—British In­ He denied too that he "hated fo r boosting production of inex­ The ship, according to tho alrtn* kefore Loasea Happen;' England.” He asserted that in the tivity. - officials, left Port ol Spain at 8:6* Bnilder —■ Real Estate London, Aug. 8— (IP)—An dustrialists and Inyestoifi are won­ By operitflfig in the civilian field pensive clothing may be scrapped Idle t^ushed Instiie With Lappen! figreement by the first of n « t Truman Route dering just what Prime Minister turbulent *30s, while war. was ^he soon to make way tor another plan 8. m., bound Mr San Juan, Fnorto Lumber of All Kinds Ing spawned, King George V sent under Snyder’s directives, WPB Johnson-Built Homes week on final plans for early Attlee meant when* he said in . a thus Womd supply-the tools and to achieve the same end. RICO. ' r-". Mason Supplies*—Paint— HarfSware MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO. trial of major war criralnfila pre-election speech that the Lalwr Sir Samuel Hoate, former British ■nie War ProduCtiop It O ver 501,000 • • • - JOHN H. LAPPEN ,wh-b' is now Ixird personnel audjQVVMR the legal Se'btenced to Be Banged _ _ , •J BROAD, STREET 983 MAIN STREET —HARTFORD TEL. 2-4127 was predicted today.- - by , an Change government would -pay ."fair'but ■authority 6ver "reconversion con­ was learned today, la ‘consijlerlng AO Forma of liiaanuiee and Bonds . Balsam Wool Insulation Anfrriran chw ly connected , not excessive -cofiipensation” for Temple-wnod, to Laval J’to find a abolition of- Its far-rehfchlng: order MunlcB, Aug. S-kIP)— "A U. 8,,_ .44 CONE STBJaCC TELEPHONE 7021 TELEPHONE 7426 solution together with me.” veyed to it by Congress. Third Amiy'MlUtalry conm il^M - '■i--, ■ ■ ■ ■ Special Aitent(^ Olvea Out-of-Town' ^atomerfi ^ with the Allied War CrtQies industries taken over for. public which currently, earmarks about Fresh Labor . Disputeis He told of a secret conversation . Question About Quotas - - ■ ■ .' " ." ir: Commission. • Representativea jetonatipn orLBomb by operation. under its .natlonWizatlqn For instance, there is a question 76 percent of the civilian fabric / of the United States. Britain. programr ’ with the Prince of Wales, now supply for low and moderately Bring' Increase COKE O IL Duke .of Windsor, in an effort to whether WPB can proceed now to Russia and France wim l» v e Disposal Squads Seen *rhe new government’s interpre­ set quotas on exports of consumer priccd'-garmeiits. Ihg .TT------^ been seeking to chart the pro- tation of that pHraae iitay mean solve t*ie ciflsla with Italy over T h e . order, known as M-388, 10,000 in 24 Hours. furt on tho Main Ang, 29, 1S«». 0189482348235353235353485323532348235323234848534848484853 532348534823235353235353534823234823232348484853235348235323485348892 Main St. j Tcl. 5125 As Possible Reason. Ethio(rfa. go o ^ Without .overstepping Its Sentenced were' Nikolaus Faql^* , lnl|em$t rednre for S possible mass millions of dollars to stockholders, wartirii'e'jurisdiction. Such action would be replaced .by a regulation Home Plqnrtihig Is Of trial fif 366 of the chief war • ■ ' ' — ” - .jv'- who haVq been demonstrating thalr LAval asserted thatlat th'fthe- Huare tagging-spfeclflc amounts of mate­ ' By. The Associated Press ger. 40-year-old father of eight uneasiiilesa by persiltept selling children who w m the police chief', criminals at Nuernberg sus­ LqiJlon, Aug. 3— (IP)— The Eve­ Six) (Conttnuad on Page Six) rial tor particular kinds of now- Fresh Labor disputes pushed the |<* i- "T-TT pend*^ talks for th»fcKpek-end ning News apeculated today that which [ has forced industrial stock (Gontlnaed oa ■ p j acirce garments. In operatloh to of Gross tierau. and ' Helndrich ■ NOW! nation’s strike total over the 50.- Flauaus, a resident of the vUUgo. Thousands Of after all-day aesstnils yester­ the explosion PL a bomb, detonated pricesldown nearly 10 per cent a limited extent tor some time, the OOO mark today, an Increase of day. by disposal squad* a few hours since Labor’s election victory. alternative program la said to be Victims of the attack were not IIWimTTYYyvVYmmWYWYVVVTTVl The Finest in about 10,000 in'the last 24 hours identified, but were believed to ho V- before President Trumqn’s arrival Galls Question Seriolia , the choice of fabric and garment and the blggeiit number tured by Americans. f- • CALL us NOW i ' London, Aug. 8— The long- might have, been tha rfoaoii.. for The Financial Times called the Chapiain Asserts Bra^ ry pipducera. stoppages in a week. question o f Interpretation "a seri­ .. .If yoor refrigerator needs servicing. Onr refrigerfik • DESIGN ' awaited list of major war crimi­ sHorfening the preiildeht’s, 'tour Order Seen Too Broad Two pt the hew walkouts were Contempt PtatlonB. .Affirmed tioa expert* will locate the traaMe, make the neMs- nals win be made public befo«s through Plymouth atreete. ' • ous one not merely because it may These m*nufacturera vigorously in Philadelphia and one each in ■-J :■ - Corpus ChrisO, Tex., Aug. A — aaiy imairs or replacements. Just telephone. Sept 1 . the-BJgThree declared 'ITie bomb was exploded Wed- invdrve Individual holders in capi­ Was ^Power o f the Cross^ have opposed-'the M-388 order as Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and St. Louis. • workmanship tal losses if sales ara pressed but (jV-Neucea County Judge Joe D. William C. Ileald — Frederirit A. Bidwelt last night in a. comrauidque Issued iwMsiy evening at Plymatock three too broad and unnecessary now A third strike was threatened tn Browning, affirming hl» dtattona SERVICi: I(OW — SALES LATER . at the close of thiT“11il^dam con­ mile* from Plymouth. Mr. Tru­ because tl^e-- whole .atmosphere of that military clothing requirements Philadelphia, as the number of un.certainty Is Inlinlcal... to tha holding throe Corpus Chris* • MATERUL.^ ference. . . ■ man a rrlv^ Thursday morning. San Diego, CfiAf., Aug. 8.— (4^— ?helplhiK,to fight the flrfs^';which|have been cut back, aubstanttal- disputes nationally touched 40. newspapermen In contempt m * . . ■ -w • . axOcuUon df recovery plans.” Thus far the only person pub- The nfiwspapfir faid the bomb was Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Timothy tfiged tor three days. ^ A 'strafing jy. CfitM of Strike Unknown ..n' Bcly ficcubed of malar , whr Crimea Arguing that~p*’* * «lt eondltlonfi attabk by Jap planea seemed to be j xhe current order U In . three court* todsjr ordorod tliMD to Jolt a medium' weight tolic of flazl Two plants of the Electric Stor­ to serve a, three-day seuloaoo, H * Resrardless off the type of is Relchsmarshal Hermann Ooe- bUtz daya- which waa being dis- ^obviously are not conducive td O’Callahan, 40. .dhaplaln on the the last straw for the fearful parts, covering wopl, cotton and C O M M / g y i r [tac raising of new nioney for In-i age Battery (Exlde) company in ruled In. af hearing at which 0 » Memorial you may desire, rlng. \ , ■ pio*ed.jOf by one of several en- battered'carrier, U.S.S. Franklin, nian. ! rayon fabrics. ,WPB plans are un­ Philadelphia w’ere shut down by “ffwift and sure Jti* ^neerlng units atlllL clearing-upi ‘dustrial-purposes,” The Financial said here today that his bravery, "But(n;teose few seconds, with derstood to call'tor revocation first way Craig,' publisher of Tho we can desimi. produce and a strike, which Joseph Kelley, naes; Managing Editor tlce,” the communl33 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6227 Maas. « .(ODUttMMd fiU r) steward conquered. hie fear- after US NORTH j^LAIN STREET MANCHESTER Open Bundajfi. Open Saturdays 9 A. M. to 9:P, M. ' ' (Continued an F o » ) (OeatlfiiMI oa Fag* Faw) Beg MNel aad gave Maaegi ' ■ ■ - ' ' f' ttiliiHiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiH - ' ■ - A ' —- . ■ N X p a g e r ’ MX-icHESTER EVENI^’C IIEISALD. MANCHES-reR, CONN-. FRIDAY. AUGUST n. ,N < ; MANCHESTER EVENI n U HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, AtJ.QUST 5 .194» -X F A U E T W O gasoline without requiring pay­ ment of ration currency and with OPEN ThuriMlay Nights ’Til 0. CI^SEn Wednesdays At Noon. /if the Kiiel (Ml PaAt^i-wislies to iiVday. The otflce will opep at 8 Would Close having a shortage of 1,255 gallons a. m. on 9a till day Instead of 8:45. out of a 4000-gallon total storage »ft«€*kville thank ail the volunleeiXwho work­ About Town His ShipFost, ioiie^s irf Aircrafjt ed to get.the ration sh^tSTeady the openmR . hour for Monday, AttlcfeJVames capacity. A tnree months’ suspen­ for dfstributlon. W’edpeaday ahd'Thurrfday. .,r Gas Stations. sion. was recommended.' Stores Open f Suspensions were also recom­ Olve tWit W heels [embers Members of Linne ' Lodge. Sailor Homi V . . , . ^ BEiURE! BE Boys who are pInnninR to enter filiirting .this evening the stores Eii^nes Are Hailed mended for two New Haven broth­ Knights of Pythias, are asked to ^Fiiel Rations the Soa^ Box' D erby to he Jield cm ;h RockVille w|ll he. open every EnfDr((j€!ineiiK.^At- ers who operate separate meat evening until fl btelock. On meet in Orange hall tonight At markets. ... , Augu.st 25. jpay.^aeeiire*'whecls foX For Calunet 7:45. F nim thg^re th ey will proceed o n t I s S u r l their entries a^ih e Field House day and Monday.’'eyenlhgs„ AFthiir Di "‘'ReCQinine John Vcstutl waa^ charged with Sheets Mailed in-, a body, to Watkins Ftmcral, riiirteen of O riginal 25 i lepositlng 10,000 counterfeit red the ReerejvUon Center on Sntu cloainR hour will be 8 b-’clock S i i H ^ n g i n t i n On Eui^lough H ep^ iiy A:Gbod Brand! (Continued frulh P*f,^ Hpme. to pay respects to their de­ vivor of Action in Violations. ksdnts In his ratio n bank account day afterptXin. sfter 2 o’rloek: ad of rem aining open urftU 9 ceased brother, Albert Swapeiih. Em ployes of Pratt and -'V CoiiMinivrs IJrgPfl to Gft MartljX Fagnn. ■ director, an a.s In tbe past. ' i^oiith Pacific rca. Brt^hls brother,, Joseph, was noiincea that only those hoys whi new foreign secretary, held thll* W hitney Given Places ^ Hartford, Aug. 3- -(Ah--Suspen­ chargM w ith depositing, 5»000 ' Tanks Fillerf; at O'lioe Rngagemeht Announred po’st tn the wartime coalition.' \,T h ,e Alpina So<'iety w:ilt onllt its countereejt. points. John Vestuti have'actually started to .build a .Mr. nr^ Nca. lia E.CBowers of Arthur, Dupont, a survlvdc of sions oif the right t<) deal In'rstlonj;/ aren ellglbt*-to-R et the wheel.a,. A nother im portant post, in view- mbeting during the rponths of Aii- Of Honor on Program admitted purchasing 15,000 points i Essentials for That For Wiiilrr Season/ lllgti Street announce the ehgage- of tiie. Labor party's program of Rust\,ktidy^optember. The next sinking Hn the South PaclfiC 'srH ed gas and fuel oil for periods pf of which h e ^ p t 10.000, giving the ! ■ V ■ y ' ^ oys7% who have, not y. t .reached rtiptn. of their daugWCr, \H ss Lois K natlbnaltgmg mines and Indus­ mcetlrtg.'bf the society is scheduled rived home this week on a 30-d^ from 30 days to the duration liave remainder to his brother. A sus­ their seventeenth birthday ' am Anita''Bowers, ‘Aox^harles Albert By Archie Kllpati^i'k ■ been recommended by OPA en­ R o c k v U l P . A u r . 3. f,Sf>nt. burned in an explosion that ,senl ilade world-wide records In the A suspension of'‘"“'"’" tlieir eh.ldren have has been hospitalised for several i a l Lewis H. Br^eton, two of the ed w ^ 'aOqulrfng counterfeit cou­ mitted purchasing the oouhtcr- JCAN DISTILLERS CORP. ct-ejXe in their pay^This week, re- of .fobn arid Matilda Adaihs Dool; pon/ worth 4.000 gallons of gaso­ tipn sheets are brosiRhr to t h e tly ordered by the W ar Imbor 54, is former parliamentary *ecre- months. He h.ls an blder brotherj [outstanding war dtrectors. lauded faits l.and ha«“ Earvin, plans to^ bombardier. The boys are the sm [needed aircraft engines.- 'acquire gasoline from his whole'- reeelve., four cents m ore an ■Rwkvilie Baptist church and a /saler.. He Was also charged with coupons to-perm it ItllinR. ^ and'those oh the third shift receive T> ..fiiL m orrow for a visjt w ith his p a r-' .of Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Dixmnt] 1 Thirteen of the 25 original em- Nationally advertised model, cbai'ter nirmber of the J’ythlhn 'MaU.moiset t.' MSS.< He, accepting joose coiipons from con­ Howard I. Wot>d-4he’ enain lan ! jpvpn cents m ore-an hour. of .482 Adam s street. Iployeos of the company in 1925- H o s ^ t a l ha.s m any special features. D oti^' 'Sisters, She leaves two sons. Ar- Margaret . , - , will be .Th^,t.nb.'ic from town thro.ijgh [were there,,'yeaterdny and they sum ers. Real Kstate Sale niinister'of labor. Fined In Federal Court hjc dropsidea! Five position If You^^ed A Straw 2 - thrrr. of New-Britain, and Ernest, A ugust. |w€*r(* jfiven. h place of honor on the Mm?’Elt7.abeth V,' Miehl has srilfl , o , „ Hit Ben Smith I^warded ' .' -X... -''It was alSrr alleged that Nastu steel spring! Solid panel ends l.property at \79 tjnlon stre^Cto'^; Ru'^v.lle; one daughter Mm ■ Sir Ben Smith, jovial'’resident Brutal Actig [huge stand which held 13 Admirals Expense Plan ..that extend to llnor! Fine' fin­ Plan Your IVe^^^olne The monthly nicHing of Star of had a shortage of 1,378 gallons out ! Amell^Wsulke and Erirl Robrnson. of Rockville. hiipi'ster In Washington, was re- umhii? Generals of th(< Army, rhme For Men, Women and ish! It's fo'r those whff w ant Get It Now . the East, Royal Blank-.Preeeptory, of a 2,650 gallon storage capacity. 1 . ' Office Closed At Npon- and one granddartgliter, Arllnc w*(rded\ifor his''work there by re­ Ito cln them and the rest Of thelhOUr Corner Spruc^nnd Bissell Streets Robinson. Funeral arrangements No. 13. witl 'ta k e plae^S-.this eve­ f UiitkTr Atlacl Nastu, who admitted the allega­ X Children the best. ' , .W itli JdW is' ■ The office- of the V/rnori W ar ceiving'Jhe Ministry of Food ap- tsands of the Hast Hartford’'and ; which are Incomplete are In'SSharge ning at 8 o’clock In OrangiKhall. tions In yesterday’s hearing, was X ^AYS FOR: -jix I------T Price and' R.-itioninj^'Board will 'polntmeriv 'He will have his hands ].4atellite plants honor on attaining Pfc. <)earge.J. Daatnus, Jr. If don^ have what you of the I.add Fiiaernl Home. ^ (C ontim lH from Page One)^ [their indufttrinl majority. fined $2.50 In Federal court last / Sk'kness or sccldenT ex|Mmses ; clo.se In the firture ai noon on S at- full, this Winter maintaining the month after pleading guilty'to the when confined In any hospital want, we.are in a pnsjlinn I Tenehers Resign ■ :y Eider Roger Van Atadcll ^xef Those In croup ' Pfc. George J. Dastous, Jr„ who INEXUENSIV^: $ 1 .0 0 to $ 3 .1 3 domestlg diet, and helping, meet the South I-ineaster, Mass., will b" same charges! / an.yi'here. In the O. 8. A. or to huilif it for you. Oiir i Mrs. Hep-h D. Upson, aup<-rvisor :enorntn deposit and vvith hav- 4112 wr 7275 W RITE BOX “O" mer to’teaeh at Plainfield. , ^ thijA he sTse^t'the next 16 da>^,,ir I Dannie Jack, a-ssist-ant factory.. HIGH CHAIR \ **Oa the Lerel** A t Oenter and Bryrid Streets Amery. reatiejs^ fOT.thei’ assignm ent. Ing/as a resequence.. ar( average HITCHCOCK Open AU Day end AD Night. Call Weekdays and Sundays In addition to being music 'su­ -James Chuter Ede is the new' J tjke post hospital." UanaRpr: Norria Before entering the service 27 SPORT Care The Herald pervisor for the town of Vernon.^ V No Doubt on VAbsoIute ’Tnith” [tfndcnt of Plant X, and Phil Trcf- of e-I.SOS g a ie n s. All Lines of Insurance “Build with JariHafnr Security" , George Henry months ago Pfc. Dastous was em­ / Joseph Trotta of Hamden, do­ 9.53 m a in s t r e e t $18.95 _ Mrs, Upson has been'organist and Hall the hew secretary of state for (Ckin^ From Pag* One) Testiniony given by 'Miller' and! [fert, tracing supervisor. ployed in the linoleum department other wttne.sses. May said. “re(t| 1 A small group to be sure, hut ing business a / / ’rotta’s Service TEL. 5105 Thoir director at the ToII.ard Fed­ colonies.-and Lord Addison the new of the Keith Furniture Company's station, was charg^ with selling Wnxrd birch frame. The ^ck g H I R ’ erated church for the past year, secretary of state for dominion af boiipdarie.s and the t&i-ms to be im no doubt in the minds of the cc they "carrle.d the torch” for the store and made his home wltlyAIr. and jirnis Icalherette upholster- .-...J mittce members',’ a.s to the ■'kbso-l ■c'lsldnary F rederick B. Rentschler, Mrs TTpson ha.s huHt .up the ni.usic fairs. pbfted upon Gernian.v' w ithoiil any and Mrs. Smith. pd soft loose leatherette cush­ in the se.liools’aS ahow n in the a n ­ onsultation with the Senate or the lute truth” if Miller's story; j pTPsejnt chairm an of th e United ■ ■***•'*■' Other ,.\ppolntnM‘nts Winkle himself, May certitinued.l ion in seat. O thers i t ’oin $5.95 nual' spring concert of the Glee ^ The other appointments inclu people of the United States.’’ Aircraft Corporation, who had • r / '• Clubs and orchestra at the High Taft added that there seemed acknowledged that treatment of| taken the lesson of nernnatiUcal after, brdel-ed six experitnental cn- edi unpreparedness of World War I glnes arid when these were the SChUbl. '-5 ■ Viscount Stansgate, air littl*''need fob s peace conference prisoners ' was "pretty tough,” — IMveharged , since "apparenyy ail other ques­ While other testimony told pf beat­ to heart and intended fo d" some- first ’of 2O0 englnes/vhich were' to tary. place the com pany on a soil'd- foot.