Nominative Principles of Clothing Terms in the Karakalpak Language
JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 13, 2020 NOMINATIVE PRINCIPLES OF CLOTHING TERMS IN THE KARAKALPAK LANGUAGE Zayrova Kanshayim Muratbaevna Karakalpak State University doctoral student Scientific supervisor: associate professorSeytnazarova I.E. Nukus (Uzbekistan) Received: 14 March 2020 Revised and Accepted: 8 July 2020 ABSTRACT: In the article the history, culture, national values of our people, and the names of clothing which is a kind of the material culture of our people, which had a number of historical epochs, lived with the nation and their naming nominative principles are analyzed by historical-etymological side. In particular, the peculiarities of the terms of old clothes which become to be forgotten, the history of the origin of the terms, the naming principles were revealed. The names of clothing as the other terms in the language do not appear spontaneously, but their appearance develops according to the psychology of thinking of the people, the mentality of their own. The lexicon of clothing was considered as a system of special onomas. Depending on the appearance of the terms of clothing, it is said that it is carried out in the form of imitation (analogy), imaginary imitation (symbolism). KEYWORDS: Lexicology, clothing lexicon, lexeme, historical-etymology, analogy, nominative principle, material principle: leather, wool, jeep (thread), silk, cotton; functional principle: hat, cap, jawlik (scarf), kerchief; analogical principle: sen‟sen‟ ton (coat), jelek, oraypek, etc. I. INTRODUCTION If clothing has been a means of protecting humanity from external influences since ancient times, then its functions have expanded. Thus, in addition to protecting people from external influences, clothing began to reflect the factors of social development, as well as a collection of objects that cover, wrap and decorate the human body.
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