Elizabeth Drescher | 9780199341221 | | | | | Choosing Our Religion The Spiritual Lives of Americas Nones 1st edition PDF Book

The notion of "cosmopolitanism" is a helpful one here as it reflects a certain affluence of access to spiritual resources. But What are the implications of a growing population of religiously unaffiliated Americans for social cohesion, ethics and morals, existential meaning making, charitable giving, social justice action, volunteerism, and other phenomena associated with religion as it has been traditionally understood? Still, one has to be a little careful about declaring trends on the basis of limited information. Consider the rise of the Nones, for example. Spiritually, though, I guess I still have that in my personal beliefs—that this was what Jesus stood for and expected us to emulate. Jul 06, Frank rated it it was amazing Shelves: christian , non-fiction. Similar shifts in the role of religion in culture have been playing out for decades in education, health care and popular media. More than one-third of Millennials say they are religiously unaffiliated. The latest from america. My conversations with nones have likewise revealed a somewhat different emphasis in their engagement with Scripture than is often seen among the churchgoing set. Nones lack interest in traditional religion, but typically say they believe in God and think it possible to follow their own, individuated, spiritual paths. A year-old none from Marietta, Ga. She allows Nones to speak eloquently for themselves, illuminating the processes by which they became None, the sources of information and inspiration that enrich their spiritual lives, the practices they find spiritually meaningful, how prayer functions in spiritual lives not centered on doctrinal belief, how morals and values are shaped outside of institutional religions, and how Nones approach the spiritual development of their own children. In Choosing Our Religion, Elizabeth Drescher explores the diverse, complex spiritual lives of Nones across generations and across categories of self-identification as "Spiritual-But-Not-Religious," "Atheist," "Agnostic," "Humanist," "just Spiritual," and more. We all yearn for love, so it is a small wonder that sometimes we fall in love with the notion of love before we meet someone whom we can love genuinely. Drescher then used the survey results as a guide for a series of focus groups and one-on-one interviews. A few are. But Drescher has gone a step further with this group — she has allowed us to hear their voices. Great article. It is often an unflattering or overly simplified portrait of a person whose spiritual life might be characterized by words like "individualist, " "narcissistic, " "uncommitted, " "unbelieving, " "consumeristic, " "superficial, " and otherwise less serious and meaningful than that of a person whose spiritual identity is anchored in formal membership in an institutional religious organization. A Lutheran None. I think that's perfectly true, but in no way does it cause me to disrespect, or disregard, my Catholic Faith, historically the oldest reflection of the Face of Christ. Drescher reached out to agnostics, atheists, spiritual-but-not- religious folks and others, interviewing them, discovering that there is more present among Nones, and a variety of moral and ethical systems at work, than tr An interesting apologetic for "Nones," or those who identify as not belonging to any formal religious tradition or institution. Recently viewed 0 Save Search. Don't have an account? Sam rated it liked it Apr 03, But more subtle transitions are also under way, those associated with how religious idioms—symbols, rituals, artifacts, doctrines, holy figures, turns of phrase and, by no means least, sacred stories— circulate in the wider culture. Meggan Manlove rated it liked it Jun 12, More filters. I related to this book more than any other book I have read in a long time. D74 Unknown. She describes spiritual practices that are primarily relational and embedded in experiences often with the four Fs of family, friends, fido, and food. My next stop on the tour of religious viewpoints was supposed to be atheism, but I just couldn't get into the book I'd chosen. Nathan Hoyt rated it it was amazing Sep 02, Drawing on more than one hundred interviews conducted across the , Drescher opens a window into the lives of a broad cross-section of Nones, diverse with respect to age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and prior religious background. Interesting research and some important insights for all who seek to journey alongside both the "nones" and "somes". Like this: Like Loading The data just keeps piling up. Bush has been out of office for six years, during which time we have had a president who touts his liberal Christianity on many occasions. Not for what it says about American religion, necessarily. View: no detail some detail full detail. Or, as more and more Americans choose different spiritual paths, are they changing what it means to be religious in the United States today? I will turn to that shortly. Maybe—but most Nones, young and old, say something different. Overall I was pretty engaged by this book. Hilary rated it it was amazing Feb 11, They reject, or are at least indifferent to, the claims of organized religion. Beautifully written and tremendously insightful. In April of this year, a new Pew report projected that nones would make up more than a quarter of the U. Choosing Our Religion The Spiritual Lives of Americas Nones 1st edition Writer