--, r a n g e a n d f u e i: o il Techriiea! Sergeatit,^': John E. tions are to be settled in secret ings that '"went pn constantly and| I thing about it. , ■ ''-'ts / Joseph -Westwood. 8>’i^t,«ry of These old timers threw in their ing with the sefvice branches in W raight. 27. of 72 Moun\a>n street, t state, for Scotland. by the council of foreign minis- frfqiicntly and regularly,’*'(becom­ son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. W raight, tefs" scheduled to nrveet In London ing "almost a nightly affair.” [all with a strange visionary epn- plane engine production, culminat­ I Aneurin Bevan, /fiiinistep' of Despife, requesLs of committee! I com just 20 years .'ago They ing in the production of 3.50,OOO Wholesale Gasoline StO l^-W ID E has returned home after 'being ! health. - / , by September. This , council will > . given a di.seharge under the point d r a f t. proposed 'peaefe \tre a tie s for members, h)ay said. Captain Dunn I m ight have gone to w o rk Bi'ith sev­ engines fpt^ the services in this BOYS’ TOLO SHIRTS I .Tom Williams.yministpr'^of agrl- Italy, Romania, Bulgaria. Hun­ eral -pther industrial jconcerns w ar. .system. In service more than four i culture pnd fi.shdi'ies. has not b e ^ brought before a I veais and over.seas .30 months .in 'yohYi Wilmat^'mthistTf onKipp^ gary and Finland. \ court martial\aIthough a ^uard.j which had a background’of many Th/se eaily employees remem- years of stable Industrial relations ■d their tenth' anniversary with r Europe he 'vaa fiown to Miami, j airc>^Upr«luctiom' Calls Statement “Vague” - ' Staff Sergt. Odvgf L. West. waBl Bantly Oil Company" 75c - $1>^0 - $1.25 WCOST Taft described as -“vitgue” the tried, found guilty" tird sentenced with the world, but they decided th<>, company when the origln'al 2.5 }\ Florida, by ATG plane. He weais j Alfred^farnysfminl.st«;r of war the Bronze Star Medal and five ba.t- j big throe 'statement ‘that '’ their' to .two years at hard labor and to take a "flyer" with Pratt & -^iplovees, including two women, .331 M a in S tr e e t Tel. 529.T or 2-1057 had enlarged to 2,000 men end tie star.H and .was awarded the Puf- | Phdfn John Noel-Byker, minister governments had no doubt 'l.hat dishonorable discharge. West Whitney Company. Opposite tht^ Armory AT pie Heart for an arm injury, hav-1 the Allied press would-enjoy ’'‘full complained to the committee, that * They listened intently diiwgDfe women and they knew that more ing Smen wounded in Italy in Febr, - , _ , - • . . „ . i freedom to report to the world he "did not have a fair trial." ceremonies when the 20-yfarRec­ than 9,000 of its engines were t njar.y. .1944, . • red Palings, / minister of pen- | deve|opAienta in Romania. ord of the Pratt & W hitney^gine thcri carrvinlt the air fleets'of the Men’s BATHROBES $4»50 up . . Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland.” Company records wSre read. They world. In 1938, when the company S"'hinla.v /t/VvVlIiam W-Kit DcLUXE CARRIAGE . ^ . .V > Kiown roimcH, Defsrof* of Poa ' A similar note was sounded about were especially Interc.st^ in the was recognize'dr’iSa military and u . u - t t.-u-.x. ffcretary tt> the Ti-eaaiin' ' ! Pni«nrt \ nfficial records of the xpi.gine they comnicrciifl aviation leaders an / honta.s \vill ho d a Dutch , The wnoiincement added that l Connallv said he was nartieulir PL^VY P E N card party and ar^cial on S a ^ a y , King l^orge VI had conferred a. ^ Connally-said he was particulaff- had conceived and m/me in all cor­ a vital source 'of potential air- ners of the globe./A sudden thrill power. the vision of their leader ■ $34.95 I Aiigust 4 at 2^15. at, th ^ m e of bar^v on Pethlck-Lawrencm.the ly plea.sed with the provisions oh BURTON'Sv the disarmament and demilitariza­ EU went through their frames when in 1925 then became a reality. $7.95 Mrs. William Preiisa o f^ Village I gecretary. .Steel fram e w ith jfing flexible TROPiCAL CTTTTe tion of Germany, and that "it is — N04V PLAYING ------Vice Admiral ^ a rc Mitscher told , 841 m a in s t r e e t -y i T.van. Wilmot. B arnes ^al.so wholesome t o . root out the them that Brntt * Whitney R egularly $12.50. .Solid floor, Ruspension .springs to insure a and ahinwell w(ll become niember.s distempered Nazi philosophy." v FOR THE BEST IN MOVIE plant was/ not caught “with its entire pen folds comp.acUy when bumpless ride. Heavily quilted worsted In 1873, a t legj^S.OhO.OOO bul*^’ of the, king’s Pri'vy council, and' . EN^RTAINMENT WE not . needed. Smooth maple leatherette, body wiyi a padded fsloes were siaujwtered The Texan term ed “m ost wi.se" pants dpyrii" when in 19'4() Presi- j FENDER AND Lord A'ddison will be Ibader of the the provisions for ’’free'and un­ FRfrL’DI.V PRESENT THE dent Roosevelt called for 60,000 i fln'jshf top r«fl. Hood has sun visor. House of Lords. OWING RE-RELEABES: /'Are jiist the 2 : fettered” elections In Poland. planet; B O D Y W O R K O ut goes the b a]aii^ 4>i our sum m er stork. . W e're slashing prices way below cost. Here The remaining appointrileBta. in­ S enator Thom as (D., U tah ) .said 'Bagged Hundreds of .laps ’ OF MANCHESTE cluding the undersecretaryahins. ho thought the terms dictated for ..le weather-beaten leader of the SOLIMENE & FLAGG tic k e t is the perfect opportunity for keen shoppers . . O f course, no exchanges or refiiiuis! - .’’re to be announced withih a- few. Germany were in line with Amer- mmed Task Fores 58 said that over Road day.s. INC. .jean principles ,and qught\t6 en­ during the Okinawa operations 634 C enter SL Tot. 5101 6-RAmi SINGLE — Fireplace. ’ Attlee, who, returned from Pots- courage th e Japanese' to sHjTeii- Pratt A Whitney powered planes folt, ■_ aaenient laundry. Corner lot. d.am only ye^sterday and spent hla der. Senator Pepper (D.. Fla.) bagged more than 1,600 of the first night at No. 10 Dowhing Rxfx'p^ionally well landscaped. called them "sensible" and added 4.0(H) odd.Jap planes destroyed and h o t street, official residence of Britnin‘9- he liked the arrangements fo^ pilots of similar planes "downed 1115 WAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL SUITS, $37.50iper month after reiiaon- e iih * s DRESSES nrime ministers, went . today to handling -problems step by' step "69 of the 402 Nip planes destroyed y \ CdttonR . . .. Prinl.s . . .^iinbacks . . . Jersejni Pastel Summer Doeskin^' L in e n s ahle dnwm pa.vnienf. Buckingham palace, where he re­ "instead of attempting to settle that day.*' more than twice as ELASTIC W eather. - ' ' . j ceived royal approval of his cabi­ Including famuus mlikes/\Sizcs 9 to 44. I.anz Suits, Sizes 9-18. everything in one grand peace con­ many as were shot down during the net list. ference.” wildest day of the "Battlesfor Brit­ STOCKINGS TIN IS STll^L NEEDED Jarvis Realty It wa.s..announced‘that-WTiiteley ain." ' \ ' Light and Heavy Weight Dover Rond would be the government’s chief Admiral Mitscher also told the Arthur Dm* Stores , DON’T LET UP— SAVE TIN CANS PHON ES-4112 rtW 7278 whip In Common.s, He waii\ the employees that 21 of the coun­ 845 Main SL Tel. 5806 $ 2 0 Week Days and .Su'ndaya ioint government chief whip . in try’s lending acea-iSaQj/trfd' more M'Inston Churchill’s wartime cqalj- Val. to M-BlL, V4fl. to $14.98 J Val. to $19.98 Regular $35.00 than 330 enemy planes, with Com­ R egular $29.08 lion. : . \ mander David McCamPbell, who 4 was present; leading with a hag of a i k u n NOW PLAYING 34, It was the day of days for this 234823534853532348485353489048534848 EVENING GOWNS small selept group who joined the SPORTSWEAR »*.l GteE GIRSON .9 . x \ , Crispy Colton Furmals. Sizes 9-13.' company In 1925 as the nucleus of c o u n t s B L O r S E S ...... , .Values to .9 8 . .,$ 2 .0 0 • an engineering'and airplane man­ i 6BEG0RY NCR ufacturing unit that Is now know-n COTTON S'klRTS , . V a lu e s Y, $ 5 f |S '., ,..$ 2 .0 0 fa. g o -With that worid-wlde. j . A N N O U N O E M E N T Time— and success has not / « i a changed them. They chaffed yes­ BeguUr $16.98 V terd ay to g eth er about the old da.vk, Si-IP CO.VER- for really •er REACI|W|AR 8t'NDAV: '"Back'To Bataan" I 'of squabbles one had' with ‘.he ' exquisite legs — “Blonde'* From Brooklyn” ] ^other over certain phases of Hie u ' .2 for $1.00 [.'experimental work. But Ih.the end h a l t e r s . Reg/$1.9R each... Refitachler’s dream of an alfplanfe MA! DRESSES , T. SHIRTS. I|*t. $2.29 . > ...... $1.4)0 I engine which was to revolutionize Cotto^n ■ ’n S u n b a c k s . 9-15, .-...... $2.00 AY |\ the'Widustry and to be the salva- T . s h i r t s , Reg.\$3.98 ...... ' \tlon'of the nation in the world’s — CLAMDIGGERS, Reg. SS.gg jr, .J..,..$1.70- greatest war for survival, becam>\ sS / DANCE a> reality, for at Christmas, 1926, PLAYSUITS„Reg. $5.98 ...... S.i.oo $ 1 Modern and Old Fashioned thfe Itrst P r a tt A W hitney "W asp” *” PLAYSUITS. Reg. $8.98 . .1 5 .0 0 r i A S A was completed arid delivered. V Regular $8.98 RegvUr$10.98 .....-,.$2.50 Trj'Ing Days SHORTS, Value.* to $5.98 Sports Center Plus This Favorite Comedyi These Indefatigable men remem­ r B.ATHlNG SUITS ..i/i PRICE W ells Street bered the trying days of the rigid »ikimtii*ai'sliMd! , Navy testa of the first Wasp. But,, V Formerly .\t Miller’s Hall they remembered, also, whatf L> :’ COAtS study ap.d sweat and faith had \ gone Into that first ynlt of jiiower, NO EKITRA c h a r g e for Fitted Reefers . . . Shbf(ie-s Strimckg and ISORIES Every Sat. Night designed to deliver 'an tinbellev- I . I ' Lanz Reefers . . . Broken Sizes. ‘ li' u tu i ti O c ItARTlN SENOUR thU extra .•ezyica. SUMMER BAGS*. Reg. $5.00 ...... ’. ./.$.3.00 ‘a Good lim e -for T onng , able 410 horsepower,. and Old Alike! iiuit m ii |r'-.So well did. that first Wasp per- When you re-paint, bring I l e a t h e r b a g s *. Reg. $7.^8 ., - ...... $5.00 Peter Miller, Prompter V t ' form that the rjavy ahortly there- NEU TONE PRINT a sample o£ your favorite $ SUMMER JEWELRY*, Value* to $L98|..... 39PIu« T b^ . R ig; $ 2 9 .^ Reg. $35.00 Reg. $4S.im " a n r r f r r w : W HEEL CHAIRS R COLOR PLAN th# drapariea—anything to I HOSPITAL BEDS 400 show 'tha princi^ a^ng j colori'in your room. TODAY P h r R ant o r Sfil*. CLEAIIANCE "'Everett T,'McKinney ' \ Wa’U hWp you aalact justl k SAT'iitc; SUN. ARTHUR A JAMES. INC V*l**t.y Soft tha righjt Martin-SenourI ------■ ■ ■ ■ --.— — ------^ ------r — r 198 Parm ’fP a Avfi. Bttd. $ - 4 8 4 8 door, cloon color*-rW l color for walla and callings. | ■ . ■ ■ ■ r I am now devotinK mv fuH'time and effort to the business ^ W o s h o b l * . H * r * 1* f y r flat wall paint in th* No obligation. B O T S * d e p t . 1 You hove no Idea of. hfl|w lovely your legs con loot until of McKin n e y b r o t h e r s , dealing in alP forms of real i X h biiE isE S -'' estate, insurance, appraisals,'mortgages, iiiianagement and ••lactlon ot color* you , W.lSH SUITS .1.7.... V,.l. lo »4.9S.;....tZ.0il ("^ /ou fiy Velva |teg.,Rlm . .X deliciously smooth in texture, 'Ka** b**n looking tor. M artin-S*nour oh*m- l^LAY CLOTHES i*..... VaL to $2.98 ...... $ 1 .0 9 British- construction. All 'negotiations will be strictly confidential; easy to. use; dependably fast color, ft comes in three ' (at* croaitad N*u-Ton* ' T. SHIRTS ...... V a lu e $ 1 . 0 0 ...... 50c your patronage will be appreciated. My (lualifications inr elude 15 years’ experience in this lin^ of business. ia m ak* wall* ijior* Since 1878 P aint color-1 BATHING TRUNKS^ ..Value $1.98...... $1.00 shades,, to suit every occasion, cl^mplement every costume Anterican Club i>ibutiful--to la*t long- ■tTlaa hav* b**n m ad* by M artin-1 |j Vsla*to 88.n ' Value to $7.98 ,rV-to *tand yopw it^ BOYS’ AND MEN’S « '^js^ss= ss= = s= sssss^^ssass:Z : ;.. goes on In o [iffy. Woter-resistont, stays on until you f ’ ’ • ' " r. 0*fftuin*“ In* M artin-SenourI r -" '- " ------' .rabhing and t® r*irjoln ____ ^ ^ . it**d. ' Respectfully yoilrs. - fdtuactiy*.' O^raiity O u ^ t wosh it off, wins complimenll from every beholder. BINGO --J,:. SLACK SUITS CQAT SETB't : ' [ 1 InU S’SHeRTS ieieli, light •. Sun Irons*, modium • Swi Cogporr dork Store ClUted Saturdays At 7 P. M. Until Further Notice. For Sum m er Sport apd Com fortj. ', Boys’ and Gicli' . . . Sizes l-6x; ' r r ApproxhioMy 20 peirt h Ih* 3 oi. beltio, 1.00 Tomorrow Abnesf 30 palr> In Mm 12 ei. oconowy ilio, 2.00 Txt i:»um*iiHWi i- • r , : * 5 - ; » t o . SIKK V . Mm fragr'ani croem MmI rofiMvtt hair and loe*^ ihk-Ue, Night -f 1 legtdsr $1.88 Itegv^ $3.98 sotin imocMi, 1.00 ‘ pti«s plM kiM Larsen’s Feed Service Kexuler 88.98 f lUfuIar $1931 | M gKINNEY BROKERS TELEPHONE 5408 I b .34 DEPOT SQUARE cutouse-'soH 505 MAIN ST^tEET — MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT I miPANTS* DEPl*. ODDS *N ENDS TABLE \ Weldon Drug tan'y ORANGE TELEPHONE 6060 OR 6230 INC. 1 S U N S U I T S ...... 1.. Reg. 11.59...... 79c r \ -'I - -f '' - ' Prescription Pharmaciats A.ivertise In The Herald— Pays // 1 C.ARRIAGE S ]^ .Reg. $4.98 ...... $2.98 *.' 'SO / - . 1t , 901 MAIN STREET x TELEPHONE 5321 HALL Siii awTii'i ' -I ------li '■ ). '■ .■ ' ...... T -/li >• r.X PACfE FIVE / MANCth-iai EK I^VENING Hl!;i(ALD,*ilANCH^TEJR, tXJNN, FRIDAY, AUGUSTS, 1945 M A N T i 5TER EV^E^^G HERALU. M^CHJ<:STEK. CONN« rKll'MY .-A KiLST Si ^r.F. f (H^r anc^-b^iri**, mschinical pbwsr trans- duction add distribution either-for local detail* and-'^wlth aaalstanc domeatic or market*, ’i' In the actual Nation of site* jHfd mission, and___ tools.____ Connecticut When Ton Buy A’t''! ill. Uin '('•tllci'. cl: fT J/e or Sw^lslheart aocounlis for more than half of the Connecticut'’JMeada in skilled Brotiler tries Staff’s Skills bUildlnga. / worker# (16.3^ agalnat-13^^^. for mchekipr p-y ii . pOWMK, ^ k O i i l d Correict Dog to Canada ? Deny Reverse ^ frill Bp F ou n t! T r i i P W EmploymWt Big In the bpdklet, he addeo; opinion nation’s production of hat#, fire­ * ; y tha^an other Induamal etatfes) and /ACtfoitipSn.Miii; Ihl.s'- prdmi.no ha* been/Kspt at a^jnlnlmum and arms, fabricsted' brass products, springs, ball-bearinga. typeWritsra, is developing and Ihhreaaing Its SCREENS Evenh^ Herald State College, Pa.. Aug. I To Aid Slayeij Are Publicized facts \ynlch can^)*" verified from ♦mat the Balkans will finally ha enairs Plai On Sidewalks 2 counting davlcea, auhmsrinsa, and manufacturing skillS.^Uirough' a PUBl.iaHEB BT T 1 V Read This Itbcperience —(Ah—fchances are that when impaHral souyo« are the basis of permanent ayatem of vsrational- H E R A t,D p n iN T t o J xCO. IN C . thrown open to th^, world press Is Job Facing Goingress tha material supplied. The edm- other machine prodobta.^ Buy Fuel SaVingi JPoo G. I. 'S(>e chmes home, he'll technlcal schools ^and thraurt co- U Sisseh SIVMt / ■ i arlbther p ^ m lse, ..to the effect find hlS ^^lfe op-sweetheart ha* A ji -‘ — ml8alon,.Mr.'Rogers. said, was *ld\ This state r(fek* second in ms- M tnchi>iter. Col lyea, of Anistdn, • .somewhat exoi^bltank she implied. To’Gel Started -Iminedi- I (*uTeun Holds Out Liltlt Booklet on Induslrial dheration betweeh state and Wdiis- THOMAS FHHOU that the Allied Cbptrol Commi.s- ..SelpcinianN^njjIai^Pro- , , -gf Dharts- Figures and -\r- pinit hoobk and eyes, ^llde and losses are ' low and labor condi­ RusBo w'. rCom biiiatioii Founded October 1. ir ervdee, had an Dr. C. R. Adams.'as.sociate Show r p e t i s ^ i l k y nectfeut’s School of Business Ad­ tions favor Industrial growth,t and countries wilt now- J-eviae tijclr law in the U. S. Igrvdce, had an one, of each la handed back to At Manchester Green. professor of education and , ! son fro in Death. ed hy W. B. Rogers,; ministration; . - snap fantenei'S. wiring devices and Publlabad Every Eeeolni ExMpt in Rpsiirfack Konih. experience which had H-s humorous ' |j,e owntr of the dog, stamped^wl^ giiiiients to Show- supplies'; third in electrical appH- the state has unusually complete Sundays and Holidaya. Entered at t procedure and "Inipfove” their. paj^ology, - who\ conducted Salient facts pointed out and transportation and ample power W i i i l l 6 # s Poat Oftica at Manrhaater.. Conn., aa •ork. which could mean bni>\thSt side, though exasperating in the the government seal. - y . : x h e ‘i^clectmen denied a netitlon the^ canvasa, said'x married Haftfoi-dr Aug. 3 PubH3 Why GoveFnmenl Plan graphically shown In th# Induatrlsl suices. corSqta and allied garments, m ove to eEruiiiiiite lha Uhtring extreme, when she to’ok her i?efdoj{ It was all rather agitatlnjg and .. ' w ' ,V. ' Hartford. ’Aug. 3.;^ubllcation faciUtlea. Second Claaa Mall Mattar, ~ ______\ girls answered an emphatic Defender Iteiphart L Gideon helci booklet Include the following; screw-msemne product* end wood ; " , V . Save tJp to 50^0 Fuel thKjttissjans' are- promising \to up\rf newly^rlaced streOts was along with hW when on'a rcceiil.j by the time she had r-ecel/ed the ; signed by Victor Hedfen. of 531 - "No" when asked whether Needeil Prepared. by ? the State Development Com- screws, and cOfton .thread. SUBSCRIPTIVN RATEi^x'^' amet^thelfi-hlKh-handed. solo por- .made by the Selecimen last nlglr trip by auto to Canada,vnait i necessai^’ - in.ft)rmatlon, , And had i Middle tiirtiplke. east, and oth»ps I,out "little hope" today that Seat Connecticut l* bne of the most 'Throughout the booklet Con- they *re -dating while their miasiop of a ^ -p a g e boqklet. set­ 'BxraiLRTLT INSTALLED One Teat by Mall ...... f *'1S V;hrn a ofoposal -was made by cp bVnihers. She was■'-.acc.o.m- time to contply with requirements . Selectmen .for a re- husband* are in the.'service'. • man FIrqt Class Roger Peteisur[ highly industrialized State* In the nectlefit I* compah^ ■ Par month by Mall ...... J icy In iHese countries.. ^___ ., • By ?l»lne»" Marlulv'*'^ ting fort^^die state's numerous in- nation a* shown bv the proportion WITH "THE EXULUplVB / STEEL SEAL Sincif Copy ••• •:•...... » •“J' Tteiei tnwm f'ecil England that the naiHed bv others of the. family, the family car had,bounced back i • , , .. . . - ... Engaged . girls. Dr. Adams of , Los Angeles. Calif.