Biological Chemistry Department
MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF UKRAINE ZAPORIZHZHIA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Biological Chemistry Department Biological chemistry A manual for independent work at home and in class preparation for licensing examination “KROK 1” on semantic modules 6, 7 of module 2 for students of International Faculty (the second year of study) Zaporizhzhia 2017 UDC 577.1(075) BBC 28.902я73 B60 Ratified on meeting of the Central methodical committee of Zaporozhye State Medical University (protocol N 3 from 02_03_17) and it is recommended for the use in educational process for foreign students. Reviewers: Prihodko O. B., Head of Department of Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics. Dr. Hab, assoc. professor; Belenichev I. F., Head of Department of Pharmacology and Medicinal Preparations, Dr. Hab., professor Authors: Aleksandrova K. V., Romanenko M. I., Krisanova N. V., Ivanchenko D. G., Rudko N. P., Levich S. V. Biological chemistry : a manual for independent work at home and in class preparation for licensing examination "KROK 1" on semantic modules 6, 7 of module 2 for students of International Faculty (the second year of study) / K. V. Aleksandrova, М. І. Romanenko, N. V. Krisanova, D. G. Ivanchenko, N. P. Rudko, S. V. Levich. – Zaporizhzhia : ZSMU, 2017. – 213 p. This manual is recommended for II year students of International Faculty of specialty "General medicine" studying biological chemistry, as additional material to prepare for practical training semantic modules 6, 7 of module 2 and licensing exam "KROK 1: General medical training". Біологічна хімія : навч.-метод. посіб. для самостійної роботи при підготовці до ліцензійного іспиту "КРОК 1" змістових модулів 6, 7 модулю 2 для студентів 2 курсу міжнар.
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