The same can happen in our relationship with God. Send Cancel. The EEOC filed a lawsuit against Service Cast Corporation, claiming the caster and wheel company discriminated against and harassed three workers based on their national origin and religion and then retaliated against them for complaining. Librarian view Catkey: I believe the best way to attain spirituality in within Catholicism. Return to Book Page. The latest from america. Find it at other libraries via WorldCat Limited preview. The notion of "cosmopolitanism" is a helpful one here as it reflects a certain affluence of access to spiritual resources. Kevin Clarke October 21, Read more First, it seems unlikely that these new Nones have had sudden, reverse-Damascus Road experiences in the last several years. Some prioritize faith and involvement in a religious congregation. The difference here is subtle but significant: Nones who engage Scripture tend to do so by way of inspiring cosmopolitan rather than communitarian action. Perhaps fewer but longer stories would have made the book even better. I received a complementary copy of this book for review purposes. I mean, there is real truth in a lot of these stories—as there is in other ancient myths. Welcome back. One thing that struck me is how many people she's interviewed incorporate bits of Christian practices into their daily lives, even though they don't identify with Christianity as a religious institution, or, in some cases, being atheists. I like the distinction you make and the texts you choose. Bush has been out of office for six years, during which time we have had a president who touts his liberal Christianity on many occasions. Books by Elizabeth Drescher. Reporting from:. Three points to consider. Subversive and revolutionary, Gnostics taught that prayer and mediation could bring human beings into an ecstatic spiritual union with a transcendent deity. Even more startling, more than thirty percent of those under the age of thirty now identify as "Nones"--a To the dismay of religious leaders, study after study has shown a steady decline in affiliation and identification with traditional religions in America. I would recommend this to just about anyone. Maybe we really are seeing an explosion in the number of Americans without a religious affiliation, as these surveys suggest. Maybe the number is much higher. She explores what light they can shed on the fears and failings of her past, and these encounters prove the significant role religion still plays in modern life. While I enjoyed it as a regular nonfiction book, it would make a great textbook for a college religion course or for a research source. Why would I close myself off to that? Elizabeth Drescher in her helpful guide to the spiritual life of the rapidly increasing numbers of people selecting "None" when surveyed on religious affiliation. Among the nones who talked with me, the person of Jesus and the Bible came up regularly when I asked about spiritual influences. An interesting apologetic for "Nones," or those who identify as not belonging to any formal religious tradition or institution. Your name. Bibliographic information. Highly recommended. Be the first to ask a question about Choosing Our Religion. Choosing Our Religion The Spiritual Lives of Americas Nones 1st edition Reviews

Granted, the book focuses largely on white, middle class America, but so little has been done on Nones that the book provides a place for further studies to begin, build on, or challenge. These nones tended to highlight the humanity of Jesus and his social action over his divinity or his miracles. First, it seems unlikely that these new Nones have had sudden, reverse-Damascus Road experiences in the last several years. Librarian view Catkey: Library Card Please enter your library card number. A few are. Jan 28, Jim rated it it was amazing Shelves: , net-galley , favorites. And they are interesting stories, indeed. Error rating book. His work suggests that a closer attention to what contemporary spiritual practice may say about the developing political sphere is perhaps more important than efforts to decode and direct the political leanings of unaffiliated spiritual practitioners per se. In that case, we can't Some prioritize faith and involvement in a religious congregation. By , more than twenty percent of adults identified as unaffiliated--up more than seven percent just since That was the promise I made to her when we married. Now, this Good Samaritan ethic hardly requires a radical re-reading of Scripture in light of some new assessment of Christian values. Now, to be sure, there are other indications that organized religion is declining. OSO version 0. Forgot password? In Choosing Our Religion, Nones will emerge as real people drawing on the resources available to them-diverse religious traditions, spiritual exploration, personal and communal experience-to shape a spiritual outlook and practice that they find meaningful and life-giving. A year-old agnostic from Oakland, Calif. Most of us, not being statisticians, more or less take them on faith.

Choosing Our Religion The Spiritual Lives of Americas Nones 1st edition Read Online

Esalen Institute, a retreat center formed in near , , is at once on the margins and at the center of late modern American spirituality. I confess to love the practice of infant baptism when I see it, but it might be better if people wait to be baptized until they can actually choose to become part of an organized institutional religion like the Catholic Church. Comments are automatically closed two weeks after an article's initial publication. Describe the connection issue. People who grow up in a religion can never be sure if they were just indoctrinated or have freely appropriated their faith. Furthermore, given the longstanding Christianized culture of the United States, it should be no surprise that the majority of nones come from an at least nominally Christian background. Alison rated it really liked it Mar 01, Early spiritual experimentation at Esalen popularized practices such as , , reiki, and past-life regression, and the success of Esalen encouraged invited the development of retreat centers of myriad spiritual and traditional religious varieties across the country. Elizabeth Drescher is an adjunct associate professor of religious studies at Santa Clara University, Calif. The distinction between Golden Rule and Good Samaritan is interesting especially the contrast regarding communitarian vs. Details if other :. Online Available online. See our comments policy for more. Summary Despite the fact that "Nones"- people who do not identify with or belong to any religious tradition-are, by definition, impervious to generalization, there is a tendency for others to draw to mind a certain prototype when imagining them. What are the implications of a growing population of religiously unaffiliated Americans for social cohesion, ethics and morals, existential meaning making, charitable giving, social justice action, volunteerism, and other phenomena associated with religion as it has been traditionally understood? I look forward to reading more when your book is released. But I am telling about the book as if it is primarily propositional, when it is mainly narrative in allowing Nones to speak for themselves with lengthy quotations from her interviews so those with no religious affiliation tell their stories in their own voices. I gave this book a five star rating on Goodreads. DeConick begins in ancient Egypt and follows with the rise of in the Middle Ages, the advent of and other movements in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and contemporary spiritual . Shell Everson rated it really liked it Oct 29,