-, could save poalte of ten other^ieadlng Indus­ PIANO TUNING There laN^ealthy unlt.Vi likewise, Wnthi/departnient furnish the T h e l^ d been sAVing up gasoline, and fo;dK to and .from'the border. | ver»al of their^stand on _^e con- Washington, ' Aug.^ 3 . dustiial^advanta^es and entitled. of its peacetime labor force em- Delivered .One Tear ...... » 9.W reported., said .'-they would j hi'a brother. Royal, 21, from deal trial atate*. the ten tyhlCh, with No No Rain Ventllsttaa!’ WeateiA Statea and APOy/...... >12.00 In the proposJH that Italy ahall he Selft/tmen with. list,s. of propose,d liw *«fveral times: . ■ • ' , utruction of sidewalks andf curbs (|ate only- "by. mutual agree­ |-you’U heyr plehty about unem-' VGdnnecticut^'B State of Manufac­ nloved in manufacturing. The JJonnecticiit, lead In th*>roportlon RepairinR RebuUding foe. th«^'Xrip,for^ gome time. It in the electric chair on Aug. 17. | Chech Char_ jen to Sturm Sash In r J The seaman, wearing battii ipJoyment akd why there shoutd be , turing SklUa,’’ was announced to­ booklet also points out the great of thclr labor force engaged in Bought and Sold ■sr.»w^ X MEMBEH^B ‘ ■/ . diversification of manufacturing In ute From INSIDB Tour Horae! "THE aSsBcIATED PKE8» final treaty of pea^and have the hm'e sp that streets which may be of the problem of what to dowith tfie little treasure back In Amston. ! (^om Uoodbndge street lo ■ "under s p e'c I f 1 c circum­ :| stars and campaign ribbons tha^ full employment. -.Crmgr&sa ha.* day by tydiard B. Rogers, commis­ manufacturing. -X A. G. McCROflpN^ The Aaaoclated P^aaa la aai.mai.vely listed for surfacing may ,.be held the dog to makA^i■ one of ' the party. . She She goes goes on on to to say-- .say - that that Consmerlble studv has been stances." 'I indicated, he had taken part Connecticut. Th^se No Bulky iwe to Store lb Cellar I vt'ay opened to her mlambership^ i tintll ‘t/Miriata V'iBitincr f^arraHn . .t-OnSlUCraDlC »iUU^ llK9 DCPH. to tackle that baby .when It re­ sion chairman. . rir«t Rank COnnectieiit shows higher h (.adders — I.Ittle Unml entitled to the uaa ol repuolication of up/untti after the water 'depart- This was all . Arherican touriata visiting Canada [ four Pacific gampalgna kn'il' had Theiwo-color, 8'aXli-ineh publi­ PhoitiB6619 No Fua* ail newa dlspat credited to or not made by, the Selectmen for the turns in Oct-Ober. Some baby. Of all the states. Connecticut ductlvlty in nescetlme , thanri the tie United Nattona. AnikThe menr Higging is completed. - ■ reached the border'dUie .Then she ; by car are given 20 gallons of gaso^ I served in the American and Eu.-j atriaU I" ■ 1 "■■■ Pay* for Iteel\^Ui Fuel Saved! ottierwiae credited In thia paper and elinunaHon of pedestrian hazards Senator O'Maho'ney. Wyoming cation contains a wealth of ranks first in the production of composite of ten other IndustrlsI Featu also the local news punliabed, here clal declaration that Fra\^w ill ’ It WHS .stated that two streets Ui.scovered that in ord>e to get the : line (Imperial measure, which Super-Fort . ropean theaters, kiTlyed in H arlJ trial facts compressed into a min- statea. srtd^the top p4r capita pro- No Down PaynilHit— t i Month* To P ay! 1 recently surtaced. Dudley, strget dog across Ahe must pieSenMhree : amounts to cofisidcrably m.oie than in that area, especially affectUig :' Democrat, went'to a lot qf* trou­ hare, flrearms. non-ffj-rous metal All rights ol.republication ol special never nial^e the Ignited N al^na Student's of the Manchester Green , ; ford Thurs'day/'for what he de-j ble—-getting up charts. figures itmim of reading mfftter ’•illumi­ diirtion o tiv ar ^oqda as well. and'Brookfield street, will have tO copies of health certlflcateAxissued the same amount in U. S. gallonsy ' scribed as a "laat minute" attenipl( nated bv 'pictorial graphs and products, silverware, clock* and X' Is Cektral r * Show Tou a Rusco 8-Way Coi^lnattoo WIndowl diapatches herein, are also reaerved. grade la- something long overdi be dug up partially for Ihstallattdn school and the contract for i.'ie, L Losses Hit: and argum ents—to show why the watches, hardware, Insulated wire F. H. A, FINANCED — 24 MON’TIjS TO PAY. F u ll ael-vice client ol N. B. A benriee by a veterinary, also three reCeipU'^ at the border, no ga.s. coupons be- I to save his m-other's-lift-. other illustrations, Mr. Rogers aaid. Connecticut is cetitral for pro­ Those problems which' the con f water mains soon. , construction-of the sidewalk's was .government should plan to pro­ and cable, office and store ms- c o s m e t i c s In c . for rabies tnoculitlon. She hadwfit ! ing reqiijred. -- ' .- authorized at the last meeting of ( unyieted in VV|or Killing The booklet was designed, he ference was aliie to soh-e. It solved realmed the necessity pf getting Americans buying- nrfeat and vide full employment. stated, to give manufacturers and ..______2 ± ------^------Retena Ruhenateln /P u b lla b e rs RepreOentatlves f\CVI • Tha a aa» . the board. Work vvas.to have ')een Low Point Royal ■ Peterson ■ is under »en-| Few Hold IMflerent B*®ws Agent circumstance Vhich lends these and taking theA al^g. so cheese iq Vapada are not charged tence.. Of death imposed by three potential manufahturera almost at Harriett Hubbard Ayers /j"liua MatnewdvSpjclal Agejicy—New I wpll. n had to go back tp '-the.-a^es " an.1;aa uuiyduty butmu muai.S.vemuat.give up .ceu.red_points puuus 1^*','!. This Is the way he thinks Ptox Factor Tardley^ BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. * York. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. hope that the .stilt'unsolved proh- ( ilotiliiig Plan Superior .court judges who, Iasi a glance an overall picture, of the X' HABTFORD (d) .submit the dog to a V e te rin a ry-:ior...... them-to Un,t?d ‘ ‘ State.s officials. ^ ‘he -Selectmen (CXmtinued (rum Page One) there Are very few people,to dis- reasons why it is advantageous ■ Loelen LeLong — Btc. ,■' 108 WOODBINE STREET BUREAL March,.'convicted him of the fltsi TELEPHONE VI259 MEMBER AlTDIT If ms can also be met in a spirit whdm she managed to ■ contact the same as IfHhev had been «« degree miirder of Matthew Wtorl agree'with him'; for industry'to locate in Connecti­ , Arthur Drug Stortjff CIRCUJ1..ATION 8 . f liange Pikely h ..ni., ' Thc Sclectmen defeated a ino- wouldn’t be Increased appreciably When people are.-WorKihg they con.structlve cooperation.' This took time and charges seemed boiight.in their owyhome town. | Selectman S. Q. Manchester jeweler, during aii ,htl cut. ' ‘ Tha Herald Printing Company. Inc., by the»July figures—Unavailable— have money tcO-ftpend on things Bowers for*-, the, immediate con- for there was relatively little aerial templed holdup in Wlor’* atorq they want, v'^his keeps other EneouragM l}fei» Industry aasumea no financial reaponaibll*-ty for (fontiniied from Page One) laboratory, the laminAr flow and last Feh.'-^8. typographical errorv appearing In ad- s.tnioUon of sidewalks, and Curbs opposition last morilh. people ejjrfitoyed making .those Since the. choosing of ap Indus eertlaementa 'n The Matichester Eve- I.asl Summer Tcio smoke tOnnel, the iPfatt',,* Wnit- on Avondale road. At a hearing Gideon said that Royal Peter-1 trial site involve* Intensive hives .seven per cent rollback .'ll At a cost of 1,630 crewmen in ■ plgg Herald. ■ . Workers Oiilv ney.wnr plan-? e.xhibit, yttstorj.ca’. held two .weeks ago with .50 prop­ .sOn lost his last chance, to save hi* Ugation. the chali-man explained? men! prices generally. the 149 Super-Forts lo.st.’OB ,Lipa- . . . , > i^ h a lot of eniploynient. /I As one hear* all the presently and deviMofnil' 1 rxhihit.s and the erty owners of Avondale foad lere'll be a l.ot of pfoduction to this booklet will provide only the I nahje to Foresee- Effect varioua types of flight test air­ nese citfea have been gutted by fire i 'j''’ " X ", DO ^OU THINK IS Friday, August 3 urgent talk to the effect that WT'•e\ pre.sent, 4Iie. majorityxpf those st-. —some almost completely de­ dons denied his appeal for a com-J fill the dernands of those people starting point for encouraging .lerome Ney, director of OPA's, AtP-WShow craft. ■ tending opposed coni^uction' at mutation.of the death sentence Eileen Barton, Frabk ISlnatra’a Are Fresher At The are 111 prepared for any sudden stroyed — in 70 incendiary foravs. tfi with money'to spend. new Indilatrtes to locate In' this O N V a c a t i o n ? Consumer Goods division, said he _____ ' ., this time. life IKmri'aonment, Singing Protege^ endcarJil to the 1 state, but the Development Com- victory over Japam'since our sys­ could -not foresee what effect re- - But''When people begin losing The Potsdam Decisions R o g ^ Peterson wore Yrlbbonil hearts of millloha of hl.ai.fans, la I mission will stand ready to follow tem for reconver.sion is still in vocation of WPB's regulation..§||ii(|av Program lo B<‘ their jobs, they hold' on to what 'X Arthur W. Benson is taking • Public* Records Third Fleet's Plane and stOTS ln d lcatli«:/ th at ha little money they have. They featured on the saipe doublh. stage ' it up hy furnishing potential new­ The Potsdam Dccnaration makes might have on attempts to cut; Attlee’s 'jraii* had', partimiated ln,«the battles o| comers to Connecticut with full the controversial stag*. one's Fof , Badge W earers, sto^ buying, or buw only necessi-^ biU with "Have Fun." a iolftpking *ell-ehrned vacation. a substantial beginning toward . .. (.lothing prices. He added, how-; Ldsses'atJ^ow Figure Ltngayen CUlfTiuzon, Iw6 JIt memory may go,hack.hack to approxl-iapproxl-1 __ any event OPA would W a rra n t^ Deed* Guam, Aug. Low loss­ ties.;''' ' all-laugh revue,. featurinf' Broad­ \ the sol'crtion of the problems of N pl4«r Fam ilies.' * - Priee^Npiizzles and Okinawa^'iesidea service ai AS the buying ? demand, drops, mately the same season last year. , continne Its efforts to actiieve "a ■ Manchester Realty Cbmpan.vftn es (institute one' of the reasons Wake Isjafid. th < A. T. E. T| way and Hollywood’s top enter­ • j>o»t-wfir Europe. With **cqm ing ()., And naturally so. There'd be no tainers andaMmedians, pli.ylng to­ As we’recali ft.- this country spent I rolj^back. Bruno Mazzoli. -property located Actmrtar Halspy’s Third fleet , has O. anfKAfrica. "W HERP C E m im OliJhlTY PREVAILS' ardor, thf conferees apparently Trade repre.sentatives said, ■''Employees Day" a t . fhe Pratt sense in producing for people who day, Saturday and Sunday at the tha.t summer in a feverish com on Henry street. -. . 5 (Continued from Page One) been able to rerhalh In Japanese .* furlough, heXsaid. exprirel Ot| Burners •• tackled the hardest And most mi- however, modification of WPB A Whitney plant. East Hartford. Manchester Realty Company to home waters-ao long—24 days,' as­ n Aug. 17,. the sarnk day: hl| can’t bu.v. , air-conditioned state theater, 997 MAIN STREET A Few Steps Below Hale’s TELEPHONE 2-0784 plBint->over the fact that the Ayny So more people are laui off. They Hartford. Featured In t le revue ^rtant problem—that of production, controls would make Will be tor only those having Paul Stecher, property . located on able net maintainable revenue,’ suming It still is there—and to brother la scheduled to die. ’wid". , was refusing to let civilian aiv .it "i«treme1v ’unlikely" that the Henry street. . . T h e Financial Times said. But It the enemy again and agediy-dSoth join the ranks of the are Steve Evans, one of the na* ■ ' • / .. many—first, x Their solutlop of In turn, more people are laid off. thorities start reconversion in an­ maximum "ky.eragC . price plan badges of the company. GeOTg ...... Jam. es ^F. Kehev to William F. added; from the air with more tjwtfi 1.000, lion's top comedy stars: Tie Stow­ Furnqc^s : People tell u s we know our onions —^’^and the.v really mean itj And wlf^t’s more that problem -comes to us in |{reat could be kept in effect, Slye, of the Public Relations *1®" ; jy-hnson, property located ,qn . "The principle as adopted Ift the'carrier plane* and from the sea Pretty soon there’s mass unem­ aways, "3 Funny Knock-a-Bouts": ^ YOU THINK IS \ ticipation of the approaching end ployment. ’With mass unemploy­ A Few StHI Available. DO they infer that we know' all our lYuils and vegetables — including onions. When detail; other sub|ldiacy problems OPA already has made price partment of LI-A-C Stated toclay. An ; ,j^ri>et xY-report. however, is double edged; , with seven Naval bombardments, The Lightning Four. In 'Comedy; we go lo market we have you in mind — and we Selfeijt each fruit and each vegeUble of the European war. ' cohccsaioiMi to wool and- rayon ‘ impression has been, given that ment comes a depression. and Thrills" and Sandra parrett. | \ are either solved 'W a general the for it ia coupled with the rider x Admiral Nimlti’s communiques BACK ON THE JOB? The complaint was backed Up fabric manufacturers. These per-j employees and their fafni'ie* wUl , Company, 12. lots lo- that one of its advantage's is that for the pepe^ July -10 date of Used 'I>v»> " a . 's "Lovely and Delightful Dancing r a c k i.If f E o il CO. as carefully as you’d do yourself. That we’vej.een dmpg this J*>h ^mroBgise, or postponed^ for later by the fact that government and mlL producers to return Qc -aver- be permitted to enter the K'"ohhas i Park tract. :'anv unfairness and Inequality 1| the flrs^Sfttack flr^Sfttack on 'Ti Tokyo, through O’Mahoney usi'S hia charts and Star."' E xtra added, on the bill, fieL BartSnrd the ever growing number of Model patrons. Everyone ^nows that for Jruits and d^tmaion And -.aoUitlon a t lower rather than I next Sunday. Aug^ 5. to witne.ss j-' , ^ , figures two i},:»ya: ,To show is Jack Shea, "The Mad Auction­ 80$ Majil*' Aveno# —. Hartford His father is assisting military , officials th&maelves fCf;e prices of 1944 that JTVfy be thought to result by{julyjj around and demand a new and water. ' - T . [ than $2,000 a year. Their income urday and Sunday at 9:45 p. m. BANANAS 12 p ing laboratory, the wind tunnel j Ibcated on Marble stre et . | ^ n of thi*.klnd.’» from Germany. The repara^on* emergency reconver.sion—a recon-, ■e-as 45,700;000.000 dollars. will b* reparations composed \pf \ Over 50.000 2. M,500.000 people earned $2,000 version not to peace, but to war. to $4,000. 'Their, income was 44,- SW'EET MELLOW r ipe’ ^ NEW , . equipment and materials Ger­ And rationing had to be made (Contlnned From Page One) 000,000,000 dollars. many now possesses; these will Stricter than ever. 3. 2,000,000 peqplexearned $4,000 POTATOES V PLUMS PEACHES be taken almoqt immediately. The We woYild be foolish Indeed to and street cars a t'th e St. LouH to $5,000. "Thetr income was $10,- ..^RECORDS-f Allies have, therefore, lii contrastMbiB caught that way again. There­ Car Company was halted by a 400.000. 000. , ; 2 pound's 25c 5 pounds 25e strike of 1,100 eqiplbyes who lelt 4 . 1,200,000 people earned $5,000 25c dozen to last time, established repara fore, when we now hear renewed to $10,000. Their income was $.8,- j tion* -they can collect and enforce. their jobs in protest over vaesLion- T I t - T I I MBIW f T B l t t agitation to the effect - that the pay. Arthur van Stratten, prosi- 900.000. 000. . ___^ ; FRESH CUCUMBERS ...... 2 for 15e 5. -446.000 peopTe earned $10,000 SUNKIST LEMONS ...... 6 for 25c The taking of such reparations Army should begin slacking up dent ..of. the CIO United Steel­ to ,$25,000. Their income was $7,- i SWEET CANTALOUPES . . . .«^h 25c FRESH PEXS/.1 ...... 2 lbs. 39e : jylll be part of the basic eco,ndnUc because the Pacific war is al- workers union said new vacation 600,000.000. \ NEW ONIONS ...... 3 lOf. FRESH RADISHES..------2 bchs.^ 15c 6. 129,000 received over $25,000. FRESH SPINACH...... 3 lbs. 29c future. When these reparations must speed tj,, War I^abor board. A^con-1 ’Their income lyas $7,700,000,000, _ ; ICEBERG LETTUCE .... .2 head^25c have been taken, Germany will be reconversion lest a sqdden* victory I ference was scheduled between-ii (If anyone’s interested, only'79 people received oyer one million c6 u j m 5 u - d^ C a ^ v i c t o r - (Ca p i t o l HEARTS OF , / nattve: summer ^ A.ttippcd induatrlttl catch. us Unprepared, we respect- j union ^ j \ jifATn'E y ■ making power. A deliberate fully sjiggest that America stop; „Ahout .1,000 N»w Jersey em- Most Income# Under $4,000 SQUASH WhsK^ O’Mahoney wanted "to Y e W o y / Corn CELERY draatlc effort wtll^J^s madb to s h ift, counting victories before they are i pioyea -of the Philadelphia" Navy FOTtERTON'S Germany from a ’great war-mak- i | Yard voted to ataji’ away from show waa this: That o ^ h e 50.775,000 people At The Center f *1.