Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities in China Acknowledgements
Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities in China Acknowledgements This document was developed by the the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) in collab- oration and with the support and funding from SUC Institute (Beijing) Programme Management Center Co. Ltd Main Author: Scientia Professor Deo Prasad AO, Professor of University of New South Wales Other Authors: Lan Ding, Komali Yenneti, Hua Fan, William Craft, Adriana X Sanchez, Xiang Li (CEO of JCEP), Philipp Arnold, Kamel Bouhmad (UN-Habitat), Robert Earley, Youwei Wang (Council of Science& Technology of MOHURD China), Jiang Wu (Deputy President of Tongji University), Fengting Li (UN Environment-Tongji Insti- tute of Environment for Sustainable Development), Nicholas You (UN-Habitat), Jonathan Fox (University of New South Wales), Jean D’ Aragon (UNOSD) Reviewers: From UN Environment: Arab Hoballah, Stefanos Fotiou, Jacob Halcomb, Nicola Da Schio, Yan Chang, Rong Rong External Reviewers: Qingqin Wang (Deputy President of China Academy of Building Research), Jian Ge (Zhe- jiang University), Jing Liu (China Green Building Standards Committee), Feng Yang (China National Institute of Standardization), Han Shi (City University of Hong Kong), Shanfeng Dong (Committee Member of ISO TC268) UN Environment would also like to acknowledge the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Low Carbon Living (Australia) for providßing crucial technical support for the preparation of this document. This publication follows approaches and principles of the Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities (GI-REC) Copyright @ United Nations Environment Programme 2018 and the Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made.
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