TIN CAN Pbrts Ol Japan
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..X The Weather - tn U R a D A l, AUGUST S, l»4ft Arerase Daily Clrcnlation Forecast of U. 8. Weather Berisaa Ifv'.^ r A G i x t i f F o r lh » Meath o f Oalg; 1M5 Manchester’ Evening Heh’ald / Fair weather tonight aad Sat urday; a UtUe cooler Saturday 8,890 with much lower humidity, ^ A Social Security c^rd in the ' Trailer Fall / Member of tlM Aadlt ., name of Laurel Ailelaldc^'af-cnt in llik W from T rip CoL Batson Refu^s Sides i^ o u t T o w ii a packet of personalAiiapshots Boreaa of Ctrcnlstloiie . Mmehetter— A City of Village Charm found on Main street today xljy To West Coast In Which Botnwr Is Better / Victim Betted John Saldella and left at Tlm4lcr- (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT'S ori* K. MltcheJl, ■ 1-e 8 ald, 13 Bissell street. TheT owner MANCHESTER, CONN.XER1DAY, AUGUST 3, 1945 Atlantic City, N. J„ Atig. v*i< (UhuHiaeil AdVMtlMag ^ Page 8> \ - *f' the "Wave*,'.* daughter of xm'ay have thiS packet B v^H in g at ^OL. LXIV„ NO. 258 p4e Ju T wr. and Mrs. William Rl Mitchell, ^ e Herald/ ^ r » . J. H. McVeigh .in«I (jP)—A man of dl-seretlon Ix^tJoL Conrad J. Hawk, Is lim- ,8# Fairfield etreet, now.tm a tour Burnham L. Batson, pilot whd for proved ;■ Thrown /Off ■ ' ■t’-' \' ' of duty in Florida, 'was a recent MemBers of Manchester .^Juv.e- ghter Visit, Lt. 0>1. visitor at SUver Springs, Florida's nile 'Grange ^ 1 meet. tomorrow mer group commanderXof Mkn- Arthur A.^/Khofh Deadly Phosphorescent Bomb Dowms Liberatop cigh. See Sights. •ichcster, Conn. Having flown Home ■ Made Trailer. famed imdcr« ater fairyland, while afternoon Jour o’clock in their 875 Mata SV / X TeL 644t enjoying a week-end pass. hall on'the second floor at 991 ■Both B-24 LlBeratoplfC and B-17 |Big T hree Main sitreet. Work will Be on Mrs. '^Jariigs H: McVefg.h and'her ■ Fly'ing Fortresses m conJiat,. he la j 'ITiet' condition of Conrad J. ''Ask Yota Neighbor” Mias Mary. Hutchison of New 'ntufpm toys for their Booths at dagghtei'. Mtss Carol McVeigh, ^ in a pofaltlon to settle thaVold ar- ' HaW'k, nine,- sop of Mr', and Mrs. Haven,, formerly of-Pine street, at the^range Fair iri the .State Ar- have returhed\lo jhelr home on gument among airmen abdiit the Joseph Hawk of Lake street, Bol Better ship. •'V tended the funeral yesterday aft .mpry, September X^nd S. and th* Oxfprd street after a visit with | ton, who was taken to the Memo same prpgj’anv w;tu Be carried out Lieutenant Colonel James H. Mc ■"J'hey Both brought me ha ^ays to Rebuild ernoon of Mrs. Ellenor A, Roger^ rial hospital yesterday Afternoon Pbrts ol Japan; and remained for a ’hrtef vMi'it at the next np/eting of the junr Veigh, who ,)dncc his return frnni from missions and as far as I b__ ALICE COFRAN concerned any plane that does suffering frohi' Undetermined in with frienda in town. iors. / / the E.T.O./ a year ago, has Been ' (known As Queen Allee) |i stationed^at Santa Ana and the , that Is a good plane," he sqld at juries; was "slightly improved’* to Seventh Daughter of a Seventh, Sotl Ralph J. RuHde. 22, avliition Las Vestas A rm y Air' Fields, in 1 AAF Redi.strihiitioA Statinrv No. 1 day. He,was thrown from a home Borit With a Veil P eaceful Europe where he is-awaiting a new as- ordnanceman.'aecdnd 'Claa.s. USNR. Nevada. -Me r,xpects .shot tly to Be I made work ti-ailer attached „tB a Readings Dally, Including SnndayL 118 Walnut Street, Mapeheater. Is trajisferred. to Williams' Field. slgnrtiefit. a A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By AppoIntI car driven by Henry J. Zlttnmer- More' Yesseis Hit now Back in the Stat/s for leave Chandler, Arizona. It took A good platig to bring meat. In the Service of the Peof d o n WILLIS man, local Barber, who ItVKs on Box and reassignment. He flew with Mrs. McVeigh and her daughter, Col. BaWon hack from siiiiie of pie tor SO Fears. iMaster Plan Emerges J X-— . GARAGE Patrol-Bombing .Squadron 137 who returns to. Teachers' College his mission.s, flown over some of Mountain Road,' 'Bolt.on, aBout 2 SPIRITIIAL MEDIUM - Senate Rows during 10 ropnths of lnten.se air in New,B'''lain in September as a ,the niost heavily defended targets o’clock yesterday afternoon. 