*** A 9 j c dozen 29c bunch 5 for 25c m, to . Wtoounrol.: | with incow—exclusive of tne Open. Th^nOms OntU 9 P. M. - a o ted Saturday At BM P. M. State. ,1 It will be if victoi-y comes so soon cent on all wages in the armed forces^47,000,000 had in­ Thia. cpntrarj' to aome aaaump- u^ gj^jbes ua unprepared; let us city. . 1 comes of less ^than $4,000? Yet^— the total Incom e^f those 47 mil? ■ CALIFORNIA/.- ‘ ^ tlons, does not mean that the; that that will be a calam ity: In Cleveland, l.^ V o p en h ^ rth j lion people wps $8^00.000,000. . o< 6.rm.^ „„ .E i Which means: 92.Aper cent of ; b€ wasted. It does mean tnat u se, such a audden viclory^j"j,^^j.ted n ago to enforce a the people with inconm had in- j of these natural resources for indeed hand u* the task of ", “full rrew’i demand. Mcanwhil'', cornea of less than $4,000.. '"\ i O R A N G E S 5 “- 7 0 c O’Mahoney goes furthmb In The Army end Navy Cliih/ 'purposes of war, or for purposes „ne big. confiised e9ih.P«n.y »"'d 1944 the Treasury, departm ^ re­ easily adaptable ,to the needs ot u,mp. Instead of feeding, it to ut^ ’ jS^trUll workers'^^vXd to .heLrn ceived In InAme tajxes $17,800;000,. : X ^ jneoirporated ■war, will be hatred. in gradual "atages, which la what] to their jobs. * . ’. 000. About half of that total Was I paid by people making under’’ And Enjoy Yourself At Although their ' economy Is go-1 the would-be planner* wapft. Bu^,;. Metal working iBdu.strles_claim- ed the- bulk df workers o ff. their $4,000. . • r ing to be controlled, th^e 1 thlA one big .blbw might i 6,500 Then he make* this polritv The ‘ mans are gblng to- be plermltteiT; geem more .severe thhn a series | pioyes at'^Tght plants of the Rey- low-iBiaried people are a tremc-r.-| dous bunco of b'.iyeta for the RAXJ’S PAVILIO; 'and encourageB to become a n a -' uttie blows, tljysre is every reason . nolds Metals CompfinY, Inc-., New things .American industry pro­ tion. Allied control policy.,.ls . to. to believe that we would recover York City, Glendale, N. Yi. Louis­ ville, Ky:. and Richmond, .'Va. . duces. CRYSTAULAKE b e'a s uniform in- all occupation l from'. Ijt. the more quickly^ and ac- A. If people are employed they buy INGO -honea as possible. Economically.! tualjj? lose none of the time of- i land pay taxes, which help* the War ('rliiiiuals 'vgovemment. .Business benefits and ptiticajly, the Germans arej.fgred by a quick victory. It is, ' \ wh6n people, employed, can buy. _ Every Rfr. Night At 8:30 Sharp! Stvimming — Bdating to be Created "as one people. , at any rate, better to gamble, on f'.' He figures that within two^ or IN THE may take a palitful time >Afh« the country’s capacity to adjust Will Be Listed thfee more year* there will be 58 mllHon people — counting those 21 Ca^es Including Sweepstakes they dan be judged, capable of or^ itggif quickly to an eariy .vlctpry coming, nut of the Armed Forces * speed itself the Big Three promise to publish $8.000,0()0..j.^^ -.We Buy AH Makes. Models and Types of fa rs have^,J>een settled, and sctfieil, js,.,sehaatl6nfil enough to win the •names before S ^ t . 1 would ap­ pear to indicate that this may be an'ch Trucks Regardless of Year or Condition wiseiy..__; ‘ ’ ' . i Shootli* Stip th« • title ot^ the done. '■ ’ ' j-.V. 1942 This it one demonstration of world’s'fa ste st plane, what Is 4-DB. Sedao*~ 1887 !_^1BSS ■ 'is W T 1940 _ 19‘41^ $890 I 1I108.V ability of the yretorious Allies'most. impressive alxiut the plane’*' p E ^ O C T y ' 8899 ’ $Ttd~ <870 f r$695 ■"$9(kl j^l08ll to work together in the afterlPat.hj perfo^mauce is its ability to stay Triinian Roiile.^ To the man VSS d ' WB 9448; M -joT 8710 “ $9S5> ‘$1080 of th r war they won. i ■ jin^the air for a period of at least CHEVROLET ■■$868' $470 J$ 5 8 0 $71.5 or woman J$I7$5 $1980 There are aeveral other I'mpor- hour and a half. riiange“ Is ;—■- Hit i. PACKARD $.588 ■■S670' i s -yo ■■$1M,5 and $990 i'$lT40~ $174.5______$2780'_____‘ $2980 tant contributions to Allied co-1 'Fhe Germans were ahead of us wlio needs CADILLAC $615 (Contlnned Protn Page One) $975 ! $8’i5''‘^'H15 Mll49$TjtiM0 operation and harmony in t-h.®' on jet^glanes in the European UHRYSUEB" I $510 n n c K I $(»5 '$725'''~r$855‘ $1lS'o' ’ $1870/^ $1890 - Potadam . Declaration, . war, bjtit they had' not, *o far a* "there waa a most extraordinary MOO .Furmlure and ^oor covering.f . . . pictures, mirrors, lamps and gift- 9470 "$S5'r~$760"$1010X^1220 ' 91495 One of these is the conference’s muddle of arrangemeritS, due niD SM O BIL E has bSen revealed, -v solved the wares , . . nearly every department in the store" is represented in ■ C." ■.-.cnMOO) $9S5~ 9775 I fl050~nM245j official ratlflcalion of the promise problem of how to give their jot largely to the super-security smse DODGE. $895 $545 I this Semi-Annjual Event. Oven 400 values ranging from a decorative ■'$90.5'^M 295^ $l1S .5j that the Polish Provisional Gop^^angg of Anierican security police.'’5- s t u d e b a k Kr " |440~ $590 I $790 air aiid flying . _ _ _ p sa avar aanaU arag '■$1260 "Thousands Mi.ss ..Invisible vase to h nine^piece dipiDg room! ' . S- " ^ i* R ? r ir a W i l laMi,^,** »>• NASH * $483 '$780 $1040' ■$noo emment Will not only hold "fr^e ra"ngie. They were fa.st enough Man." said Dally Express head- aaM la# to roor |>r<*lam? A $9’20 $1115 1 $1220 and unfettered elections” b , Soan providat ntadad tath, " P O N T i A C ______$480-' $575 $680 Itw hjJe they were upi, but th'*y had line. Because we believe it’s good housekeeping to keep oUr floor samples ' wlthaat tha anibarTaMin.nt "that representatives of the All^djd * to'Xetfn' up. get ln.'tfieir fighting, "Plymoqth" Thinks the Whole ' E t aakhic atbara. Samlbla 9 a . m . t o 9 p . i n . Thing Was Bungled," the Dally fresh and new, we clear many of themi put . . . send tnilem to your beabUr pamMqta yea ao^ All Yenrs, Makcsi'dnd Models-Bought Accordingly press shall enjoy full freedorq to a factor . Citaa* aea jHvaaaa*. Mo t m : and get down xagEin, - _____ Mirror said. homes . . . while they're still fresh and new! iBvar, Mta aaat U ■odtrata! report to the world upon develop-' hindered their effectiveness; araaw la. $M It r > waaha I CALL. WRITE OR PHONE ^ ments in'Poland before and dur- g, gj X aaali *aa anl» 4S aaon. » Our Buyer Will Call, At Your Home fighting instrumentT^o,, P o lis h -A m e ric a il ^ . — wuti lao M Ing the elections” npald’In It while the Shooting S tar come* a' 1 a lM ta lH w * win Buy Your Car Over the Phone. Caill Hartford 7-8144 Another Potsdam promise pre- little late, if- is ' demonstrably a. Outing Sunday I Swvlea. Tft« H A l f COBI ■enU at , least the opening wedge gfigg^ ^f anything the Germans ~«a‘l bamw •asaaaasarllyj for. a free pre^ in the Balkan*. ) had. A u t X a lo#B la ta ran r ad- MAMCHeSTifl SPECIAL OFFER " .vanlasa. 'Partonar vaaU ta Sen your c«r lo u« RIGHT NOW and we ll pay you TODAY’S "The three Crovernmenla." reads The Polisif-A?inerican club will aarva fou. XvarytlUn* U| this section, "have no doubt that hold an outing Sunday afternoon at Did you know . . -IT' kandlad tinpty and art* TOP HIGH CASH PRICE t^edlately. ■JfmUTTMOUT HJtleri* Half-Brother Freed vatcly oo year at*natara tmt your car for your vrcrHM ^ the next SO d»y» w itm uij i AUGUST 6 Sperry's Pond, Biilton. from 12 I ■' ■ in'view of the changed condltiotA S lan t, i a If yen a aad a # » noon to B 'o’clock In the evening. The Stork Club la' tha name of coma In. nimnt or trrHo. cH A R o e. ^ . r .resulting from th* termination ^ iweniy-nrst Army Group Head­ An orcheetra has been secured for Watkina new, larger juvenile shop ftta* war in Europe, representa- quarter Germany, Aug. 3—t>P;— dancing and refreshment* will be which Will go Into conetruction the Unless Inclem ent W eather Interferes. U jtm H v a • • •»7 Alois Rltier, Adolf* halfi-brother, sold on th* grounds.. minute materials and labor ar* PERSONAL FINANCE CO. fetnm* ofi-th* Allied press will *n- ha* been released by British au­ ' available ? 0^ Manakeii&i Transportation wllji be provided CAHOUSer’SON. streets have vour paper out oh Monday. - |Sr»f full freedom' to report to the thorities after having W n de- for all. with cfcrs leaving the club CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. X^W'crld upon developme'nt* in Ru- tairfed 'fo r about six sroeka for at I ;S6. There Is ‘no admission INC. ------iia r if o r d R. R. ir«wB. Mcf. .199 M AIN STREET ^iSBla, /Bulgsns, Hungary and questioning. It-was announced to­ charge artd the ifubltc is Invited to t.IrraBB Eb. m ^ day. He had been caj^tured in attend; ITiere is plenty of parking T h s' AiUed . Brssa i* tha Hamburg araa. A , space available. A.-- J- “■ir .-.ri* hi X , - v PAGE EEVEW * \ MANCHESTER EVENJNQ HERALD. M ^CHESTBR. OONN.. rRnJAT. AUGUST^, 1945 / SSTER. G»NN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1945 M A N U fK S r K K ((n in G h e r a l d , mang; V PAGE SIX X, ______Lz_— _ _ — ------■ - J x — :— :: ^ f a new German nation will assigned mlsslOii-^sky support for Franec got a rbaooniible pcTio, troops landing on Japan itself.” T od a yR a d io new wars might bc'prcvented, hiijlt on the.ne local beginnings Syfifl. Haugli ter’s 3. Reparaitnns All theXidus •>i»ractlc» for. Future Invasion Obituarv E. R. Grossings "Hitler replied that he did not Iri a censor-delayed account, the ■tastora War Tims tries -W'hich the Germans m)ght't^<% •V. - i r want ‘a ptace of revenge’ hut Hint to build a new war macKlne amt Party Guest dispatch from an American escort Is Sold Todj If • somebody would have to pay. >Ve list Lai flattop disclosed tfrnt a ntlw Ma­ (;00-^WDRC.— Music off the Songs; WHTD—Raymond Grata ain Swidied also talked of collaboration, but those whick; they do imh neeij./to suiitain life will be ta ^ n a\vay by. rine air group, “ the BeaChbusters." -ord; WTHT r-^ Sereno Qammell; JSwing; WTHT — Hartford-He- nothing was decided at Montoir already had used Japanese-held ' roes 8peak; WTIC — NeWs of Old Timers Recall Great isHpstpn, tVin, Allies as refmr^ons. K llin e r a ls Hartford Men PiirchasJ WT16 — A Woman of America. :S —it was’ a meeting to enter Im*r»*asc>' 1 I- I 'lUilJioii will draw her reft'BtAtlon!X'''UV.the. Hptiirne8t o f a contact.’’ borjnp realist|Gklly through anti­ Business at Center] v y - n c — Ma Perkins. ^ 7:30—WDRC —^ Jerty Wayne Laval said he took tin- o«^sion eastern, zone^ ofXjermftnv Wnieh W ar (»ivoiliN.Surpwe at AHiert 8. Hwanson/ ^ Games/ln Early I92d^8 Dollars in Year; W ill she occupies, "aM nuV'nf these W411. aircraft fire, to practice for the ;30—WDRC r— News; MuWe off Show; WHTD — Lone Elim inatingDangerous to protest against the retention- in Funeral serviqcsXpr Albert B-. WTHT— Melody Lane; WTIC i-\, wns give reparatioks tq/Pnland. -lli» Hoinp future invasion of Nippon. Swanson, of- 20 PaeWarrd iitreet, Plan no Changes. the Record;. WTHT — Music In ndders Benton Blanks Oermany of 2,000,000 pahrich pris­ Raisp 100 ?VIore. This waa the latest picture of the the Modem Mood; War Gardens; —Quiz of Two Cities. All Veteran Tlib coming frasebaB game Sun‘>\* ot« in Buckjand." oners of.war and aske,fl for relnxa- The Unite^States. Britain and who died yesterday a'ftafrvoon f at France,'■ ogcumnng the woslein mounting air offensive as pieced WTIC — Pepper Young's Fam­ g';00— WDRC — Aldrich Family; day afternoon at~th« West Side ] ktlon in.German coritrdl of crossings SorgV'“'X ’illian> Haugh\.^on of the Manchester Memorial hospital, Walter'^- Restaurant and Grilll WHTD Pages of Melody; OIH Tim er PUeb^r i Cleveland’s Pete 'nip-gmud list • in the Sotith zoiies. .will •h/e responsibU- for f.ur- together from official commiinl- will be held at 2:30 tomorrow aft­ Oval featuring '--the. Manchester i ' Town Treasurer Gciare* H. hi the demarkatifin line in France. Mr. arid ,Mr.s. ySamuei Haiigh, of qu,ea and advices of spokeameri; located at 10 Ea.st CetiteT atteetl ily. - . ' ■ WTHT — Cecil Brown; WTIC --- Coach Carroll W iddoes Manchester .Fire Di.stricl nn which ntshlhg/mpilrations for themselves ernoon at the Bmahwel- ^ th ^ a n , i;45—w n C —Right to HapplnesB. Old Timers and a te i^ of honor-| \ ■_____ ;•------X T edf ! Scores Fifth Str«E^t Waddall was authorised by. the He,said he \variied Abetz hat 3K F.ilgei ton street, was tenoTced Sfore_t>nn 100 Army Mustangs conducted . by Walter .BraVahawl Cities Service Concert PA VeteralK, the taxes will bp Cillected starting and ajGniher Allied cl.ilmnr.t.s. , a plea.sHUt surfirise' at his korhe , J . churchr The - Watkins "Funerai 1:00—WDRC House Party: Team on Pap.cr Again ably discharged" veterans of this Prance never ,W’ould consent t o ’ he Augu.st shows an increase of Ki>rt>iermorc ’25 [ler ce.nt o f , from lyh swarmed on Nagoya-.ind; 7 waa thia morning aold-to.StanleJ 8; lO^WTHT—Kay-D-Qulz As Elixirs Feature it M ectm en last night to c ^ e r annexation df the Pas de Cialnis ■dnesday night by a group of his Hews; 'WTHT — News; Glrand’e war brings b«lr sho\v Umt gic Air Forces. 1;4S__ WTIC — Young Widder 9:00—WDRC — It Pays to Be Ig­ Sides 6-3; North End tracks in Bucklind. seeking to as- tivity r^o' days ago. Said Gen. fi^ft hs of The reparations she gets ScAndia lodge. Order Vasa r.nd The sale Waa closed at" 11 o’clock Curtis Widdoes was chuckllng-to waa lnstr(imehtal In pitting the I . / i t Baseball is going G.l. in a big there is real eslAte valued a norant; WHTD — Famous Jury hlmselfrthese warm, summer days os^in the costs of .Jand border;^Mn„Vtce Xianinlin and.' Mar.shal frrj.m them! the S.egar Society. ! this morning (txjd under the eondiJ Brown. ' . Trials; w n T f —*-Gabriel Heat- game on a flmi financial Ibasis D r u b * H i g h l a n d P a**k. I way now that the manpower scales tag the rillrviad trackage c ^ - pjetro BadOglio,who baeamc It.al- 5i9.44.'> in the district tifid ii^t per- llVt’*!'” rcpapatioiis are to tions of the anle Mr. Brayahaw is 1:00__ WDRC — News; What Is as ha^lrected his Ohio State foot­ t at­ sonal^propcrty is valiie<^at J8.- Sisl. A . V . Linc excni^ons are aratlonXcommtssions meeting in f;ilperal sen'ices for Jfihn F.-Ka-.! til the liquor license, i.« changed \WTHT — Music; WTIC v^ek of summer.practice. I to Manchester. Outstanding '^ g Tedford hurled,-a no hitter last ductions with returning service- I# Waddell reportedy^ that signed the serra^ agreemenLafter Real Life, \ ' Mr. , „ negotlation.s, in fR3f> and 19.16. .y.')44,214 wfflch leavp^X"" **'’*■ .Moscow. ' The Big 'three agrecl, N. B ack III i?crv ice siilicl ■were held, at 2 o'clock this! Mr, Brav.shaw nmKlila wife, _____jsGlrl Marries. It was not the perforinance of league stars performed h< night and the East Sides tripped men holding .yia balance of power Town Etagineet J. FranjF' Bowen on'whhX^thp tax will be 515__WDRCV- &Ialn street. Hart-' 9 :30—WDRC — Those Websters* ^ ■ ■ in both major league*. bad made prellminary/oatlmates He te-itii-'-d al.siX^hnt the 'faro- however,, that they should vfeave afternoon at the Holloi;an Funeral | Mrs. May Brayahaw. n.s Johit own WHTD —^ The Sheriff; Corpriet his Bucks that made Mr. Widdoes while their schedules cqlled for the West Sides 6 to 3 In a Town league laid $3.'5.21H,997y^nic tWOj^Ul enough resources to' emrble the | iord: wnTD" DIcH Tracy; laugh. It was newspaper re­ Take yesterday’s big of the bare cost of laying down a ous "Honre-Layal" Wteement to Horrie. lITfi Center Mreet. Rev. era. piircha.sed the rcstai'iWnt an- Story Teller; WTHT — S lig h t an oft. day due to the Ma^sachv Intermediate League game at MV taicwdl raise SytXlT.M). i... German people- fp subsist wittiout ; Technic.-il Sergeant* Albert V; WTHT — Supbfinan; 'WTIC- — ports, the work of guessperts, that scores, for example. A fonher(»ol- new highway at gl 1,000 which bind Franre. and GroaKRritain in Karl Richter, of the Concordia Lu- grill in ' Novembar. 1912- X h e Bands , WTIC-^People Ate FUn setts ban on Sunday '-b a s^ ^ l. Nebo last night. '^In the other /(ller or sailor was the decisive fac- ■ a secret rorripact "was known to e/net list w'as $34,- external nasistnnee,” | Lindsay, .)r., left yestci.-day'. for theran church, offleiate.d and bur­ made seyCral changes..-rnd by pcrj Portia Faces Life. the teams to watch Ip the Western George Sisler the year he would eliminate', the crossings ny. < game the North Ends trounced tor In each of the six scheduled Prime Mthlster Stanley ^22,-’%.') andyki.-the same .rale there IteulTIrm Support bf, P®l*ind Sioux ' Falls. South Dakota,, aftiu' ial was In the- East cemetery. sonal attention to the operation ' i;30— WDRC—War Commentary; Conference this fall are Michigan, voted the most valuable ^ a y e r | Highland Park X2 to 4. / which have been under'discussion was calt^Xf to be raised in taxes spending a 30-day leave’ at Jiik Swoon or Croon; w Ht D — Jack 10:00—WDRC — Sutamer Show contests. \ fy^d the entire British- g< 4. Poland Mr. 3*rriman. Attlee, Bearers were Edward Hodge, the nl.sce'bililt up an exreotlnnnll\| WHTD — Man from G-2; ’WTHT Illinois and Minnesota. ’ packed the Ml- Nebo j^ u n d s ; Little Joey Accorn'ero wlta a Prize showpiece is A1 Benton, for nearly 20 years. $6«,044^). This means that there hoine. He ai-r'ived from the ET.O. good bualne.sa and mad" rnan>| Armstrong; WTHT -r' Ohio State did all rightxlast Sam Hyman Upon completion of the survey ment-.’’ and .Stalin reaffirmed their sup­ arik McClelland, Joseph Irons, —Boxing; WTSC — Dunnlnger when he appeared at tuai base double led the winners’ a t w k to the ex-itar, who has blazed a path is .to/he $2,400 more rai.sed this ori June 25. fri-'nil.-t'in tujvn. cores; Musics WTIC — Just year (undefeated and untied and and con^ructloir estimates, and Laval said i]ia ‘a'greemerjJr wi port of the hew provlslonargoveni- • Ribpard 5f.Ttchctt, James- Potta, the Master Mentallst. With the Hartford Poll’s; He play­ spark the East Sides i^ h l^ Ted­ to the top of the American Leajpie Sir Samuel Hoare 'was/clirorted than'was tpe ca.se last year, ment ^at Warsaw and officially j ^ ; in ’! 'Gparles W ilkie.' Before corrtipgAo Maiieh'ester thd lain Bin. ' ranked as the country’s No. 1 ed a second time as M member of ’ Sam Hynian, the ageless south- acquirenlent of costs of land ion- ow^well the taxes have been with the Air Medal for meritorl- j ~ J:45_^WDRCt — Tennessee Jed, 10:30—WDRC — Harry James ; paw who Is still serving , them up ford.''^ ■ /' with an unofficial 0.89 toward blocking the ytpTvad of took cojvnlzane'e of Its promise, t o ' Bray.shaws had eonductCd a hotel Music Makers: WHTD — Doc­ civlll&n team) and the feeling the Manchester t e ^ . At the north end. Moake and- a-i-crage and a 10-2 deninad for the by-pass, the data German aggression./He said the ollected In the district, is:shown ops achievement” during bombing. i iri Collinsville. They have . boeri I WHTT> — SinglngvLady ; WTHT around the Buck camp is that the that' in fast company around the state wlU/fje kent to the Chief Engineer hold ".free and unfettered" elec- j tor" T^lks It Over; WTIC — Other name pU^ers of Lucas were the big.guns for the won and lost record, . including \ British wore Infonhed of the by the report of the auditors of the tions /IS soon as possible. They] attacks on Nazi war.lndiistiles and , pretty well tied dow’Aand have 'no -i-Tom Mix; WTIC—Front Pagy Scarlet and Gray grldders will time appearing ^ ith ’or against will be in action Sunday afternoon New Haven rallroAd for district. There is how outstanding military targets,-,jn coo'pefs.tion ' Postal l^ ceipts Spottsspi Newsreel. winners. while Pitkin starred for five shutouts.. Only Davg Ferriss cret alliance witn Mussolini tyCd ■sai.^knv final fixing of Poland's: plaris for the futiire. I Farrell. \ Andrinis; do almost as well—If not equally the local 'team taclude Chief Mey­ at the West Side Oval when the itudy arid possible action. nn, all of the rate-books only $1,- with Allied ground foreea ' ' i |a .00— News on all stations IM|4« S —WHTD — Los Manchester Old Timers meet the the losers. of Boston among the servicemen, saidxihat he pcfBonally inforihed bpiimdaries w-ltK Germany would j The new owners are expeneneed by Norman as well In the '45 racq. ers (Christy Mathewson’s battery overshadow's the*^etroit' star who Difficulty had been experienced 090.80! These year's are divided as • While stationed in England et (;1>1_WDRC — Jimmy enroll WTIC — Talk Veterans in an Accident Fund The box scores: "the Prince of Walep’.’-T^who be­ nave to await the "peace settle-: i S t i l l !=^]i o h - L a i n In the bu.siue.s.s. One eopdiieted Certainly, the Bucks have lost i mate), Beymy Kauff, Kewple Rost Side (6) might haVe been able to mate'n before concerning proposed came E'dward VIII and ^ e ii the follows: List of 1944, $684.74; 1!143i, the Eighth Air Force Bniuber'Sta­ tavern arid the other hn.^ had Sings r WHTD — Digest Of the Thomas. wame. Hjrman is slated to start .ments’ hut .sbhjeot to that thev 11:00—News on all stations. All-American Les Horvath. Pennington; Johnny and Jimmy AB -R if! PO A E the rooklg's 17 victories If he changes In the highway due to Duke of Windsor—of the pact. $146.82; 1912, .fll.fi.ll: 1941, $.39,50; agreed on a teiitattve, botder. tion. he was able to make a brief, reat.aurant. Thev o'an no change:^ Air;. Orchestral Inwrlude; Bill Willis, Jack Dugger and Ray Holland on the mound for the Old -Timers. the fact that Tolland Turnpike 1940, $14.18; 1939, $22:23; 1938, visit to his pare'nt.s’ former home In WTHT — Music: Ckjnce/t Hour 11:?5—WDRC — Night Owl Show ; Cooney, Bank Gowdy, King Bad­ Accornero, If ■ 3 1 1 1 0 hadn’t missed six weeks because He filmed his back «n tlie aged This gives T i^ n d virtually alii , Receipts at the Manchester post In the local bii.sine.ss. ' WHTD —Kom Kobblers; .Vi’i^'HT Gordon Appleby have gone their er, Marty Walsh, Chick Davies, Dougan. cf • • • • 4 1 1 , 2 > 0 0 of'an ankle tracturci waa laid out by act of the -Gener­ m ^ h a l and-leanedyupon a chair $21.76; all other years, $52.26. Portadown, Ireland, and to see his W 'TICv-Victory is oui^ustness and several other Importations the German p r o ^ c e s of Pomer-1 office for Jfily Were again In exce.sa way. Such promising grldmen Johnny Moore, Snubber Green- Carlin. 2b, as ..,3.^ I 9 :,;2 9 1 Benton blanked the champion al Aasembly and any changes in a(f le spoke. L av^ had keen hiis- .Payments can be made at any grandfather. He was also able to Radio nrOdnctioii bit an all *lm^ |e;,30—WDRC — Georrt B- Arm- Baseball Scores; It’s Dance Manrhestef countered with big anin and Rile.sia akd. a big chunk : of. the same, month-in 1044. The. Time; w n C — Harkrtess of as Tom Sfiyder. Bob Brugge. Dick halge. Jigger Sta'tz. Detc Gatreau, Tedford, .p....2'2 1 t 19 St. Louis Browns, 6-0, scattering Ita location required legislative >tied from Fres^’* P^on about tihie at Mr. Wtdr's home and start­ talk With Edward MeCullough. high of $3..")00,000,000 in 1911. : stead; WHTO Ajiswer Man: Jack Scott who after hltring of Brandenburg. Vpoland . also' TMIIIam llaugh receipts Jaa^t month were $11,988.30 Washington. Flanagan and C3»uck Renner Crucial Leasee Chet • Waite, Bill, Plercy, Wood­ Kittle, c ...... 3 1 •'■1 9 1 .9 seven hits to tie Ferriss for '.he dawn, before...^rls vvgs astir, and ing Aiigiist 16 he w'ill tie at No. 4's -«v- \vho formerly lived in Manchester, again.st $11,174.40 in 1944. Thials •WnC Bob Steele; the Manchester infield In practlta. house on-Schtx)l street at different gets the southern' Wor.thirds of nW several others who are know'n 11:309—WHTD—Music: WTHT — have entered the service. ' ward and Nagle, Ghet Nichols, J. Sambogna, 3b 2 9 1 1 2 9 whitewash lead of the ' majors. ***Th«^Wction of Tolland Turn­ protested at bribg av^akenod early. him. The presentation speech was ari Increase of $8''3.90 or better |g;45—WDRC — News; WHTD And Tony Momson, Toleda.high bet'.a sizable amount on the out­ Jack Kramer, jjis mound opponent ■times for the month following. F-ast Prussia, the -northern th|fd. )n-4bis town. - ' Charlie. Chan; Vt"nC — Lowell . Dance Orchestra; WTIC—Amer- Hal Justin and a score of others. Rich’rdson, tb.rf 3 9 J. . 1 9 i pike from a point west of the Judge Paul Mmwbeatix warned with the clfy of Ko^-kig.shcrg go­ m-sde k y his uncle,-Archie Haiigh, than 7 per cent. The amount of school ;jiter, who was regarded Game Tonight Owen Carr'till and the j,,. Holy come. Scolt turned in a .-nastertat Keating, ss . . 1 9 0 0 2 ^ did a turn in tfie Seabees but .hat ^ ck la n d Cemetery to near thq that he would hwemic • no inci­ His brother. Captain Harold ' lean Story. ' . ing to Russia. This IS, intended who ej^essed the feeungs of the local mail that has been handled is Thomas.' ■- 12:00—WHTD — News; Music.; as the N o.-l center prospect, has Cross varsity playing as the' Col­ game, his sweeping curve zoofiP P, Sambogna. 2h 2 9 o 0 1 ' didn't save bini from his fourth ^ fkrm .of Frank V. Williams, near dents or'u m iB ^ expressions of gathering which prompted the j Ltnd.sa.y, waa stationed at Liixem- greatly in excess of what this fig­ 17:00— WDRC — On Your Mark Ing past the Thread City stars. B i« Three D eeide to compensate Poland for\th^.,loss hoiirg, aecordlrig to a'reeent Ict- WTIC — News; Mr. Smith Goes elected to seek his coHege educa­ legians under Jack (j'Hara whlc.n McCarthy, lb . 2 9 0 4 9 ( straight loss. Eddie Mayo’s tyta" the East Hartford line, is crossed feelings in the’^enurtronmN^d then of much':'of her pre-war Vastern party In his honor. Games were ure .shows ,f(s all the outgoing mail WHTD — Headline Edition tion at the University of Michigan Place PA’* Face Manchester hit timely to win 4 to Rlvosa, rf . . . . 9 0 9 9 9 ( home runs ruined Krafner apd as­ three Untes by the, :'Willimanttc opened this 11th day of the, trial .tor WTHT — Fred Morrison; WTIC to Town. had gone through the college sea­ territories to Russia as fiVmallv j. played and delicious sanclwiches, from the rationing board is free 12:30—w n C — Jose Bethaneburt instead of Ohio State. son without a loss, was defeat!^ 2 Scott won three world series McLaughlin, rf 9 9 0 9 0 ( sured the league-leading Bengals Une of the New Haven railroad by asking Laval: W avs to Reliuihl | cupcakes and other good^OUU thing.^-’'WUM^fV' and most of the business at that —Supper Club. Place Hamilton gamqs with the Giants the next of their sixth 8uc.e^88iva1iome suc- ■J’When did your relations with agreed. at the Big Three Yalta 7:15—WDRC — Danny O’Neil, 12;45-i-W n C --L ee Sims, plsnlst. at Nebo by the Manchester team. and aeveral fatal accidents have * ■ ' ■ - 1 conference six month.s ago., brought by the guests, w j^ H o s p i t a l N o t e s office is npv/ done by mail. Bill Haekett, )S f‘A«>erica guard Fitchburg with Cht " ' PropV at West Side. showing A his Peaceful Europe Tllllinns Must Be Moved served. , will be In harness' again. He’ll the mound was sadly treuiiced King Bader after West Side (3) Red Ruffing, 4l-year-old vet­ ’’I .am not certain, but I believe' Sergeant .Ffaugh who Is one of wares with the Manchcs.ter tearh R H PO A E eran of the Ntw York Yankee*, it waa when I served in 'ffte cabi­ The reshaping of the Reich’s captain the Bucks, In’ the'Massachusetts city by the boundaries means that millions of six brothe/8 in the service, and; ■ Admitted yesterday: Raymond ' B a iitlv Is N a m e d Peerless Paul Sarringhaus, A game thkt will have an im­ Kearns, 2b . 0 9 1 1 0 showed h> had lost HtUe of hi* pre- ' net, of {Former President Gaston) the first, to enlist, was reported \Siriging Understudy Phan ; 0 L aval .\$serts (CoiiMpoed From Page One) German people must be mrived MacKay, 24 Drive A, Silver Lane backlield star of the Bucks’ 1942 portant bearing^’^Yn the final flag by lim precht and MUnson ®‘<>ed with^his controlled a t a n e ^ Hawkes, cf .. . 0 9 9 0 war Miirmlng in stopping Boston Doumergue in 1934," he replied. .missing in action, in Italy In June, rmiM nf tbe locals : tough medicine for Manchester. 9 0 1 1 9 3-1. ft waa two wins in a row for He spoke ni^ously.i,hls first words- westward Into what remains of homos; Joseph MnCri. Glaston­ national champions, has returned finish ta the Twilight League race Flavell, ss , ., passing r e f^ n c e whatever slgnift-' Gerniany proper. And the prob­ 1944. following the- tough baUfe bury; Mrs, Lola McKinricy. 14 Areh T o H diisiiig B oard ffom the service and is anxious The top of the Manchester hat- j Many of these games will be Frye, c 1 •0/ 9 3 0 the 'rotund redhead and hi* first", R em ark Jfest coming with difficulty. at Cassinn. He^ had taken partJn ^New Wrinkle for Radio this season will take ptace tonight 0 9, 0 4 9 . Nick Etten’* His early testimony was con­ canee It desirtbe '. lem does not end there, for the .street: Miss Bemi.ee Kavalovich. to take up where Horvath left ting order often referred to as replayed ’" ’’ "y McCurry, p .. Similarly, the leaders of N fb^n the Invasloiui' o f North Africa, West Wlllingtrin. when the league' leading Polish the wrecking creW seemed to yjse veterans get. together Sunday^ Brown, l b . . . 1 9 5, 0 0 threq-run round tripper In the .first cerned with the Ffench-Itallan ne­ claims of western nations, notably Sicily andylialyr He was later re.- Ernest T. Bantly was reappoint- off. . 9 may ponder the meiTnlhg. of U«e The Netherlands., for German ter- Admitted todayr Daniel Hewes, ^ The new American Broadcast­ ' Warren^ .Amllng has been shift­ Americans face the thlro. place to!the occastan when faced by a',The Fallon, 'rf.cTb 1 0 3 rt inning made it easier for the re­ ,Ooi^tlnned from Page_Qne)^ gotiations over-Tunisia, strategic ported-a prisoner of war and was e3*“to the Federal Housing Com. , Bx' Jean Meegan 0 0 0 cently discharged Air Force *ei;- only sentehee dealing with mtU>- i;ltories In the west have yet to be .13,6 Dcmlng'street. ing Company lias'a n ^ " afternoon ed from W^kle. to end and will Hamilton Props at the West, Side of league reputation. j expected . ®iohn^ Doggart. If .. 0 9 French holding along the mld^ile ronfinrti in the German Stalag Jamea ' 'mittee by the Board of Selectmen New YoVk, Aug. 2— At In- 9 0 9 0 h geant. tary phases of the conference. The acied upon. Discharged yesterday; program that will begin at 4' call signa'ls. He was a regular Oval. * Qnm-Hvman went from the 'Miildoon. Bill Pattdn, Art John Paganii-lf .... Laval agreement between France of ' the African. Mediterranean last paragraph of the report said: No. ;3-B 'Priaori'''Camp, until freed last bight. The appointment was Itervals. which are becoming In- f) 0 1 0 2 Out in Cleveland the Indian* and and Britain whereby MussoUm 6. War criminqls—the Big Three Bayer, Hartford; .Mrs. Elizabeth Irreaslingly shorter, people In-radlo o’clock. Monday afternoon, ■ Aug. Inst season. / Alex Verdova and • The defending champion PA^s Mah^eitei- team direct to De- 'son, Bill. Horan, Joe Madden, Pete. Jones, 3b . coast. "There were meetiiig.s between ii>- May. His/fam ily .received 'riis Potter and son. 18 Bilveu road: urged by Harold R. Symington, trolt. With the local club he ■ set, Wll.s'in, Siyn Hyman, Jack Bur - Taylor, rf 0 0 1 1 0 Chicago White Sox held an old- would have gained'control-of two- reaffirmed their Intention to bring IcUers; biipfn all the time he waa I have pangs of conscience about 27. It’s a 15-mtnute show featur­ Jerry Krall are ready to perform hold, a half game edge over th the chiefs of staff of the three'J^v- Miss Olga Knipen, 14 Ridgefield Federal Housing. Administrator. Depot Square Grill nine while the ' rocord Of sixteen straight 'He-, hatoC ^1^ Jm v e lV ^ Jerry^^^^^^^^^ - — -y- — faahloned slugfest, captured by thirds of Ethiopia- was negotiated German .war criminals to "swift a prisoner he heard only once The committee was set-up to have I developing fresh, talent. It doesn’t ing singer Jack Berc.h and is What in Ohio State livery. They were 2 ernfnents on military matters of street: Carol Ann Turcotte. 41 is known at the trade as a “ strip." Props arq only a game and one Tptals . . . , , 22 3 9 21 19 the Tribe. 13-7. Pat Seerey** g r a i^ with the full knowledge of S ta ley and sure Justice" and profnised from /Kfs home. . X local Buperx’laipn of the Federal 1 take Ellery Queen to discover that the twb outstanding backs in slam homer in nn eight-run third’' " comm'bn interest" "that,$he first list of defendants Server street: Mrs. ''HRZabe.th That means It will be on five dkys Buckeye hlift- school circles last half out of first. Should the PA’s Baldwin's government.. EnR* Chinese Unils„ gcant Hatigh Is'nearing the Housing tract on West Center f&ost of the personalities on deck '. 402 900 >—6 inning wa* an important factor In Washington, speculation over would he piibljshcd before Septem­ Leeman. 67 Glenwnod Street; a week at the same time. i fall and according to reports will lose they will fall hack into a tie i!!^Tn'^922 '^Bristol’^"m^ Bnr D^J^^bri^FreddT^^rnS East Side .... _ land. Lord Templewood ’declined fnpletton of his 60-day furlough, street. right now are old timer*—and old ern West Side ...... OlO 000 2 —3 but a heat Job of relief chucking Ru.ssin’s possible entrance into the George Wilson. Glastonbury. ---- ;— - . fmake Scarlet and Gray fans for- with the Grill for first place and c^dle for the ?nal game Edgar, Bill S9hiel.lge, Tommy comment). . ^ Pacific waV erntihuos hotly. \ ber 1.. ' ^ the period granted to prisoners of timers from vaudeville, at -hat, Errors: Keating 2. Carlin. Jones by Pete Center, an ex-GI, saved Laval excoriated the British- Renew Drive 6. Southeastern Europe A lli^ Discharged today; Mrs. Frapcea tVhen their day Is done, people are Listenirig Tonight:/ NBC "- get about Brugge and Flanagan. the wiri would put-the Props onlv ^ rlh e ^ T -n l.W e d “ a t‘ the Slppies-. Rex Tslleb, George Under- The speetfic accomplishments' war. He will report for further as- Clapper and son. Rockville:,Henry of the _serte8 playeo ai ine n i ..jchardB. Mike Hogan 2. Runs batted in: Dougan. Kittle, the day, for Cleveland. Center re­ German Naval agreement which, he controls for ex-Axis, satellites,‘SyTlO- signment-.abouf the»middle of this be^nnlng tq ask who will play the Suppei; CluU;, ' 8:30 (Correction | (jJine again will operate half a game behind. Should the .ford Stadlbm. Manchester, as. hill , Ruhr Richards. Mike Hogan ceived *ed lt for hta fifth aueesss , coVFred In tlt^'Pot.sdam report fall Sono.sky. 21 Hathaway lane.'-' Ple^e;..9, Abe layman’s Wal|;S; ^ fuUback and appears tdy^be J. Sambogna, Richardson. Two- said was executed in controven- mania, Bulgaria amf H>mgary. month. • V I music and tell the jokes? PA’S win the Prop.s will drop w'as the usual case in those days, and Specs RcyTioms, without defeat., IiiKwaiigsi under a half-Zdozen headings: w h ^ are dominated hyy^ Ruaala, Birth yesterday: A son to Mr. Titae; 9:30. Art -tITikleUer down to a three way tie-for third ___ _ with the Khort In addition .