169 Church Street, Hartford, Connl Erom Potsdam Confer* Every Important Harbor Complete Anto Service fighting over A large area df the j jiinior./lerf early lii July for the i-n Fitircipe. Once. over. HamBurg, Zimmerman is being held by the 'Phone 6-2024 * S u p er-Fo rt We.sL traveling in an aii-condition- ^ven ships in the he' was police on a chargo of recklgss driv en^es; Rtissia’s Role Chinese Units In Homeland and En* Pacific. ' ' / group Seen Looming i 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 rd slieauillrier of the LTdon iPacifle leading were- shot from the sky ing awaiting . the effect of the 2d iJeut. George P, Lwlirtsenia ' • In‘^nffict With Jap*- tire “Coastline of Ko* The <34th Ordnance Motor to Las Vegas. Colonel MeVeighX and his ptaiic was badly damaged boy’a injuries. The accident is Be Renew Drive Lo sses H it ▼ahleie Aaeegibly Company at f leave of aBsence Began Soon after By the heaW accurate flak.. ^ j ' v l ing Investigated further By Offi an Remains Cloaked ForTreaties rea to Within 21 Miles ^ George Palmar. L^irt.seina, 21, their riVival .so that he hail oppor The formei\commantler of ' the Col. Burnham L. Batson cer'J3. Fi Dwyer. Mrs. Delia Sullivan If :'’ Tewkesbury, England, has gone^ son of Mr, and MrA Peter Luurt- Secrecy. O f Russia Mined by into reverst operation in \order to \ tunity tfKji'-nvel with his faniil.v. Rngland-Ba.sed X52d BomB Giinip ; . According to the Investigating SPEN(1ER CORSETIER In Stnet L o w P o in t sema. of 0 Warfen street, Sun One of their first trips was to the I tary Academy, Col. Batson holds In K w angsi prepare vehicles for shipm^^ to : led hl?_raeii on Ih^e third ahiittlc officer, the car, operated By Zlm-. Vigorous Republican Super-Forts; Japanese husBand of E.sUier l.uu'rUe- Grand Cuiin^ , Bnulder nam and : riin made. Takin^off from Eng- the Distinguished I Flying ' Cross mteman. was gBing west on Lake „ N ■ '' ■ .other theaters of war. ^xCoiwm l ma-of .396 llai'lford rortd. gradu I 5 Broad ■Washington, Aug. 3.— (/P) Andrew BIggerstaff. .I f. 20,/oiv91 i j.the Painted EV^rrl. .Con.sfdertnile : Irttid- they BomBed CKemnitz/lheii ■with two oak leaf clusters and the street bridge with young Hawk in Criticism Gives Tru Send Small Craft ated recentK' willi the wings of Air Medal with four oak Ickf cluX' Street -A master plan for recon- 27,000 "Sorties Flown Autumn street. Mancheateiy tru I time Was spoiiiNw’ the trio in Lo.s I landed In Poltava. Riihrix ' j the trailer Behind. The..4raller Wedemeyer I n d i c al e s ah aerial /navigator in ^the Army I Angeles, where - have rela- "ters.. He is the .son of Mrs. InM Istructing a peaceful Europe man Notice Trouble On Suicidal Missions* driver. Is a memBer of thia com Siir Forces. 'Fhe exorcises were 1 next day they BomBed up\and'yts- 1 wae empty except for the Boy. Call 2-0900 Over Jdpan from Mar-' I live?, and many of^^c Interesting ited a target near Budape'gt then M. Batson ht-fi'80 Burnham aUhet, The trailer started swaying and lout of the ruins of war American-Trained Cbi- pany which Before V-E 'Day, as hild at San Marco^ Army A'r I j for Ahead on P^ace Pacts. semBled more than 17,000 vehicles I places in that .seetioi\^ California: ' to Italv. The nex.t hny they^ew Manchester. His wife, the.form B^ame unhooked from the car and lemerged today from the deci- ianas ^ith Loss of America has FicM, Texas .were visited, while theyi'nade their er Virginia Brooks lives at Blake nese to Open I.arge- Guam, Aug. 3.— ()P)—The tot use In the European theater. I Back to their hqirte Base. '' /X veered to thB aide of the. road, Appoint Isiohs of the Big ThVee con- proved that me* headquarters at the AinBn.ssador 1 A graduate of the U. S. M(H^ ley, Ga. , • . striking a large Boulder on th? left Washington. Aug. 3— - (A>) — Only .0055 Per Cent. ports of Besieged Japan^^iave ;;| Benik«i W. Yellenh. 21, aviation ment At Scale Operations Soon. pf vartona rapea, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tnlf and hotel. of the highway. The trailer tipped Iferehce at Potsdapi. But Rus- Vigorous Republican criticism of Been sealed off- from desjier- machlnsrx mate, 'first cla.ss, USN, Wliile In San Dtpgo the.V took of difteretit rell- daughter .lanice of Woodland cktion. But all will not "go at Once, over, throwing Hawk from, the ve Your Home Isia’s role in the conflict with atdy needed food and war 137'-j Noi-Bi Main S t. Manches advantage of the opportunity for the P o ts d a ^ agreemenU gave Chungking, Aug. 3— (IP) —The Guam, Augi 3—(^-r< Marianaa- giens, can Hva street are vacationing at .Amston ter, now Bacic'-in the States for Town*^\Eiiiployees it hgving Been decided to grant hicle.