-to the ' play­ base hits: Accornero. Stolen bases: tion of an agreement with France I 1. Pence settlements—Mr. Tni- R U B B E R Most of the • prospecting”' is vo- better than ever. He’s certain to sent Bristol ho Dougan, Tedford, Kittle, Richard­ Washington twice shaded Phila­ and without French knowledge. are to he revised fr9rn,Ahe.wartlme ahd Mrs. Ernest Salbt. 148'4 Maple Iral or in the trade press. A favo­ CBS—7:15. Danny O’Neil; 8i30. benefit from a year of experience plac^p with tae FHer^ and Men’s | the score. ers officers pf the Baseball Amo- Vnati, Stalin and Attlee agreed on street. The Thin Man; 9, It Pays to Ke Willi-- elation expected are Judge Ray- son, A.ccornero, Frye, Carlin, Dou­ delphia, each time by a 2-X ecore, Keaaon for Break With Petaln ((.'ontiniied From Page One) basis on which they^lginally were M ines From Air S H E E T I N G : rite theme is to recommend that in the We.stcrn Conference. Clufi. The final gkme \>f the moving to within 4 1-2 gamea of ,B United States proposal for cre- . - Birth today; , A son to Mr. a-nd radio-talent be developed along! Ignorant; 10:30. Harry Ja^s- ■ ble plays; McCarthy (unassisted), He testified, as k witness for the set up. Grie of/the big problerns B.v the yard- Either^jack Redd or Bi-tile ^San- . In the first me'eting between the mantic series was also a,classic mond Taylor to Flavell. Left on bases: the top and here, again th* veter­ at'lon of a flve-power'council co.n- •Mrs. Hollis ,Mayot-, 302 Spruce the satneirnes as Baseban-s-bu^ ABC—8:30. This Is lo u r Fb I;_9, that year The home "team pre- Thomas Chambers, manager , B court, that his celebrated break Ghiang Kai-Shek General Hu ,^i„i„ters of has bccji' for J iie western Allies to Arthur Drug Stores fine-qialiW; tora will be stationed at Snyder’s two teams the East Hartford nine West Side 4; East Side 1. Bases ans were In the foreground. Al X th Potain came about because I that ^ n c e the beginning, of find out what la going on in those Seal Jap Ports; .street. leagues, etc. Eddie Captor, XllI Famous JiU!V Trials: 9:30. The guard position. Redd is a hold­ sented^ Johnnv Coonev'X(d Hank Leggett, as.sistant manager; and, Death yesterday :■ Mrs. Sarah 845 Mata St. Tel. 5806 Sheriff. . . . ' MBS—8:15, Now It scored a 4 to 2 «-in, behind Mike 'on balls: McCurry 3. Tedford 6. Evans, a discharged serviceman, klsted on continuance of the re- enuritri^ On this polnj the Big 1 Whiteman,' C. L. Menser ( ^ C over from last year w?hile San- Marco’s fine five hit pitching ^ w d v of the Braves as-a battery of course, thw good luck rnascot. doubled to epen a ninth inning Communist forces had been France and (Ihina. These are 9 1 . V e s s e l s l’'’'’'d street. Can B e. Told:'- 9:d0. Spotlight Strike-outs, McCurry- 10; Tedford P U b U C ” , T Tkreakald; vice president in' Charge o y pro- torn is a promising yearling. along'with brother Jimmy Cooney ' Francis Happeny. ... . spurt In the opener and came home 1 Bands. / ----- . Marco, who has. earned the mon­ 8. .Hit by pitcher, oy Tedford On two or more occasions, Laval e three-governments have no HEINZ i grams) have harped on thlfm eth Max '- 'Schnittkerr from last iker of Iron Man after his 21 inn­ (Jones )'. Balk: Tedford.' Passed with the winning tun On pitcher elea^d his throat by drinking Xuht that in view, of the chang^ \ -but little has been done. year’s reserves, and the 200- ing performance against the Mer­ balls: Frye 2."-Umpires; Carlin, Mickey Haefneri* tingle. vichyV'ater. s. conditions resulting from the temir (Continued From Page One) / Now^rinkle Now Saturdat’ Items — NBC — 9, pound Russ Thoma-s, veteran reg­ Home Is \Vhat You Make It: 9i;i0, iden Endees l.s the logical choice Zanls, Time 1:45. Steve Gerkln, Phllodelphla’i In knrwer to a question oy tne s£'’r< iX siS ''T .’‘ mShiVi; rh?'j.^.?6rd Ination of the war In Europe,'rep-^ BA0tTt>OJ>S ^ w there iK a new wrinkle. ular, will operate at the tackles. to toll against the PA combine luckless, and winlese pitcher who Judge \bo.ut collaboration, Laval resentativ'ea rifrthe Allied press will flerv desolation of the big ship-- Jean'Tsiinyson, sequre as the sing­ Army Band; 11:30, Variety Show; Schnittker weighs a paltry 215 Local Sport Chatter 12:30, -Atlantic Spotlight...... CBS tonight. Highland Park (4) spent two years In the Army, out- Mid ■ enjoy full freiedom to report to the buU'ding.center of Nagasaki. u4-. ling Stay of “Great Moments in and is a cou.sin/of Charlie Mnag, B uck‘'©ycholskl,, although used .1, AB R H PO pitched Marino Plerettl In tlte "Mr. President, w* were In the -world upon developments In Ro- challe^hged strikes around Nagpya It’s Refreshing! Mu8ic’’- ^ e r h u sl^ d is the spou. —9:30. Columbia Coyntry Jour­ nal; 10, Youth on I^hrade: 12. •former Ohio State .tackle and only frequently, hiivrocord is three . - r « « finally Oerrick, n .. 2 1 9 9 nlghtcap.^iitx hits to eeven hilt lost Month of October,. W40. England ’.[^rrfanla, Bulgaria. Hungary and Fin­ and Kobe at factories '-anir air in jars sor—Is going to^ave one Broad- place-kicking star, Like' 'Char^ way at 3:39. a half-hour later Lhsn 2 9 9 0 hi* 12th straight when the WMS alone. Russia and the United Theater of Today; 5. We Deliver ■wins a.galnst no ioMgs, seems to,, pressed into serv'iCe as an umpiie Risley, 3b .. !Sh"™ ^lnof ” nd ^ d,rt.r.,,ldd crontlh, tt,,' land." fields, and the air blows that hit 94 wav singing, understudy a week He, Schnittker is a plaCe-klcker the u.su-al TyjAilight I.rf>ague games. 2 1 „9 6 scored twice on two hits In the *ev- BtaUa were not In the war. Who, enemy vessels, including at least I on her 10 o’c ! ^ Wednesday night the Goods. , . ABC?— 9. Breakfast be the logical .starting choice for according to reports from McKayV lb, c Fangll'-hen; The next day they | and is slated to do the bulk,^of the the PA’s. With Puzzy Pawlow- Tommr .icf9 f) 1 0 o enth. Buddy Lewis. Just retutnedr . to his right mind, would have five warships. I show over CIubX?:30, Xmir' Home and Gar- Nebo, last Wednesday evening. from the Air Force, contributed took TUfigyunchen and^ the_ town j ^ /h e ^coiuwll .denl 8:30. Tknglewood Festival. | Bucks’’ kickoffs and extra points ski on third, the team Ifc, much Following the game a retinton Pitkin, c. p . . . 3 1 3 1 1 1 thought otherwise than that Ger­ Tpyko fadio- said American Doreen Wilson, understudy ,to Pairing with Amling at the Fftiz worked the baarrs' and is re-, a single and Scored a run in th* . . . MBS—11:30, Bobby Hockey: i stronger defensively than w-ith the ported to be looking fOr^. .bigger dinner will tak^-place^t the Red Fuller, lb ___ 3 9 0 7-.J) 9 many would wlfv,Ih tlthe war ? pipties were back over Japan again the leaiJinV lady of "The Sortg. of terminals will be Dick Johnson, Mcn’fi .Arena, Wells rtreet, at 7 HiHery, as, p . 3 1 2 9 2 9 successful rally. , A'foar of protest through the Norwa;y’'^eads the parade. She 3. .This Is Halloran: 6, Halls .of , out of to'4'n star on the hill. O f Lrow ell Estate today, with lOo .Mustangs and “ a who saw considerablei’ servlce last and better fields. o’clock. Tickets may be secured McATtle. 2b' . . 3 9 9 0 1 2 Chipafo) reversed the score of eourtroom again paltcd the testl- small numbqi’’ of Super-Fortresses '.r- g^s'ory/Wednesday nlgtjt. Montezurt)a_,' /- - Butch Becker la the onlv mem­ General -Hu aald he tmmedlater treaties for P.omanla, Bulgaria, year, -or Curly Morrison, big, ber of the PA’S over the .390 .mark from Walter Buckley\t the bank O’Connell, rf .. 1 0 0 0 9 .1 Wednesday’s game by hand^ Moky- . : Hungary and Finland. Once these attacking the Tokyo area for an T rangy freshman, or Ward-Wright. At the softball game the other Munson, rf....l 9 9 9.9 9 Pittsburgh a 1-0- blanking In tb* ■ Laval protested. that he loved ly wired Gita. Oh.u Teh;-Commu­ while Art Pdngratz is leading the night over north it seemed that or by calling Bill Legg(*tt at 3678 former Axis Allies had signed the The will of the late Albert L. hour and a half this morning and S l U n i ' brother of Bob \Yrit. world cham­ or Bill Schteldge at 3699\ Gerrick. If .... 9" 0 9, 0 0 ,0 *only scheduled contest in th* Na­ the republic and shouted passloft- nist commander ft chief, erquest- Cixiwell. of 720 Spring street, who in nine prefectures surrounding the .props with the willow. Both there'was more color and all trte-. ing him to larder a cessation, of, treaties they would , , become »u„- eligi- pion hurdler atyOhto State a few tional League, and °9C« agate a ately -that "I hate war.” died Thursday, July 26; was filed capital area. Thie-broadcast said •affic Light Police Goiirt teams will be .at full strength for fixings than at^gnmes at the We.it former soldier was the hero. Hsr* hostilities ' and withdrawal - of We for member.shlp in the Unite years ago. / X-,_ . , thia all Important game. The 'Veterans, all honorably dis­ Totals ...... 22- 4 5 15. 8 4 Asked for a fuir statement on Nations. for probate this liftfernoon. The they attacked In two waves 15 Side There v.as clapping fn an at­ charged veterans of this war, have North End (121 ' rv (Peanuts) Lowrey. who rejote- circumstances of the meeting of Cbmmunist forces' to their origi­ Bob Dove, ^arterbaCK. W*" The first pitch is set for 6:15 tempt to rattle the pitcher, there Countries which „ were neutral document.Is very brief. Through mliiutca apart.l most of the passing and Itlcklng long .service "records. Players in­ AB R H PO A E e'd the Bruins this spring, doubled retain and Hitlet at Montoire. nal positions. He said he/racelved From an American carrier, an At the Green with the usual attendance prize. . was plenty of; Chatte)>:.(iroong ’ he in the war against' Germany are it Mr. Croweil leaves his entire H* can boojt ’em more than 60 clude George ku]lck. Walter Forde Moske, If ...... 2. 2 2 9 9[ 9 home Don Johnson in the slxtkcte- Laval said: . no replj^. . estatb-to his wife. Maytie Case Associated Press dispatch ^told of evenly dirided-'.crowd and many of Invited to'seek United Nations Trailer Mishap yards consistently. . and B'uzzy Geer', ail out otrxthe Morgan, lb .,. 4 -I ' i ® nlng to break up a acoreles* duel 'Yt was a controversial subjecr.” As there were no regular Chi­ .Crowell. Marine fliers in tralningJTor their — - J-.., the North End’s leading citfzens between Paul - Derringer and nese National troops in the area, membership—except |pr Spain So So'regardless of whet you read >O0i'l system. Swt-itev Salmonson. Lucas, ss . 4 2 2 9 9 0 -v r-, Rrported to Petain To 3 e Installeil at Ap wv>re tn attendance. Preacher Roe. . "General Hu .said, and since the long as it IS ruled by the Franco or hear—-don’tl'aell the Ohio State Phil UZanas, Jimmy. Scott, Dick Tuttle, p 3 0 0 1 9 9 _fte paid he waa asked to see goyernment. The-'Big Three bar­ ...>v X sDriver Held Nelson. Gliezzi Kodea, 2i) ..... 3 3 1 9 2 1 ''With the St Loul* Cardinal* local militia had suffered heavy 0>1<4 proach to / Dangerous, football chances short. , Nobs Keenev a former-ytaficldec Adams, Pat .^furdock are other lo­ Joachltri-i yon Ribbentrop, German red'the Frlinco reyime on the cal players who, have served and Holwtes. 3h ------1 1 1 9 i 0 idle, Chicago picked up a halfj foreign minister, there, and that he lasses, he dispatched two regi­ with the old Bon Afnt team and game and upped its National 'ead ground of its Axis origins and the ^Curve BU That Point. • who Will be with the Vets. Stevenson, cf . .'"'3 1 1 9 1 f) “> did not want' tb make a decision on ments from Sikang to iKe scene Share Top Spot later a softball player of note wg.s to 5 1-2 lengths. / - .... present record and niture of the. lou r grM er now ha& Henry J/Zim m erm m i Is one of four umpires. u.sed at the liublard, rf . 2 1 1 9 9 1 his o-wn responsibility so he went of. the clashes. ' w a n t e d WANTED Keeney, c .... 2 1 1 19 1 .1 from Paris to Vichy to report to Fanglichsn and the town of Madrid government. ■rqie Selectmen will proceed | Batting Leaders benefit game. A few, fdttl drives The biggest crowd of the aeason This leaves , teirit^irial settle­ Coinplete Heim Balv line, Charged W ith Reckless ■ - ■ ■ ''V- is expected to take in the game Vittner, p .... 1 9 -0 (^ 3 f "Veaterilay’S Result* Petain. .4.. ■ •Chunhua were recaptured fry Na­ with plans to install a warning] down third were fleldeq flawlessly r.astern ' - ments as the biggest refhainlng experienced o r w il l in g t o LEARN/THE In Twilight League 'Toronto, A ug.^.—(flh-T-Gblf fans Sunday. The Old Timers hail frorrf Fogarty, cf "I was to go to German embassy tional .trqops ofi''3uly 21 and ^brig- GENERAL FACTOAT^ HELP now i^-Codeed C ^ a l Food, blinker traffic light on Middle: Driving A fter Accidenf by the former player.- I f) n 1 9 0 BlngJiamton 2.. 3;j_Hartford I, job in reorganizing Europe, 'and, were w’ondering today_what other air parts of the state and-several Jarvis^ If ; . with a suitcase the n®** day;’ ’ re­ unchen Was recovered on July 24, FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BUSINESS turiipike,- east, in an effort to re­ 0. 9 .:^ 9 0 0 ;i3„ the Foreign Ministers council . Strained EjHiidsJunior foods. (Elght’bames or More) surprises thq 310,000 Canadian A hew sign hsa been erected at frorrt Massachusetts. All ar6 com’- Pagani, 3b, lated the former premier, who Said / ■: ■ ■ M A L E GOOD s a l a r y I PERMANENT JOB! ■ i ■ . . ' duce - accidents at the East Cjenter Henry J. Zimmerman, jof, Bol­ G AB H Pet. WiikeS-Barre 4; Elmir* 2. an assMslh’s bullet still was near wofild undertake these. The plan Open Golf championship would the Entrance' rtf the. softball dia­ Ing here gratis. It will be * big l-street curve into Middle turnpike, ton, was'k'eld In bond of $500 on a O’Leary. Men’s C. 8 23 19 .435 day for many nf the” old time local I. 'Totals 26'12 10 IS 8 3 Scranton 9. 1; Willinmsport 4,3. '• hie heart. "Arriving there, I saw Sny " \ He said they left together for powers will be needed to steer self-sustaining with agrlcuUuj;* E. Robertson, 33. of the ^•\oy Nelson ,was first to card his 68 Cleveland "St St. Louis (night). on file by the Selectmen. The me­ ' TonlgfU Fighting foy-k playoff berth in a 6-0 shutout o^St. Louis. Mqntoiro, where they conferred goods and materials into channels and peaceful manufactures. 45 East Center Street Hotel, Hartford, for his appear­ Followed------\)y a_ „gallery . of about , , the Softball League, Warron and Standings • National with Hitler sgid Ribbentrop- on^ moat likely to produce a ‘ healthy morial has been on its side in the ance in town court this morning PA’s V*. Hamilton. 6:15— West Red Ruffing and Nick Etten, Brooklyn .it Boston (2). ' The Germans will be* permitted SPECIALS FOR YOUR WEEK-END SHOPPING! parklet where It was toppled oyer i,500 the hot favorite, out to make jjr v ls will face the Knights of Yankees;.-Ruffing' hurled' his ..first "conversational generalities-t- m economy during and after the political and religious freedom and on charges o t intoxication and Side Oval. It 10 straight Individual tourney Q„jun,^„g t?n tonlght.at the'North Eastern Chicago at Clneinnatl ( 2 'Twi- several months ago by a k Jarvis. complete'giiriie since his discharge French declaration of war, why transition period.; free speech. They*"can have trade ( 5II!IAX>W KIPE breach of the peace, waa forfeit­ Kaceye v*. Warren triumphs, shot even par for the dianio'fid at 6:30 W... L. Ppt. GBL. night). - * Bakery Speci(d$ ! which went out of control.’ 6:30—North End field. from the Army arid Etten assured ndti^etc." lu ■ .1 unions. ' Coptrol Y if their locAl ed when he failed to appear for first nine holes,' but shot a birdie The Buckland team. Is In third Utica 53 36 .596 — St. Louis at PitUburgh (night). ‘T have not' my documents here Sniiday, Aug. 6 . a 3-1 victory over Boston with *, .564 ’2 >4 (Only games scheduled.) ’'affairs will be'put. Into their own court and eagle on the 11th and 14th place an4 Wesley and'iBradford, have return­ V.F.$y, Hortfie.lVIanchester Green 30c dozen Served From 5 P..M. to 9 P. M. r- ed to break down the door of her West Side Oval. EM Furgol, of Utica,- N.- Y., who lief W e in the aU-atar game the slu ^ esf win over Chicago. Binghamton 37 .56 .398 rl8 ed from Crystal Pond,'Woodstock, Aade^n-Shea Anx., No. 1046 5c each 29c Ige. bunch apartment at 10 Depot Square NB’s vs. Kaceys, 6:30—North Mickey Hacfner and Marino American Standing' Personal Notices Conn., where they.have been spend-' Paul Cervlni, former employes turned professlonif .only 'a few other evening will hurl for the Cash Prizes! Reffeshmentii! after she had refusid to admit End field. weeks ago.^was fourth with 71. WJ’s with Herb Carvey expected Plerettl. Senators—Haefner drove 'W.‘ L. Pet. GBL. tag the month of 3uly. Rev. Rey­ . »» FANCY YELLOW of the Town of Manchester water, 'x-Tiieaday, Aug. 7 .596 — U PetOBU department, was chosen last night him. Mrs. Robertson told police Tied for fifth spot with 72’* were fio the fiinging for the Kaceys in Al Evans with the decisive t*Uy Detroit 53 36 W: V In Memoriam . nolds will be In charge of the union Pla.ving Begins At 8:15 : COOKIES PA'e V*. Aircraft. 6:15-^Weet .750 — service Sunday morning at 10;45 by the Selectmen as supervisor of that she and her husband had sep­ Stan Leonard of Vancouver, high­ of a 2-1 opening victory over the Washington 49 41 Nichols, Bristol » I fel memoir oi our hueband end (e- All Players Welcome! ' f Business Men's Luncheons Fre$tone Peaches 2 Lbs. 29c arated and that he had been sus­ Side Oval. est of the Canadian golfers. Jimmy Athletic*; Plerettl earned the nod NeW-York 48 41 Stolle A Oambls • 4 ,;66T 1 / law. Martin PeHa. who died August at the -Second Congregational the Old Age Tax enumeration. Wedneeday. Aug. * S. M «. 19c dozen pended from the Merchant Ma. Hines of CTilcsjfo. Herman Barron over Steve Gerkln in a tight 2-! Boston 'X 47 44 Warren A JoryU 6 • 586 church.' The union services held r ______LARGE BARTLETT FRESH CALIFORNIA Orvlnl, now engaged in business Major* vs. Filer*. 6:15—.y/eet T AIT 4 ta oaf boarts iherr lies a tnemory during July at the North Methodist 12 Noon to 2 P. M. rlne. - J*' of White Plates, N. Y.. and Ama­ nlghtyap. . (Tievetand ^ 45,45 Plant J ...... • for himself, will assemble his Twilight League Chicago 46 46 • 5 M • n t ooa, whom we enn't forget, church will transfer ot the Congre­ ■ ■ ' _ ■' ‘ , r ■ ■ ■ '-i - ■ corps of enumerators in advance Side OvaL f"' teur Freddie Haas of Nqw Orleans. Peanut* Lowrey, Cub*—Doubled Lee’e. Ek»o ...» For he waa oura to remembw PEARS N PEAS - Wgrren A Jarwl^ y*. SG’e, 6:80 St. Louis 42 46 • 5Tl gational church. N o t i 4 ; e of the fail enumeration period to To pace Court Marttel Crqlg Wood. New York, defend­ Don Johnson home in the sixth in­ Kooeys ...... fi Though the rest of the woiM bmt —Nbrtb End field. ^ • ing champion. and Harold /Jug) Standing \ Philadelphia 80 60 forgot. COFFEE RINGS save time and conduct the enu­ ning for only score of • 1-0 nod Hra. Martin PeiU. Flight Offleer John 8. U oyd has 4 for 25c ^ 23c pound Berlin, Aug. 5— choice to Nelson;, were tied with W.. L. Pct.'OBL FANCY NAHVB s; specified. 73’a. Others wlth.73 were Virgil I ^ Chicago .641 New London J*** * r ------at his home; 168 Oak afreet: * > He 25c sach U One other application was rs- ordered to' face a court martial a* 8 3 .727 — The South African Boers had a 41 ..sn Card of Thanks ' trained for eombat duty on the the result of an teapeCtor general’s sen Francisco—(ff)—Police to­ Shreeve, Mljbrae. CsHf.; Jo«e Ear-1 r-’' . * - ...... 4 .667 . custom called thd” |fewap«nde pro­ St. Louis of Canton; Ohto, C c ^ n ., ^ f. reived, that from Cftarlss Rogers, Grill . 8 Brooklyn 39 .576 Mrs Jans ForUn snd family ietlre continent eaity in 1945 at a Wines and Liqiiors — Beer On Tap SUMMER SQUASH _ Lb. 5e InveiUgation and ,r*port on . hi* day were searching for a msun hardt, MorriStqn;®/ Dick Brtrth-; . 7 '5 .583 m test:’ which 1* a method of war­ trolnoo here, g»v* * t o » _ thank the msny friends-, nel(hbors U- S. of 51 Pssrl street, t*ttred mall Hamilton .. New 'York 47 VJ5J0 Strategic Air Force Station In AD . dog owners are hereby DUTCH cM l mni^tage here to w A C Ssrgt. who ha* put a new tvtot jn the wick. Toronto.’’ and. ten Hannon, . 6 5 .555 2 , fare'in which nobody geU Wiled. trtons ■ Uft. th at oost W a M.mrades of William J. Fnrtln for carrier. . tale about th* fellow who trie* to Fll*r* ------Pittsburgh 47 .515 r gllidtieaa-aiid ayiftpatliy during England. F. O. Lloyd before en­ warned to keep their dogs tied nt BIRDS EYE FRDSTED P E A S ..___ .....P k g . 27e Kanella Koulouvari*. A follow-up Kro"vUon. Que. y.Ten'* CTub . 6 5 .556 2- They":declared war. went out on tba fin* for ovetTCfow^yr a IMnssa and death. Th*>' would ca- tering the aendM waa a radio an- an tim u until farm produce crops APPLE CAKES church weddteg .wa* stopped w'h-n put letter* In fire-alarm boxes. A At 74 of Wet 7 364 4 commando, but not to murder each Ctectenatl do. Tbo four war* ahefisn » FRENCH STYLE BEANS ...... Pkg. 24e (2*cU John Rhow.' who gave, ^ „ v- ,, Major* .... . 4 Beaton ily thaak HeraM amployees with nonneea. Be ii the aoit o( Mr. and and tobacco crops are harvest^ Under Now ManacemMitt Eatiand her AfricMi empire, went i Mrs. Ruth Priscilla Schiilt* pro^ focal firebug he* been dropping sprifigs, ■«'. V* • Kf- Lsffnoh.'Chi . 4 9 .308 other. ■Their "war*" were really SPINACH Pkg. 30c blazing match folders Into mall esgo, snd Claud* Harmon, L«ch- Rockville .. ' demon*tr*tione at foe«*. .^^(_ Phllsdslphla *..v Attekt; Thomas li. Burgess, ., .Mgkolm £i. Juno and Qeprge R. Miller, 43c each to Africa as a tubetisular youth to ( tested from CThlcago, that she was Aircraft ,... . S 6 .350 5 ' - First Selectman. riLI.ET OF PERCH ...... Lb. 43c box*a> mor. Mleh. AuxUlsry. Amtiicso I ^*^^*^* be rftf;Bll6d. was for- . 7., Proprietors faim to eottoa with hto brother. 1 th* capUte’s wife. . r”,.. • / all who., sent heaatliyt ort®**’*^ dfifector of t^reatlon at.the ■ Dated at SoutR Windsor, Oonn., k eaa^, 9tieai ftoOs Ai^jUit 2, IMS, . - ^ N ■-/ // PAGT? NIV»*: MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtrf). Mv^NCHES'rT.R. CONN . FKlI)AVi AlHiu'sT.S. l!»45 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, GONN m FRroAY, At^UST 8 . 19 4 * 'V • ‘ ^ r *» ' _ :PAGE EIGHT - = v - HV H I M AINb Vu.X. ArtTrl^ tor Sale______W 'ILLE FOLKS ----1” Kuainess Services Offefed 13 Florlsts— Nurseries 15 Help Wa'nted— Male , 36 AnnfluncemenUl 2 Aiutomobil^, .for Sale 4 / ._rfCa_ 1 ... -I- WANTED—MAN or boy^ 16' ‘ or FOR SALE -CUSTOM made pop- Classified CURTAINS HAND-LAUNDERF.D arfeEi' A GOOI USED car? See C m YjRPHEY’S GI^DTOtf” over as hviper on tpUck and in per screen door, 31 3-4 Inches by F. HUGH ense and Nonsense ''Brunner- open < a m. till 10 p. street is attending State Guard wide. 80'ii Inches long./ Also in my home. Reference a s. tri ip. 1 . Will reaiime • hualneaB plant. Write Box H,'Herald. . t’S W HO !N ToC/iERVlULE Qasafied ■work. Write Box R, Herald. / m.severy day f’hone 5191. a r e T n -r l o o m clothes reel. Call 6303. HERBERT A bank Clerk got a job at a fill­ Liigust 8. ■ WANTED MA^T" TO work, Advertiseiu-nts Swe^eat and Saddest Words FOR SALF,; 16 GAUGE Browning These wetei.the sweetest words; ing station during hit vtckUon, e v e r s h iNe — t h e S ^ /E RKl'illGKItATKJNr.^ service. Gen­ The same quality, as ynii've had [ modern ^ f y . Bayer Milk, but .it teems the sarvice station Advertisements 'A u lo A cre8.soric.s— Tir^a'^ ^ Eaton at'.feet, Hartford. automatieV Ll-ht twin outboartL For Rent Ffu Sail I love you. cleaner tot removing grease, eral Klectrlc. Grunow, Croaley. for the piiHt yeirla. ! motoj-. Cheap, 14 Monro? street?! 1 Dinner is Served. boss had to fire him: ‘ stains and dl.scdloratlon from pofv marriage had Ip be ke^t the time wheiV Lenny was here. Boas (explaining) — He waa a For Sale KOU .s-AI-E S.MAU. ii^ t y Krigidalit and all otiiei makes. w a n t e d — LATHE operator, Phone 7739. , To Biiv T-o Sfll XXIII MR. AR(MES: (heavily Ironic) Keep the change. for Republican, For Rent celain Enameled sto^ s and ga.s 10 HAMUN feT. TEL. J152 1 aecreL nice lad, but thia banking ki. under er. Parker Wt'ldil^ ; Co.. 166 Work .'uarnntced M<>tpr repnlfs ^ifanchcstef Tool and Engln^srlng FOBCH Would It trouble you too much All la forgiven. \ To Sell .ranges. JCverahlne/Contains no \yVe.st Middle Ttirmftke Telephone Call 1.1!)4. B *- H. Refrlgeratloh Sleep till noon. hla hide too far. When a cuatomSB SHOT—BHQOT- to let me see the wedding cer­ would come up and ask for 10 gal­ ^ Hide-bound one, ' acid, grit or harBhXbraslvc. Guar­ 3926. ■ Service. Building Materials 47 MEDniM SHOT Here’a that five. - anteed': not to sifratch or deaden, Rooting— Repairing . 17-A io TOWARD STAIRS Corllsa suddenly hears the loud tificate? lons of gasoline this banker woukI kor' ; ' ^ l e — s L A iii iiaiflagging, Irlisa Is still sitting on the aUlrs. CORLISS (glibly) Dexter has And the’ saddest': ’ the highly glazed finish on the OV'KRMAULINO and repairing of pclp Wanted- •Male or Summer Homes islam of the front door, off screen. For external use only. aak 'him hdw far he expected to And GranpaW Sims IS it finest porcelain enamel. 50c a bot­ MOTOROLA CAR radio, in good e x p e r t r e p a i r s of shingles, vnribi«seolor8 for stepping stones,a Vs. Archer’s voice is not too /C O R L ISS: (alarmed) .Golly — it, Daddy. go. . If the driyet said anythlhg typewriters and adding machines. slate, composition and, tin roofs. 37 Buy me one. , tle. Manchester Pl\imblng Siipply CondjJWm. Telephone 2-1688. Female fernices/iijrd walks, .Green. For Rent - eady, and Corllsa U tom with thafa Daddy! - MR. ARCHER; Hmmm. (brief under a hundred mllea, the 'lank Loist and Foond Telephone fiM."). -Rebuilding and repairing of desire to put her mother out pause) By whom Was the cere­ Out of gas. *- his Co. / WANTED MALE OR female.sec­ purple, vaflgatcd blocks. Rlcha?d She aitutUea up the atalrs like ,a Dues not paid. - boy Would ask him if he couldn't J u ^ whisper*New Deal jn w»le, ------^------KANGp: AND FURL oil Genera chimneys and flSJlnlngs. E. V. Li'wls; 56 Ardmore road,'^ Man­ FOR RENT-6 ROOM cottage ati I her rhtsery. rabbit And la out of alght. Mrs. mony performed? get along with five gallons. UDST—BUACK and white 7 ond cook. Permanent posltlorj^. 48 Crystal Lake from Aug\ist 11 on,|| F3jnds nqt sufflclenL front YOUR PICTUC food problem is ^ Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 trucking. .lames A. W oods, 21 Coughlin, 390 .AVoodland street chester. Phone TUH- 5RLISS: (pathetic ally) Archer ruahea to the door of the CORLISS: A Justice of the ■- < email cat, double^ Phone 7707: . . hour wTck, straight hours, meals Toiephone, 4953. - . r ■Mother — do you hate / Hie? Rest in peace. And (Jranpaw throws a fit l>awa. Plcaae call 2^1093/ __ srfved! Welder’s Luneheonettri I’carl stect. Telephone'6566. porch to meet her husband. Peace. Daddy. • .j FOR SALE LADY'S English bt- on dut.y, unlfbr'm, live In or- out, ■’lease don’t hate me. MR. ARCHER; Very well, C!or4! ,.And<:.here is oUr version; A Philadelphia merchant who jflotv supplies., tn attractive haa- ROOEINXV, A3B8iSTDS sidewalls, vacation With pa.y. Salary ac­ FOR- ElENT—COTTAGE, CTtalkefl • MRS. ARCH ER/H arry! Corliss The sweetest , LOST—aOiXi IXiCKET. Wednea cvcle. Hercules 2 speeds, reason­ WASHKK VAcm iM S. Electric Garden— FaYm^Jhtlry jddenly, impulsively. Mrs. just told mie the truth! They’re li.ss: you may go to your room. went to the hank unaccoijiJ»anied ^ keta. rU the foods and drinks able. 216 Woodbridge afreet. e^veatfoi gh conductors. , Nu- cording to ability. Appl'v. Dl^tl- ' Beach. Snyhrook. from August] This is paydays ' d day evening, vicinity of Salter^ needed tor e’ ther orgapliatlonaJ motors, etc,, repaired All parts Products \ 5« Ircher runs up the stairs ahd, slt- married! ^ CORLISS: (smugly) Yea, for the flrat time In two years, by available 24-hour service Charg­ •vpPd ceilings and Interior walls. tlon, Manchf.ster Met^rjrlar Mos- Il-18;-:A>ig. 25-Sept.. L,.Sept. 1-8. | Jig next to Corliss, puts her arms I‘ll pay the check. his Great Dane protector, was rob­ Pond. Phone 6833. Beward. / or family pienks. Aak^, Xl about FOR SALE 1938.HARLKY- MR. ARCHER: (astounded) baddy. > es C O D. Manchester 2-1439 r.vVood. shlnj,ung, general repair­ FOR SALK TOMATOESXaml Call 4 7 "! . lound her daughter. Shs • is She dlsapiwars up the stairs. - Your relativei''w#nt home,. bed of $4,500. " ' it at 901 Main street,' Davidson motorcvcie. Model 74 Whatr Your iy p ree is final.- l o s t p a s s b o o k S2464. / ' mornings of evenings. ing. Free e-stlmate. Time pay­ peppers. 57 Florence strot ebj- sping gently. Call 36.36. CLOSE SHOT—^MR. A?(D MRS. ' CanceUed car notes enclosed. Notice Is hereby given ^ftt ments. Louis Ijivlgne. Manches­ ' ner of Holl street.—. ^ “ HMI *RS. ARCHER: (tenderly) Oh. .STEEPLE TOMr-Steeple and flag RUBBISH reeved Situations Wanted— Wanted to Kent INT. HEAD OF STAIRS The culture was negative. Book No. 52464 issued^ b v . "nic a s h P s a n d ter Roofing. Call 7-1428, ■darling —don’t be.^ alliy. Of CliOSE SHOT—-OOBIlISS ARCHER ' HOLD EVERYTHING , pole work. Cleaning Chimneys a Attics, cellars and yanlx'fleanedi-ddeai Female .38 The saddest: Savings Bank of Manchester has apecialty/ lnqulre M a xell’s Drug. 1928 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motor- WANTED-- 2 or 3 light house* Icourae I don't. 5 Mr. Archer paces' up and. down, R. Campo.aeo, telephone 5848 o ROOFTNC — SPECIAUlZTNG in Householo (iood »-_ lia holds Corliss a little (Hoser Corliss is grouching on the stairs, brooding. Finally he vialks over Where is your drivers license ? been Jost or destroyed, and writ­ Store, • eycle. 284 Lake street. Phone 5726 POSITION WAa n t e d ns .seeretary keebing rooms, furnished or tin- , out of view from the porch, lis­ Ten dollars and costa. ten aMlication Yiks been made to 7487". repairing roofs of all kinds, also furnished. Mother, son 12 and Jid weppa some more. to the telephone and plclca it up. new roofs No jo b . too small or In local omcc. expericpcoidlVYrtte Our 34th Annual ■ tening avidly. __ Please remit. t said bwik by th« person in who.se Box 2. I^rald. .,/ small pH dog. Write Box A, ; ICORLJSS; (uhapplly) Oh. MR. ARCHER'S VOICE: (In­ MR. A r c h e r : unto phone). large! Good work, fair price. Free AUGUST SALE |Murt—pW s? don’t feel so aW- Operator—get me long distance Your horse came hi fourth. name .such Ijefpk was issued, for FOR AVON PRODUCTS, CALL ,,^W’ante(I Autos— k l o o r ,.-M a c h i n e s Herald. '■ credulously) Married? Who Your wife called •you..y estimates. Call Howley Manches-. WILL CARE for children by the Attention! young couples and all Iful. It—on\ Mum, please, don’t —I want to apeak to the Wynd­ 2-1532. \ Motorcycles 12 V „f 6 r R E N T said so? . The bottle is empty. ’ ter'5361. day-while mother works. Inquire persons planning to buy furniture...... ~ — rcryl (in gehuine anguish) Oh, ham Ferry information , Opera­ This is your opportunity to save MRS. ARCHER’S VOICE: Cor­ iiuruahce of a duplicate bobk W A V i’ED—WE NEED used cars ^^amier.a an d P olishers. after 4 p.' m... 3 ,Drl.ve D, Sliver Wanted I^Kjtent 68 i if only I coulcUwplain! tor-thank yoiK.Jover his shoul­ substantially oh your purchase of MRS. A R C « ^ : (very low liss did! . . . der to his wife) No harm in Girls don’t mind being driven efor. ■ and pay top ..prices Cash talks Lane Homes. MR. ARCHER’S VOICE; (yell­ • ' Aulomohhrs, for Sale 4 and wf have iU^Slop and, get our Moving—Trucking— furniture, rugs, stoves, bedding and URGENTLY NEEDED-A or 5 rooip, i I voice) I’m so asngmed, Corliss. checking up. from home, If the taxi man doesn’t 4 /l(IcGILL-gONVERSE, INC. ing) Corliss! tNGORA'' tiger cat. i off^r Cole M otbfa-^tM - / Storage ,»■— 20 appliances. Save as much as 30 per house or apartment b .^ 2 aduitvl II feel it must be MRS. ARCHER: But. Harry oveicharge them. Silver Line He NEW PRE-WAR 1942 G.M.C. ’4*- 645 Main St. Tel. 6887 Situations Wanted— cent during this *8plc. with son in service. Mrs^N^obert | CORLISS: Oh. Mum.Nno—no. INT. PORCH how— ' ------' . \ agef. Apply 22 Wad- ton, -ihch'. wheelbase, pickup; AUSTIN A. CHAMBLRS Com­ 3 Room Outfit Complete . . ., $195 Clarke, 44 Perkins street, 6450. ((LOBE SHOT—MR. ARCHER ■ Delivery Man—Giiess I’d better 126 MORE MONEY ROR y o iir^ ca r REFRIGERATOR SERVICE We M ale 39 Im RS. ARCHER: (u^appily) MR. ARCHER: W’yndham Fer­ 1937 Ford pickup; 1936 Ford than It’s worth right 'howk Brun­ pany. Trailer van service. Local 3 Room Outfit D eL u xe...... $495 I Oh, darling, we’d dreamed so Stands grimly at the .foot of the ry's a''little hlck-towfi—can’t be do some spring cleaning .on th'e repair and rebuild any typ< of pickup; 1940 Ford panel. Cole ner’s. 80 Oakland street/rel. 5791. moving, packing and storage. FOREMAN—SEEKING 4 Room Outfit D eL uxe...... $605 WANTED- A HOUSE for rA t often of the day you.’d ge stairs, bis wife by his'side. inore than one or two JP^a there. truck. ■ refrigeration equipment. We ex­ MR. -ARCHER: (yelling) Cor­ MotojXj^hdhe 4764., Open 7 a m. to ip/p. m., also Dial 5187. position. .Small parts Buy here with confidence. Alberts, vicinity of Manchester, or adja- I rled and'— (Into phone) All right, operator Cashier—I didn’t know it had / -A .Sundays. change- sealed i nits with factory .shop and a.ssemhly. W’l have been furnishing horn e's- , cent towns. Call 2-0790. uddenly- a glint comes into liss, come here! - I’ll ha'ng on. tpringa! ^ Slowly Corltas comes lnW» view. guarantee Scientific' Refrigera­ NOK'ITl AMKKH'A s Van Lines Herald. throughout Connecticut since 1911. |jS* eye. ThZt word “ married V (To Be Continued) ' *T" ' RE A t ESTATE I INGS WANTED-- TWO OR three room"j MR. ARCHER: (in his beat 1941 Pontiac 6„aeveryday including Sund goo gdest of | ings. DOM T. 1. »H il. « >«T °M. ductor repairing, Norman Bentz, Military training, Phone 4553. pups. Zimmerman,- Ijike street' 43 Alh'yi street Hartford "child In family of three. Call' the right track here) Well, nat­ Raymond Fiske 3384. Phone 6287. course Dad 8966. Windsor Locks, 608 Collect. Ref- urally, Muni. I mean, golly, yours.. . , \ j , Marriage License Clerk — But, •Hi, Raymond! How’s the wife LIGHT TRUCKING, ashes BABYBY 6 al rRRIAGE h $7; Wicker I surely vou don't think-— n ^ - MR. ARCHER: (yelling) Then Wrong W ay: Feel Uiat klnce the latjy, the law requires that 1' re­ rubbish removed rea.sonable. erSnees, '■* and kids?" PLUMBER, steamfltter, pump' ue PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- FOR SALF,—PEDIGREED Cocker armm chairs $3 $ to $7; tea wa^on urally we got luarried. for the sweets, love of h.eaven, party was given for your j^est. /^jVd’ all previous /marriages be- ,3661. why ' didn’t /o h r say so in the k chanlc. Carl Nygren. IB Sotitl Ing. Reasonable price. Call 5346. •‘Sraniel.s, beatitlful hlaclts, healthy $2 50; splnnlriplniHng wheel; 'flax whpel; MRS. ARCHER; ( a ray of hopb) rather than for you,. there is no I'issuing a new license, street. 'Dsl. 6497 puppies. Inquire 41 Hamlin street, table lamps. $1 .to $4.50; single. first place? \ WANTED^-ALL KINDS jt elec­ Houses for Sale 72 I But. Corliss-* need for yoii to repsy the hospi* jjovle ActreSs-rQood Heavens! BY EDGAR MARTIN CONSULT KEYSTONE Decora- j evenings. ,, . ’ three-quarter .and double beds, CORLISS: (shocked tones) CORLISS; (the mkrtyr) Well. U.lity. ■■ And I've got a taxi waiting but- WANTED! HAY CUTTTNC, and' removal of tric wiring and repairing Any • ___y. Daddy, when a person is yelled BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES tnr.s bn th.it p.ilntlng and paper- i complete $5 to $25: hat trees FOR SALE — DELMONT street 1 Why, Muni, how could you pos­ side. trees, also hay for sale. Alme size job given prompt attenUon ing' problem..Call 6322 .after 6 p. 1 $1.50; couch $4; rocking chairs at and screamed at and seULAo Rlght W ay: Repay the kindness Skhled and Unskillcilliplf^ Call .3976 before 7 p m. Live sTofk— Vehicles 42 sectsjon—.7 room single.'"fireplace, sibly thlpk we weren’t married? in some way—either by entertain­ /- WXJUb Latullppe, 758 Vernon street. Tel. m. or Hartford 8-.55I0. .j $2 to $6; dressers.$8'to $25; kitch­ steam heat, 2 car.,^arage, good' MRS. ARCHER: But. darling, her room, you can’t very well FriciiA-W hat do you call a man V OV4 VW WiPiY 6077. blanie a person for being sort ing the friend, or entertaining FOR. SALE — ONE ripiFER. en cabinet $12; .Oalt\^buffet $10; neighborhood, near'" school and afraid to 'flght? 'fOV^ WfiWJW U A'JWK) > \ CardromfT LINOLETTM AND CARPET work PAIn W n G., a n d Paperhanging why didn’t y "" especially for some ^ e s t of the 1'.; vears old. Guern.Mey. One antique buffet $20; cbmhination bus. Price 8,50d-^ash down $3,- CORIJSS; (a.nd she has a point of flustered. ' . s. Man—W. bachelor. ' TO w t * done. Measurements taken. Esti­ and wallpaper John P Sullivan PyrofnJCTgaa and oil rMge $30; MR. A.R CHER: (courtroom friend’s. V Alley Men Utility Men mates given. Cal! '^-lOfiO. milking gnat. Also rabbits. ,CaH .500. McKinney Brothers. 505 Main there) Well! Mum, I haven’t Phone 4260. .5346. portable oil, heaters $2.5(}^7 sec'^ street telephone 6060 or evenings I had a chance — Daddy’s been manner again) Where were Gene^'Maintenanre BOOKKpEPINt. and Accounting , tlon bookcase: $10; Wabdrobe 6230. yelling ever since—and 1 was married 7 $12; Bargains In'furnittire OT aU (70RLISS: (only the slightest ANCES BY GALBRAITH records kept weekly. Balanced 23 . sent to mv room and— S ID E GL Carpenter H^lj^rs*' ' Fireman RepRiriiiff Poultry and Supplies 43 _desei;lptldns. oil lamps, cut and f o b Sa l e —INVESTMENT and MRS, ARCHER: (aUghlly puz­ hesitation) At Wyndham Ferry, HELP monthly for income tax purposes. I home. Three family apartment Daddy. It’s' across the state PIANO TUNEI AND repairing; pressed glass, kitchen utensils., zled)' But why hasn't . Dexter confidential notary public Phone FOR SALE PULLET.S, Reds or consisting of 4 rooms. 5 rooms line. player piano specialty. Johrv 'etc. Satttrday and Sunday, 10 a. said that you— 3627 days or evenings. i White Rocks, It weeks old, $1.50 m. to. 5 p. m. 'at Old Mill.- South and 6’ i rooms; Th*- rooms MR. ARCHEB: When? ALPdN-SPINNING MiLi::^ WANTED Coekerham. 2fc Bigelow street. CORUSS; (glibly) Dexter a lips each. 331 Oakland street. Coventry. vacant include lavatory first floor, CORLISS: A couple of mOnths tALGOTTVILLE. CONN. FURNACE REPAIRING and oil Tel 4219. . ■______y. are sealed,’ Mum. I made him Girpentcrs modern kitchen cabinets. ' new swear in ■ blood that- - this ago. Daddy. It was just about burner service. Ask about our FOR SALE — 4 BURNER Glen- bath second floor, screens, storm Located.On Bus Line. ^ ‘ .,jrtng cleaning For full jnfbrma- FQR SALF. 80 R, T. Red pullets. 2 0 . rers Private Instructions 28 wood insulated white enamel gas windows, automatic domestic hot ', tlon call Van Camp Bros iS 9 weeks old. Call 6,500. range with oven control and Water, how water heat, screened B avers years' experience! Tel 5244 kVee broiler,'' A-I .shape, reasonable. FUNNY BUSINESS ELOtTUTION — Developing" the N. H. RED pullets 2Uj months old in porch;,,2 car garage, nice yard, » » Iruipectlons! 2 Slone asons natural resonance of your voice. $1.50 each. Martin Reister. Hills­ Call.8189-aft r 5 P- m. located near schools, churches, * Speech difficulties corrected.- dale road, Wa^iping. Call Man­ parks and bua lino! Price $12,000 BY V. T. HABILIN OLD FLOOR.S SA.NDED vi CHILD'S *CRIB and high chair, Head In the Clouds ADAMS STREET— 1 Painter TUTORING: Reading; mathema­ chester 3798," cash $4,500." McKinney BrotherSj, AN OPERATING La.ying and finishing. | tics. The White Studio (Johnson good -condition. Reasonable.^ 7 605 Main street,, telephone 6060 or A L L E Y O O P . 6-Room Single, good condi­ J. E. Jen-sen, j MEBOFUL, HEAN/EN6.' «AS STATION Block), 709 Main street. Phone FOR SA L E - PULLETS and cock- Plano Place. ' ' evenings 6230.- fx 3 ju e ’(£AO.' tion, . Apply Tel. Willlmantic 9928. evenings.' V rOET’ ''2-1392, ' erals, about 4 pound\verage'; Call (40W WE’LL And 4>Stel1 Brick Balding OVVNFR LEAVING—For Sale — HK>/E A OOICK? DID GLENWOOIl STREET— EXPEKIE.VCED FIADIO service. at 211 Gardner street. ,. Furniture, 3 months old Radio, rTHBSKiPPBR doing n good bnsincM. Lodatod '5-Room Bungalow. Price I/ots for Sale 73 MunriNv ON oua Jorve^ RedItv Ci Promt and' efficient All work bedroom set, cedar chest, sofa HANDS.' - SEE YOU WITH In m' nice section of town. i|6.800. Terms Arranged, j,' Help V. Tied— Female' 35 ^YOUR MASK , Prlee $20,000. Approximately fi Dover Rond guaranteed Phone 4607 bed, lounge CbA'r, dinette 8"t. f o r s a l e —b u il d in g lot. cor­ ArUclea (or Sale 45 v \ 3 - yty'l4 , FF? $8,000 Down. BOCKVII.LE—Orchard SL— PRACTICAL NiJRSE wanted to lamps, end tables, rugs, curtains, ner of ^ u th Main and Uackfria- S-Ronm Single. Price $6,800. Phone 4112 oL'7275 BlIRNERS and power care for semi-invalid and do light ELECTRIC FENCE Controller. draperies,, electric iron, toaster, tack. Inqiiire 29 Cottage s^cct.'- , 'SU of all makea and kinds Rm cn STREET— $1,000 Dowa. H’eek Days and Sundays housekeeping. Tej._2“I193. Priced to save you up to $5 at dishes and misccllaneoua house­ VRoom Single. Price $S,SO0. and adliustet, 10 years' Wards Farm Stnrd. Lcgal ln all hold articles. Inqtiire at 68 Sea., _X- $780 Down. ' ROCKVILLE— High S treet- nee Tel 2-1731 44 Main WOMAN WANTED FOR essentia ■ states. Storm-proof case. Control­ man Circle after 6 p. m. Wiintvd— R*?al E tJitc'Ti' 2 Houses consisting of 6 work. 8 to 5 -No Saturday w ork led .«hock .. . . safe, but sure Bat­ ______I______V OPT c e n t e r STREET— apartments. Good rental In­ New System Laundry, Harri.soi FOR SALE— 8-ryFA!E waln\it din- WANTED TO BUv\l)out 1 acre H tery or iOf)-volt type. Low as land on qr near bus'lib.?, tq school 4-Rooni Single. Price $4,600. come. $6,.600. $1,000 Down. RADIO REDAIRLNG Plck-up street. $12.25. Wards Farm Stoj-o,/Main Ing-foom, Federal dual combina­ service haduw checkeu at the | and town. ReasonarlaWe. ~Phone $800 Down. stsfet, Manchester. tion gas and oil kitchen range, EAST HARTFORD — Tolland READY FOR home. Store -fd) day Man-j VVOMEN WANTED for stitphing like new, folding baby carriage, ^5619. m on sTRiacT— Street— chestc) Radio ‘Seitrice. 7.3 Birch Apply Ka-Klar Cloth Toy Com FOR SALE—YAIJ; fireproof safe. 1-3 h.p. electric all good ' , 2-Famllv. all conveniences. pany. CTieney Building,^ Fores 7-rRoom single. Price $6'.500. OCGUFANCY street relenhone 2^840, 45 l-nche-s bj~ 29 ' inebes by 27 Condition. 31 DelmonL I.cgal Notices $1)000 I^wii. Vacant. Price $6,000. street. > lnchc.i^. R"asonnble. Inquire, 219 , .North Math. Telephone 2*1109. ■ NEW ARRIVA-LS at B ens^S In* I.iqrOR 1‘KR.XIT $-Famll.v DwclUng. Two .6- Three miles from. Manches­ .w a n t e d —YOUNG WOMEN to biude some very attractive'floor BY MERRILL BL08S£H^ CLINTON STREET— ter -Center on Improved road. '—2*--- :------;------— NOTICK OK 'APn.irATION FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That’s Logical rooms, one ;f.room. $5,600. sew covers on at home. BEAUTIFUL PRE-WAR wicker, and table lamps. Brighten up Thl«‘- ill to jrlye notice that I. 6-Room Slhgte. Price $5,600. Near bus and school . . . J ust git in a rowboat I f w e marked a r o w b o a t . $1,000. Down. Spare or all time. Apply atr Tober bassinet with hood, fokllng stand, your rqoms now. Shop Benson's, STANLEY' C^KEREK. of 69 Clark e is a $1,000 Down. Vacant.' Street. Hartford, have ftl^d an .appli­ C That’s idiNA—Thats M SURE Dizzy FLUB,'. AND DRAW A N 'X 'O N T M ’ SOMEONE ELSE VAWl^.FiND HARTFORD—Atwood St.— Attractive lO-Rooni^f^Hoiifte Basehnll Manufacturing Com­ casters; .also baby’s hathinet in 'vX13 Main street. Tf' - AS.SGXXSi AS WE STOP pany, Elm street. Manchester: No cation dateds.i3rd^^t»gU8t. 1946. with OLD IRONSIDES / BOTTOM OF IT OUT WHERE THAT. RSH FLORENCE STREET- , 2-Famlly. Price Sg..600. with . modern eonvehlenees -l- excellent condition. 63 Seaman the Liquor Conti^’ Commlaelon for a OVER. TH'SPOT MALE HELH phone calls. vou 2-Famliy Duplex, 4 rooms Ternia Arranged. cif.v wafer, neulv derorated. Circle. Restaurant permit for the .sale of al* . WHERE YOU !ARE —— T FOR SALE **- GAS HOT_water cfShoilc liquor on the premises. W fcast SAW'+ilM J— TJZYIN’ Priife $.6,400; . $800 good condition. Together with hW iSDKEEPER for small family, heater and.boiler. CalL7166, EAST WINDSOR— .37 acres of lar'd'. !.5 tlllihle, he|- ipOU SALE • - ELECTRIfT 7-lbch •v . ' Center Street. Manche.^ter. The busi­ THEN IDMORROWi To Down. ' , W'lndsorvllle Road. x7*Room livKln or oui. Bendix washer aqd table saw Power K-ing,j.i.vith elec­ ness la owned hy DOMINICK F. NO- YOU CAN ROW ahee woodland and nnstiire. 20 -WANTED HOSPITAL E^EDS or wheel chairs, VICK. of 34 Squires Street. Hartford. Single. Price $4,300. ibon^ Cali 2-1482. tric motor. 45 South Alton street. oam. 1»»1 ir stA'siwiei. »^4 riktms eacK-~ Company around. Central' Cohnectiout Co* FOR SALEl-'COMBLN'ATION gas BY LESLIE TURNBBi ement. Price $8,000; Terms J Evenings: 22 Cambridge Stmet, Hot Plate Mats It Po)^{s M ake Sei5 e n ^ Price 87,000. Sl^O nown.’ '” Manchester. Tel. .3160 m s Parker Street , Noperative Farmer’s Association', or oil stove, in good condition $25. ASH TUBBS \ Arranged. ^ —.. In'e.,Tp Apel Place, p h o^ 2-0432. guT ItEADDKi N0.'..WE MUST 1 LIKE 10 Beech street. Slin and Pantie this: COVE.VTRY UAKE— — ...... --- ...... V», 1 HOPtyouB'wua y •SM the numbered REARRANGE BLUB BIRCH STREET— One S-Roprii Furnished Cot­ .-•-''H.V'. NtMAgiR’' dAKAS / OaWBOF NUM8ERS MMDS OMLV' ’EM SO THEIR 2->Family Dwelling, one 7 tage. $2.j Marhinery and Tools 52 W ia B 1 < 0 » ( IN TIMAS 0UJCKJKI , lYD^SM'T NUMSEeSARE 8 lA Z r S !j and one 4 rooms. Price $6,200. TeXT&SUNSWMK BAKI H THE SAME BY FRED HARDMAN •TfiLL^’D-^ BBOA0CAST,5OH..L c» clb the^ wom ORDER A6 THOSE Object, Matrimony $1,000 Down. — NEW CLETRAC tractors, portable MA R E D R y P E H //'l CAN Tw-D V- J rrs PIVIPBO INTO \ AMD waiTE4...THE (XI the HOUSES Buffalo TOU O'jaHTA 6S PROUD lutifiil Coantry Estate. tractor sawrlgs, cement tfiixera, WrWMSBETWtlM J il l W R m.THE 2419 AVONDALE ROAD— 9 ..Years old. Approx.' 60 acres V 0 0 AN’ all TH’ IR'nrilNSi TheCarlyle milking machines, Fordson parts. MU5ICAI BKOgOlUdS A ~.THE iSa.ETC. r.'T (30SNA UAse 4-Room Single* 2 unfinished bf land. V'egetable and flower wanted Dubllji Tractor Company, Willl- —t A rCAST' ' 1 3 L0.-)3, npstairs. Prlcc'$6'.800..-$i,.'U)0 gardens well cared for. Large mantic. ^ i IREFUT Oiown. ' ,> / 6-room hoiise_^th all modem Men and women^'lo help in the production of war ronvenlonbgs. Fireplace nfth Johnson Mch. material needed to complete the job of defetftiiBt SPRl-CE STREET— lleatalator .in living roqni and MusiepI Instniirients S3 8-Room Single.' NeWly^reno- fireplace In hAsement. Modem Japan. . , . . .vlsted. All convenlenccB.*' ’Rrrce FOR SALE — m a h o g a n y up­ kitchen. Permanent finish Cflt. Weeanuset. , . .w location.' liarge lot. 2-car. ga- hardwood floors thronghbat. right piano. Full keyboard, dpu- Manchester, Conn. ^ "a ctlo n . Call ,7305 after 12. r o a d rVge.. Price $7,800; . Terms This house well- constmeted Loomfl*erS-‘^ Men —- Arraihged. and the best In equipment. JY'EED S . Light fixtures In brouze and W eavera-r Men and Women Wearing Apparel— ADAMS STREET — pewter. Door knobs, mild 1— Cleyelatid Automatic Sewing Ma.chine Operators — Women F are ^ - 57 $-Room Single in good con­ brass. Must he seen to be * Screw Machine Setup _L dition. Nice neighborhood. appreciated. Sale Price Spindle Machine Operators — Women CHILD’S BEVERSTBLE coat sizs $l7;000. Terms Arranged. ..Man 9, 2 pairs of ladies’ shoes 8>j gnd USSEM. THANKS K W .o e irT w eh tio m jCT’ ADAMS STREET— General Help — Men and Women SOUVENIR HAPPV S A MILLION .con. COLOIBIA— • ^ ^ 1— Cleveland Automatic 9, one man’s dark spit size 34. one us FOX HOLE euOOlES" 4-Famll.v^. Dwelling — 4-4 4*Ronm Nice Country Home. pair of white flannel trousFrs size HKIIAI DdN'TCHA KNOW THIS HASHMARK, GOTTA STICK Screw Machine Oper­ Trainees will be accepted for'* all...work except. rooms. Nice neighborhood. $3,0010. 84. Call 2-195(b- HEY.«TUPtD% AREA AIN'T BEEN TOGETHER I V V„ GETCHA CLAMS OFFA CLEARED OF O U R b o a r d i n £ ^ ; e m a j o r H9 0 PLB ator l^mfixing. . > .... BY J. R. WILLIAMS AUGUST s a l e ;—A t lower than V THAT SWORDS -SN IPERS VET? 01)1: OUR WAY Call 5105 for Additional Information On Any of These Post-War Program ™ factory prices; Misses bathing % i n d e e d / . Properties. A ssured. CHANEY BROTHERS AND suits now $3; l^adies bathing suits TH’ BULL SU RE SWV.yOU 8lfc GPiAOLSTER-y now $4: .Men's all wool 'bathing THE BULL a TH’ vfeAH. HE W A S rr OCCURS TO WXX>DS SM UCK SlSTAMT FOREMAkI p e r KMOW/S HOW ID WKM-’S TME lO eA trunks now $2.44; Ladles' polo PICK ’EM--THIS .TOO LONiS HANEX B E ^ Apply 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. OUT FEft. SOME THREE DAYS a Vj' TH' -ru£ SCAPEGOAT FOR- PIQNEER PARACHUTE COMPANIES shirts now $69c; Butcher Linen OOLF 3DDA.V-- Bu l l t o l d h i m ,' v o u 'v e D aily. Jerkin suits now $4.25; Ladies’ TJVATCHPP M E LONG lo^ ^ U M C iR ibi-riHiS A pply A t C heney B rothers E m ploym en t OflBce ' OETi AM EVEr /a n d FHCK.lNG> A SID E S shorts how $I; Gabardine slacks Fuj- oF= TH’ e&av ENOUGH TO CATCH WABiTOT/ H E R E W P T ^ ALLEN REALTY COMPANY 52 MAIN STREET ALL o n e r -T tHE PLACE All hiring In accordance with Area Stihillzation now $3.94, Retail Salesroom, Man­ HE l e f t in OM -TO w h a t n 'S All Lines of Insurance, tncinding Lite Mortgages Arranged All hiring done In accordance ALL ABOUT.'' V ou OOKi'T NEED TO 0 chester" Knitting Mills. Oper Daily C h a r g e .' ■; k e s p e c t B E F ir n i^ 958 MAIN STREET ' TELEPHONE 5105 with area manpower controls. Plan. A FIRST CLASS a r o u n d \NiTN T A W 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. A I t O .M A N (SENTLeMAlNOF PAWN SHOP 8LIMP NOSE |N$ T A e A REAL, SURE ENUFF BACK IN TH’ STATES SCAOLARlN DiGMtW* Wanted—To buy 58 SAMURAI SUIORO! 0U6HTTA GIVE ME ■157701 AT LEAST-UH--. RUNOOVON U teU T O ME mClLKY FINN A F rig h t LANK LEONAKD WANTED TO BUY—Washing ma­ By Mrs. Anne Cabot ' chine. Charles McCormick, 48 W-WHAT DELANEY SA'VS MtNTMORef ALL RISHT, A good set will last for years and Durant street. MtCkfEV-* I'M SURe M AKES CAME IN A FEW MINUTES CLANCY-NOW they certainly are very little trou­ 8738 i IMJkD 510U CAME IN.' YOU A G O -A N O THEN ble to crochet The swirled design WANTED TO BUY two, if poaal .J6-S2 PML MUSTVE THINK S O ? OUT-1V/77V H IS C illustrated inciudea four conven' hie, S.’SO X 17 .tirea. CaU 8.350, lentjy sized mats— the largest Is By Sue Burnett ICUND OUT WHAT s t h a p p e d a r o u n d 8H inches; then comes 7% inches: Smoothly fitting eilp and pr.ntle MINTMORE IS H /S W A lS T f and the smallest ia H inches. xet for the zllghtiy heavier .figure. 6^2 6 WANTED — A TWIN baby car-' Ideal for the beginner 'sewerJ-^ust UR TO,' If you no longer obtain the aabee- riage in good condition. Call 7665. OHAW.Mf* tos mats to slip Into the finished five pattern pieces to the seL SHOVE OFF TO THE O M - Pattern No. 8738 is designed for c o R P s m m covers, use circles of gtout card­ PUT tN FOR AN sizes 36,~S8, 40. 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 EXTRA HELMET _AN’ board. Apartlnerii»— Flats—- m tMi To obtain complete' crocheting 63 and 52. Size 38, lUp. requires 2 3-4 ^ A R ‘EM eOTHU SHCKtPF T en em en ts yards of 85 or 39-lnch fabric; Inatructiona for the aet'of Four J Swirled Hot Plate Mata (Pattern 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment panties 114 yards. For this pattern, send 20 cents. No. 5770) send 16 cents in Coin, for rent. 11 Locust street. Phone (Se In Coins, your name;': address. Blue plus 1 cent postage. Tpur Name, $869. FEELS tAlS M desired, and the Pattern Number OWS, ?'3 Address and th« Pattern Number to Sue Burnett The Manchester I '• to Anne Cabot The Manchester t n w * i,ooo-| Evening Herald, 1?50 Sixth ave- THE CLEVER. UMDERSTUDV T W a»4 W B fc*T *A* ' u A r$i oiw Evening Herald. 1150 SiXth r n t M u m m Me A'«9gkt avenue. New York 10, N. Y. > Read Herald Advs. , nuc. New York 1$, N. T.